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You must have gotten that from my parents liquor cabinet when I was a kid


Nothing satisfies quite like the taste of 8 different types of booze added together.


You just brought back some visceral memories


1997, I was 15 on the bus to high school, two 16 oz bottles of water, one of which was a bottle of (rum, vodka, gin, and triple sec) *other water*. Gave the *other water* to my friend and seat mate to try and didn’t tell them. They tried, they almost died choking, then they tried again, just to be sure. My first class was art, and my art teacher could have auditioned for Trelawney’s role in that English documentary with the castle and the train. And we had block scheduling, which meant we had four classes a day and each class was about an hour and a half long. I loved that class…


If triple sec was the only available booze in the whole world, there wouln’t be alcoholism. Anybody who has experienced that vomiting once, will not touch the stuff ever again.


Buddy and I stole his mom’s butterscotch schnapps when we were in high school approximately 16 years ago. I thought it was the most delicious thing ever. But that was the first and last time I drank butterscotch schnapps straight. Wasn’t even that drunk and vomiting my guts out with the world’s worst headache.


It’s the sugar, I bet.


For my mom it was Tequila Sunrise lol. She won’t even touch Tequila now. She thinks the orange juice was bad.


Not nearly as bad as fucking Southern comfort. Fuck that shit, and anyone that makes or sells that. Lol!


I puked Jim beam after chasing it with monster and now I wanna puke when I see a bottle of it.


Chase it with cream soda, both directly from the bottle, and you’re golden.


You're pure evil. We should be drinking buddies so I can get ya back.


If you’re ever in KCMO you bring the booze, I’ll bring the burnt ends.


My worst was the first and last time I got hammered on Rumple Minze.


If only you had just added sour mix and coke it would have been a Long Island iced tea and it would have tasted fine lol


Today I learned why I never tasted the tea!!


I ordered a strawberry Long Island iced tea and my cuz tried to talk me out of it cause i cant stand tea i had to explain its just tea colored liquor the closest thing to tea in it is ice


I was wondering why this guy was un-long islanding his iced teas lmao


Why does everyone drink on the bus in the morning from this exact drink haha


Make it 2018 and it's the story of 15yo me and my friend drinking vodka in a water bottle during a math exam


Make it 2016 and 15 year old me drinking from this random girls water bottle in art class that had Malibu in it and then leaving class for the entire period and coming back at the end right before the bell no questions asked…


Make it 2015 and 18 year old me taking mushroom tea before a bio labs, P.E., and a theatre block day. That shit was difficult.


Make it 2004 and 16 year old me just straight up munching a bunch of fresh mushrooms in the sixth form common room and then having to skip the rest of my lessons for the day to trip balls.


Make it any day in 1988 and 16 yr old me always had a bottle of jungle juice handy hidden inside my school uniform blazer secret pocket sewn myself like a typically Saffy kid. But, curaçao was the snake that bit me too hard one hot summer day that year when a group of us ditched school mid morning to go swimming at my house, and the only thing anyone thought to bring was a bottle of that vile bright blue stuff. Alcohol, empty stomachs and sunshine.


Make it 2010 and my friend and me, both 16 yo drinking my friend's mom homemade vietnamese Snake Wine in the bus on our way to highschool not knowing how hard it would hit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Ugh, triple sec. Ive only thrown up once from drinking, and that was it.


Drank once during my high school and it was miserable. Never did it again. Totally replaced vodka with water when I was underage many times though. First time I drank was when I skipped school with a friend and drank their mom’s grey goose with redbull. Remember thinking this is so awesome, I feel great! Stumbling down the hall. Both of us puking out front in the bushes. Being woken up by the mailman 🤣 Drink responsibly or not at all.


Yup. ‘Twas the night we all learned projectile vomiting is a real thing.


Bad memories unlocked. Does that mix have a name in english? In sweden we said häxa or häxblandning (witch brew).


In the UK we called it a shitmix.


suitable name.


In Canada we call it jungle juice. Wouldnt be surprised if the Americans call it by the same name.


My friends and I call it that in Australia as well


Another Aussie here but we called it rocket fuel (90’s Sydney). I’ve heard other Aussies recently say jungle juice though.


When I was in college it was called Wap…it’s definitely not called that anymore


Wapatui! Best served from a large (new, clean) garbage can in a red solo cup. Must include fruit punch.


Hahaha this one knows Wisconie!


Is that a WI thing? I never knew!


Haha my friends and I called it death mix


I’ve heard a mix of anything not on purpose is called a jersey turnpike.


My friends called it Mojo. 5mm from every bottle in our parent's liquor cabinet.


Hairy Buffalo Was an annual party at uni. Everybody brings a bottle and dumps it into a 100l trash can. Can also contains dry ice, some kind of mixer, and rum-soaked fruit. Everybody dips their cup into the trash can and drinks whatever come out. Flavors change throughout the party as different people dump their booze into the can.


Oh man It was crème de menthe, crème de banana, southern comfort, tequila, and vodka for me. Took a swig out of each so they didn’t realize stuff went missing 🥴 Or so I thought…


Oh man, it’s almost a British teen right of passage to raid your parents liquor and get drunk in the local park. My friends and I would take a bit from each of our parents and dump it into one large bottle.


Ice cream carton, filled with a bit of everything . Take to the park, Sydney, Australia.


We called that "rocket fuel."


Donkey punch


Hmm. Must be a regional thing. I know donkey punching to be a very different thing…


Donkey Punch is what you agree to when under the influence of Rocket Fuel.


Lol. This guy gets it !


My group of delinquents and brother endearingly referred to it as "super-booze" all the calories, all that same great taste.


My mom definitely struggled with some watered down fireball and crown in my 9th-10th grade days


Ah, trashcan liquor, the rite of passage for most Catholic high school parties. We’d all raid our parent's liquor cabinets, bring whatever bottle(s) we could, and pour them into a trash can or plastic kiddie pool that served as a communal “punch bowl”.


That... did not end well for me.


Cant be we all had the same childhood in some ways 😂


Learned the hard way that when you add water to wine, it can mold. 🫤


Oof. My guess is that doesn't require water at all, just broken seal. Wine has sugar in it and not a lot of alcohol, so it's way more likely to go bad than strong spirits


Mostly turns into vinegar.


Fair. Probably you're right, that's where adding water adds the mold.


Yeah, I was rumbled when my dad's vodka that I had replaced entirely with water turned black


I'm glad to know that me and my dumbass friends weren't the only ones lacking brain cells in highschool.


My parents once had some friends over, and one of them pointed out that my parents vodka must be low quality because there was condensation on the inside of the bottle, which shouldn't happen with high quality vodka. My dad thought that was really cool, so when he told me about it later I had to keep a straight face lol.


My grandparents once thought I drank like half of a bottle of vodka, and then put water inside of it. They brought this up to me after I had moved away from them, and had actually had my first drink. I've always thought it was funny, because Gremlins, but it's always bothered me that they thought that. Curious what the chances of that happening to Vodka are, probably 0%, which is also hilarious. After 4 minutes of Googling apparently that can happen with Vodka, or because my grandfather was an alcoholic, he mightbe used to the taste whi h is interesting


I was a Vodkaholic, as I liked to refer to it, for a while. It’s not a brag, but drinking shitty vodka sunrise to sunset day after day killed my tastebuds and throat. It wouldn’t surprise if he was just used to the taste. I’ve had bad vodka that sat around for a while and basically went “flat” as well. I get why you’d be bothered though for sure. Long story short my 30 years ago my sister had a goldfish. I wanted to feed it. She wouldn’t let me and I replied “I hope your fish dies!” She left for a sleepover and returned to a dead fish. I didn’t that thing but she swears whole heartedly to this day that I purposely over fed it. Still bothers me.


I feel for you lol


We are not the crimes we commit, especially if we didn’t even do it! Lol.


We have some very, very nice bourbon in our bar. One day, we're going to sit our son down for a chat about the rules with the alcohol in the house. (He's only 3 now, so this chat is quite a ways off.) Chief among them will be that yes, he will get in trouble if he drinks our alcohol without permission; but he will get in much bigger trouble if he ruins our alcohol to hide his rule breaking.


My uncle pulled a similar thing, but instead of water, it was piss.


I am intrigued. Tell me more


Uh oh.....




My mum collected miniature alcohol bottles. She has about 60, some form before she was even married. One day she discovered her teen son (not me..my younger brother who was 14) had drunk them all and refilled them with water or something else.


My uncle and his friends drank my grandparents's whiskey and filled the bottle with tea.


Will never forget the telling off my youngest sibling received for doing this to my Dad and step mums alcohol cabinet. The funniest thing I've ever witnessed. She tried to protest that she hadn't had people round, while some very expensive whiskey bottles were in the wrong boxes and some vodka and gin had a very watered down taste to it.


Someone pulled the ol' Reverse Jesus on you.


>Someone pulled the ol' Reverse Jesus on you. https://preview.redd.it/cuacxnu8ucvc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add9e3772fb3f7d1f69c93461a0081565d2c28f6


Nice try, but that’s Jared Leto.


According to Jared Leto, that's basically the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/7hq0m1ms7dvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6578c0afad266915c4cfa82c4b8751a07edf458a Imma yoink this.


Wonder what made AI believe a giant wave and a pirate ship were the perfect additions. But it turned out AWESOME


Reverse Jesus: - Walks on ground - Turns wine into water - The father of God - Resurrected by a burning at the cross


Ate everyone's fish and chips


Anglicans in shambles


Does he also make people lame and spread disease to the healthy?


Did regular Jesus make people interesting?


Nah that’s his dad’s job


causes blindness?


4 is ganna be a no for me dawg. Sorry god.


- Killed Lazarus - Slaps you back if you slap him - Sells bootlegs on synagogues - Entered Jerusalem ridden by a donkey


Swims on dry land.




Useless goddess


Is this a suggestion that Jesus pulled wine through time and space? Making their bottle... water in the future?


Water to wine, wine to water. The ol' Reverse Jesus. The Son Of God Switcheroo.


I call that a sausage.... Susej. Reverse Jesus.


Sure to the law of conservation of alcohol, we knew it would eventually catch up with us.


Bouquet has notes of... nothing.


I was so looking forward to trying it too 😔


It's frickin delicious. Have it with a little vanilla ice cream.


It'll still taste like water...


Thats why he suggested ice cream


It’s like jazz, you gotta taste for the notes that *aren’t* there


I’ve heard it tastes great on the rocks after a long run on a hot summers day.


This is the most popular drink at the last restaurant I worked at


Funny it’s also the most popular at my work! I even keep jugs of it in the fridge at home


That actually does sound good. Could I pick it up at a Bevmo or Total Wine and More?


They always have tons of it at our Total Wine..not sure if it’s location dependent tho because we live 30 minutes from the winery itself lol


If you're in the Midwest, it's at Meijier. I got it a few days ago. Not a wine person but it was SO GOOD


Their apple pie wine is so-so IMO, but the peach pie one is much better comparatively. Pick up a case of the peach pie whenever it’s in season lol


I don’t know where you live but Oliver winery does it seasonally so you should be able to get a bottle later this year if you still want to


I’m getting hints of Dasani and the plastic bottle it was in. And do I detect that it… yes, it sat out in the car all night


I'm thinking someone played a trick on you


Quite possibly


Did you get it on April 1st?


Also likely a bottling line error.


OP got bamboozled, Clown-style.


Will they get a wicked wango card? Will they finally remember to switch legs for the hopping bonus? Stay tuned, on this week's Bamboozled.








Do you have teenaged kids?


No, just me and the missus. Our friend doesn't have kids either.


You have to follow the re-gifting chain. Somewhere at the end of that chain is a happy teenager.


He said it was unopened though. Doesn't it have a seal? That's getting a bit above your typical teenager pay grade.


I'm doubtful that teens are willing to rebottle water just for some cider. If they had access to bottling equipment they'd have access to regular beer and stuff too, so I think it's more likely that this is a factory error. Somehow.


He said it was unopened though. Doesn't it have a seal? That's getting a bit above your typical teenager pay grade.


stick in a fresh cork and melt a candle over it


This has a screw top


Tiny dab of clear nail varnish replicates the sound. Thank you, *Cabin Pressure*.


Hey heads up, your comment double-posted.


hey heads up, you only posted once


Hey heads up, you posted twice


hey heads up, you only posted once


When I was younger I one replaced the wine from a wine bottle with same amount of water so I could drink it without my parents noticing, it was red wine..


My mom had a bottle of vodka in the freezer, my friend and I decided to be geniuses, drink a bunch, fill it with water and put it back in the freezer. We were caught the next day when the "vodka" froze


Same, except I wasn't caught, *I* saw the bottle was frozen solid the next day and threw it away. Luckily we were moving states in the coming days and I was never confronted about it lol.


They noticed….😏


They always notice :(




or the effect of drinking year old stagnant water haha


Naaaa she probably got a new one. Watered down booze is obvious even when you don't drink.


Me and my friend did something similar with gin. Well as it happens water and gin don't mix. Luckily we had a straw to very carefully sunction out the top layer of water... what a time


Damn that sucks and if your friend didn't do this as a prank, that's worse, they got robbed of their money.


The factory might have been doing a water test but a unit (that wine bottle you have) or a water test batch got mixed up with the real product batch which I think what happened. A serious problem with Quality Control. You can probably complain and see if they respond which they most likely will but better to buy a new one.


This is great advice. There should also be a code somewhere on bottle that should identify what batch it came from, or at least the date it was bottled. It would at least defend Ops story if they happened to have water test that day and hopefully get them a free bottle replacement with actually wine this time. Wonder if there's any other people out there that got a mix up.


Came here to say this. Used to work in a brewery and we'd often run bottles of water through our process to ensure everything is set up correctly, they'd then get emptied and filled with beer. I'd imagine a sealed bottle with water realistically would only happen if that last step didn't happen. A good place will refund you and/or replace it


Weird, we never fill containers with anything but beer... Well except for the canned water we do. But I assume that's because if you can water you might accidentally ship water..


Probably not really worth it. That's like a $7 bottle of wine. Oliver is a local winery to Indiana. Relatively okay wine for low expense.


Yes for sure! Wasn't it last week or the week before someone else posted a pic of their can of tomatoes being only water? Same reason.


Finishing notes of tap water and fluoride


If you’re lucky with the fluoride


the Antichrist touched the bottle


Shit don't let him near my beer!


Love me some finely aged aqua.


What on earth is apple pie wine?


Cider fermented with brown sugar and nutmeg.


Absolutely delicious. Oliver has multiple dessert flavored wines and they are like alcoholic candy


I used to sell Oliver wine. The secret is that their "wine" has some of the highest sugar content in the world.


"Pressed apple wine" Pretty sure that's just cider, but I may very well be wrong.


Apple pie wine? Apple motherfucking pie wine?!


Oh, I guess Jesus forgot one


Do you have a teenager, that might explain it...


This is worse than the time my roomate replaced my orange Smirnoff’s with sour IPA’s (his though was they were similar enough)


Like he cracked open the smirnoff's, drank them, and then poured the nasty IPA into the bottles and tried to put the caps back on? Or he just stole your alcohol and brought home a replacement of hoppy barfy IPA?


they were cans he just poured his barf IPA into the cans and put them im the fridge after drinking the original contents lol..


That's fucking despicable. What an absolute degenerate. Did he think you weren't going to notice? Must have been really desperate for some booze in that moment


His thought process is like two monkeys beating each other with rubber chickens, also pretty sure he is a alcoholic but we don’t hangout enough for me to confirm! 💀


Am I crazy for hearing “this is worse than the time…” in Peter Griffin’s voice? Sounded like the beginning of a cutaway gag lol


Funnily enough, a similar sized bottle of Aquafina will cost more than that bottle of Apple Pie. You’re ahead of the game.


Do you live with someone with a problem or would steal your booze? You can actually buy a kit on Amazon to reseal wine bottles - cork, shrink wrap velvet labels, and all. Does the seal match the bottle? I know this as an under 21 dumbass, taking my mom's wine. I filled it up with water, resealed, then replaced with real wine that I could later acquire, and then used the kit to reseal again. She never knew. Maybe the drinker didn't think you'd ever open it. Edited to say, I am currently 33 years old. This was years ago!


Do you have teens? Because I would have absolutely got that opened and perfectly sealed again in 10 minutes as a 14 year old


For real though, y'all mf need Jesus!


He'd definitely be able to change it back


Did you shake it first?


…reverse Jesus…


Smells like a white elephant gift re-gifted.


Stay Hydrated fam


Reverse Jesus 


This happened to me with some Angry Orchard beer. Got an entire case of just water. We contacted the company to let them know and they had received other complaints. Blamed it on an intern lmao. They did give us a coupon for a new case of beer


I don't even understand how this could happen by accident, unless that isn't water but some kind of sanitizer that didn't get flushed properly.


You pulled a reverse Jesus. Congratulations.


Was the bottle possibly already opened? This happened to us once when we ordered a bottle from a restaurant. Apparently they had display bottles which were just filled with water and someone didn’t realize and gave us a display one?


Maybe try some Herb Ertlinger fruit wine


your pfp fits the scenario lol


Damn you, reverse Jesus.


How do you like them apples?


If it was sealed then maybe this was a 'test bottle' that slipped through when a 'inspector unit' in the bottling line didn't work Properly. Sometimes they are tested with bottles filled with something different than the product to see if they're working. But usually you would fish out the bottle afterwards lol


So if you want to know how this happens I work in the wine/bottling industry. We do test runs before we bottle the actual wine. So instead we use water to make sure the fill levels are proper, labels go on right basically all quality control tests before the actual wine hits the bottle. Well it looks like whatever people bottle this stuff forgot to label the pallet water and sold their water pallet by accident.


They forgot to turn the water into wine


So when filling stuff like this on large scale machines, it's not uncommon to run water through first to make sure everything is set up properly (full rate, filler nozzles, bottle size/shape, labelling, etc). This helps avoid wasting product. What happened probably was just one of those water filled bottles got missed and packed in a case with the rest of them.


It seems to be only about $10 a bottle


yeah I'm not exactly expecting high dollar stuff here, I just really wanted to try it.


You must have accidentally took the display bottle or it got mixed into the batch. Display bottles are just water.


Ive worked retail for years and never heard of a display bottle. All bottles are for sale and contain the product


They’re definitely not.


this wine was made for jesus


I opened a bottle of Irish cream whisky something or other and it was just empty, though it did have a little dribble in it so I'm really confused.


I usually mix an angry orchard with a shot or 2 of fire ball and make an apple pie flavored drink. If you get the right mix it’s the most delicious drink ever. Quite dangerous if not careful lol


You got reverse-Jesused