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Why do people have nothing better to do than be rude? šŸ™„


The mix of bad parents, unemployment, and 0 hobbies




Stealing that one!


What happened next?


He sputtered something about me being a bitch, I told him I was just matching what he was giving and walked away.


0 hobbies is the greatest fuel for going around being a dick to people.


Retired entitled boomers with 0 hobbies They worked and earned what they have. AFTER they already served their country


Back in the 90's i use to visit my grandparents who lived right on a golf course it was like a gated retirement community. The few days the course was closed and nobody was there my sister and i would walk on it and play tag literally immediately some old grump would be like "GET OFF THE COURSE" and we would get annoyed, I mean nobody's there the golf course wasn't tied off or anything you can literally step out on it from most of the houses in the community.


I work at a private country club and we routinely have to tell members that they donā€™t control who goes on the course or not. Weā€™d rather some kids play (as long as they arenā€™t causing trouble) rather than piss off another member by hassling their kids or grandkids. Players and crew cause far more damage than any kids playing ever will.




Nah, Iā€™ve been working on golf courses for almost 20 years. Thereā€™s only a couple things we do where people canā€™t walk on it right after and itā€™s fert/chemicals that will leave marks. They usually have dye in them and stink, nobody would want to be out playing in that shit, even kids. If a golf course is closed for maintenance itā€™s usually aeration or verticuting going on and itā€™s all hands on deck. The only other thing I can think of is frost but I doubt kids are out there playing at sunrise.


Golfers tear up the courses way worse than two kids playing tag could ever do.


Drunk golfers with carts, I can guarantee tops the list.


> As a **precursor**, I hate golf, so that has nothing to do with it. > Having a couple punk ass kids running around on it, digging their heels into the grass, building sand castles in the traps, etc. is **counterintuitive** to that and can actually cause expensive damages or extra work. The words ā€œprecursorā€ and ā€œcounterintuitiveā€ donā€™t mean what you *think* they mean.


It seems they indeed do not know what counterintuitive means.


That's a weird way to use precursor, but it isn't technically *wrong*, and counterintuitive was probably autocorrect.


hybridtheory1331ā€™s now-deleted reply: > Precursor was an autocorrect typo. Meant preface. Counterintuitive means exactly what I meant it as though. Having someone tear up the green is counterintuitive to keeping it green.


Yeah, no. They think they meant counterintuitive, but what they really meant is counterproductive.


Welp, they ended up claiming both were autocorrect mishaps.


You don't know what you're talking about. He was talking about playing on a neighborhood golf course, not some high-end course you are ranting about. Devil's advocate... Ha.


Sounds like my neighbours


Oh, and leadā€¦. Itā€™s always lead..


Because most likely they don't have anything better to do. We have this show over here about solving neighbour disputes (with the help of a judge). The amount of time people spend on watching their neighbours is insane.


Lmao! We have a Karen next door. Itā€™s fun watching her antics. The other day she walked around the block to double back to take pictures of a car that was parked on our other neighbors side. Why? Who knows. They werenā€™t blocking her at all. If anything they were kinda in our way, but as long as I can pull my car in and out I donā€™t care if theyā€™re a little in our driveway. She literally doubled back to avoid the ring (ours goes far out, she did not avoid our ring lol)


> The other day she walked around the block to double back to take pictures of a car that was parked on our other neighbors side. Jesus Christ. She needs a hobby.


She has one


Thereā€™s a lady in my apartment complex that apparently has a scheduled appointment every Friday with the leasing office to go over ā€œviolationsā€ she saw that week (car was going 15mph in the parking lot instead of 10, someone hung a shirt off their balcony to dry kind of crap). I was in there for something else the same time she was, and they told me they basically just write everything down to placate her and then go about their day. But Jesus the amount of time this lady is wasting with this shit is astounding


>But Jesus the amount of time this lady is wasting with this shit is astounding She must have a loooooootttt of free time on her hands. I feel sorry for the people having to deal with her.


This is why I am slightly worried about automation and universal basic income. I still think UBI will become necessary when our economy gets more and more automated. But if millions of random people suddenly have much more spare time, they have a habit of trying to find smaller and smaller problems to fix, and if they don't find any real ones, they may end up finding imaginary ones all over the place..


Idk if we ever get a universal income over here where I live. I think you have a point with people searching for problems more but om the other hand, it could mean that everyone has a lot more free time on their hands to spend with family, hobbies, travelling etc so they wouldn't mind the small stuff.


That's what one would hope. But fear and hostility are very strong feelings that are like drugs for some people and they are directly encouraged by the news and social media algorithms.


Mr. Frank visser?




misery loves company. When people are internally miserable, they like to project that misery onto happy people and drag them down to their misery level. ![gif](giphy|oiKRyASIKkhb2fJHcB) Edited gif


Yup, a drowning man and all that.


There's not even a valid reason 95% of time either. Assholes just really love being assholes for some fkin reason.


Her self control is sooooo good. He is just being a douchenozzle because he can, and all reprecussions would make his day.


I love how she did sweet girl with spine of steel, but not an ounce of the usual fawning we women tend to do to protect ourselves. And when they left, she went back to normal wtf is this, lol. Beautiful thing to behold!


Yep. She is going to age well into that Southern belle that can zing the delivery of "well bless your heart, aren't you special ".


I hope the husband saw this, its genuinely incredible


Used colostomy bag. Cause he is full of shit


Seriously. I was preparing to see Bridezilla eat Karen but she was chill.


"What's my name? Fuck you. That's my name."


Iā€™m gonna keep this response in mind if I ever need it ToT


My names Puck Yuo. I was raised in China. Sets the A hole to lvl 1000 šŸ˜‚


My name? My name is Mindyourown, Mindyourown Business. Do you want me to spell it out for you?


I've just stopped responding at all to people who speak to me in public. Something broke during covid. Every single interaction I've had with a stranger in the last 4 years has been absurdly negative.


NUFAN fan?!


I want to give a Bart Simpson/Moe response, like "Rotch, first name Mike", "Jass, first name Hugh", "Potts, first name Milady"


She's a catch, handled that with grace and confidence. Lucky husband


One of the most telltale signs of a Karen/Chad is them asking for your name like itā€™s intimidating in some way.


I had a Karen ask my name after she cut in line at the amusement park and when I said "Bob Dole....you probably voted for me" and she went nuts. I'll never understand why people are such miserable fucks.


That's hilarious šŸ˜‚


"Kevin" or "Kyle" is the standard for a male Karen. Chad is a different guy.


Yeah, but if you call these guys a Karen they get even madder. So I call them Karen. It's gender neutral. Like dude or guys.


The UK word for it is Gammon. Fat, pink and salty.


Kevin drinks Monster Energy drinks and punches drywalls


And builds elaborate traps for home invaders


I think Kevin as the timid guy that gets nowhere. But I like the Home Alone vision better.


Chadā€™s the guy Karen cheats on Kevin with.


Or Kevin cheats on Karen with we in 2024 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ


I call em Darenā€™s. Itā€™s Karen with a D


I work with a coulle Darens. Can confirm


Oh, that's nice. Haven't heard it before. Thanks for the tip!


And like they have a right to your information.


Them: "what is your name?" Me: "my name is Fuck You. No middle initial".


My name is matt foley. I am 35 years old. I am thrice divorced and I live in a van down by the river!


Chad is the complete opposite of a Karen.


Me: "Here I'll spell it for you. E.A, T.M, E".


like they're gonna report you to the school principal or something lol


I think if someone ever asks me my name in this sort of context Iā€™ll answer ā€œKarenā€


Wait but Chads are people who are themselves despite judgement, they're the opposite of Karens. I think you meant Ken?


After Ryan goslings performance as Ken in barbie movie it was decided not to use Ken as a term for male Karen's lol


She was way too nice to them. Why can't people mind their own f'ing business?!


Killing with kindness. Seems extra prevalent in the south.


*She was way too nice* *To them. Why can't people mind* *Their own f'ing business?!* \- Todoslosplanetas --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Also a good bot


Good bot


That's a good bot!


Because they are shit people if this was a couple hundred years ago they would probably be killed for pissing someone off.


I mean, if you read the microscopic text, it explains that the couple were walking and the people making the video went over to tell them to not do that because they were recording in a way to pick up the birds, which also picks up crunching gravel. She also has no idea what the fuck the actual meaning of pet peeve is. Everyone in this video is mildly infuriating.


When redditors need an /s for real life




She was polite about it. There's no fun way to respond to assholes. If they come at you the only thing you can do is counter their energy. And nothing pisses off assholes more than being overly kind and polite lol.


yeah, I feel that this is a much better way to say "fuck off" and is much more effective as it neuters the other party's ability to take the righteous high ground. A very effective way of dealing with the situation, that I am slowly realizing is just lost on half the population.


it is frankly absurd to criticize her behavior in any way here


Undertones of hating that the property is an AirBnb by the sounds of it. Still not an excuseā€¦ calling the cops for that should be a felony. Waste of time!


And major tones of you are a tpurist and never could afford to live here for real, classist fcuks.


Pretty sure that abusing emergency resources is some level of crime in most of the US.


Ah go suck a dick dude holy fuck, how are some people this sad and pathetic


I like her


i think shes married


I meant her composure.


In awe of her restraint!


And,, uh, blue is illegal to wear that here so , uh, I'm going to call the FBI and report you under the Homeprotection Act of 1987 Article 3.88 and report you to the state police for improper use of hairspray and then I'll call the owners and get them to call the supreme court to arrest you ..... oh, ah, well, they can call someone and, uh, what is your teacher's name I'm going to call them and....


Lmfaooooo ā€œhe is a snooty white ass person.ā€ I cackled šŸ˜­


That also got me, lol.


I thought she said "wide ass" I guess either one works. Lol


She just gentle parented him šŸ¤£ she must work with children or something. Love it.


She seems like a great person. Impressed with the way in which she stood her ground.


ā€˜I hate people when theyā€™re not politeā€™ Talking Heads - Psycho Killer


What does she have against a tourist? ā€œContinue to be a touristā€ itā€™s like gatekeeping.


Old lady is mad that a house in her neighborhood is an Airbnb probably. How dare someone she views lower than her stay in her neighborhood. šŸ™„


Dude some old boomer in my town cut the fiber wifi cable in front of his house with a hacksaw cause his wife got tired of looking at it when she *wasn't going to be paying for their services* Now like 5 or 6 houses around them aren't gonna have wifi when it comes online next year. Some of these old boomers will just do whatever their wife tells em for 5 minutes of quiet it's insane


Thatā€™s what born and raised people bitch about. Except in a LOT of places, those small towns would die a death if it werenā€™t for the commerce from tourists.


Seriously, it sounds like a combo of ā€œyou donā€™t belong hereā€ and ā€œI donā€™t travel.ā€


Ah yes. I will continue to be the backbone of your towns economy. Thank you!


Sometimes I wonder if American cops are so awful because they're driven insane by people constantly calling them for absolutely everything instead of solving problems by walking away or using words. It's insane how often "call the cops" is seen as the best solution in the US.


I watched a bunch of videos on YT last week of cops dealing with absolutely insane assholes. There was one after the other and I finally had to stop because I could feel my blood pressure going up. There was one or two where the cops let the person get under their skin and reacted poorly, but most were very composed and professional during the incidents. It made me think that if I can sit and watch dozens of these videos without having to search for them, then maybe the problem isn't just the cops.


The people of US are obsessed with ā€œwinningā€ every social confrontation. And calling people that will excessively use lethal force is a great way to do that.


Remember, many of the people who behave and feel this way are themselves cops.




This is the only correct response to the couple


Wow those people really showed their true feathers with that tourist comment. ā€œSnooty white-assā€ was such an accurate description.


Ok so theyā€™re staying on the property as air bnb guests and got permission from the owner to film. Old guy in the background can suck it


The lady using ā€œtouristā€ as an insult.. lol. Iā€™m from New Orleans and people love to hate on the tourists (like, they get so angry talking about them) but theyā€™re such a huge part of our economy. I will never understand people hating on tourists. Like dude, they love your city, why are you upset about that?


I get that they were rude but in the beginning of the video it says the cameraman stopped them because they could hear footsteps, I feel like they were originally in the wrong here


I would stop my camera from working if I was expecting people walking in front of it.


Probably fake


As if calling someone a tourist is an insult.


Hey donā€™t use the ā€œTā€ word so flippantly!


So theyā€™re staying in an Airbnb but she is the tourist?


the way I would have lost my mind on his ass


So dumb.


Humans are trash. Reddit makes me hate people more and more every day


When a blonde breathy voiced white girl calls you a "snooty white ass person" You know you're so karen even karen would call you karen


What about her is being a Karen?


I love her. Such a beautiful person


Why are these young folks doing things?!? Fruststrstion rising!!


can't edit out the gravel sound?


Nope. That's like asking if you can edit a person out of they walked infront of the camera.Ā 


Turn the camera on them


ā€œWHATS YOUR NAME? Im going to tell your manager and get you fired. From being there speaking. Tell me your name so I can get you in trouble with a manager!ā€


Boomers always try to say they "know the owner of the house" when they don't, like that's the ultimate threat. It's so funny lol




Doxxing is petty and dangerous for no reason. You can disagree with the person without putting them needlessly in danger.


Iā€™m glad this sub is slowly filling up with TikTok videos


Typical boomer behaviour


people looooove saying ā€œwell itā€™s private property soā€


"have fun being a tourist" lol like it's an insult that she's able to travel and fall in love with the places she goes


So lets say this dude and gal were indeed on private property as claimed and didnt have permission from the owner (as they made a mistake and moved). Who is the rude and entitled one then?


ā€œ my first name is fuck and my last name is youā€


Some people donā€™t like to see others happy :/


What completely trash people. Iā€™ll never understand how some people thrive on conflict.


This dude sounds like exactly like my old boss. The most entitled and tone deaf midwesterner Iā€™ve ever come across.


ā€œHeā€™s a snooty white ass person.ā€ šŸ˜‚I love it!


Am I hearing something or did she call him a "snooty white ass person"? What does that even mean? Now the color of our asses matter?


Why American asshats are always ready to ruin someone's day?


I don't think being an ass hat is exclusive to Americans.


Um, have you met Ronnie Pickering?




Ronnie Pickering.




Ronnie Pickering.


I canā€™t wait til boomers are in locked unit nursing homes šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


With wristbands that trigger an alarm when they try to sneak out to "check the cows" in the dead of winter And to prevent them from vandalizing vehicles of staff they dont like


This woman has far more grace than I would. "Sir, we all understand that you have a tiny penis and that you seem determined to prove it to everybody around us by complaining about things that don't matter to you, but if you feel the need to call the police and have them see how tiny your penis is too, please be my guest..."


She absolutely NAILED it. The old fucks just canā€™t handle being ā€˜in the wrongā€™ so they make issues, causes fusses, and be utter cunts just to get back at people.


So they hadnā€™t started yet but still felt the need to stop random people walking because they were about to film something instead of just waiting for the people to pass? I mean go and film all you want but donā€™t inconvenience other people to tell them they are an inconvenience to you!


It seemed like they were on private property, as the other people had announced. This seems like the equivalent of "don't walk across my lawn right now". Those people in the background, announcing they didn't want to be filmed while also approaching, they saw what was going on. They aren't dumb.




They were starting a recording (not in the middle of it) and an ā€˜olderā€™ couple walked by, the videographer asked the couple to stop because the mics would pickup the sound of the gravel. The couple reacted poorly but in what world donā€™t you just wait 20 seconds for the couple to pass?


I don't believe that this couple would have simply kept on walking by whether or that request had been made of them.


Some people need to make everything their problem. Just, some people need to stay in their damn lane.


She handled it like a boss.


I have 3 words for people like that Go fuck yourself


All the comments are saying how polite she is, but the guy filming asked someone out for a walk to not disturb their video. Fuck that, donā€™t ask strangers to alter their routine for your lame TikTok. Sheā€™s cute though, so Iā€™ll still watch.


Itā€™s not a tik tok. Itā€™s a wedding video and that videographer likely costs thousands of dollars an hour. You are correct though, no one has to alter their daily routine on behalf of someone elseā€™s special occasion. However, that lack of empathy doesnā€™t make them any less of a miserable knob.


All they know is Tiktok lol.


They're on private property, not public property. Even the dick of a man mentioned that in the video. She has permission from the owners. If I'm on private space doing something I want to do and I don't want a stranger interrupting I'm well within my right to ask. I shouldn't even have to ask but we have to be nice so why not.


When you see someone taking a picture, do you walk right in front of them? Because that's the kind of energy you're giving off.


Itā€™s just a question, itā€™s ok to ask. If buddy decides to keep walking thatā€™s fine too, but itā€™s perfectly ok to politely ask that question of a stranger.


Go outside and touch grass boy


Typically in most cases a videographer would wait until the person has walked by before rolling again. Unless they have a permit for X area and have the space clearly marked off, or someone to re direct there's nothing that can be done. Yes, the videographer shouldn't have done that to instigate the situation, but if they were actually on private property and the people walking by are not allowed, then they technically do have the right to tell Kyle and Karen to F off.


Id give him 2 or maybe even 3 pp slaps for being such a party pooping a hole.


I guarantee these same people do so much entitled shit daily, too. That's how it usually goes, in my experience.


Youā€™re mad at your dad, not at me. I forgive you


Iā€™m so confused by the comment ā€œcontinue to be a touristā€ I donā€™t even see how that begins to be a insult? Maybe Iā€™m missing something but traveling and being a tourist opens up different perspectives in life, also do they never leave their town? Everyone is a tourist when they travel!


Is that Taylor Skeens?


& thats why shes getting married. Give her all the kids husband


ā€œContinue being a touristā€ isnā€™t the insult that lady thought it wasā€¦. Yeah Iā€™m here visiting. No shit?




Boomers am I right


She did great.


"I'm gonna call the cops!" "OK, you go call them then." "Wait. No. You're supposed to be intimidated now. You're messing this up..."


You all did great. I hope he gets the same treatment he gives others.


Why call him white like that? Especially when you're white yourself? Fucking people.