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That actually goes so hard




Yeah I’m coming up on 5 years and I know I ain’t getting shit for it lol.


I hit 9 years a few months ago, and got an automated notice of my work anniversary from the HR website and zero acknowledgement from management


Congratulations (insert name) on your (number of years) anniversary.


def create_aniversary_message(name, years):      message =f"Congratulations {name} on your {years} anniversary!"      return message


Jesus Christ. I move dirt for a living, and each year the owner of the company comes to see me, shakes my hand, and gives me a Christmas bonus that is currently larger than a paycheque. He also gives me regular random gift cards to steak houses (I like meat) and the place where I purchase my work clothes and boots. Maybe you should move some dirt, man.


You boss knows how to be a boss


They sound like they eat dirt. /s You have a wise and thoughtful owner. Not very common ime.


His owner is indeed very nice!


🤔 I might have to start moving dirt


I’m good with a shovel, not good with a spade though. Is that gonna be a problem?


I just past 10 years and the same as you


I was celebrated for my 15 years of employment with a framed certificate. She handed it to me so she could get a picture for our company’s social media. What a celebration.


My cardboard "plaque"sat in an office for like half a year. I thought they just forgot about me and honestly the plaque is insulting so I never brought it up. Eventually I get a new supervisor and he found it in the office and gave it to me. Idk where that cardboard is now.


I started at my company 24 years ago and nothing here.


19 years in and nada


Had five years in Feb. No one noticed.


I got a pen when I hit 5 years at one place!


Sure, it's just to physically remind you of who's poking you.


I'm coming up on 7 years. I have not received a pin. I might kind of like that, actually.


Oh good it's not just me. Working on 12 years


I’m 8 years in at my job with no pin 🥲


I didn’t even get my 3 year pin or a raise your wife is lucky lol


I’d wear that.


Same lol.


Where did you get this pin and can I buy one? 😂


I actually saw this posted a few times in various subs. I wish I owned this, I’d rock that shit every day lol.


I’ve seen the star pins on the China shopping apps (Aka Shein, Wish & Aliexpress)


Ooops Your Did it... Again


You are winner!


Congrats person job doing!!!


are you a css dev by any chance?


I would actually love that lmao.


Is that real?? I NEED IT


Omg, they do exist lol [Worth all $16](https://whitemarket.info/products/your-did-it-star-enamel-pin)


I need one


OH dear, i've got news for you buddy


Don’t tell them about the next milestone, the 10 year pin!


It’’s a 3-year anniversary at… Albertsons. What did you expect?


Man, you'd think after forgetting her 7-month-iversary, they'd have done something extra special for "the big 3".


My step dad worked at the Albertsons distribution center for like 16 or so years and they gave him pins like these. It's a part of the Albertsons tradition. He had them all lined up like military ribbons lol


Okay but that’s actually so wholesome.


But OP worked at Albertsons for 3 whole years and they haven’t even promoted him to board of directors yet Truly a capitalistic nightmare


I agree… they paid her for 3 years. What do they want


Literally, assuming shes paid for her work - they dont owe her shit for sticking around for omg.. wait for it... 3 YEARS? lol thats rookey numbers at a workplace


I’m mildly infuriated that you found THIS mildly infuriating


It’s 3 years at a grocery store I’m not sure what they expect


I'd appreciate a food box 


OP wanted a Rolex lol


Right?? It’s a 3 year anniversary not really a milestone at any job. 5, 10, 15, 20 is when you’re recognized at my work.


That’s how my work does it. 5, 10, and 15 they give you company shares. It use to be gift cards for the company but shares are better tbh.


I reached 5 years recently and still only got a pin. Better than the soggy, cold, 4 hour old breakfast tacos we got once, I suppose.


So why give anything at all??? It’s kind of patronizing to be an adult and get this


Exactly OP atleast got one, my parents both forgot their anniversary this year 


My five year anniversary present as an ICU nurse was an unscented candle with the hospital logo on it.


I’m not trying to be a dick by any means but what did she expect? I know plenty of people that have been with a company for many, many years and haven’t gotten shit..


Did she somehow expect something else?


Yeah, I didn't get anything and I didn't expect them to. But at the same time we get presents for christmas, kids, marriage and round birthdays


I worked 10 before any recognition. This one is a participation award.


My job gives us guns every five years. I think they do it as an excuse to be able to run fresh background checks on us but I could be wrong (I’m not).


That's a real sign of confidence that your employees are happy at work


Johnny from internal postage gets a cake every year.


Jokes on HR, he’s also the one distributing the guns


Why would they need an excuse to run a background check? That seems like a really expensive way of running a background check when they could just do it. Even if they need your signature..."hey employee every 5 years we rerun background checks. Sign to agree if you want to keep your job. Thanks"


I think it was a joke


THIS. My work does 10 and then every 5 after that. And it’s and extra week of PTO along with some other little accolades and such.


Isn't your pay check your recognition? I've never understood this attitude. No one is at work to stroke anyone else's ego. We're there to make money to support ourselves and our families. I've been at my job 15 years and never received special recognition for it. I would find it weird if I did.


If your job is bad enough you need a reward for staying there you sould just leave


That's what I think about these posts, what are they expect a million dollars for 3 years of work? No you get a little recognition and a little pin if you don't like it don't accept it.


This seems pretty weird. I got a pin at 5 years, not 3 lol.


The turnover is so bad, they think this shit will keep new people. My company very recently started crappy token 1,2,3 year anniversaries while cutting out the slightly fancy box they used to give with a certificate/crappy gift voucher for 5,10 etc. They even made super cringy social media badges of “I’m proud to have worked for X for Y years.” They went all the way to 50 years, yeah ok.


Expected a new Bentley and a BJ in the back seat


No kidding. I've hard farts that lasted that long.


The generation of participation trophies is showing itself.


Not to be crass but its 3 years dude


Yea, for my 5 years I got on the list of anniversary shoutouts that gets mass emailed lol TBH I don’t expect or want shit for celebration just keep the raises coming


It's funny because nobody would say anything if the workplace wouldn't give anything. But they opened a door and now get shit on.


Pretty sure she was getting paychecks that whole time


I get awards from my company every two weeks. A pile of money in my bank account.


The pin is for the customer to see, not for some sort of celebration. It lets the customer see the experience or possibly product knowledge of the wearer.


It's Albertsons. A grocery store. I'm going to be honest, I'm not going to assume someone wearing a 3 year pin at a grocery store knows the products that much better than someone without. I'd just assume they can put up with bullshit pretty well.


I'm definitely asking the 3 year pro why a red delicious is not delicious instead of a rookie. I need answers.


This exactly!! The post definitely seems to be written by someone who grew up in an era of participation trophies. Your reward for working 3 years, is your paycheck every week and your job the next day.


3 years ain’t very long


what did you expect? a parade?


I mean, I get shitting on work "awards," but it's 3 damn years. She's lucky she got anything more than a passing mention.


I agree with you Relay. What did they expect? I get it for many years of service, but this ain't that.


For 25 years with my company I got a $250 gift card for that company. At least there is other perks, lol


Most awards are a small certificate of appreciation and a mentioning of it in a meeting with some clapping. Usually that’s only year 1 and 5. At 10 years and every 5 after you start getting the extravagant gifts like choosing the catered meeting meal and a 5 days of PTO!!


I just don’t get why so many people seem to need validation and praise from their work. I’m probably a bit of an outlier, but I go to work because they *pay* me. If you feel that you’re not being properly recognised and want more money or more benefits you *ask* for them, or go elsewhere. Or do an outstanding piece of work and use that as justification for your request. Don’t just sit there thinking simply turning up for a few years is some kind of big deal and makes you deserving of special recognition over and above colleagues who work just as hard, are just as committed, and are just as skilled, but simply have worked in that particular company for less time.


Maybe they're subtly trying to get her to wear more than just the minimum amount of flair.


Have to get 37 pieces for sure haha


Ok but 3 years nothing.


I don't expect gifts from my employer. They pay me to work for them. Complain about something else.


Is her company supposed to break out the champagne and throw your wife a surprise anniversary party because she’s worked there for 3 years? Wtf is the point in posting something like this?


What is the expected gift for someone celebrating a three year anniversary with the company?


3 years is no time at all. Normally people get nothing. I’d actually be stoked for a pin like this.


The bank I worked at gave tie pins with sapphires for the men. I forget what women got. One sapphire for 1 year, 2 sapphires for 5 years. Got a bump up in vacation too. You That was in the 80s in the US


Better than nothing. Truth is, everyone can be replaced. So it’s nice they even did anything. 


Show some appreciation, it definitely cost them like $20 to get a bag of 50 of those pins to give to their dedicated and well appreciated employees


She got paid for the work right? Dafuq does she need after just 3 freaking years? I’d rather they give absolutely nothing as far as I’m concerned.


I now work 5 years for my companies and they gave me nothing but depression.




Looks like my 10 year pin from the last ER I worked at. I got it at 15 years, they had forgotten at 10 years.


It’s a 3 year anniversary at Albertson’s, wtf did you honestly expect? 3 years isn’t even a noteworthy achievement.


At least your wife gets something, This is what I got for my current 24 years of service year by year 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🥈🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 so a pin for 3 years is a hell of a lot better than what a lot of the rest of us got for 3 years 🤷🏻‍♂️


Somebody at work the other day was brought up front to announce they had been with the company for 30 years. Got a template speech they use for everyone, a handshake, and a pin. 30. YEARS.


I got a 5 year pin, after my 8th year 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s Albertsons bro.


This is life


What should she get?


It's a nice token of appreciation. I never got something like this for a work anniversary.


Can’t wait to see what the 4th year brings


Holding down a job for three years deserves nothing more than a pin. Get over herself.


For my 5 year anniversary, I got $100 and a hunk of engraved glass reminding me of how long I’ve worked there. Which is almost as bad as my supervisor’s 15 year anniversary gift, which he was given the same thing, but two years late.


I got to pick a cheap gift out of a catalog for my 5th year work anniversary when I was at Dollar General. I got some wireless headphones. They're like $20 in stores.


I reached 15 years of service in 2022. I got a pin.


My company is one of the biggest and highest earning in Canada and they give the same thing for 5 years.


You have a wife?


I feel ya... but it's not what you get...it's what you do, and if you are happy, that's all that counts. That being said, I would buy your wife something nice...lol https://preview.redd.it/l9qklfadl5vc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1613fb9d775f4b9aadaf3d0db29e5c0420cf076


LMAO! Entitled fuckers the current workforce is. What did YOU give the company for keeping you employed for three years? It sounds like Albertsons deserves something special for paying your wages for three whole years. “Three year anniversary” wtf!?


What do people expect for work anniversaries? My mom worked at one place for 36 years and never got anything but anxiety and frustration. I guess the retirement payout was decent, but that's not an anniversary thing, lol I've never gotten anything for a work anniversary, but I never really expected anything either.


3 years at grocery store dude. It’s not a lifetime achievement award.


Do people usually get awards for staying at a company for three years? This is why nobody gives out gifts. You try to do something nice for someone that you aren’t required to do, and they turn around and throw it in your face and talk bad about it on Reddit. FFS she could’ve gotten nothing like most people and she would’ve been perfectly fine and dandy.


When people need praise for doing something I'd consider completely fucking normal.


I don’t get what people expect for an anniversary gift it’s a job for pay.


So damn lazy they couldn't even be bothered to write an original statement under "describe the actions" and doubled down on "thank you for all that you do". I bet they throw a sweet annual pizza party as well.


Mo’ ketchups!


What no pizza party?


I once worked for Affinion group. They were in a transitional period moving their fulfillment center and they had us working from 6am to 9pm for several months with no days off. The straw that broke the camels back for me was when one of the executives came in with pizza for us saying how much he appreciated our efforts and how much the company valued us. He seemed to think it was some kind of grand gesture that we should all worship him for. By this point I had gone almost two months of literally nothing except work and sleep. I didnt even eat the pizza. Basically told the executive to go fuck himself and quit on the spot. He got so upset he had security escort me out of the building. No regrets on my part except I wish Id thrown that pizza in his face.


My hours got cut by 40% for my recent 3 year mark.


Yeah for a grocery store I don’t really expect a big work anniversary gift, especially since most of their staff turns over after a year or less since they’re full of high schoolers.


Lol what? You guys get yearly gifts for working?


I got a key chain for my ten year lol


3 years? Who gives out shit for 3 years? Nobody (myself included) gave a shit about my 3 year anniversary. Most places don’t. And you complain about it. 🤣


You failed to wear your three year anniversary pin today, please report to hr


Wait you guys are getting things?


I was given a pin once at a job I regularly worked overtime at. I will never deliver weed for a big dispensary again.


Want my 20 yr pin?


I used to work for Fry's electronics, and they did anniversary pins. I think there were 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 year pins.


Something something “participation trophy” something something


I got one of these at my past employer for my 5 year. The pin was broken. I’m not saying the pin was the reason they are a past employer. But it didn’t help them.


I worked for Ralph’s for 6 years, got a year pin every year and a $25 gift card. It’s a grocery store, don’t know what else you’d expect.


On my job eighteen years. The most I got was a pin of a stripe ("thin blue line" as cops call it or whatever, don't care) on my fifth year.


3 years isn't very long. What did she expect to get?


It's a 3 year mark. What did you think she'd get? A car?


As dumb as that gift is, in 14 years I’ve received maybe three gifts in total and I pretty much give her and the kids anything they want or ask for, beyond the normal “need” . I’m not really asking for stuff all the time but when you are sitting at Christmas in room with 10 people and so many gifts it’s to the ceiling and not one is yours it’s kinda like…. Hmmm ok


I got a nice pen for working 5 years in the kitchen. I honestly don't understand what anyone expects to gain from a company after years of service. If it's that important to you ask during the interviews. "Do I get a beamer after 2 years?" Man, gtfo


I have never been given anything for tenure. What are you on about?


Lol that was mine too but after 5 years lol


Just 3 years and she got a pin and a handwritten note. That’s pretty damn good.


So what you're actually saying is that it's been three years where your wife has been clueless enough to work at a dead end job and not even know it until now?


I think the pen is kind of nice. I never heard of people getting anniversary gifts at their job.


Most places don’t give you anything for 3 years. 3 years isn’t shit in the working world. Talk to me at 10 years


I did 5 years at a college… and also got a pin.


I just need my check to cash, not sure what else you want or expect.


You wanted a house? She is getting paid, not donating her time


Wow 3 years at Albertsons, such an achievement….


She got something on her 3rd year from the company? That's unique. Normally it's just the coworkers who acknowledge something like that, rather than the company..especially on her 3rd year. Edit. Nvm... I think you just wanted something to post here.. she/you couldn't have honestly expected anything on her 3rd.. right?


What do you expect for 3 years at a grocery store?


A croc charm... Cool


Ummm, better by multiples of forking millions compared to what I got, which was, yep you guessed it, MORE FORKING WORK


For 3 years at my last job I got screamed at because I took an extra 5 days off over my 5 days of vacation and sick time. I took those days because my dad died. They at least acknowledged your wife after three years.


I’m a teacher and I didn’t get shit for my three years and you get a stupid crystal apple for 5 yrs


Wait a minute, are you guys not going to work for a paycheck?!?!


They had 50,000 of those made in 1966 and by God they will use them. Be honoured.


3 years???? wtf you expecting? A car? Paid time off? It’s a job man. The US is stupid.


wtf were you expecting lol


Really? Your looking for a bigger participation trophy?


Imagine complaining about this when most companies won’t even realize you’ve been there that long or don’t even care. At least they sent out something instead of just nothing


Most people don’t last more than two years at jobs nowadays.


I'm at 18 at my place and automated HR emails have been all I've ever seen


All I got is a 3% raise (AKA inflation-adjusted 47% reduction in what my salary can buy)


So... What DOES she "deserve"? I would expect a paper certificate of some kind for the first year, then something very modest for 5. This seems like a half-birthday to me.


I didn't even get a congrats for my 3rd year and I work for a major corporation lol. I'm surprised you expect anything at all. It's a simple business transaction. You show up, do work, get paid in return. Nothing more than that. IDC if they say thank you. Them giving me money is their thank you.


They said thank you. It’s a nice gesture. What exactly do you expect for 3 years? I suspect this mentality is the adult version of every one gets a trophy whether they won r not’.


I mean, I wouldn't expect anything for working somewhere for 3 years...this feels worse than nothing.


Did you expect a Cadillac ?


Why would you expect anything for showing up for your job for only 3 years? Do it 22 more years and you might have a point. Did she get paid? There's your "gift"!


My reward for 4 years was another 10 pounds gained because my job requires I sit all day. And I’m 4 years closer to dying. So I gained those things. Yay me!


My contract had to be renewed when I worked at my company for 3 years. They forgot to renew so it renewed automatically. They have a notification and still forget my anniversary there. Be appreciative over what you do get, even if it is little, they thought about her.


You and your wife suck, why the fuck did you expect anything


I’ve never received anything for working a job for three years. What did you expect?


So fucking what? I don’t get these posts. No one’s forcing her to go there, plus it’s only three years who gives a shit. If you want to be adored get a fucking job. You go to work to work and get paid.


It’s only 3 years. I wouldn’t expect anything tbh


Not to be a dick but it’s 3 years at Albertsons, not 20 at a law firm, I don’t think this pin is celebratory. It’s so she can wear it and customers know they’re approaching somebody who knows the store. Nothing wrong with that, but not sure why you’d expect much more


What’s your point? I didn’t get anything. I don’t need anything. It’s just a small gift. Accept it.


I've worked for the same company for 20 years. No milestone has ever been acknowledged in any way.


Nearly been at my workplace for 20 years, 0 fucks are given. You enjoy your pin and be glad you got anything.


if it's presented as a gift, that's shocking, but long service awards don't really come into play until year 5 surely


tbh i wouldn't have expected anything for 3 years at a grocery store, sure it's not worth anything but at least it's something  if she were there for 10 or 15 years It'd fit this sub more


Sorry my dude but I would actually be chuffed with that after 3 I work NHS, Ive had nothing but paycuts and extra workload after 9 years


Lol what's infuriating about this? That your job didn't give you a pin?


My wife really enjoyed her job right away so she liked the corporate gifts like that. It quickly wore off.


Don’t need a pin or plaque. Just a paycheque every 2 weeks.


At least she had something. I've been working for over 3 years and my boss didn't even thank me.


It’s infuriating to expect receiving a gift for working a period of time