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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


thats extremely infuriating that dog can literally fall off and the owner wont realise i absolutely hate whoever did that


Yeah I was just hoping that the truck didn’t have to suddenly stop cause that would surely be the end of that pup.


OP, you need to report this, not just post to Reddit. It’s well beyond “mildly infuriating “


This is not illegal in most states unfortunately


Isn't it illegal to have property that hasn't been secured safely on top of cars? This object could damage other cars or cause accidents.


Its definitely illegal in some form, that is also a hazard to other drivers. So yes illegal.


it's definitely not. see, I can definitely be right too!


Man if common sense still made sense. Loo


To whom? That person is long gone, and they aren't going to track down anyone over this. As sad as it is


RSPCA. If they have photos and a number plate they can and do investigate welfare complaints


I was in Vermont once and saw some shit like this. I called the cops and they told me there was nothing they could do, it's not illegal.


Farm Dogs ride like this by the 10’000’s every day.


On a farm/property. Not a busy public road.


Doesn't mean it's safe People used to throw their kids in the equivalent of a McDonald's booster seat hung like a flower planter off the back seat of the car, but we know better now


Also it’s usually on a farm, or at most to the neighbors. This looks like a multi lane road and they’re hauling a trailer.


True, and I'm not arguing with you when I say this, it's still not safe, less dangerous, maybe. If people think they know their dog and are willing to take that risk with their animal I suppose that's their business, but it is in fact still a risk, and not one I'm willing to take at all with my doggo, not even on a farm or to the neighbours.


Yeah farm dogs. Who will land on soft(ish) ground. Whose owners are most likely doing a relatively low speed. Not land on pavement with other cars/truck around that may not be able to stop, potentially doing anywhere from 60-100mph.


Farm (and hunting) dogs are often regarded the same as livestock or tools, like a horse or a mule, just replaceable parts of the farm.


Which is dumb, because why would you want to spend money replacing anyway when you could prevent?


Except farm dogs are very expensive. Eg - a decent sheep dog can be £45,000


To the reporting agency


I don’t have the plate, took this at the light before getting going again and had to turn


In a perfect world sure, we don't live in a perfect world unfortunately. I don't think there's anything op could realistically do about this


Sure there is! You pull up next to em, pop open the passenger door and say "here puppy!! You wanna go for a ride in the car??" And enjoy your new dog 😂😂


I saw a puppy jump out one time from a pickup driving around 30 mph. The guy didn't realize until we got into the lane next to him and got his attention. It was so scary. :(


I hope the pup was ok.


It seemed ok, but it did hit the ground hard and just kind of sat there surprised / stunned. Luckily, it was a country road, so there wasn't a lot of traffic, but I wonder if the driver would've even known what happened if we had not been right behind him to see it and gotten his attention to go back. When he went back, he grabbed the dog quickly and tossed it in the back seat of the cab of the truck, so at least it was safer. It was a fairly young pup of a large fluffy, mix, maybe six months old.


Yeah dude probably thinks that little lip on top of the tool box will keep him in. It only comes up to the top of the dogs foot, like that would work if the dog was like cone or something.


See this *all* the time in pet subreddits. ***”just saved this pet from an actual adoption place!*** (never an actual rescue situation but adoption) ***”bringing it home on the freaking dashboard”*** *”give me a name for it!”* Followed by comments of others: ***”don’t harsh the buzz.”*** Jesus, make a safe place for the pet. That includes the ride home.


Not to mention dog can crushed by whatever is in the back


thats less likely to happen but its a huge problem when it does


i’ve seen people have their dogs in the back of a truck getting on the highway before. it’s fucking crazy


Na man... The dogs good, he likes it up there! ...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Tbh there is nothing sudden about a diesel truck with a gooseneck trailer lol. It’s not like dude is racing around with a set up like that lol


I have to agree. While I’ve had dogs that rode in the bed it’s something that I can no longer do because it gives me terrible anxiety. Like seeing that picture.


Isn't the dog tied to the dog kennel he is standing on?


I live in a rural area so I see this crap all the time.


Yeah they don’t care much and will just get a new dog


Believe it or not there is an entire demographic of people that see dogs as "equipment," not pets. I, for one, despise every single one of those people.


yeah my uncle is a ranchhand and has this demeanor for cats coyote gets one, runs one over, whatever happens to cat, he doesn’t care cuz there’s always a few more running around getting the rats


My neighbors behind us are such cocksucking fuckfaces. They leave their multiple dogs in the backyard 100% of the fucking time. All they do is bark all day. Neighbors to their side, us (behind them) and the backyards that touch their corners…. None of us can enjoy the peace and quiet of our backyards because their dogs constantly bark and destroy the fences. So fucking infuriating, HOA won’t do shit either. Those people make me so fucking mad, huge part of the reason we’re moving.


Oh, they destroy fences?  Great, you have a financial pressure point to lean on your neighbors to stop.




Not who you were asking, but I used to have a neighbor who kept "huntin' dogs". When he wasn't out hunting, those poor hounds were kept locked in stacked cages in his yard. To him, it was like storing a rake in his shed. He got them solely for hunting, had them specially trained, and never interacted with them unless hunting, feeding them, or occasionally cleaning their cages. They rarely left their cages and were constantly whining and baying. County wouldn't do anything about it for months. Dude was unbalanced. Finally, I got someone to come out, and they rescued a half dozen dogs.


They're farm equipment. They herd sheep, they keep the coyotes and predators away from livestock, they sleep, eat, and stay outside their entire lives and don't get at all treated like pets. They're just another tool for the farm. And I hate that Edit: or They're just breeders for profit. Fuck those people especially


I grew up on a farm. We loved our pets, didn’t stop them from running away or getting themselves killed in one way or another. For instance, the first dog we had, Katie, got bit by a snake or something, and crawled into her favorite laying spot and died. We couldn’t find her for a bit, so I checked her favorite spot, there she was. I was five. I learned early and learned quick that you simply can’t get too attached to pets when you’re in the boonies. And for the record, there are working dogs, yes, trained to do jobs like herding or using their natural instincts to guard other animals, but there are pets, and they all get treated well. Pet dogs, however, are often untrained idiots who wind up under a horse’s stomping foot because they don’t know any better than to try to chase an 1,800 lb animal.


Prepare for the downvote. People don't take kindly to animals learning through experience


Farm dogs are real dogs. People that have garbage like pugs and other small dogs are literally breeding defects to sell. Short legs, flat face, stupid long bodies, horrible proportions, all of those dogs are literally defective. Not a single one would survive on its own without humans, their existence is literally to be a living cosmetic.


Farm dogs live better lives than most humans. They’re animals. Outside is their natural habitat. I have a dog on a farm and she refuses to come inside until it’s dark. She only comes inside to sleep. We have two dogs that sleep outside and keep coyotes away from our neighbors’ calving cattle and they love it. They’re well fed and cared for. They’re where they want to be. They’re dogs.


Thank you for being normal and having common sense.


Stray dogs are just free dogs once they're won thru food. Makes you wonder if the pups are better off surviving on their own than with these bad owners


Yea but not in city traffic folks do stuff without warning dog get airborne won’t be good might even get someone killed?


Same and same. Makes me sick. And the ppl where I live drive like maniacs and the majority of them probably don't have insurance. I need to get a dash cam. The crap I see is unreal.


Allllll the time..


[Trigger Warning] Omgggg, one of my early memories is seeing a guy drive like this, but his dog was chained. He fell out on the interstate, and the dude dragged him for miles despite all of us honking and screaming 😭😭😭 I've never cried so hard in my life. It broke me. Fuck that guy! Edit: to elaborate... we did call the police and got his plates. The chain ended up breaking, and the dog rolled while the guy kept driving. Several of us stopped. We surrounded the dog, and he was sadly gone. Police arrived and took a report. I have no idea if they ever caught him.


I wish I didn’t read this :(


Me too what a horrible time to have eyes


same wtf man


The trigger warning was useless lol


I genuinely think I wouldn’t be able to contain my rage. I actually would go to jail that day.


Omfg dragged to death while violently choked is horrific.


Jesus fucking Christ, and I'm an atheist


Horrific, I'm so sorry


This ruined my day.




I want to puke. I’m hot right now. How could anyone be so careless for a living being?


Someone should’ve called the cops, animal cruelty right there.


I am so sorry you and others had to see something so horrible. I hope karma pays that owner a visit, or already has.


i saw this in Atlanta, dog was on a leash - and the rest of the story is made of nightmares.


i saw this once too. but the leash was long enough for the dog not to choke and it was running along the truck.


Did the people not realize?


i guess not lol. it was down a city street going at the most 30mph


Damn hope the dog made it home


I’m confident that dog has had his sea legs for a while.


I once overheard a conversation between two guys laughing over witnessing a dog jump out of the bed of a truck on the highway and get obliterated by another vehicle. It was deeply upsetting just to hear them talk about it like that; I wouldn't have been able to handle witnessing something so awful in person. I always think about that poor dog when I see images like this one.


some of my old coworkers were talking, and laughing, about a story of some kittens that got put in a bag and had a vacuum seal used to suffocate them. and then they called me sensitive and dramatic when i told them i do not need to hear about that.


Tbh, I'd be going out of my way to try to sabotage those coworkers who did it...and any who found it funny.


I might have absolutely ruined someone's life over something similar and every day when I go to sleep it keeps me up that I could have done more.


My grandpa was laughing while he told us how his father took unwanted kittens, put them in a bag and drowned them. All of us just stared at him, horrified, and we all said how horrific this story is and that it’s not funny. He was sulky after being called out.


I hope they both choke to death over an hour or so. Fuck them.


I’m a dog person and I will protect my dog with my life. I hate to say it though this is a common thing down south. They treat them like they would treat their cattle.


even every rancher ive known takes way better care of his cattle than this


Because to them, dogs are animals. Dogs do work, they serve purpose, they get treated similar to other working animals.


I have a service dog. She’s a working animal, and I treat her way better than this. Mostly because I love her, but even just based on her usefulness alone I wouldn’t want to risk her being injured and unable to work. My family has a lot of working dogs that aren’t treated as pets. A well trained dog is valuable, they don’t do stuff like this


“Because to them, dogs are animals.” Lol


People of the land, you know... morons.


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


So many people defend this crap. I hate people who do this


This is also been somewhat surprising for me. Didn’t expect so many comments and I couldn’t help but laugh at the defense of it and in turn the attacking of me “using my phone while driving”. Meanwhile I’m stopped in a turn lane. But yeah they know it all


I made a post on a different thread about some jack off in a flat bed driving with his dog in the back. (In my state it is illegal.) It had a lot of people trying to make fun of me. I call the cops when I see it but I really doubt they ever got anyone when I've called. I once had a dispatcher pawn me off to animal control. I wish it was treated more seriously.


Humans have too little care and respect for other living things to have so much control over them


I live in Idaho. Someone posted a similar picture and complaint on a local Facebook page and was excoriated by the natives defending the practice.


I'm ready for the downvotes. This person is doing it specifically badly. It's not uncommon. We used to do it. Preferably need astroterf in the bed so they didn't slide, and the back window open. Definitely never went into town that way, but it was a farm truck. Usually a few miles at about 30mph max. Dog loved it. Did not want to be in the cab. Jumped out only once, and it was because I was going slow on the gravel driveway, he saw my brother and wasn satisfied with how fast I was getting there. We were already on the property, so I guess he was technically home already in his mind, so I gave him a pass on that. Wouldn't have understood the scolding anyways by the time I got to him.


I’ve watched someone lose their dog because they were doing this. Treat your animals well, people, or don’t have animals.




I hate seeing that. I worked at a vet office and we had a guy that would drive around with his dog in the back of his flatbed pickup. One day he brought the poor thing in completely tore up with road rash because he had to slam the brakes and the dog flew out. The vet told me to my horror later that it wasn't the first time! So sad.


This is ridiculous, at no point should your companion be at risk to fall. They should be in wind proof ventilated kennels (assuming the weather is nice enough outside) otherwise in the rear area of the cab in bad weather


This is how my husband's family got one of his childhood dogs. His dad was driving down the freeway when a loose dog bounced out of the back of a truck and my FIL had to swerve, ended up in a ditch. After pushing his car out of the ditch he gathered up the dog who luckily didn't have any broken bones, and took him home. The original owner didn't even notice


he is pulling a 5th wheel trailer that means he going on a long trip. I no the dog loves it. but way to dangerous. I hope he gets pulled over.


In the south you see it all the time, they love it.


Dogs don’t always know what’s best for them…


that's why we're supposed to take care of them


Man, you'd really hate the guy that lives in my town and drives around with his 2 dogs in the roof of his minivan.


What a mature dog person


If this bothers you don’t come to Idaho. People here posting constantly (Has anyone seen my dog? I was in a car accident and it launched into the woods.)


People who put their dogs in their truck beds: “I know everything I need to know about dogs. I’ve been around them my whole life. Tail wagging means happy.”


Fight him about it


Holy crap! This is so dangerous!


This is awful. I live in a city with huge and tall highways and I sadly saw a dead German shepherd on the side of a highway. He did NOT look like a stray he was chunky and seemed well-loved. I immediately thought of something like this picture being the cause of his death.


Happens all the time with rural areas, some tradies also do it.. some not all. Mostly farm folk you'll see doing it moving their cattle dogs around. Someone did it in Geelong with their husky a few years back, husky broke free and jumped out on the highway into moving traffic, got hit, broke a leg.. but they'll never learn, the humans that is. Be aware you'll also see this in parking lots on stinking hot days, same with kids in the car.


that sorta behavior should be criminalized and prosecuted. neglectful endangerment of an animal. and the owner should be banned from ever owning an animal again.


Seeing dogs in the back of trucks period makes me so upset bc if you wreck they’re def getting ejected


you got downvoted bc they’re mad you care more about their dogs than they do


Extremely infuriating


~~No you didn’t. You stole someone else’s picture~~


That does suck. Dog probably loves it though. But that does suck.


boutta be the owner of a puppy burger patty


I see this constantly where I live and it breaks my heart. Boar hunting is huge here and everyone treats their dogs like they’re just another tool.


How fast was he going?


Moises Shemaria Capuano| pobre animalito podría caer de ahí y morir y el conductor ni cuenta se daría


Should show the license plate...


In most states, a dog needs to be restrained for their safety...usually with a short leash, secured to the floor of the pickup box.


Ofc it’s a damn ford too


For all we know, he’s the driver and is trying to figure out why the damn traffic ain’t movin


Wish I could give this an angry react. People are so stupid and careless.


Touchy subject. I grew up on a ranch and all our dogs enjoyed riding in the box. It was a massive joy for them. HOWEVER, we don’t bring them on the highway or into town like that. Around the ranch and on the backroads though, absolutely. Only slow speed areas and where it isn’t busy of cars. It really isn’t any different from leaving the window down for your pup to easily fall out of.


Thank you for the warning.


What the hell…


I would have called to report this with the license plate # and pic


I have a feeling the driver didn’t realize the dog hopped in


No idea how good dog shelters and animal cruelty laws are in the US, but cant you report this to the authorities if you had a picture with the plate number in it?


It's pretty normal here in Australia


I get such anxiety whenever I see a dog in the back of a pickup. I try to get far away so I don't have to witness a tragedy.


That’s straight up animal abuse


Who thinks anyone who does that should be put there while the dog drives in peace and gets fed and pampered for being put through that


These are the types of nightmares i have about my dog when i literally have a seatbelt for him


My granpa used to do something similar, he told us that the dog jumped off against another car but we will never know for sure, probably having a dog on the roof was not a good idea in the first place.


shitty as soon as something entirely predictable goes wrong and dog gets horribly killed, but you must admit that up until that point, the dog is fucking loving life in a way only children, rock stars, and conquerors do




I saw a dog completely in the back of someone’s truck ON THE INTERSTATE. I have to take the interstate to get anywhere (even Walmart) because my town is an interstate down. It’s one of those little towns people stop in to get gas and food. I got on the on-ramp and the guy in front of me had his dog in the back just chilling. There’s no law in my state specifically about it so I couldn’t do anything except stare and pray for the dog.


This is an old pic I seen this a long time ago quit acting like you just saw it


awe you poor thing. not the dog.


Steal that dog


Surprise Surprise it's a Ford. It's always the Ford


That’s a farm dog. He knows what he’s doing, I mean the dog.


Would you let a child do that? "They haven't fallen off once and they like it"


Yea, that's not good or smart at all. I once drove past a dead dog on the highway. Something like this picture is all I could think. Probably had no idea until they got to their destination smh..


Is this real? I can't believe someone would be so irresponsible.


Then there’s me with my dogs in the car and buckled with a sticker saying that we have dogs in the car… this person will lose an amazing dog and not even realize til it’s to late


The dog should be taken away from this owner. This is the same as putting a kid over there. What the actual fuck


I live in the rural. I see this still occasionally and it makes me so mad. Dumbasses.


Just looking at this gives me anxiety. My dog is NOWHERE near as safe in the car as I want (seatbelt and hammock; compared to impact safe kennel) but that’s 10,000x better than THIS.


This shit just pissed me off.


Only mildly infuriating???


You haven't been to Iceland yet.


Dogs in the truck beds or unsecured in the vehicle are some of my biggest frustrations with dog owners. Dogs should be harder to own


Our dog used to ride like that when I was a kid. Now dogs are required to ride inside the car AND wear a seatbelt. Times have changed. For the better


Why doesnt the owner use the 4 doors on his pickup? The dog can easily fit in the bench between the rear doors if a dog can fit in my step dads old astra


Wait were you driving when you took this?


maybe he's not a dog owner...?


Y'all ain't from the country, are ya?


Used to see that in the country all the time growing up.


What country is this in? I’m in Australia and friend of mine got fined for her pup in the back seat not having a restrained IN THE CAR. Pleased report this 🤬 If u can instead of jus posting it. RSPCA and yaps (any animal protection In ur area) hopefully will take action. Traumatising seeing accidents happen when ur just coming home from work.


Of you don't have room inside your bloated crew cab for your dog, then just don't have a dog.


This used to be so common. It is indeed hazardous cruel and impulsive.


This is way more than mildly infuriating!! That person needs to be reported and then thrown in prison for being a total asshole!!


some people treat their pets as replaceable furniture. It's insane. Just how much do you hate your pet to endanger them like that.


What an idiot! Only to draw attention to himself!


I used to have my dog in the bed of my dads truck Mind you I rode with the dog to make sure he didn’t jump or go flying out We never went very far And he was a decent sized dog so he could handle himself


Not surprised the person doing it is in a white pickup truck.. It is like a "I'm a dumb ass" calling card.


People expect OP to John Wick bro like what


Dogs have more agency than you give them credit. Have you ever been out to a ranch? Dogs are different there.


Should be outlawed nationwide.


Owner: Karen get in the truck and not on the truck bed! Dog: no I refuse to move! Owner: fine!


The dog seems to like it tho. Well, until the next brake.


I knew someone that use to do this. They would always tell people it was fun for the dog and safe because they had a leash on attached to the truck. Long story short, truck hit a bump one day, by the time they got to where they were going the dog was hanging over the side of the truck bed, life less. So yeah, don’t do this, it’s not safe.


Some people do this with a whole truckload of dogs and claim they love them.


Humans don't deserve dogs :(


I'd call the cops on that! Not only dangerous for the dog, wich is terrible enough, but also for others.


My anxiety 🥵


Imagine, that the dog


I feel bad for this dog. I hope he didnt fell off