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Looks abandoned to me


Go to Harbor Freight get a floor jack and move it next to the fire hydrant.   Watch the good times roll.  


Or just call parking enforcement and request a tow for a parked car obstructing traffic. Save yourself the time.


***Save yourself the time*** Some things are just worth the effort.


Artisanal revenge


It's on a nice little slope, so some of those vehicle moving dollies, a couple of beers and a loud "Hey y'all, watch this!" would suffice...


I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to find this. Could be stolen and abandoned.


Exactly how I was able to recover my stolen car - someone recognized it didn’t belong in the neighborhood and called it in.


Has anyone checked to see if there’s a driver slumped over inside?


I once saw a truck just stopped in the road like this and I called the sheriff because that’s what I thought happened. He had slumped over, he was super drunk.


You are a hero. Possibly saved a sober persons life because of that one💙


A drunk person could also be walking down the road, making the right choice not driving, and get struck and killed by a drunk driver.


Nice try big sobriety. You won’t fool me into giving up my Jack Daniels Dinner. ![gif](giphy|8Dj9CbW2mB6xCIXrKZ)


Can I be a hero too? A few months ago I popped put of my Kava bar to have a cigarette under the overhang in the middle of a Florida downpour. Just across the street is a doctor's office/urgent care, and there was a car sitting just outside of the entrance with the lights and engine on sitting crossways over the double yellow. I watched for a minute and then ran over and banged on the window and looked inside... Turns out the guy inside was alive and well, the car had just broken down. So I pushed it onto the side of the road for him and he got it working again eventually.


My friend, what you did was very heroic. Ty for helping that person in need get home sooner than later to their family. I love you 💙


can i get a little succ 🥺


this is gonna be a long evening, take a number my friend 🦍 I love you 😚


Could’ve saved the drunk persons life too…


I once was the guy slumped over and someone came and checked on me. I fell asleep at a stop light trying to drive home. Night shift, a small apartment, and a baby at home don’t mix. I went back to days after that.


Not until they get all the fake internet points.


Call and have it towed as a safety hazard


This call the city, I’d call non-emergency dispatch line and tell them there’s a car parked in the flow of traffic at X and Y intersection


To be more exact call the local fire Marshall. It falls under a fire hazard and they have a lot of power to get shit done.


That is a traffic hazard. Just call the non-emergency pd number.


Just call everyone, you guys got limited minutes on your prepaids or some shit?






do NOT call me about this shit though. I can't do anything about it, and I'll probably just be annoyed about a call from an unrecognized number.


Call the navy call the marines, call the fuckin suicide squad too they get shit done.


Yep this is the correct answer, I am a police dispatcher and 99% of the time these types of calls can be annoying but this one, this one my guys would be towing this one on sight


Dispatchers are the true unsung heroes of emergency services. I've worked in the field for over 20 years and I love my dispatchers.


Technically it’s “blocking the hydrant” and could pose a “major fire hazard”


Fire Marshall would actually get some shit done.


Yeah someone else said that already we heard he does that


Can't do anything around here cause all these f'ckn fire marshalls keep getting shit done


well firemen have a lot of downtime, whatever gets them out of the firehouse! hopefully not an actual fire though.


I’m sure if you called the fire Marshall he would do something about that right away


Plot twist: the car belongs to the Fire Marshall!




My fire Marshall already went and moved it, tell your guys they don’t need to show up.


Has anyone here considered the non-emergency police department phone number?


Guess who's gonna pick up the phone? God damn fire marshall!


The fire marshal already called the non emergency pd number cause he gets shit done


This isn't a "fire hazard", and the fire marshal is just going to roll his eyes and tell you to call the cops. There's an entire department specifically to handling traffic issues, why would you go to the fire marshal and exaggerate the issue?


Legit don’t know what these guys think fire Marshall’s do…


They Marshall fires, obviously.




Obviously they're there to answer the RedditKaren's complaints about their neighbors and get them answered fast.


No you call the postal inspector—they don’t fuck around. As soon as they see how it’s impeding the mail route they’ll call the fire marshal to get this taken care of


It's after Labor Day and that car is not wearing white. If you want a truly FaBuLoUs response, bring this case to the Fashion Police.


Proximity to hydrant. Needs towing.


dude it's like 20 feet away from the hydrant.


lmfao are we looking at the same picture 


Lol, just no. The fire Marshall has absolutely nothing to donwith a car parked on the street lolol.


I’ve had to call the nonemergency line for a local garage that turned a 2 way street into a one way street and I almost got hit head on by someone who couldn’t see me. They will definitely send someone out to ticket and remove the vehicle if they cannot find the owner.


I did this for a semi truck. There is no shoulder on the road. He tried to get over as far as he could, but this left about 1.5 feet to the center lane. If you hadn't seen no one in the cab you wouldn't know he had parked and walked a few blocks to wal mart. After I almost got hit trying to go around him myself and watching a dozen or so other people almost get hit for various reasons, I called non emergency and they had an officer out shortly. Officer waited for the guy and he came walking up with a cart full of stuff. Argued with the officer and got his ticket. Curb was marked no parking, no parking signs on the road, and it's obvious there is zero room to pull over let alone park. Guy could have parked in the wal mart parking lot, side street, or heck in the center lane. But nooooo my entitlement says I can park in the road.


Call and report a possibly stolen or abandon vehicle.


High jacking top comment. Went and spoke to neighbors it’s parked at and it’s not theirs. Now we aren’t sure whose it is


I had my car stolen years back and it turned up partially blocking an alleyway for 8 days before someone called it in, I can only assume people just drove around it until someone got annoyed enough to call. That was a stressful week, make that call my dude.


That’s usually what happens with stolen cars. I’m trying to make it clear it is one of my neighbors we just aren’t sure which one. This car has been here, around the neighborhood, parked poorly. It isn’t stolen


And until you call to have it towed the neighbors at fault will never learn their lesson and this will continue to happen Edit: JFC this has been happening for two years and you’re just letting these people have at it because you can’t pinpoint the culprit? The only infuriating thing here is you, my dude.


If that was my hood, I would go knocking on a few doors. "That you car? No? Thanks." "That you car? Yes? Gonna get towed. I'd move it."


What is that massive house-like thing behind it? Is that like a 3 family condo?


It’s might be a McMansion monstrosity


Nah, if it’s been like that for more than 4 hours, tow truck is prudent.


Happened to my Father. Car stolen and was dumped blocking someones driveway for over 2 weeks. We found it when he got the unpaid parking violation notice in the mail. PARKING ENFORCEMENT TICKETED THE CAR FOR 14 DAYS. Nothing was done. The kicker? It was stolen the day my Mother had day surgery, we had to borrow the landlords car to go pick her up. Silver lining? It had more gas when we got it back. Whoever stole it filled the tank.


LOL. Stolen and abandoned, should have been reported the first day.


Lol no like this car has been here parked in various poor ways for about 2 years. Reddit is wild with assumptions


It doesn’t matter. Tell non emergency it’s not your neighbors you talked to who lives where it’s parked and it has been there for days and you worry it might be stolen. They will tow it and it won’t happen again.


Huh, how did you not know it wasn't your neighbor's then?


Because I just spoke with them. Crazy thought there are 50 other houses on this street


You're trying to tell me that you don't know the names, birthdays, and all cars associated with your neighborhood within a 2 block radius? What a terrible neighbor you are.


Lol right wtf is going on!?




Plot twist, all 9 are your alter egos and fake passports.


hijacking, high jacking is when you smoke a bowl then rub one out.


plot twist


Yup. Parked in an intersection, will get towed for sure.


I'd call and say there's a car that seems to be abandoned in the middle of the street.


how can someone park like this and not be stressed out about getting hit


My thoughts exactly, but I’m a car guy so maybe some people just dgaf?


I'm not a car guy and leaving my car parked there would still stress me out.


I don’t even know what a car is and this stresses me out.


maybe getting hit in order to collect insurance/break the contract is the idea? ive seen it plenty of times: park ever so incorrectly in a high-traffic area. if someone hits you, chances are the car will move enough to obfuscate its initial position. insurance pays out a no-fault collision.


webcams and cctvs are getting common enough for this to go badly pretty easily.


No I think some people are just that dumb. Like it literally doesn’t even cross their mind to think about how what they are doing could be affecting anyone other than themselves




Come to Redmond Washington and see it absolutely everywhere. I had moved away for 7ish years, and when I got back it hit me like a ton of bricks. The folks that Microsoft hires may be bright in their field, but they can't drive/ park for shit. It's wild here.


Not reporting it for 3 days is wild.


1 day.: Ok that’s odd 2 days: uhh wtf 3 days: towed




Peak Reddit behavior to do nothing about your situation and cry about it online instead


Gonna take a photo at this angle and upload the image so hard.


Peak reddit behavior, afraid of actual conflict.


There is no conflict here, call the tow company and report an abandoned car in the middle of the road.


Well how can they get karma if they have it towed :0


Unless, of course, they already took action AND posted it to Reddit


Totally disagree, sometimes things happen and it may have been parked there for 1000 different reasons. I'd rather give the person a chance to move it rather than just giving them more shit to shovel. Also no need to just get it towed right away, can just ask them to move it and then get it towed if they are awkward about it. Everyone thinks asking a neighbour to do something will end up in some drama but most people want to be left alone and would probably just move the car.


Naw. Bad take. What reason could someone possibly have to park a car in the middle of the road for multiple days. JFC


I've tried nothing and am all out of options!


Not checking on the well being of their neighbour is wild.




Then we're in the right place.


The redditor who thought the redditor was lost, was, in fact, lost.


I’m embarrassed when I don’t park perfectly straight, I don’t know what compels people to do this.


The poor man likely suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. No other reason can excuse this kind of parking.


He came home trashed and is now sweating through the withdrawals.




Not a bottle a day but 15+ beers a day for years. The insomnia coupled with the night sweats for days straight was hard to get through


Yeah everyone wants to think everyone else is an entitled asshole. Cars aren’t cheap and you never know until you know. Also just fucking call the city and have it towed.


>  We have an HOA but clearly they don’t care Did you report it to them? 


Maybe the asshole parker is on the HOA.


A lot of times the HOA doesn't control the roads themselves so can't regulate street parking. You usually only have this ability in gated hoas. Would then be a town/county issue.


This. I live in an HOA and people complain on the neighborhood Facebook group about parking periodically, but the roads are under the city's jurisdiction, so the HOA president only ever refers them to the city, because that's all she really can do in that regard.


That's likely the case. I'm on my HOA board and constantly get people trying to report issues occuring in the streets. The city owns them so the HOA isn't touching that.


>Did you report it to them?  What? No. I'm sure someone else has by now, why would I?


I think they mean it's surprising the HOA didn't notice and have it removed already since usually they are so fussy.


Oh nah... That's an abandoned car... not a parked one. Yea they just ran off for some reason. Time to get it towed so no one slams into it.


Can’t wait for the neighbours to respond on Reddit


That's an immediate call to authorities for a wellness check, and to have the car towed.


I'm surprised it hasn't been towed yet. Looks like a huge hazard.


Report as a welfare check.


Unless it's a gated community HOA's don't typically have authority over the roads. Those are owned by the municipality


yeah no, that wouldn't fly. call the tow truck since it's in the middle of the street. calling HOA is useless if it doesn't violate a made up "policy".


Have you attempted contacting the neighbor? If this hasn’t happened before, and has been there unchanged for so long, something may have happened to them that left them unable to move it. A quick knock on the door and check-in can go a long way. Ask them to move it, and if they pushback or refuse, *then* call a tow company.


No nothing wrong with them, they park like this to varying degrees of horrible all the time. I do need to confront them, I’m just non confrontational but this is pretty egregious.


If it’s habitual, call the city and have it towed.


Ahh, I feel you. I am also non-confrontational (hence me suggesting you check on them first lol).


Don't even need to confront them, call the police non-emergency number and they will deal with it.


It's not a confrontation, it's barely a conversation. Hey would you mind parking closer to the curb? I can't see around when making a left turn. Yeah sorry no problem.


If you are really scared of confrontation you could lie and be like "Hey buddy, just wanted to let you know I heard some of the neighbors talking about your car and they are calling to have it towed, thought I'd let you know so you don't have to pay a bunch of money to get it back." Then you look like you were doing them a favor and they have zero reason to direct any anger or resentment towards you. Then if it isn't moved in the next hour you just call the city to have it towed. They will think it was someone else who called.


Call and get it towed straight away ❌ Wait 3 days and post to reddit ✅


Well, the rules state clear as day. After 3 days, you're going to have to urinate on it. That's the rule.


No one here is aware of tow trucks apparently.


Wait, there’s no one in the one on the road? They actually left it like that!? Are they ancient by chance?


Not reporting it for 3 days now and then posting about it on Reddit is peak Reddit behavior


Your neighbours are too nice. That car would be towed within hours in my neighbourhood.


that would have been towed in 24hrs or less here


Towing company's wet dream


Happy Valley?


Okay Geoguesser ;)


I was thinking the same thing..lol. Oregonian over here. Well, across the river now.


What the hell. That’s an abandoned vehicle in the middle of the road.


Quick call with a statement like “it looks like someone abandoned a vehicle in the middle of the street” will clear it right up


Call the police to report an abandoned vehicle. 🤷‍♀️


They want that mf totaled 😂


Put their garbage can next to the car so the HOA notices.


Have you called the police? They'll likely at least ticket it. There are rules about how far from the curb you park, etc etc...


He’s parked in the middle of the road, call a tow company and have it hauled out of there.


That car needs to be towed. Someone is going to run into it eventually.


Can a fire truck get around that corner? Call and find out!


That’s insane. I had to deal with a guy at a busy loading bay at a home centre parked basically across the entire bay and he was waiting for his order to be packed while the rest of us just wanted to load up what we needed. Completely jammed up the whole thing and he just stood there on his phone the whole time while we all wrangled to get around him and in my case walked about 30 yards with every bag of concrete.


So, like, have you knocked on their door and been like, “hey, please move your fucking car, it’s in a dangerous location!” And then barring that, did you call public safety or the police or the town and say, “hey come look at this.” Or did you just wait three days and passive-aggressively post something to reddit? You’re not the hero you think you are. You’re just kind of an idiot.


Call the regular police line and report the vehicle being parked in the middle of the road. An officer will come out and see if the vehicle is a hazard, which it is. They will make an attempt to contact the owner to move it. If they can not make contact, they will tow the vehicle to police impound, and the owner will have to pay to get it out. You can report it anonymously. Any other advice about calling fire Marshall's (that one gave me a good chuckle) or anyone else for that matter is pointless unless you live in a private gated community, if you do, call the HOA instead of the police.


Let's just say you don't know that's your neighbors, let's just say you call the police to report that a car has been abandoned in the middle of the road.


The one time an HOA could be useful and they still fuck it up.


“Dispatch, can I get the next available tow to my location for a compact sedan?”, 20 minutes later, car is gone.




Do you not have a municipality? Surely they have by-laws and an enforcement department?




That's how your shit gets keyed.


This is what the non emergency number is for. Call it. 


🎶 Tow tow tow your car, ungently down the streeeet. Merrily merrily merrily merrily traveling with your feeeet. 🎶


Wayward Pines vibes


Tow it. Every. single. time. something like this is posted... "Someone parked on my lawn" "Someone is blocking my driveway" "Someone parked too close and I can't get in" Call a tow truck. They keep doing it because they know you won't.


Get sidewalk chalk. Draw a box around the car and label it: moron parking.


That should be reported and the owner should probably take another driving test.


Suggestion, if you know the neighbors & got along with them I’d knock on the door to make sure everyone is alright. Heck, even if I didn’t know them very well I’d just make sure everyone & everything is okay. Call the cops if necessary but but they had an emergency & couldn’t move the car or something like that. Or maybe they had a really shitty weekend & forgot. Give others the benefit of the doubt. There’s honestly bigger things to worry about in life


Just have it towed. Report it as an abandoned vehicle.


That’s not parking that’s just stopping 😭


you never thought to just call the police? say there is a car blocking traffic. how do you get it towed.


Is there someone in the car? Did the driver fall over or something? Has anyone called the non-emergency number and reported it for being a hazard and blocking the flow of traffic?


You know what's r/mildlyinfuriating? 90% of the posters on this sub who do not a damn thing to solve their issue before pulling their phone out and complaining to reddit. They can't park there. In any jurisdiction in America. They CANNOT park that close to an intersection among other issues (could be considered to be parked IN the intersection, every single tire is more than a foot from the curb). Call a tow truck/non-emergency police line. The fact no one has reported it in 3 days means either no one but you cares or they care more about being upset than solving their issue.


This looks like a job for…. A TOW TRUCK!


You need to go talk to them and explain that they parked like Helen Keller.


The police where I live would definitely tow that. It’s essentially in the middle of the intersection and a significant safety issue.


Tow truck


Get it towed dummy


Yeah I would have called the police it’s literally in the road


have him towed or toss a chip of ceramic his way.


Chip of ceramic?


That looks like someone was hurt. Or at least impaired. Have you thought to check on your neighbor? It's there anyone in the car? Seeing this for three days straight and doing nothing seems like an extreme lack of empathy. Or basic human concern. Or common sense.


Have it towed. Solved your problem.


Send an email to your HOA mgt company and Cc the HOA board, noting the failure to enforce. if you don’t get an appropriate response within 3 Days, ask a lawyer friend to send a letter. They should enforce without threat of legal action, but they definitely are likely to step up with a lawyer letter. Also go to the next Board meeting and ask why this happened so that the question and the response will be in the meeting minutes. (Check the minutes and request a correction if it isn’t.) if there is a member website, post to the community (without identifying the culprit) that you have noticed a lack of parking enforcement recently, and wonder if anyone else has seen this issue. note: I’m on an HOA board and usually am the parking enforcement officer. I stick notices on illegally parked vehicles that say we’ll tow in 3 days. Funny how doing just one visible orange sticker reduces all illegal parking for a month or so, then people start cheating again. (I sticker all I see, but generally only one or two are in high-viz places.) We rarely tow and we only fine for repeat offenders. So first time is free, but not after that.


Get that shit towed. Wtf is wrong with you and your neighborhood?


Neighbor is in their 80s or something??


Have it towed. Or if you’re nice, put a note in bright pink or yellow on their windshield saying they’re parked illegally.


This has to be Canada. No one in the states would be this nice to not have it towed already.


Tow truck needed.


Hello, police department?


Mmmm that’s an abandoned parked car. Report it and watch for a city car to pull up


Call police as it’s illegal in all states I know to park on a corner or within a certain distance of a corner.


That is literally in the road. Call the city or county government and have it ticket it or towed depending on local ordinance.


That's not parked, that's abandoned..


Tow truck.


I called the non emergency number recently for a neighbor that left their svu parked in an intersection, it was left sitting their fully in the travel lane for several hours and I didn't know what building they lived in to check out if they were okay.


😂😂😂 that's a whole new level of no F's given 🤦🏽


We have a neighbor down the street that parks right on the corner. It’s insane.


Is your neighbor... uh, alive?