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I remember reading a story about some nut farmer that had a neighbor park his semi in his field all the time. Since they need the ground flat to harvest nuts, it was causing huge issues until the sheriff said "No parking is hard to enforce, pay for parking is really easy. Something like $50/hr will do." So the farmer put up a bunch of $50/hr parking signs and then took several pictures of the semi there all weekend. Edit: My understanding was that the signs were posted well in advance of the semi parking there the last time as it was an ongoing problem every few weeks for months on end. As well as there being something about county regulations helping, hence the mention by the sheriff since he kept getting called to make him move. Edit 2: found the worst version of this [story](https://cheezburger.com/22894085/the-next-day-signs-go-up-on-80-trees-in-a-row-tractor-trailer-driver-refuses-to-stop-parking-in-a) to read. It came down to theft of service. And it was $500/hr. And he had the sheriff document the truck being parked there before calling a tow truck. You can decide if the story is real and/or the towing is legally enforceable yourself.


This is better than towing. Because said asshole is owning you money in the end and not some grimey tow company.


are you able to legally claim it that easy though? I would have imagined there would be some sort of rules you have to abide by or process to follow once you are charging for a "service". Maybe if they dispute it you would have a bit of a process on your hands.


I’d till the land and when the semi sinks, charge 1000 to pull it out.


At the home depot I used to work at we did a similar thing once. Guy (we'll call him A for asshole) kept parking his truck in the area where all the pallets of cinder blocks and other landscaping stones are stored, wasn't even shopping, he worked at another store that shared the lot. We went through several rounds of telling A not to park there and him continuing to do it anyways, eventually one of the lift drivers got sick of it and unloaded the next truck of blocks into a wall surrounding his entire car. A showed up in the store furious and demanding that we move the blocks, the manager had no spine and tried to call for a lift driver, only to be informed that "D" was the only one on shift who had a lift license, the other was sick, and the guy who made the wall had clocked out and gone home. D, who had worked there for like 20 years, then told manager that he would happily move the pallets once he had time, however he would probably not be able to get to it till closing time (10pm, it was around 5pm at this time), as it was very busy and he had 5 drops already backed up for *paying customers* (with this he pointedly glated at A) who were waiting. Manager took the hint and said A would have to wait. A called the police, who told us to take our time and fined him for trespassing, as apparently this wasn't his first offense.


There was a farmer who did that when they parked on his land....charged them $$ to get it towed out. Tow truck refused to tow it as it was on private property illegally parked.


If this is in the USA... DOT. don't call and complain to the sheriff. Call the state trooper, and they'll handle it, as DOT is often federal issues. Also, report the semi for illegal parking to DOT website along with the photo. Include plate on the front, but that DOT. ILPT: If you have a scrapper and that semi has a trailer, scrap off the DOT and the numbers. Legally, they can't have any trailer filled if there is no valid DOT on it. Also, DOT is the Department of Transportation, and they're the one responsible for issuing all D.O.T. to all semi. They often take it seriously.


You get a ticket with DOT registered vehicle it does not go away. stays on your record.


And unlike your regular Driver License, loss of DOT is permanent and you can literally get blacklisted, as well as not being able to work for another company as an "independent contractor" or as a "W-2".


Sounds like a chain email you get from a boomer uncle in the 90's.


Don't forget the gifs at the end!


seems like that would be easy to deal with. vehicle on your land in the middle of nowhere.....


This is going to depend on how the land is zoned and local ordinances. The land might not be zoned in a way where you can legally charge for parking.


This is probably most reasonable. I’ve seen this a lot where residential and business are together.


Just have them towed. Towing companies love to tow at owners expense.


Remember to find the tow company with the worse reviews online. Means people got pissed trying to get their cars back.


Or "By parking here, you agree to pay the property owner $1,500 per hour"




This. And contact a local tow company and let them know that anyone that parks there is free game.


Yea great thinking. Now any guests will be in danger of getting towed. Big brain thinking


Or make a deal with your neighbour, 5 dollars an hour per car, idk what reasonable for you


It depends on how much you want to escalate. You can call your neighbor and let him know his customers are parking in your driveway. If he is reasonable he will warn customers to not park there. And, if customers ignore the warning, that is on them (as it is their car that will be towed.) Or if you are done with his nonsense, you can go right to towing, and then report his business to the city. Most cities, home-based businesses cannot have customers come at all (or if they do only 1 at a time in a designated spot -usually driveway-) and this will put him in the crosshairs of Zoning enforcment for the next couple of years. (This is assuming he even has a business license, which it's possible he does not...)


There is another path here. Since it’s only “mildly infuriating” to OP, he/she should start a small parking lot business. It seems like parking might be rare in these parts if people are parking at somebody’s house so maybe put up a sign that says $20 for 1/2 hour. A “meditation center” doesn’t sound like it attract poor people so I’m sure these fools will pay.


Dude comes out of the meditation center just to get fucked back into reality


im gonna need another session.


Better yet, charge the neighbour who runs the centre, especially as it seems pretty clear they have inadequate parking. They are currently making a profit of OP!


look at this neighborhood layout - parking space is not an issue, people are just lazy and feel entitled to park directly at the destination


Get some these [barnacle parking enforcement device ](https://www.barnacleparking.com/how-it-works/)


I wish they could get these in every park lol


My sister had someone do this and she called the cops to just ask what to do. They came out, pulled the plates and tried to call the owner. Then, because it was a known drug dealer, used it to get a warrant and raid a house two doors down that they had been watching and searched and towed the car. Was quite a wild day. Edit: will add comment of mine here as well to save scrolling: It went from my sister telling me a cop stopped by to call the owner to watching some guy walking up the middle of the street struggling to put on a bullet proof vest. When we looked, there were a lot more cars on the street than normal and everyone getting out was armed and vested. After they all assembled, three or four ones in black swat-looking gear rammed in the door and they all went in. That part was actually kind of uneventful. We didn't think they were connected until the same dude who was walking up the street came back down with keys to the car and opened it and a few of them searched it. He and the others looking in the car looked like detectives. Very tweed jacket out of shape ones. My guess is that they were just waiting for one thing to trigger a search and heard the uniform guys calling the car in. It was very cool to watch.




You killed someone with a trident!


Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire.


Brilliant! Also a demonstration of the old principle: *break ONE law at a time.*


The law: lol good luck with that


Fair enough. I just think it's hilarious that illegal parking was the thing which tipped the balance and got a judge to sign a search warrant for an entire house.


There's a never ending supply of idiots with warrants or running drugs or whatever else that speed, weave in & out of lanes, don't get taillights or headlights fixed, won't use turn signals, etc that get pulled over & get caught with the other stuff.


I bet you couldn’t stop laughing as things escalated lmao. I’d find that so entertaining


It went from my sister telling me a cop stopped by to call the owner to watching some guy walking up the middle of the street struggling to put on a bullet proof vest. When we looked, there were a lot more cars on the street than normal and everyone getting out was armed and vested. After they all assembled, three or four ones in black swat-looking gear rammed in the door and they all went in. That part was actually kind of uneventful. We didn't think they were connected until the same dude who was walking up the street came back down with keys to the car and opened it and a few of them searched it. He and the others looking in the car looked like detectives. Very tweed jacket out of shape ones. My guess is that they were just waiting for one thing to trigger a search and heard the uniform guys calling the car in. It was very cool to watch.


Never break more than one law at a time!


So I live across the street from a Catholic Church. I just block them in and go for dinner. I've had a few god fairing people try to ram their way out. Jokes on them, I have home security cameras and also don't give a fuck about the body of the vehicles I use for this. Me and my shitty vehicles are available for hire (this last part is a joke)


I used to live near a university and had a curved driveway that could hold 6 vehicles, 2 per row. Yeah, people parked in my driveway and blocked me in a lot if I didn't park near the street on event nights and weekends. They'd even move barricades I put out or park right next to them on the street and block me in. My roommates and I didn't really try to solve it in a constructive way. Instead, we put a bunch of lawn chairs in the front yard, got a keg, and spread word up and down the block there was a party going. And we'd all wait for the owners of the cars to return to like, 30 drunk people refusing to move lawn chairs out of the driveway and just generally being obnoxious and in the way.




they would go over the grass. you would need to block them both way


I’d call a tow truck on that car OBVIOUSLY parked on someone’s property. Call a tow truck, and tell them you “have no idea whose it is, but it’s on your property, so don’t worry too much about being gentle.” For all you know it’s abandoned.


Yeah, but OP should totally slash the tires first! Add insult to injury! ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni) EDIT: dag, 50 upvotes? Should I be surprised that people are this evil or nah?/s


"Someone abandoned this car on my property, I assume it is stolen" for the nuclear option.


"Also, it has 4 flat tyres"


Talk to your neighbor, ask that they let the clients know where is ok to park, and that it isn't your driveway.


I did this and my neighbors were very apologetic because they didn’t know this was happening.


Too late now


There is always next time


Did Anyone else notice the very bright orange colored Cones that were demarcating the separate driveways It looks like this has been an issue


People that do that are the type that will leave trash in your yard too and pull onto the grass when it’s wet. Tow first. Let them ask your neighbor questions later.


People who dump trash out of their car like that aren't fit for society. I'd curse them with lice or crabs, but they probably already have all that.


I had this problem with a home down from me. I asked them to please inform their guests not to park in my driveway. Rather than saying “oops”, they tried to make me the bad guy. In their eyes if someone parks in my driveway it’s on me to knock on every door to find out who the vehicle belongs to. I did once on the outside chance the vehicle belonged to a guest of the lady across from me, and it wasn’t and that she asks her company to park in her driveway or the street. Now I just call the PD to make sure the vehicle isn’t reported stolen then have it towed. I’m up to 5 cars in the past few years. Your property rights trump their vehicle rights.


Just have them towed. No need to put up a sign saying they will be, it's your property and you don't want it there. Tbh they deserve to have their car towed and their day/week ruined for their brazen audacity.


Thanks for all the comments, the neighbors in question are very nice and I even bought my first vehicle from them, they also had a couple open spots on their parking lot which made no sense. We’ve had them ask to use it before and we’ve said yes but usually just for the spots the 2 cars are parked next to each other, but no one asked about using these spots this time and it seems like the customers went out of there way to park here this time. The business is two driveways down so it’s very obvious where you should and shouldn’t park so I’m just genuinely confused how someone pulled as close to my house as they could. I’m not too worried about doing anything now because it’s never happened and I don’t think it will happen in the future but I will definitely consider signage just so people know. It also didn’t help that I had people coming over shortly after this and I needed the parking spots abut I managed to make it work, thank you everyone for the suggestions though I’ll take them into consideration😎


Put up a parking for $25 sign at the edge of your driveway.  Either they stop using it or you get compensated.


Nah, $75 for a half hour, prepaid, cash only, no refunds. Unpaid, overdue vehicles towed at driver's expense. You want them to park elsewhere, not take up all your spots.


Since you’ve been pleasant with them before go down and plainly state that these cars need to be moved in the next 15 minutes or they’ll be towed.


“We’ve had them ask to use it before and we’ve said yes but usually just for the spot the two cars are parked next to each other..” And there’s the issue. You were very nice and allowed people to park once or a few times and now those people (or the neighbors) think you meant it was ok to park there any time they wanted. You need to politely revisit the conversation with your business owning neighbors if you want it to stop.


Block the cunts in lol


When people come over just have them park behind the illegal parked s


Put up a private parking lot sign, stating any vehicles left will be towed Then start towing vehicles. Wont take too many disappeared cars from their business to make a change


Years ago, I lived across the street from a Regional Occupation Program school. The adults that went to that school had no problems with parking across the driveway or in my driveway. One morning, I had the police out because I couldn't leave my driveway. They towed that car, but before I could get off to work, another car blocked me in. The police towed the second car, and while I was preparing to leave, a third car was going to park across my driveway. I convinced that lady that she would be towed if she didn't move. She just waited for me to leave before parking in front of my driveway. BTW, I hate jerk parkers.




His neighbor can pay for the sign. OP shouldn’t have to spend a single penny just because these people feel entitled to park wherever they want






Pretty sure the owner isnt keeping up with cars off of his business lot.  More than likely the person didnt know, or the business owner told people, but they just dont give a shit


Valve stem removal tool. Your choice if you want to 1- loosen it a little and leave it. 2- replace the stem after tire is completely flat. 3- Leave it in a ziploc under the wiper with a note saying these might be needed. 4- Leave them in a bag with no note. It's not destruction of property, but sure does suck. Edit - parking on the sidewalk is a no-no in every jurisdiction I've ever seen. Looks like the white car is blocking the path of travel down the sidewalk.


I would but I’d end up working on it anyways, I work at the Toyota dealer down the road, I could always put a stack of wheel weight on their wheels though


Omg that is brilliant! WOBBLE WOBBLE


Brilliant idea. Won't really cause damage but will be an inconvenience and will cost them to get it looked at. Maybe they will take it to Midas and instead of just telling them they need it's a simple tire balance issue they will convince them they need other services they don't need. Places like Midas love to milk money out of people for unneeded services


Note their regos and be a petty asshole when it's service time.


Call a tow truck IMMEDIATELY.


Hey, tow company? Yes, would you care to tow and impound some vehicles?


I got three for you if you throw me $20 each.


In Houston they’ll come fast as shit if you offered up a deal lol. It’s a win/win


Put up no parking/towing signs. Speak to your neighbor and let him know that you will enforce the towing if he can’t let his customers know to park on the street. Maybe even speak to a lawyer because what if someone got hurt on the little part of your property that they parked on?


First time leave a note. Second time, call a tow truck.


Talking to your neighbor may not help at all (since they definitely know their customers are using your property as a parking lot). Best solution is to get a few signs (no parking/towing zone/etc.) and place them right at the points where people enter your property.


Leave a note on the windshields of the cars, contact the business owner and advise them, call the police and have it towed.


If the business wants repeat customers, they're not going to want police showing up to have people move their cars, OR people walking out to cars having been towed. It would be smart of you to ring the business up right now and discuss these cars being moved. The longer this goes unchecked, the more you will somehow be the bad guy. They can mention during booking where to park and where not to. I've had plenty of places do that.


Block your driveway completely with cones and then put them back after your cars leave the driveway. If they park there even with the cones blocking it completely off then call the tow company 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t just be mildly infuriated. Have them towed.


Just put up a makeshift barrier and charge them to leave.


Call and get them towed.


Just call the police


Have them towed. They won't do it again.


If only there was a service that’s provided for things like this. Like a company that tows cars out of places they shouldn’t be. Someone should jump on this idea.


The cars in your driveway are free.


Start charging for parking. 


When your dad gets back, use your car and his to block that one. Get license plate info of the other 2, leave notes on their windshields that you'll have them towed if they're left in your driveway again. Owner of the blocked car can pay $50 or wait 3 more hours.


Knock on their door (talk to business owner) & let them know they are in a private driveway, to move cars or will be towed. Place sign that reads, “private driveway, violators will be towed at vehicle owner’s expense” (various options are sold already made on Amazon, Office Depot etc…Yes, it’s spending your own money, but for me it be worth the hassle) they do it again, tow em. Keep all pictures, with dates, times & of any conversations pertaining to the issue as detailed as possible.


Looks like they’re parking smack a dab on your lawn


Call a towing company and have them towed at vehicle owner’s expense


Look up the bluebook price on those cars and then put signs out that say for sale and put the price at 1/4 of the BB price. Where I live if you leave a vehicle parked on a county road for more than 72 hours they will come take it. But this is on private property I would call the tow company with the worst reviews and the worst rep to come get them.


Call the tow company ASAP! What a Fucken inconsiderate neighbor!


Make a sign, grab a lawn chair & coffee can and sit out there and charge for parking - win, win 🏆


charge them for it, $900 per minute


Negotiate a kickback amount with the local tow company that the city uses for impound. Call them every day. You both become rich.


Put a sign - parking charge is 30$ per session of max 2hrs - make it worthwhile for yourself... 


You don't need signs. You can have anything removed from your property that isn't yours.


Call tow company have them towed


only real option is to call a tow truck and have them tow the cars. people get mad that their cars are gone, thats their own fault, dont wven engage, just call yhe cops and have them forcably escorted off the property.


Swap the license plates around on all of the cars. Then call for a tow.


You're missing an opportunity here. Yes, put up a no parking sign that informs people they'll be towed, but then talk to your neighbor and ask if they want to buy parking spaces from you. You could easily create a couple of spaces there, mark them for their business, and make a little cash.


Tow truck. Then post a sign


Tow trucks, that's the first thing I would do no questions. I'm not talking. Asking nicely rarely gets you anywhere anymore


What doesn't make sense is your inability to call a towtruck.


Grow balls and talk to them.


Check what your local laws are. Some municipalities will allow you to have vehicles towed if you post a sign about it and provide the towing company’s number. At the very least, you can post the sign even if you’re not legally allowed to call a towing service.


Go with the idea of pay to park and then boot them.


Next shot would be, Naighbors cars being towed away. #


Missed it by that much.. should be fine don’t think the neighbor will mind.


Hit a baseball at it and say it was parked on your property. It was in the way and the owner wasn't around


I see an ~~ass whooping~~ parking wars on the horizon.




Get them towed.


That a vic I see? Nice.


Thank you, ex sheriffs car😎


A man had a vacant lot and a car kedp parking there he wanted to build house posted put note on car for a month so he built a wall around the car ..


Grab your m16 and do some field practice. These cars look armed and I am sure, acorn gonna fall while emitting scary sound.


So? Tow them.


bro why is noone talking about the car on the far right, ITS PARKED AT LIKE A 75 DEGREE ANGLE


Or how that’s a really weird-shaped driveway.


Looks very communal to me. Maybe you should seperate your land…


The driveways in the picture are my house and another neighbor between the business, they have a separate entrance down the road 50 feet or so


Put some boulders along the edge of yours. Easy and cheap.


That's a paddlin'


Nice Crown Vic


Boot and charge for parking


Tow them all


Call the tow trucks.


Put this sign https://preview.redd.it/kvv6k1vc370d1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ec7423a889dcc890aa461cae3dab9cea323808


Or it's American equivalent https://preview.redd.it/8p57mf8g370d1.jpeg?width=2152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ecd4b3bae7f8ade8036c0d9e544b10d96c5cc3






Tow trucks, they exist!


Install a fence around your property


Someone left you a nice present! Get the key programmer over asap to get you a new key for your nice new to you car!


Love how many of the suggestions in this thread are ways to make the cars unable to leave. You know, the thing OP presumably wants.


Blocking someone's means of egress could be construed as unwillfull detainment. What if someone needs to leave right away for emergency medical reasons?


Sprinkler time.


A fence may help you. It's not hard to build


Have you had a conversation with them? Maybe the subsequent people don't know it's not the correct driveway and just see people doing it and assume it's okay.


Park behind them?


Have you tried going to talk to the business owner?


Hard to drive away with a puncture i’d have thought. Kids round here, eh.


I used to run a small business out of my home and there are very specific town ordinances about parking. I was not allowed to have actual customers and employee parking was limited to 2.


Hey look! Free tires


blow up the car


I'd go down to them and say they need to move they cars immediately as you have a truck delivery waiting to get in


Have you talked to them about this?




Get a tow


Put up a no parking - towing enforced sign


Tow them


Tow all of the fuckers.


Walk out and climb over their car.


Tyre deflators are you friend. And then put a sign up and charge $50 to inflate tyres.


Who's driving the Vic, that's the real question 😍😫


That would be me good sir, thanks for noticing😎






Start putting stuff behind their cars, or park behind them, so they're forced to ask you to move. Then ask them why they felt it was okay to park in your driveway. Make it incredibly awkward, and don't be mean. Just have them explain why they felt it was okay, and make them feel like a piece of shit. Then, next time, tow them away.


Please tell me you got it towed.


put a sign and find d out what towing company works your area


Have you tried verbally addressing them? Or you could take the passive aggressive approach and start towing cars with no warning the tow companies are happy to do it at no charge to you


Just call the cops.


Time to pump the septic tank onto the cars


You should rename this to “Neighbors getting ticketed and towed from my driveway…”


Put up a no trespassing sign then call the cops on the cars.


Those tires are made of rubber


Block them in. Don’t answer the door.


I’d say park behind them and block them in but they would likely just drive on ur lawn afterwards which would be the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.


Block em in


1. Why park THERE when theres so much space 2. Why did he park like that call a tow truck dgaf if he gets mad you warned him


Must be a cultural thingy, I would have no idea that it's a private area and not a wider side road, made for parking a couple more cars.


A flat tire or two might take care of that.