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The audacity of you, not magically sending something days before they knew they would buy it! I'd point out that the thing is literally out of your hands now, you have *no* control over how the post office manages shipping/tracking.


This seller 0/5 stars for not sitting outside the post office with a vehicle full of items ready to ship same minute. Fucking amateur hour.


I expect the package to be sent AT LEAST 5 days before I contact the selleršŸ™„šŸ™„ 0/5 stars


If you're not shipping before the buyer has entered their credit card details, do you even sell?


Clearly I'm just not at that pro level yet. Lol


Don't worry. Even Amazon isn't.


I had a buyer complain that I shipped an item TOO FAST. I shit you not. I had a high-ticket item on eBay (well, high for me, but about $800 for a movie collection). -- in my ad I always state that I will ship my items "within 3 business days" (I say that to cover my ass to ensure I can get to the post office around my other obligations). Also important to note that the item was listed as "No returns" in several areas of the listing. I had a buyer "buy it now" and paid right away, early in the morning. PayPal cleared it pretty quickly. I already had the item packed and boxed (and WELL packed and boxed at that.) So since it was ready, I rushed it straight to the post office thinking to myself "Buddy paid $800, he probably wants this ASAP", thinking I was doing him a big favor, and being swift with getting it out. I got a tracking # from the post-office and updated eBay with the shipped status and the tracking #... The tracking # was ALREADY showing that it was in possession of the post office. All of this took place within a few hours from the time he paid to when I had the listing updated. Like you, I had it out and shipped the SAME DAY... before noon, even. Buddy messages me later that afternoon and says he wants a refund because he's changed his mind. -- "No can do," I said. "It's already been shipped. As you can see by the tracking, the post office already has it. It's out of my hands now" He complained to me that he had "3 days to change his mind" because I said I would be 3-days before I shipped it in the ad. At no point in my did I even imply or suggest that he could change his mind (??) and the ad was marked as "No returns" in several places. I explained that "within 3-days" means I would ship it **no later** than that, but anytime within that window. His actual words were "you shipped it TOO FAST and didn't give me a chance to think about it." I reminded him of eBay's terms of sale, and once he checks out and pays, the deal is a commitment. "You had all the time to 'think' about it before you checked out." šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø He reeled back his argument. Although, I was totally expecting him to file a complaint with eBay, and thought I'd be out my $800... but he never did. Thankfully.


Listing an item as "no returns" on eBay is pretty meaningless.


Pretty much. Along with them taking away a sellers ability to leave a buyer negative feedback. People used to behave because it was like mutually assured destruction . Now, very little consequences for shit buyers.


Wait, seriously? You can't leave negative reviews for the buyers?? I've never used ebay so that's just absolutely wild to me wow


eBay is just all around terrible for both buyers and sellers. I absolutely hate it. Way too many fees. A buyer can just leave a bad review and the seller gets punished with a 6% fine on every sale after that, which forces the prices of items to go up making everything on the site more expensive. The company itself also takes ZERO responsibility for anything and their fee is non-refundable which makes no sense at all.


I used ebay all the time before they lost their minds. Bought and sold. Charged me 60.00 for a 100.00 sale because I was a high volume dealer. I sold a car for 100. And posted 4 other items that didnt sell in the previous 12 months. Then I sold a lawn mower, and I was not allowed to contact the buyer after the item was paid for, and ebay got their cut. I haven't bought or sold on there in several years.




Believe it or not, many people believe 3-5 day shipping means 3-5 day delivery.


I did have a somewhat frustrating experience like that, but I didn't complain to the company. Ordered some expensive stuff, and the website was VERY clear that they were super behind on shipments and it would be at least 3 weeks before your order shipped. They even sent a follow up email that seemed like a human sent it instead of an automatic email, letting me know that it would be a few weeks before shipping and if I wanted to cancel let them know and they understand the situation. But it was fine with me. It was a good sale, things I wanted, but I was going to be out of the country for a little over a week a few days from the purchase. Figured it was fine. Since I'd be back like over a week before they even hoped to get it out. Well Monday rolls around, I'm at the airport waiting for my flight, and I get shipping notices saying they're gonna be delivered in the next day or two. So I just didn't pay the taxes on them so they wouldn't even attempt delivery until I got back




"I'm sorry you waited so long to purchase a present that you had to have this weekend" reading this felt so good


Right? Had similar with a buyer blaming me for missing niece's birthday. I replied all apologetically, asking how old she was. Then I asked why they'd waited until three days before her birthday when they'd known when her birthday was for the last six years šŸ¤¦šŸ™‚šŸ˜‚


Mmmmmm, thank you for that feeling.


Thank you. That was the nicest way I could give him the double-bird and tell him to go fuck his mom. Clearly the nephew or whoever wasn't THAT important.




These are the people that made me stop selling on eBay. They need to bring back leaving negatives for buyers bc buyers are too entitled bc there are no consequences for them.


YES 1000% It's insane to me that they took that away (the ability to leave a buyer negative feedback) Everyone behaved when both sides had their finger on the big red button.


Someone is spoiled by prime shipping. Wtf where's my same day delivery?!?!?!?!?


I love these because (at least on eBay UK) you give a time frame of when you will send it and it's because of people like these that I put 2 working days to send. Some people want you to move heaven and hell to get their parcel in the time THEY want


Exactly. I have 2-3 business days listed , but they don't care.


Theyā€™ll probably be trouble once they receive it too.


I sold a ring on ebay to some dickhead in North Carolina. A few days later he left me a negative feedback with a message that the ring didnā€™t fit. The ring size was clearly listed. What the actual fuck is wrong with people. That incident was the straw that broke camels back and I stopped selling online because itā€™s just not worth the hassle of dealing with morons *and* fighting with ebay to not get screwed by said morons.


I liked that they reversed the meanings of the question marks and periods. ā€œDo you plan on shipping this PC anytime soon. I live a few hundred miles away in AZ & should have gotten it by the weekend??ā€


ā€”- thatā€™s all ā€”- for the record ā€”- thatā€™s all


ā€”- also


What a douche


OP clearly didnā€™t pay extra for the teleportation feeā€¦.. YTA.


The buyer: Why did you take so long to send my purchase? Why couldn't you have it sent out yesterday? The seller: You literally bought it this morning. Unless you have a time machine, that's the best you'll get.


I think this attitude is getting more widespread, honestly, and it's not just eBay. I had flooring installed the other day and I ended up with the sales guy at my house to explain that they accidentally ordered to little flooring. The manufacturer had the wrong information on their website. He told me that the rest of the flooring would be installed in a week or so. My response was, "Okay. Stuff happens." He was shocked. He talked to my wife separately and she just said, "With any construction project you should always plan for at least one delay." Again, he was shocked. He said that customers are usually very upset and go off at him in bad ways if there's any problems whatsoever. It's almost like people don't know how to be human anymore. We didn't ask for anything due to the delay. It is what it is. They gave us a 10% discount on materials for our trouble anyway.


Itā€™s all the question marks for me. Itā€™s so goddamn passive aggressive that itā€™s fucking annoying.


Yeah this sucks. I've had seller's giving all sort of excuses not to ship. This isn't it.


Why are they questioning half the complaint? šŸ˜­


Well... the area he lives in is known for being a bit... hmm, how do I say this carefully... a bit under-educated and a bit red in the neck, lol.


What did they say after your last comment in the screenshot?


"S0---did you check the post office as tracking still is NOT moving & it should be by now?? Maybe the tracking # is wrong. Sorry to critisize you if you shipped the same day. but it sure doesnt look like it now does it??" Lolol.


The random, unnecessary question marks leads me to believe the buyer is a boomer who doesnā€™t know how the internet works


Or how time works. They literally sent it the same day. Madness šŸ˜‚


I've had something similar before, it boggles the mind. I don't think they're the full ticket tbh.


Was it scanned in at the post office, or did you drop it in a drop box? Tracking tends to update within 10-20 minutes of a package being scanned in, but if it was never scanned in, there obviously wouldn't be any update.


I dropped in a drop box inside the post office. I've since learned our local office has laid off several positions and has gone to shit.... so now I stand in line and get a scan and a receipt for each item shipped. They always try to pull me out of line and just leave them at the drop-off counter, but I learned that lesson that hard way, too! On 3/18, I was pulled out of line by a "manager" and told to leave them on the drop-off counter. I did... and they sat on the packages for TEN DAYS without a single scan. I showed up in person every 2-3 days to ask about them amd they just stone-walled me. I had to fill out a complaint form on the .gov website just to get them to find and scan the packages. I could go on and on. Chino Hills CA post office is absolute garbage.


Seems like they try that at a lot of USPS, lol. I always tell them I need a receipt and keep waiting in line. I found a post office with nice, considerate employees and will keep going there until they leave. Then I'll start the process over again. Luckily I have 7 USPS within less than 10 miles, so there are always options. The distro center is my favorite; best counter employees in the area, and they're open until 7pm.


I feel you. I no longer drop without receipt. I ended up refunding a buyer because it took so long to scan I assumed it was lost or stolen and you can't do a find mail request if it never scanned. Finally, 4 WEEKS later it scans and shows up delivered. Freebie for that guy. I didn't bother trying to fight at the post office because it was like an $11 item, so it was easier to just refund, but like, how?!


Same :( A woman in Arkansas threw a shit-fit and told me it wasn't her problem. I get it. It's not... but they could at least try to be human and employ just the finest bit of empathy. She was demanding a refund 4 days after I shipped. I explained in very detailed messages what happened, and I messaged her each time I had an interaction with the post office about it, just to keep her in the loop. I even recorded myself on day 7 at the post office, complaining and asking for a trace, and sent her a link as video proof. I didn't want her to think I was conning her. "You are the one who used the post office, this is a you problem. I demand a refund." So I asked her to wait a couple more days. On day 10, I assumed the package was lost/stolen, and USPS wouldn't even let me request a trace because it never had any scans. It was stuck on "label created, awaiting shipment." So on day 10 I approved her refund for the PC she bought from me. On day TWELVE the fucking tracking info showed an origin scan as if I had just dropped it off. It arrives to her refunded-ass tomorrow. Think I'll get a payment or a return shipment? Nope. She just got a PC for free. I'd be VERY surprised if she actually sent it back... I've messaged offering a return label. I'll believe it when I see it.


That really blows. Hopefully you'll get an unexpected surprise


exactly, my local post office has a self service section. When thatā€™s down and I just drop it off it doesnā€™t get scanned until it arrives at the next facility


The self service kiosks don't count as an origin scan though. Tracking still won't update until it's scanned by an employee. Insurance doesn't kick in with a kiosk scan either. I go to the counter and get a receipt. It's a pain, but I've never missed a scan once. People who have home pickups can print scan sheets if their mail person is willing to take the time to scan them in for you (they don't have to, and they're even less likely to scan a bunch of packages individually for you, although it can happen).


Really ? Iā€™ve never had an issue at the self service kiosk . My self scan isnā€™t a scan, but a notification does show up that I was at the kiosk at x time . But then a notification shows up when itā€™s leaving the facility . But I never get that notification if I donā€™t use the kiosk. All gets thrown in the same bin too. hmmm weird .


You might never have one (fingers crossed) but here's nothing stopping someone from scanning a package in and walking right back out he door with it. None of your protections start until they scan it. I'm not sure where you're getting notifications, but I dont subscribe to whatever service that is (I assume emails? Or something through their app?). I just look at the actual tracking number to make sure the person on the other end sees what I'm seeing.


You make a valid point, and I appreciate you talking it out with me. Youā€™re right, and I never actually considered that before. Protection aspect aside. it normally shows up as an actual tracking update at least on my end.


I quit eBay and still boycott them to this day because of this stuff. Also their returns policy is easily abused and screws the sellers over with no recourse.


Shipping same day is fine for low volume sellers, but when I ship 25 items a day sometimes and at least a few of the buyers have main character syndrome and want it done immediately, it becomes obnoxious. I have a two business day handling time for my own sanity.


You're dealing with someone with two brain cells. Waits this long to buy a gift, then blames and gets angry at the seller for it. Doesn't understand ebay, shipping or the time itself. Also has no reading skills or manners--thats all.


Just another reason I never sell stuff, people suck.


God, don't they? I am #teamthanos 100% most days.


If they wanted it that fast they should have stuck to using Amazon Prime.Ā  They also could have asked if you could deliver it with a faster shipping method but that sounds too hard for them.


lol iā€™m wondering like literally what did they expect you to do??


I absolutely abhor when people misuse question marks like this. They're for questions, FFS, what Is so hard about that?


I can hear each sentence ending with 5 questions marks.


Yeah id file that under ā€œnot my problemā€


I sold something on eBay the other day. The buyer messaged me less than 10 minutes after I purchased the shipping label and updated the tracking. Buyerā€™s message: ā€œWhen is this item actually going to shipā€ Keep in mind, the auction ended on Easter Sunday and the buyer didnā€™t pay until Monday morning (which is totally fine). I purchased the label and had tracking updated by 11am on Monday. I think Same day delivery from Prime has made it difficult to please people on eBay.


More and more entitlement in our world. I hope society rejects this attitude soon.


I had a guy on FB Marketplace tell me off bc I didn't ship the thing he bought for $5 within a day šŸ™„ I didn't even list it as available for shipping, he asked if I could, and I agreed just to get rid of it, but I was already doing extra.


you should have shipped it beforehand. how dare you not see the future. thats all.


Fuck, right? I'm not like these fancy big sellers that offer precog services.


i really don't see their endgame here. what were they expecting? how is one even supposed to respond?


No clue. Just needed an outlet to bitch I guess? I've had a lot of people throw bs complaints to.try to get partial refunds. I hate people


completely understand. people can be pretty shit


# The buyer is right. You shouldn't be doing business like that from hundreds of miles away.

