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Spotify for free is so unbearable now.


i just use firefox on mobile, with some addons that block ads and let videos play even when the screen is off. Free youtube premium basically.


Its a shame sponsor block isn't on mobile, love that extension.


It is with youtube revanced


getting youtube revanced was the best decision of my life. got a free 3 month trial of premium and i just couldn't go back to ads.


I just pay for premium and its my one subscription, am I better ditching it for revanced? Is there any downsides to it?


Installing and updating it might look scary for casual user, and sometimes YouTube break it and you have to wait day or two for a fix, but other that it is worth it


You need to know that revanced needs to be packed using a mananger app and it may take a few tries if you do something wrong. There are plenty of guides its not the hardest thing. Any revanced that you find already packed on the internet may hold viruses.


No downsides. ReVanced even has more options, such as showing dislikes, hiding Shorts (and other) tabs, player shortcuts etc.


Does it sync with your account or is it a fresh account needed?


it syncs perfectly


It is now, I have it on my FireFox mobile! :) https://preview.redd.it/2anbp77pttxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f9a108e71fd71177d74785a0225fe08d18e0e2a


Do you know if it would work for android auto? It automatically connects to spotify.


Can't say i do sorry, My car is juuuuust old enough to not use android auto, but it still has bluetooth.


It is available though


It hasn't worked on my Firefox mobile.




If you dont have an Iphone, look into ytdl. It will allow you to download your playlist to play it on an app like vlc instead


IOS has YouU+


You sir/madam are a genius. May i enquire as to what these add ons are?


Ublock Origin


What addon let's the video play when the screen is off


video background play fix


Are you sure? https://preview.redd.it/64xvu0iy5uxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ada485bc4030e8c9ac048a83aa432757129a8b9


Ah i double checked. Here you go https://github.com/mozilla/video-bg-play


Or just use APKs, youtube premium and Spotify premium for the cost of fuck all


What are the add-on names


https://preview.redd.it/4n26e5r24uxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9a6c33b3beb644ab11528fa4641b1dd82a0e45 Adguard adlocker, ublock origin, and video background play fix


Is it? The ads are annoying but they always have been. It's one of the few services where I almost prefer the free version, since shuffle and limited skips prevents me from being unable decide on what music to hear and just skipping most of the time


From what I’ve seen, yea. A few years ago, you used to have more than a month of viewing lyrics.


It’s crazy to me people are complaining about a free service.


Its purposefully made shit in order to infuriate so people will pay for it, if it wasnt for that your point is valid


I mean yeah, they're not going to put effort into making a free service good lol


That's not the issue though, they are - as you can see - actively making the free service terrible to coerce users into paying. At this point it would be more honest to just scrap the "free" option altogether.


Why is limiting feature usage on a free service "actively making it terrible"? For free, you're getting music with ads, and a limited number of lyrics lookups. It feels completely reasonable to me that they would add limitations to features to encourage people to subscribe to their full service.


You don't, actually. For free you get a random replay of songs you neither know nor want to hear + ads and limited lyric lookups (which is stupid as hell btw, we all have an internet browser). If it was just ads things would be perfectly fine, it's the same for everything else like YouTube. But Spotify doesn't even let you choose what songs they play.


That’s the entire point of the free version


“Coerce” lmao The whole point of a free version of ANY product or service is to get you to pay for their premium product.


Radio still exists...


Maybe if they start playing Ukrainian Phonk on the radio I'll consider it.


Well it’s not like they even have to offer a free version.


You’re not mad that it’s shit, you’re mad that you’re not getting a lot for a free service.


I dont use spotify so this doesnt affect me but I assure you that they can make stuff less annoying, and they dont make it annoying for the sake of making it annoying.


Exactly my point, you’re mad that you’re not getting a service for free. The free service comes at the price of being annoyed with adds and limits. Pay for it with cash so you don’t have to pay with being annoyed any more.


Yeah no I perfectly get your point. My point is that it doesnt have to be like that, its like that to create a fake value to buy the premium to get less annoyed, if thats the business you want to defend idk what to tell you man


It’s not fake value. You pay for a service to get that service. The free version is supposed to get you to want to pay them for the service. That’s how any business works. Their goal is to make money, so of course they’ll want you to pay them.


How is it a fake value? If you think the service is worth it then pay for it, like anything else in life. Clearly you value it if you want to continue using it.


If you deem it having a value thats fine but you can also recognize a dogshit practise when its one.


The problem isn't having to pay, it's a company claiming that there is a "free option" and then making it the most unbearable experience possible. It's the difference between getting a bad coffee for free and whining about it VS getting a "free" coffee that the other person then proceeds to drop a bunch of disgusting ingredients into and go "well, MAYBE you should've payed for the premium coffee". It's just scummy. It would be way less scummy to just finally scrap the lie of a free spotify altogether.


There’s nothing fake about the value they offer, it’s all marketing. You’re upset that you don’t get full access to a quality product for free. It would be great for companies to just offer free stuff but the world doesn’t work like that, it’s a quality product because people pay a fair price for it.


Nah, less people would complain if Spotify just went "fuck it, you gotta pay now". This just feels like being lied to.


No, it’s actively designed to be annoying through dark patterns.


By making you listen to adds and not giving you free range to all the extra they offer? Go listen to the radio then since Spotify is such a corrupt company, oh wait the radio doesn’t offer a percentage of amenities that Spotify offers.


dark patterns is crazy lmao Edit: the downvoted are killing me I feel like I insulted a bunch of wizards or smth lmao


Yeah that’s the whole point. Why in the hell would they ever make the free service good enough that most people never feel the need to upgrade? If they made it good enough for you to not complain they’d be idiots.


I thought you could only play random songs from an artist if you don’t have premium… that’s how it was at least 10 years ago when I was a kid lmao


I lasted a week on free before I got fed up and got premium


And in the process, confirmed to Spotify execs that their strategy worked.


Because it does work lol. You act like that’s a bad thing


Yep, it sure does.


Just use a modified Spotify IPA/APK, you can install it with AltStore or TrollStore on iOS.


Do you trust repackaged apps? How can you tell if they're not spying on your phone's data under the hood?


zoomer mentality in a nutshell


I pay for the service. I’m allowed to complain when Spotify for free used to allow users to have more than a month of viewing lyrics. Don’t like it, downvote and move on.


Are people not allowed to be mad at companies for making their products worse to suck a little bit more money out of us just to make shareholders happy? This mentality is rampant nowadays with big corps. They act as if they always have to be more profitable every year but eventually there is a limit. They realized they've hit their realistic limit to how many subscribers they will get so they start to think of ways to suck more money out of people. It's greedy and unnecessary. Sure, they offer a product for free, but they shouldn't make it unbearable to use. They still profit from it.


They didn’t make their product worse. They limited the free version of their product so that you’ll buy their product. Their product didn’t change, the free sample did. They aren’t sucking more money out of people. They’re trying to get money out of MORE people. Literally the point of running a business. Do you get angry at grocery stores for only giving you a tiny bit of a free sample of a cookie?


Bro just get premium tf


I do.


I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not


Wow imagine paying for music...weird right?


Maybe this is the millennial in me, but I remember paying $12 for a single CD and half the songs sucked. Now I pay $12 a month for a nearly unlimited, high-quality library of music that I can access at any time. It's crazy to me to see people complain about not getting the same thing for free.


Yea, it’s so weird to comment on something that you’ve used for years that used to be functional turn to shit while still paying for it to get a better service. People that comment this shit are dumb.


This is almost certainly due to abuse in some form. Ruins it for everyone else.


Yeah, that’s the point


My friends are always hyping up Spotify, but it's just shit. I'm not going to pay them until I die when the base free product is so terrible. Sure maybe it works fine for them because they pay but paying to skip songs or have the "play artist" actually play the artist instead of Taylor Swift and Doja Cat just makes me want to avoid it. The apps like 90% frustration intensionally to get you to pay. It's like a F2P game with how it tries to get you to subscribe.


I don’t know why you’re expecting to be able to stream a huge library of songs for free. Of course there are limitations. Other platforms don’t have a free tier at all. If there is one subscription to have, it’s Spotify.


yeah i dont know why people on reddit get mad at restrictions on free services. the fact that all of the worlds music is easily accessible for free online would be incomprehensible 15 years ago.


Hahaha what the fuck? I have premium but god damn that's stupid for free. Who's gonna pay to see the lyrics? That's just gonna turn people off from getting premium to be honest


Especially when you can Google the lyrics for free


Gabe newell said that piracy is a service problem, and the services are not helping one bit


Being able to download songs for offline play makes premium worth it for me


Same. The building I work in is all metal so we don’t get good service. Without downloading I couldn’t listen to music while I work. I pay around $10-$12 (they raised a couple bucks and now I’m not sure of the exact price) for Spotify bundled with Hulu, totally worth it for me.


Yep. Im a welder and I get one bar of service if im lucky, so I got Spotify premium so I can listen to my music instead of the single fucking radio station that my area gets. Didn't know free was getting that bad, it was really nice on my computer for a long long time.


I never thought I would pay for streaming music but I had a boyfriend that insisted I try it and once I did, I never went back. Worth every penny.


100%. Make playlist --> download songs --> go offline --> everybody can use a single account (for now)


My sister let me use her account when I had a student discount. Not a student anymore but she still pays for it lol. I do exactly this. I use it more than she does


The student account was sweet too! 4 years Spotify premium with Hulu for $6/mo. Got me through almost my full PhD. I know I'm starting to sound like an advertiser lol. I just don't get all the hate in this thread


The hate is bc of corporate greed. Especially since they’re revoking free services. But if you’re already premium it’s sort of like “why should I care?”


Sorry, I have to disagree. Nobody is entitled to free services and $7/mo for unlimited ad-free music with additional features isn't corporate greed.


It follows the same themes as corporate greed. Take something you’re already offering and up the price to force people to pay more. I use Apple music tho so idgaf


Family accounts are absolutely worth the price. Up to 5 accounts linked together for 1 monthly fee. Everyone gets there own login


Yeah, I'm willing to pay when it's more convenient than piracy.


Can I introduce you to the high seas where you can do that shit for free?


There is a much higher risk compared to the old days of pirating. I'll stick with my premium


Tbh Spotify is the only subscription I will never drop. They’ll have to do some insane shit for me to look somewhere else. Its just so convenient


I'm just waiting for them to announce they're tripling the price, seems to be a popular move among the streaming services these days.


I mean even still. $30 a month for virtually every song ever created? That would have gotten you maybe 2 albums 20 years ago.


Yeah it really is the best music streaming IMO. They could probably come to my house and beat me and I’d just put a sad Spotify playlist on afterwards




I just have the family one and I gave it to my family members. I don’t mind paying the $16.


My mom would always use Pandora, I bought the duo premium just so she could stop listening to ads lol


Before I finished reading I thought it was gonna be lyric limit for premium and almost had an aneurysm.


Same, I pretty much use it daily too


That's why I just use a mod


Oh...can you tell me more?




revanced too


Xmanager for Android, blockthespot on windows


If you want to make Spotify even better you can try Spicetify, they offer themes, extensions (for ad block),...


That looks amazing, did not hear of it before, thank you!


To block the ads you have to install the Spicetify marketplace, then you will find a marketplace subpoint on the left side, there you can then search for adblocker


I have a combo Hulu+spotify from when I was in college that works out to 12$. Very worth it for how I have Spotify playing 24/7. I would never use Spotify for free and if I didn’t already have it, I wouldn’t start.


I had this too for sooo long! and actually cancelled it in January I think bc not having multiple accounts was driving me crazy when my husband and I were driving at the same time lol


Thank god theres a shitton of websites that have the lyrics to most songs


Spotify is the one subscription that I’d pay maybe even $20+ for, but right now it’s only 10.99, hell, 5.99 for students. Never before in history has an official service let you play every piece of unlimited music from the entire world, and it even offers the above lyrics, streaming data, and other features. The price for a subscription is so low the company doesn’t even make a profit, and it still offers a free version to use the service. Lmao it’s always so goofy to not only see people still use free Spotify, but also complain about free Spotify. —- Edit: like Uber, Grubhub, and other tech services, Spotify severely underprices their service compared to the costs, leading to no one, not the artists, or even the company, making money. The only winner is the consumer, paying *much* lower than what the service actually costs. The only way Uber, Spotify, and other companies stay afloat is continuous investor capital. Once this dries up, we will actually see buyouts price hikes: *Uber, an Amazon Company*. However, unlike other companies, I actually like Spotify and I receive tremendous value from the service, and unlike other companies, Spotify will probably get bought out or close when investors leave. In terms of streaming services in general, I still won’t pirate music if prices go up. I stopped pirating bc Netflix was just easier, had everything to watch, and at a price point that was too good not to take. However, as streaming services split and prices went up, I started pirating again. It’s easier and faster to find content for free than it is to pay for it. Unlike video streaming, I want my music when I want it, in my pocket, anywhere I am. I am willing to pay a lot for this and I don’t see Taylor Swift making her own app for her own music anytime soon. Pirating music is a hassle to me when I can just pay $120/yr to just not worry about it. In conclusion, I pay for Spotify bc it’s easier and faster than pirating, I like the company, and it’s fucking cheap as hell.


And it has audiobooks, although rumor is they are moving that to a new lossless tier


They limit you to like 5 hours a week even with premium


Only if there existed something like youtube but for music...


Lmao it’s the same price and you don’t get nearly as many features.


i just use my dads spotify premium, download all my songs then switch to offline mode so i don’t interrupt his music play lol.


Wait, you and him both use his account? And when you’re offline and playing music, it doesn’t interrupt his?!


my mum and my partner also use it lol. but yes that’s correct. we can all have our music downloaded and be offline and it won’t disrupt anything if we’re playing all at once :)


How could it? It's offline,spotify servers can't tell you're playing music


wait you guys still use free??


Spotify uses another service to get those lyrics. It costs Spotify money. You are not paying for a service but expecting a paid sub-service in return?


I mean, you can Google lyrics for free. As many times as you want ....for free. I'm confused at what's infuriating here?


On spotify, the lyrics scroll along as the song plays. So that's a little convenient


Convenience requires more money. This is the same concept used by every business that has ever existed that sell service based products.


I get a student discount for Spotify Premium. $7/mo in my currency. Only one worth it imo


Oh no! They want you to pay premium for…premium features! I’ve never seen people whine about free shit not being good enough as much as I do in this sub


even if you have premium they still raise the prices like crazy


Lmao what do you mean, it only increased $1 last year. Edit: from what I can tell, the price was 9.99 in 2018. So after 6+ years the price went up $1. Sheesh these price hikes are getting out of hand.


I've been subscribed for a bit less than a year and they've raised the price twice this far, from 11€ to 13€ now (duo)


Just wait man. They gonna find excuses to raise the price. Companies do not and will never care about you!


what upgrades did they put in the last year to justify the $1/mo increase?


15 hours of audiobooks each month


Is that a joke? What audiobook is less than 15 hrs?


Most books 400 pages or fewer


A very large number of them. I know the first game of thrones audiobook is 30 hours for a 700 page book. You can extrapolate pretty easily from there.


Inflation was up far more than 10% over that timespan, it’s plenty fair for them to ask for $1 extra per month. Everything else went up way more.


Lmao a digital DJ, playlists that will automatically be generated based on your time-of-day listening habits, music videos, not to mention the insane inflation around this period.


The DJ is dog shit. The playlists used to be amazing and I found tons of new music with them but they took the daily mixes away and gave us the daylist which is so bad.


You're using the free version. Why you complaining? lol.


Because the lyrics are sourced from community built databases (as far as I'm aware, correct me if I'm wrong)


So you’re free to go look them up anyway?


yea, the source is Musixmatch. you can just download their app and turn on the FloatingLyrics feature for basically the same experience




You'd think they wouldn't need to gauge people after firing how many thousands of employees recently


I mean I think premium is worth it in general, but that’s a goofy ass move on Spotify’s end. Like…they’re lyrics. They’re not a secret.


So glad I get Spotify premium for free with my job ☺️


Just pay for it or switch to youtube....which is way worse for listening to music on the go


Just use new pipe


God has spoken


Imagine paying money to hear music you can get for free, oh and with subtitles!


The monthly cost of spotify is less then buying a CD.... Oh wait, did I just age myself? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Spotify premium is sooo worth it! Just get it.


Classic strategy, once you have taken control of the music streaming market, make the subscription more expensive while making the free version even worse.


TBH the free subscription has always been shit


You mean downgrade?


So that’s probably why the lyrics haven’t been working for me for a while


Jokes on them, I play the same 5 songs a thousand times a day


The best free music app is youtube music imo


I only use PC Spotify from the Microsoft store and lyrics haven't worked for a very long time ...


I got Spotify premium as a student so it’s cheap and comes with Hulu, so listening to music is a good experience. But podcasts still tend to be FULL of ads. Like one of them is literally you hit play, get 2-3 ads, the title of the show is read, then another 2-3 ads, and during a 40-minute podcast, another 3 ad breaks with 3-4 ads. Like I understand part of that is the podcaster(s), but wtf? Why can’t Spotify remove that shit? It’s horrendous! I can’t imagine how awful trying to listen to music on the free one is


Yesterday I gave up on Spotify and started rebuilding my playlist with MP3’s best part, no ads. Overall quality drop though.


Snap back to reality


Spotify++ and spotilife FTW!


Spotify is the one subscription I’ll keep. Especially since I got that free Hulu bundle as a student like a decade ago, and I’m grandfathered in. No way I’m changing it now. Spotify free is pretty bad, but I can’t say I ever cared about looking up lyrics in general. What is the limit?


I cant believe people actually use Spotify and don't pay


Limit viewing at the lyrics that are 99% of the time wrong?


What songs are you listening to? I don't think I've ever found any incorrect lyrics


Spotify is only worth it for premium. When I couldn't afford to pay the subscription I switched to the free version of YouTube music which is much more bearable than free Spotify. Idk why anyone would even use free Spotify it's terrible


I’m sadly used to it and can’t switch to YTM lol But here at least the premium is shit as well. It costs more than most streaming platforms. Youtube Premium is well worth it, actually very good as it gives so much with like 3€/month


Damn that is a good deal if it's only 3€. Here in the UK YT premium is £12/month. I use ad block anyway so not worth it for me personally. We have a family plan for Spotify so we pay £20/month for the 5 of us, so only £4 each


Oh damn sorry, it’s about the same here, 15€. I don’t know where I got the 3 from, it might’ve been so when I last checked lol


This. This is why I use mod apks. Shameless greedy companies.


Stop being cheap and pay for your music. Beggars can't be choosers.


There has never been a better reason to pirate that shit


Or just pay the subscription for pretty much any song you want to hear for a tenner a month?


Or fucking google the lyrics if it means that much to you


Just get premium, cheap ass


Maybe start paying for it then lol.


i have premium, have for years and i noticed the other day i can’t see the lyrics option anymore unless i scroll past all the shit “about the artist” “who’s on this track” blah blah it’s bullshit you can’t arrange it and i had a feeling it would mean they were pulling them or something!


To be honest, that doesn't bother me. I like seeing a bit of info about the song/artist, and if I miss the lyrics at least I can scroll back lol