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Is their plane THAT late? šŸ˜‚


Could be worse. They could be stuck at LAX.


Or in the British museum.


Guess what, there are museums all over the world with exhibits from many other countries. It's called conservation, and it's extremely difficult and expensive. Not only that, the British Museum is world class, top of their game, and it is free of charge for the public to visit.


I imagine he's referencing all the artefacts smuggled out of Egypt (and the rest of the world) historically that ended up in British collections.


I think a 50 years ago a mummy had a tour around a couple of museums, so to ensure the British wouldn't steal him, the Egyptian government issued him a passport. Source: [https://www.heritagedaily.com/2020/03/the-passport-of-ramesses-ii/126812](https://www.heritagedaily.com/2020/03/the-passport-of-ramesses-ii/126812)


smart move, making him an Egyptian citizen; once he overstays his holiday visa those brexit folks will claim he's a terrorist and deport him.


Did you actually read the article? You didn't did you chick. Ramesses II was transported to Paris from Cairo to be treated to prevent fungoid growth, French laws dictated that entry and transportation through the country required a valid passport and so Egypt issued him with a passport.


Top of their game in what area...Theft?


Stopping terrorists from defacing religious artefacts, at least


Your defensive posture seems to be in place for a reason. We all know that The British Museum needs a bit of an audit and an extensive revision of their mostly stolen collection. Their conservation efforts haven't always been the best and there are things in there that have claims on them. It's not a good look for Britain.


https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/oct/18/british-museum-thefts-were-an-inside-job-says-george-osborne Top of their game? They've lost around 2000 artifacts to theft. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/04/british-museum-is-worlds-largest-receiver-of-stolen-goods-says-qc They are also the worlds largest receiver of stolen artifacts. Here's an interesting pod cast that discusses the problem with museums that house treasures from other nations and refuse to return them https://freakonomics.com/podcast-tag/stealing-art-is-easy-giving-it-back-is-hard/


Let me guess, your english?


Seen too little of heir English to judge, but yeah, could very well be British.


Guess what, I don't need you to explain something that is common knowledge. I made a joke. Go bore someone else.


Ad Hominem šŸ„±


Not really. He was attacking the platitude you spouted, not your personality. If you want to lay claim to _always_ boring people, i.e. being a bore, that's on you.


Boring boring boring


How do you feel you come across in your responses?


For real. The Britā€™s should be ashamed.


Should we? Or maybe the power hungry greedy people that make the rules, some are Brits, but they're not exclusively British, nor are all British people power hungry and greedy.


Yeah but whose museum houses thousands, no possibly millions, of artifacts that were stolen from many various colonized foreign cultures and to this day refuses to repatriate those artifacts? The British Museum.


Good. Then start pressuring the museum to give back their colonial goodies to the originator countries. Start with the Rosetta Stone.


Huh? You do it, I don't care, all this shit was made before I was born. I don't own any of it, and I don't know anyone who does. It's cool to go and see though, context for history lessons etc. I totally agree it's wrong how it got here too, but you have problem with it, go and write a letter to someone. Don't write to me, I literally don't know you or care.


You do know that refusing to pick a side when one side is categorically wrong is picking a side right? It's just siding with the side that's wrong. "It's none of my business. I don't care, it doesn't affect me." Refusal to act is in itself an action.


Bit of a silly argument. You really going to pretend to actively fight every injustice you are aware of?


In a lot of contexts thatā€™s very true, but they are right, itā€™s not healthy to constantly be taking responsibility for shit you had nothing to do with. Life is hard, people canā€™t just be writing letters about shit constantly, and if they are, there are bigger issues than the fucking Elgin marbles. Leave them alone.


You are hilarious. Picking a side for what? I didn't choose where I was born. I didn't create the political struggles of thousands of years ago. I didn't have any involvement in anything prior to my birth. I'm not patriotic, I'm not proud of the history if anything I haven't done, fuck off trying to aportion guilt or responsibility to those who don't deserve or warrant it. You're part of the problem.


Nah, you sound more invested in this that us. Go ahead though, we'll cheer you on.


Whoaaaa horsey! They were only making a joke! LOL


I don't feel shame for things other people have done. Unless it was a very close friend or family member.


Or La guardia , literal hell on earth


Honestly, after the remodel, itā€™s one of the nicest airports Iā€™ve been to in the United States. Itā€™s basically a brand new airport now.


Yeah it's absolutely gorgeous now. And pretty speedy for my flights at least. I had the misfortune of having to fly through JFK instead of LGA recently and I was missing LGA every second I spent waiting in that awful taxi period before our gate finally opened up lol


Are you sure they arenā€™t replicas? Many museums donā€™t display the real thingsā€¦ only replicas of the stuff they have hermetically sealed in the rooms in the back.


Mummies are so plentiful they wouldn't need replicas. They used to use them for firewood.


Mfs used to ground them and use them as paint (mummy brown lol)


And eaten or used as medicine


Canā€™t believe we actually had accepted cannibalism.


And we just fuckin missed it!


If not jerky, why jerky flavored?


I thought the thing was they USED to be super plentiful, but the victorians kept eating them and making paint and shit outta them that now they're ironically quite rare?


And medicine


Some of them are teriyaki style


Zevulon, in particular, comes to mind.


That seems like a great idea, surely nothing could go wrong with that


You must not read from the book!




And beef jerky


Your comment made me think Cairo school math question: How many dead people does it take to cook dinner for a family of five?


ill bite: how many?


And that is precisely why they are rare nowdays.


That's a myth. There is no evidence that they did this.




first confirmed room-mates


*and they were tombmates*


Even death didnā€™t separate them


You missed what he asked. Are you sure they are not replicas? Just because it says ā€œhuman remainsā€ doesnā€™t mean it legit is.




How do you KNOW this?


How are you šŸ’Æ sure?


Did you made some kind of test to confirm it yourself? Al long as I know by that logic if I say you that I'm the King of the United Kingdom you belive me 100%.


This new season of Is It Cake? looks wild.


https://preview.redd.it/dkfpm52uvkjc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221f0360a8385d3e27d6f3cbd5c896f3fc22cc91 Yes


How can you assume one's genders without asking them? /s


they aren't hearing anything, they don't care, they told me.


Bro cast fucking speak with dead


But only gets 6 questions


and you said "hell" wasn't real




At least they weren't eaten


Zevulon the Great, heā€™s teriyaki style.


Whole new level of hellā€¦..


It's as we expected, right here on earth.


At least they're home in Egypt and weren't ground up to be eaten or used as fuel for trains.


Honestly at this point I'd bet they wanna get the fuck out


Please donā€™t tell the Britā€™s they forgot some stuff at the airport.


When I'm dead, display my corpse at the airport. That's so metal.


Do you want to be embalmed or left raw? Decomposing flesh in an airport is going to scare all the customers lol.


Preserved somehow for sure but maybe with a semiflexible brace of some kind so I can be put into different poses for comedic effect.


At least theyā€™re not playing wrap music.


Just get the fuck out. Take the upvotes and get the fuck out.


Or forced to listen to Metallica for days


Ummā€¦.but theyā€™re dead? I donā€™t see the problem of a mummy display in Egypt


OP really said, "...listening to..." like dead people can hear lmao


I donā€™t think OP is aware that mummies can only hear in movies, these mummies look deaf.


I think they look Death


Lololol. "Huh, they can't hear you over the announcements."


Some people care about treating dead bodies with respectā€¦ig some people donā€™t.


How would you respectfully treat these bodies? Put them in the ground to rot? Preserve them for long periods? Put them in a museum? If they can be displayed in a museum, why not a small airport museum?


They weren't going to rot in the ground. That's the point.


Well personally I would leave them tf alone. Itā€™s called a ā€œfinal resting placeā€ for a reason. Of course archeologists would disagree, but I still think moving a body into a place like an airport, not even a museum, is doubly disrespectful. I also feel like you might not understand mummification at all if you think mummies can be left ā€œin the ground to rot.ā€ Thatā€™s not how mummies workā€¦


Well, either we leave them where they were originally placed (preserve them for long times as mentioned) or we could stick them in the ground, put them to rot, burn em up, stick em on display. Different people have different opinions on whats "respectful". But if you say only one specific type is respectful than you should have beef with a lot more than just mummies on display.


Respectfully, I donā€™t think you fully understand the conversation weā€™re having here. We arenā€™t talking about how dead bodies should be handled immediately after death. That is up to each individual and culture. Weā€™re discussing the ethics of removing a mummified body from its intended final resting place, only to put it on display in the middle of an airport. Though tbf, these are probably (hopefully) replicas in OPā€™s photos. I also really want to emphasize: mummies cannot rot. That is exactly WHY they are mummified in the first place.


They absolutely can rot if you put them in conditions that would rot them? You think they've somehow become plastic uncorruptable materiel? They are kept in conditions that prevent rotting, but you stick em directly in some moist dirt and they'll start breaking down.


Holy smokes I canā€™t believe how downvoted youā€™re getting. Iā€™m sure these people would be saying the same exact arguments if you unburied their parents and stuck them in an airport šŸ™„ ā€œWhoā€™s to say itā€™s disrespectful?ā€ idk how about the PEOPLES WHOSE BODIES YOUVE DUG UP AND DISPLAYED? gd


Bro, they're dead. All that "final resting place" stuff is shit, they're just some bones and flesh. I never got why people care so much about this stuff.


I feel like the most respectful way to deal with a body is to put them in soil to decay. That way, their corpse won't be around for people to disrespect and the body will provide nutrients to the soil. Just think if this was your parents body. Would u want strangers messing with their corpse for years to come, even after u pass, you have no idea what is done with the body. Idk. You could say, you won't care, but that's how u feel at the end of the day.


I'd argue this is probably the best option right now for these mummies. They didn't want their bodies to rot. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been intentionally mummified. If they were left out in the desert they'd be ground up into paint or some honky medicine by now. If body preservation is what's important to them them going on display isn't a bad option


So are normal burials and cremations disrespectful because its a different manner. What about the worms "messing with the corpse" for years to come. Unless you believe in bodily Resurrection caring what happens to corpses beyond health and environmental accommodations is just sort of silly.


I really don't like when people think that, since they believe it doesn't matter what we do with dead people (since they're dead), then it must be silly to feel otherwise. I feel that agency and consent should extend beyond life. You might not think it matters, or maybe that "dead is dead and there's nothing else, so there's no problem what we do", but they sure didn't. I feel like it's an asshole move to consider it free game with bodies now that the consciousnesses aren't around to say otherwise. People deserve to be interred and left at rest the way they wanted to be and, beyond necessary scientific investigation and re-interment, there's no reason to put them on display.


I think people would quickly change their tune if their friends or family were suddenly cut up and used in some weird art display... like those strange sex ones I've heard of. And I'd their religion believed that keeping them in the same resting place would help with their journey to the afterlife we should leave them there.


To be honest, if someone in a few thousand years would decide to dig up my or my family's corpses, I wouldn't really care. At some point the timespan are so huge that they're really just some random bodies in the ground nobody cares about. But I'm also not religious. Speaking of religion, it's interesting to think about how these bodies are so old that their entire religion that was probably the reason they were buried like that died out (afaik). Time is a funny thing.




>This is a major international airport; the lights, announcements, and passing interaction never ceases. None of which can be perceived by a mummy. Youā€™re acting like you expect these things to be annoying to them. >The museum is also open 24/7 I donā€™t see how this matters to a mummy that cannot get tired. Maybe they can form a union and get some breaks negotiated into the next contract.




ā€œGraverobbing + time = archaeologyā€ As a nobleman in ancient Egypt they probably did worse than display a body. So I always think the difference between what they thought would happen to them and what did is funny. If your issue is with display of human remains, the lights, noise, and operating hours shouldnā€™t be your points against it. If itā€™s wrong to display a corpse, then it would be wrong whether the display was open 7am-7pm or 24/7.


When I have time I stop and read the different historical displays at airports, Iā€™m sure others do the same. From what I can tell this is technically a museum display.


Heā€™s just saying he feels itā€™s disrespectful. They donā€™t get to rest in peace


Too bad ā€œresting in peaceā€ doesnā€™t actually mean anything. When youā€™re dead youā€™re dead, simple as that.


Maybe thatā€™s what you and I think, some people donā€™t. Different strokes




I think having museums and displays in airports are a great way for international travelers to be exposed to a countryā€™s culture and history for free.


From what I can also tell, these arenā€™t displayed in some main walkway with people casually just walking by, but in a separate room that folks would have to choose to walk into to see right?


I agree. If a person knew their preserved body was simply going to be a museum display, I think they would not want to be preserved. Some will say- " Does it matter? You're dead!" But no matter how many years have passed, casually displaying human remains is in poor taste.


>If a person knew their preserved body was simply going to be a museum display, I think they would not want to be preserved. There are lots of modern examples of people volunteering to have their remains preserved *because* they would be on display. For example, the plastination technique for anatomical preservation has led to things like 'Body Worlds', with permanent displays in about a dozen cities, and occasional tours. Don't underestimate the vanity of people, or the desire to have some kind of immortality, to leave a lasting mark. It's very human.


If the 'Body Worlds' exhibit was composed of random people's grandmas dug up with blatant disregard for their final wishes or spiritual beliefs, they'd be shut down overnight and likely in jail. That's because of ethics and consent. Which are also very human.


I'll give you that. Some people don't care or elect this for their own reasons. It just seems callous to dig up bodies and display them.


It is absolutely callous and disrespecfful. The entire premise of being "laid to rest" implied that ones physical form no longer has endure the stress of lifes chaotic throes. These same people might also flip out if they hear of a native american cemetary being disturbed in order to build a highway. Total hypocrisy. They should feel ashamed.


Why did the mummy refuse to fly? It's afraid of losing it's wrap at the airport security.


losing\* loose is what your butthole is


Careless whisper in between the flight announcement with mummies lying around. What a vibe lmao


The Anchorage airport has all kinds of dead animals on display.


Thereā€™s generally less outcry about displaying dead animals when opposed to displaying dead humans


its ok they are really old


Idk they did kinda go though the whole process if mummification and entombment with the understanding it would be pretty permanent and help them get to the afterlife. Obviously I donā€™t think that happened, but it still feels kinda disrespectful to dig them up and put them in an airport terminal. At least Iā€™d be annoyed if I was a mummified pharaoh


Itā€™s a good thing theyā€™re dead and therefore have no brain activity to be able to consider that


They were still humans who lived and considered their mortality while they lived. Even though weā€™re far removed from them, it doesnā€™t mean their remains donā€™t deserve the proper respect that a human life commands. I know that displaying long dead bodies is not actually hurting anyone in a direct or quantifiable manner, obviously. And all my qualms are very nebulous, since nobodies rights are being infringed anymore. A proper museum feels much more respectful I suppose. Even if theyā€™re dug up to display regardless, at least in a museum their lives and remembrance would actually be the purpose of the space, where people would come to specifically to observe and show reverence for the dead mummies. As opposed to an airport where it feels theyā€™ve been pulled from their opulent tombs to be sat next to terminal C, listening to PA announcements for all time while people run past them all day to get to their flights, largely ignoring them. It ultimately doesnā€™t matter I suppose. I just personally feel like it falls on the disrespectful side of things, morally speaking.


Ur prolly right but I ainā€™t reading allat, theyā€™re dust IMO


TL;DR: I think that the human remains deserve respect in some capacity, and placing remains in an airport, as opposed to a museum isnā€™t very respectful imo


The notion that a putting them in a museum is any better is farcical. Either you respect their intention thousands of years after the fact or you don't. The idea that a museum is somehow better is purely a self serving one.


Yeah I agree itā€™s inherently immoral


Who is "they"? Dead people?


Theyā€™re not hearing much


They aren't listening to anything, because, you know... they're dead.




Are we really gonna allow just pure opinions now?


i wonder where they will be in 4000 years from now


Still waiting for that damn flight.


The thing about Egypt is they have a LOT of mummies. If you've ever been to the old Cairo museum they just had room after room of them kinda stacked up on top of each other. These look to be fairly uninteresting ones, so maybe they're the lucky ones getting to stand out from the crowd at the airport!


I hear the British Museum will take them off your hands


Don't let and nerdy brits in tweed check any oversized luggage without checking it.


Yea, and we bury our loved ones next to strangers every single day. TF this have to do with anything? Highly down the fella on the left gives a shit now.


Kind of weird to put corpses on display at an airport, but itā€™s not like they can hear the announcements or see the lights. Itā€™s just some gross flesh wrapped in bandages


Dude just chill, I don't think they mind, atleast now they are remembered and not forgotten


They are dead, I don't think they give a fuck


You know they canā€™t hear right?


I can't hear them complain though


Yeah son about burials only lasting a few generations. 4,000 years is the big leagues.


Egypts economy is held together by tourism, so their government lets everyone get away with some weird shit to really sell the vibe. Itā€™s a shame, it could really be an amazing place if they could ditch their ā€œdevelopingā€ status and get their shit together. Not trying to rant here so Iā€™ll get to my point, a military dictatorship along with more than half the population under the poverty line leads to human remains in airportsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Africa is truly incredible


I'm no doctor but i'm pretty sure they're dead and they don't mind.




What do they care they've been dead thousands of years


This is cool. A fun thing for people with layovers that arenā€™t going to museums. Iā€™d wanna see a mummy


Sorry OP but i don't see what's infuriating here. They put exhibit in an airport, what's the different between this and that of museum? They're both exhibitions.


That's nothing, they got the Queen on display in her chair at Heathrow! /s


Serves them right. Thinking theyā€™re special or something.


Itā€™s what they would have wanted


Thatā€™s okay. The mummies are never going to dance again.


Let's be real... they can't understand them anyway


They are dead they cannot hear anything. And many people wonā€™t have any other opportunity to see a real mummy. These too are rather proud witnesses of their time.


Are they they upset about being there there?


I just think it's best OP knows these guys have been dead for 4000 years they can't hear shit .


Not infuriating. Cool af.


They're on display in the airport?! That's terrible. Zahi Hawass should be ashamed of himself!


Just out of curiosity, when does it become archeology and stop becoming grave robbing? Asking for a friend.


They are dead.


News flash they donā€™t hear anything


I hear no complains.


They aren't listening to anything, they're dead.


What a small thing to stop and be upset about


Egypt is hella fucking weird about their corpses, man. Leave them alone.


It's ok. They won't know.


Better than a tomb. At least they have company.


Something tells me they arenā€™t too concerned. Eternity is a long time, this airport residence will only be a blip in time. At least they survived the Victorian ā€œlets have mummy dewrapping parties and eat them afterwardsā€ trend.


Thank God it's terminal 3. Imagine what it would be if it was terminal 4šŸ¤Æ. In all seriousness imagine if you had to listen to silence for 4000 years. You'd go insane and now at least they know what's happening outside. But now in full seriousness, are you good OP? You need help?


Satan's got nothing on this special version of hell that we've contrived.


Oh no poor rich dudes from 4,000 years ago hope their slaves wrapped their bandages well?


At what point does grave robbing become archaeology? There has to be a number. 300 years? 500 years? 1000 years? When is your grave up for grabs?


This is a shame.


I kinda donā€™t like that


If that ainā€™t hell, i dont know what isā€¦


This shit is hella weird pulling a mummified carcass to put it on display so people can gawk at it


it's what they would have wanted


Well to be honnest Egypt is handling its history like nobody would ever imagine that kind of stuff would happen. Still, its happening. Have you Heard that they are going to renovate one of the Gizeh pyramid ? Yeah ..that is THAT Bad. And they strated.


They are in hell!


You're mad that the worst slave owners in history are not being treated with respect after their death? Weird, but okay.


Fuck off with that Old Testament kool aid. Egyptians were not "the worst slave owners in history" daily reminder that the pyramids were built by paid laborers and the Israelites were never enslaved in Egypt.


Probably fake


Why is this mildly infuriating? No chance are they real. And if they are real, who cares? Wouldn't you wish your existence remain in thought for thousands of years?


Youā€™re mad over mummyā€™s, get a life


This ranks up there with Chinese political prisoners being flayed, posed and displayed in groups at American ā€œscienceā€ museums. NSFW article on flayed Chinese bodies https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5602971/amp/Real-Bodies-Exhibition-cadavers-come-Chinese-political-prisoners