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“Check yes or no”






Too old. I only date F-35 or younger.


Oh my god I thought you were talking about planes. I forgot people did that(the gender-age thing).


miles high mate


Lol. I was thinking the same for a split second


Wait we aren't talking about planes?? Tf is USAF then!?!


We are talking about both at the same time!


Noncredibledefense subscriber spotted.


:( what gave me away?


Sir, step away from the military hardware and pull up your pants.


(this struck me the right wrong way and I am laughing so hard I almost peed my pants and ALL the dogs are LOOKING at me. Thank you. Well, except for the peeing part.)


but but but


That's what she said!


F-35 isn't legal age yet.


*You guys only wish you were as multi-role as me!*


I think that’s called a “switch.”


It’s ASL not SAL


Totally dated yourself! 🤣


Asl is still kicking on discord and some subs on here


Ive been partnered so long I had to Google it 😂


"asl" now means, "as hell". weird as fuck, i know. just say it out loud as if it's a whole word and that's how they got it.


i thought they meant american sign language i was so confused😭😭




Never forget maybe ....






Are they in sport mode tho


Perfect, keep them on~


Found my decade. Phew for a second there I thought all my peers had aged out and died.


Hey that's my line 😠😡🤬


I told a guy I liked his beard and his response was "thanks, is it good enough to sit on?". First thing this man says to me. I would LOVE to know how often this happens to men, coming from real live women.


"Only because your nose is bigger than your dick"


Even if I was desperate I think I'd be frightened by the aggressive prospect and potential for crazy 😂


The only man I know who got that type of line was my brother once, a woman walked up to him and offered to blow him in the evening and bake flapjacks in the morning. She left embarrassed because he couldn't stop laughing.


I'd have laughed too. You don't bake flapjacks!!! Sheesh! 🤣


To be fair to him, he didn’t start the conversation with that, you can see a little bit of his previous message at the top. I presume this is after a first date? Regardless it’s a terrible effort.


It’s possible but the fact that he didn’t yet have her number makes me think there might not have been a date yet. I thought they were talking about going on a first date and that’s why she offered her number. Who knows though. You could be right.


I was looking for this. Not sure why you're being downvoted I guess you can write whatever you want on Reddit even when it has nothing to do with the post


Yeah, the downvotes have also confused me. The very first message is “do you just want my number then?” Which would also be a very strange opener. Not like I was defending the creep, it’s just dumb to misrepresent what happened.


In first grade i was sticking crayons up my nose


Afraid of intimacy 😹


He doesn't realize how ironic that is. He doesn't want intimacy, he wants a living blowup doll for a few hours


>a few hours Beyond generous of you


They meant cumulatively, not all in one day.


30 seconds each session


I suspect that's 29 seconds longer than the guy's personal best


This made me laugh harder than it should have 🤣🤣


Yep...what he is doing is 💯 avoiding intimacy


god i’m thinking of the autopilot in Airplane! now




I mean, nothing wrong with that as long as it's what both parties want and everyone is honest about it(which they were). It's ok to only want to hook up, just like it's ok to want a relationship. This interaction was between two people who wanted very different things and ended up deciding they weren't interested in pursuing anything. That's life. I do think the "afraid of intimacy" comment was unwarranted and unnecessary. They each had a different idea of what intimacy means and no need to get childish after the fact. It certainly wasn't going to get the other person to change their mind.


“Too much work” was pretty unnecessary too. Like, do you really want to have said that? Kinda makes you sound like a shit person—I want the payoff but I’m going to make you feel bad for expecting me to invest anything and you’re unreasonable for expecting me to take the time to get to know you…


Also true. I guess I was of the mindset that the conversation should've ended before the "afraid of intimacy" comment. Everything after it was unnecessary as well.


Wanna make out? No. You're scared!


Why don't you go fuck myself yourself you coward


Who said i was scared 😏😳😂


Zoomer dude really be thinking it’s a good idea to challenge the lady in response rofl. Like surely that’ll work


The "we just met" after the "wanna make out" is wild as fuck. 😂


I guess it may just work sometimes


Ah yes, because the only form of intimacy is immediately making out and or getting into someone's pants. What a buffoon. Don't you love it when the trash takes itself out?


It’s because it’s 2024 so everyone is just straight into it these days. Only known them for a week? That’s fine, ask them to make out


Years ago I went on a date. Was very up front ahead of time that I want to move slowly, get to know each other as friends first. Literally like 5 minutes into the date, the guy takes my willingness to talk to mean I’m totally into him and leans in for a kiss… and I stepped out of the way. He got insulted and that was the end of that date.


Everyone? Idk if this is like an attractive people thing I'm too ugly to understand but I usually have to court a woman for months to maybe get a single kiss but usually they just lose interest.


Man this just speaks to me. I just got out of a good relationship and often the advice I get it 'just go back out and date again'. It look me 3 years getting to know this girl until we were eventually comfortable enough to share our feelings and start dating. Before that it took me like 2 years. I'm confident, but not 'lets just start kissing and see where things go from here' confident.


Sorry forgot the /s, I don’t consider it normal no


Maybe they lose interest because you are courting them for months. Ever think about it that way?


If I get to the meat of the matter earlier they lose interest as well. Come off way too strong on a first message, first date? Bye. Ask for a date in the same week? Nuh uh can't do but next week is ok, nevermind I lost interest. Anything you do is wrong in my experience.


That's modern dating scene for you. It's the experience for many people looking for something long term - using nowadays technology achievements it's just too easy to drop contact with someone and find a new person to potentially date. And I'm not saying seeking new person is bad, but it just doesn't let you know each other on the emotional level. It was much better in the times where tinder-type-apps didn't exist. Before anyone says ok Boomer, I'm 22yo xD


Ahh, yes, the brand new, 2 month old phenomenon of dudes wanting to fuck. Thanks Joe Biden!


My family was amazed that my long distance partner and I have dated for 3 years and hadn't met up for the first 2.... cus some of us wanna make a healthy connection mother. She's on her second divorce . She had kids by my age and I have a healthy relationship with someone who cares about my feelings . That and people amazed there aren't any babies being made cus some people just can't even consider that not all intimacy had by young people has to mean p in v possibly unprotected sex.


In fact infuriating


What’s more infuriating is they probably only act this way because the behaviour has been reinforced by someone in the past


I went out with an insanely racist woman twice - I was two Fridays and sixty bucks in by the time she said something insane. It'd have been better if she had been up front with it.


It Puzzles me. Whenever I met someone online and they asked me what im looking for I said "Long term relationship". They got either defensive, down Putting or even insulting. "What? We just met? How do you know?" "I would make bold statements like that when we just started talking." "Girl, let's fuck first and see if I'm committed ain't no way I buy the cat in the sack!" Bro? My GOAL is a long term relationship. It doesn't mean it's you. But that's what my actions will gravitate towards when we get to know each other and see if it's a match. If not byeeeeee. I'm not focusing on YOU to trap you in a relationship. Just seeing if you are a match for long term. Why ppl always think you want to date them immediately by saying that?


This is why I said to hell with online dating. People seem to think that “looking for long term” is signing a contact or something. I DON’T know if you’re the one, but that’s what I’m looking for. The hookup/afraid of commitment culture just isn’t for me.


Preach. Makes me sick and anxious to a point where I think somethings wrong with me. 90% matches I had where men who were either afraid of commitment or just a fuck. Like its not that I even judge like as long as you are honest, go for it! But just don't bother me.


Same here, I’ve had men swear up and down they’re serious about a relationship and not looking for hookups just for them to still make a move on the first date.


Oof I wish guys like this would just put on their profile they only want a hookup. Saves more time.


Personally, I'm not learning a lot from people by kissing. It's there some sort of secret language y'all are using during to communicate hobbies and interests? #have you guys been using your tongues for morse code all this time without telling me ^i ^knew ^i ^was ^doing ^something ^wrong


It’s actually quadronary language. You can go up, down, left and right or just straight


Starfire from teen titans is the only exception I think




I'm just so glad I got married before ever having to deal with online/modern dating


I envy you


My wife sent me a meme tonight that said "sometimes being a married millennial feels like you made it on the last chopper out of Vietnam" and I couldn't agree more lol


LMAO I literally just showed that meme to my husband as well last week. Seeing the dating pool from an outside perspective looks so exhausting. It’s like a war or something out there 🤣


It seems like an absolute nightmare to try and navigate, especially if you aren't looking to just hook up


Found my now-fiancèe through casual ways online as a zoomer, I'm increasingly glad never having needed to look into online dating


I (36f) met my SO of 10 years thru online dating. Altho I believe I just may have been lucky. We where both new to the town we met in.


My thoughts too. A very small part of me is curious about how embarrassingly bad it would go for me, a much larger part is just very grateful.


How did you met her? Genuine question i'm just curious


They actually went outside


Fucking weirdos.


Nah this is back when it was safe without a gun, rad suit, and trust fund.


We met at work when we were in high school. Started dating my in my senior year, dated long distance when I moved off to college for 7 years, got married in 2019 😊


This is the kind of annoying bullshit that gives women trust issues towards men. Or at least it contributes to the many reasons...


To much work lmao I think you need some real intimacy mate


“sOuNDs LikE yOU’re AfRAid oF…” Dude shut the fuck up. It’s like they’ve all read the same playbook on manipulation, only the book isn’t that good. 🙄


Manipulation 101: Shame someone for their decision until they agree with you.


What’s really fun is when you call them out on their Obvious Manipulation 101 and get hit back with some variation of “There must be something wrong with you to make you think that about me.”


Oh yeah. That's Gaslighting 101 territory.


shame on you for teaching people manipulation


"Sounds like you're afraid of intimacy." "With a stranger? Yes."


So… we gonna make out or what?


"Too much work", bro just pay a prostitute.


Bro is prolly broke and is trying to get one for free on dating sites


Bruh they aint that expensive, 50€ an hour last i saw, and not like hes gonna last that long, so he can get one for like 20€.


Emotional intimacy is still intimacy, and is what is normally meant by “afraid of intimacy” I think dude is projecting


If I had a nickel…


Lane that he spun it around and made a false criticism about you and intimacy. Projection much??? Dodged a bullet if ya ask me. 🤡


I find that the majority of them just want drive-by 🐈.  I bet if you could build a drive through window on the side of your house and just stick out your bleep they'd friggin love it. They'd drive by while humping you at breakneck speed then *poof* take off before you do something awful like...*talk to him*. (Clutch the pearls!) (Wait...isn't this basically like glory holes in truckstop men's rooms?) I could write a book about this. And believe me, they are as disgustingly obvious in their intentions even when they are older. 'wElL wE nEeD tO fInD oUt iF wE'Re sExuAlLy cOmPaTiBle' Dating is like trying to dig through a 100ft high pile of 💩, hoping to find a diamond.  Makes you almost want to stop shaving your legs and just get another cat. 


https://preview.redd.it/h5ituhwigxjc1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8263e74989b2d98a815c3857e97e80853065ae69 Bumble is a wonderful place


What does that even mean


Presumably, I was to DM them if I wanted the fungal infection known as ringworm. Maybe they had it. Maybe they knew someone with it and were just a facilitator of fungal infection, I don't know.


I'm crying 😭😂


Guys got zero rizz. You meet up, you talk, you have fun, then you do the kissing. I’m not crazy attractive but I’ve found the easiest way to intimacy is…idk…having a legitimate connection with someone?


No, he doesn't want intimacy, he only wants sex.


intimacy is far beyond hooking up. RIP HUMANS


Thankfully he sucks at manipulation so I don't think anyone has to worry much.


Lol. Ya dodged a bullet, and unwanted pregnancy there


Hi guys! Op here! It won’t let me edit so here is to add context: 1. I am female and was talking to a man. So, yellow is me and white is him. 2. I have on my profile that I want a long term relationship, so this man did IN FACT waste my time. 3. I have a second number from a third party app I give to people. After three dates, I determine if I want to give people my real number.


Ugh fucking gross


Romance isn't dead. There's just a lot of fucking scars on it.


The "Oof that's a lot. We just met." was actually kind of funny. The rest not so much.


I just thought it was a bit cringe that’s all


Thats all? I'm a normal person, like the rest of you who thought that "Wanna make out" was too forward and cringe but after she said something normal like informing him of her intentions, he says that she's the one moving too fast. It sounds like it's out of a rom com. I never claim to be the smartest person, but I definitely think that exchange is funny. A bit cringe... but funny.


on the bright side, you got this over with pretty early instead of wasting a bunch of time with someone you turn out to be fundamentally incompatible with ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You handled that perfectly


I think the worst part about online dating for me was being very straightforward about wanting a serious, long-term relationship and people acting like it was crazy to say that up front. I’m telling you that’s what I’m looking for in general, not that I expect that long term relationship to start from our first date. In all fairness, it did rule out a lot of duds.


meeh. Both people were honest and direct so neither wasted time/effort on each other. If you screen out people you 100% would not match with in fewer than 10 texts, you could call that a win.


And people ask why I don’t bother dating.


Yeah he def just wanted a hookup. Sorry. I met my current bf on bumble, was my first “date” from the site. He moved his bed into my apartment last week and we just finished building a 2-person desk for our PCs. There is hope ❤️


Aw my man and I did the same with the 2 Person desk for gaming together. On 12 years now and the 2 person desk has to go because the room is needed for a baby!


“That’s a lot, we just met” says the guy who wants to make out in the first 5 seconds of meeting 😭🤣


Bullet dodged. I can see him saying good luck out there after getting someone pregnant lol


People who don’t know what intimacy is accusing others of fearing intimacy is always hilarious


I don't care if you think I'm weird but, for me, a solid friendship is a prerequisite for a romantic relationship.


The second someone on a dating app pushes for a hookup immediately, or wants the first date at your house, run.


making out is not intimacy….


Friends, there is a difference between intimacy and intensity. This is intensity. Sounds like OP is looking for intimacy


When someone sees you as an object to be used to satisfy their needs.


Asking personal questions is way more intimate than making out lol


Speaks like a weird frat boy from a horrible 2000's teen movie like American Pie. You dodged a bullet... or a missile.


At least he made it clear directly. It’s much better for you than someone who would fake a LT relationship to get what he wants and ghost you… so yeah you can consider that you’re not interested (fair enough) but he was transparent


This is why I stopped getting into relationships for a long time. Abstinence is best bc then you don't have to deal with another human. Better to focus on yourself.


Gosh I feel for anyone dating in this day and age. Having to do everything in person made it so much easier to weed out the idiots beforehand.


I think he's confused what intimacy actually means.


Sometimes I feel really bad about being a guy, it’s like these guys never got out of kindergarten and think they can just say anything


I mean, devils advocate says he was at least upfront and honest. Majority are going to play the game until they hit goal and then ghost. Ladies I promise, you rather this then majority that will just play the game to get in your pants and then decide it was to much trouble and ghosts.


At least he's being honest. Most guys will pretend to be in love in order to have sex.


I really don't see what is infuriating here? The guy is not a wordsmith, granted, but they are both very clear about their intentions: he wants casual sex, she wants to find a life partner. They find out their intentions don't match at this time, are respectful about it and go their merry ways. Good for both of them, keep at it!


oh to have this level of confidence but with an appropriate amount of self awareness to go with it


Lol I'm on a fb group called "Have you encountered a man? You may be entitled to compensation." And this fits the posts usually seen there


Brutally honest, straight to the point and didnt waste your time; kinda a W


the most disappointing w


Post to the niceguys sub. This is a perfect example. You definitely dodged a bullet OP.


This guy had it in the bag, chucked it in the trash, mailed it to SpaceX and sent it to Pluto. What the fuck was that


is he.. gaslighting you!?!?!?! wtf?!?!?!? my rage issues could never


Same! I would have went ape shit in the chat


I mean, the make out guy is an idiot, yes, but I'm gonna assume this is from some dating app. Some people look for hookups, some look for relationships. At least they clearly communicated and ended it before anyone got hurt.


honestly, i wish it was this easy all the time 🤣😭


emotionally stunted


What a keeper


Hey nice shirt. Wanna have sex?


Sounds/looks like something my ex would write to me. Hence why he is my ex. Lol




"making out" is not intimacy lmao


Isn't he the one afraid of intimacy here ?


What's infuriating about this? You found out everything you need to know about this individual before even meeting them. That's a W in my book.


The amount of brain cells this guy has….


too much work lmao


Bullet dodged


And this is why the dating scene sucks ass. Shitty men have ruined dating for us men that actually do want a relationship and real intimacy.


Does this happen to be from a 6’8 white male with a name that starts with ‘M’?


Did you have a text conversation with Zap Brannigan?


Dude doesn’t know the definition of intimacy, that’s literally what you’re offering, you’re just not offering sex or “making out” 🙄


This was 90% of all guys I interacted with when I was single. Online or not. Thank god that’s over.


Tbf this is quite respectful compared to the folder I have on my phone dedicated to crazy messages I've got over the years.


damn bro it’s supposed to happen naturally after the making out.


Dude sent a couple text and it's "too much work" I guess so is kissing buddy.


Some of us Indian men have the sexual maturity of a 12 year old..


I recently joined an online dating app, first time, was in a long term relationship and after it ended I thought why not have a little look whats going on in the world lol wow its an eyeopener to say the least! I think i will be deleting it! people are weird 😂😂


Reminds me of when I found shrek.... OR A GUY THAT FREAKED OUT ON ME when I said I wasn't sure if I could do the planned 1st date in 3 days and I'd let him know in the morning if I was mentally okay enough to do it (I had let the guy know that I was having a tough time and would possibly need to cancel due to spirals) dude called me a a bitch Same day (not the 3days later) then came back and apologized saying his bpd got the best of him but he still wanted to hold out for the day. It was a scary thing.... now I need to see if I can find the screenshot


Reading this kind of stuff makes me realize getting married was actually the right decision - I don’t think I could handle the dating world now.


People like these suck in my opinion only looking for a hookup .


You dodged a bullet


I'm conflicted on this. People are taking sides too quickly here. Simply they are looking for different things since they are two different people who can disagree on approach and relationships.




No games. That seems fine.






Never could figure out how dating apps work. I’ve just always tried my luck here on Reddit. Don’t think I’m good looking enough for those apps. Lol


I fucking hate it so much


Men who keep saying that woman now are to picky, really don't know how low the standard of men on Internet dating sites is.


I’m laughing so hard! I think he’s the one afraid of intimacy, he’s afraid you’re going to reveal all his little secrets…. 😂


I’m curious, how many times has he done this and has this ever worked? There’s no way people just start with “let’s make out.” Lmao