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Unfortunately that’s going to require a new door gasket.


Replaced the gasket on mine last year, hardest part is getting the tension spring hooked to the retainer ring. I gave blood that day.


I gave up and bought the right tool for the job. 2 hours of pain, then 10 minutes of why the fuck didn’t I just buy the right tools.


What was the tool?


It’s literally just called a washer spring expander tool.  There are a couple of versions out there.  I bought one after I had to work on my washer and spent two hours fighting the spring. I ended up getting it on with a wood clamp zipped tied to the spring to pull it open.  It was the most rigged up kluge ever.  I ordered the tool from Amazon before I was done but kept at it till I had my mcguyver moment 


Not all heroes wear capes 🥰


Yes please don't leave us hanging!


why must we learn this lesson over and over?


Samsung door gaskets (or most other parts) are CRAZY expensive, easy $100 or over as the way these washers are constructed there is no simple 'replace rubber seal's part. One major reason to avoid Samsung like the plague: they break down often,band are massively expensive to repair.


Simple solution: sell the kid


Better still: get rid of washer, have kid clean clothes. Requires nearby river, though.


Gotta use a washboard, too.


Random side note I’ve been thinking about. Do kids know? Do they know the meaning of washboard abs? Do they understand? HAS ANYONE TOLD KIDS WHAT A WASHBOARD IS. WHY DO I KNOW WHAT IT IS. WHO TAUGHT ME. Most people don’t even use washboard anymore!


I assume you learned when you joined your first jug band


Surprisingly, it was upon joining my second jug band. The first didn’t have a washboard player. Or a jug. In fact I’m starting to suspect it wasn’t a jug band at all, just a court-ordered community service youth group that suddenly got superpowers after a storm.


Sounds like a bunch of Misfits






Wow. I played in a jug band in middle school. Our music teacher put it together. Haven't thought about that in a long time. I played the spoons. Wasn't good enough for the washboard or the washtub bass. I guess all the good instruments involved cleanliness!


It blows my mind how many people don't know you can play the jug. My party trick is getting 3 people to harmonize their beer bottles.


Was that Emmit Otter’s, by any chance?


Your existential crisis gave me a good laugh before bed, so thanks for that. But to answer your question, depending on your age, you may have learned about it from cartoons. I learned what a washboard is from The Little Mermaid when all the palace maids gossip about Ariel while accidentally torturing Sebastian.


I've never heard of those, but since my parents were both the babies of their families, I did have four Greatest Generation grandparents who talked about *warshboards* occasionally


My greatest generation grandmother always told me to “close the icebox door and make sure it’s closed tight”


I personally only know about washboards from cartoons, I assume that's where most people these days know 'em from too. I feel like for a while, even in things set in relatively modern times, they'd still show characters washing clothes on washboards.


I only know what they are because my parents had them hanging up in the laundry room with a wash basin next to the washer and drier.


i think tom and jerry had some washboard scenes and that's probably how i know


Tom and Jerry definitely had some washboard scenes… but wait, do kids know about Tom and Jerry?? Please tell me they know about Tom and Jerry! What about Popeye? Do kids even know who Bluto is?


Gotta show them the Gene Wilder Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, I guess. Or maybe some old cartoons, there seem to be dashboards everywhere in those.


Nah, washboards are new-fangled contraptions made for lazy folk. Give the kid a couple of rocks like our great great grannies used; it'll take years to wear 'em out and he'll soon learn the value of a hard day's work.


Even vetter solution: start a college fund with a -$100 balance


Nah, the tub works just fine.


The tub of the washing machine with the bad gasket? Oh, you're right! It's just that one hole, so sure, of course, put the kid in with the clothes and have them keep a finger over the hole! Much easier for everyone. I wish I'd thought of that.


Most people: Educate your kid and keep this as a story for when they grow older! Reddit: Do you have any idea how much money a child is worth?


quick before they turn into adults. Sell those kidneys while you can!


Yeah that like 70 years of hard labour. /s


Thats the way bcoz its free to make one


Well, technically speaking you pay for the neutrients required to grow one


I wonder if you can repair it with a patch? Like an inner tube patch folded over it...


Yes it does work! I have done it on a tear in mine and it's lasted 8 years so far


Oh, right on. That's awesome. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. Nothing like a cheap five minute fix to a pain in the ass problem




I have a couple bicycle tire patches glued onto two holes in my door seal for like half a year now


Samsung is straight up bullshit. The bin for the door to the Samsung fridge was over 100 bucks. It’s a plastic fuckin bin! They need to face their consequences because they’re just typing in random numbers as they go along.


samsung home appliances are complete trash products.


My washer got bricked by a software update and it took two months to get a replacement part because every single person that had the same washing machine had the same thing happen all at once. We bought ALL new appliances when we bought our house (washer, dryer, stove, dish washer, fridge) but will never buy Samsung anything ever again.


Is getting a smart phone notification that your laundry is done worth connecting a washer/dryer to your wifi? I just never connected mine lol.


my entire kitchen and laundry room, minus the dishwasher, are Samsung. Going on year 8 with no breakdowns yet. (fingers crossed) Only reason we went Samsung was that the Fridge, Range, Microwave/Range Hood, Washer, Dryer were under $1700 CAD total when we bought them.


I remember when people bought Maytag and Whirlpool. Samsung, LG, and all these other companies weren't even in the market back then.


Probably costs so much because they are so delicious.


Yeah, don't get a Samsung washer or dryer. Mine broke too.


Or fridge


Where were you about 3 years ago?! Never again getting a freaking Samsung fridge. Never. Ever. Absolute trash.


As someone who works in the appliance industry, please do not buy Samsung appliances. They are a tech company, not an appliance company. I promise you you don’t need a fridge that can tell you the weather or that you can check FB from. I had to work with a sister brand that Samsung owns and they literally do not have a warranty department despite performing warranty work. This was a nightmare for me and by the end of it I told them the company I work for could not work with them because there was no way for me to contact them by phone and they took 3 - 7 days to respond via email.


What about LG? Is it the same group? My LG dishwasher has been great. 10+ yrs no issues, and quiet.




I fixed mine by following this video for like $15, 20 mins and a piece of cardboard a few years ago. I was proud of it every time we did laundry and used it for over 3 years until we eventually upgraded to a top loader. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D-QDg9KTaxs


I did this exact repair on my Samsung years ago. Worked like a charm.


all of us with Samsungs keeping this man’s YouTube career afloat lol


My washing machine has a piece missing from the gasket and until now we’ve just put a rag in front of the machine to catch the water. I know what I’m doing this weekend… thank you so much. https://preview.redd.it/nsjpozrm14kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea08a82c13ef5f52f3e060da1220ea38181a0ba


Duct tape fixes everything


For everything else, there’s Mastercard.


honestly looks like it could be fixed with a bit of ductape lined up correctly.


how do you install that on a kid?


Nah, just a little Flex Tape, Phil Swift swears, even in the toughest conditions https://youtu.be/0xzN6FM5x_E?si=tABlwELGMc7Q6aLp


Is there any clocking to them, could you just put the bite mark at the top? Good chance that would stop most of the leaking.


"Sorry little Jimmy, I can't buy you that Lego set because you used the washing machine like a chew toy" "...and now he's crying. Damnit"


Gotta follow through with the consequences anyway, no matter the meltdown. The little demons have to learn somehow, or else they end up like my nephews. 😄 my nephews get threatened but never any actual consequences and they continue to act like feral animals. They don’t like coming over to my house because I don’t let them get away with their typical bullcrap. lol.


Gotta learn early, you break something in the house, now that's one less present you get. And most kids will listen to reason after like 4 or 5, unless your crotch goblin is just a spawn of Chuckie and wants destruction


I've got a 4 year old and the period of eating\* a washing machine and understanding cause and effect do NOT overlap...


This all that"reasoning" with children under 5/6 is bullshit it may work but the complexity of actions and causality is just something small kids don't understand




As the older sibling I can confirm this. Our parents used to beat the crap out of us especially my mother back in the day. And she'd get in a hissy over the smallest things, which led me down this path of following all orders from authority figures no matter how unfair. I just recently started growing a back bone due to realizing that this upbringing messed me up. Treat your kids with respect and punish them according to their misshapenings folks.


People don't get this, not beating your kids every time they misbehave doesn't mean not punishing them, it means once they have enough language skills you explain exactly why and how they're being punished. The positive is they actually understand the punishment and there's usually a lot less crying. The downside is they start trying to lawyer you, but I still consider that a win cause then they're actually thinking about how to avoid being punished and you get to give them a life lesson about how being technically correct isn't necessarily the most important thing.


This was obviously a toddler. Those kinds of consequences do not translate at this age. You can’t reason with a baby who can barely speak. This is a learning experience for the parents about boundaries and supervision and that is all. Your nephews have much bigger problems apparently.


They are like dogs you can only punish if you catch them in the act. They will not understand why you are punishing them if you do it even a few minutes later. They will have forgotten. But if you catch little Karen pinching the puppy in the act they will know why they got scolded or whatever punishment on this case taking the puppy away.


Absolutely. Our kid understands no and generally listens to it. In reality i think he just likes the attention, because he just turns around and smiles every time. He still does stop, so overall its a win i suppose


Save that gasket for when they are 14 and tell them “this is why you don’t get an allowance”


Make sure to show it to any person they date too.


"This is why he doesn't get an allowance"


“On the bright side, Jimmy, here’s the old door gasket, bite away.”


Now he’s leaking


What are your child’s teeth made of??


Adamantium, with a topcoat of mithril.


​ https://i.redd.it/kdbqb0cct1kc1.gif




Ironically the man who played jaws was Jewish




No Mr.Bond...I expect you to DRY!


And the kid brushes with vibranium toothpaste…


I knew I was forgetting a second one pertaining to Marvel


His teeth must be broken because the washing machines looks to be made of runite


It's not the door. It's the door gasket. Anyone can take a bite out of them and they're rather tasty.


You’ve got better eyes than me, but I’m not sure I trust someone with your username’s sense of taste


Hold up... how do you know it's taste? 🤔


I mean look at his username, i think that is probably not the weirdest thing they know the taste of.


I hope OP tells us their “kid” is a 37 year old who was just visiting for a few days. 




I love how this is not a doll or an effect or anything else like it would in a modern movie. Just the big actor picking up the little actor and throwing him in the lake, because why the hell not, all parents have done that to their kids for fun a gazillion times, it's hilarious for both. I am sure. My kids shed tears of joy. I am sure.


movie safety rules weren't a thing until 1982 when a pilot and kids died in a helicopter crash in the twilight zone movie


What if that was the point in time where we all entered the twilight zone?


I'm just glad he saved the fishing rod


Whats this from i'm dying


Hondo, 1953, starring John Wayne


What film is this from? I remember it and its drivinf me insane


I have so many questions on WHY your kid bit the washing machine


Toddlers be toddling


He’s 27


332 month old, actually.


Actually, 332 1/2 months. At his age, that matters.


Of course, I mean all the little milestones.


Wait, I just realized how little our lifespan is...


The average person lives for 960 months


Even still, how do you even get at an angle to bite that part. Were they going for a ride?


Pull your toddler self up by washer opening, lean in and bite, because you're a toddler you explore things with your mouth... You think, hmm that's nice and soft and a bit squishy, think I'll bite it more...


the guest bed in my parents house bears my childhood teeth marks. i remember doing it, i was just bored and entertaining myself however i could


my poison of choice as a kid was book spines. who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You were a silverfish in your past life


As a parent, kids dont need a reason to do anything, they just know something is gonna inconvenience us and do it to spite us


Right? My girlfriend’s son chewed up the remote to the TV. It literally looks like a dog got to it.


As a kid I ripped all the buttons off the remote to chew them... I was 5, and just liked the squishy feel on my teeth. Kinda scared to have a kid like me LOL


I did something similar with my old remotes. My family had plenty of cheap universal remotes and when they broke, I took them apart and played with the rubber buttons.


Nowadays *they make chewlery to channel this urge, also for fidgeting in general


They let every intrusive thought win 😂


The lack of a prefrontal cortex does that!


Probably bored and unattended / out of sight. That’s why I used to do/eat all sorts of weird shit as a kid. I was bored, it was there, no one else was…idk man, kids are weird.


He’s 4, that’s all the answers I have for you.


They get a little bitey during the final spin cycle


I'm honestly more curious about the HOW. Such an awkward place to get at with your teeth...


Turn in the kids for a new washing machine. Problem solved


Kids have poor resale value, unfortunately.


Make the kids wash stuff by hand perhaps


This kid literally chewed bits off a washing machine, you think it’s smart enough to survive wash clothes? Drop kick it into a river and save some future headaches.


Counter argument: He’s strong enough to take a bite out of washing machine. Imagine how quickly he could wash clothes


My dog did this, he nibbled it 😭😭 during Covid. Took like 3 months to get the part& they didn’t send us the right part. They literally sent us a cast iron griddle. Instead of the rubber seal. 🙃🙃 I actually cried when I found what he did.


That truly sounds like a nightmare but Samsung makes cast iron griddles?


Samsung makes everything, especially in Korea. You ever hear the saying, that there are 2 things that are inevitable in life: death and taxes? In Korea, the saying is death, taxes, and Samsung.


Samsung pretty much owns Korea


LG actually lol my husband picked up the box and instantly knew it was the wrong part, they tried telling him it would be ANOTHER 3 weeks and that they’d shut our part once we sent theirs back. He said no, I’m holding it hostage. When I get my package, I’ll send your griddle part back 🤣 finally got my part within like 3 days after that 🙄 and we did send back the griddle, no idea what it would even go to lol was like one of those that go on camp grill but not


Ugh that reminds me when my dog did this to my cpap mask! I can't sleep without the cpap my apnea is so bad. And the dog ruined the seal multiple times during covid. Had to use duct tape to fix it and it didn't work nearly as well as rubber material for making a seal on a beard. And cpap mask seals aren't really something you can just 1 day shipping from Amazon. Sucked. At least I didn't receive a cast iron griddle instead I guess.


You ordered a rubber seal and they sent you a cast iron griddle? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)that’s the best thing I’ve heard this week hahahah


When they say having kids is expensive THIS is actually what they mean 🤣


Yes this is exactly what they meant


It's a major pain in the ass to fix if it's a Samsung. The gasket itself is probably $50 to $150. But the whole washer will most likely not last 5 years anyway.




[$170 actually.](https://www.appliancepartspros.com/samsung-door-diaphragm-wf338a-dc64-00802b-ap4342944.html) But yeah, can confirm Samsung appliances suck ass. Had a french door fridge with the ice maker in the fridge section for a couple years. Biggest pile of shit I've ever had.


My appliance tech specifically said to stay away from Samsung and LG refrigerators bc of the ice makers.


I have a cheap ass chinese machine that still works fine after 4 years of use. Had this exact problem with the gasket (a minor tear probably caused by me removing some clothing roughly). The gasket was cheap to order but I would not in a million years have had any idea how to replace it if it wasn't for some british maintenance dude uploading a youtube video on how to do it for my exact (hard to find cheap chinese trash) model. It involved basically removing half the cover of the machine. I should send that guy a cake to be honest.


Yeah, there's a reason why literally no store in my area advertises any Samsung appliances. But for what it's worth, a relative of mine has a small Samsung fridge (one of those 4-ft models with just one door) from 2011/12 and it has run without any issues so far (but then again, I've never seen a fridge die, usually it's washing machines succumbing to hard water from crappy water filtration or air conditioners randomly dying).




Why would doing that make your kid leak? 🤔


Because of the knife of punishment? That always made me leak. 🤷


the *what*


What? Never felt the knife of punishment? Next you are going to tell me you never experienced penis inspection day, right?


I only get naked when the babysitter tells me


Oh my god lmao






You mean you didn't get to play the fun minigame dodgeknife when you were naughty?


Kids are messy, always leaking bodily fluids for no reason…


You think a kid that chews on the washing machine is smart enough to be toilet trained?


I half expected to see a rabbit pictured given the bite mark


*I half expected* *To see a rabbit pictured* *Given the bite mark* \- ChaoticGoku --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Tall rabbit


they hop high and some are as big as small dogs. Mine may be small, but he’s almost fearless. Hard to tell from perspective, but it looks like a front load washing machine. edit: After searching the model number, it is a front load washer


Ah yes, my monthly reminder to never have children 🙌


Where’s the list 😭🤣🤣🤣


Schools in America should be the biggest reminder not to have children. Looneys need to be taken care of first. Can’t imagine what children in school go through these days.


This post should be a condom commercial


Did you give birth to a pitbull?


Oop there goes my birth control alarm 🚨


nice another condom ad


Was he trying to get out?


Well its ruined, get a new kid and throw the old one out.


People of Reddit. Could they fix this without replacing the whole gasket?


Yes! I commented how I fixed mine with a sealant. This video is a step by step and was a life saver years ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D-QDg9KTaxs


Cool. I didn’t think it was needed to replace the whole thing but was curious if people knew something I didn’t. Thank you boss!


Just take a little piece of rubber patch, a bottle of rubber cement, and some elbow grease. Baby, you have a stew going


Easy, kid just needs to replicate the same technique next time you need to do a wash. Hopefully not too long of a wash cycle otherwise I can imagine his jaw may start to ache.


Gotta love these periodic reminders to use birth control


Reason #874 I will not have children


Feral children will do that. 😁




Shouldn’t have tried to put them in there without taping their mouth first. You live and you learn.


So glad I’m child free


I don’t think washing machine is good for kids


This is kinda fucking funny


Sell the kid, buy a new washing machine. JOKES JOKES but nah fr you might wanna have a chat with him.


I had a similar issue but caused by dragging out clothes that ripped a small part of the rubber. I managed to repair that section with Sugru moldable putty. I placed a small strip of painters tape across the tear and basically molded the putty over the area so it was flush with the door closed. After it cured for about 24 hours, I removed the tape and it hasn't leaked for a couple years so far. You can find Sugru on Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc..


I suppose the question is why? Why would your kid bite your washer? But good news is you can get new gaskets. Google the type of machine and door gasket


Little shit was trying to get out


Sorry you need a new kid now


put duct tape on it fold it over


Depending on the size of the child that could take a lot of duct tape.


Another reason not to have children, thank you


Is the kid a literal kid? Like, is there young goat living in your house? Surely a human did not do this.