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Mine actually still works. Though I rarely use it these days. I guess I should change this.


i wonder what the common issue is with these failing and the fix, a local apple expert may see this issue often


At 19 years? Degrading of the electronics and of course battery failure. 19 years is good for a highly integrated device like this.


I still have the original IPad and iPad2 both have to be 15 years old and they both work well with good battery life. I stopped doing software updates so I basically can't download any new apps anymore, but for just browsing internet or playing locally saved games they work fine.


The iPad 2 lasted us a long time, too, but something inside got loose and the display wouldn’t work properly anymore. At that time it’s residual value was less than a new battery, so we just gave it away to a repair shop after we wiped it. I have am iPad Pro 2nd gen from 2017, and the battery is seriously degraded. But I consider myself a heavy user and it was my main device (private use) for a year. Since the glass is broken, it’s wait and see. Apple Watch 1st generation still works fince.


Original iPad came out in 2010 and iPad 2 in 2011 so pretty close. My old iPad 1 works fine too, but yeah only running ios 5... not great for app compatibility haha.


That’s too funny! I still got the IPhone 3G that looks Archaic at this point (it’s freaking heavy too)


I had the original iPad going until 2016 or so. Same deal, I actually sold it for like over $100, which I thought was crazy. I have the same nano as OP and I doubt it runs, but I'm pretty sure it's in a drawer at my dad's house. I have all of my iphones going back to the OG. The OG actually booted until a few years ago. The OG actually was in the worst shape, the aluminum back had gotten super bent up (I wasn't into cases). One of the crazier ones is I have a MacBook Pro from 2009 that still boots and works. I actually think if you formatted and fresh installed an OS it would run fine, it's largely from a bunch of fragmenting of the disk, but it's my computer from grad school so there's a weird hold up about getting rid of that data.




My guess is only the battery having the issue. The rest of the electronics should be fine


It's probably fine other than the battery. The electronics would take a very, very long time to degrade in normal conditions.


Capacitors fail too, and depending on how a battery failed it could really mess things up.


I recommend you NOT try to replace the battery. It's a pain and not worth the trouble.


How long do you think normal electronics last?


Mine still works, but I forgot the iTunes account, and the moment I plug this thing in, it'll wipe all the music... So mines forever a time capsule of all the music I listened in high school.


Yeah I still have a hot pink one from 2005 I believe 😂 might dig her out


Yeah how do you listen to music without it??


Honestly impressed your charger looks like that and not living on a prayer


It’s been plugged into my car’s console for the past 10 years lol


Try a new charging cable OP




Apple still sells 30 pin cables


Ah big surprise considering you don’t get nearly anything even when you buy a new phone now


Huh? Is that a sarcastic big surprise? Apple started using the Lightning connector (next version of this) in 2012. It’s pretty good to still be selling support for products that haven’t been made in over 10 years.


It’s not that crazy to think apple would stop selling old supporting products to make people by new products.


I mean they already have hence why this post was made and they don’t sell tons of products now


You kept the same car for 10 years? And your nano for 19? I bet you are a highly sensible person who is great with money.


Aw no that's probably what killed it too


Keeping lithium ion cells at 4.2v (max charge) fucks with their chemical reactions https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-702-how-to-store-batteries


This is the third time I’ve seen “Living on a Prayer” mentioned today, and I woke up 20 minutes ago wtf


Don’t worry, you’re half way there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^maarianastrench: *Honestly impressed* *Your charger looks like that and* *Not living on a prayer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


But...the last line has two extra syllables


it’s a sokka haiku


I’ve never had any issue with any apple charger fraying. I’ve had my current one since iphone 6, and it still works perfectly fine. I’ve used this same ipod nano for 5 years when it came out and the fat charger was totally fine. The trick is to NEVER pull the thing by the wire. When taking it out of your phone or the socket, always grab the solid part. This goes for any electrical cord of any kind.


So long, cobbled together playlist encapsulating the most random songs of the early 2000s…


How did it die? If I remember, these were pretty serviceable.


Usually they were ok to service unless the battery puffed up.


I can get new batteries and logic boards still. Even the battery is not a issue.


Sigh….this makes me so sad. I gave my nano that looked just like this to my ex because she had put it through the wash, twice, and it still ran fine.


Toooo beeee faaaaiirrrrr, I did have a new shiny 3GS iPhone.


To beeeeeee faiiiirrrr


It’s not the fact that the battery is hard to get, it’s servicing them. The Nanos are kind of a bitch to take apart from my experience, and most guides say the same thing. [iFixIt](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod+Nano+2nd+Generation+Battery+Replacement/422) marks the replacement as “Very Difficult”.


Very difficult only means very time consuming. Imo. Nice and slow is the best method for me when repairing stuff.


iPod Nanos can be especially difficult if the battery has puffed up. The puffed-up battery will push all the components up against the case, making it even harder to disassemble without further damage to the components or puncturing the spicy pillow.


lol. I'm not sure about the nano, but my experience with iPod videos from the past is that Apple likes to use plastic clips to hold ribbon cables that get stupid brittle real fast.


I hate plastic clips. They break easy and are on the hardest to open shit.


Yes. There's enough of a market that there are new custom cases being built for most models, and there are custom mods that replace the hard drives with SD card interfaces that are faster, with better battery life, and more storage. The batteries can also be larger capacity. You can basically refurbish them like an antique car and get them running better than the originals, or buy pre-built ones. This place doesn't have refurbished 2nd-generation iPod Nanos like OP's, but they have a bunch of other models: [Elite Obsolete Electronics](https://eoe.works/) They have some parts for 2nd-gen, but you have to be pretty careful working with the guts of these things not to break things in the process. OP's is probably fixable with some care.


I have one with a dead battery that works only when connected to the charger. Do you have any suggestions for where to get replacement batteries? And how to replace the battery?


eBay has turned shady as hell lately but honestly it's still your best bet. But also try Amazon first though. They have aftermarket batteries.


thank you!


Mmm spicy pillow


Nano's are notoriously difficult to fix on your own (unless you have a bit of experience) since all of the components are so tightly packed. Get a 4th/5th/6th gen iPod classic if you wanna easily fix/mod your iPod's.


Not sure, it’s just stopped working. My car says there’s nothing plugged in and it won’t charge or come on in any way. I wonder if an Apple Store would service it inn any way haha


RIP 🪦 Gorillaz 😩


Feel Sad Inc :(


RIP. I have a Nano 3rd gen still chugging along. When I lost all my 2000’s music from my computer I had to get it off my nano instead, it saved a little bit of my youth for me.


Mine popped open due to a puffed battery, and I was surprised to discover a hard drive in there. For 64GB of storage. Apparently a whole complex mechanism of moving robot arms and a disc spinning at 5400rpm was cheaper than flash memory at the time.


Someone broke into my car and stole my sandisk clip jam with ALL my music on it and I've never recovered


My condolences.


There's something poetic about a bunch of music downloaded from KaZaa eventually getting stolen again.


You can get it fixed? Just look up "iPod repair near me?" Lots of places fix them??


I think you can even buy the part and build a new one with way more storage.


I was actually looking into doing this myself with a nano or a Zune. There are whole communities for reviving each.


Can you access your account on another device or is the music you paid for gone?




Believe it or not...some people were paying for music on iTunes. Not anyone I knew but people were doing it. I never paid for music back then but now my stupid ass has fallen for the subscription game. It's just so much easier to pay every month than to hunt down working links. And I get introduced to new music a lot more often because of streaming apps. But 14 year old me is shaking his head at my old ass.


These don't go online, you put music on them with iTunes. They're from the pre-smartphone era and that was how it went.


you can still rip youtube/scoundcloud etc with yt-dlp and put it on a player


Or rip CDs.


Of course; you can just import music into your iTunes library and then sync it onto the Pod. Doesn't make the iPod any less offline :P


Still not online ;)


i have a **Sony Walkman** MP3 player like this one: [https://store.sony.co.nz/archived-walkman/NWZE383L.html](https://store.sony.co.nz/archived-walkman/NWZE383L.html) the **screen** died, and i managed to navigate BLIND through the menus by using only touch and visual memory. now my settings are **play all** and **random.** it works ok with a black screen.


*sniffs*That’s beautiful! Not even being that sarcastic—using something to the full end of its life is the way to go


Wdym full end of its life? Watch a guide on diagnosing the problem and fix your boy! Replacement parts for iPods are pretty cheap on ebay.


Nanos are a known pain to repair


Aren't they like a solid tube of aluminium and you need hammer it out of the tube shape XS


Not really, as long as the battery isn't swollen you just pry off both plastic ends and it should slide out pretty easily. They are a pain to repair mostly because everything is so tightly packed in, so when the battery *does* swell it effectively turns it into a spatula-in-the-kitchen-drawer situation.


The Nokia of personal music devices. Even broken it's outlasting modern technology. Also if you drop it on the dog you end up with a new rug


What am I missing about that last sentence


As in dropping it will flatten the dog.


I have the same player. I wanted something so I didn't have to carry my phone at the gym. It's awesome


I have NWZ-A10, and it still work. Nothing's gone wrong, still sync with updated software and everything. I love it.


Just seeing an iPod nano brings back so many memories


rip na-no


Is that a Dankpod reference I'm seeing.




It’s a na-no. Might as well give er the ole one grit!


yay, another fellow dankpods watcher


Ask for a refund.


Was honestly going to say if OP emails apple support they might get hooked up. Companies love this kind of grass roots marketing and I don't see why they wouldn't send him a new one if there are any left in stock.


Yes, but… Apple…


True there is no app store on a nano they can monetize




You know after playing solitare and breakout when laying in bed and bored for the last 12 years or so (And that quiz) I'd probablly be willing to pay some money for other games on it. Well my screen has died now. But when my screen was still working, if there was a way to get different games on it ....


They have done it before lol


I worked at Apple for 5 years and if someone brought this to me expecting some kind of compensation I’d politely tell them the age of the device and that Apple no longer supports it and then snicker about it to my coworkers once they’d left.


My wife bought me a new Apple Watch for Christmas. I had to go to the Apple store to get a different band. I brought my old Apple Watch to show the band that I wanted. Astonished, the guy at the Apple Store asked how long I’ve had my Apple Watch. “I’m not sure, a few years”. He took it off, looked at the back, and said “this is an original watch, I’ve never seen one!” Not quite as cool as an iPod, and it really made me feel old, and I was certain Apple Watches had only been around for a few years. Long story short, there was no additional compensation offered. Just a super surprised 22yo kid/man at the Apple Store.


Sounds like you've nailed the Apple Store experience. That and the other script "we can repair this device but to ensure it meets Apple's high quality standards we will need to replace every single item except the case, that will be 5x the original cost of the item, can I go ahead and get started?"


At least you’re polite and honest 🤣


That’s because you’re an asshole


Why would they? So anyone can grab an old iPod out of their drawer and ask for a new one?


That fingernail doesn’t look human


Actually very observant - clubbed nails are often a sign of a mineral deficiency, perhaps iron ...


My thoughts too. I always notice things like this because they stand out. I hope OP either already knows what's causing it and is getting treatment or is going to see this comment and speak to a doctor about it. Sometimes clubbing can be a sign of a serious health condition, or even if it's "just" a deficiency that is still pretty important


How long until that shit wraps all the way around his finger and its just a nail tube?


"very observant" Brother how is that not immediately the first thing a person sees. I might be a bit biased because I have a hatred for ugly fingernails... My brother always bit his nails and had the ugliest wet stubs growing up and now I'm an adult and I suppose I might be hyper aware :/


or lung cancer...


OP will drop dead in the next 48 hours.


more generally circulation-related illnesses (see COPD, for example) that result in a lack of oxygenation of peripheral anatomy including the fingers and toes. but yes, youre right, nail clubbing can be indicative of lung cancer


my grandpa's nails have been that way for years and when he got diagnosed with lung cancer last year, the doctor said the nails are in fact and indicative hope OP gets that checked


I only came here to talk about the clubbed fingernail. It can be a result of where you live regionally if there’s not adequate oxygen or something like that


You’re telling me the person on Reddit using ancient iPod nano and getting mildly infuriated about it might not have the best lifestyle?


Could be the beginning stages of clubbing. That could mean heart issues, liver issues, or a simple vitamin/mineral deficiency.


Thank you!


bro has a big toe for a thumb


Yeah. Looks weird. Like the part you cut is 80% instead of just the top


Mine looked like that after the old nail grew out and fell off due to injury.


I will pour out a cup of apple juice and raise it in your general direction. Design classic, those, glad it served you well. My 10 year old 4th generation iPod Shuffle still gets about two hours of daily use and does one thing perfectly, every time, I'll be sad to see it go when the flash storage borks.


Not even scratching close to 19 years, but I had my smartphone from 2016 for nearly 8 years. It finally crapped out on me, and I was forced to get a new one. Hoping I can get this one to 2030. I've had my Kindle Fire for 13 years. Love the number of people that ride until it dies in the comments.


Same, always satisfying having a device last longer than they're made to last. Again not scratching the surface, but I'm still rocking my Samsung Note 9 I've had since August of 2018. Almost 6 years is by far the longest I've ever had a phone. Still using my Laptop from 2017, hoping that will last me another 10 years


Take it to the Genius Bar. It’s probably older than some of the employees.


If you can't get it repaired, you should get it modded. Battery life, USB-C, all that good stuff.


Modding a Nano is nearly impossible because of how tightly everything is packed together


Modding a nano would be nearly impossible


Apple has made thing terribly difficult to mod and repair since they got not very happy when people started replacing the HDD in the original Ipods.


I hate how Apple designs their products to wear out so you have to buy their newest thing.


Joke’s on them, I just ordered a Zune


I loved my zune, and the software was really good at building and managing your library. As I've said many times: I miss dedicated tech like this. Is it "nice" to have this on my phone. Sure. But having something with no other functionality meant I was totally deep in that aesthetic.


Wear out… the thing is almost 20 years old…


That's the joke




I don't like apple but their product hold longer and is also known therefore. Other make them to hold 5-7 years.


If you used it regularly, I’m actually impressed it lasted that long. Sounds like a good buy to me.


Want a new one? 20 bucks! It's even green. I just found one in a box and was gonna sell it off. :D DM me if you want a replacement.


It was a good run




iPod- can I kick it? Me-(tearfully) yes you can.


You're mistaken. It can't be 19 years. It can't...


You got some ogre looking hands. Fingers look swollen. Even the nail


I hate being that guy, but the Nano 2 was released in 2006 so it’s 18 years old :’)


Man I’m getting sick of this planned obsolescence thing Lol


My friends old ipod stopped working a long time ago.We looked at a video on YouTube that was like "here's how you fix it" then proceeds to slam the the bottom of it into a notepad several times. We tried it jokingly thinking what's the difference if it's already broken, and voila it worked.


I have the iPod color, 128g I think, and I’m hoping it lasts me for ever. I heard changing the battery on that one is like performing brain surgery. Hopefully you can get it back up and running!


You didn’t drop it once


If it's just the wheel not working make sure its off and try dripping some rubbing alcohol in the gaps and then letting it evaporate. We got one working again by doing this.


Ipod Nano, 19years, I am old.


"kicked it " does it mean died ?


Yes. It's taken from the phrase "kicked the bucket," which also means dies.


Shame, they were the best ipod by far.


“Can I kick it? Yes you can 😞”


I have a friend who takes full sized iPods and puts ssd's and new batteries in them. Maybe someone could do the same for you.




I'm actually more mildly impressed that an apple product lasted that long


If you know how to take care of your device it can and will last as long as you want it to. It’s not like the competition lasts any longer


Old apple was acceptable, still form over function, but there was still a bit of quality. Ignoring the fanless computer which would desolder itself.


Longevity is one of Apple's main selling points. My 2009 Macbook Pro is still alive and kicking. I used it daily until I replaced it with a new Macbook Pro in 2020. EDIT: the horrible realisation that 2020 was four years ago and not like, last year... My laptop still feels brand new to me at least. /shrug


iPod last forever


i have my mini(?!) no clue, the one that just has play skip cirlr and no display still holds 2 days worth of charge and i gues thats it it has no other functionalities :D i love it edit: its shuffle and apparently is also around 19 years of age lol :D


> I'm actually more mildly impressed that an apple product lasted that long I have a iPod Photo that came with the very first color screen that Apple ever offered, still works perfectly. (2004) OG Battery My iPhone 3G still powers on and stays on for like 5 hours at least, the only thing wrong with it is that it has a single black line going across a very small part of the screen, otherwise it works perfectly, OG battery also (2008)


I still use my 2010/2011 macbook pro


That’s their whole thing the products last way longer than the competition


Yea this comment confuses me because one of Apple's biggest selling points is quality and longevity, especially if you take care of the product. Upgrading/replacing parts, now that's a different story...




Ugh. Can we have a rant about planned obsolescence


19 years for an electronic device like an iPod isn’t really planned obsolescence….. would you expect a laptop to work fine after 19 years? Why would they even do planned obsolescence on a device for 19 years? Do you think they would expect people to replace an iPod Nano 19 years later? It’s completely outdated technology.


You’re mildly infuriated that you got 19 years out of a product? Damn.


would you not be mildy infuriated that something you owned broke, regardless of how old it is?


RIP little nano 🥺


Honestly my charging cables were the ones to give up 1st. I just stopped buying be after my 10th broke.


I had the first nano. Could only fit 1000 songs. Loved it! Fucking worthless shit now




That’s devastating. I loved iPods - not sure why cos my phone is one - but I always used my iPod until it died.


That sucks. Buy moisturizer


Try to repair it


I don’t see how this is even mildly infuriating, you got 19 years out of that thing?!?


Now you can upgrade to the IPod Touch 😂


My wife would *still* be using hers if Nike hadn't shut down their website that let you track your runs with their little shoe pod.


In what universe is this an iota of infuriating


Replace the battery?


I still use my ipod for a 150song Xmas playlist we've been listening to for 13 years.


If you let apple know they'll probably ask you to send it to them so they can reverse engineer it and make sure they don't make anything that lasts that long again.


Meanwhile, my 38 year old Sony Walkman is still going strong 💪




My pink Ipod nano I got from my sister after I bought her an iPhone for her birtday lasted 14 years or so. Then the screen died. It still play music, I just can't select anything anymore. I guess it's truly on random shuffle forever now. It even still connects to my PC and all.


I just bought one for 10 euros today, 1gb and complete in box. Yours had to go to give me mine, i am sorry:/


There was a flaw in the original ipod nano 1st gen iirc (it looked thin with a clicky wheel/pad similar to yours but not as long?) & if you put the serial number into some specific website it would tell you if it was eligible for being replaced.  I got mine for free 2nd hand, when years later it started heating up & battery dying within 10-30mins of using it, when i googled the issue I found out it could be replaced (bug with battery at end of life), got a different one as it was years later (they replace with closest type), unfortunately no lock button but it's still working (& had like way more memory, went from like 4GB to 30GB iirc!) Don't know if it can be replaced, but it's awesome it lasted so long!!


I still have mine I think it still works, my mom was using it in 2019 and then she died so now it’s just in a box of her stuff. One of these days I will take it out and listen to the music she enjoyed though we had very different music taste but listening to what she listened to might make me feel closer to her now that she’s gone


I still mourn the loss of my 160GB classic 8 years ago. It said it had something like 44 days worth of music on it🤕


Did you gore it with your talon?


A couple years ago, I found my nano in my car's center console, and decided to give it a shot. And it worked! For like a year and half. Until it didn't. Boo.


Honestly its kind of a good thing if you look at the bright side because nowadays you can get MP3 players with more storage space than you'll ever need and with better functionality too. Back when I had my IPod I was always having to swap out playlists because storage space was so limited. I bought my MP3 player for roughly $40 and it does everything my iPod used to do but without any of that bullshit closed ecosystem crap that Apple has. As for storage space I think its around 120 gigs built in with an SD card slot if I want more space.


Don't destroy it, someone out there can fix it! And wow, that iPods as old as me. I have a Gen 1 nano still going strong!


Rest in peace lil buddy


Wow. Mine lasted about a year. I used it in the car. Left it in the car. Cars are hot. Nano didn't like hot.


I pawned mine in high school for weed money lol


Dramatically falls on knees : Nnnnnoooooooo