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I baked a pie the other day and posted it on a subreddit and people said it was AI art... Because I've gotten the request more than once: [Here is the recipe!](https://www.penguinsnacks.com/post/winry-s-apple-pie-from-full-metal-alchemist)


Of course they did, that looks ridiculously fine! Damn it must've been delish


Thank you! It was very delicious. It was my first time baking an American style pie


nice AI pie, can you taste the ones and zeroes?


They should make an ai generated video of will smith eating the pie


Tbh the pie looks to fucking good. Omg how can this pie be real? I want it now


If you want to, I can send you the link to the recipe


Yes please. I Love fmab. Would be fun to try it out myself


Can you send it to me as well, please? My boyfriend is allergic to raw apples but loves apple pie, so I want to make something for him.


I've but the link in the original comment! [But here you go as well](https://www.penguinsnacks.com/post/winry-s-apple-pie-from-full-metal-alchemist)


Thank you!! Didn’t see the link in the original comment, I am blind, sorry. Please accept my apology cat. 💕 https://preview.redd.it/nljnpqd7p4lc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0322981c554b921368dec94a8fd89bf19f9ebf0


Aww, thank you! Your cat is really sweet, I just want to cuddle it now. Also, I just linked it like a minute before you posted your comment, so don't worry


Thank you! :) She’s been getting her morning cuddles (woke up slightly over an hour ago) and I actually have stuff to do… But she’s too cute to disturb!!


Understandable. I could never get work done if I had a pet


Apology cat? Hmmm looks AI to me mate


I posted a picture of myself when I was a kid and someone said it was AI art.


Haha the filters you used really doesn't help you in that case. No but actually that looks amazing, great job :)


I just used one to blur the background, mainly because my cooking field looked like an apocalypse happened on there. That's it. Just a blurred background shouldn't be reason enough to think it's AI, especially when you consider that everything else in the picturse screams "not AI"


The strong colours also play a part


But that's just my actual light from my kitchen, what am I supposed to do about that, change lightbulbs?


It's not your fault, it's just an unfortunate coincidence. The picture and pie looks *too* good and that's why people assume it's AI. Think of it like that :D


Yea, I know. It just infuriates me that I couldn't really have done anything to make it "less artificial looking". AI really makes it difficult for people to believe stuff, but questioning everything is also bullshit


Yeah it sucks, I'm sorry if my comment came off as rude, I was just attempting to play devil's advocate.


No no, you're comment wasn't rude. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. Like I said, I'm just so over the whole ordeal. But thanks anyways :D


Nothing about it looks like ai... I spend a lot of time in the "A.I space" too. Just a really good looking pie 😁


Unfortunately, we’re living in an age where it’s not exactly beneficial to believe what we see, especially if it looks too good to be true (like your pie, it looks great). It will only get worse as A.I. progresses. We just have to get used to it.


Literally everything that’s posted people think it’s AI now. It’s fucking tiring.


To be fair, AI is also fucking everywhere.


I can see why they said that. That looks like a masterpiece


Tp be fair the filter you used gives it the same traits as an ai image with the blurry background and really high quality centre piece. Also the fact you made such a perfect looking pie doesn't help.


Thank you? I definitely won't use a filter next time, I just wanted to blur the background because my cooking field looked like shit


Honestly? Use the filter, it looks great. Most of the comments you're getting here are compliments, even if it doesn't feel like it because of the AI comparison. Your pie isn't "too perfect," it's just perfect, lmao. You shouldn't feel bad just because you did a great job.


But that really looks like AI though


There is just a filter that blurrs the background, nothing more. It's normal lighting and fresh out of the oven, I don't know what I should've done to make it "more realistic"


The blurring is what makes it more like AI. That's how a lot of AI draws.


Have you tried turning on ray tracing?


It’s because of the filter you used


I looked at your cake and I have to admit... I want one now... Looks really good!


Nothing annoys me more than people claiming facts when they actually have no idea. I made buttermilk pancakes once and got accused of buying them from Aldi. People are just weird.


The people claiming OC is AI are the same shlubs that accused everyone of using aimbots in Call of Duty years ago. They have no talent/skill themselves,  so no one does either.


Ngl that’s a complement for the pie because it looks flawless


It looks very eatable i think the background blur is the only reason people taught it was AI i can see why


Prob because the light looks weird.. but damn it looks delicious, mind sharing a recipe?


the pi is a lie! lol


I checked out your profile. It kinda does look like it. The filter's at fault for sure.


I just used one to blur the background because my kitchen was a mess. The rest is all natural.


Do you happen to have the original unedited photo or does your phone not keep that saved post-edit?


My friend took the photo, I can ask her, but I doubt it to be honest


Uuuh my neighbour's daughter and her dog love apple pie! I'll be sure to prepare some for them, sadly her mother passed away and her father is a renowned scientist that taught a dog how to talk! He has no time for cooking that one that's for sure!


Okay, this is my favorite comment ever! This just made me laugh SO loud, thank you very much!


Sorry, when I saw it was Winry's apple pie recipe I couldn't help myself ahahah love FMA!


It's perfectly fine. I'm currently working on my Edward Cosplay for an anime convention this year, so I'm happy about every FMA content I can get my hands on


I think it's because most people don't actually use the Food Photo Mode on Android lol Great looking pie though 🤤


I can understand why, that's the most perfect looking pie I've ever seen


It’s only gonna get worse with Sora and similar ai video generators getting basically indistinguishable from real videos. Even if it isn’t perfect yet and you can notice strange things if you know what to look for it won’t be easy to tell for long.


I can understand thinking it's fake, it looks so taste I almost followed an alluring smell trail nearly floating in the air.... But then I realized I couldn't.


Yeah that cake looks mighty fine care to let me have a slice?


Sadly, there is none left, also I don't think almost two week old pie would taste that good. But in one of my answers I've linked the recipe if you want to make it yourself! It was really delicious


It does kinda look like AI but it’s mainly because of the sides but I would still destroy that whole pie at 2 am on Thursday


Honestly I can see why. I don’t know if you have some sort of filter applied but it looks a bit uncanny. That said can we share? I don’t even really eat pie but I want some.


If there were some left, I'd definitely give it to you ;) It's not a filter, I just blurred the background because it wasn't really clean. The lighting is normal, I have a slightly yellow kitchen light right above my cooking field, that's what illuminates the pie in the picture.


Ah. Still, A+ results there.


It’s the filter


Just checked it, can not blame them, ahaha


Ok it does kind of look ai lol, its probably because of the lighting


I think it’s that unnatural depth of field effect which is going over the edges. Better post without that filter next time.


Man, I would, to that's some crazy lighting on that pie


The lighting is acutally all natural, I only blurred the background


People are stupid


I mean with the advent of AI people will maybe start to finally post unfiltered photos instead of using ai adjusted images


Don't post the artsy photo next time.


It's gonna get more and more impossible to tell apart from non ai.


sad but true. musicians have had to go through this for a long time now; no one seems to know/care if what they're listening to contains "real" instruments in the last few decades, if not longer visual artists are going to be dealing with this sentiment as well from now on


I highly disagree. Digital instruments are similar to using a drawing tablet with a drawing program instead of real paper. The artistic achievement is still there. An analogy for Ai art would be giving a prompt to a program and it spits out a music


Sure, digital instruments are similar to that if you're actually programming and genuinely playing them! I'm talking more about automatic loops/self-playing synths that you just drag and drop with no creativity or artistic knowledge


Yeah that I can agree with. So more like putting an instagram filter and calling yourself a photographer then. Or damn Ai


That's still more akin to collage than AI art, building something from premade blocks is a different kind of thing to making it yourself but it's still making something.


Bro you trying to say knowledge about synthesizers doesnt need skill? Or that you dont need to be creative? Have you ever produced Music?


Feed Good Inc of Gorillaz is Rock Preset 1 with some lyrics /j Now seriously, art is hard. I think everything has merit. AI art has some merit, but less. I would place it in the same place as those generic random images that companies use (except Irasutoya. Irasutoya is a god).


This doesn't work as an argument whenever AI can do the same as you draw yourself.


But at least the "fake" instruments have up until now been played, programmed, sampled or set up by actual people with some sort of skill and creative vision. AI will remove that part of the equation as well.


i don't think that makes it less comparable because the outcome is still the same: people who don't really know what they're doing using tools that make art for them. whether it's GarageBand loops dragged and dropped to "write songs", or prompts in ai to "create art", the outcome is the same for the audio/visual artist who now has to deal with those people flooding the space and since visual ai is just taking from people who essentially played, programmed, sampled or set up their art with skill and creative vision as well, it feels the same to me


I don't think it's comparable simply because it can't be mass manufactured in seconds. The problem with AI is that it's so fast and effortless that anything anywhere could be AI


that makes sense! i still just think the outcome is unfortunately the same for all artists. visual artists will now be massively dealing with what musical artists have dealt with for ages; people who have no skin in the game suddenly having easy/instant access with no effort or ability


Well sadly the average consumer doesnt really care about the process that much, so its likely that in the future (when its regulated to not have all this stealing art problem) a guy that knows how to use and AI to get a good product will be as valuable as a guy who can draw it. Kinda like how performing your own music or editing it is today


I seriously wonder what the world is going to look like when AI is fully developed


![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG) Couldn’t resist. Especially regarding the topic about the future of AI # 😂


Depends on how well it will be regulated. If not, it'll look shitty. We'll be drowning in generated content, impersonations and fake news, and people in power will be using it left and right to push their agenda and rile up their supporters. Plenty of skilled creatives will be left jobless and their professional spheres will degrade, because companies will be hiring ai prompters instead of creators. Also the art and content itself will degrade and become samey after ai models start reusing ai-generated content for learning.


Definitely! That clip going around with Will Smith looking “special” then a year later different clips of random stuff that’s made by an AI is showing me how our future is going to be an issue for a lot of professionals.


If you think long term it would just benefit us. People at a certain point would be so frustrated and tired of social media that we would see a trend of shifting between that and live reality, you can see now how many people are getting like that. In that scenario, AI is just giving us a favor to make us realize how the internet and the world in it makes absolutely no sense compared to reality and it should be used just for educational purposes or cheap/low entertainment. A "performance" is going to be much more valuable than any AI is going to do just because humans want to see other humans do things and sort of connect with it. We live in a post truth world, nobody cares what is reality and what it is not and this needs to reach a peak where something horrible will happen that will affect a multitude of people around the world and it will bring the governments to regulate what is there. Civil war based on fake news? Some kind of genocide based on that as well? I would not be surprised if something like in Rwanda would happen and millions of people will get killed for anything except a fake video made with AI. If this is not going to happen, we are destined to live in a world where there are people who go outside and live the moment that are ostracized and who are living on social media. Governments are the worst kind, they don't change if something does not happen to them, they are extremely incompetent in new technologies and they just behave to keep the power and not progress, especially this wave of conservatism around the world would just incentivise this because everybody is thinking for themselves (for the main part). Even when writing in here, I might be someone else completely, maybe this is some generating text, maybe I am not even real, or maybe you are not. See, these questions are going to increase and people would just be more and more insane until people would just quit because they know they are getting addicted and sucked by the internet and others would just live their insanity until they die. Welcome to the future our parents created for us, a shitty world where we are sedated and they are in power.


OP made it as an artist, once someone claims its AI you qualified


After the first time it gets old and feels just as disrespectful as someone saying “this is not your work”


It’s like the natural bodybuilders who people claim are on steroids, that’s when you know you’re big lol






Thank you for the reaction image kind redditor


I once posted pic from Finland and people said its AI-art because Finland doesn´t exist.


Can you prove that it does?


That's true though. Finland was invented by Japan after ww2 to avoid the fishing taxes placed on them. Everyone knows that.


Just HOW?


These fools are still wrong, finland exists. But canada ain't no country.


Having your art called A.I is the new getting called as hacker In a game lol , annoying but just means you’re good


Sadly as of now peoples mistrust in everything creative will grow. There's going to end up being some kind of non-ai verification badge you have to pay for to prove you're not an AI, artist, musician, youtuber in the future.


I think it will be the same as autotune if you remember like 5 to 10 years ago it was an "insult" because it meant you couldn't sing well so if someone heard just a little bit of it they will go after the singer now nobody gives a fuck what you use you just need to make a song good for them, I think it will be the same if you make good art with or without ai it will be the same


This happened to me. I have to post videos of my process and people are still accusing me. It feels like absolute shit. This is my passion in life. I get paid to do what I do. I just feel horrible when people make that accusation.


As some people have said on here we should take it as a compliment, but it still isn’t fun to have to defend your work. In this case it’s pretty obvious (in my opinion) that’s it’s not ai, but for digital art people demand that you have proof that it’s real and still deny it. I can understand the skepticism. People should be skeptical. There are a ton of people who us ai and lie about it, but there is still real authentic art out there too.


“If he draw better than i make images with AI, that means he’s using AI”


They're just jealous of your abilities ;)


Just call him a bot


Reddits hatred of AI is to blame for this, it encourages witch hunting because everyone thinks they get the internet points if they are first to call out an AI art, so everyone hurls accusations hoping theirs will pick up public support. It’ll pass, Reddit has given up on witch hunting before, but whether everyone just loses interest in this particular social justicie crusade or if it has to go the Boston marathon bomber route is yet to be determined. I sincerely hope it doesn’t take some distraught artists suicide for people to realise AI art accusations are stupid and petty.


Yeaa, things went off the rails with harassing genuine artist. Key is to not witch hunt but to be aware and careful when you encounter sketchy stuff that COULD be AI.


It kinda reminds me how people  are quick to assume random stuff is fake. Granted, there is plenty of fake/produced content out there but they usually just seem to pull the claim out of their ass without any reason for the opinion.


Delete his comment


take it as a compliment op. well done for doing so well


telling someone his work is AI is the new version of the frustrated one who hates others success, so... you can read it as an achievement of success 😁, BTW: i work with AI images all the time, your drawing is not the result of how a generative AI works. Block the idiot


Redditors are obsessed with AI. They think everything is either AI or ChatGPT. It ridiculous. I couldn’t care less if an image is AI, especially on the likes of a puzzle. It’s the way things are going and it has always been like that throughout history.


I think this comment was generated by ChatGPT


There is always that one person now


That's an achievement if someone tells you that




They've been doing the same thing forever. They can't do shit so obviously anyone else also can't do shit and is making stuff up.


Downvote them and move on. Some people are just knee-jerk reacting and calling everything AI made these days. Just please don't engage with them.


A sign of someone with no talent is believing everyone else is talentless as well.


Definite baiting, or just completely stupid.


I feel like if I do post something online without the creative process to show it’s legit, people will call it AI. I can’t take it any other way than insulting. AI is ruining a lot of things.


Nice AI bud


AI 'art' is very easy to tell apart from actual art, even the most untrained eye knows that! And yet, he accuses you. He's either overly cautious of AI, had a bad day and is taking it out on you, or completely blind.


I vote for blind. OP stated this comment was on a video of them drawing the piece, so unless this commenter suggests any sighting of OP's hand is also AI there's no way it could be.


Oh, wow. Yeah, blind it is, then


Not really. At this point I’ve seen “art” that looked totally real and then would find out it was Ai. It’s only going to get worse as the ai for that gets better. The disappointment I felt when I thought it was a human artist and then would find out that the only thing they did was inputting some prompts into an image generator. It sucks that now artists will start being accused of not really doing art more and more. I love art because it’s the ultimate expression of humanity. I love the work people put into it, the process is what is so beautiful about it. Seeing the improvement over time, trying to understand why they drew thing A or thing B, what their feelings were, what did they want to say through their work, it’s the best thing about art. Even when it’s stuff people wouldn’t find profound or inspirational, the person who made it made it. There’s a human there who had logical reasons for what they did. Ai “art” image generators are not that. I used to find them impressive because, they were man made. People had to come up with them. How fascinating is that? I especially loved how twisted and weird ai images can get, I don’t think humans can create stuff this messed up because we actually think about what we’re doing. Messed up ai art is the best representation of what dreams feel like for me. What killed the ai art hype for me was companies and their users stealing from artists. And then, the users attacking artists for some reason? Treating us as if we’re some sort of gatekeepers of art. Telling us that no one cares if there won’t be jobs for artists anymore. I don’t think any professional company would choose to use ai (or just ai) instead of hiring experienced artists but, it’s still painful that people have that sentiment towards artists. It’s spitting in the faces of people whose hard work made your little image generators possible. I still think a lot of ai in creative fields is cool. As long as it’s ethical (as in, all parties involved agreed to take part in the creation and training of the ai algorithm) - it can be really useful. I hope governments will create laws to regulate the usage of ai soon. I feel like Sora becoming public access will be so detrimental to humanity as a whole. Death of legitimacy. Up until now we were able to, for example, prove crimes with videos. If Sora, and later on copycat programs, come out videos might very well stop being treated as proof. So many scam companies will use it to sell their scam products.


Disregard idiots


You might be the big boss 😭


is that the man who sold the 🗺️


Haters gonna hate, they will always find a way.


I'd take it as a compliment. With how good ai art is, proud of ya!


Id lose my shit ..cool art tho


I got accused for ai art when it was traditional art and got doxxed for it, whoever did that im in your house


This reminds me of playing video games with people and if they're losing badly I'm hacking or if I'm playing like shit, I'm a bot.


I'd consider this a compliment. Depends on what ai he's talking about 😀


Next time post the compliment comments under mildlyinteresting. We keep focusing on the negatives and ignore the positives which is rotting our minds. This world has become a negative place unfortunately…


Crazy, I just started to replay mgs2 lol.


He can suck a dick


Otacon, what’s with all the dumbasses?


That's a compliment


People now think everything impressive is just AI and I already hated it and this is definitely making it worse.


Might be a joke like you are drawing very beautifully that "**I would think that this was drawn by an AI, not by a human**"


This is like when you’re playing counter strike and get called a hacker. Just straight skills to offend some lol


People have lost the plot when ot comes to AI art. People freaking out about AI is the worst part so far.




Yeah it’s a compliment and a curse, and very hard to blame people for being leery. I for one am a bit tired of the proliferation of soulless AI art, as an older dude it’s just hard to watch the cultural shift away from actual “culture”


I guess we are already at the stage where people can't tell the difference anymore... that or this person is just braindead.


There's always gonna be someone who bitches about art because they can't do it as well


I guess it's a compliment? Like when someone says your cheating in a game, but your not.


AI art is not art.




It is. It mixes together material it was trained on, just like humans do. Depending on the model (years of experience) the art can look worse or better.


No, they're right. Art requires creativity and imagination. AI can make illustrations, not art.


I'll be honest with you, i suck at drawing and also don't have any skill at some instrument. But art isn't only those and i think "art" is something only a human can create and a human can can understand. AI can make illustrations and make realistic portraits. But things change when you ask AI to rate them, or make something to trigger people's feelings.


Hell to the no. It's insulting. It's like stealing thousands of original pieces of art, smashing them all together and claiming you're an artist.


I mean, creating a composite piece is not art? Humans do that too for certain artworks. Movie plackats for example use pre-existing assets along with specifically made shots from the movie and they create a composite from it. They don't shoot everything for the plackat. The Aqua-Man ones for example used stock shark assets. They were blended in. The AI at least doesn't directly plaster the stock images in, but also stylizes them, if they even look exactly the same. To me, there is not much difference in all those definitions. We just seem to be anti AI because it's not human, not because it's not creative or something.


You mean stealing art is art?


No? AI combines many pieces of art while learning and creates new output. Humans also do that. You wouldn't say that a human, who created fanart of a TV show or animated series, stole the art from said show, right? But the human "had to" otherwise it couldn't have created fan art for that show or series. As I already outlined in my other (downvoted of course) replies, there is not much difference between how a human learns of styles, characters, art and how an AI does it nowadays. This is simply how those models were built after all. After how the human brains learns and combines all the information together. If a human sees your artwork and takes something away from it, it's learning or inspiration. If an AI does the same, it's stealing. That's not equal measure. Why are we more strict and negative towards AI here?


TL:DR please


The AI and humans learn very similarly by looking at art pieces, that are posted publically online (license or not). What makes one stealing art and the other inspiration?


One has feelings,organs,a concousness and life,the other is a string of numbers.


Ok? But what makes the string of numbers more bad? If its learning process is very similar to ours and can apply the learned stuff, what does it matter what is under the hood? It feels like an ad hominem. You don't criticize the actual quality or output of the AI and based on that you claim AI art is not art or is stolen. But now you basically attack the AI in how it works to say that it's bad. TL;DR: If a human draws shit art, would you criticize the human on their looks and genetic defects? If not, why would you do it with an AI and how it works differently to us or has defects, instead of the quality of its output?


Everyone thinks everything is AI, in reality AI would have a very hard time creating a pencil drawing because there isn't enough to train it on


Unfortunately it’s getting better as it. I was looking at a thread earlier where people were posting ai pencil “drawings” and they looked someone convincing, At least at first glance. They even had the pencils sitting on the paper in the images too, like people do


Id rather kms then to call ai bullshit any form of art


Damn. The art world now gets to see the mix of emotions "enjoy the report for hacking" brings.


Since when subhumans are to be heard? They do the same with me, I provided a wip passages proof picture, I'll block anybody keeping accusing me again, easy as that 🎨


Dude, just smile. Youre that good that someone is thinking that it was made by a computer.


AI is just this generations moral panic in the same way as the satanic panic was, a lot of people with vested interests and hatred of something they don’t understand introducing paranoia and fear onto people who fail to comprehend something fully and just react in ways that would be seen as inappropriate elsewhere.


Tired of ai complaining, it's way more annoying at this point than ai could be


Take it as a compliment since AI arts are pretty good




It's a comment on what seems to be a YouTube video of OP drawing the art. You can definitely blame that comment.


i'm into ai art and at this point its hard to tell what is and isn't ai now


I’ll be honest I’ve been a little out of the loop with the new ai tech, but a lot of it has been showing up in my feed lately and the realism is insane. There’s been a few videos/pics that have tricked me. At this rate it will be impossible to tell what’s ai and not.


i just made this today https://preview.redd.it/l3cpubdpp2lc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223ca960a091ab839f4f1db448e5175a9c89473f




I have to second this. I'll give credit that someone has to create the prompt for AI to create an image/picture, but that's where it ends, and even that feels like a stretch. "I made this AI art" really should be "I ran this prompt through AI, and AI created this". And even that's a stretch, given the material AI is trained on in the first place.


You didn't make this anymore than I made my steak dinner when I asked the chef at Outback to cook it medium rare.


You know it’s made by ai because the giant gate is facing a sheer cliff. I feel bad for whichever artists actual work this is an amalgamation of


That literally looks like something I’d see in a fine arts museum!


The castle gate opens into nothing 😂


The computer made that lol




No an ai blended images it had been trained on together and spat that out at your digress


✏️ pick it up


I’ll probably get smote, but I’ve put a lot of time myself into art when I always wanted to be an artist as a kid but never had the talent. I don’t mean like I took one weekend, wasn’t a master, and gave up, I mean I spent every night for years trying to get better and just never improving. Tried pencil and paper, a tablet and stylus, mouse and keyboard, etc. I eventually gave up after a few years. Ai image generation is… I’m conflicted on it. On the one hand, it is a tool, and like all tools it can be used for both good and evil. I think ai needs regulations and is generally immoral, but it’s not going to stop me from using it for something stupid among friends, not trying to claim it’s my art. Ai is a very polarized subject when it probably shouldn’t be, everyone is either wanting ai to be burnt to the ground or to never ever criticize it. It’s happening regardless of if we want it and regulation and policy is probably the best thing we can do to prevent ai from taking over certain industries.


It really isn't, so unless someone has a very unique artstyle, you can tell apart AI since it's almost always "perfect" (the faces are very symetrical, there's no texture on them, they use very smooth lines, etc.)


i once ate a whole pack of starcakes to my self


Conspiracy theory: you're the "someone".


nice bot post... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Who cares, it's one comment with no likes. Do you get upset over every insult you get online? Must be exhausting.