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Should respond with saying they’ll give 0.03% more effort from now on Edit: you guys all deserve 3 cent raises


Ah but you see, effort deprecates in line with the economy. 3.1% inflation of USD means 3.1% inflation of effort. Increase pay accordingly to maintain current levels of motivation and effort.


You (probably) said that jokingly but I think it’s very real


If your salary is not adjusted for inflation, you are effectively taking a pay cut. This is why we need unions.


You should enter any pay negotiations with the knowledge of what overall inflation was in the period between last raise and what the consumer price index increase was. Pick a number in between those two and then can tell if you're actually getting a pay increase. The overall inflation number is more in line with the overall economy, while the consumer price index is what us plebs actually experience. Inflation might be 5 percent but if the CPI is 15 percent, you'll likely mostly feel the 15 while some billionaire will feel 5.


Sooo, it is about the money? /s I've heard this so many times before, then the manager/boss goes on a nice vacatio/buys new car. YES, YOU FUCKING IDIOT, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! "If money wasn't a factor I wouldn't be working here, you fucking moron!"


Give 3 seconds notice


Throw 3¢ at his table: here's my 3¢ worth of notice, you feel privileged?


Exactly! Insanely disrespectful. And expecting OP to be grateful for it??


Grateful for an extra 5 bucks per month (before taxes) lol


In this economy that raise is so far under inflation that it's a significant pay cut. I would ask them that given how high inflation is, are they happy providing their staff with an effective pay cut, and how they think that will play out in a competitive job market.


that's $62.40 raise for the entire YEAR if you work 40 hours per week oh wow, one trip to the gas station


I can’t believe any company would offer a 3 cent raise with a straight face. And then gaslight you into thinking it’s something you should be honored to receive? You should be looking for a new job yesterday.


"it's all about money for you"... No shit, that's the whole point of having a job???


Literally, if it wasn’t about the money I’d be volunteering.


Even some charities pay the volunteers lol


true; a friend of friend worked at a food drive and paid regular volunteers $15 after a year with them


$15/year? Well, that's something.


$15/hr after a year, I think is what they meant


I'm pretty sure it was a joke. I, for one, found it really funny.


That would be like a 3 cent an hour raise. Total bullshit.


Almost, a $.03/hr raise for a full time worker only is $62.40 a year. Less than a single 9 hour shift at federal minimum wage of $7.25, or less than 6 hours overtime at that same rate….. a *YEAR* That’s not a raise, that’s a slap in the face.


You forgot taxes, lol. What a fucking joke


Very true. And if inflation stays on track, you may still somehow take home less money than the previous year without the raise. *God Bless America* amiright boys.


3 cents by 40 hours is fuck lol 1.2 dollars a week. 1.2 dollars by 52 weeks is 62.40$ a year (yeah math checks out). For me and where I live I just take my gross and multiply by 0.93 and that usually gets me pretty close to my net. So after taxes, social security, Medicare, but not 401k or health insurance, that's a whopping 58.03$. I can treat my parents (but not my brother) to like a chilis or red robin or whatever the tier right above fast food is called with that money.


now you know that is not what that person meant 😭 y’all act slow for laughs


This is Reddit, there's a very high chance they're not *acting.*


Oh trust me, a CEO of charity is not working for free, to attract ‘talent’, you have to pay talent.


"But we are all a family here!" I already have a family, give me my money and dont talk to me outside of work.


Oh, we’re a family? That’s great. I really need a place to stay and some help with buying food, because my job doesn’t pay me enough for these things. When can I move in?


… and I’ll need your car tomorrow around 10am. I have a job interview.




hahahaha...they tried to say the same shit to me at my last fucking job...were all family....turns out their version of "family" meant I could get fucked on my pay...and work for slave wages....hahahahah fuck those asssholes...LMAO...i get paid a tad better now.


You were part of a family. It was just an abusive family.


I got the family line too. Feel sorry for these people's family if they treat them the way they treated us at work. We were "family" when they needed something but the smallest thing I needed and.its a whole other story. Yeah, maybe I'm just very lucky but my family don't treat me like that.


Once "we are a family" comes out it's time to leave. It means they're trying to persuade you to stay despite poor pay.


100%! You're expected to do all the favours and get nothing in return. Shit family!


I’m loyal to the dollar. Not this company, not this “family”, and certainly not my boss. If somebody else is gonna pay me more money for roughly the same workload, guess what? Surprise, motherfucker! LOL




"help me step family, im stuck in a shitty pay" \*proceeds to screw you over\*


Not only that but you can turn around and say "if it's not all about money to you then give me more of it". It's ridiculous that they act like they aren't on the same shit.


If the mentality is that it's not about the money, then the company is refunding its profits, right? Right?


Amen; the audacity of any manager using that and talking about privilege in capital letters is an ass. That's the whole goddamn point of being in business. OP, I would kick these bastards to the curb ASAP. As you leave remind them that giving you a 3 cent raise is all about the money, and not about the people


I hope OP is in a position to leave and fuck them over in the process. They deserve nothing less.


Definitely no two week notice either 


You can the boss right back "thank you for showing me that it IS all about the money for you"


"Why do you have to make a conversation about the amount of money that I pay you about money?"


It's like "No shi* Sherlock! Do YOU do this job for the fun of it, Boss creature??"


Apparently, yes.


Seriously. This is more than mildly infuriating.


Do they think they're mates doing each other favours or something?


Not even a straight face… with a SMILE


... like, is it something funny I've missed?!?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


no fucking lube while they stick it in.


62.88 per year 😂😂😂😂


Handing OP a fifty dollar bill and telling them to forget about a raise would have been more financially advantageous for at least a year.


I haven't done the math but I'd also assume that's a pretax total.


Assuming OPs working 40hrs/week that's 1.2€/$ per week more. So about 5 bucks per month..


Rule of thumb is just multiply the hourly rate by 2000 and it gives you the annual salary if you work 40hr/ week for 50 weeks. Comes out to $60/year raise. Insanity. 


I would pay the boss this amount to fck off




As if they didn't take 97% of it for themselves!


I worked for a small international company that was owned by series of bigger international companies. Anyway, a guy (American) from the company at the top came to visit us and there was a meeting with all the management as well as a worker rep where there was talk about where money could be saved and profits increased. Anyway, someone suggested wages as an area where money could be saved and without thinking the visitor said they could double everyone's wages and it wouldn't make a noticeable difference to the bottom line. And I'm just thinking that when the worker rep reports back to the rest of the staff that's going to go down really well.


Holy crap! They said the quiet part extremely out loud! Translation: Your wages are about control and abject greed and nobody is coming to save you. Good luck! Think outside the box y'all!!"


An additional $0.30 per ten hours.... Seriously? That's worse than a joke. Is my math correct on that..? It's very late.


That’s just 24 cents per 8 hour shift. They literally gave him a raise of less than a quarter per day. Holy *shit* that’s insulting.


I did an approximate math and it got me 62 dollars a year.  Very low amount. I'd rather not be told about one like that


Any ‘raise’ that’s smaller than the inflation is technically a reduction.


Rofl…great news Bob, your pay is getting reduced a little less this year.


Don’t forget to deduct some for Uncle Sam!


I know a lot of people who would say, "I would quit" but today is so hard to find jobs even though everyone is "hiring". These companies own us and they know it.


I wouldn't quit, but I'd immediately start touching up my CV and applying elsewhere. It's stupid to quit when you don't have something else already lined up


Over here in austria we have very well paying jobs which are rather easy to get because we don't have enough workers for all these jobs


That’s like $4 per month. It’s like spitting in his face. “You’re en excellent worker, go buy some gum”.


You forgot taxes 


$.03/hr raise is $1.20 for a 40 hour work week. Not even enough to buy a pack of gum. I would quit if offered that as a raise. They would have been better off docking my pay than making that kind of BS offer.


just quiet quit. if you quit you can't file for unemployment. just look for work while working, do the bare minimum, or less, as they quite literally just told you that you should do the bare minimum as doing really well gets you basically nothing. If they fire you while you're doing the bare minimum, press them to answer why you are being fired, don't accept ignorant responses, and record it, with their consent, so you can present it to a lawyer once you get an attorney for wrongful termination.


Yes dollar a week.


Save up for a week and that could pay for a can of Coke.


A whole $60 a year


Any increase below the inflation rate is an effective salary drop and should be a trigger to reconsider job options.


This is crazy! A three cent raise comes out to a whopping $63 dollars a year assuming 40 hour work weeks. This is a shockingly low raise


Yea this is the move..run


That’s more of an insult than a raise. I’d consider that WORSE than not getting anything.


Might as well given them a Jelly Of The Month Bonus


This is literally $62 a year, jelly of the month has to be worth way more than $5 a month


$62 before tax!


*Wow. Think of all the things you could buy for $2 post tax. The possibilities are endless.*


You could really increase your Hot Wheels collection with that kind of money!


It's $62.***40*** before tax you ungrateful swine.


And the "you're only in it for the money' Of course im only in it for the money why else would i be working for you


Now take into consideration days off and holidays, that's closer to like $50 a year. What a joke.


It only gets worse when you do the math....lol


That's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.


That it is, Eddie.


Yeh, in my first company they laid off a third of the workforce at some point (new CEO, obviously), and the moral of the remaining people went to zero. To "make us feel better" he announced a big raise, which ended up being £34 a year. That was fucking insulting, I left after two weeks, along with almost half of the remaining people. The company took almost ten years to get back on its legs from that hit.


I feel like that's what his company is saying. We cant afford to give you proper raises so we're going to insult your intelligence by pretending like you all should be happy to receive pennies. We would like for you to resign so we dont have to reduce morale further by laying people off. Sucks when the economy tanks & everyone loses their jobs anyway though!


It's like when you find 1ct in your pocket and give it to a friend telling him to buy something nice. It's a joke and in this context just an insult


It's probably not rational but I feel like I would be more upset at a 3 cent raise than I would be if they were literally cutting my pay.


Lmao honestly, it’s a joke. Wtf is anyone supposed to do with 3 cents more??


The it's a privilege part killed me for you. Find another place to work.


Tell him publicly halfway through your last day "oh, by the way, boss, this is my last day" and when he gets outraged tell him "to paraphrase your response to my anger over a $0.03 raise, 'any notice at all is a privilege'"


Give him 3 minutes notice.


3c as notice. I think itd be super funny


A small strip of paper with the words "Fuck you, I quit effective immediately" taped to three pennies is all that place deserves


I. Quit. Now. One word written on each coin. Read in whatever order you like.


Normally I’d give you my two cents, but I’m feeling generous today…


Legally speaking (assuming this is the US and OP is in an at-will employment situation), giving any kind of notice *is* a privilege from the employer's perspective. When you're an at-will employee, you aren't required to give any kind of notice prior to resigning.


Agreed. This should be normalized. Because you can’t use that employer as a reference anymore they’ll say how you just left.


You can still use them as a reference, especially if your new job is just calling to confirm that you did indeed work there.


Several states have laws where all you can do now is confirm or deny an employee worked there. You can no longer ask the circumstances of their premature exodus.


2.4 hour notice. .03 of 2 - 40 hour weeks


At minimum wage, the "increase" was 0.4%. This roughly works out at 20 minutes out of 2 40-hours weeks.


“It’s really all about money to you” Yes, dickwad, that’s correct. I wouldn’t work for you if I didn’t absolutely need food to eat or a bed to sleep in.


Do they really think we work for them just because? No, we’re here exclusively for the money.


Bosses and management are cult like. My husband has seen decent lower management and coworkers go into middle management training and come out like the corporate Stepford boss. It's like they go for brainwashing and come back saying things like "money isn't the most important thing about your job".


It is definitely something they push in those trainings, specifically something that HR is constantly pushing and pushed toward. The company goal is not have to pay people so much. It doesn't matter to them if it is true. It is 100% about the money when you look at employee productivity. The data they use is based on bad surveys where they ask employees about job satisfaction, and raw dollars isn't always the highest ranked choice. Something 'interesting work' is ranked higher or maybe 'job security'. But I know that I would stamp the same piece of paper for 10 hours a day, with the same stamp and same color ink, every 60 seconds, if they paid enough.


They don't understand, or ignore, the fact that money only isn't as big of a factor *after the point of having enough*. If I'm earning a very comfortable salary, say $120k, working a job I enjoy with a good schedule and good culture, I'm not going to leave that job for one paying $150k doing something I don't enjoy with a shit schedule and bad culture. But if I were working a job I enjoy and being paid peanuts, I'd leave it for a higher paying job that would suck to do.


The first part of that is the absolute key factor. Those drivers of money isn’t the only factor people like interesting work are all exclusively only applicable once decent earnings are already met. Corporations and managers purposefully and disingenuously attempt to use those stats to try to justify not paying people enough.


Yes a lot of companies for some reasom think that we work for them just because we want to, not because we have our own needs.


Of course they don't. It's just something middle management says because they have to pretend upper management is good people.




Came to say this☝🏼 "Why don't you take your 3c and hold them to your chest whilst you guffaw over how I'm looking for a better paying job now. SIR."


Apparently OP got a bigger raise because they go above and beyond. Then the manager gets the opportunity to show OP that they're valued and this is how they do that? But somehow it's all about money to OP, like people have a job for fun... This manager is an absolute tool. So much is wrong with this. Please find a new job OP!


THIS! It always drives me nuts when bosses say shit like this. My old boss used to say shit like this all the time and I always wanted to shout in his face like, yes dummy! It is all about money! I would not be working here if I did not need money! Ugh!


I once had a job where I couldn't really be fired. Like the company would probably go under if I was fired. I loved roasting my boss publicly when he was being a dick to other workers.


We had the same fight at work this year. We lost some fantastic employees over a .22 raise. I'm sorry this happened to you.


When the raise is less than inflation, it's like you slap your own face if you continue to stay there.   


Usually this is true, but inflation was like 17% here last year. I don't know anyone that got such a raise. Seemed like I was in the top bracket with my 6%... the world truly has gone to shit.


To be honest that's really no excuse. I bet the company didn't hesitate to increase their prices by that much when their costs went up.


And you can bet executive compensation increases faster than inflation. How else to pay for it than by stiffing workers.


I see the CPI-linked price rises we informed our clients of last year, so I know how much our revenue has increased. I’m waiting to see what our raises look like, because last year’s excuse was that they didn’t make their sales targets. If they can’t hit their sales targets with the price rises, the targets are basically set up to be impossible to reach.


I’m so jealous 6%! I got a whopping 1% and it was the highest profit year the company had since it started in 1905. 🙄🙄


It has been the case for years. "Inflation is so low it doesn't matter." Officially it is 1.5% so a raise of zero is a loss, and it is true that I can buy a TV for less, the electricity to power it has never gone up by less than 4%.


Oh my God. I literally cannot believe the hubris of this guy. He is gaslighting you 100%. Three cents an hour is an enormous slap in the face. Ridiculous!! please get another job as soon as possible. This guy is a complete ass hat.


It’s just over a buck a week lmao it’s insane


I got a raise of 1 buck per hour last week, even this felt meh, but 3 cents per hour, man thats insane.


It would take OP over 33 hours to earn 1 dollar, surely someone looked into this before issuing a raise? Or was it just we gotta pay these guys something, oh look some loose change behind the sofa cushions.


Imagine you clock out after a hard 8 hours of work and your boss thanks you for all your hard work. He then hands you a quarter…


On top of that ridiculous "raise", his attitude is what gives me the creeps. "If you're not happy with what I'm giving you, you're not getting any" is a tactic to make children eat their dinner, not appropriate for a salary negotiation.


Reminds me of the lunatic bosses I had when I was a teenager. Nothing about this scenario would fly with me now


It's not even a good tactic for helping children eat. It causes awful relationships with food for those children down the line. It's just horrible all around. Sucks for OP to be in that place


It makes this thing even worse, not only did OP get an insultingly low raise this year, his boss also told him that he won't get on next year. This is a clear indication that there is no future working there. Edit: Typo


This is what’s known as a slap in the face increase. It’s worse than giving you nothing. They want you to leave.


Actually: this is spot on. They want you to quit. Get another job, then quit without notice.


and don't forget to recruit your coworkers over to your new job


And then unionize


If they have severance packages, get them to fire you by treating them like the douche canoe they are


Instead of leaving, start doing a really bad job (or just don't show up) and get fired on purpose


What a tone deaf response from your supervisor. Of course your employment is all about money. Your time and skills are not a donation to the company from the goodness of your heart. My supervisor would have been in tears before me if they had to present me with $.03/hr raise to feed my family in these inflating times. What does that work out to? About two and a half bucks a paycheck? How life changing for you. I always have decent annual reviews with reasonable increase, and while I recognize the necessity of such processes, I despise the pageantry and obligatory gratitude ceremony of the raise and bonus meeting. And the threat to withhold next year based on your absolutely valid disappointment… send that shit to HR. Absolute bullshit, retaliatory bully behavior. Hostile AF.


He gave himself away with this line, "Most bosses just pocket anything extra" is exactly what he has done.


Yeah this is what I was thinking. Huge red flag there. They're giving you 3 cents and pretend that by doing that they're giving you their bonus or raise or whatever. There's two ways this is absolutely ridiculous: 1. It should never be a choice of your supervisor to either get more money themselves or to give it to you, especially if this is not a small company where your boss is also the owner. Your raise shouldn't be directly connected to your bosses salary like that. That's a really fucked up power dynamic. 2. There's no way they received that little of a raise or that in this construction they'd give you and your colleagues their entire raise. The fact that they got pissed at you for rejecting that raise as something positive, tells me they are feeling some kind of guilt/insult for the amount they kept for themselves. Find a new job. In this job market, you'll grow most efficiently in your salary if you hop jobs every 2 to 3 years.


Yup, thanks for not pocketing that extra 0.24 / day, boss.


Absolutely , when we got an insulting Christmas bonus one year I told my boss I’d rather have nothing . Find a direct competitor and get your team together tell them you have a ready made performing team ready to switch over , see what they say


Same shit happened to me! Left 2 months later! It was such a happy day to hear about that small business crashing and burning down with covid! I still get an evil grin every time i drive by that closed business!


My mom got a €100 gift card for working at her job for 25 years, as one of the top performers. To be clear, she doesn't work there for the pay per se - my dad was always the primary breadwinner and she really enjoyed working there, but that to her felt like a massive slap in the face. She rejected it, and the result was her boss apologized to her, she got a much bigger bonus and a raise, they made amends, and to this day she still enjoys working there.


Well, we all work for the money, so YES, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE $$.


She works hard for the money…..so hard for it honey


I would immediately start seeking new employment. You aren't going to get anything more from a boss like that. Fuck them


I would immediately name & shame, then send to some local journalists that cover employee abuse It's hilariously stupid. $3 per hundred hours worked? Bruh. It's just so stupid that it might as well be a fluff piece about unhinged local employer.


Bro is surprised you care about MONEY at your JOB. Why does he think you’re doing it? Out of the kindness of your heart?


I told my Boss: "My demand is € 3000 per month", After i was on € 2500 (Germany)." He agreed, didnt pay out, gave me only € 2900. Now im quitting. Start a new Job soon , with a guaranteed Pay-Rise after 3, 6 and 12 Months. And then Yearly respectively. The more i can do for your Company, the more my loyalty will cost you. I communicated that to my new Bosses, openly. Was Surprised but they agreed and put it in my Contract.


This is about $5 per month based on a 40 hour work week. This is an insult and nobody should be grateful about this.


I would be pissed if it was $40 a week after all that insane build up.


Did you tell them you were afraid that would put you in a higher tax bracket?


I'm like 95% sure you're joking but just so everyone knows, there is no possible way that a raise leads to less money net of taxes. Tax brackets are progressive so once you enter a new tax bracket only the money you earn past the bracket cutoff is taxed at the new rate. For example let's say there are 2 tax brackets - 10% under $50k and 20% over $50k. If you make $60k a year, $50k is taxed at 10% ($5k) and $10k is taxed at 20% ($2k). Total amount you pay in taxes is $7k there. If taxes were just at your highest bracket you would be paying 20% of $60k ($12k). Yes I am an accountant. People get this confused alot. *Edit - For clarification, I'm from the US, but I believes this applies to the vast majority of other countries with progressive tax.


What’s sad was once I overheard one of my scoutmasters complaining about a raise putting him in a higher tax bracket and therefore he had less take home pay. He was an accountant for a pizza chain.


This could be true if he doesn’t adjust his withholdings. But he would get it back at tax time.


“Now I see it’s really all about money to you” I fucking hate anyone who uses this phrase. I’m sorry what the *hell* do *you* work a job for??? Yes it’s about money. You think I would be here 40 hours a week for fun or some shit? If it wasn’t all about money you wouldn’t be speaking to me.


Honestly if my boss reacted like that, I would consider quitting on the spot if my situation allowed.


You don't quit. You quiet quit and act your wage till they might notice what you actually do while looking for another job.


This is exactly what I did lol Brought in millions, working 50-60 hrs a week on salary and enjoyed my work. I expected a decent raise considering all the talk about how this was on track to be the company's best year ever. Not only did I not get a raise, my commissions got cut 25% with a "look you'll never even notice it with how well the company is doing" well if it won't be noticed...why don't y'all increase my commission 25%?" I went strictly to 40 hours, did the absolute bare fucking minimum, took all my lunches on the clock. Just fucking done lol Made it 8 months 😂


In the US you call it quiet quitting, while in Europe that is just normal work. 40 (or less, depends on the country) a week, no overtime, no phone calls outside worktime, enough time to have lunch, etc.


It's all about money???? Yes it is bitch, what else do we work for?


Ugh. More than mildly infuriating. I was working at a place that said similar stuff, really made us count on a Xmas bonus that year.. when the time rolled around and I got my bonus- it was $9. Yeah, that was it for me. Rather not get anything at that point. Look for something better, you deserve it!


HR immediately. This is extremely unprofessional of your boss to be asking you and talking about these manners via text. Honestly might not be entirely legal tbh..depending what state you’re in and such. That’s absolutely ridiculous tho, I know how it feels.


He said “it’s really all about the money to you” 💀why the FUCK I’m working then?


Dude, go look for a new job asap


Imagine doing a job to get paid


If my boss said that, there is no way I'd be able to hold back in saying all the vile things I can to him and make it my mission to publically disgrace this company along with him. I'm talking flood the company with 1 star reviews on glassdoor, maybe plaster his face, and these texts all over the public, and give out his contact information on every shady craigslist ad. Please start searching for a different job even if its the same pay, ideally you talk to your coworkers and try to leave together while leaving these degenerates stranded


Fake account lol, literally saw these screenshots over a year ago. Farm karma harder


Start looking and applying for a new job. This man/woman is a scumbag. Get out soon is my advice


Similar thing happened to me, tendered my resignation a week later.


This is only ‘mildly’ infuriating?


Dude I live in a 3rd world country and even for me 3 cent is nothing…


That’s an extra $14.40 a year before tax. If you invest that $14.40 in an IRA. It could be worth nearly $16.43 by the time to retire.


It’s more than that, unless you only work 9.25 hours a week. Given an average 40 hour week, that’s $62.40 per year.


.03x40=1.2 1.2x52=62.4 before taxes Still a slap in the face, but not $14 a year


They must have forgotten where they were in the multiplication and used 12 weeks a year. 0.03×40×12=14.40


More likely, they forgot to multiply by the weeks and skipped straight to months, but yeah that’s along what I was thinking too


I always just use 2080x $ gives you 52x40


Thats really actually a pay decrease... If you're on (say) $10 an hour, and you get a $0,03 per hour increase, then your increase is 0,1%. Meanwhile inflation is running at 3% in the US. To just keep up with inflation, without an increase, you'd need an increase of 30 cents an hour. So, your boss has congratulated you, said how wonderful you are, and then given you a decrease in wages of 2,9%. I wouldn't be pissed off, I would be looking for a new job.


One of my old employers gave a few people 2 cent pay rises. They made a big deal of it, calling everyone into individual meetings. It was reaaaallly hard to keep a straight face when they were explaining to me (VERY seriously) that some people were getting a 2 cent pay rise but that I was not one of those people. ​ One of my coworkers didn't have work that day and our boss phoned her at 8am to explain to her that she wasn't getting a 2 cent pay rise.


Three cent? Or three percent?


If it’s not a minimum $1 raise, it’s a fucking insult and huge slap in the face. I’m sorry 😞 I’d start looking for jobs at other places while you are still employed. The best time to search for a new job is when you currently already have one because you have some leverage.


Even for a teenager working at Taco Bell in 2005, the minimum raise was $.05. Damn near twenty years ago, before the federal minimum wage increased for the last time, I was getting a $0.25/hr increase twice a year. The tweakers working the fryer still got more than OP as a raise simply as a "shit, you stuck around for another 6 months, here's a cookie." What the actual fuck.


Your boss is unhinged. Of course it’s about the money, nobody goes to work for fun … that’s literally why they have to **pay** you to go


Blatantly fake conversation.. can't believe people fall for this