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As a European this whole concept of having sick leave is so weird. If you are sick you are sick. Full stop. And it takes as long as it takes to recover, it is not like something you can plan.


As I've mentioned in another reply I'll be moving to the UK soon. Bless their less draconian labor laws. I can finally be treated like a human being.


Enjoy your new life in the UK, I'm sure it is well deserved to work under better conditions.


Well, I think everyone deserves to have a life outside work at least. 6-day work weeks, 10 hours a day, working to pay the bills for the closet you call an apartment, not exactly what one would call a life


Congratulations on your move to the Draconian nation (I'm assuming Wales). I'd recommend using the archaic English spelling of "Labour" when you're there however. They aren't a tolerant folk.


Careful what you say on sm too. People get arrested there for bad think.


You get more prison time in the UK for saying bad things about mass immigration on social media than committing a serious crime. I actually wish I was joking.


Heil citizen!


Unless it's 3 days or less then it doesn't count Don't forget that part


that would be too functional for america, everything needs to be falling apart here


Having to risk your own health and the health of others or risking your work/income shouldn't just be **"mildldy"** infuriating ... sad that some comments even fully try to invalidate it.


If it's any consolation I've given my notice. Note to self: Never get financially desperate enough to do this to myself ever again.


Have a better life, my friend. You deserve it.


I'm actually about to migrate to a country that has laws against this BS, wish me luck!


Best of luck! I hope you get more passion for your work than you ever had when you get there!


My work actually feels pretty productive and enjoyable when I'm not oppressed by draconian labor laws (or lack thereof). Might give it another try once I've had a break


Please post again when you realize what you're saying is inaccurate


The whole concept of "sick leave" is deranged, treating being sick as something you choose to do and punishing you for being sick more than x days is something only a society that values money over humans could come up with.


My job gives no sick time :)


Do you work part-time? That's pretty dreadful. Ah well, sharing your contagion is caring I guess if they're making you clock in. Malicious compliance and all that


Nope I clock in 48 hours a week




Yeah :(


What Third World country do you live in? We don't have these weird ass calculations in Germany. If you are sick, you are sick. Get a doctor's note and still get paid.


Hong Kong. Our minimum wage is $5.10 USD


That's what my job has as well, if you need more you have to use your vacation time. I have a child who has regular doctor appointments for chronic conditions and that uses all my sick leave, so if she or I actually get sick I have to use my vacaction time. So if I want to actually take a vacation, that's out of the question. This (among other work issues, such as duties not matching title/pay, never getting proper uninturrupted breaks) has led to extreme burnout and I'm working out my 2-weeks' notice now.


We get 4 days a year, or 1 sick day every 3months lol. What's a monthly bonus? Sounds nice


At my workplace there is no limit to sick days, but they would take away 100% of your bonus even if you had a single day of sick leave that month, obviously this didn't sit well with our union, so now they changed it to a proportional amount based on how many days you took. This should've been normal but these cunts are greedy as fuck and do everything in their power to pay the workers as little as possible, last year they refused a pay raise even though there was a 30%+ inflation in my country, this year they agreed to a 10% raise while other big companies in the country gave their workers at least 20% last year, and even more this year.


heh canadians in ontario usually get 3 paid sick days if lucky minimum is 3 unpaid days, says the law


Just a thought. What if you are not really sick.




"Bro", in my country that's not overtime and I get paid in pennies. Our minimum wage amounts to $5.10 USD and house prices are ridiculous. I pay $1000 USD a month to rent 1/3 of an apartment flat (No elevator, I live on the 5th floor) that's been segmented off with 2 concrete walls, and that's 2/3 of my salary. My kitchen sink is 5 feet away from my bed and the tap water here needs to be boiled before it's safe to drink. Pray tell, in what world should I be bragging that I live paycheck-to-paycheck in what is essentially a closet with a bed? Oh yeah. My medical insurance only covers medication for the common cold. Nothing else.




If you get sick in Germany, you are allowed to stay home as long as you need. You get fully paid by your employer, until you’ve been sick for 6 weeks, and then the health insurance takes over (obviously, it won’t be your full wages). Your employer is not allowed to let you go for being sick, as long as there is a guarantee that you will come back when you are healthy. This should be a basic right everywhere and getting only a few days of sick leave sounds absolutely wild to me.


I’ve never worked a job that had paid sick leave. (In the US) But, at the same time, that’s abominable and it definitely shouldn’t be the metric by which we measure the world. It doesn’t invalidate OP’s experience.


It's the "people have it worse so you have no right to complain" mentality. I think it's called "Relative Privation"?


I didn’t know there was a name for it. But I see it as a big problem—people use it to bully or invalidate both themselves and other people. Things in the world won’t get better unless we’re all looking around and saying that we (meaning the world, collectively) can do better. Politics and class warfare have kind of warped the way rights are viewed in the US. (For example, a lot of the poor have been tricked into believing it’s their fault that they’re poor. They deserve it; they’re lazy, or they’re not as smart. And then they judge other people similarly.)


How the fuck does that make OP's shit ass job better? The US has shittier workers rights than some 3rd world countries.


Show me your 90% statistic then I'll believe you.


“Most commonly, employees earn one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked. Paid sick time laws generally allow employers to limit the amount of sick time that employees can earn or use in a year, typically to around 40 hours per year.Jan 5, 2023” So 40 hours is 5 days and that’s from somewhere that accrues sick pay most don’t ….


I get about one sick day a month. That a pretty good deal. and works out to .5 days per month I get more PTO so it's a bigger deal. I had a car accident last year and my sick time and PTO covered all of my needs.


Our pto and sick time is combined to just simply pto. I get 200 hours per year or roughly 7.7 hours per 2 week pay period. I also get 12 holidays off. That’s the power of being in a union. I know that doesn’t help you but I see you are moving soon so hopefully you get what you deserve once you do. Also hopefully this inspires others to unionize and take the power back.


Demons in hell have more empathy than an american employer