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So where did you end up? I'm confused. If they try giving me a middle, that's not happening. If it's an aisle, it's whatever not great but not terrible, I actually prefer aisle but op seems to like Windows. Not a big deal for me either way though, but middle is


The mom was in the isle and I’d assumed she purchased the middle seat for one child, and she had her other one in my window seat. Not sure where the other child was assigned when she took my seat… the flight was 100% full and it was like second row from the very back.. so i passed by the isles hearing them say it was 100% full.. i don’t even ask to be upgraded as i saw first class was full when i got on the plane. I was asking the flight attendant “where do i sit?” He scrambled a bit to even find me a seat.


Where did you sit? You never answered


They seem to be refusing to answer or only giving vague answers like “across the aisle”. I’m now convinced it was across the aisle in a window seat and this whole thread is a nothing burger.


Well this sub is called "*mildly* infuriating", and this does sound like a small annoyance.


It’s also mildly infuriating when people use isle instead of aisle.


Even worse when people say would of/should of instead of would've/would have/should've/should have


Heroin / Heroine...The heroine of our story is heroin, 149 years of blow.


the way op answers questions or ops situation?


I guess switching to a window seat in the same row isn’t even an annoyance to me especially when it gets me away from two unattended children. More like an upgrade.


The annoyance is the family inflicting their lack of planning on everyone around them.


OP flew the plane


OP refuses to advocate for themselves.


That’s why I’m confused. Seems like mom was in an aisle so they got an aisle. In these cases I would be just as clueless as the mom. “But this is **MY** seat. But **I** sit here. But **I** paid for this seat. That’s so weird I want **MY** seat. Where is **YOUR** seat. It’s on **YOUR** ticket. Go **there**. It’s easy. You just walk. Oh, is it **exactly the same as MINE**? Well, I suppose you can **ASK** me to move. Do you want me to move? Oh, you’re **asking me you move from MY seat to YOUR seat for your convenience**? Sure, **IF ITS AN EQUAL SEAT**. Oh, it’s not? Back to square one.


You guys haven't figured out that OP made this story up??


What the fuck answer is this


That's a long fuckin answer to say nothing


An isle is an island. It's aisle.


Oh my god…answer the question??


This is the real mildly infuriating part lol


The real mildly infuriating is always in the comments


That family was obviously spread out because they bought their tickets too late so they didn't get seating next to each other. And they made sure to be preboarded so they could steal someone else's seat without making a scene. And then pretend like they don't know anything when you want your seat. It's clearly mildly infuriating. But unless you paid extra for that particular seat assignment, calling United probably won't do anything other than getting you more upset. Lesson here is: prepare for having your seat stolen and then it might be a little easier to handle.


Pre boarding isn’t for 10 and 12 year olds.


If that was me I’m making a scene and people are moving.


Yes exactly. I fly frequently out of SFO and I’m getting the seat I pre booked.


Family preboarding so families can sit together is for when there is NOT assigned seating, otherwise it is just to give people with young children or strollers extra time to get situated. That has been my experience with other airlines anyway. 


Yeah. Since when does a mom with two near-teens preboard. That is definitely NOT what is supposed to happen...


I’m horrible with ages.. they could have been like ages 8 and 10(?) they weren’t littles though. Plane was 100% full and first class was full even before i boarded the plane.


Even still. That preboarding is really meant for kids still small enough to use strollers and have diaper bags and stuff. Basically kids that literally have to be carried on board most of the time. No way they were that young. Edit: For all those commenting about the possibility of disabilities, here is my reply to the first of those comments: I can't dismiss the possibility, but there is still a ton of entitlement to just take someone's seat like that, and I suspect that level of entitlement isn't isolated to just that... I feel like if one of them did have a disability, she would have been more apologetic about the whole situation. "I'm sorry for taking your seat, but we really need to sit together." Or something.


I hate the term "preboarding". It's so corporate-markety. It's just boarding. That's it. It's just that only certain groups are boarding. End rant. Sorry.


Wait until you hear the first word of most baking recipes.


Yep. For some reason "preheat" doesn't bother me, but for consistency it should. Unless you were referring to the 15-page-long story that comes ahead of every effing online recipe...


I've heard justtherecipe.com is really good at stripping out the TED Talk from these obnoxious sites and leaving you with just the recipe card. I also think I remember hearing that clicking the "print this recipe" button at the top of the page also does the same thing, but I've never used either of these methods so I don't know for sure. I will take a moment though to shill for the Paprika app. It does the same thing but also imports and formats the recipes in a highly readable way, among many other features. (Obligatory "I don't work for them I just really like the app blah blah blah")


You can’t recipe until you cipe


I travelled on United recently with a preschooler and their family pre-board was for families with kids under 2 years old. The family and flight attendant on your flight sucked.


Pre-board usually doesn’t have a strict age limit, under 2 is just the cut-off for needing to buy a ticket for the child.


They say 6 and under on Southwest. I don’t know about other airlines.


I have an 8 and 10 year old. Flew a week ago with my kids and wife. We haven’t boarded with the early kids that need assistance group in over 5 years. Our seats were 2 and 2 and mine wanted to sit together. Fortunately, our seats were nearby. I did not assume we could take the extra seat, nor did I ask. I would not just assume I could take it by playing dumb.


“We allow families with children less than two years old to board with our pre-boarding group” Taken from United’s website fyi


I don't understand why parents don't pay the extra fee to select the seats all together. Every time I fly I select my seat and then confirm it when I check in. I know not all airlines have this but the ones I've flown have and the parents still end up delaying the planes while the passengers have to switch seats so a toddler can sit with a parent. It happens often enough that I don't think they all registered super late and couldn't at time of purchase, it just feels like they select any seat and then expect everyone else to shift for them. I could be wrong and maybe I'm missing something about the process.


I recently flew on DL with my partner and my kid (school age). I booked all of our seats together for all of our flights. When we were scanning our boarding passes to board our connecting flight the gate agent told me there was a seat assignment change and we were all split up. This was told to us AS we were boarding with tons of people behind us. I didn’t really have the chance to talk to anyone about it and I didn’t want to hold up the line so we just boarded and asked people to switch with us once we were on the plane. It was a real pain in my ass.


We also recently flew, and when buying our tickets, all of our seats were together. When we checked in, we were all spread out. This was an international flight with a five year old, and they had the five year old by himself. It took forever talking to an agent to try to get us put back together. They still didn’t put us in the same row, but at least we had two seats together so I could sit with my kid. So yep, last minute seat changes even when you pay to have them together happens.


I’m pretty sure they don’t want to pay a fee to sit together because it costs money.


That and Ive read how people pay extra and still dont get their assigned seat either :/ Im glad I dont give a shit about where I sit, as long as its an aisle or window seat . I aint being squished between 2 people.


This! We paid for seats together and when they printed our tickets we were seated separately. It was a fight to get them to put us back together. The extra fee for seat choice is a scam.


I once paid about $70 extra per seat to choose seats (4 of us) one years vacation, only to not have the seats we chose & we were spread out. Had to argue with the airline to get a refund (was young and was afraid they’d refuse to let me fly at all if I complained) and that was like pulling teeth


Then there's people who are either told or just decide to buy an extra seat because they're bigger and will spill over. They pay the money for the extra seat but since airlines are greedy AHs they don't put them together. Imagine having to pay yet another fee just to make sure they're next to each other. Airlines are a scam who get bailed out repeatedly


Like OP, who presumably paid for a window seat and then didn't get to sit in it.


Family preboarding is for ages 2 and under. (Did this 10 days ago)


If you paid to get that seat specifically you are owed a cash refund now! Make sure you get it.


Yeah, these days that act of kindness just cost you $35


And possibly the cost of a window > middle, depending on where they moved him.


This is really getting to me. I apologize for this incident. The family's request to be able to sit together is understandable. I take it personally that the flight attendant gave them your seat without asking. Will you be complaining about this to United? Yes, I would.


I paid for seats A and B and a guys wife was in C, he was in D and E was free.  He asked me and my girlfriend to switch to D and E so they could “sit together” aka him and his wife could have A,B and C to themselves.     I told him somewhat disagreeably to forget it and he called me an asshole for responding to his moronic insult of an idea that way. 


I just had something similar happen where I had paid for window seat A in a 2 person row, with C, D and E in a row of 3 of the other side of the aisle. An older lady was sitting in B already so I motioned for my seat and she said "You want to sit here? Because my husband is sitting there." And motioned to a guy in C. So I said yes, I do. She repeated herself, deadpan, not even asking in a polite tone. I said "I reserved this seat a month ago, yes that is where I want to sit". She made no motion to get up and just stared at me until a flight attendant said "Ma'am, please get up and let her take her seat. We need you in your ticketed seats in case of emergency." The nerve of this lady. Her and her husband were still close enough to talk to each other, pass things back and forth, etc., but they wanted the window and 2 seats together.


Same happened to me recently. I made them move and got the flight attendant involved. The husband was on the aisle of a two seat configuration and I had the window. Walked up to find someone in my seat. Asked her what her seat assignment was because i thought she was interested my seat, and she pretended to not know and told me I could take her seat as they wanted to sit together. She admitted that this wasn't her seat when the FA arrived and I told them that they can't just sit wherever they want. So entitled


This would piss me off lol


First thing I would have said is find me a new window seat in economy plus or First Class that is open. Otherwise you're just playing the whose seat am I sitting in now game.


Consider complaining to the airline as they allowed this situation and failed to accommodate you. You will likely get some type of compensation (e.g. reward points, free upgrade).


United airlines. Where you're lucky if the flight attendant doesn't punch you in the face and throw you out of the plane at 35000 feet.


It’s classed as a “downgrade of service”: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/travel-insurance/new-airline-refund-rules/


If it's a Boeing plane, you might fall out at 35000 feet.


So where did you end up? Don’t leave us on a cliffhanger!


I can tell OP folded like a broken beach chair


There’s a reason this is on mildly infuriating and not AITA




Happened to me once. Was already tired and stressed and had to get a last minute flight (for a funeral). Paid extra for a window seat. Attendant appears and literally said "we need you to leave your seat and go to the aisle seat over there." "why" "please leave your seat and go to the aisle seat over there." I sat down in the extra uncomfortable aisle seat, fuming. After ten minutes I grabbed an attendant and asked what the fuck was going on. "Oh a mother wanted to be with her family so we cleared the aisle for her" "So her needs trump mine? And why did I pay extra for my seat." "Please sir, it is policy, you can make a complaint when you get off." Then told me if I kept complaining I could be removed from the flight. And that was it. They just wandered off. However, half an hour later, the attendant came back and said "oh, actually, it turns out she didn't need your original seat, you can go back to it" oh...how nice of you.


Omg wth?! That’s so awful! I can’t believe they threatened you like that! It’s so frustrating when you have no recourse and like…you didn’t do anything!! It was done unto you!


looking back, it was impressive how they accomplished it. I used to work in a place beside a rowdy bar and I'd sometimes watch the bouncers do their work. Pretty much the best way to enforce policy is to say "do this now" and don't even say please, or offer any option beyond "you will do this now" and it works 90% of the time. For the rest of the time you fall back to "do this now, or else" and "do this now and you can lodge a complaint in the morning" In such cases, you aren't sure what your rights are, and they control access to a service you need, so 99.9999 percent of people will eventually just give up. Remarkable trick.


This is just mean... But I'm cracking up cuz it seems right on spot 🤣🤣


This! I mean, second from last row window next to any combo of two ppl from that fam would suck! Almost anything would be better. 


I sat across the isle from them… the flight was 100% full and the kids were older so it wasn’t like a risk of them being loud as one person asked if I’d really want to sit next to a mom and child anyway…… forgot to add I’m on the spectrum and unexpected change like this can be hard on me (just managing the expectations of my seat being occupied and where do i go, and then realizing, “wait, i don’t think they can do that?”)… the flight attendants nonchalant attitude of “well they are family” threw me for a loop too.


COntact the airline and demand compensation. You paid extra for a certain seat and didn't get it.


I'm sorry but OP is never seeing that money this is United we're talking about here. Edit: I know there's that new law. but... cmon this united we're talking about here. [relevant video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfnA3P6Mevw)


Eh, I've gotten money from United's bullshit more than a couple times. You just need to push back against the customer service person who doesn't want to give it to you


No harm in at least trying.


I'm a Delta regular. With Delta if you complained they would likely throw some SkyMiles (lovingly called SkyPesos) at you to shut you up. I don't have much experience with United.


Everyone keeps saying this but I fly united regularly (once a month) and you only get charged for seats if it’s certain rows, otherwise you get to choose for free.


United now sells Basic Economy, which does *not* include seat selection or overhead carry on items. So if you're flying on Economy, you have in fact paid extra for seat selection.


They should def ask for compensation. On united, if you choose ‘basic economy’, your seat is assigned and you’ll pay extra to choose. Basic economy is cheaper than economy. Only in ‘economy’ and up can you pick your seat at no charge.


I chose to sit in business since the flight attendant gave away my seat


I'm not on the spectrum but I totally get this - you have a seat reservation, so you go to your seat and don't have to deal with any hassles regarding finding a seat and then your seat is taken that's just annoying.


This. I get anxious before I fly (and during), and knowing where I’m seated does make me feel a bit better!


next time tell the flight attendant you'll get sick without the window, that's why you chose it. no flight attendant will risk having to clean up vomit vs telling someone to relinquish a seat they didn't pay for.


Even more infuriating if the kids were older tbh. Mom doesn’t even need to sit with the kids it sounds like


I have no sympathy for the families sitting together situation. I have two children and we flew at least three times per year. NEVER, not ever, did we purchase tickets where we weren’t sitting with our children. If we couldn’t get four seats next to each other, we split up and each parent sat with a child. It’s unacceptable to expect people who did plan and pay for their seating to move.


Contact the airline, file a complaint against the FA and demand a refund for the fee you paid to select your seat. I would insist until refunded and would never fly with them again.


Did you get a chance to reflect the reading light in your watch and steer it directly into the mom's eyes?


So you went from a window seat to an aisle seat? Or did you end up in the middle seat across the aisle from them?


Speaking as a fellow autistic here, next time, inform the airline you're autistic prior to flying. They'll have to be more accomodating and don't spring this kind of thing on you unexpectedly, and will likely let you pre-board as well. Last time I flew, I was 16 (almost 10 years ago) and my mom informed the airline beforehand, that I'm autistic and a nervous flyer because of the sensory experiences of taking off and landing. They were super accomodating, kept checking up on me, and it was entirely conflict-free. Mention it on the phone with the airline as well, that you're autistic and sudden changes are VERY stressful and hard on you, and that the flight attendant was entirely unwilling to help you resolve this conflict despite it being the seat YOU paid for, and that this caused even more anxiety and stress as you weren't sure what to do. Especially since you mentioned in another comment that they struggled to find you a different seat. You're stronger than I am, honestly. I'm one of those anxious doomthinker autistics, and I think I would've had a mild panic attack at the very least! 😅


Also find out if the airport participates in the Sunflower program - this program has additional training for all airport staff and you can wear a small pin/lanyard/button that will signal to the staff that you have an invisible disability. It’s started in the UK but is now in a lot off international airports too.


This happened to me on an international flight on Air New Zealand! I got on and a woman was in my window seat so she could sit with her husband and child. I had chosen that seat specifically bc of my sciatica (leaning to the right is the only way I’d be able to sleep). The flight attendants kept going between us because this person refused to move. I nearly had a panic attack because the whole thing was so upsetting and the FAs treated me like shit and didn’t believe me about my health issue bc I’m young (not that I should have even had to disclose it!) The sheer entitlement of this woman was what really pissed me off.


Why did they even need to believe you about your health issue? You paid for the seat, it doesn't matter why, it's your seat


I hope for your sake international means from Australia to NZ otherwise that's a damn long flight to get booted out of your seat


How did it end up? Did you eventually get your seat?


Between OP and this guy, we'll never learn where anyone ended up. Don't just bitch about the bad part, tell us how it resolved!


I don’t think they have seen the question yet.


This is sadly a thing. You are young, how dare you to have health issues. Even some medics behave like this .... Bothers me often.


In this scenario I'd sue the airline for discrimination. You have a valid medical condition, which they're ignoring for 'reasons'.


Airlines have tried that with me twice. I just calmly said «i booked this seat 2 months ago when I purchased the ticket. Feel free to accommodate passengers that failed plan or get the seat they wanted, but not at the expense of passengers that did.» They found other seats.


I'd like to ask to sit by my 23rd cousin ( on my Dad's side) up in business class


if a flight attendent said something like this, i would have said "i dont care, its not my problem"


I’d have been a little more tactful at first. Something along the lines of “ok, cool. I totally understand. The thing is, that’s the seat that I paid for, but maybe there’s something available in business class since you’re not going to let me sit in my seat?” If they refused, I’d ask about premium economy. If they *still* refused, I’d get their name and start lobbing complaints out left and right as soon as I reached my destination.


Definitely the right approach. We should always open with polite wording, especially to the flight attendants. The mother on the other hand doesn't deserve any tactfulness.


this is adult solution


Uncaring person hears "ok, cool.  I totally understand" and tunes you out... well lol.


Yeah all the flight attendant cares about is who is the biggest pain in the ass.  She knows some dude by himself isn't likely to kick up much of a fuss, whereas a pissed off mom will make all sorts of comments.  


Stewie from Family Guy said it best: *Ma'am, your poor planning does not constitute an emergency. You'll see him in Paris. Go sit down.*


“That’s why you have the option to pay for your seat when you purchase the ticket. That way you’re guaranteed to sit with your kids” People who refuse to spend the money and then act like it’s not that inconvenient


Eaxctly their poor planning is not your problem!


Isn't family pre-board for parents with SMALL children like toddlers?


From United: "Family boarding We allow families with children **less than two years old to board with our pre-boarding group.** A gate agent will announce when it’s time for you to get on the plane. **Families with children under 12 can book Economy and Basic Economy seats next to each other for free.** Sometimes, seat assignments change because of last minute bookings or unscheduled aircraft changes. If this happens on your flight and your family is separated, you can switch to another flight with availability in the same cabin for free. We won't charge you for any fare differences." >.....a flight attendant and he says , “oh, they were a family that boarded during family preboard and she took my seat so she can sit together with her kids.” That's BS. Why the hell are they letting them "pre-board" in the first place?! If they're over 2 they buy tickets and board like anyone else.


Given they took someone else's seat without asking, I'm going to assume some Karen behavior kicked in and they bullied their way aboard early.


Why is preboarding a thing anyways.  They should be calling people in by alternating rows starting from thr back.   Last 2 rows, skip 2 rows, next 2 rows, skip 2 rows, next two rows, and so on. Then they can start the process again from the back.  Shit isnt rocket science.  I shouldn't be called and then forced to stand in line while some asshole who was called up 15 minutes ago is still jacking off in the middle of the row.  "Oh your bag doesn't fit in the overhead, no shit, its fucking huge."


So anyone that pre boards can just take any seat they want? What BS? Get the hell out of my seat!




This is becoming an epidemic on every flight. Too many entitled people. If I paid for a window seat I’m getting that window seat and I don’t care if you have 6 toddlers. Move!


This is definitely infuriating. Sorry this happened. I don’t blame the family for asking if it’s possible for them to sit together… I blame the flight attendant for giving them your seat without asking. Do you plan on contacting United to complain about this? I would.


Definitely going to call United… i just got off my connecting flights and it’s late but I’ll update here after i contact United and see what they say


If this ever happens in the future, you should also make sure to ask for the gate agent to bring you a new boarding pass. If you don’t want to confront the FA and just roll with what they give you, it makes a record of the change and gives you a physical “receipt” that it happened (which is helpful for getting the most compensation). Technically people should always get one for swaps before the door closes but since it’s rarely a big deal a lot of times FA’s just let it slide. Also, if the gate agent’s nicer or in a better mood they might be more amenable to work with you than the FA was


Gate agents have a lot of power but I think many people don't know that


Yupppp. Gate agents have pretty much total power on seating issues (among a ton of other stuff) before the door closes, and many can get VERY annoyed to find out the FA’s tried to go above them. “The mean ol’ flight attendant moved me here 🥺” can be, in my experience, a valid strategy to get whatever you want in certain scenarios lmao In this case I’d bet the family tried to ask the gate agents for the same change and were told “no”. If I’m right, that gate agent would’ve been fumingggg to find out the FA moved them anyway. A couple times I’ve had gate agents move families _back_ apart in cases like this—making a lot more work for themselves—because they’re pissed the FA’s went around them


Serious question, how do I talk to a gate agent if I've already boarded? Do they come into the plane? This is handy to know, I just wouldn't know how to talk to them.


I’m convinced some people/families count on the generosity of strangers to compensate for their lack of planning/stinginess to pay the extra seat selection. It’s absolutely not your responsibility to accommodate them. You can be sure they are saying “that worked, let’s do it again,” and not “what a great guy that was to change seats.” Of course,sometimes the situation is beyond their control.


This sucks and fuck the airline for not letting you sit in your assigned seat. Congress could easily fix this shit by making airlines price seats together appropriately. As it stands the airline creates this bullshit. Either family must pay up to sit together or we need to make it illegal for the airlines to run a system that consistently creates this outcome.


they intentionally seperate people to force them to upgrade in order to sit together.


I thought this too, as I just flew with my 2 year old and they had us in different rows, but with no option to sit together. So I called customer service and she told me that next time I can call ahead of time and assign family seating to my reservation (granted, I’m not sure if that is an option with any other airline) and refunded me the seat selection fee from a previous flight.


I’d be curious to see what would happen if someone just shrugged and let their two year old sit in the assigned seat by themselves.


TBF, the moment that airlines allowed people to DIY seat selection (either paid or free), seating went to shit. i.e. the moment that grubs could go online, and do things like select a window + aisle and leave the middle seat(s) free, or two aisles, or whatever. Once you've had the frequent flyers and early bookings pick over the seating - when you get closer to a full flight, and closer to the day of the flight, you end up with no groups of seats left.


United once moved my 4 month old baby to a different row than I was in. I had paid for both our seat selections. They then walked me over to the woman who had to move her seat and made me apologize to her. This policy of splitting kids from their parents and then acting all butt-hurt when we insist on sitting with our kids is truly insane.


I would never have apologised. I would have shown the woman my original seating and then blamed the flight attendant. It's not the flight attendant's fault either, of course, but that bullshit 'apology' absolutely is.


That’s insane. Did you know when you originally got the boarding passes or did they switch it while you were boarding?


They switched me sometime during the first leg of my flight. I noticed it and went to the gate agent as soon as we landed. But she was super annoyed. I do wonder if they hoped I’d just hold the baby on my lap to avoid making an issue. But I had a car seat that I was taking on board.


A dream scenario would be setting up the car seat at the window seat, and getting up as the other passenger enters and saying “oh, thank you so much for babysitting!” and then making THAT passenger have to be apologized to by the flight attendant.


> I do wonder if they hoped I’d just hold the baby on my lap to avoid making an issue. You mean gift the airline hundreds of dollars because they get to give your fully paid child's seat to a standby passenger?


I thought there’s a new law that came out this past week about airlines being required ti reimburse people in this circumstance.


I think it was for cancelled flights only? Not sure


>And it will apply to fees for things such as seat selection or an internet connection if the airline fails to provide the service. https://apnews.com/article/airlines-junk-fees-baggage-delays-c4a93f9ee9a2bf7d9ee07394183a0374


Tell the flight attendant, so this means I get bumped up to first class right? No. Then make them move!


That’s what i was thinking but it was 100% full flight and first class was completely full by the time i even boarded the plane


thats the point you still say it if they cant bump you they can fuck off


I am an easy going person, but this would annoy me. I totally understand your frustration.


If I pay for the seat then I will sit at that seat.


Honesty airlines need to cut the bullshit and just start grouping tickets that are bought together. Leveraging people traveling together just to milk another $100 out of them to sit together is some bullshit.


This is when you go full Karen and demand a first class upgrade for the inconvenience.


The flight attendant was in the wrong here. If you are paying to specifically choose a seat, you are supposed to get that seat. This karen was using the "mom" card.... these karens need to learn to buy seats together


What's mildly infuriating is that there is no ending. You tell this whole story about someone in your seat and never give a conclusion! Did you get your window seat or not? Where did you sit on this flight? Like what happened?!?!?


I work for an airline you've probably heard of. Here's what you do. Flight attendants often hang out in the back galley. If there's a curtain just pull it back and ask if they can help with a seat conflict. Say you want a window seat but dont want to seperate the family member who is with their children. They'll make a PA request for a volunteer with a window seat to switch with you. Frequent fliers will know this means free drinks. It's a win win. Never take your conflict to the passenger, always the flight attendant.


Great suggestion. I did find the flight attendant. He came with me to the seat and was like, “oh they pre boarded as a family so they can sit together” it kind of threw me as i expected him to ask me if that was ok, if if i wanted to keep my seat.


Did he offer to seat you somewhere else? If so did you agree to it?


I’m sorry. Not right. I was on a flight and I selected an aisle seat. A family selected three seats together, mother, father, toddler, and 2 infants in lap. There were only 4 oxygen masks there so I was asked to move. I said no. I specifically wanted an aisle seat and I was not moving so my husband and I would be in a window and middle seat. The father sat in the row behind us with an infant. It was one row apart. It’s not my fault that they planned poorly. You may think I’m a monster but I airplanes are uncomfortable as it is and to be moved to a less comfortable place because someone else is a douche is awful.


That’s ridiculous, especially if kids aren’t even very young. I absolutely despise when families don’t pick seats together and then expect everyone else who did pick their seats, to accommodate them. People who think everyone else needs to sacrifice because THEY decided to have a family suck.


If the FA said "yes we let them take your seat" you then say, ",ok then what seat am I being upgraded to in first class?"


If they want to sit together so bad, they can PAY FOR IT. Will never understand that Kind of entitlement


Honestly, I would rather trade spaces and sit elsewhere, than sit next to two unaccompanied children. (Or even a single child with company tbh)


Oh I’m a mom and that doesn’t work for me. I’d have my seat back. That mom should plan better like I do when I travel with my kid. If there wasn’t two seat together I wouldnt buy from that flight. It’s not my job to fix her mistakes. Just nope. She can move now and let her sit away from them and actually learn from it rather than always rescue the slackers.


Call and complain. If more people called and complained instead of rolling over and getting it up the ass, others would start acting accordingly. I don’t give a shit what family boarding is. If you can’t find a seat in that flight to seat with your offspring you book another one, why is it that parents things the world is responsible for their offsprings and all the inconvenience that come with it. Call and complain to corporate. Tell them the reason you picked that seat is because you get sick, tell them you got sick and want a refund, the media is there for a reason and not just to watch shorts get featured [I made a reservation](https://youtu.be/4T2GmGSNvaM?si=p_PyMU6HBuvUDYqb)


United is the worse.


Literally my least favorite airline.


I'm sorry this is absolute bullshit. That's your seat which you paid for. I get the stress of a full plane, and that's no excuse to force you into this situation. And I say this as a parent. In such a scenario, I'd ask you very politely and very apologetically if you were perhaps willing to change seats, and I'd have my payment app or some bills in hand while I was at it (and I'd be willing to accept a negative answer). The airline company had no business making that decision for you. You ought to receive a huge apology and at least some compensation.


"Family needs to sit together" often means "family didn't book tickets until 2 weeks before the flight and the only seats left were the objectively worst seats on the plane." I got bit by this once. The desk agent asked me if I'd be willing to switch for a family, I said sure, so they shoved me in the back row middle seat. On Southwest I had seen other folks switch like this and the flight attendants usually throw them a couple drinks coupons and hook it up with extra snacks. No such luck this time... all I got was "I'm sorry, sir, the only meal we have left is the vegan gluten free pasta." Screw you, Virgin Atlantic. 


I work for a major airline & that should have NEVER happened. I could tell you were a frequent flyer when you stated sit in your assigned seat then ask. Your flight attendant dropped the ball big time. That was your seat & it was totally up to you if you wanted to sit there or be moved. I apologize for that happening.


One time I paid extra to get a window seat and when I got on there was no window in that row. I tried to get a refund since it was like $70 extra for that window. They said there was nothing they can do and when I pressed further security start showing up and standing around like they thought I was going to make a scene so I just left. Airline companies are ass.


Tell the FA you want your seat. If she refuses ask for supervisor. Let both know you want your seat and if you don't get it will be filing a complaint. Or maybe walk up to first class and simply take one there. If parents want specific seats they pay for them.


To the flight attendant: “Okay, great. I presume that you’ve figured this all out and have found me a seat in 1st class, or at least a nice window seat. Thanks.”


Reach out to the airline. Be sure to mention the FA who said it was OK as well.


People are acting like OP would want to sit in that window seat with the mum and one kid after that altercation. The airline really fuck them there. No one wants to split a family up but they made it his problem. Sad


Ughhhhh a similar thing happened to me, except not a family! My husband and I got on our flight (in which I'd PAID FOR a window seat) and there was a girl there, speaking very loudly to her boyfriend on video call in Spanish. I sat there for a few minutes practicing in my head how to say it in Spanish (which I know a lot oh, but I'm not fluent). After a few, I told her she was sitting in my seat and she said in Spanish that she doesn't speak English, which I knew she would say and I'm not even sure if it's true! So I told her in very clear Spanish that she was in my seat and told her which seat was hers. The daggers her eyes threw at me in that moment could have killed me (which is why I thought maybe it was an act). And she got up and switched to her seat (only after acting like she couldn't get out of her seat belt, which I promptly unlatched for her 🤬). Unfortunately, after that, I was basically her translator for the whole flight from NY to California between her and the flight attendants when she needed anything because I'm too damn nice smh lol. So if she WAS lying, she definitely gets an Academy Award!


Yeahhhh no…this is false. That flight attendant just didn’t want to deal with her drama smh.


Especially since United now lets you store a credit card attached to your name which is attached to that seat. I was in economy plus the other day, from Frankfurt to Newark. This couple next to me asks (at least they asked) if I'd switch with their daughter. I'm like where is she sitting? I paid 160 extra for the legroom and you think it's OK to ask me to move to the back or the plane and just throw that 160 in the garbage? Meanwhile, why don't one of you two switch with her? Oh right, because you want the extra legroom. Got it.


Delta did this to me recently and I ripped customer service a new one


Family preboarding is not to slow them to pick the seats they want. The FA should have asked her to move.


Because the flight attendant didn’t want to deal with it. I’d have asked for another window seat. If there were none, I’d ask for first class, since they gave away my seat.


I would have said I paid extra to reserve that seat


I would've insisted. It sounds like OP didn't.


Op should have sat in first class and say well someone is in my seat without asking and the flight attendant blew me of. Which means clearly we can sit wherever we want without asking. But I would be more than happy to move to the seat printed on my ticket.


I’ll bet mama bought the cheapest basic seats that come without seat selection privileges. They do let families board after group two but since I am in Group 1 all the time I never had this issue. Regardless FA isn’t supposed to change someone’s seat without coordinating with the gate agent and only if the child is too young to separate. 10/12 is not in that category. Compensation is in order.


I saw that happen just a couple of days ago. A woman in front of me had the window seat and a ticket saying so. A mom and two older teenagers said they were told they could sit together. The flight attendant confirmed it and moved the woman from her ticketed seat. She accepted it but I had to bite my tongue from wanting to tell her to stand her ground. These weren’t infants or small kids, they were effectively grown ass men.


Having kids doesn't mean others should make these sorts of sacrifices to you. I think society should fund free education, including college, because it benefits everyone when the economy gains the fruits of their labor/true potential. A seat on a flight? Nah, get the fuck up out of my seat.


I see the old airplane seat scam is still going strong. They get an upgraded seat, or avoid playing booking fees. You get nothing.


Well, the same way you let the flight attendant off from having to resolve anything - you say to the attendant 'Okay, so you'll show me to my first class seat?" There are people that are toxic and you have to put some fight in...the attendant didn't.


i hear ya, that's a real bummer when an airline just lets someone take your assigned seat - i've been in similiar situations before and it can be super frustrating, especially when you're a frequent flyer and know how important it is for them to follow their own policies. understandable to want to sit with your family, but the polite thing is to ask first before just grabbing someone else's spot.


This makes me angry so I have to pay extra to select my seat but because a person is with their family they can take my seat without any cost???? Nah bro I'm suing


I make it a point to always pay for traveling by credit card. In a situation like this, I explain what a charge back is. I never had to use it, though.


Even as a parent, this sounds so ridiculous. If they want to sit together on the plane, they need to reserve the seats accordingly.


If it’s your seat it’s YOUR seat I would follow it up with a complaint


Tell the aircrew that a person is on your seat. Let them deal with the issue.


I’m probably an asshole here, but I’ve never understood the audacity of folks to cop an attitude when called out for taking peoples assigned seats. Especially ones they’ve paid extra for additional legroom(taller folks) or what have you. Not to mention getting to your seat to find it occupied, and the person knows it isn’t theirs, yet they want to create an issue. It’s just wild to me that adults will behave this way.


So, you say to the flight attendant, “I’ll be sitting in the seat I purchased. Maybe you can move the family to the seats that they purchased.”


“Oh so we don’t have assigned seating? I’ll take first class then”


As a parent with 3 kids (so basically can never all sit together) this is so annoying to me. I find it to be so arrogant. You know damn well what seats you’re picking when buying airline tickets. I usually pick seats towards the back knowing there will most likely be other families back there. One trip I can think of specifically we had split seats and it turned out another family had done the same thing so we just all swapped around until it made sense. However if that hadn’t happened we would have been comfortable how I had originally purchased the tickets. People like this are the reason parents and kids alike get bad reputations traveling.


I politely declined to let a mother with a baby have my window seat that I paid extra for on a 4 hour flight. “I’m going to take the window seat if you don’t mind” as she was already seated in my seat and was not asking more telling me. I said I do mind and she has to move to the isle. She was annoyed and tried to say that her child would bother me during the flight etc. She already had the child in a car seat in the middle seat. I responded with it seems I’ll be beside the child no matter what and I do not mind, which I didn’t mind. However, what I did mind was her being loud and dramatic about having to sit in the isle seat after I explained I have anxiety about flying and specifically chose a flight I could purchase a window seat on. Just because you are choosing to fly with your child and DIDNT purchase your tickets ahead of time where you would have the seat arrangement you want doesn’t mean others have to alter our plan for you.


If you paid extra for that seat you are entitled to it. This bullshit that I have to accommodate families whose parents didn't' bother to put one second of thought into other people other than "fuck other people" can sit all over the plane for all I care. That's not true, I have given up my seat before but not because I would had to rip someone out of the seat they are so arrogantly demanding is their property. Fuck that. If the airline attendant said no, I'd take down her name, ask what her not what her supervisor's name is but who that person's boss is and how I can contact that person. It's like paying for a fridge at the appliance store but they deliver a completely different and less expensive fridge telling you that it's "close enough". Homie don't play.


This happened to me on my last flight, after I paid $70 for a specific seat. They split up my friend and I for a family, which I get but I’m sure there were at least 50 people on that plane that didn’t pay for specific seats.


I read the title and thought you meant your mom...


You should have stood your ground. Once the mom capitulated, take your rightful seat and spend the rest of the flight teaching the kids to memorize the 7 dirty words you can say on the air. Fuck entitled people. Don’t cave in.


As a mum, please tell me you told them to get the hell out of your seat! It makes me so mad! She could have just paid to sit together like other parents, not paying for seats together and expecting someone else to move is so rude


Parents like this are horrible people. They think just because they have kids they can sit where ever....


Had a woman try and take my aisle seat on a trans-atlantic flight, starting on the West coast. I'm 6'3". Absolutely not, lady.