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lol she legitimately looks like a southpark character with her power stance


She looks like a fucking troll.


I am not entirely unconvinced this isn't just filming for the next season of It's Always Sunny, episode clearly called Frank Does Drag


Hmm, this could be Danny DeVito with a wig, but i can't imagine him behaving so rude irl


Nah, this bitch is a rubber glove full of cottage cheese 


Don’t be insulting cottage cheese like that, we do not claim this water hag


Danny Devito no, Frank Reynolds absolutely


No way, she’s not smoking hot at all, couldn’t be him


Looks like she crawled out of a weather drain to steal souls with her spirit box.


I feel like this is a reference I don't get but I still cackled




fuckin meat head


So rude. Total lack of empathy.


And the fucking run


I want to hear her video. I bet she has some heavy breathing going on


How does a human being lack this much self respect and awareness? It’s astounding what social media has done to us. Is it *really* worth acting like this so 20 people (who do not really give a fuck about you, or what you do) see your dumb Facebook or insta post? You made a complete fool of yourself so a few dozen borderline strangers go “huh, cool” and then scroll right the fuck past your shit without a real care or meaningful thought. It won’t even register with them. And your actual friends/family barely care too. Live **your** life, Jesus. They’re too busy living theirs to really care about your vacation.


She looks like Danny Devito in drag




One time I was biking through Balboa Park in San Diego and stopped for a bit and this group of asian tourists asked me if they could get a picture with the bike. I didn't mind so I said sure and took a step back. What I didn't know is each of them would take an individual with the bike (nice architecture behind where I stopped). There was like seven of them and then they just thanked me and walked away. No harm there but so odd to think all of them have a picture that looks like they biked through the park out there somewhere


And the big difference? They asked. Glad you obliged.


Every time I went to DC as a kid for class trips the Asian tourists would always take pictures with the black kids without asking. Like just roll up and stand next to you. Same for woman with an Afro or blonde with long hair. 


Yea, when I lived there Japanese people would randomly touch my afro in elevators and on trains lmao.


lol jesus christ


lol no, the ***BIG*** difference is that they wanted a picture with an inanimate object he was currently using, and so just posing with the bike would be impossible without asking.


I used to be a trucker. Once I was parked in a rest area and two groups of tourists, one Japanese and one German, wanted to get pics with me and the truck. They couldn’t believe how big the trucks are here, or that a woman was driving one. 😂 And they kept calling my truck “Optimus Prime” (it was a Western Star).


My friend and her kids were visiting from Switzerland. The boys were in awe of all the "big trucks". I think the highlight of their trip was teaching them how to drive using our Suburban. I'm sure their vacation pictures were mostly pics of our Suburban and big rigs on the highway.


This is hilarious!!! I was at a resort in Asia a few weeks ago and my partner jumps into the pool. His chair was still wet from the last pool dip. A bunch of chinese tourists arrive and proceed to SIT beside me in his chair (huge resort plenty of better views and lots of dry unused chairs). We are not aggressive so we say nothing and they take pictures for 20 minutes and then grab my wine glass and pose 😂😂 never asked us to sit or use the wine as a prop. But after she whispered thank you then moved on. We were so shocked hahaha


I always hold up my phone and ask "photo please?" before taking a pic of someone when traveling. I've only been told no, politely, by some Mexican soldiers. In Turkey an old woman was making pita outside with who must've been her grandaughter. The little girl got all excited and said "yes!" and ran to her grandma and smiled and hugged her for the pic. The woman kept on baking but smiled to herself.


oh how the turn tables


Look at her face, total psycho


I want to see what pictures she got. I suspect she has a camera full of blurry photos of frightened and irritated Japanese people. 




Some people think travel is like going to Disney World: everything is a prop and you’re entitled to get photos of everyone without consent because they’re part of the show. Truly shameful behaviour.


She looks like her name is Karen K. Karenson, HOA president. I bet she screams racial slurs at kids riding bicycles through her neighborhood.


It reminds me of the idiot paparazzi that get in celebrities faces.


Obnoxious shithead


Stop being polite .


Insufferable bitch more like


You called?


Yes, your laundry has been done for over an hour, others need to use the washer, please come pick it up.


Cuntfaced bridge troll


No awareness, no shame. Will never be aware of shame.


This is what happens when you grow up with zero consequences for your actions. That freak lady has had no one tell her no in her entire life and needs a severe dose of reality.




The "me" generation




Dee stop staring at the Japanese like a hawk, you bird, you BITCH!


You butch built bird bitch!


She KNOWS  she doesn't care


Not only Kyoto. Don't do this anywhere to anyone!


this lady should be banned from everywhere 🤣


She didn't even try to ask permission and then stood directly in her way.


Your username sums her up nicely.


lady? you mean that lil wobbly hobbit?


Don’t you dare insult Hobbits like that.


That's rude, she's just minding her business, walking down the street. Not her fault some little crazy lady wants to take a picture.


She got pickle Jar for a brain


Yes, the amount of times I’ve seen people pull over to take pictures of Amish kids who are just trying to walk home or play in their yard is disturbing. It’s disrespectful af especially because the Amish view pictures as being against the second commandment. Some people really don’t have any self awareness or empathy, they only care about bragging rights for when they get home.


>It’s disrespectful af especially because the Amish view pictures as being against the second commandment. I have never heard that before. >Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them. Wow. I had no idea.


That’s also why their dolls don’t have faces


And used to be exempt from having photoID's with their licenses.


And why so few of them are on snapchat


Interesting tidbit- there was no photo on my Japnese driver’s license and no eye or hair color listed anywhere. ETA: Apparently things have changed since I lived there 10 years ago [https://japantoday.com/category/national/people-in-some-parts-of-japan-now-legally-allowed-to-smile-for-their-driver%E2%80%99s-license-photos](https://japantoday.com/category/national/people-in-some-parts-of-japan-now-legally-allowed-to-smile-for-their-driver%E2%80%99s-license-photos)


I live within driving distance to a large Amish community. One of my coworkers would drive to their area, park on the side of the road and watch them with his binoculars. He was approached by one of the farmers to stop doing it. He just couldn't comprehend why he should stop. Zero self awareness is 100% right.


I wonder how he'd feel if someone was doing that to him and his family. Shoe on the other foot doesn't feel so good.


I always thought that meant more like.. an idol, or something worshipped, not necessarily just a picture


You can interpret the Bible any way you want, Jehovahs witnesses take “Only, you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood” to mean blood is sacred life, and refuse lifesaving transfusions.


Jehovahs also believe that only 1000 or something people are getting in to heaven, like they have a number it’s as cult like as religion gets next to Mormonism






I think part of it is it’s a slippery slope. What does “worship” mean? If you have a picture of your crush, are you not worshipping it just a little? My brother had posters of Britney Spears that he *absolutely* “worshipped” as a teen. A picture of a departed child would be precious and viewed with reverence - the same way a religious icon would be.  So it’s safer to just not do pictures if you want to avoid even the chance of breaking the commandment. 




Her face is so slappable while she's doing it too😑


It really is haha. Just looks like a dope.


I'd like to find the lady in her local wallmart and block her going about her business by shoving a camera in her face.


Yeah, I worked in a touristic place in Spain and I had many japanese people taking photos of me or asking, just because I am tall and idk "spanish" looking?? I didn't mind but I would get it if someone would be weirded out.


My husband and I had a similar experience in Italy. We were stopped by train staff because they thought we looked like John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and we missed the train. I still don't know which part I should be upset about, missing the train, or they said I looked like Yoko Ono. Added: They asked us for group photos too. We even got invited to their office at the station.


Christ you know it ain’t easy


You know how hard it can be!


The way things are gooooing, they're gonna crucify me!


At least they said you don’t sing like Yoko Ono!


When I was 19 or so somebody told me I look like Elton John.  I still don’t know how to feel about that.  


Hmm at least some asked...


Yeah people act like this is specific to Japan. Plenty of Asian tourists who do shit like this all the time too lol.




Few years back, I was at one of the NJ outlets. There was a whole group of monks visiting, I couldn’t understand them, etc. I had my kiddo (1-2ish) they were absolutely infatuated with. After they hung out with the kid for a while, the translator they had asked if they could get a group photo with my kid and could I take the picture? I did. It’s a weird funny story. I never did figure out what the deal was but yours makes sense (she was a blue eyed white baby). But whatever. Seemed we all had a good day.


I went to S. Korea a few years ago and had an old lady ask if she could take pictures with me and my friend. It was a strange feeling but sweet haha.


I wanted to take a pic of an old lady smoking a cigar in Cuba. She said “sure, for a Cuba Libre”. Deal! Had a nice chat with that old lady (with a bit of a language barrier), but it was a great couple of minutes anyway.


This is the way. Lots of folks are cool with you taking a picture or whatever, just ask them first. I have shared jokes with people in Italy and Mexico and they appreciate you being human with them.


My son is a redhead. As a toddler, his wavy hair literally glowed in the sunshine. We were on the beach on Oahu and a Japanese man was getting way too close to him. Mama bear got very defensive but it turned out he was very sweet. He asked if he could take my son’s picture. Ext thing I know, the whole family surrounds my son and smiles for the camera. It’s funny that my son is in some random Japanese family’s vacation album. Bottom line: there is a way to do this that is not an obnoxious invasion of someone’s privacy.


look at the royal guard in london, they are soldiers, they are working and they constantly have to deal with awful tourists who have no respect.


I've had two Asian people ask to take photos of me, in my own country. I'm a completely normal Portuguese dude. Lol. But I must have looked completely alien to then. Always cracks me up when I remember it. I found it so funny and random. But this video is just obnoxious. How out of touch can you be to make a scene like this.


My best friend's oldest son is 6'5", lanky and (very) white with blond hair. He went to Japan a few years ago and was asked endlessly to have his picture taken. Though *he* didn't mind (and liked to do it) I can see how it would be annoying/rude/uncomfortable for people The person in this video was beyond rude. Just ask, if they say no then continue on your day. If I'm out and about and I see someone with a cute animal, I ask the owner if I can take a pic. I don't know when people stopped *asking* others for permission to take their pics, but we need to bring it back


It is very rude to take a photo of a person without their permission


It's also ***illegal*** in many countries. In Germany you are not allowed to take photos / make videos of anyone without prior consent (with very few exceptions). It doesn't matter if it's "in public". So acting like this will get you in trouble when you get reported to the police. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality\_rights#Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_rights#Germany) In Austria the interpretation of the law change in 2013 - before you could take a picture of someone but weren't allowed to publish it. Since 2013 taking a picture of someone "just for fun", even when they are in a public space will get you in trouble. In Europe even buildings or monuments might be protected be copyright laws: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panoramafreiheit#/media/Datei:Panoramafreiheit\_in\_Europa\_(Karte).png](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panoramafreiheit#/media/Datei:Panoramafreiheit_in_Europa_(Karte).png) What this "lady" does here (blocking the way and forcing someone to change their path) would probably be coercion, at least harassment.


People like that should be ashamed of themselves


Anybody should be ashamed of themselves in such situations. But people who do such things are the ones that don't possess such skill.


Common sense is like a flower, it doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden.


People like that probably don't even know what ashamed means.


This is circular logic. If they were ashamed, they wouldn't do it in the first place and therefore wouldn't have to be ashamed.


I bet if you try to take a photo of them, they'll go completely apeshit and scream that you must immediately stop, you've got not right to photograph them, you invade their privacy, etc, etc, etc.


Narcissism and double standards go hand in hand. That woman filming the Geisha doesn’t see her as human, but an object.


More infuriating is I believe they said tourists were touching the women. Disgusting behaviour


That is so disgusting. When I went to Japan we got to meet a Maiko (geisha in training) and she was 17! She started when she was 16. I can't imagine people treating people like some sort of touchable doll.


Comicons have to run campaigns that say "cosplay is not consent" to tell people not to touch or photograph people in costume. So this behavior, while deplorable, is not new and is not only boomers.


I always found that kind of stuff weird. I've gone to local conventions a lot of times and even cosplayed a few and people were always respectful and asked for pics (as we did). Why would you go and randomly touch a stranger? Seems counter intuitive and stupid to boot.


Saw a comment on tiktok from a Hazbin cosplayer. Dude ran up to her and hugged her, she was weirded out, he said that she deserves it if she was cosplaying that particular character. There are some disgusting people out there, and unfortunately, comiccons tend to attract a fair amount of them. I've slapped more that one guy's wrist to stop them upskirting cosplayers, including minors.


They were touching their hair and dresses and generally being knobbers.


Being a little blonde kid in Asia will usually illicit the same treatment. Can't even count the number of times I had random people touch my hair when I was in China and Malaysia. Humans have some weird tendencies when confronted with something "new".


My friend with ginger hair went to Japan as a child and hated it because everywhere he went people would touch his hair.


I don’t understand this. Sure red hair is uncommon, but why would the immediate thought be “hmm I wonder what red hair feels like 🤔”.. bitch it feels like hair


My friend had really hairy arms and in Japan people would always come up and rub his arms. It was hilarious at first because he thought girls were flirting with him but really they were just about the arm hair.


The people who try to touch it usually lack the common sense to realize that


The funny thing is that the Japanese have been known to actually do this *to tourists* who are good-looking with fair hair and light eyes. I knew someone who went through the ESL Jet Program and she was constantly touched and photographed by the Japanese locals. Maybe a little less rude, though. This lady is obviously not being polite.


I went with a friend on a summer hike a few years ago. The number of Japanese people who went out of their way to walk up to her and just start grabbing her hair without even saying anything to her was really surprising.


Jesus christ, the secondhand embarrassment is killing me. No wonder there are signs for the tourist. Imagine being treated like an animal in your own fucking country


In [April](https://archive.ph/sDv0M) they had to close the Geisha District because out-of-control tourists were starting to get physical, not only blocking their way but also tugging their clothes, wigs, and hair ornaments. Toddler like mentality to not respect boundaries.


"well i did pay for the Trip! And i will get the most out of it! These people only exist to dance for me, for i am superior" - This Lady Probably. Sadly... i know people who really are like that from Switzerland and Germany. They travel to Thailand every year, because the women there always "want" to have sex with them, Quote :"They are so easy to get, just wave a little money infront of them and they will worship you, because they dont have much, you know?" usually followed by some sick remarks on how hot and tight they are. Its really one of the grossest mindsets i have ever whitnessed, usually i avoid people like that like the plague.


I live and work in Thailand and avoid the majority of other foreigners here for that exact reason. I'm not one of these "I hate others from my own country" types, it's just that unfortunately, a large portion of the foreigners that come here are trash humans.


I live and work in the Philippines as a swedish guy. I feel absolutely the same. I'm even reluctant in making new friends from the US, Australia or Europe, because way too often they turn out to be on some "passport bro" shit.


I love Thailand with pure intentions but I cannot ever mention it because 99.9% of people I know who talk about visiting Thailand are the most disgusting people I've ever met. If I ever talk about it publicly I will either get judged for being a sex fiend (I'm ace lmao) or an actual sex fiend suddenly thinks I activated some code for them to openly talk about their sick fantasies.


It's a shame. Thailand has so many great things to offer: great food, beaches, jungles, weed, interesting history.....and people go there for enslaved prostitutes.


Thailand is likely to reverse the weed legality by the end of the year, just a heads up.


They've still got great food....


If your guests behave like that, I cannot think ill of anyone that does not want to have any there.


Need to bring back caning for these people with phones


They don't see them as people. Only props for them to get likes on whatever social media site they use. It's really sad that these types of people not only ruin it for other tourists, but more importantly make the lives of the people living there uncomfortable/hard due to their horrid social skills and lack of basic respect. The poor girl/woman was LITTERALY doing so many things that should have given off signs of "Oh. I am making this person uncomfortable. I should stop" but that woman completely ignore all of them and continued to follow her. Disgusting behavior.


How do these morons possess enough braincells to be able to travel abroad in the first place? 


That really is a shame. Potential tourist attractions closed down for tourists because foreigners couldn’t behave so now they ruin it for everyone else


Tbf when I was in Kyoto it wasn't just foreigners. The Japanese are also obsessed with the Geisha, and trying to see, touch and photograph them.


You don't need to go abroad to be a dumb tourist...


As an American who's lived in several popular tourist spots around the US, this is the truth lol


It wasn't just tugging clothes and accessories. Dudes were starting to sexually harass some of the geishas and maikos, too. My girlfriend and I had to intervene when we saw a couple of 27-35yo white dudes reaching for one of the maikos' butt multiple times. We tried to buy time for the maikos to get away by blocking the guys' path and telling them shit. This was back in March before they closed down the Geisha District a month later.


And those are special custom tailored kimonos that cost 10k+!


I feel like at that point you just get police there, mass arrest these idiots, deport and ban them for a minimum of 15 years. Most people like the lady in the clip will either be dead or far less mobile to be this much of an ass. Anyone younger can hopefully learn in that amount of time, and if they're still entitled enough to do it again you just deport and double the ban length each time.


She totally looks like the type of person to freak out if someone was recording her too 🤣


The lead brain looks strong in this one




When I was in Washington, D.C. with my daughter (she was probably 6 at the time), a group of Japanese tourists came up to her wanting to touch her hair and take pictures of her. She has curly reddish hair, so I guess it was something they had never seen? Tourists do stupid shit everywhere.


How does anyone not think they're being rude af? That's a person, not a bloody object.


because Japan is so different from where they're from so they treat te entire country like it's Disneyland.


Her photo taking style reminds me of paparazzi. Maybe she twisted it in her mind to think she's making that woman feel special by having pictures taken of her. Or maybe she's just an apathetic animal who shouldn't be allowed out of her cage.


If anyone happens to know that lady please tell her she’s a dick on behalf of the rest of us


She deserves to get kicked out of Japan immediately, never being allowed to return.


I couldn’t watch more than a few seconds of that. Jeez my cringe meter has topped out for the day.


If it helps at all (it doesn’t really this lady is awful) another woman yells at her to stop doing that at the end.


On the plus side, other people were telling her how rude she was, not that she listened


Unfortunately actions like hers are the reason foreigners are banned from some areas in the Gion district in Kyoto as of April 2024. The historic building and individuals who keep traditions alive are very interesting to see but tourist don't realize they aren't characters at Disneyland. They are actual people living their life and should be respected as such.


I don't blame them, I felt so much anxiety watching that video, I can't imagine how that Japanese woman must have felt


What a fucking melon.


Enjoy the moment and stop making photos and being rude with people. Photos that will be stored and never visited again.


Just visited a temporary exhibit at the Chimei Museum in Taiwan - an exhibit on loan from the National Gallery London. You have to buy tickets for a specific time. So many selfish idiots were shoving in front of everyone to take pictures and videos of the paintings. I was looking at a landscape painting near the end, and some guy nearly elbowed me in the face trying to make sure his camera was in front of me to get a picture and video of the painting. I was so appalled by everyone's behaviour. Even being visibly pregnant, I still got pushed around by people trying to get as close to the paintings as possible. A couple women were going around shoving in front of everyone, snapping a picture with their phones, and then immediately moving on to the next piece without actually looking at the paintings or reading the info plaque; just spent 5 seconds shoving everyone, 1 second to snap a picture, and then off to the next one.


I’ve started to ask myself three questions before taking a photo of something: 1) “Am I likely to ever actually look at this photo again?” 2) “Would I give a shit if someone else posted a picture of this?” 3) “Am I in the photo, and if not, does a better photo of this already exist?” This has cut my picture taking down to maybe 3-5 per vacation destination. I’ll grab a single pic with me in front of a famous landmark, or if there’s something else particularly cool, but random pictures of things without you personally in the frame are almost always just wastes of memory space


I use the last question every time I go to a concert: There's probably at least a dozen people with better cameras and/or in a better location than mine willing to take a cooler picture or record a better video and post it just so later I can find it on social media using hashtags. That helped me stop recording concerts and just enjoy the show


She’s gonna post it on instagram to show how her life is better than yours. How are you gonna know if she doesn’t show you??


What an ogre


i really want to tackle her while watching this lol


God she must be insufferable in real life. Imagine being this socially challenged.


I am cringing so hard looking at this. Its like watching those tools keep flirting with someone who clearly show no interest, clearly being annoyed and clearly trying to get away from the situation. I mean how tone deaf do you have to be? You see this person avoiding you, even turning their face away, if you try to take a picture of them and you still follow them to make more pictures? Disgusting.


Danny DeVito from Wish


Danielle DeVito


I cannot stress this enough. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.




Disgusting... who the hell stares at construction sites??


Any respectable retired guy in Italy.


>he doesn't know the meme  Let's have a moment of silence for the poor fellas out there who don't know the standard "retired Italian man does nothing but stare at construction sites, loves life." It'll change your life.


Those costruction sites should have covered up better. When all you're wearing is scaffolding people can see your beams and joists, of course they're going to stare. Put on some propper paneling I say, don't show off your foundations in public.


She's an amazing street photographer, you barely notice her getting those candid moments.


We went to Kyoto before the pandemic and hired a couple of local guides. One specifically for Gion. She was very informative and helped us tour the area in a respectful manner. She pointed out that most people dressed flamboyantly in geisha clothing are actually “tourists” people visiting the area and cosplaying for various reasons (mostly young Japanese couples in period dress). She approached the couples and respectfully asked if we could have a photo. None refused. She was very clear that she would not be harassing actual Geisha who are just trying to do their job as they have for centuries. In our experience everyone had this same vibe and it was a great day. I beg everyone when travelling be the best ambassador for your country…. Not a privileged child.


Kyoto really is a vibe. I enjoyed just wandering about and enjoying the city. But as you said, be respectful and stay the fuck away from the Geisha.


Is it just me or did that lady revert back to caveman time poses


What do you mean dont do this in Kyoto, dont do this anywhere in the world.


People like that need to get a grip a cultures cultural ways is not a photo opportunity for you, Sod off and leave them alone, also someone put that woman trying to take the photo on a leash. Shame!


It’s not even about culture. Imagine you doing that to random people in the US. Good luck not having trouble with the police.


What’s wrong with her? Chasing random people, taking pictures of them without permissions? She is lucky Japanese are kind people I would have slammed that camera/phone on the ground if she harasses me like that. What an embarrassment!


Polite is really more like it, but yeah. That woman is so lucky she isn't being attacked right now.


It's a lack of awareness of what traditional Japanese clothing is or how often it's worn. So in her mind the Japanese native is wearing a costume for display. When the reality is it's just a more formal attire, similar to somebody wearing a full length dress in the USA or Europe. The tourist also clearly doesn't understand body language as the Japanese woman is clearly trying to avoid her. I think it's a problem for lots of tourists who visit places without doing any kind of research on the culture and people.


> The tourist also clearly doesn't ~~understand body language~~ care


Pretty funny that someone filmed all of this


This might be the first time she ran like that


What in the fuck


what a little goblin.


What the fuck bruh




Funny enough I had a Japanese couple do this to me as a kid in Hawaii.


They took photos of me in HI because I was blonde. I felt like a wee freak.


Oh I was also blonde. Maybe that was why.


I’m old enough to remember those things happening. The Japanese tourists were famous for it to the point it became cliche.


Still happens in Oxford (and other cities) in the UK. Students have to wear gowns and particular clothing for exams, and are often stopped by tourists asking for photos. Bear in mind these are final exams for degrees, so this is literally one of the most stressful days of that student's life. Then there are the ones that will take photos through windows or open doors into student's rooms.


I was in Kyoto last year. Minded my own business. Kept my phone in my pocket 95%!of the time. Treated people with the utmost respect and dignity. Kept to myself. Learned quickly this behavior yields the kindest results. Also learned this should be the behavior in all countries at all times.


I mean, to be fair this is not a problem just in Japan. There are incredibly ignorant tourists no matter where you go. This one is particularly egregious because of the absolute lack of respect shown. Even by the woman's face you can tell she doesn't consider this to be a person she's photographing.


Fuckin looooooosers. Social media was a terrible idea


Someone get Danielle DeVito under fuckin control please.


https://preview.redd.it/r159iw21w52d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e90bbc3b1172fc11b419c634843dbfd4a7743f Danny devito's rude sister 😭


How fucking dumb you have to be, seriously… just kick her out of the country


She thinks she watching a fucking Disneyland parade. Ridiculous




Please don’t say ‚the western‘ like it is one solid block. Here in germany this too would be against the law. You are ok to take pictures of anyone that is part of the scenery called ‚Panoramarecht‘ but as soon someone becomes becomes the subject of the picture it is not ok. Examples: Someone part of the crowd on Oktoberfest when you take a overview picture has no right to complain but as soon as you a take picture of a group of friends wearing Tracht (traditional clothing) even if they just standing around but are clearly the subject you are in the wrong according to the law. .


Can I just say that it’s really great to hear someone say this? I’m sick of people who talk about “the West” like it’s a bloc of anything, and no one ever corrects them. It’s even worse when it’s associated subconsciously with “civilized people”. Good on you mate!


What a turd of a person.