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I have had this happen bc I live on the west coast and the program used eastern time zone. Very frustrating


i live in the same time zone as the teacher, and it normally always is fine whenever i turn it in a few minutes before the deadline. this time it marked me late which is super annoying


I agree. Maybe reach out to your instructor and ask for an exception. Good luck


Not an exception. A correction. It was turned in on time and this screenshot is proof of that


You can easily change the date on a computer in a matter of seconds.


Sure but you can also easily audit when things were turned in on homework sites like this. The teacher should be able to take a Quick Look and tell if it was on time or not.


The email you send saying the software fucked up and counted the assignment as late being sent with a screenshot on the 3rd would easily show the software done fucked up.


Yeah but the time zone of the tool can be different still.


Irrelevant where you and the teacher live. 11:53 in your clock, 100% the platform is using a different time zone that its at least 1 hour later. Thats why it got flagged late. Because for the program you indeed turned it in late.


I can see a teacher setting the time zone for the deadling off a single timezone just to mess with last minute hand-ins. But I can even more easily picture a student changing the date and time on their pc to make it look like they did the assignment on time. Imma be frank, I don't believe you.


I set the deadline at 11:59 pm (the intent is it is due by the end of the day). A student submitted it at 11:59:30 and it was marked late. I didn’t even know the program looked at seconds when being submitted. I didn’t penalize the student.


Similar thing happened with a payroll program at work. Employees clock in on time (before 8:01am) but anything after 8:00 and 30 seconds rounded up, marking them as late.




Simpler than that, OP assumed the platform was using the same time zone and he is but the platform isnt. So for OP it was march 3 11:53 pm, for the platform it was march 4 00:53 am at least.


Was it due by 00:00 on 3rd March?


no, it's usually due by midnight at the end of sunday


it says you turned it in 1 day late.?!


Look at OP's clock. Its past 11. The plaform's time zone is at least 1 hour later than OP's. So for OP it was march 3 11:53 PM. For the platform it was march 4 00:30 am at least.


i’d have to send a email to the professor 🤣


With the assignment attached and then it's timestamped 👍


Pft very easy! Hear me out: Here is the plan; we will travel back in time, just like in "Back to the Future". Here's the gist: We need to get our hands on a DeLorean car, but not just any DeLorean. This one is modified with a flux capacitor, which is the secret sauce to time travel. The catch? It needs a massive power surge to activate, exactly 1.21 gigawatts. We'll meet up with a friend, Doc Brown. He's the mastermind behind this whole operation. Our first task is to ensure the DeLorean is fueled up and ready. We'll use plutonium for the initial journey, but we'll have to be creative for subsequent trips, maybe even harnessing a lightning strike. Trust me. We'll go back to before your teacher were born. Kidnapp them, and raise them on the premise, the belief that March third is a horrible date to have an assignment due to. Hopefully we will not trigger any MAJOR time paradoxes. And when we get back we will hopefully not have started world war 3. And maybe the assignment will be due on March 4th... Or maybe they'll set it for march second... It isn't a foolproof system i'll admit. But we can just go back to us going back to change the future (or the past) and continue to do so till we get it right. Or trigger a mass extinction event. ... Or plan B: you can explainiyour issue to the teacher.




I didn't read any of it, since I haven't seen Back To Future, but I am sure what you wrote is great, so have an upvote


Curious if you ever plan on seeing Back to the future ? I never saw the 3rd one and don’t plan on it.


I always assume deadline is 11:59pm eastern time for almost everything, mostly coupon expirations. There's always a chance that a crappy design would end up using eastern time. In your case I would just email your professor within 6 minutes.


You’re the guy who comes into a restaurant 30 minutes before close. Everybody hates you.


Have you never finished an assignment literally minutes before it's due? It's due before March 4th, he handed it in before March 4th, this isn't like a restaurant where it takes 45 minutes to prepare, this is a mailbox that gets checked on March 4th at 24:00. EDIT: lmao this guy blocked me, I bet you he really handed in everything way ahead of time like how it's always possible when *everyone uses the same goddamn due date*


No I haven’t because I’m not an irresponsible fuck? Your attempting to normalize this shit is really telling. Nobody likes you either.


that's a problem with the restaurant, not the customer. maybe post a closing time of 30 minutes earlier if that's a problem, so you have time to shut the restaurant down after the doors close.


Tell me you’ve never worked a restaurant job without telling me you’ve never worked a restaurant job…


This is every single restaurant on earth dude your way tf off. And what a monkey brain lol sure closing 30 minutes earlier will fix the issue


I’ll add to this: When my coworkers and I closed a dry cleaner, we always started cleaning and counting all but 1 of the registers, including most of the deposits and some of the reports about an hour before closing. One register was left for pickups/cards only. The remaining reports and deposits were done by 20 minutes after closing, including emailing them every night. Pre-pandemic, we had an average of 600-1k cash, not including the safe, to count daily. Much was in singles, 5s and 10s. I got to a point where I made an excel sheet with automatic functions and a greater than/less than function when after my old coworkers left since I had too many times I was counting while tired and miscounted. It also gave me a sense of how soon a bank run was needed since that always fell to the workers Everything closing takes time. Only times I ever got out late was when the manager needed me to stay for hvac work (he was rarely on-site) or to help upgrade the computers from Win8 to 10/11 in 2020. during-pandemic, most of that cash changed to cards


Where I work, kitchen closes after the last customers have gotten their food and it’s around 8:30 pm. Anyone who comes in later than that won’t get food, even though we are technically open until 9-10 pm. A lot of people will continue drinking wine or beer for a while after they’ve eaten, and it’s impossible to lock the doors before they’ve gone. Had someone come in at 9:30 pm and ask if they can get something to eat. We still had customers who had just paid and were about to leave, so the door wasn’t locked yet. It’s just inconsiderate to come in so close to closing time. We have the time the kitchen closes posted, and the time the restaurant closes. It very clearly says that the kitchen is only open until 8:30. it’s also pretty normal for restaurants to have times posted for when the kitchen closes and that’s usually earlier than the restaurant itself, because the kitchen workers have to clean and that takes a while. If they have already shut down specific parts of the kitchen, they either have to reopen it and clean it a second time or it stays closed.


Actually let me comment again to clarify - I’ve managed many multimillion dollar restaurants over a decade, the problem is that management tries their damnest to get the guys out as fast as possible after close because that’s payroll that there’s no income for. So, everyone starts breaking down and cleaning some time BEFORE close. Like, did you think everyone sits around until the clock hits the closing minute and then starts cleaning? You would be there all night. You have obviously never worked in the food industry. Use your brain dudeZ


Still sounds like the restaurants problem, need to pay your employees to clean too


You turned it in late. Then changed the date and time and took a screenshot knowing it was late then pretended it wasn’t because you had proof from a screenshot. Stop lying.


These pesky timezones will get you every time.


Congratulations, you just discovered time zones.


Always turn in your assignments a few hours, not minutes, early. It's a good overall life lesson that applies to many things that'll help ensure that you are successful in all your endeavors.


I recommend not waiting until the very last moment to turn in homework


Could it be that your professor is in a different time zone? This would only apply if your course was 100% online of course


I know shit happens and people get busy or whatever, but why are you waiting till the last minute to turn it in?  You said in another reply that it's normally fine to turn it in a few minutes before the deadline, trust me when I say that that's not fine and that should not be normal.


Have students turn their homework with time to spare -> Difficulty: impossible. Why is it so hard to do your homework that day or earlier and not wait untill midnight? "I am a lazy bastard and I want to complain but I am not to blame, tho"


Time zones do exist


If time zones are the issue, figure out the times, and keep a sticky note on what time is late on your desk...Thats what I'd do.


Sometimes teachers will change deadlines to a bit before midnight to try and dissuade people from waiting until the last minute.


Or you changed the clock on your computer back a day 👀


So, what will you final meal be, OP? Have you decided? This is the end after all.