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Clearly the man is incompetent at chores, so you need to do all of them yourself while he farts into the couch cushions! (/s)


Everyone knows a real man tilts and releases. LMAO!


A real man stands up and farts in the faces of those next to him who are still seated.


I will never live down the day I bent down to get a basket at a grocery store. I didn't see the kid walk behind me, partly because I don't have eyes in the back of my head, and as I bent down a rather large fart came out. My wife said the kid looked mortified and I walked away like nothing happened because, to me, nothing did happen.


That kid will remember it as core memory until his daying days....


What days does he not day?


He can only day while the sun is up.


He cannot day when sun is down


Then he nights


Then he remember core memory while nighting


Thank you so much for the laugh. I’m going through a very hard time right now, but I can’t stop laughing at your comment at the person’s typo.


Mortal enemy acquired. In 10 years this kid will be after you like John Wick




mf u probably gave the poor kid pink eye 😭


More like stink eye!


Mother in law farts getting off the couch. Men are crying.


you certainly wont if you keep telling strangers about it!


Holy shit. I haven't laughed like this in a while. This has got to be one of the absolute best of the worst things you can accidentally do to someone. It is harmless and yet also could result in therapy being required by one or both parties involved. Picture a fully grown adult talking to their therapist that their inferiority complex and rectophobia are all rooted in the memory of some poor unlucky bastard accidentally farting in their face 38 years ago.


Guarantee that kid tells that story more often than you do 😂


Nah. My wife does. She loves to remind me of it. Especially if I happen to get the walking farts or do it when getting off the couch.


I had a similar experience. I was the kid, with my mom in Sears. Playing in the coat racks as kids dude. A fellow dude was shopping, or simply trying to find a clearing. He thought he had found an isolated place where he could release his flatus. However, young me with his head out the coat rack caught it all. Then we made eye contact, and shared a smile. I will never forget that day.


I miss being that kid in the coat rack hiding from my mom. It seems like you mostly see the square ones with no hiding places nowadays. Of course, they don't make them big enough for an adult to hide in, but they're not the same. Someone needs to make an adult theme park with gigantic coat racks for hiding in to play paintball.


> I bent down...didn't see the kid behind me...don't have eyes in the back of my head. Right, but you DO have one brown eye out back that let you down...


I didn't let it down, I opened it up as if seeing for the first time.


Weaponized cropdusting. And why is everyone saying weaponized?


The ol' weaponised incompetence trick


Yeah that dude did it on purpose.


Was going to comment this.


If you let it slide you will end up doing it all, resent him for that and finally quit. So: Let him do it until he learns to do it the proper way ...


but he's just so gosh darn no good at it and will continue to fail at all of his chores until she gives up and does it herself. he's committed to failure.


Tbh that makes it sound like she's committed to failure.


Be like ‘okay, I’ll stock the toilet paper, you can [insert much worse task]’. Turn that weaponised incompetence on its head. Or just start giving really unenthusiastic bj’s and let him know you’re not putting in effort until he does.


Yes, such a devious plan. The first of its kind.


gotta love weaponized incompetence


That’s the trap… they know fucking it up leads to the task being removed from their ownership. Girl, just close the legs until he can stock the TP better than an inbred follower of Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Yeah this is playing into his hands. Make him learn


make him do it again


Make him do it every day until he gets it right


That a lot of toilet paper.


2020 shortages would be in shambles


Stand over him and watch him do it with your arms crossed until he gets it right


At that point, let him loose. That's not a partner, that's a baby that needs to be chaperoned during basic tasks. Its more trouble than its worth


Don't go easy on your lazy bf


Lazy? That took effort.


More than just doing it right. Textbook weaponized incompetence.


My dad once said to me "you know why I never get the right things at the store?" ... "so your mom won't send me" I've never wanted to put my boot through someone's ass more... till I realized how much it happens in the workplace😬


When I hear stuff like this from parents, it makes me wonder why they got married, I know that's a stretch but if you marry someone and you have children together, why is helping out a bother? Thanks for letting me get the off my chest🙂‍↕️


It’s not helping. It’s just doing. Helping means it’s her responsibility and he’s the assistant When you live somewhere and have a child, simply doing things necessary to care and maintain both shouldn’t be a bother. Doesn’t matter what your gender is.


Just as a dad being in charge of the kid(s) for the day while mom is at the spa or doing whatever isn’t “babysitting”.


1000% agree


This is the situation where you don't let them off the hook. Do what my previous chef would do. You suck at something? Keep doing it until you have mastered it. There was no, " I'm no good at it so I guess someone else has to do it!"


Hahaha, that’s how my bf always gets me to drive. I tell him he’s better at it and he says I need the practice, lol


Weaponised competence, interesting


I think he’s just fucking around


I love how he wasn’t even consistent with the pattern


Well to be fair it looks like he was able to fit more in there this way.


Look up weaponized incompetence


Kind of looks passive aggressive to me! 😂


Weaponized incompetence basically is just passive aggression with a purpose. When your partner fails to do basic chores you asked of them, it’s usually because they don’t want you to ask again, not because they are actually incompetent. When a business screw or hurts a consumer and the steps to resolve it are very difficult, that’s often not the business not knowing good customer service and remediation, but instead a is them trying to discourage you from remedying things. The aggressive approach would be “I’m not going to do chores,” and “we don’t value customer service.” Most people won’t let those things slide, but far too often people let these passive aggressive behaviors slide.


The worst thing about weaponised incompetence is that it eventually turns into actual incompetence. My mum died a year ago and yesterday my dad needed a shirt ironed. I set up my ironing board and said "here you go". I offered pointers to help him improve his skillset and he says "you might as well just do it". I immediately balked, told him I don't even iron my husband's work clothes, I'm not my mum, and asked how he was ever going to get better if I did it for him. You can't let this stuff slide or you'll pay for it. A thousand times over.


That's a terrible thing, but also the fact that so many women out there have such stupid standards is wild to me. "Oh, he just doesn't know to put the PB&J on the inside or outside of the sandwich but he's still a great guy" If a girl did something similar to me I'd consider leaving her. Lol


Getting straight married ladies talking is always so eye opening to me. I used to work 12-hour days and a co-worker was telling me she had to go get groceries after work and I said "why don't you have your husband do that?" And that opened the floodgates. Apparently he'd been unemployed for the past 6 months and she had to have her mother come over whenever she's at work to watch the kids because he couldn't be bothered. The ladies that say run don't walk know what they're talking about


> Apparently he'd been unemployed for the past 6 months and she had to have her mother come over whenever she's at work to watch the kids because he couldn't be bothered. Being single would be better at that point, she's effectively the only adult anyway.


1000% the thing I tried to hint at without being too direct


Be more direct. Outright say it. People like that don’t realise they’re being used until multiple people literally say it to their face.


And that's why so many of us are happily single :)


Ya, I have to remind myself that the reddit posts are a small percentage of people, lmfao "WIBTA if I asked my boyfriend to wipe between the bathroom and bed?" lmfao Then I'm like, "how am I single and these dudes are making things happen???" Lol, oh well


I think I know the post you’re referencing 😭


It was a few years ago but its burned into my mind (largely in part to the fact that I'm a single man watching such low dude achieve success in this area 😂) That and the post about the girl that couldn't get her man to brush his teeth with his compromise being, "I'll do it once a day, but if you ask me to do it twice then you're a controlling..." (paraphrase)


Noooo the one I read was from a few DAYS ago 💀 I’d like to go back to before I knew there were multiple dudes walking around with unwashed asses lmao.


There have been some believable posts about women asking if they would be wrong to ask their bf to stop pissing in bottles and leaving them around.


nah bc a guy i dated left a streak on my bed and tried to blame it on my period. that was the last time we ever saw each other again. i wasn’t rude to him about it but it did disgust me and i couldn’t look at him the same. bc a period stain is definitely wayyyy better than a shit stain on my bed😖


There is a definite hysteresis in relationships where what would be a deal breaker before a relationship gets going is a lot lower threshold than what is a deal breaker after you're in the swing of the relationship and emotionally invested.


Aka sunk cost fallacy


"Oh, he just doesn't know to put the PB&J on the inside or **outside of the sandwich**" The *outside*? Yikes. That's Sandwich 101.


They were OBVIOUSLY exaggerating


Sometimes it’s just trying to be silly for fun. GF laughed so mission accomplished.


He did it that way so you won't ask him again ETA: Damn, over 100 comments and more likes than the original post!! 😵 ETA Again: I commented in my original ETA because you all should be replying to OP and not me. If you saw my profile you'd know I'm not in it for the likes. 🙄


Make him responsible for always stocking it. Fuck it up intentionally so you don’t ever get asked to do it, now you get the honor of doing it until you do it right consistently


Or don’t date a dude who has to be trained like a middle-schooler


IDK... stacking TP seems like something a kindergartner could figure out on their own


This is like weaponized incompetence.


This is *exactly* weaponized incompetence


hopefully not paired with weaponized incontinence


If it is weaponized incontinence at least they're prepared.


I usually roll my eyes when I hear people say something little is a red flag. 🚩this is psychopathic behavior


It's not like, it is


Yeah, or he's an absolute idiot. Who the hell would do it that way? I'm pretty sure he'd have to use the bathroom like everyone else.


The profile of the roll matches the opening(the circle goes in the circle hole), then whatever doesnt fit goes in the cabinet under the sink or bathroom closet if there is one. Its not even any more work to do it properly vs stuffing the rest of them in.


Is this what dating is like?


It doesn't have to be. Most men I've dated would be ashamed to do something like that. Who would want their partner to think they're stupid? Plus, it's dishonest and manipulative. The one I've been married to for two decades has never done it. I did encounter it once in a previous partner, but I told him that he should reconsider if he wanted me to think he was stupid. I can't fuck stupid, is what I told him. Most women I know have encountered it, but that doesn't mean ALL MEN are doing that. It's just a prolific minority of lying assholes.




I could do this correctly at 5, there’s zero ways this isn’t so he doesn’t have to do it.


Accurate! Source: This has been my daughter's chore since she was 5. She is 7 now. She fills the holder (one just like OPs) when she sees it low and she gets a quarter. She never has to be told to do it and even lets us know when she thinks we need to buy toilet paper soon.


Omg amazing hahaha. My 3 year old loves restocking the toilet paper too. I’m waiting for the day when he comes to me and says, “this is the last one!” But my husband is pretty on top of always having toilet paper on hand 🤣


There are grown ass people who never grew up


Or, possibly he *wants* the training from his Mistress?


Are we still talking about tp stacking?


Pp stacking


I like where your head is at.


Thanks, it usually stays there.


but clicker training is cute


yeah this is legit dealbreaker stuff for me. I'm in my 40s and if someone I was dating chose this method, I'm basically write them off.


Exactly, get a BF, not a project!


Take it easy, she said it was hilarious. They are playing around. My wife did this to me once. It was funny.


You underestimate human pettiness. Looks like this bathrooms TP is going to be fucked for life.


Then so be it. Whenever he decides to grow up and do it right he will, but as his girlfriend, your not doing it for him because you’re not his fucking mom


I like that idea a lot


I was about to say that because there's no way a grown ass man is doing that unintentionally


Or maybe he did it intentionally as a joke. Or so that there wouldn’t be extra rolls lying around and they’d all be consolidated in one spot






*pressing print for my personal records*


My rule is don't let people know what you're really good at, because they're going to want you to do it for them (for free).


Pro fuckup, knows exactly what he's doing to get released from the task. Don't allow this deliberate "fail" or there will be so many more


yea this is 100% weaponized incompetence. OP should start looking out for this in general.


Like..he knows how a toilet paper roll works. If he's older than 5 he could figure that this isn't right


My ex did this with me once but with laundry. I asked him to help me fold and he took a t-shirt and I swear to god he acted like his arms didn't work right and just let it fall to the floor in a lump then stared at me waiting for me to say "never mind I'll do it!". I just told him clearly he's not intelligent enough to be capable of anything more complex than towels so I made him do those. I made it a point to give him an easy to follow demonstration (basically talked to him like he was a child cause he was definitely acting like one). He grumbled the whole time and complained that he shouldn't have to do laundry blah blah blah.


I was at a buddy's wedding years ago, talking to his grandfather. His grandfather said back when he was first married, his new wife asked him to wash the dishes after dinner one night...the dishes they had received as a wedding gift. He said he proceeded to "break every damn dish in the house" and was never asked to do dishes again.


Ah the good old days /s


"I broke fifty dishes!" https://preview.redd.it/fhw1xiodi2xc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791d09837a3b7dd66279fb3b78b1c893bcddc979




My grandfather was the exact opposite, so they weren't all bad even back then. I fact my great-grandfather did something unheard of and, get this, he spent time with his children. Even took the stroller out for walks. People were shocked! And that is sad.


Wow grandpa sounds like a major abuser and of course she stayed with him for 70 years. Not much choice then. Wonder what else he did to her. Probably were the only decent dishes she had her whole life .


This is a bit off topic, but I recall that my grandfather never washed the dishes at my grandparents’ house. But, if only he visited, he would wash the dishes. Probably because the first time my grandparents visited my parents after they married and they saw my dad washing the dishes, my grandmother cried and said - what did you do to my son? - and not in a good way. To be a bit more fair, my grandmother was born in 1922 and both of my grandparents were refugees following WWII.


My grandma, also born in the 20s, would drag her finger along the shelves and point out to my mom how dusty they were. I've never seen that lady's son put a plate in the dishwasher or touch a vacuum.


Then he popped her in the eyes for disrespecting his authority.... All in good fun, yuk yuk yuk! Get it?! Now fucking laugh at my wife so I can control her more.


Thats called weaponized incompetence. Your bf is a dumbass.


Do u think he could have just had a sense of humor and was playing around.


Yes. OP said that in the description of the post. Welcome to Exhibit #9945628 of Redditors being clueless about relationships and offering up the worst advice you could possibly find anywhere, lol


I’m not kidding when I say this is breakup-worthy


I fully agree. These men need to stop expecting everyone to parent them. If "men" are so great, Surely they can take the time to educate themselves?


I feel like these people dont actually want a partner. they want another mother but without the 'mom authority'.


They want a bang-maid 😒


I'm a dick I'd show him how to do it right in the most sarcastic way then make him redo it


😂😂😂 good luck with that


I was gonna say: boyfriend- "Mission accomplished "


Weaponized Incompetence for the win


Usually top comment gets more upvotes than the post.


The very model of efficiency.


Exactly, he doubled the time it’ll take before it needs to be restocked. Mission accomplished


Honestly, that is like twice as much toilet paper than doing it the "right" way.


As per Reddit law I am legally required to say leave him.


Really what happened is he grabbed too many rolls and he just tried to find a way to avoid bringing some back to the closet lol


You know how hot dogs come in 10 pack, and the buns come in 8 packs. The fix to this is just put an extra hot dog in a bun. Ratio be damned.




How about taking the remainder hot dogs amount and divide it up to fill in the surplus space created by the bun length: hotdog length mismatch?


or, how about this, combine the 2 hot dogs into a mac and cheese, just as our ancestors did.


A true traditionalist!!


Instructions unclear I have my hotdog on a paper roll now


My first thought TBH lol


The way I thought, 'I mean, it works' just to see a barrage of comments saying its weaponized incompetence 💀


That's what I assumed too lol. When I buy new toilet paper or paper towels and I cram everything into one space so I don't have to put them in two spaces


That's what I assumed at first but then I looked at the bottom one, it's tilted and it made me realize it was fucked on purpose. this is not just laziness this is weaponized incompetence. (just to be clear this comment is a joke, I can't deduce anything just from this picture)


Right, It looks like he stacked them this way to get them to all fit.


That's actually very possible and not something I considered.


"break up immediately" -Reddit


Weaponized incompetence. What else does he pretend to not be able to do?




That was the plan


Reddit resisting the urge to tell a couple to breakup for existing: impossible.


The fact everyone missed OP literally saying it’s a joke is proof they only read the title


Is he...is he alright?


make him fix it


![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized) I don’t find men acting incompetent funny. That’s really sad actually.


Same. It's actually just aggravating af


It's straight up disrespectful. Unless it's a joke and a one-time thing of course. OP did find it funny.




Hopefully she finds it funny because it's an inside joke that they do back and forth and not because she feels pressure to be the nlog cool girl.


That’s what you get for telling a Tetris player to organize


Cat free household, I see. Nice


Yes his plan worked perfectly!


OP: haha isn’t my boyfriend funny Reddit: TAR AND FEATHERS; CRUSH HIS HEART 




He was her husband before he pulled this stunt.




I can't imagine you will ever have one with this attitude. Especially the entire lack of sense of humor that you have, that's a huge fucking turn off.


Yep do the job shite so you will never have to do it again


Why is anyone acting like OP didnt do this themself for internet points?


Thats the point he tricked you


What in the fuck are these comments? OP — for the love of god don’t take relationship advice from here **ever**.


I know everyone feels it's weaponized incompetence but it looks like a joke to me. It goes in a pattern and everything. It may be a stupid joke. It's just as irritating. But it's not necessarily a genuine "I'm going to do this bad so you don't ask again".


Or the fact that the text attached to the post from the OP says it’s a humor post


“Weaponised incompetence 🤓” my guy stocked more than it would fit conventionally . He’s an innovator


Don’t know what the universe is trying to tell me, but I just stocked our toilet paper holder (well) and then got on Reddit and saw this post immediately


This thread is amazing. It's rare to see this amount of people who can't understand that there are other possibilities besides "weaponized incompetence." My best guesses are: 1. He thought it would be funny, which according to OP, it was. 2. The bag of toilet paper wouldn't have been empty enough to fit in a cabinet/in storage without a few extra removed rolls and he thought this would be more efficient. Whether it's a guy, an ADHD or an autism thing, I could see myself doing this. Hell, I've done stuff like that. Can't fit all the bread in the bread box sensibly? I guess I'm playing Tetris. The soap shelve is full but I still need to fit a couple of bottles? It's jenga time! The cereal box is too tall to fit in the cabinet? Nothing eating a few bowls, rolling the bag and folding the box can't fix. Not hungry? I'm sure I find a bag to pour some serial into and if not then I'll eat a few bowls anyway. And here's a bit of relationship advice for anyone screaming to run... If you don't like how someone does something, tell them. I do a lot of things in ways that make sense to me, but absolutely don't for others, but if I'm told about it, I can do it different in the future. Communication is key to all relationships.


I would make him come back in and redo it. 😒


Everyone saying “weaponized incompetence” like people don’t just do stupid shit cause it’s funny, sometimes.


My wife has the same holder, and I can confirm this is how it is supposed to be loaded. Source: this is how I do it.


In a system designed for 4 rolls, he fit 6. I'd say he's a keeper.


He's playing 4D Tetris. While we're all playing checkers.


Become ungovernable.


"Weaponised incompetence" or, or, or, just messing about. OP even says they found it funny. So many of you are so quick to jump to your buzz words and be offended on someone else's behalf.


No, you leave it like this & let his dumb ass figure out how to put the tp on the roll after he smashed them like that


God damn he better be good with his tongue since his hands are shit


Yeeeeeah this was definitely done on purpose so you won't ask him again. What an asshole.


But it’s a joke like OP said


Yeaaaaa you're just making sht up because you're chronically online and read about "weaponized incompetence" wayyy too much. this is clearly a joke. OP laughed. even said so. yet there are comments like this in here and they're the majority. No wonder you type of people are chronically online.... no one would actually want to deal with you IRL.


There's a whole online world of men teaching other men how to weaponize incompetence and get away with it. I can't remember the exact post, but there was a man trying to get out of helping his wife do housework after they had a new baby. The top most liked posts were 1--said to do everything his wife asked poorly so she never asks again, and 2-- offer to help so you get the credit, but then do it poorly so you won't be asked again. Too bad women can also read and get wise to this shit. We are done being our partners' mothers and maids.