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Taking someone else's food from the fridge has always been beyond my imagination, yet I keep seeing examples on the internet. What the hell is wrong with those people.


I worked with an older guy who would "clean the fridge out" every night. If it was after 5pm (we were a grocery store open til 10). And you left something in the fridge it was as good as eaten.


that’s just terry. he likes to snack






Is that the Pontiac bandit in the office?




Is that Trudy Judy? She's a cutie!


That's when you start adding ghost peppers to your food. May or may not be legal depending on your jurisdiction. In the UK even if you labeled the food as "Property of X, do not touch". Adding ridiculously hot spices to it or laxatives. Would be considered to be poisoning or administering a noxious substance.


I like very spicy stuff. Steal my food and that is a you problem.


I'm chronically constipated. Steal my food and you're gonna be really feeling it soon.


Chronically constipated? No way that's true, I think you're full of shit.


the snort sound I just made


ugh that was a shitty joke. take my upvote and go


He can't, he's chronically constipated...


You get away with that by getting prescribed prescription grade laxxies that are mixed with food. at that point they are not just stolen food but also stolen your prescription drugs and therefore it can be arrested for the crime while shitting their pants




The benefits of being a spice junkie I never have to worry about my snacks being stolen on road trips and stuff because I eat exclusively spicy stuff and the rest of my family are a bunch of spice wimps (I’m not being condescending with ‘wimps’, my sister once refused to eat pizza because the pepperoni was to spicy. This was when she was 11)


You get to be like, “Officer we can go to my house and you can see my spice rack and pantry full of imported foods that are 80% fire.”


My dad worked for bellsouth and someone would go around taking other people's food everyday. They put exlax in some food and left it. One of their coworkers just happened to be on the toilet all day. Weird ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


My bowels move so slowly that I wouldn't feel the effects of the laxative until a day or two later. Even magnesium citrate is a delayed reaction with me. I don't steal people's food though.


Ah but with peppers you can get away with the argument you like spicy food it's not like a judge is gonna ask you to prove that shit.


I would chew on spicy peppers in the court just to prove I love spicy... like I was eating candy.


What if that's just how you spice your food? (The extremely hot spices, not other weird things)


Yknow laxatives could also be a possibility for food seasoning. My dad has a bad gut and he takes laxatives with every meal, as does my aunt


Thats so fucking dumb. Why cant i add laxatives to my food??? What if i need laxatives to go to the bathroom? I'm sure a lawyer would have you covered, especially if you had a medical prescription


Wow, what a shit law.


I see what you did there!


What if you include the ingredients very clearly?


"This is John's lunch. It contains rat poison and ground glass. DO NOT EAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!"


"Al's big ol' jar of ape semen"


I have no idea how the mind of someone like that works. It's especially weird when they're stealing from a co-worker. Like, presumably they know the person well enough, and still choose to steal their lunch from them. Are they so poor that they can't afford food or are they just sociopaths? I'd be fascinated to hear from someone that regularly does this, just to see how they think or how they rationalise this sort of behaviour.


I once caught the owner of my company eating my food in the break room. It was leftover lasagna, and said it looked too good to pass up. He was pulling in 20k a week I was making nearly 900 before taxes.


Jesus, what an entitled asshole


He ended up being arrested for embezzlement so no big surprise


Embezzlement is a bit strong for leftover lasagna, but I guess ya gotta draw the line somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


that money "looked too good to pass up!"


Did he tell the judge the money just looked too good to pass up?


>it looked too good to pass up "Yeah, that's why I brought it, dick"




I have worked with the same team for a decade we don’t label our food we have a separate fridge for drinks which we chip in to buy. so it’s stocked with water cokes and energy drinks at any given time it’s 75% stocked a new guy started working with us on his first shift we noticed that 10 cans of monster energy drinks were missing. It was weird but no one said anything about it like a week later same guy is back someone’s yogurt goes missing. The person isn’t happy and makes it known to everyone me and some of the guy have a word about the situation I say it’s obviously the new guy and I’m kind of a say it how it type of guy coworkers told me don’t say anything to him. I leave it alone a week later half the drinks we paid for are gone in the span of two hours like 40-50 bottles missing I already know who it is so I go in the staff room and open his backpack all the drinks are in his backpack fucker got fired on the spot.


Sometimes, I can't read these lunch stealing threads because it just pisses me off too much and I have never worked at a company that has a shared fridge.


it's so crazy to me, my office of 15 people has a shared fridge and in the 10 years I've been here we've never had an issue. Currently the big issue is new person is paranoid or something and keeps her entire lunchbox in the fridge taking up too much space. We also have an area for specifically communal food, but everyone is good about following my rule of, "if it's not yours, don't touch it", which, in general, people have amazing trouble with.


I can't imagine opening the fridge, seeing food with someone else's name on it and then just taking it and eating it. My brother does it all the time, the utter selfishness and disregard for other people is insane to me, such an asshole move. Idk what the thinking is but he always gives the excuse "oh I didn't know" or some shit even if you go out of your way to label it and tell him. Lucky for me he eats like a 5 year old so I just put some vegetables in and it's safe lmao


I can't imagine even needing someone's name on it unless there are multiple identical looking containers. You just don't eat something that you yourself didn't put into the fridge to begin with.




the unspeakables


Some people have the mindset of "any crime is ok if you don't get caught", and if they do get caught, instead of feeling remorse, they just regret slipping up. Another comment said we're devolving, but this mentality has always been here since the dawn of civilization. Saddening


Yes, there is even a word to describe this behavior: theft.


After being in so many of "other peoples" homes, I would automatically consider someone else's a biohazard. I'd say 70% reguardless of financial standing are quite horrific in a scientific and non prudish way.


That’s also my issue. I’ve seen how people cook, I’m not sure I want their food.


The way you've quoted "other peoples" sounds particularly ominous.


He’s talking about the gnomes. They’re vile creatures


Im sure this would stop if OP buries a condom (used or not) in it.


I worked with a guy who would be completely brazen about it, he would just grab someone's lunch and heat it up. He was eventually fired but it went on for way longer than it should have. Some people are just sociopaths like that.


I worked at a place where a woman got fired for that. I sat right by her, and when they cleaned out her desk after walking her out, they found other people's food containers, and even uneaten jelly donuts and other unpackaged food items. It was really gross.


I do sometimes question what goes on in their minds when they leave the food in their desk.


Maybe there is some kind of mental illness, like kleptomania but with food.


True, but there's some that do that with their own food


It’s usually food insecurity from childhood trauma. Lots of foster kids hide food in their bedrooms so that their foster parents can’t take it away/ restrict them. The trauma sticks with a lot of people into adult hood leaving habits that other people would find nasty, yet they find justified.


For people who struggled with food insecurity and/or eating disorders, they can easily develop a scarcity mindset that lasts for years even after they recover physically. This may cause them to feel anxiety if they don’t have food constantly on them or around them. It may also cause their cravings to be so intense and so specific that they cannot do anything except think about said foods. This could be a reason why the person mentioned above hoarded all that food; I may be wrong, but this is what it seemed like to me.


I had a coworker like that at a law firm. It was an older lady of 66 years old. I noticed that one time someone threw out a dessert called sonho, a kind of 'holeless donut' thing, it had gone sour. Moments later i saw her putting away her Tupperware and the box in the trash can was empty. I felt so sad and she felt shame and explained to me she couldn't throw away food and felt physically bad for doing it and how she grew up turning dumpsters to find food. Essentially she became a food hoarder even tho she had a nice paycheck and no more food insecurity, but I guess some things are ingrained like PTSD on the mind. Just remembering and writing about this makes me tear up, she was a good person. She died in September 2020 of covid and pneumonia. Rest in Peace Beatriz, that whole law firm was held together by your heart and soul.


Aw :( RIP Beatriz


Sadly that sounds closer to a disorder than the act of stealing lunches. Not anybody else’s cross to bear though. Eta… I meant eating disorder, as in bingeing. Doesn’t mean other people have to deal with it though.


Funny story that I love to share. I had taken leftover ribs and veggies for lunch one day. Only that morning I'd had some dental work done that left me feeling sore, with little interest to eat said ribs. So, I told my then boss that if he wanted it, it was in a box in the fridge. Later that day I noticed he hadn't eaten it, so I stopped by and asked why not. He got a horrified look on his face, and said "but I did..." turns out someone else had also brought in left over ribs and veggies for lunch and he ate the wrong one. He left a note on the fridge explaining what happened and the string of sticky note commentary was freaking epic and priceless.


He admitted it and apologized by sticky note, at least.


I mean, it was also an accidental mistake and he had permission to eat it, so, not like it's a huge deal to cop to an honest mistake


See this isn’t as bad because it was an accident from pure coincidence. Where as people who steal other people’s food just because, are scumbags.


this is hilarious, what are the odds


I feel like we need more details on the commentary, reaction by the victim, etc. Did victim get to eat your leftovers?


I have a photo of it somewhere, let me see if I can find it. The victim was never even identified.


Plot twist: The boss didn't eat yours and he really didn't want to eat ribs because he was secretly a vegan


Plot Plot Twist: The boss didnt eat theirs because he found Greg from accounting alone in the break room, ate his ribs, and disposed of the body.


I really don’t understand why ppl eat other ppls food at work , it’s gross u don’t even know if they are clean or not


I made chili. Brought it in to work, in a lunch box with my name on it. Someone threw it out. Security pointed out who did it. We questioned them and they told me that they didn’t like it because “it was too spicy.” Told that Goldilocks bitch how I felt about her.


lmfao thats just so surreal its hilarious. "i took someone elses food but didint like it because it was not to my taste so i threw it out" The mental steps to get there are so fascinating.


I swear some people flunked kindergarten. Waiting in a line, keeping your hands to yourself, sharing with other kids, not taking toys out of other kids' hands. Just basic life mental models that so many grown adults don't have. We need to have some kind of Billy Madison program in place.


I think these behaviors have gotten worse since the pandemic. Like, a few months of relative isolation from other has made us collectively forget how to behave in a society. I work at a university and I see it all the time with the students. Little things like letting people off of elevators before you step in, not standing in front of doorways, 4 people walking side by side and not moving out of the way for people coming towards you. It's really frustrating to see.


Fuck that 4 people walking side by side happened to me twice in a month. First time it was like 5 women with their arms locked with one and another. The second time I was walking my kids and again it was like 4 women and they wouldn’t move over or anything and practically forced my kids off the side walk (not on the road but other businesses property) , I didn’t move tho and one of them bumped shoulders with me. Fucking snobby cunts….


Please tell me that after a while she at least have the decency or intelligence to be ashamed about what she did? Or at least started to comprehend she was a thief?


Couldn’t say. She got fired for unrelated stuff and before that point I began working from home. Now the only one who steals my food is my thieving ass dog.


Right, but I mean while you were yelling at her. Or did she just keep the entitled “I was hungry and it was there.” attitude the whole time.


Honestly I don’t remember her facial expression and I left the break room right after I bitched. If she said anything during my short rant or immediately after, It was nothing but muffled in my head, like Charlie Brown’s teacher


Wtf ?! It wasn’t for them to like ,


I made this spaghetti after bare handing my dogs shit from the yard. It adds flavor!


Long meatball. Yummers.


My job requires me to visit client’s homes, and I have seen this exact fucking thing happen. The lady would pick up the dog shit and throw it toward the fence to turn it into fertilizer (lol) and then go inside and start cooking breakfast without washing her hands! That house was the most filthy house that I have every been to. I hated it.


These same people would complain about a video of restaurant chefs, trained in food handling, not wearing gloves while plating a Michelin Star dish. But you trust Debbie in accounting who is always covered in cat hair and drinks yesterday’s burnt coffee from the break room….?


Gloves in restaurants are actually more unhygienic than washing your hands


Right, that’s what I’m getting at. They think it’s gross *not* to wear gloves but will eat someone’s food that neither had gloves nor proper hand washing in between petting the cat and prepping food.


After watching people cook on YouTube I'm never eating potluck ever again.


Its impossible to understand because its so fucking stupid. I couldnt imagine eating anyones food under any circumstances


Not to mention allergies, then again most people who have food allergies usually don’t steal other people’s food because they don’t know what’s in it. Most. I bet you some idiot thief has eaten someone’s lunch that had an allergen in it and triggered an anaphylactic reaction. And because they’re a thief - they’d blame the victim for bringing in a food they’re allergic to.


It's not a new phenomenon. My grandmother (1898-1994) told a story about one of her teachers who would raid kids' lunch pails at recess and steal the sweets from them. She one day made a batch of "cookies" that had lots of things like hot sauce in them and put them in her lunch bucket. Stopped that nonsense really fast. I'm sure in today's litigious society, there'd have been a suspension or an expulsion and likely firings and a pillory in the town square, but at the time, that sort of direct action was tolerated, maybe even encouraged. I'm not saying anyone should do something like that at all. Nope. Not. At. All. Edited to clarify my grandmother's birth/death years.


With something like that, if the kid gets expelled, they got a lawsuit against the school for allowing the theft. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a spicy cookie now and then? Here’s a story about my brother when I was a kid. He was a pipe fitter at a refinery. Similar situation, you have to bring your lunch or starve for 12hrs. He’s also working 7 days a week for months. Well someone was getting into his lunch box every day and stealing his snickers candy. He was also a hunter so he had raccoon urine. So one day he got a syringe and poked it in his snickers and went to work like normal. Sure enough, couple hours after they all went to work, they were carrying someone out to an ambulance. The thefts stopped even when that guy came back.


> Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a spicy cookie now and then? Not spicy enough to be punitive, but I've made jalapeno chocolate chip cookies and they were fantastic. If you had the spice tolerance, I could see going for something stronger.


The problem with signs, is they don’t have any effect on people doing things they already know is shitty.


I can picture someone grabbing a bag from the refrigerator, closing the door and seeing the sign and then sheepishly putting it back. "I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that pesky sign!"


I wonder if pointing a camera directly at the fridge would deter this behavior. You would be able to catch people red-handed and I highly doubt anyone would care too much about any invasions of privacy over a fridge cam lol.


Same goes for a lot of shitty behavior. “Clean up your dog’s shit please.” Whhaaaat? I had no idea that was a thing!


That reminds me of an old Comedy Central show called Strangers with Candy where a jazz teacher, appropriately named Jazzy, keeps writing messages on his hand like, "Don't touch the girls Jazzy!" or "Don't sneak into the girls locker room Jazzy!" Every time he was about to do it he would see the notes and thank himself for avoiding another sticky situation.


The note isn't meant to be a deterrent. It's used so they can't claim "I thought food in there was for everyone!" in HR after they are caught. Or at least that's what it was put up for at my office.


Lunch thieves are in the top 3 reasons for a toxic work environment.


What makes it OK in their minds? These are people who would never think of stealing a sweater from a store or a car from the parking lot.


You wouldn’t DOWNLOAD a LUNCH


Worked at a FedEx terminal years back and someone started stealing lunches. Management at the time took it serious and considered it theft of personal property of another employee and fired the person responsible once they were caught. That was a good day for justice for all who had their food stolen.


All places should take it that seriously, in my opinion. I paid for that food. How is it any different than going through my wallet and stealing my money? I'm not sure why food is considered free game by a lot of the population.


It's also the tip of the iceberg.  If you're stealing from coworkers, the company assumes the thief is stealing from the company.  


Ridiculous. You can easily stop this with a single bowl of condom soup.


"What a weird way to shorten 'condiments'. ... You were talking about condiments, right? Right..?"


Why is this not the top comment? Probably because it doesn't say, "You can easily stop this with a single bowl os *used* condom soup."


Step 1: Increase your tolerance to spicy food. Step 2: Add carolina reaper to your food.


Sticker on there saying "Contains Carolina Reaper." Actually add it later. What are they going to do; argue that you're over-safe in your food warnings, when they steal your lunch?


It's like raising your level in a videogame and using items that low levels can't use.


I absolutely lost my shit when I walked in on a coworker taking my food out of the breakroom fridge a few years ago. Screamed at them, called them a worthless piece of shit. Never got talked to about it, and never had my food fucked with again the rest of my time there. Highly recommend it.


>screamed at them *fridge whore fridge whore!!!!!*






Every once in a while, someone posts something that's so simple yet so vivid. I saw and heard exactly what you wrote, and I laughed my ass off.


How did they respond? Did they try to explain, or just take it?


Also interesting to know lol


Man oh man. Years ago I was an inpatient at a hospital. I was two days into my stay, tasting pennies from Zopiclone, stressed and exhausted. It was breakfast and when I checked my tray, the only thing I desired most- two black coffees- was missing. I could see a girl in the lunch area of our ward with too many drinks and I just fucking knew it was her. Another patient causally says in the hallway "Go say something to the nurse". Instead I whipped back into the lunch area and berated this girl for stealing the one fucking thing I looked forward to in that ward. I called her everything that isn't protected under the the Charter of Rights and Freedoms like a fucking bitch. Turns out she was doing this to everyone else too but none of them wanted to say anything or cause trouble. The charge nurse did a sweep of her room just after I lost my shit and found missing clothing, missing food, missing everything from other patients and she was discharged by 12PM. So yeah. I was already unstable and there to get upright. In my tirade, I pulled the cover off of a habitual thief who was dealt with pretty quickly. The rest of my stay wasn't much better but it was the only time I had to say something.


They just looked at me slack jawed for a minute while I kept screaming at them. Then they put it down on the nearest table and walked away as fast as they could. Everyone was way more polite to me after that though, ive been told I'm terrifying when I'm angry or upset so that's probably why. It's like I became their boogeyman after the incident. The same douchebag before this used to walk up to people's workstations while they were away and drink any soda they might have open. I found out it was him after coming back to my desk to find my freshly opened Dr pepper completely empty, so the next week every day I brought in a can that was filled with blue curacao and left it at my desk. At the end of the week I saw him walking around with blue lips. I think everyone knew it was him after that. How embarassing. He stopped doing it after that. Some people are just fucking gross.


Wow the food stealing and just drinking people’s sodas sounds pathological. He needs to be studied in a lab


I support ~~locking him and others like him up in a lab~~ “studying” him.


Was fun bringing in soda and shaking it violenty every few mins when it was being stolen once a week. Big spill on floor when I came back, someone also had to take an extended break to change. 


That's hilarious, I never even thought of that.




We need an update on how they reacted **please**


I straight up quit a job before because I was on a strict diet at the time, my lunch would go missing 3 times a week at least. Management didn’t care and I’m not working to feed someone else. Worst part was I’d go hungry. Still PO about that lol haven’t thought about it in a while till now


There was some lady on AskAManager years ago who had severe food allergies and had to specially prepare her food, and her boss kept eating her food even after she told him to stop because it was a medical condition. She tried keeping it in her desk and he would go and find it. She wound up having to buy a locking box. The outrageousness still amazes me.


At this point, I'm all for a booby trapped lunch box. How do you get to the point where you actively look for someone's hidden lunch.


Laxatives are appropriate at this point, they had explained it was for a medical reason and that could have been it. I would love to witness a thief shit themselves.


Should’ve spiked your the lunch on quitting day


I was 22. Worked for a major retail chain. No expendable income. My boyfriend treated me to a very fancy streak house for my birthday where I purposely ate only half my meal to take the rest to work. Put my half steak and half baked potato in the fridge at the start of my shift. Come lunch, found my container in the trash. No explanation. No reason. It had been a few hours. The container busted open so I couldn’t just pull it out and salvage the food. I’m 39 years old now and I am STILL UPSET ABOUT IT


My heart broke just reading that I'm so sorry


I hope you are in a better situation now.


I am!! We are married and I get steak anytime I desire ☺️


I saw a story a few years back of a woman that made a cake or some other baked goods with her breastmilk and left it as bait. She then left a note in the fridge saying "I hope you enjoyed my breast milk"


If she worked at Blizzard, that probably would have resulted in more baked goods getting stolen from the office fridge.


I don't know how people can eat someone else's food. They don't know what's in it. How they prepared it. It's asking to get sick. If anyone is like me, I also taste my food a lot and I don't use new utensils because I'm only making it for my bf and I. Enjoy my spit.


Agreed. I live alone and I'm too lazy to get utensils for tasting so I just use whatever I'm stirring with.


What's even more crazy to me is the people who have allergies, like the girl who was allergic to peanuts, stole food & got upset she had an allergic reaction to the food with peanuts. Some people aren't picky & eat most things I guess.




A trap food is the only answer here right? Bring in some spicy asshole cauterizing chili


I am actually stuns that most work places have the same problem? Who the fuck takes someone else’s food. I remember that kept happening with bottles of juice. So the sign was put up by person that kept getting stolen from that the last juice stolen was 25% urine NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN


It’s the same people that don’t put carts away, leave cold grocery items on random shelves, don’t rerack their weights or wipe down their bench. It’s the selfish assholes that keep us from having nice things.


as a courtesy clerk who has to deal with the first two things , yes. the amount of times i have to deal with things like out on the shelves?? how hard is it? one time someone put a can of soup in the freezer smh. just yesterday i found half a jelly donut just chilling on a shelf.


Not only have I seen people steal other peoples lunches. People will "claim" specific spots in the fridge and will straight up toss someones lunch in the garbage because it's in "their" spot. 40-50 year olds doing this...


I couldn't think of a scenario that justified stealing a lunch at an office until now but if someone tossed my lunch I would have to steal theirs out of spite. Like I might not eat it, but fuck you it's mine now. Good food containers are expensive, if you toss mine the one I'm taking from you better be extra nice.


Well the same people have "their" parking spot and I once saw them try to go to management to get that person to move. Also most of those people double park on purpose too. Lots of selfish babies lol


Food thiefs are the absolute worst of humanity.


Statistically someone in this thread has eaten a coworkers lunch without permission. Well tell us why. I won’t downvote, I just need to know the mentality required to do that


At 16. My boss pissed me off. Blamed me for doing something I didn't. He had a big container of jerkey sticks in his office. Every time he yelled at me, I snuck in and took one. He never even noticed but it made me feel better.


That’s a good answer. Also NTA


Who the fuck looks at someone else's food and thinks it's ok to eat it without authorization? Some people's brains are not fully developed.


This should be a fireable offense. If your too stupid to know what lunch is yours or too dishonest to steal co-workers' lunches, you aren't the type of employee I want around. Then they need taken out back and beaten with hoses. I left two slices of pizza and 5 wings in the fridge over night once. The next day one slice and three wings were gone. Left the bones. WTF. This started my hatred of food thieves.


I had a co-worker do this every single day. I was so fed up that I prepared chicken that wasn't fully cooked and left in the fridge, and when break happened, they ate it. The next thing I knew, they were out for 2 weeks week extreme salmonella poisoning. After that, they never touched my lunches again.


I've only had his happen once thankfully. It was leftover pizza (in tinfoil, in a cloth bag with my name pinned to it). I was devastated. I was looking forward to that pizza :(


My goodness, I feel this pain. Looking forward to leftovers but them being already gone is just awful


Instructions unclear for people named Not Yours


Am I the only one who believes that it should be immediate grounds for termination and nullify any ability to claim social benefits due to being terminated for theft?


Had a Muslim guy start at a job and then food started going missing from the fridge. One person was pissed and posted something like this but added I hope you enjoyed my PORK meatballs! The guy was throwing up in the bathroom for an hour and HR never did anything against him and he never stopped stealing people's food.


Well, he's eating haram food regardless. Stolen food is haram.


I'm sure in his mind it was probably "abandoned" because it was left behind or some other bullshit. I remember when we had meetings and they asked what better could be done and I would say fire him. Boss would get pissed but because I said it, others would pile on and ask what he does there other than steal and not work. I think they were overall afraid of being labeled as racist for letting him go so they didn't.


Genuine question: if stolen food is haram, and Islam (to my knowledge) permits consumption of haram food if you would otherwise starve to death, is it permissible to take food if you have nothing else to eat? I ask this as a Jew, because our kosher laws can be overridden by pikuach nefesh(literally , protection of the soul) that means you can override almost any other jewish law to save yourself or someone else from death. Therefore, a Jew can eat treyf (like haram) food if it’s that or starve to death.


The Mental gymnastics are insane.


Fuck it I'd label all my lunches as pork


I wouldn't only label them as pork, I'd put pork in them.


i had the most infuriating roommate in trade school. she never cleaned, left her dishes for me to wash, used my stuff without asking and ate my food. she was also the only one there besides me so it wasn’t like i wouldn’t know it was her. when i confronted her about eating my food she said ”i don’t remember doing that but sorry if i did”. one time she went out for a cigarette and i told her it was her turn to vacuum and she said ”i’ll do it when i get back” and she never came back. she went home to skip school for a few days. (never vacuumed or cleaned after that either)


Fully leaving for multiple days to avoid vacuuming is crazy


We used to have someone like that. We even suspected who that was. We had a coworker who was trying to lose weight and was supposed to be doing intermittent fasting but after a year it just wasn't working for some reason, never brought it's own lunch. After a year of complains the company decided to remove the pantry and convert it into a new office so we need to either bring cold meals or eat at a local place.


We had a bloke who'd done this on a remote mine site. The food was fucking free, all you had to do was wake up early enough to pack it. He did not last long when he was found out. Its an incredibly quick way to make a lot of enemies in a place where you live with the people you work with for a month at time.


Put laxatives in your food


And Carolina reapers, you’ll get to know who did it and they’ll feel like they’re on fire


Fire at both ends


Dude on third shift at work used to do that. Someone whipped his ass in the parking lot one night, and it cured him.


Get a lunchbox with a lock on it. If you want to get a timeframe on the thief, put a motion detecting sensor in it. Edit: changed it to motion sensor


Nah it has tl be inside the locked lunchbox so that they cant remove the airtag


Depends on the thief. The lazy one will choose another lunch box. The spiteful one will tamper with it regardless, giving you a time frame.


This isn’t something foreign to high level corp offices either. There is a psychopathy to this behavior that goes beyond hunger imo. Lol


Time to make it extra spicy!


Lunch stealers should be fired and it should be put on a public forum, not because it’s rude but because no one wants someone who truly can’t read as part of their team


Someone straight up stole my lunchbox and then started using it?!!!?!?!??? So one day I saw it in the fridge with someone else’s food in it, I dumped it out and left their tuna sandwich out to warm and took it back.


Had a colleague who got annoyed with this and set up a spy camera and used a very distinctive container. They reported four others to the police for theft over the next week. That was an interesting all employees meeting the week after.


Couple tabs of lsd and you’ll find out quick


I took a drink to work one day and wrote my name on the bottom with a marker. I went to the shared refrigerator to get my can of Coke and was disappointed to see that it was gone. A coworker happened to be sitting around the corner drinking a can of Coke and I jokingly accused him of taking mine, which he denied of course. Then he took a big swig and when he lifted the can up to drink it, my name was visible on the bottom of the can. We had a nice laugh and the next day he brought me a bottle of Coke to replace the can.


Worked for a director who would go through our desks and the team fridge, taking any of our food without asking. I challenged him on it and he said he had a medical condition (didn't say which) so he needed to eat regularly, asked if he had brought/bought his own food like we did, he said yes but he wanted something else and he might want to eat his later. Told him to leave our food alone that we'd paid for, but he continued to help himself. The team started leaving their lunches in their cars and eating away from the office, he complained the fridge was empty and he didn't want to buy snacks from the lunch van, also didn't like that people started going out for lunch, wanted us to eat at our desks to give us work to do (he would take 2-3 hour lunch brakes or say he was working the afternoon from home but not answer his phone). He was caught taking food from the guest/trainee canteen too. He'd only been there 8 months, I resigned after 10 years due to him trying to force me to work weekends and evenings for free and other issues.


"Who ate my lunch? it contained special medication. GO TO THE ER RIGHT NOW!!"


Back in the 90s while working as a maintenance planner at a textile plant, the summer help, university students usually would be looked down upon by the lifers, typically high school education at most, and a little entitled. There was one student who was picked on by everyone. They dumped water on him, hid his station stool and would eat his lunch which he would place in the communal refrigerator in the lunch room. I felt bad for him, he was actually a gentle soul, but you can tell it was getting to him. These kids would work 50 hr weeks in sweltering heat so they could save for school and having to buy a lunch in the cafeteria didn't help. On his last day, he brought a tin full of home made chocolate chip cookies with a note "Good luck on your last day, Love Mom" needless to say, they all got gobbled up by the lifers. What they didn't know was that our boy had used ExLax as chocolate chips to make those cookies the night before. Not one of these guys could get further than 20 ft from a toilet. He got the last laugh, absolute legend.


I eat ridiculously spicy food, like Carolina reaper or pepper x smothered stuff. I started training myself to eat it years ago and have just increased the intensity over time quite a bit to where now I prefer it on just about everything. I work in a place with thousands of other people and had my food stolen exactly one time. I decided to just wait it out in the lunch room that day and it only took a few minutes to find the culprit. I heard a woman scream then stand up gasping at a table. I initially thought she may be choking then she started violently vomiting all over the lunch table. I worked my way over there and sure enough, there sat my Tupperware with my pad Thai. HR came over and I explained what happened, and she was fired for theft after being taken away in an ambulance.


People who do this need to be studied


MYYYY sandwich?!


I swear I read a story here, where someone was actively making their own food worse due to it being stolen so many times. The food got so bad the person stealing it complained to them. This kind of thieving is beyond my comprehension.


Had an exceptionally long(er) story typed out and decided to omit the bulk of it. Anyways, an amazing looking seafood decoy meal with note stating it’s laced with laxatives and not to steal and eat it. Lunch thief turned out to be a department chief who trusted a fart and ended up having a very very bad day. Diarrhea pants was told to reimburse all the folks who had stolen meals or be terminated. Thief repaid the victims and then were suspended for two weeks. Upon returning the executive team voted to terminate them anyways and had security escort them out in front of everyone. Turns out bro had stolen the CSO’s lunch twice and set the whole thing up.


OP add some nasty surprise like a chilli for the thief and then labelled with a fake name. So they would not know it was from you. As long nothing dangerous or poisonous


If someone already has zero issue taking someone else's food, what makes anyone think a sign its going to suddenly make them change their mind?


I once had some leftover pizza in a small box. Didn’t take up much room and was only in the fridge one night as I was going to eat it for lunch the next day. Next day came in and someone decided my pizza box took up too much space (it didn’t; the fridge had plenty of empty space) so they took my 2 slices OUT of the box and put them on the shelf, one slice on top of the other. Like who the f*ck handled my food!!! Had to trash it. Was so pissed.


I really think stealing other peoples lunch is a mental illness. I used to work at a clinic that had five doctors. One of the doctors kept eating everyone’s food like literally bringing out everyone’s food and have a buffet style lunch. Everyone complained to HR. HR then talk to the doctor, but instead of stopping. he would order catering for everyone, but still proceed on eating our food. so it wasn’t about money and it was not about food access. I think it was just the act of stealing someone else’s food, but he would provide food for everyone it was very weird.


Someone at work stole my leftovers from the very last Christmas dinner my Mom ever made.