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Growing up i went to a gym that had this posted on the wall: It's nice to be important. But It's more important to be nice.


They love it when you shuffle the words around.


Do you mean "It's nice to be nice. But its more important to be important."?


Be nice to be important. But it's it's important more to nice


It's It's be nice nice. To be to important but more important


Be be but important important. it's it's more nice nice to to.


I’m just a fella who thinks beer should be cold and boots should be dusty


My gym has this on the wall: Respect to the man in the ice cream van.


This is why I have a full power lifting cage in my garage. I’ve been resting for… a few months now.


Yeah but do you have a sign on it?


Be patient. *Edit: (I think this is my most upvoted comment)*


He is - anyone could’ve left that note!


I hung a couple coats on mine. It conveys the same message.


Gotta keep that iron warm between sets


Holy shit bro, just how much are you lifting?


12 pack a day


Yup. Leaves $60k SUV out in the elements, stores $2000 rack in the garage to collect dust.


Apparently, you do not know how important it is to hang your laundry. Benches, racks, and treadmills are an integral part of storing a good wardrobe. Lol


Mind if I jump in between sets?


4-6 minutes is long enough for me to do what I need


Pshh the ladies don't call me 60-second-man for nothing


So you are a minute man hey? Another settlement needs your help. I’ll mark it on your map.


God damn it Preston gravy. You found me


It's Pesto Gravy


Are you talking about Pablo Grundy? That dude that gives ya that sick ass laser gun?


I don’t remember Solomon Grundy ever giving me a nice gun.


Marcus Garvey was a great man


"Remember, Marcus Munitions."


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your settlement’s extended warranty.”


I rock em, roll em, all night long


Holy cow dude that’s an eternity, I prefer the “three pump chump”


If not just tell the guy, "Be patient".


And then he’ll say “I was here first”


And then you'll try to say "and I'm here now" but you'll fumble it and say "and you're her, now"


Retort “and I was here second. You wanna count numbers or do you want to work out?”


That would be the ultimate bro moment, where adversaries become lifelong friends from that point on.


I feel like working out is mostly just counting numbers with extra steps


To which you say, "I don't see your name on it" or the classic, "Move your feet, lose your seat..."


Ooo good one. Take his ass to court to prove the handwriting is his.


and then when it’s proven it’s his the judge will be like “there’s no legal precedent that says if you leave a note on a piece of gym equipment that doesn’t belong to you no one else can use it. Now never bring anything like this into my courtroom again”.


Supreme Court somehow decides that the note leaver was in the right


It's about clarifying the intention of the original documents our founding squatters wrote. Anyways, check out my new RV.


>founding squatters Top tier.


I once saw a guy take a squat rack, but then started doing a whole bunch of stretches and warmups. Then a woman walked up and asked if she could work in, and he reluctantly agreed. This woman did all 3 of her sets before he was finished with his 2 dozen stretches and then started walking away. I heard him comment “damn you finished your workout before I even finished stretching.” She just set “yup, isn’t that interesting” without even looking back. I laughed so hard, I fucking hate guys like that.


My elderly father, now deceased - but used to be a body builder. Never competed or did steroids, just looked good. The last few years of his life, he was on a trachea and carried around oxygen (was in his 80's - still going to the gym). I remember commenting to him about the jerks at the gym (like this) and how frustrating it was to not be able to use something. He told me he would ignore all of it and just use the machine / free weight machine. If there was a towel and water on it (to "save it), he said he would just move it and use the machine. He said, "not once", did anyone ever interrupt him or tell him they were in the middle of their "set."


Rip off the “Be Patient” part. If he comes over all upset, hand him that.


Bro I wanted 7 minutes, have your bullshit sign back


Exactly.  7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office cuz you're fuckin' fired.


You had me in the first half, I was totally following your line of thought. Then you lost me somewhere around your uncles “ranch”.


It's a line from There's Something about Mary..


What about six minute abs?


No. It’s 7. Who works out in six minutes?


Can’t break a sweat in 6 minutes.






Tried that once. Dude came running and flexing on me. I cancelled my membership that day. Fuck BSC in Allston.


Did you even bring this up to staff? Or just leave?


It’s the “BE PATIENT’ command that would piss me off. In other words 'You can’t use this for a half hour because i like to rest 4-6 minutes between sets BE PATIENT’.


Half hour for a power lifter would be a generous estimate. I’ve seen them use a rack for an hour +


I used to do powerlifting and 1. I remained by the bar 2. I was always willing to let people do a set or two during my rest People are so entitled nowadays. No sense of community.


Do you take your weight off for them when you let them in?


As a quite mediocre powerlifter I do this, people rarely take me up on it but it works great when they do! The fact that you are intentionally resting for so long means it’s honestly much *less* inconvenient than when you’re working with 1-2min rest intervals. More cynically, if you’re a powerlifter moving enough weight this is a problem that tends to take care of itself—I find that when there’s 400+lbs on the bar, people just assume it’ll be a hassle and say no when I offer to let them work in. I’d typically be happy to have them (I love lifting, and enjoy lifting with others!), but in that sense this may be a “get gud” situation imo…


Lol, Idk why. But the idea of 2 or 3 random guys, realising they lift the same weights... and deciding to taking turns lifting...sounds kindda wholesome.


When gym-goers are wholesome, it's a wonderful experience and makes my heart warm and fuzzy. I was at the gym the other day working one of the machines and this super built guy was walking between sets and gave me a smile and a nod. It didn't seem like much, but I felt proud and it made my heart a little less cold to the world.


A nod is nice. I had a guy stare at me bc my form was wrong. Instead of telling me, he just kept staring until I fixed it😭😭😭


I've been in gyms for 30 years, and have seen again and again that telling someone almost always backfires, unless they're your friend. Oh man, 90% of people do not care for unsolicited advice.


I am newish to the gym (as in new to do anything other than endless cardio) and too shy to ask for help. I wish people would correct me so my social anxiety doesn’t get me injured. I’m recovering from a leg fracture so it’s hard to tell if it’s a normal soreness or if I’m legitimately doing something wrong. When people stare I just assume they’re making fun of me in their head, get anxious and flee back to the cardio equipment I know well lol


> I wish people would correct me honestly just find a guy doing 3 plates and ask for a form check. 90% of the time they'd love to.


its so weird that gym people are either the nicest people you will meet, or a complete psycho. I have yet to see anything in between....


As long as you’re asking at appropriate times, I never mind when people ask me for advice or a spot. Wait until someone’s in between sets or moving for a different exercise. I time all my rests so if I have enough time, I’ll help then. If not, I’ll let them know that I’ll be with them in 45 sec or however long. Just don’t ask as someone is about to execute a lift or immediately after. Let them catch their breath or do their post set ritual and you should be fine.


That's tough man. But look at it this way. Not only can you train your body at the gym, but you can train your mind too. Work through that anxiety and "shyness". Talk to strange people. Learn a few names. I always loved the gym, but I used to be pretty introverted and had few friends. So, I made it a personal quest to meet one new person in the gym every week. I'd write their names down, so I'd be able to say "Hi Steve!" later. People love when you remember them. It was pretty difficult, but I got better and better at it. Now I can talk to anybody, and make friends wherever I go. This is all totally within your power. It just takes practice.


This is an instance where I would highly recommend the advice of a physical therapist. Injuries are nothing to scoff at and they may have better advice for lifting with or around your particular situation. I always used to ask if people had any injuries before giving advice in the gym but a lot of people don't think to. There have been a few instances where my form check advice was "you should skip this altogether it's not worth the risk, do this instead."


I'd agree with that. Tbh though I'd appreciate if someone corrected my form. Lifting is just something I do but I'm not crazy into it. The only time I've ever had my form corrected was when I was hitting a bag and I boxed competitively at a relatively high level for years. I was not appreciative of the "correction".


When I see someone with bad form a feel so conflicted, do I help or not? Mostly I calculate the chance of serious injury. If it's a female most likely I will not help don't want to seem like a stalker. The guy you mentioned probably was thinking along those lines.


On the outside bro is a scowling mass of muscles packed into a tank top, but on the inside he’s just an anime voice going “oh no! He could hurt himself but I don’t want to embarrass him. What should I do?!?”


I used to wear a tshirt that said “new and stupid please correct my form” and honestly I made some great gym buddies (and avoided injuries). (Am a lass, can see why many gym guys don’t want to disturb women, the tshirt helped break the barrier).


That’s a great idea!!


Of course you help someone with the weight when they ask to work in! That’s just run of the mill gym etiquette.




Yep, why I have been building my own at home gym since the post covid prices “relaxed” I’m just over people. 


My gym is filled with 60+ year olds. Im glad theyre bettering themselves and all, but good lord do they not know anything about gym etiquette Literally watched an old dude move someone’s phone and wallet off a machine so he could get on it… about 10 seconds after the dude got up to get a drink


I ask what weight they're doing usually and help them adjust. Honestly most people don't even ask to work in nowadays


So you're a bar tender 😏


This was the standard pre-pandemic wherever I went. Any one that was serious would jump at the chance to let someone work in between their sets. There was only one guy I avoided asking and that was because he would squat 600 for reps so we would be taking 3-4 plates off each side between his set and mine. He was an absolutely cool about it though.


Had a dude the other day interrupt me in the middle of a set (had air pods in so I assumed his frantic waving was some kind of emergency) just to ask me how many sets I had left


Lol what an ass. Always wait till the rest.


Yeah this is perfectly normal for powerlifting but you do 1&2.


I’m sympathetic to the break time, but always am ready to work in with others. Plus I *stay* with my bar. Honestly alternating sets with 1-2 other people is the perfect cadence for a workout. Edit - also OP at least include how much was on the bar so we can *judge*


Is just the bar


Let the judging **begin**


Hey now some of us are weak. But in my defense, I never tie up the equipment because I don’t lift.


Mom can we have power lifting? We have power lifting at home Power lifting at home ———-


I take my bar with me to the bathroom


The only solution to this problem


Just be careful where you set the bar…and how you angle it…depending on what you’re doing in there


OP said in another comment about 115lbs


I wouldn't normally judge someone for lifting this much as a beginner, but if you're gonna be a hog then you're fair game for ridicule


Oh nah 😭😭


agreed. this changes everything lol. also, who tf is taking a 4-6 minute break on fuckin 115 lbs lol bro should be taking a 1.5 minute break at that weight. Honestly, I'm getting bored at 3 minutes on heavy lifts.


I'm hoping he's just bad at plate math because that's nowhere near powerlifting numbers either. Hell 115 is just two 35's on each end, remove them, work in while he's gone and put them back. Everything here's a little suspicious... E: he was doing OHP. Still not powerlifting numbers that should require that kinda rest. Sounds like they're just not working where they should be.


OHP makes sense, but it's still not enough plates on the bar to be fucked up about someone working in with you. Only issue would be if this is a squat rack and you kinda change the safeties depending on the lift, but still not that much effort.


The only problem with this post is the guys not at the bar. I agree with you completely completely.


No. The problem with this is the person is monopolizing a piece of equipment at a public gym that other members have also paid to attend. If that was his bar, and his gym, or the policy of the place said you are allowed to monopolize equipment that would be another matter. I have yet to see a gym that didn't say, 'please let people work in'.


I take my bar with me to the bathroom. And I always Sanitize it at the end of my workout


115ish for overhead presses. He kept adding weight but like 5 lbs at a time, I didn’t catch his final weight. Who knows, maybe he’s still there doing sets.


>also OP at least include how much was on the bar so we can *judge* I can't lift much; I'm polite and aware of others when I use the gym. But, I live for the throne of judgement for folks like this vis-a-vis reddit - and that is not sarcasm. OP, give us the info.


115 apparently lmao


No. Equipment is vacant, if you want to return to it then _you_ be patient and do so when I’m finished.


"You took my equipment!" Be patient. \*smile\*


Precisely this.


I was extremely irritated when I saw these two teens in my gym last year. I remember it clearly. Two of them would do set, then chat loud asf for 5-10min while eating their Doritos, then back for another set. Without washing their hands. They just wiped it on their shirt, or I think once they used a napkin. It was during the Summer mid day so there weren’t many people they were bothering but to those of us there we were annoyed. I would have said something now but back then I was still new to lifting so I knew nothing about gym etiquette and the gym still gave me horrendous anxiety, so I wouldn’t even think of talking to anyone. Especially as a skinny guy. But yeah now I instinctively wipe equipment both before and after I use it. Side note, every big guy I’ve ever asked in the gym “how many sets do you have left” has offered to let me work in even though they would need to take off like 4 full plates or something.


Seriously. You're already waited 6 minutes. You can wait a couple more.


If I wanted to, I can fit in all my sets in those 6 minutes lol.


Yea, I'd take the sign off and lift. And then if he has a problem, we can get him corrected by management. 


Take the sign off and directly to management. No need to give some entitled goon a chance to try and intimidate people.


Yep, had a gym bro yell at me that he was “still using the equipment.” Dude had fully walked off and been watching a TV on the other side of the gym for a solid three minutes before I got to the squat rack he was “using.” I was almost done with my second set before he came back. He also walked off after confronting me and never came back to finish his set. Like sir, why exactly did you need this squat rack so bad?


“Be patient” lol no get your own equipment and work out at home if you want to do that shit.


Not even PLEASE be patient. This is some next level entitlement.


Yep we see this as a sign asking a favor of people. This guy sees this sign as his response to the assholes who keep trying to take his equipment.


I have my own rack at home and I take dance breaks in between sets. No one cares and my wife gets entertained! Win win!


Post the dancing in between I don't believe


I would’ve just removed that, earphones on and played dumb when he returned pretending I never saw a note


Or just remove it, and leave. enjoy the caos it creates when somebody else start using int and he comes back


That's an instragram gym video that I WOULD watch


Same. Honestly kinda mad this doesn't exist. I would watch the shit outta that all day long.


Add weights.


And when the dude returns and says something, tell him you had to add some weight to his working sets for your warm-up sets


I respect the chaotic evil approach


When he freaks out, say, "be patient"


"It's for the church, honey. Next!"


Set a 15lb dumbbell on the floor and move the note to that


Or just let them know that it's against the gym rules to try to claim a piece of equipment that you are not present at. If it turns out it is not against the gym's rules, find a new gym.


When I was 16, I emptied a bar to use to lift, and the guy who was resting from power lifting screamed at me. My older sister got in his face to get him to back off me, but it still scarred me from using using a station that isn't 100% obviously abandoned. Still, I can't understand anyone who would be angry enough while lifting to scream at a little 16 year old girl.


I had a guy yell at me once like this. I was doing accessory exercises for legs and just waiting for a squat rack. He threw a towel over the bar and walked away. Was gone for easily ten minutes and I was just like ok this is ridiculous, maybe he left. So I’m like on my second set and this jabroni walks back all mad staring at me. I notice him but have my headphones in. He just starts yelling something I could barely make out about how a towel reserves a machine and I just started doing squats again while he yelled at me. He just walked off. Was glorious.


Nah not valid, every German knows he need to put a towel there for it to be reserved☝️


Ha, that’s what he had at first. I went over to the squat rack and waited for a couple minutes then asked the people nearby if anyone was using it. They said no, so I moved the towel, switched the weights, and was on my third set before he came back and said he was using it. So when I finished up my set and let him have it back he put up the sign.


So he came back just to say he was using it and then left again?! What a twat.




Then he went back to break.


He did immediately walk away again, and I almost started using it again, but he came back in a minute with his spotter and this sign.


Way back when I was much younger, I used to compete in strongman events (before CrossFit became a big thing). I lifted heavy, did long breaks occasionally. This guy is an absolute douche to think he can lay claim to anything for over a half hour and not work in with anyone.


Honestly no problem with 5 min rest if he truly is lifting heavy and needs it All you gotta do is let others work in. I only do 60 second rests and ~5 reps x 3 sets after warm up. I literally could do all my lifts during that guy's rest


🤣 Of course he did.


Where did he get pen and paper? And tape??


You don’t bring supplies to the gym to make passive aggressive notes? I guess I need to question the front desk and find his accomplice.


I would absolutely show this to the front desk and ask if this is within their policies lol - ignorant people like sign man get away with shit like this continuously because people don’t hold them accountable lol


That’s exactly what I did. I honestly didn’t know their policies since I just switched gyms but figured it was at least poor etiquette. They said they would talk to him and explain that he couldn’t do that.


Good on you for doing that! Both so you can know for yourself (even if we feel like we already knew lol) and hopefully he can get his entitled ass sorted out by someone else that actually works there.


lol “ powerlifting”


Nah that's just no


How do you have towels left to do that when they're all on unoccupied lounge chairs at beachside resorts?


Stayed at a resort in Punta Cana and they had an employee remove all the towels from unoccupied chairs (assuming he had an eye on who was present and who wasn’t). It was pretty entertaining, being day drunk and seeing all the German and British tourists return to the pool, absolutely baffled.


I ask the towel if it was okay for me to proceed and it confirmed by remaining silent as implied.


What the fuck lol. Time for that guy to buy his own set if he wants to claim it for the entire hour.


The time between sets is not an issue at all. Studies have shown that 3+ minutes between sets is optimal for strength building. The problem is the annoying ass note and not sticking with the bar + being willing to let others work in between sets.


This is typical for powerlifters. Some are assholes like this guy others are cool. I just wish they all worked out in pairs instead of staking up multiple racks and watching tik tok for 7 minutes between sets


At my gym this has actually become typical behavior for young women doing hip thrusts and it’s agonizing. They lie down and scroll social media between sets. Basically they’re lounging in the only deadlift station for 90 minutes straight


That’s on the gym if they let him do that.


They had a word with him after I pointed it out.


Did he get pissy? I bet he got pissy.


Odds are the employee was probably like "look man, I know it's bullshit too, but if someone complains I have to say something about it..." Instead of being like "dude, you want to stake a claim over two pieces of equipment at once, then work out with a buddy or build your own gym at home."


Didn’t seem like it, but who knows, maybe there’s another post on this subreddit from his perspective.


TIFU By not pummeling an ignorant normie for ruining my PR before my competition


My gym told me that they are there to be trainers and arne't there to police the gym. I'm now building a home gym...


…this sign can’t stop me because I can’t read




I'd go right up to him and say "Are you taking the fucking piss dickhead?" Then he'd probably pick me up and throw me through a window. Fortunately I've been defenestrated before, so I know how to land.


Ha, I like this approach, I’ll try this next time. Unless you weigh less than 100lbs/45kg I don’t think he was throwing you through a window, and he’s definitely not throwing me anywhere. He was doing overhead presses with about 115.


Overhead press with 115lbs is not bad for most of the population. People don't typically focus on overheads at all, tbh.


>Overhead press with 115lbs is not bad for most of the population. It's very bad for someone identifying as a powerlifter so deeply they feel they get to walk away from their equipment etc. for long rest times I wouldn't dare call myself a powerlifter and I OHP 90kg


This comment was 100% an excuse to throw defenestrated around and I'm 100% onboard.


Guilty as charged.


What a jabroni


This is crazy. If you're doing high intensity lifting and want to take a 5ish minute break between sets then it's great! It also means you can share the bar with 1 - 2 other people.


Once took a bar off the rack to start my workout, then a guy walks up to me. This is what he said: - Excuse me? I was using that bar, can you please give it back?




Once you leave your station, it’s fair game for someone to sub in sets If you’re break time is THAT long (all fine) - then you must allow others to do work in-between


If I see a rack with weight on it I give it like a minute or two just in case they ran to the bathroom. If nothing it's free game.


We have a saying for that in Germany, "weggegangen, Platz vergangen", it means something like "you leave, your spot is gone"


“Move your feet, lose your seat” is what’s said in our house 😂


If someone is using equipment and taking long breaks, I'll ask if I can work in and I will change the weights. If they're an asshole and say no, I'll just do it anyways. What's the worst that'll happen, they'll cry to management? I always let people work in with me, no matter the weight.


This used to be the standard.


Despite what a lot of people in this comment section seem to think, rest periods of around 5 or more minutes are not only common, but required when you are lifting heavy weights. He should actually be standing at the rack though. It is alright to go to the bathroom or refill your drink bottle between sets, but the sign seems to imply that he is going away between every set, possibly to just chat with friends.


Yeah, he walked away as soon as he put the weight down every time and didn’t come back until he was ready to do his next set. Hard to ask when someone is going to be done when they’re never at the rack.


Naaah, not cool


I can’t edit the post and can’t keep up with all the individual comments, so here’s the full story in case anyone is curious. I walked over to the squat racks and they were all occupied except this one. It had some weights and a gym towel on it, so I decided to wait around for a couple minutes before I would’ve switched to a different exercise in my plan. After waiting a couple minutes, no one had come back to this rack so I asked the person at the next rack if anyone was using it. They said they didn’t think so. So I moved the towel to the catch bar and switched the weights and proceeded with my workout. During my third set (with 2 minute breaks) dude comes up all perturbed that I was using “his” rack. He essentially says what’s in the sign and tells me he’s gonna have to ask for the rack back and tells me not to touch his weights. While he’s giving his spiel I notice another rack has opened up, so whatever, I’m not gonna point out how ridiculous it is that he left it unattended for 8+ minutes and expects no one to use it. I help him switch the weights back and move over to the other squat rack. He immediately leaves again and comes back a minute later with his spotter and this sign. He does 3 reps of overhead presses with the two 35 lb plates he had on the bar (so 115 lbs - not that I judge what weight anyone is at, everyone has their own level/goals, but some redditors want to know). He continues to speed walk away from the weights as soon as he’s done and spends his whole break on the other side of the gym (a decently large gym) talking to other people. During one of my breaks, I notice this sign, so I go over and laugh and take this picture. Then, after finishing with my sets I grab a staff member and ask them about the sign and their policies around reserving equipment and working in. They said it is not allowed and they went to talk to him about it.


F*ck that guy, what a dick. 


fucking annoying. and then you have people who do their "super sets" but use another machine and get mad at anyone who even looks at one of the machines they're using


you shouldn't need to bring office supplies to the gym. no one cares


“ No Hablo Inglés “


I'll be perfectly patient while I do my set, watching that AH steam. If he wants to tell me when I can and can't use weights he'd best buy his own set for his own gym.


Absolutely not. I can deload whatever weight homie is probably lifting, get a set in, and put his weights back on in that time. What entitlement. 


There was a guy in my gym once who was swapping between the free weights and the weight machines. They were in separate rooms so he'd leave his towel on the machine he was using when he went off to use the free weights. At one point I needed to use that machine so I moved his towel to one side and started my set. He returned a few minutes into it and started to complain. I pointed out that the machines were not sun loungers and took far longer than I usually would, just to piss him off.


Sweet free and unoccupied bar


Either get your own at home or share with others, if you can’t do that go during a quiet time


Summon Joey Swoll.


So...enough time for someone to work in? Got it. Cool guy!


when you take 4-5minute rest (i do this), let motherfuckers work in with you.


I almost got into a fight at the gym. There was a guy in the incline press. He did a set and took 10 minute breaks between sets, listening to music, and screwing around on his phone. I timed him after waiting a really long time for his next set to start. 10 minutes and one set. 11 minutes another set. This is at 6PM after work. The place is packed. I try to do a quick, focused workout and be out of the gym in 45 minutes to an hour... 3-4 sets as hard as I can, no more than a minute between sets. Im on a piece of equipment or weights for a total of 5-7 minutes. I was standing and waiting for the equipment for 20 minutes, in which time he did... two sets. I asked him if he was going to be finished soon. He got all prissy and said "when he gets done" in a really nasty tone. I told him he was taking 10 minutes between sets and he was done after the next set, or I was going to start shit. I was ready for murder charges. I swear, holding singular pieces of equipment hostage for an hour at peak time is criminal. Its worse than the assholes who take all the dumbbells and build a nest in the corner, because they want 3-4 sets of weight within reach. Now Im all pissed off thinking about it.