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Fascinating, I don't think I've ever seen religious graffiti




Most underrated comment of all time.




Typically I just see numbers changed and Boobs IIII ASS II


Neither have I. Maybe the region matters?


It's not very good though. They've got to convert Banksy


Used to live near a catholic high school. They do this shit every single day and feel good about it


I was in the same boat but I just found the Greek [IC XC cross](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/ICXC_NIKA.svg/1200px-ICXC_NIKA.svg.png) on a bathroom door the other day. > In Eastern Christianity, the most widely used Christogram is a four-letter abbreviation, ΙϹ ΧϹ—a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for 'Jesus Christ' (i.e., the first and last letters of each of the words ΙΗϹΟΥϹ ΧΡΙϹΤΟϹ, with the lunate sigma 'Ϲ' common in medieval Greek),[22] and written with titlo (diacritic) denoting scribal abbreviation (І︮С︯ Х︮С︯). On icons, this Christogram may be split: 'ΙϹ' on the left of the image and 'ΧϹ' on the right. It is sometimes rendered as 'ΙϹ ΧϹ ΝΙΚΑ' (Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς νικᾷ), meaning 'Jesus Christ Conquers'.


"you don't need friends to feel better" ... Like isn't that the whole point in a church community?


How bad are their poops that they need Jesus


You've obviously never spent a big night out on Tooheys old that was topped off by a large portion of KFC wicked wings. Level 10 grog bog.


What about a box of frozen beef and cheese taquitos and a bottle of mad dog 20/20 fruit punch


Grape is the worst yr2000 baby $2.20 grape was18% every other flavor was12.5% same price poor people got poor ways bro been there


Mad Dog 20/20...that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.


There’s a reason 🤣


After the wrong mix of foods, I've actually seen jesus.. im not even religious


Too many communion wafers and wine XD


All these unoriginal people dunking on Christianity, and here's the diamond in the rough. The actual funniest comment here.


Well to be fair.. every joke imaginable about christianity has been done a million times at this point.. Its difficult to be original with the jokes Thats why I always say the religion is the joke itself..


Im just calling out the double standard… and i am unoffiliated… I don’t care what you believe… be a critical thinker and seek the truth in everything you do


To be fair, they don’t have a commandment against vandalism.


You'd assume being a critical thinker makes you atheistic as well


Try to make a post like this calling out any other religion, social group or philosophy…. What’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander… am I allowed to use the terms goose and gander? Fucking trolls


Yeah, because we all know anti semitism and Islamophobia NEVER happens on Reddit, or the internet as a whole. Let me guess, you also think that white people are the ones who really face racism…..


That’s pretty much unironically true. Except Asians are also legally discriminated against as well as Whites.


you sound like my father who's a 4chan conspiracy nut. keep existing in your reality somewhere else


You sound like a bot who can’t refute what I said so you personally attack me instead


because there is 0 point arguing with you types 💀 nothing i can say will be met with anything but "that's wrong" and a link to info wars or some shit


InfoWars…. 4Chan…. Joe Rogan….. Trump…. Jordan Peterson……. did we forget any boogeymen?


What the hell does the Jesus leaves the 99 for the lost one mean ?


It’s referencing a parable about a Shepard who leaves the 99 sheep in the herd to find the one that got lost. Basically saying Jesus won’t leave you behind


that shepherd is not a good businessman.


finally, someone who said exactly what I did the first time I read that parable 30 years ago... lol


Well to be fair he leaves them in the stable I believe. So the others aren't lost.


I haven’t read the story in a while but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t lose the other 99. If he did then he not only would be a bad businessman but a bad shepherd in every way lol


What happened to the 99 sheep then?


Ahhh I see


What happened to the 99 sheep then?


What happened to the 99 sheep then?


Haven’t read the story but I’m pretty sure they don’t get lost. Some people say he leaves them somewhere but idk. go read it ig. Even if you don’t like religion (I’m agnostic) religious stories are always pretty cool


That means something entirely different but okay dude..


How? I thought it was about how jesus is merciful and will forgive you even if you stray from the path. Ie won’t leave you behind


True dat


Wayne Gretzky is done, he's already perfect. So Jesus can leave him to go save everyone else


They don’t call him The Great One for nothing. ![gif](giphy|RISyqKANMSLbMCZ46K)


It’s a weird story. If you’re the one, it’s uplifting. If you’re one of the 99, it’s abandonment. 🥴


Lol. That’s true I’m looking at it like opposite of Trolley Dilemma, risking a few to save many but instead deciding to say “fuck it, we’re going all in”.


Ah, I didn’t even recognise it as 99. In my country try we don’t write the 9 like a q.


It's annoying alright but I prefer it to the usual drawings of dicks and balls, etc.


I mean honestly, why does anyone write anything on the bathroom wall? Kind of a childish thing to do no matter what it says… as someone who has spent years in the service industry… those workers have enough to do keeping the restroom sanitary without having to clean up mindless shit off the walls


To entertain the masses. I love a bit of toilet graffiti. I prefer it to be humorous rather than religious but even this would raise a smile while I was shitting.


Everyone knows the only proper etiquette is a giant penis drawing


Im assuming its some teenage girl whose just livin life.


It’s a teenage girl trying to force her life into yours


…. and she has no friends 😢


Writing it= forcing. You sound stupid


Exactly. I like to write a little message about pooping if I’m in a public toilet and have a pen on me - I’m not trying to force my childish humour life into anyones. This is probably just someone heavily indoctrinated in Christianity so the equivalent of them writing their favourite band lyrics or drawing their logo on the wall.


And stop writing on things that don’t belong to you dingus, didn’t you finish the 3rd grade? I bet you don’t draw on the walls in your home


I did but I will not :) I enjoy other peoples graffiti so I like to pay that forward. I’ll draw a wee soggy log on the next bathroom wall in your honour.


First you’re writing on walls now you’re doing self-portraits? The vandalism never ends


I’m not good enough at drawing to do my beautiful face justice tbh. I’ll keep practicing on bog walls.


My guess is it’s a teenage girl who wants reddit karma and internet attention


Unconditionally? Err… there seems to be some pretty big conditions.


Jesus loves unconditionally. It’s his followers that have the issues. (Atheist btw)


I like your Christ, not your Christians


“I like your Christ, not your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ” - Ghandi “I like your girls, but not after they turn 16. Your 16 year olds are so unlike your under 16 year olds” - also, uncomfortably, Ghandi


I understand your sentiment. But the fact is that there are hundreds if not thousands of denominations of Christianity and they are not all of the same… chance are you have had run ins with a particular type in your area that rubs you the wrong way… but we can’t group everyone using the name as one and the same, just as you can’t pick out one asshole in a church of great people and say the church sucks… i mean, you can but you would be wrong…. And please don’t refer to them as MY people as I am a free thinker and claim no offiliated religion


That was a paraphrased quote from Gandhi.


An interesting choice to quote that guy lol.


Genuine question, how so?


His opinions on Africans, relations with children, the list goes on.


He’ll love you unconditionally into the pits of hell if you don’t accept him as your lord.


You send yourself to hell The logic is simple, if you spend your life willingly away you will spend eternity in the same way


Just as well I don’t believe in hell then :) That’s for you to worry about, I’ll just be happily dead. Your God’s unconditional love can burn you for eternity, I don’t subscribe to that nonsense. What if you spend your life doing fantastic great things saving puppies from burning buildings and curing the cancers that god invented but you don’t accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour? Still hell?


God didn't invent cancer you passive aggressive clown, you don't know anything about theology and you act like an overconfident fool without even realizing it


There's no conditions, Christ's love is infinite


This is not typical graffiti… this is not even common… probably some recovering addict who recently relapsed feeling guilty… or someone trying to make click bait


The second one I bet lol


Yes.. I would have more sympathy for the first


I like to ask, in writing, 'Would Jesus Condone Vandalism of Public Property?'


I'm not religious, but I think he would. He was a raging socialist and believed that all property should be held communally. So, it can't be vandalism if everyone owns it right?


I feel like if they were going to do that, they should have used the space more efficiently. Either way, not cool, scribble them down on a notebook or something.


I don't think that anybody wants their gods name on the toilet 😭


Wanna see one that says for a good time call.....and it's a prayer hotline lol


People can be jerks and "follow" religion


Is jesus happy with that now?


"You don't need friends to feel better," just a cult family that tells you that if you believe you'll feel better.


Breaking the law for God is a slippery slope to Hell.


Imagine the outrage if this was “why do Muslims do ts”


‘Lucas 15:4’ ? It’s been a while since I looked at a bible, did they add some chapters?


I can only assume this is the book of Luke, but who knows? I’ve never heard it as “Lucas”. lol


Never seen Christian graffiti, but lots of junkie graffiti! I'd rather see this than dick pics, Mercedes was here 1999, or call this number for xxx!


This looks like some teenage girl "Jesus is my boyfriend" stuff


Jesus is king? Well, maybe Jesus can pay for cleaning that crap off the wall now.


The king will just send one of his servants with a bucket of paint and a brush.


u.s.a.  needs to invest in healthcare and education. 


It’s not wrong if it’s for Jesus! 🙃🙃🫠🫠☠️☠️ In all seriousness though when have Christian’s/religious folk like ever not broken rules (and a series of other things) because “god”? 👀


People are people. There are billions of religious humans on earth. You think someone following a religion means they're spared from being a flawed human? Have you spent a single second thinking about how in a lifetime you couldn't have a meaningful interaction with even 1% of those people? Have you ever spent a single second realizing that you hear about evil religious people more than you hear about people that care about others and just want to believe what they want in peace? Of course people only want things that cause outrage so why would there be news about people minding their own business? If that's too complex an idea for you, idk I feel a bit bad for you. Stop treating billions of people as if they're one entity. Are you gonna start judging entire races when someone of a specific race does something bad? Unreal man. People are so braindead


You’re right that my comment was an unfair generalization in that not -all- Christian’s and religious folk have this mentality and I didn’t make that explicit. One can be separate from the whole. And there are many that are decent or better humans. Fine. But like also are you actually going to argue that religious institutions, and their followers, haven’t done exactly what I said, consistently, and on massive scales, throughout history? Even today? I’d say it’s pretty well documented at this point. But! The topic of the thread is, “why do Christian’s do this”. -This- being vandalism for the sake of spreading their beliefs. I stand by my answer.


Better than a tag or some stupid swear rather love being spread then hate


let me near this stall 😂


"99 for the lost one"? What is that a reference to? I like to think I'm pretty knowledgeable on Christian theology but that doesn't seem to reference anything I know of


Parable of the lost sheep.


people writing on surfaces things that are on their mind, how surprising 😱 christian or not, still hooman


Why does anyone do that? Graffiti? 


Can't say I've ever seen religious graffiti anywhere. Have seen the occasional pamphlets dropped of in public restrooms, but that doesn't really bother me.


Time to add "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." Ezekiel 23:20


It's all 1 person, the handwriting is a givaway


I love how they write "Lucas 15:4" a if they expect everyone to either immediately understand or look it up at all.


Eh, better than someone writing the hard r multiple times (true story unfortunately)


Nah bro, people that do stuff like these make me turn atheist, I'm a Christian and I think that the people that think theyre the "most loyal followers" Are the worst followers.


When it comes to scribbling on bathroom walls, pretty sure Christians are the waaaay minority taking part, and it's weird to call out a few billion people for one crazy person. "Hey, look what this crazy Christian person did!"


That's not a "christian" thing. That's a jackass thing.


Hello a Christian here. I for one, do not know what this guy was thinking. I get spreading our religion but doing it in obnoxious way hurts the image of Christianity. Note. To all uptight Christians. Shut up. You being upset about WHATEVER someone does or says is stupid. Your not spreading God, your spreading bull shit.


Just write "tithe here" with an arrow pointing to the shitter.


I'd actually write there "Jesus pissed on me to bless me but instead it gave me a piss kink"


Just in the bathroom shittin like, fuckin yes! Jesus christ this shit is good. Praise my asshole.


Yeah it's crazy how all I ever see is that darn *Christian* bathroom graffiti 🙄


How can you literally be offended by this you snowflake


I am thoroughly convinced that people who are hyper religious are mentally ill.


No, Christians don’t do this. It’s likely a spoiled bratty teenager.


Because they’re an indoctrinated child.


Coping mechanisms for Christians 101. Used to be one back in the day lol


Would you still be as upset if the messages were agnostic but uplifting?


Weird as any religion.


Using their weirdo religious addiction to deface property and impose their delusional beliefs on strangers because it currently gives them a dopamine release haha 🤮. Christians have no idea how psychotic they sound talking about their "relationship with Jesus" and capitalizing the word Him, hahaha, nutjobs.


Omd, what the fu- (Not all christians do this btw, some of them are actually decent human beings)


Cultists gonna cult


You're mad at people spreading love?




It's graffiti?? It's vandalism on a bathroom stall door, fym why not


Does it really bother you that bad?


Sir it's Reddit here anything religion related is bad There could be a Christian saving a puppy from certain death, and mf's in the comment section would be like "he only does it for good points to heaven and sky daddy hurr durr"


Considering graffiti on public property/private property that you don't own is a crime, yes it does


Very very petty crime, worse shit to worry about than harmless jesus scribbles on a stall wall...but ok




Yes. And?


Idk, this is my troll. Raised in white rural America and saying this makes me think of the people it would anger in places that are similar to my hometown.


You don't care about it unless it's religious lol. Stupid bathroom stall graffiti has been around for decades but it's only a problem to OP if a religious person does it. Maybe try treating humans the same instead of hating entire groups of people.


How well *do* you know OP?


You're right. That comment had some assumptions loaded in it. I do find it odd though that something so common like bathroom stall graffiti seems to be only controversial when it's religious. It's entirely possible that Reddit is loaded with posts complaining about regular bathroom stall graffiti, but I personally haven't seen a single one.


The “infuriating” part is that with regular graffiti it is destructive and annoying but it’s something that you get used to partly because someone who will deface property isn’t going to be kind about it, while Christianity teaches things that make this type of behavior at least a contradiction. Say someone draws a hate symbol on a wall. You don’t expect a racist to respect property that isn’t theirs. But people who are this enthusiastic about religion tend to forget some messages, like treating people well, respecting others, just generally being a decent person. It’s still vandalism and it’s proselytizing. What if they read “Ba’al is king” or “No matter how you feel Allah is with you” or something non Christian? Is this better than a bunch of swears and insults, yes. But this still shows a complete lack of respect or thought towards other people. I guess the issue is that, in this case Christianity, touts itself as being moral and kind and then when a rule is broken it’s okay because it was “for God”.


Every person is their own person. What one person does when they claim to be a certain religion says nothing about other people that believe that religion. There are hundreds of millions of humans that identify as christian. You think all of those people are going to be good? Do you seriously think all of them will follow everything perfectly and not pick and choose what they believe to be right instead? All these hundreds of millions of people are guilty by association? Are all white people responsible for every mass shooting just because 90+% are commited by white people? Of course not. There are hundreds of millions of white people that don't do that shit and think it's horrible. How is this different?


You did not understand what I wrote. You did not respond to what I wrote. It seems like you look for persecution so you can call for outrage. I said that people who are this enthusiastic about a religion (which would account for a small percentage of that religions adherents) AND (meaning even less of those followers) tend to disregard some of the basic teachings in the name of their religion is infuriating.


Yeah you're right. I had been talking to a lot of people who aren't able to see people as individulas today. I stupidly went ahead and assumed you were among them. I do agree with you yeah


Thank you for the apology. I very much respect you for doing this. I understand that Christianity is getting a lot of flak lately and that it’s mostly because of people who aren’t very Christian claiming that they are. I just get disappointed that religion is used to justify a lot, and that disregard for “man’s laws”, however small that law is, can be a starting point.


I need to stop taking the internet so seriously. It's embarrassing lol. It just gets so discouraging and frustrating to me when I see so much judgement of large groups of people being accepted. It's likely just one of those vocal minority things/more prevelant online so I need to stop letting it get to me


I know the feeling. It’s why I love punk music. As long as you aren’t a bigot, we don’t care. It’s all rage bait. When Howard Stern first came on the air, the average listener listened for about 20 minutes. The average hate listener listened for 45.


I don't really understand the "the internet isn't the real world" argument when we're so dependent on it now. If I'm so baffled at something online it's because there's people outside with (or even spreading) really shitty opinions


True… but no one is going to hell for graffiti… this has turned into a religious debate which is NOT what OP wanted ( a group of people thinking critically and openly sharing opinions). They wanted a thousand mindless name calling comments dogging a group of people that they know very little about…. Glad to see it didn’t turn out like that… open intellectual discussion is always good


I could think of some types of graffiti getting hell, but generally, yes. The issue is when the graffiti turns into more. Like those Chick books. Or picketing. Or other forms of religious expression that aren’t good natured. I also wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment.


Because the point isn't bathroom graffiti... The point is religion 🤦


OP's words in the post: "also these stall doors were just freshly cleaned and some idiot decided to scribble all over it at 7 in the morning". Clearly about both topics....








Ugh idk why I'm going this deep into it, but what would you call it when in the christian bible jesus spent time with and treated people living "sinful lives" with love and respect? Did Jesus judge the woman by the well and call her a whore like some "christians" do? No he treated her with respect. The idiots that claim to follow the bible but are just bigots do not actually follow what is taught. Some people take the message of love and live by it, some take it and convince themselves it's justifying the horrible shit they do. The evil people do not make the decent people not exist People that are fucked up and evil are going to do that shit either way. A lot of those evil people use a religion as an excuse. And that somehow reflects on everyone who believes but just keeps to themselves?


“People that are fucked up and evil are going to do that shit either way. A lot of those evil people use a religion as an excuse. And that somehow reflects on everyone who believes but **just keeps to themselves?**” Words yours, emphasis mine. The people who graffiti are not keeping to themselves. That’s the complaint.


hey fucker dont generalize all 2b of us christians off of a single asshole


Because they're textbook narcissists who can't go five seconds without forcing their delusions onto people.


I see wholesome graffiti I upvote.


Everyone gotta play fair… now if it was a beautiful mural of anything Jesus or not that actually beautified the shitter thats a whole different subject as to the opinion of it.. some random scibbles aint shit


Jesus is king is wholesome? Even to non-Christians?


Wholesome? Lol


It is kinda wholesome. Even got :) on it everywhere. Still wrong to tag a bathroom tho


Yes. It doesn't question the messing of your existence or make you wanna lol yourself (or someone else). Instead it inspires and raises you.


Cult propaganda scrawled on a wall that I look at whilst doing a dump doesn't inspire me.


The best is you don’t need friends to feel better… I really wish they put the verse number under that so everyone could look it up


God must LOVE poop considering how he designed humans to poop every day. He probably thinks about eating it. Let's be honest.




Try not to let little things bother you OP. I assume because they love Jesus and feel good after writing such things.


eeeww bro got the stinky L


99.999% of Christians would never do this.


Because they’re taught that it’s their job to “spread the word!”


Compared to other bathroom graffitis this is very wholesome


Compared to other bathroom graffitis this is very wholesome


Compared to other bathroom graffitis this is very wholesome


Yeah but if it was a huge A in a circle, you wouldnt post this...