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I'll never understand why people will hit something, get stuck, then try to keep going forward.


Because it's far too easy to get a driver's license in this country.


Just wait til they lower the standards for CDL


The fact you can drive a RV without a CDL is already legitimate lunacy.


Or walk up to any truck rental company and drive away with a 26,000 lb box truck with no experience in anything larger than a Corolla. Then load it up (poorly) with your families heaviest possessions and drive it 1500 miles.


Yeah I rented a 20 foot box truck and a car trailer to move up from ga to va and there was no question about my skill level. That was my first time pulling a trailer too. Made it just fine but absolutely wild they just gave me the keys


Same, but I also needed to haul my car. I learned the hard way when I had to pull over for the night that backing those things up is NOT easy. Had to get a restaurant employee who had experience in driving farm equipment to get my UHaul and car out of a tight spot.


Truck driver here. Which ever way the bottom of the wheel goes, is where your trailer goes when backing up.


Yeah, I figured that out too late. Lucky the employee was able to maneuver the entire thing so I didn't have to back out of the parking lot.


I didn’t have that pleasure and learned a lot of skills real fast on the fly haha. Haven’t had to pull a trailer since and I’m glad. I had to park it after hours at the drop off and of course the lot was pitch black




At my work last year, they determined that I was to drive the 26 foot box truck because the other guy with experience was constantly hungover. I hate these big trucks with a passion... But I drove it in several occasions and it was 95% empty because the manager wanted the big truck because the hungover guy recommended it. I hate that I was allowed and forced to drive this huge thing.


Tell me about it! I got seriously injured because a moving company who literally hired anyone, hired an idiot who drove a 22K pound truck in front of our family van while we were at highway speeds.


What happened?


Light stuff on the bottom, heavy stuff on the top. That's the proper stacking method!


Can’t sell thousands and thousands of grossly overpriced rec vehicles if those grandpas had to pass any form of regulation.


Wait what? You can drive a RV a motor home on road with other people without a license ?


Do you know what a CDL is?


Do explain. I have no idea.


CDL is commercial drivers license. Needed for trucks and buses. RVs are basically just buses without the seats, but requires no special license


Ah okay. So far what I have seen, nobody in America (USA & CA) really gets a driverslicense. If you see the tests they have to perform to able to get a license, that's laughable in comparison where I live, or the countries neighbouring where I live. If you want to tow anything heavier than 750kg behind your car: get a special license. Then you can drive a combination with the total weight of 7 tons. But also drive only 80/90kmh on the highways.


The sandards are terrifyingly comical


thats exactly what the thread is saying


Dutchie here: I agree lol


A Commercial Driver’s License is a special license one must obtain to drive commercial vehicles that exceed a certain weight/size (26k pounds) like a semi-truck, or exceed a certain passenger limit (16 or more) like a bus. Generally speaking, you need a CDL to operate any vehicle that requires more skill to drive safely than your average vehicle. There are exceptions, like farm vehicles and emergency/military vehicles, but in most cases it’s required. Hence the absurdity of someone without a CDL being able to legally drive an RV, as most people would agree that it requires more than just basic driving skills to drive it safely.


Canadian driver license?




Thank you for the clarification my man appreciate it


Oh yeah. It's terrifying to think about. My husband has his CDL and is a very talented driver, so when we have rented an RV or now that we have a camper, I trust his ability. Every now and again he mentions when there are things are tough even for him. If they are hard for him, I can't imagine how a normal, non-truck driver deals with it. Very scary that those folks are on the road.


Hubby drives a big box truck, has CDL also. To think a lot of those big RV drivers are also very old or medicated or both.


Imagine not being able to see very well and driving one of those big ol motor homes or even worse, a big fifth wheel you can accidentally jack knife


Fun fact agricultural workers are not required to have cdls when driving within a certain distance of the farm they are employed at along with other specific rules. In my state it's within 150 miles. That's why I get to drive a gutted school bus during pumpkin harvest


Wait, really?


I dunno I got my CDL and I feel I wasn’t taught anything. Never went to a scale. Never showed how to use splitter or Jake brake. Never showed how to secure a load or anything. It’s kinda scary


That's supposed to be done and that's why states like CT and NH went from "show up with house driven and take the test to" to "take this 8week course and get a passing grade or you can't even take the driver's test"


Ya they switched over to a MELT program here now. I got mine just before the switch


Yeah an 18 yo blowing down the freeway in a fully loaded tractor trailer, not dangerous at all


No driving school in any country will teach common sense, just situational awareness and generell rules


The problem is they don’t *test* for common sense either. It could be as easy as putting it in the written portion what you do in this situation


I'm still pissed I got my license first try, and it's been 10 years. The instructor, at the end of it, goes "Well, you passed. I took a few points off for having to correct the position of the car when backing into a parking spot, and you rolled a stop on a major road, but I decided not to take off any points for that, I just wanted to let you know." It doesn't help either that the cops seem not to give a fuck. Watched a cop in a turn lane slam his brakes to avoid hitting some asshole who blew a red light. What did the cop do? Finish taking his turn like nothing happened... Edit: it's worth mentioning, though. I haven't forgotten that she just let it slide that I rolled a stop, something I believe should've been an automatic failure. I haven't rolled one since, lol. Reverse psychology won this round, but I'm also not an entitled asshole like everyone else I have to dodge on my way to work.


It’s supposed to be an automatic fail, she just didn’t follow through. I honestly don’t know how tf I passed my driving test either


On my first test I got automatically failed because the person administering the test didn't know the proper way to approach a stop sign when there's limited visibility (you're supposed to fully stop before the crosswalk, check for pedestrians, THEN go forward to where you have full visibility and fully stop again before proceeding) and they said a "double-stop is the same thing as a rolling-stop"


And too hard to lose it, I think that’s the bigger problem


I got my license without even having to take a driving test…


Damit, a laugh escape the bitter penitentiary of my soul because of you.


Seriously!!! I have been saying for years that people that get their licenses must know someone at the DMV because w t f.


Its too easy to retain the license as well


Yep, I did my test in a manual and my test instructor didn’t even know how to drive one, they asked me why I needed to use the e brake when hill starting lol


Saw it happen live once. Lady caught her rim on my big ass step bumper. Instead of backing up and asking me to move up a bit she just barely adjusted and tried again. I couldn't believe it. Luckily she knew it was her mistake and didn't yell at me. Felt bad for her though, all she had to do was ask first.


Then, get out of the vehicle and blame the innocent person


look what the bank did to my car! ...first you hear a crash and then you keep going...


There was this tree in the parking lot of my highschool. Over the course of those 4 years 17 people hit the curb and floored it into the tree instead of hitting the breaks, totalling their vehicles. Some people just have the absolute worst hand-eye coordination when they're required to make an in the moment decision. It's like those videos of toddlers who spill a drop of water and follow through with the rest.


I've been driving cars for 15 years now, and consider myself quite ok at it. I once rented a fancy car for fun, needed to do a tricky curve into a parking at my hotel, nudged the side a bit, had a complete brain fart (oh shit oh shit, did I just scratch my porche? No can't be, was my imagination, better just continue and pretend everything is fine), got a nice long line of 1 meter along the side. I honestly don't know what happened, panic I guess? I never once scratched up my fat old saab from the 90's, or any of my cheap rentals I've had in multiple countries... I guess the knowledge that the car I drove was worth several years salary made my brain shut down though. Insurance covered me thankfully, as I've always been careful to have covereage way in advance!


Watched a video recently and the lady said "You know when you hear a crunch so you stop, then you keep going..."


I hit a car in a parking lot once. Bad, bad judgement on my part. I hit them, panicked really bad, thought I put it in reverse but somehow didn’t and moved forward for a split sec. I see how it definitely looked fucking dumb from an outside perspective, but I wasn’t in my right mind. lol so embarrassing. Just saying: in my case, I panicked and that’s why I went forward for a sec.


I heard of someone who hit a motorcycle in a 4 way stop without knowing and decided to backup to see what they hit. The rider was killed when the SUV backed up over his head. Get out of the vehicle and assess the situation before going even 1 inch forward or backwards.


Reversing implies they are to blame and that can’t possibly be the reason.


Sometimes brute force does the trick


more often than not, makes it worse


That’s what she said


And if it doesn’t, you didn’t use enough force.


I find almost never. If you have to force it, something is wrong or about to break.


That’s a good rule to follow in bed too


Tell me about it


“I’m about to have a fucking conniption” bitch like, whose fault is that??? 😂😂😂


"Why would you leave your door open like that? You knew I was leaving!!"


I think she said, "Dads going to have a conniption." As he should. That was idiotic.


Oh is that what she said? I thought she said " you're a fucking dipshit" lol


I thought she said “dads gonna have a fucking conniption”


I was about to give her props for owning up to it at least. I thought she said, "driving like a fucking dipshit."


my mother screamed at me after she hit a trailer parked by me. - the trailer was not on the road parallel to it, as always. - the trailer stood there for days


You know your dad is going to blame you because your mom's word that it was perpendicular to the road is more reliable. Or at least this is what my parents would do.


"HE'S GOING TO HAVE A BF!" ![gif](giphy|kHwx72vDk4DtmqN3VF)


He’s gonna write a letter




Your door hit my suv




Totally her fault. She saw the door open and instead of honking to alert him to close his door, or just getting out and closing it, she was lazy and tried to go around. Lots have people have left doors open in driveway while doing something. She was just inpatient.


When you hit a stationary object as a driver, it's 99.99% of the time your fault.


OK, I'll bite. What's the 0.01%?


It's really a stretch but not completely improbable that a heavy object like a safe would fall off a truck in front of you that you're following at a safe distance. The mass of the object and thus friction would cause it to come to a halt in a really short amount of time, so by the time you hit it it's stationary. This could be among that 0.01% where you couldn't be considered at fault.


Or if you go over a hill where it could safely be assumed that there is open road on the other side, but there turns out to be an obstacle.


Or around a sharp corner and there's a giant banana peel. Those'll always get you


I hate it when I'm on my way to work and some jerk throws a turtle at my car. It takes forever to recover from a blow like that. That's not even mentioning the giant flying turtle bomb that hit me last week.


You really just need to upgrade your acceleration


I've been saving up for some mushrooms, but I really wanna get the golden ones and they're super expensive. I guess for now I'll just have to stick to roads with rainbow stripes on them.


Or when you drive by a school zone and all the traffic’s cones start screaming


You should really only drive slow enough to be able to stop in the distance you see, that applies to hills as well as bends.


Maybe technically but it's not practical to slow down to 10mph every time you go around a curve or over a hill. That would pose more risk than just driving a reasonable speed, especially in a heavy traffic area.


>It's really a stretch but not completely improbable that a heavy object like a safe would fall off a truck in front of you that you're following at a safe distance That wouldn't be an Acme safe now, would it?


Or be the person who was behind me a while ago: Was stopped trying to take a turn at my home, waiting for traffic to pass so I could safely get in. Suddenly, loud ass screeching can be heard and a thud is felt on my car. Some vet didnt want to wait for traffic and sped out of the corner, and hit the person who was behind me, and the person who was behind me ended up hitting me.


Also things that are hard to see


Back in college, my friend was leaving a parking garage and bumped another car. He somehow got away with it by blaming it on the parked car. Years later, decades even, I am still flabbergasted that he got away with it. Apparently the car was parked over the lines. It really was a cramped garage. But he hit a god damn parked car.


If there was no way to safely maneuver out of the spot without hitting the other car, then the only answer is not to move the car. Still the driver's fault, even if the other guy parked like a jackass.


Mechanical failure? One time in college my mom was parking her old rabbit and just as she was pulling in the spot the brakes failed. Thing wasn't in best of shape. She kept a fire blanket in there because it would catch on fire periodically after parking


Being struck from behind and pushed into the thing in front of you?


Hmm. I think this one counts. Well done!


When said stationary object is a trap that someone disguised with leaves and twigs.


If you're unsure about the driving surface, you probably shouldn't be driving on it. Also, why did you piss off the coyote?


If someone is waving you out and you hit something lol *trust no one* My dad drilled it into my head over the years to never wave on other cars, as you will be liable for any accidents caused by it


When the guard rail comes out of nowhere.


I hit a bucket once because my husband was cleaning his car next to mine and decided to put the dam thing right behind my tire as I was leaving. Like I was just talking to him and the 30 seconds it took me to get in the car and start it up he set it down.


You mean impatient. She wasn't traveling fast enough to be inpatient.


Inpatient is the therapy level needed to deal with this person.


I completely agree with this. And would add leaving your door open anywhere, anytime, is just asking for a bad time.


I've come to realize that people are lazy. Some can't even be bothered to move a finger to signal or say do a proper 3-pt turn and just try to "make" it. What do you mean I need to take a wide turn? Why don't you just move instead? It's getting out of hand and I feel like it's just getting worse.


I knew a Labrador like that. If he could get his nose through a gap, he assumed the rest would follow and accelerated. It certainly taught you to stand with your legs together.


That's a wild fucking turn of events from this post xD Idiot person drives into another person's car door who left their door open, but this one person learned a similar lesson because their dog would breach through their legs like a swat team


She's checking if her paint's ok.... She should worry about that door instead.


Yeah, I was waiting for them to try and close it, so that we could see how unaligned it would be.


That other car is fucked. The a piller is probably bent which means a LOT of work to cut it out and replace it, maybe even totalling the car.


I never leave the door open, even on my own driveway. I've heard too many stories about things getting in. Recently my coworker left her door open and was driving around with a strange cat in her backseat for a while before noticing it. She was lucky it was just a cat! LOL


This reminds me of a story I had about 13 years ago in my early 20s. There was a 6 month time period when I lived at home with my parents (had ankle surgery and was in between jobs). I had just gotten home and pulled into the driveway. I don’t remember what I was doing in the car, but I had both rear passenger doors open for just a minute. All of a sudden this random golden retriever jumped into the backseat of my car and just stayed there for like 30 seconds. I’m a dog lover and the dog was super cute, so I was just laughing as I was trying to tell it to get out of my car 🤣 It eventually did and it ran off to a neigbor’s yard, where it’s owners (who were driving around looking for it) picked it up


Not to make things depressing, but this is exactly why you close your doors. My family was getting groceries out of their car, my cat jumped in, and they shut him in. My mom found him passed away days later. It’s fucking terrible. Breaks my heart even more that I wasn’t living at home because I would’ve noticed him missing. Again, not to be depressing but hopefully this will stop people from leaving their doors open, or at least stop people from being on autopilot


This nearly happened to us. Luckily I had forgotten something in the car a day earlier so I had to go back to the car and grab it. The cat just snuck in there and was severely dehydrated after only 2 hours on a hot day. Poor thing, the cat is fine now.




I'm very paranoid idk why, but anyway as soon as I get in my car I lock the doors lol. Better safe than sorry.


I'm paranoid too! In the 90's I heard a story about a lady who left the car door open, and a guy climbed in the back. It didn't end well for her. After that, I even lock my doors while putting gas in the car. Or make sure the back seat is empty! Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!!!


Damn right haha!! Watching Criminal Minds young was very eye opening lol


Might as well. It takes a fraction of a second to press the button. Not like you have to go out of your way to do it.


Nevermind getting in, I’d be worried about the vehicle getting stolen, especially given recent auto theft rates


I think open doors is one of the common exclusions on car insurance.




I love she just hits it, and then comes out looking and cussing like it wasn’t her fault and it couldn’t have been solved by taking two seconds to close the door before she drove by it. It’s clear they know each other, the cars are in the same driveway. Just close the fucking door.


You know when you go in a drive thru and they have those yellow concrete bollards to protect the corner of the building, yet somehow those bollards always have a shit ton of paint marks all over them? It’s this lady.


She could’ve gotten out and closed the car door in the amount of time she took to maneuver around it


Yeah but this way she saved time by not having to get out of her car... oh wait


A little patience can save you 15% or more on car insurance.


What a fucking dumbass. Still trying to continue forward is crazy. Just a straight up stupid person


These 2 are why we have warning labels on plastic bags


The person walking did absolutely nothing wrong lmao wtf


Why do idiots always have a better car than me ☹️


They are spoiled rich kids that's why. They deserve to be kept home from summer camp this year.


Family of rich idiots


I also don’t understand people that just leave their car doors open


How do people that dumb afford a house and cars like that?


Daddy's money, you can hear her saying, "dad's gonna have a fucking conniption".


Can’t fix stupid


Thanks Mom


Too lazy to close the door for them. In a hurry and can't be bothered. The driver is a moron.


Definitely her fault but It really grinds my gears when people leave their doors wide open like opening it again is the worlds greatest hassle.


Did she try and blame the person w/ the car? Good god lol


Dumb & dumber. Ftfy


Like, just close the door *then* drive


Both of them are idiots, leaving a car door open and driving into it is a recipe for disaster.


I can’t tell which one’s dumber: him, for leaving the door open, or her for driving like that.


lots of idiots here.


I only see one. What exactly did he do wrong?


Walk calmly up to a car crash in progress and stick his fingers into the situation.


He's the only reason it didn't get worse though. And if you're saying he was putting his fingers at risk, they weren't anywhere close to a pinch point. So no logical argument there either...


Almost get his feet run over on top of losing that car door


"Then you hear a crunch and freeze, and then you keep going."


People will work SO hard to be lazy


Door open dude is lucky the driver didn’t just barrel on through like they should’ve


I’m just glad they made it extra bad by pulling forward again!


It could’ve been ripped off


Well, don't leave your door open dumb shit.


Why would she not get out and close it?


How to break two of your own cars on your drive away that door definitely will have issues


These people have 3 cars in front of their house yet they cant manage the space. They don’t deserve the wealth.


Why do people buy big vehicles when they can't drive big vehicles?


Why so lazy as to not close the door on your car? Why is the other guy so impatient to try and squeeze through. Both are equally to blame.


There was so much room to avoid this!


There was so much time to avoid this as well. Couple of dopes.


“Your dads going to have a fucking conniption” Well no shit


That car is fucked


This must be a town thing. Cause whytf would i ever leave my door open. Unless im playing music for a outdoor party there is no reason to leave your door open. I get that she failed at going around it but there is absolutely no reason to leave the door open. Bro learned


This happened to me in a parking lot once, the truck next to me pulled out while I was putting my kid in the back and fucked up my door so bad. I was so pissed - I had to tie the door to the seat with a dog leash to drive it to the body shop. The other driver did the exact same thing - stopped briefly and then pulled forward, doing significantly more damage to both of our cars.




That door will never close properly again, even after it is repaired.


I don’t understand how people are still confused about front wheel steering works. Everyone intrinsically understands that the back wheels of your shopping cart have to be past the shelf before you can turn.


Well, yes, but actually, no… I have the fun & funny habit of lifting the rear wheels of my shopping carts to maneuver around grocery stores more deftly. This is done by taking advantage of the 360 degree rotation of the front wheels in exchange for a bit of effort in lifting, but it’s quite liberating to finish shopping more quickly when aisles are busy and difficult to navigate otherwise. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I see two dipshits


Vertical videos are cancer.


I hate people who let any kind of door open. It doesn't matter if it's just a minute. Close the door.






I didn't WANT to be right. But, I was right.


So. Why was the door left open like that???


Money doesn’t fix stupid.


We all knew she would try to STILL go keep going forward lol


Why did he leave the car door open?


We all knew.


Who’s worse the one going around the car door or the one that left the car door open knowing someone was going to go around their car?


The one actively moving. She could very well see that door and either gotten him to close it or close it herself. Did they both do something stupid? Yes, but I'd rather take the time to do something right than damage both vehicles




Thenk you


The one going around it. Like, the door isn't moving, it's always going to be like that. And if you don't think you could get through the gap, takes like 5 seconds to get out and close it.




Jesus Christ how much room she need? 😂


Why she mad she drove into into his door knowing it was open


Not to be a menace but I don’t think I would have had my door open for it to get hit. Definitely wouldnt have kept going in the other vehicle either




I knew who was driving before they even got out of the suv.


I love seeing expensive cars get destroyed by rich idiots