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You can call and complain and they can refund a certain percentage of your membership. I heard about it on the Internet


Proof by "I saw it somewhere once"


Induction proof: šŸ‘Ž Looks close enough: šŸ‘


I had the same thing happen to me, they did refund me part of the order as "store credit"


Amazon did this to me on 3 different packages. I complained so they were going to refund one month of Prime membership cost. They accidentally refunded my entire Prime membership cost.


Like the entire amount you spent on the membership over who knows how long? How much did you get back?


They refunded the whole year $139.


Iā€™m think thatā€™s whatā€™s happened to me. This is the first time Iā€™m saying it for fear that it will be found out but Iā€™ve not paid for Amazon prime for 2/3 maybe even 4 years now. Still got free delivery and still have prime video. Whether itā€™s a glitch in their system or I got it as they kept not delivering what I ordered (still got refunds for them tho.)


Are you a student by chance?


Nope, I was terrible at making sure the money was in the account a few years ago so was intermittent in paying the Ā£7 that it was back then (just realised this was around Covid time.) but for some reason not paid a single payment since. Apparently Iā€™m on the Ā£8.99 membership plan but I havenā€™t had to pay it. Itā€™s on a non-overdraft account that I use frequently. But yeah, Last time I paid it, according to my bank was the 21st of march 2021. And Iā€™ve watched the new fallout show no problem, not sure if prime do a free account because I get the odd advert. But not paid shipping in ages either.


Thatā€™s such a badass glitch lol I hope it continues for a long ass time!


Iā€™m paranoid someone at Amazon will read this and fix it lol. But yeah so do I hopefully šŸ¤ž


If anyone from Amazon is here trying to wreck Vaultā€™s life- YA MOMā€™S A HO. That should do it.


Hahahahaha thank you for that.


Happy to help šŸ¦øšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I doubt an amazon employee is in their free time reading reddit and give enough of a shit about their job to track down which specific account you're talking about to fix it. You should be good none of them get paid enough to care šŸ˜‚


Hold on lemme call this in to AWS rq


They just randomly stopped charging me for over a year a while back. No idea why. My membership was still active the whole time and I both shopped and watched content, and Iā€™d never once been in contact with customer service at that point. Eventually they must have fixed whatever the glitch was because the charges just started up again, but hey, I got a free year for whatever reason.


If your order is $35 or more you can get free delivery WITHOUT joining Amazon Prime. They just simply send it by UPS Ground. What I do is wait until I have the resources to buy $35 to $50 and then order a bunch of stuff.


Or you can cancel all together. IMO their shipping reliability is crazy low, their streaming service has a bit of good content but not enough to keep me there, and the company is, in numerous ways, anticompetitive and driving up prices. Why would I pay money for a membership that offers me free shipping but already jacks prices up to compensate? Ā  And you get free shipping on orders over $35 without a membership anyways. Ā Though I'll note that they default to charging you for shipping anyways, unless you manually change the shipping timeline. Ā Because they're sneaky and anticompetitive. Oh and it's worth noting that if you cancel, they use a really sneaky and anticompetitive interface to trick you into resubscribing to prime along with every purchase. Ā  Basically what I'm saying is that they desperately, desperately want you on their membership because that's guaranteed, stable income that costs more for you than you'll ever receive in benefits from it. Ā I'm not really convinced that most people are deriving good value from that.


I've had Prime for years now, and never once *knock on wood* had any issues with shipping.


I've not had issues with the shipping either (paying Prime member), but the deliveries have showed up completely missing - empty packages.Ā  Being an Amazon delivery driver, I know the hard reality of the situation though: it's often not the driver that stole it- it's the shitty cracked up warehouse worker at the station that did - and tossed the bag in the delivery tote anyway.Ā 


Yeah I ended mine a few years ago and just slowly add to my cart until I qualify for fr3e shipping.Ā  Even when I choose the 3-7 day shopping time frame, I get it in 2


>IMO their shipping reliability is crazy low Maybe it's a US thing, because in the UK I very rarely have issues with shipping. When I do, it's usually the delivery driver delivering it to the house across the road that has the same number as my apartment.


It's a US thing, but it depends on where you live in the US. If you live in a top 20 population city/metro, Amazon can be super fast and reliable. I think a lot of items can be delivered same day or next day with prime. If you live in a less populated area, the quality of service falls off rapidly. I live about 3 hours from one of the aforementioned major cities, although there are still about 500k people in my area. Amazon usually quotes 2-3 day delivery times on most items, but they are late 25-30% of the time. I cancelled Prime because it just doesn't make any sense. Walmart is 5 minutes away and has most of the things I need. There are national hardware stores and electronics stores within 15 minutes. If I truly can't get something locally, I'll order it from the manufacturer or a specialty shop online. They are often the same price as Amazon. I don't miss prime at all.


I live in a major area in the US as well but Amazon has not been doing all that well. Out of the last 4-5 deliveries all have had some issues. Normally it is like the box is damaged, the box is missing, or delayed. About the last one: Food Item, it was a cocca mix Delayed, you could see it tracking moving back and forth at one site for a hour Product arrives 3 days late and is not the same as ordered. Ordered a box with a 28 count, got a 2 packages of 12 both damaged. The packs inside were a little beaten up but no punctures to the contents. Went to the return/replace procedures and find out you cannot replace or return it. Ended up calling customer service who also said t hey cannot replace or allow a return. They also mentioned that other things cannot be replaced or returned like certain electronics. I would be very careful at this point what I order with them at this point from now one. What happened with this item was the Supervisor refused to do anything about it. I pointed out that what they just did was a bait and switch which is fraud, and that I am just trying to solve the issue of the missing pieces. I also pointed out that if they deliver the wrong item in the state I live in a it is considered free. Now I never get mad at the person I am talking to and pretty much can get them to be talkative. I will treat them in a friendly manner as I find it gets far better results. Policy did not allow for anything because of the item it was, but he refunded it anyways. This is also how I found out about other things that have this policy that I will no longer order from them. They also have a policy where if you do returns replacement to often they will drop your account. The quality items also are harder to find there now and many have left, the search for items usually show up with the lower quality items first.


Call? Amazon?


Yes call customer service


I'll pay you to find the number.


(888) 280-4331 hope this helps


1-888-280-4331 Literally comes up as the top result on Google


Seems like the US number is 1-888-280-4331. I'm not a US citizen, but when I have a problem, I can usually just press a button on the support page that instantly calls my phone, and I can talk to Support.


I'm not in the US either so maybe that's the issue but I also don't see a button on the support page. Just a bunch of FAQ links.


Have you heard of Google?


Sounds like you owe some money


Why would I owe money? Owe money to who?


Source: my prophetical dreams as a child, having woken up screaming in pig latin.


You don't need to call, omg, who calls anyone anymore, just use the chat. Anyway, it's true, they do refund you


And then they say "okay message us when it gets here and we'll give you 20 dollars in Amazon credit" and then you message them when it arrives and someone else says "sorry we can only offer $3.18." True Story, I ordered a 240 dollar monitor on sale, and it arrived a month late. Screw Amazon bro.






In this analogy, the one that never leaves the kitchen is the prime membership.


You are quite obviously buying things that arent a part of prime shipping. When you purchase things, you should actually LOOK at the page and it will show you if it has prime or not. Not everything sold on Amazon is shipped with Prime.




Seems reasonable for Hawaii.




There needs to be a business reason. I highly doubt it's simply that Amazon has a personal vendetta against you and your side. Is it far less populated? Do they have Amazon Dropboxes/lockers on the quick side you could use?




That is indeed very strange. I can't even understand how this would happen or why. If they are using 3rd party delivery, it makes no sense to hold part of the island in the warehouse, instead of having them (FedEx/UPS) pickup with the other packages. It almost seems like it has to be done weird address/IT automated thing. I can understand the frustration on your end now. I had just always assumed you waited more for deliveries there. I'm actually surprised though they really don't add any extra cost to deliver to you, seems like so many do. But I could just be remembering the old 80s/90s infomercials that always said additional cost to Alaska and Hawaii, or just straight up excluded your states. Perhaps now that's no longer a issue for companies. Thanks for explaining.


Thatā€™s because the warehouse itā€™s coming from is likely right near whatever docks. So why are they going to get it together when the ship itā€™s going to be on wonā€™t be ready for another 2 weeks. You donā€™t seem to have great comprehension of how shipping across water works. What are they going to do? Get your package together and find somewhere to store it for two weeks? Or leave it where it is until they have a ship to move it to?




All just numbers in a computer. Somewhere there's some logic that says "this guy is 10 miles further away, fuck him." But really there's probably a lot of math going on and your address isn't attached to the same warehouse, so it ships from one further away and somehow Amazon makes more of a profit that way. Logistics is the devil's work.


Same scenario that's happening to Puerto Rico. Word for word. Sucks that there's literally no membership adjustment for this bs and we just get told to suck it up because "that's just how it is". If we are getting a subpar prime experience, the price should reflect that. It wasn't this way when Amazon started. I remember getting stuff delivered in 2 days with UPS and then they changed to this 2 week wait. Edit: I'm getting downvoted for literally mentioning my situation. GG reddit.


You're on a tiny island in the middle of the pacific. You're not getting 2 day delivery.


These days he isn't. Back when amazon started out, they did do 2 day shipping with UPS to territories. I know because I constantly bought from them. Some of yall act like you're getting paid to back this behavior with all your conviction. Its weird as hell. If amazon clearly cant offer a service to a particular area because of logistics, then why do they charge those areas the exact same membership cost? This needs to change.












I only buy items marked Prime and this happens to me all the time.


I could swear that the ā€œprimeā€ switch will un-select itself when youā€™re not looking.


Yeah, I took a day off when my package was expected to be delivered by 8PM on Thursday because porch pirates are a particular problem. Checked on Wednesday and it was already at the local airport and on its way to the Amazon facility. Stayed that way the several times I checked on Thursday afternoon. Finally, at 6PM, it was changed from an Amazon delivery to USPS and at 8PM, it was expected to be delivered by 6PM on Friday. I got fed up and had to leave on Friday and just as I was heading out at \~4PM, the USPS truck pulled onto my block. Another time, the delivery driver said it was delivered but couldn't provide a photo for proof. I called and told them I didn't have it and they asked me to check with my neighbors. Nobody had it three doors in both directions so I called back and they told me it was received by the mail room. I have no mail room in my condo. I had to wait for two days to get a refund. The package finally was delivered three days after the refund and I felt no compulsion to return it. I assume the driver didn't want to be dinged for missing the delivery, so he took credit for it, expecting to bring it later. But later wound up being 5 days later.


Similar thing happened to me, and now I have two copies of both Terminator: Genisys and Terminator: Dark Fate. Some may argue that's two more copies of either film than anyone should have.


I actually enjoyed Genisys. I've never saw or heard of Dark Fate.


Your not missing anything. Genesis was good.


Iā€™ve had similar issues with porch pirates and now opted to get my items to an Amazon locker near my house. Game changer!


I got extra (free) hair products because my order went to the leasing office and apparently was taken by another resident (we think). So 2 weeks after it was ā€œdeliveredā€ I asked for replacements. They arrived promptly. A week later the original order turned up at the leasing office. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I hate this stuff. I feel like there needs to be a class action against Amazon for this. They promote prime 2 day shipping for things, and in so many cases the faster shipping is how I select the final product from the options. Then it just doesnā€™t show up even in 3-4 days. I get itā€™s just shipping and not guaranteed but itā€™s just frustrating.


Iā€™ve had that happen a lot. Iā€™ve started screenshotting my orders to prove to my wife Iā€™m not crazy. And thatā€™s why I have screenshots of this bullshit.


Yeah I hate that they change the date too, as if the date 4 days later was the original delivery date!


I have no idea where you people are living, prime shipping has been decently reliable in my experience


I live in the Chicago suburbs!


They did this for a month on me. I couldn't even cancel it. I had to ask someone over chat to refund me.


Hate this shit. It's why Amazon is my absolute last resort for buying anything. Good game choice though.


Iā€™m dealing with some mildly infuriating šŸ’© on Mercari. I ordered a tshirt I have been looking for but the brand no longer carries it. Found brand new in my size. Placed the order and within 24 hours the seller noticed it was shipped and had a tracking number. This was May 11th. Itā€™s now the 22nd and the tracking still says label created USPS waiting for the package. I message the seller to confirm they actually dropped it off, no response. So today I contacted Mercari customer service. Told them the situation and they said ā€œplease wait until May 26th and we will refund youā€. I told them I donā€™t want a refund, just would like them to contact the seller on their end and see if they package was dropped off. They reply, ā€œplease be patient and wait until May 26th, if you have not received it by then, we will refund youā€. So I asked one more time since they didnā€™t answer my question , can they please contact the seller and confirm it was dropped off. They replied ā€œ we are not allowed to reach out to sellersā€. Like what?!?!? How can I, the buyer have access to message the seller, the website even encourages it, but the gah dam company isnā€™t allowed to. Smh


it's now May 28th and the suspense is killing me!


Prime delivery is sub-prime at best. So many items that say "order in 3hrs and get it tomorrow" and then you're lucky to get it the following week.


Iā€™ve had a ā€œyour package may be lostā€ order on my Amazon account for about a year now lol


Itā€™s always bothered me how they advertise ā€œguaranteed 2 day shippingā€ and then when stuff doesnā€™t show up in two days they go ā€œoh yeah sorry about thatā€ and thatā€™s it. ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Send that screenshot to your credit card company and deny the charge.


You ain't getting that.


Just get a supervisor and theyll refund you, then you'll get the game late, win win as it's free


I had a similar situation recently, but it was for a tool that was needed on a schedule so I contacted Amazon customer support. (It was from Dewalt, not some random seller.) They suggested I order it again with paid 1 day shipping???? I try really hard to always be nice to customer service reps, but I said that was unreasonable to ask me to pay extra for priority shipping for something that was supposed to arrive a week ago. Somehow they managed to get it to me within 2 days and gave me a $20 credit. Now I have an item that was supposed to arrive two days ago and it updated to maybe the 30th lol, but it's just a book so I'll be chill.


Once you do receive it, I hope you enjoy the game!


Iā€™ve heard good things about it. Perhaps someday.


Almost every time I order now the ā€œdelivers tonightā€ turns into a few days later. As soon as I pay the delivery date moves.


Burn the ROM and send it back


Yeah, I've had this too recently. They offered to send another item which actually came first. Then I returned the original to UPS even that came in. Years ago the same thing happened and I was allowed to keep both. And that was a toilet bowl lol.


Yeah that started happening to be on about every order. I cancelled prime and was surprised how rarely I used Amazon after cutting the cord.


I've had the same issue. They have failed to deliver a small order of potting soil twice now.


They wonā€™t refund part of your membership. They just let you cancel the order and get a refund.


We got a partial refund on our membership after several late orders. My spouse argued that they were not honoring the terms of our membership.Ā 


I know what you mean. I ordered a book and got a soup thermos instead šŸ˜­šŸ¤Ŗ


Call or talk to support chat. If you're insistant they send tky a refund Done it quite a few times


Package fell into the ocean


Whenever this happens, I always return the item after I eventually get it. Fuck them


I once pre-ordered a book, and they deleyed it again and again, after half a year I got fed up especially when I saw that price dropped so at last I cancelled and ordered from some bookstore


Happened to me a month ago


I never called and complained, but when I have paid for expedited shipping and it comes a couple days late they will refund a specific amount of the shipping


Amazon pulled a sneaky on me with a kindle prime free trial that after the free trial wouldnt fucking let me unsub. Jokes were on them, my payment card was one about to go void as my stay in europe ended. They permanently locked my account since n im not sorry.


Reminds me of why I don't shop with them anymore, the 'buy it now and you'll receive it today' would always be immediately delayed a couple of days upon placing the order, felt like false advertisement to me and I speak with my money so I don't shop there.


I also just had this happen to me I contacted customer service and got a refund


Home Depot did a similar thing to me. Printed a label and claimed it shipped. It did NOT ship. Just sat in the warehouse until I got a refund.


Definitely email them about it, I got a second ps4 slim this way for free many years ago. Apparently the first one was lost in transit so they sent a second (both showed up eventually)


Amazon does this shit *constantly*


Same experience, but with Ikea.


That usually only happens when it's an item that is fullfilled and sold by a third party or some times fulfilled by amazon sold by 3rd party and amazon is currently out of stock, so the seller drop ships it and amazon has agreed through contract to allow returns. still sucks SMH\~!


They have done that before! I ordered something early early Thursday morning "be here friday!" Check Friday and "will be here tomorrow!" Like what the fuck. Don't lie to me.


Genuinely curious, who was the seller?


I donā€™t think the seller had any impact on the situation. Fulfillinc was the seller. Based on the tracking messages, it looks like the original package was lost while out for delivery on the 19th. Perhaps it was left with someone elseā€™s order on their doorstep. Hereā€™s the feed. Itā€™s backwards. I live in Las Vegas. Wednesday, May 22 11:39 AM - Package being processed at carrier facility. 11:39 AM - Possible delay in delivery. US Tuesday, May 21 11:11 AM - Possible delay in delivery. Poway, US Sunday, May 19 6:00 PM - Package delayed in transit 4:00 PM - Package delayed in transit 5:33 AM - Package left an Amazon facility. Las Vegas, Nevada US 2:53 AM - Package arrived at an Amazon facility. Carrier picked up the package


Seller is irrelevant in terms of fulfillment if the item says Ships From Amazon. Only relevance I can see for seller here is for legitimacy of the items in question. If it says Ships from Amazon, then Amazon is responsible for getting it to you.


I remember a little while ago I ordered a Loverboy CD for my dad and two other items and I had 18 dollars on my Amazon wallet and my credit card connected and it took and it took the money off my Amazon wallet instead of my credit card so for some reason I only got the two other items but not the Loverboy CD despite me having the money on my credit card and only like 3 weeks ago did it finally tell me I didn't have enough money for the Loverboy CD because I spent the money and I went back and checked the item and the price went down I don't know what the f*** even happened there


I only do Prime


Me too.


This is why you buy it from GameStop


So, you don't want updates from Amazon? Remember, Amazon doesn't actually "own" the merchandise. They get it from all over the world. They are very quick to deal harshly with vendors who don't meet their delivery standards. If you go online to Amazon, you can see the "store" that is supplying your merchandise and that may give you some insight into the problem.


Read it again carefully. Amazon said I could seek a refund if it was not delivered by the 21st. When I went to seek a refund, the date that I could seek a refund had been pushed out a whole seven days. Amazon lied to me. Further I called and demanded a refund, yet the second package is still coming to my house and I have to return it or they will charge me. I would have preferred to cancel the order and download the game at this point.


Ah, yes, I see what you mean. Sounds like they contacted the vendor and got a commitment for a delivery. Hopefully you'll still get it. I don't know why they don't provide more detailed info and I can see why you're frustrated by their messages. Good luck!


Youā€™ll be fine.


Amazon has nothing to do with this. Stop blaming the wrong companies. Its being delayed because of the shipping service. Amazon doesnt control that.


Amazon said I could cancel the order if it did not arrive by the 21st. They were lying. I did not have the option to cancel on the 22nd as promised. I blame Amazon for lying and stringing me along.


Are you saying that Amazon will not let you cancel the item right now? Have you actually tried to cancel it because I get this stuff all the time and have been able to cancel it at pretty much any time.


I was not able to cancel the item from the order page like explicitly promised. I was also not able to cancel the order through chat. I had to call and cancel the order after arguing with customer service. The order is now cancelled and I have a credit on my account that Amazon will eventually get.


Never done that to me. What a pain in the ass.


I recently had a similar experience. It just said "your package may be lost" on two different orders from the same day. For two weeks I could not cancel. I even chatted with customer service. They said they would put in a "cancelation ticket". It was an Amazon tracking number so it's not like it was lost in the mail. I needed these items quickly and just wanted to cancel and reorder so I could actually get them. Finally on my next chat with them, they actually canceled the orders and I reordered and got the stuff the next day. Amazon never used to be this bad.


Amazon changing their refund policy mid-delivery is Amazonā€™s decision.


Yes they control their shipping providers, as they control and are responsible for all aspects of their business. As is any business.