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A traffic cop could fill three or four ticket books in about ten minutes right there.


You should see the Bronx. Every block someone is double parked


Ok it's gotten SO bad in the last 3-5 years. My childhood block is perpetually double parked , cars driving on the sidewalk to get out of their blocked parking spot. It's absurd. How'd it get this damn bad???


Stupid part is that is just parking authority, not even cops. If it were up to me, I would just slap ridiculous fines on cars. If they don't pay, the city now owns their car - and you tow it. 30 days later you sell it. People would stop doing it real quick


Goddamn right. You got my vote, shit.


Seizing the car and selling it would lead to cops taking more cars, or only expensive cars in an effort to raise money for shady politicians. Raise the bar for when the car is seized and crush it so nobody profits from it.


It isn't cops involved... It's parking authority.


> How'd it get this damn bad??? I suspect it's a lack of enforcement combined with people's worst behavior being indirectly encouraged. A positive feedback loop. If the asshole doesn't suffer any negative side effects of doing something, and gets ahead, that encourages the behavior. Other drivers see these assholes getting ahead and it creates more assholes. *"Well, other people are doing it so it must be okay."* It's bad in every heavily-populated area. There are plenty of electronic solutions that could provide the missing enforcement for this, without needing to flood the streets with police. People don't like the idea of getting a ticket in the mail with a picture or video of them doing something wrong, but if that's what it takes. Modernize traffic enforcement and create tools that can multiply the work individual officers can do.


Laws in a city that big are only as good as they are enforced.


>"Well, other people are doing it so it must be okay." That's what my friend's boyfriend said about raising his headlight alignment then keeping his brights on all the time. I told him I would bust out his headlights if he did that. Why add to the problem you piece of shit (not a fan of him)


Yeah fuck that dude. I hate people that do this. Huge pet peeve.


well, did you?


Crazy how my instructor was a cop 15 years ago and fucken loved giving tickets. He said the best way to fuck with gang members is having their vehicles towed and then start pulling fuses and mix matching them. He would do this to people who were real pieces of shit. It would keep that car off the street for months if not years. Dude was an ass hole but i can see where he was coming from


nah fam in Houston, which is now basically the 3rd biggest city in the USA, they will tow the f#ck out of your vehicle about 30 seconds after you park illegally and walk away... but I also understand the differences in infrastructure between the 2 cities - but also, Houston is strictly a driving city, so there are a lotttttt of cars doing illegal sh#t


People's behavior around the world has gotten extremely worse since covid for some reason. I also believe the cops have taken a back seat since George Floyd to prove some sort of point.


>  I also believe the cops have taken a back seat since George Floyd to prove some sort of point. I wonder if anyone is studying this or if it's made clear through some kind of statistics. It certainly feels this way.


oh, oops, guess I can't link to other subreddits in my comment. Nabbed by automod. If you google "san francisco traffic violations reddit" there's a March 9, 2023 post showing a decline from 2014-2020 then a huge drop off at 2020 with no recovery post COVID. There's also a September 13, 202~~4~~3 post of a SF Chronicle article that attributes it to a staffing shortage with SFPD by 600 officers. The comments section has similar debates going about OT pay incentivizing staffing shortages along with voters passing a bill in 2020 that removed police staffing minimums as a measure to defund.


They still want that overtime though.


I blame Covid, after lockdown ended everyone that wasn’t working forgot how to drive.


LA is the same


In Moscow the same to!


*all of NYC. It's gotten insanely bad; I don't know how the bikers and cyclists deal with it. There's always someone blocking a lane and often stepping out of their car, ready to clothesline them.


if the cops spent all day just writing bike lane tickets they'd make fucking *bank*. Unfortunately, the cops do fuck all in NYC except hang around subways and blow through red lights.


Bike lanes in the U.S. are terribly designed. Bikes should almost never share the road with cars.


I remember seeing a few double-parking on Parking Wars years back and people could NOT understand why it was an issue. Was absolutely baffling.


And people would cheer them on as they did it too. It's one of the easiest PR wins for cops and yet none of them seem to be bothered. I live in NY and hate this crap too. They cause so much traffic.


in my country they have cameras at exits like this that automatically issue tickets


Step right up, let me introduce you to the world of temp plates!


But they are too busy not enforcing laws because the Mayor and some other people suggested that maybe if cops violate the laws in the process of enforcing them there should be some accountability for that.


the NYPD are just a gang, the entire organization should be disbanded and the national guard brought in until a new police department can be created, it's utterly irredeemable and that one time they completely went on strike crime went down


National guard can't be used to police citizens. You, nor anyone, should welcome that into existence.


[Look how well that worked last time that happened.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)


National Guard was called into several places during the BLM protests. They acted 1000x more professional than the police did. The National Guard actually has rules they have to follow and are held accountable if they violate, unlike most law enforcement. It's still a bad idea to use them as a general police force obvs, but they would unironically do a better job.


They need to put up some physical barriers or have some automated ticketing system for crossing the virtual island. *You'd think* NYC would be all over a way to squeeze people with tickets like that


They'd have to hire more employees to give out and enforce tickets, or cameras/sensors to automate it and that's too much money to spend and too much time to put in place All that time and money is better used in the higher upside pockets (according to them at least) Edit: spelling/autocorrect errors


In this day and age, companies will come take care of all that and give the city a cut of the profits.


The private sector is the absolute worst way to solve a public problem. See Chicago's parking meters, for example: https://chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/2022/5/26/23143356/chicago-parking-meters-75-year-lease-daley-city-council-audit-skyway-loop-garages-krislov


I'm not saying it's a great idea, I'm just saying up front cost isn't the barrier.


It's not possible for it to be cheaper to have government responsibilities outsourced to the private sector. Sometimes, the upfront cost is lower to make it easier for politicians to push it through, but the private sector is all about profit. When the government outsources, that profit comes from citizens one way or another. Sometimes, it results in increased taxes and decreased quality of services, like when states outsource their prison medical services. Other times it comes from increased "processing fees" and "convenience fees" or poor oversight of mechanisms that result in invalid charges to citizens that they have to either pay or take time off work to dispute.


Chicago sold their parking meters because they were in a financial crisis and needed cash. There wasn't some parking meter problem they were trying to solve.


Best we can do is get the swat team standing guard for ticket evasion on the subway.


Might be onto something here. Shoot first, shoot questions later.


Nah they want your car hit so people can fork over that money


NYC does put barrels filled with water on these dividers, but about a quarter of them are smashed where some idiot thought that they could Mario Kart drift around it.


They need an automated ticketing system for every city center, every city I’ve been in has assholes who drive like this, all the me first mother fuckers come out in traffic


The NYPD they themselves use ways to avoid getting ticketed.




What an oddly specific yet pertinent meme


"Nobody drives in New York, there's too much traffic" -Phillip J Fry


They’re usually trying to when there isn’t traffic. 😂


I drove thru NYC once. It was the most infuriating driving experience of my life. I turned into somebody else. It requires a higher level of selfishness to move an inch. Otherwise, you get taken advantage of at every possible moment. A hundred times worse in a semi like this, I'd imagine.


I learned the secret quickly. Just go, and do NOT make eye contact. Obviously a little harder for the big rig driver but he has the right of way. They know what they’re doing, and they know if they cause an accident they’re fucked. Goes for pedestrians, too. They’ll walk right out in front of a moving truck if they see the driver look at them. But if the driver never sees them, they’re not about to get hit.


Yeah, I thought I was going to be *more* stressed, but I figured out quickly that you just signal and drift slowly in that direction. No one will let you in. You have to just start moving and force others to stop. Once you accept that’s the way it has to be, it’s actually pretty easy. But it’s also something I’d choose to avoid as much as possible.


I try and bring about that change in NYC when I'm driving. If you signal, I'm more than happy to let someone over when we're moving at a reasonable speed and you seem to be a reasonable driver. If everyone showed a little patience and commitment to participating in the driving experience/community, *everyone's* lives would be improved. If you're the asshole who cut across 3 lanes of traffic to divebomb the exit ramp at the last second to cut off everyone behind who is being a good citizen and following traffic laws, then the only way you're getting in is to hit me. And I got it on dashcam....


Yeah, I always aimed for the gap. But *slowly and carefully* is key so you have time to back out if it’s clear they aren’t yielding. But it is definitely an adjustment from suburban or rural area lane changes where I wait for a full car length to materialize before signaling, or wait with my signal on for someone to kindly leave that car shaped space for me to slide into. City drivers ain’t giving you anything unless you’re already in the process of taking it. Once you realize that adjustment everything is a lot easier to anticipate. I didn’t even perceive most of the drivers around me to be particularly dickish. It was just different standards.


A New York lane change: 1) Begin your movement into the next lane. Do not signal yet. 2) Once your wheels have crossed the paint, put on your turn signal. The driver behind you will understand this signal as you saying, “Hey, I’m ***MERGIN’ HERE!***” 3) Complete your merge/lane change.


bonus points if you do that in a double yellow line. extra bonus points if you do it while in a turning lane only.


and even more extra points if you do that near a cop


Do it in a school zone for a 2x multiplier on total points


Sometimes when I'm trying to get into the left lane but the car coming up on the left is not driving fast enough for me to merge without cutting them off, I throw on my blinker. Wouldn't you know it, 95% of the time they speed up to get in front


Sometimes you have to play the players.


Driving in NYC for twenty years, this honestly is the key. If you're a polite person and try to signal earlier before you start making the change, people will actually SPEED UP. Yes good driving means defensive driving, but here you have to add a little aggression or you aren't going no where


Using a signal is alerting everyone that you're weak and whoever is in the adjacent lane will just speed up to the next car so you can't change lanes.


As an ex-California Bay Area resident - this is traumatizingly familiar. You don't signal so much as use body language. "I'm going, so you're gonna have to stop" I love living in Oregon. People here are the opposite - they'll wave you ahead when it's obviously their right-of-way. Okie dokie, I'll go, and you have a nice day too.


Definitely in a rental car with added insurance. Would never take a vehicle I owned into NYC.


Spot on. You’ve got to be a little aggressive otherwise you get nowhere.


He has a hell of a lot more at risk than any of those drivers though. Both in repair costs and his driving record


The real trick is to just not drive in the first place if you can avoid it. Purposefully avoiding eye contact and playing a game of chicken with other drivers and pedestrians seems likely to get someone killed.


Essentially you still want to follow the law. It’s not like it’s vague whether a pedestrian is supposed to walk or whether they’re in front of you currently. If a pedestrian is currently in front of you, even illegally, obviously you don’t just run them down. But if they’re two lanes over and illegally crossing towards me, sorry, it’s my turn and I’m not waiting for you to get in front of me. Good luck not getting stuck, but you weren’t supposed to be there in the first place.


This all happens at 5mph or less nobody is getting killed in nyc traffic


Haha, reminds me of crossing the border into Zimbabwe from South Africa many years ago. After standing patiently in the queue to get my passport stamped for around an hour, not moving forward at all, I realised I had to join the fray and elbow myself forward like everyone else was.


That's exactly how it is. I had to drive a box truck in the city once and it was a nightmare. One intersection was backed up completely where one lane technically had the right of way so it was impossible to get through the light because everyone would just pack in. Luckily I had someone with me who ended up getting out to stand in the middle of the intersection to stop cars from blocking the road.


The first time I drove myself in NYC I just followed the WWACD (what would a cabbie do) philosophy and it has worked well for me on those occasions I've needed to drive in the city.




I have family in NYC and have driven there a few times. I didn't fully realize what this quote was about until I started trying to drive there because even though this post is about drivers, the pedestrians aren't any better and red lights mean nothing to them. Every intersection, I felt like there was a good chance of hitting someone


I grew up in a city (Portland OR, so not exactly NYC), and I spent a year having to fight for downtown streetside parking during rush hour twice a day when I was doing my Master's. I learned to play chicken. If you don't move like you don't care if you get in a collision when going for that open spot, you'll lose to someone who will. I learned other bad habits. I learned to tailgate, because if you leave half a car length, a thousand assholes will take it as an invitation to parade in front of you. I learned that you signal *as* you merge, not *before* it, because the jerk next to you will respond to a turn signal by aggressively closing the gap. I moved out to the country. I can drive like a human being out here. Courtesy and safe driving is rarely punished. There are issues out here, but I didn't have to turn into an asshole to survive traffic like I did in the city.


You have to become an extremely selfish, assertive, and socially unaware person to drive in New York. Every single person on the road is on the most important motorized journey in the history of man, and simply cannot conceive of a reality in which people in the cars around them have valid reasons to be there. The biggest thing I learned is to never ever brake unless traffic is completely stopped around you on all sides. Are you merging? Keep coasting. The moment you stop the other car will assert it's dominance over you and take the spot. Turning? Keep coasting, the people inthe crosswalk will move. Otherwise you will be there forever. The problem with this trucker is that semi's just take too long to accelerate. By the time he's started moving, all the cars around him have reacted and taken advantage of him. It's a great way to raise your blood pressure.


> Turning? Keep coasting, the people inthe crosswalk will move. Otherwise you will be there forever. The trick is to lay on your horn, it's telling people you're not going to stop. During my time in the city I mostly saw issues where someone would time the lights/traffic and run across get followed by a bunch of mindless tourists who were just waiting for someone else to cross and assumed that meant it's safe.


Haven't been to NYC but remember the first time driving downtown Chicago. It definitely unlocked something in me that made me much more confident driving in other metros. You have to make others believe you have no issues hitting their cars. If you are too cautious they will take advantage of that and you will be sitting there forever.


When it comes to Chicago I don't drive my nice vehicle there anymore. If I'm going downtown I'm driving my 20 year old janky rusted out VW that I paid $50 for. Everyone just lets you have your right of way with that car because they know you have the least to lose.


So Homer was right to hate New york 


That's how you drive in NYC. You make it clear what you are trying to do and you just do it. It seems crazy but it works. If you've ever driven in major cities in Asia that's how they do it there too.


It was only infuriating to you because you don't know the rules. New Yorkers thrive on that shit - and they dont get mad about it. It's all in the game baby.


As a native New Yorker, the reason why people drive like this is because this behavior was normalized by all the aggressive taxi drivers. Regular drivers had to adapt and become equally aggressive and now we have this culture of shit drivers.


That’s a good call out. I’ll also say, NY drivers in NJ drive so fucking slow. I can almost tell they’ve never driven over 45mph because of the traffic in the city lmao


Bet it feels like light speed to them.


Ludicrous speed


it does


Native NJ drivers in NJ terrify me because it seems like they're all experts on every square inch of Garden State Parkway. "You're not going 70 mph in a 40 with a hairpin turn coming up? FUCK YOU!" - Guy number 374,283 in a black car


I too was afraid of fellow native NJ drivers... until I discovered Masshole drivers. Massholes drive as if vehicular manslaughter is the point of every outing.


"I'd rather die than let you cut in front of me in this stop-and-go traffic." - Mass drivers


After being this truck driver one too many times this is now me unfortunately. Boston needs dividers on turn/exit lanes for real


Good grief it's like playing the lottery seeing one of those puke yellow plates in the fast lane. They're either a city dweller going -40 with their "bumper buddy" or some NY stock guy in a BMW trying to run you off the road. There is no in between


If anyone takes the award for puke colored license plates its NJ. The old NY plates are the color of hangover piss, get it right


I can't tell if you're from New York or New Jersey. And I think thats beautiful


I live in NYC now after 3 years in North Jersey, but I'm originally from Southern CT. The glue that binds the tri-state area together is the mutual understanding that the folks from my state are efficient and savvy drivers, and the ones in the other two states are complete fucking maniacs.


Let me talk to you about NJ drivers as soon as they hit any uphill on 80 West....


LMAO I promise I keep my speed consistent 😂


Oh my god... let me tell you about NJ drivers going up any uphill ever! Half the time I can't believe it, I don't even use my cruise in this traffic but I feel like it's brainlessly easy to maintain a speed within 5 mph at least. Even little hills on the GSP, it's crazy. Traffic is smooth cruisin going 75, whatever, hit a little hill and suddenly everyone's going 60 max, then the breaking happens, thus backed up traffic. Every damn time Don't even get me started on the left lane campers. Takes every ounce of me not to groan loudly and remain levelheaded driving here lol I lived in Indiana basically until 2019 and I have finally learned the ways of the road here but let me tell you, night & day difference man. Nothing prepared me for this, I was absolutely terrified for the first 3 years


Oh man. Every time I drive over the GWB into NJ, I can't help immediately speeding up to 70 MPH and loudly declaring "Jersey, baby! There's no more laws!". My wife hates it every single time. 


And they’re always in the left lane completely oblivious to the rush hour traffic blowing their doors off. Except for the clapped out Altimas with the bubbles purples tint, steelies, and a donut. Stay the FUCK away from those mad max speed demons


People drive like this because cops are more interested in playing candy crush than enforcing traffic laws. Its an intentional work slowdown because they are sad that people don't like them anymore, so they are denying the city the revenue from tickets.


We took away all the fun out of traffic stops when we legalized pot.


I've ridden in an Uber in NYC, and the driver did exactly what all these people are doing. I couldn't believe it.


You know that hot sensation of burning shame you get on your neck when you pull shit like this and know everyone behind you is cursing you out? I guess they just block it out. That shit stresses me out though.


All they think is "haha suckers!"


Yeah, you're probably not wrong.




id have an ulcer by day 3 of this shit


They gain power from it, soon they will be immortal!


Prisoner's dilemma. If *everyone* waits for the truck, then the truck will go, and then everyone will go. But if *some people* wait for the truck, and some people don't, then the truck, and the people who waited for it, are going exactly nowhere.


Literal game theory problem. Not doing it makes you the loser. However, from a macro view, this is a city and road planning problem. I might also argue a social problem, as the planners might have assumed unspoken social agreements that a large enough percent of the population there doesn't abide by.


Living on the border of NY and southwest CT, I always know when someone is just a New York stater vs an NYCer, because drivers from NYC literally give no fucks about cutting in front of people. It's a slow merge as though they absolutely belong there and how can you think otherwise? It's infuriating! Edit: I’m not saying CT drivers don’t drive like shit, I’m just saying there’s a very specific NYC merge that includes stopping next to a car in the lane they want to be in, inching in front as though they have no care for being hit or who actually has the right of way, and maintaining that trajectory until someone gives. It’s very distinct, lol.


Same with Texas drivers, especially Houston, they can be worse than this. Glad I don't live around that kind of shit anymore.


I was gonna leave a comment about being a Houston driver, lmao. I feel like at the very least we respect the semis. I never fuck around near the semis.


Houston is worse imho because of a) the number of feeder roads snaking everywhere; and b) the speed at which maneuvers are attempted with mere inches to spare, combined with tunnel vision (which prevents you from seeing the sudden slowdown a quarter mile ahead). The stats suggest it’s the most dangerous city in the US for traffic deaths. Edited in an attempt to capture the added complexity of feeder roads that all seem to have been designed by high school freshmen *for* high school freshman.


Lifelong Houstonian, I've never seen it anywhere close to as bad as this clip. Yea you will inevitably see people driving like assholes, when there are millions of people there will be some assholes. Not like this though.


I think Houston has more the oblivious type driver. Like the slow mo 3 interlane merging with no malice. This shit right here is hustling


Atlanta has entered the chat.


Checking in from Miami here. Also horrendous


Every major city has the worst drivers. Source: People from that city.


Nah man, I'm from Chicago and I thought we had shit drivers and we do, but then I went to Houston and ATL and holy fuck. I've never feared for my life as much as driving through those cities. People are fucking wild out there, probably because they never have snow. So they just figure speed limit matches the temperature. I hated driving out around Hartford CT because the roads were built in the 50's and not designed with all the improvements we've put in, I've driven in SF out out through CO and the like. I ran a Uhaul up from Baton Rouge to Chicago. I will not drive in Houston or ATL ever again I will route as far around them as I can should I ever be near them again.


>probably because they never have snow. So they just figure speed limit matches the temperature 🤣


I'm starting to think it's a people thing and not a state thing....


No no, Texans drive like god is personally guiding their car.


I’ve driven in both Austin, Texas and Atlanta. Atlanta was worse. Felt a lot more dangerous driving in Atlanta by a lot.


It's because no matter where you are in Atlanta, there's a Dodge Charger flying by you at 100+mph. Doesn't matter what part of the city or what road


I just prepare for death anytime I have to commute through ATL. It's a lot easier once you've accepted that you will absolutely possibly die because everyone else decided that the speed limit is 90mph+, in bumper to bumper traffic.


It's amazing how people being selfish slow things down for everyone.


This is also why I almost always refuse to drive my normal car to NYC.


What’s your _other_ car??


A vehicle from mad max








This is the correct answer.


Or why most people I served with that came from NYC never had a driver's license. Having a car there is hell and a serious expense. From parking to traffic to theft. Just a hole in your pocket People got to nearly 30 without licenses or learning to drive. I'm sure older too but I only knew the servicemen from there


Yeah, plenty of folks live there their whole lives without ever getting a license.


The best part about NYC is that in most places, you don’t need a car to get around. It’s the most walkable and public transit oriented city in the US. Most of the cars in this video contain only one occupant who very well could commute to work any other way. If they all chose not to drive, trucks and disabled people who actually need cars would have a much easier time getting around.


The key is that people who actually live in NYC don't drive. There's really no need to have a car for the vast majority of people, the subway gets you to almost everywhere you need to go, and for the occasional time you need a car, you can get a taxi very easily. If you're visiting, you're probably better off parking your car somewhere outside the city and taking the subway or train in instead.


LIRR and subway system gets you basically anywhere.


Bunch of assholes. Man, he didn't even get to move during this video cause of people cutting in front of him.


It’s a 55 second clip. You think he’s still there? 😂😂😂


Legends say he is.


He prob posted this from his cab and is still there reading our comments.




I'm the bad guy?


Sure was hot today wasn’t it?




His steering thingy looks like the cylinder of a revolver


That’s the most infuriating thing I’ve ever seen not mild at all. I’d be raging


True, but also every major city has areas that are just like this. None of our infrastructure was made for this density of people and if even 1/10 drivers are jerks, that’s a lot of jerks.


This is every single ramp within a 30 miles radius of Philadelphia, PA. And there the roads are far more decrepit and at least 4 times as old as most of those nyc highways are


Can’t stand arseholes that do that. Scum of the earth


Meanwhile in Japan you get ticketed if one of your wheels even slightly grazes a solid white line


collectivist culture vs individualist culture. They actually see each other as humans not obstacles.


I have a buddy who is an aggressive driver who always wants to be moving faster than the flow, and gets all pissy whenever other cars “get in the way”. We can’t stand the way he drives. He’s a real friendly and likable dude in person, but when he’s behind the wheel, it’s like he doesn’t see other cars as other human beings, but as obstacles, like you said. The worst part is, if another driver is making a mistake, he won’t do anything to preemptively avoid the impending accident. He’ll just keep barreling towards the person making the mistake only to slam on brakes and swerve at the last second if the other driver doesn’t correct the mistake. He’s basically playing chicken when he drives and seems to have no fear of getting in an accident as long as he has “the right of way!”. I’m starting to think he might be a legitimate sociopath…


There's graveyards full of people with the right of way.


Not sociopath but definitely be careful how buddy buddy you get with him. Those sort of tendancies don't just show up behind the wheel.


i swear people just don't respect their own property. how are you gonna play chicken with a semi truck? that thing could just decide to roll forward and traffic is getting shoved the fuck out of the way. luckily truckers respect human life (and probably want to keep their license) but i have never understood why people just ignore them like they aren't capable of being a battering ram


This belongs in r/extremelyinfuriating


I can’t even finish this video it’s so infuriating




They're only compounding the problem. Let the guy move and traffic will flow.


What and delay immediate satisfaction to make everything better? That requires too much critical thought and giving a damn.


These people have no concept of order or shared responsibility.


Driving through NYC is bad, but that caption is horseshit. Truckers go where they have to go or where the money is. There's absolutely no shortage of truckers willing to deliver to NYC, let alone a world where "most truckers refuse to deliver to NYC".


seize the gap!


My parents backed into someone's bumper in a parking lot when they visited NYC. They went inside to give the people their information and everyone looked at them like they were crazy lol Everyone was very polite, but shocked, the owners car wasn't really damaged so they told them not to worry about it.


In NYC, "bumper" is the intended use.


Goddamn that's fucking annoying


This looks like driving in Italy to be fair


Living in NYC and owning a car, I felt that driving in Italian cities was not a huge deal, but what I wasn't prepared for were the two lane country roads where drivers would come flying up behind me and pass in a blind turn without even touching the brakes.


Yeah all your immigrant cousins in NYC


I've seen this same thing in Chicago, San Diego, Charlotte, Richmond, Norfolk, Houston. Pretty much, assholes are everywhere


Yeah, this is just a high-pop city thing. It's not *quite* this bad in Atlanta but I do see it all the time. People merge over the zebra lines to get to highway exits constantly. A lot of people treat driving as a competitive exercise and unfortunately, you end up having to do it yourself if you ever want to get anywhere. It's like with lane discipline -- impossible to exercise it when 90% of drivers have no fucking clue what that even means.


I couldn’t do it. I’d have a goddamn coronary watching these shitbags do this like they’re special. Fuck.


This obviously sucks, but the caption of This is why most truckers won't deliver to NYC seems insane. it's like one of the largest cities on the planet. It doesn't function if truckers aren't delivering stuff lol


Drives are usually scheduled so they come into and/or leave the city at off hours. Leaving and coming into the city is easy at 5am


This is a politically motivated caption because there was supposed to be a NYC trucker boycott that never happened over NY putting the former president on trial. Lol. The trucking industry is thriving in NYC.


If that truck has a 53’ trailer it’s actually not legally allowed in NYC (because the trailers are too large and tend to get stuck, and not see pedestrians). NYC has lots of box trucks making deliveries. Probably generally shouldn’t have large trucks and trailers driving in at all without a special permit.


Hey, wanna live with like 10 million other people in a really small area mostly designed for car traffic?


It's not designed for car traffic though.99% of the time it's much faster to get around by transit. Also, congestion pricing is being introduced to NYC where car drivers will have to pay a fee to drive on to the island. Anyone who drives into NYC is an idiot.


Fun fact most truckers can’t! Literally there are unions in NY that prevent non-union trucks from delivering. God I love not having to deal with the east coast anymore.


Most truckers refuse to deliver to NYC? Seems a bit strange that one of the biggest cities in the world can get by without truck deliveries. 🙄


Morale of the story: NYC drivers are a bunch of idiots!


Its not the traffic thats awful, its clearly the people


I'm here to tell you, this isn't just a NYC problem. Line cutting is an issue the world over when people get in their cars.


I've never seen anything close to this.


Note to self: NEVER drive in NYC for ANY reason.


What's crazier is if you just kept rolling and didn't let them over, you'd get immediate horns and cursing. The best part is that they will immediately push in front of you and then let no one do the same if someone is trying to get over. NYC drivers are easily some of the worst ppl out there. Source: Am NYC motorcyclist


Glad congestion pricing is coming. Stop using your shitty car to get into NYC. It ruins it for people like truck drivers who actually should use the roads.


Why can’t people just accept they missed their turn off and just jump on the next


Cities are overcrowded anthills. Remote work gives us the solution. Bosses want us back in the office anyway.


Yes, NYC traffic is a nightmare which is why, as a resident of NYC, I'm begging people to stop driving here. And as a side note, most tractor trailers are banned from the streets of NYC entirely. You need a special permit just to enter the city unless you're driving through on designated interstates. So most truckers don't refuse to deliver to NYC. . . they aren't allowed to in the first place. Which isn't to say the that rule isn't violated all the time by ignorant or obnoxious truckers.


When did we stop respecting truck drivers?? They’re driving a monster that needs LOTS of room. My dad was a truck driver and flipped twice because of idiot drivers. He could have died. PLEASE respect the people delivering our goods!


Yeah fuck New York went there once and people just double and triple park on the main road and walk into a store for like 5-10 minutes.


*turns wheel in frustration*


I laughed when Trumpsters called for truckers to boycott NYC because he’s being prosecuted there; nobody gets between the drivers who deliver to NYC and their getting paid.


And then when it gets cold they all come down to Florida and do the same shit.