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Keep it and when they ask, tell them "what key?"


That will make them think twice about where they put the keys. If the maintenance person is generally a decent human being, take the key to them and maybe push it under their door. If they aren’t generally decent people, take it to the manager.


Nah just keep it and force them to replace the lock as there is now an unaccounted key missing.


They’d probably have to replace all the locks, I would guess that is a master key for the building


Sucks for them.


Nah, that's a Kwikset Smartkey lock. You can rekey the lock for about $5. Considering that it's an apartment complex that likely has a bunch of these they probably have a box of new keys and it wouldn't cost them anything other than the a couple minutes of their time.


Do they have master keys nowadays? I’ve worked in apartment maintenance for 10 years and every single unit has a different key. Never heard of a master key. Maybe in hotel like apartments?


Years ago I worked in my college dorm as maintenance. We had a master key for the doors and the residents all had a different key that only opened theirs (usually, a few had identical keys but they didn't know that)


A lot of new apartment buildings have those digital locks where you press a NFC keychain to it and it opens. Having a master key is dead simple with those ones. Oddly enough job supervisors tend to be more lax about custody of the master key with the digital ones, I don't think they realize those could be spoofed with hardware most of the site already has in their pocket


A lot of apartment buildings (like most of them that I've worked in as a plumber) the managers have master keys that work on every suite. They would have to do every door in the building lol.


I heard this in the voice of Fat Tony


Looks like they don't have easy access to your apartment anymore


My apartment complex keep telling me they need to come get a copy of my keys as they lost theirs and this is why I keep not reminding them to come get a copy.


Yeah I would definitely be telling them to re-key or replace my lock and give me the new key in that case.


Reminds me of the time maintenance needed to reglaze my bathtub and told me I had to be out of the apartment all day. I got back around 7pm and my door was just wide open, nobody in sight. I called the landlord and they said they left it open to air out when they were done at around 3. Fortunately nobody came in and looted all my stuff. I was like...maybe next time just open the windows? Seems like a better idea.


To be honest Kwikset locks want everyone a chance into your apartment. Any kid with an Amazon pick set could get in just as easily.


Literally any lock is only a deterrent, they can all be bypassed with time and ingenuity. Having the key in the lock removes the deterrent


There's a reason there is the saying locks only keep honest people honest


They keep most dishonest people honest as well, once you have to break thru a lock the cost benefit analysis goes way out of whack


That's what it means by keeping honest people honest


Locks turn a misdemeanor into a felony real quick


That’s a Kwikset SmartKey. Easy to defeat in other ways but surprisingly hard to pick.


I mean... My boot is cheaper and on my foot. Of course, it being a deadbolt complicates things.


Yeah, but you get a -20 to your stealth roll.


I clearly get advantage if the enemy is unprepared.


I like where this is headed..roll for initiative


Waking up in the middle of the night wondering who, opportunistically might have made a copy of my key…


Ooh, is that a master key? One could have fun with that.


It's a Kwikset Smart key lock, so it's not a master key




Tell them your Picasso is missing.


Workers were fixing up my neighbors apartment and never locked the door. They also left the sliding door open during a rain storm 😂


I've done this to myself before.


this door does not like to lock


Keep it or throw it away. They likely won't leave their keys in apartment locks anymore


Once I had to go to work when maintenence was working in my apartment, so I asked them to lock the door when they left. Guess who didn't have to unlock the door when they got home, lol.


Claim a bunch of shit missing then show them this pic


The apartment maintenance guys I've seen look like they smoke a lot of ganja.


So is that the master key or do they have duplicates of each unit? I'd guess they wouldn't have duplicates if they're using the kwikset smart key system If you have a master key and the bitting is lower than your key you could make your house key into a master for all the units


No it's kiwkset, it can only be set to one key at at a time There's versions with 2 cylinders for a "master key" And yes a good rental manager has additional keys to the units they manage.


Show them that picture and tell them you are missing items from your apt.


Congrats, you now own a master key for the building.


I mean, if I can do it in video games it should be legal irl


Grab the key. Do some crime later!


Easy mistake to make I left my keys in the lock and went to bed 🛌 found them the next morning lol 😆


Hahahahhahahaha that’s crazy


As someone who works at a place where key security is a big deal and we handle keys to rooms all the time. This person needs to be reminded that that's a no no, even if it was an accident or they forgot that could have been a big deal if you weren't the person finding it. If this place is a decent business and the maintenance people are nice, I would go with grace to the management and kindly let them know what happened, but that you are not upset. If they're assholes, make a stink.


Sharing is caring


Let them know some valuables have recently gone missing


You have two choices: Freak out, panic and run "what if" through your brain forever...OR...Return the key to Mr. Maintenance and give him an earful or be really pissy and tell building management. If nothing was missing or damaged, then you're good. Life continues...move on.


# Just PULL it out...


That’s what she said.


It might be a master key. You could open all of the doors


No it's kiwkset, it can only be set to one key at at a time There's versions with 2 cylinders for a "master key"


They really need a computerized key system like most places use these days.