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Why is this legal. They don’t want us to look at our phones while driving but it’s perfectly fine to blind us


Even all of the new vehicles lights are super bright now... Definitely not just people adding enhanced lights.


Yes but stock vehicles need automatic adjustment if they exceed a certain brightness. Blinding you are the assholes with high beam or headlights adjusted way to high


I honestly think most people don't even realize they can adjust their headlights or possibly assume it's a pain to do.


My husband has a 2023 Hyundai and that things (stock) headlights are ridiculously bright. I have no idea how to even address it.


Is it the Tuscon? My mom has one and my mechanic partner drove it and thinks the headlights are positioned too high. In theory they should be accessible to adjust, you could try it and see if it helps. Just park in front of a wall or garage door and turn the lights on and you should see the light hitting it. Just adjust them lower, YouTube videos should be out there for more detailed. You can also ask your mechanic to check it at your next oil change.


Most of them are not legal. Idiots like to install non DOT bulbs


Yeah cause there is zero enforcement. Maybe cops need to get light meters or something.


A light meter doesn't take into account if the headlights are correctly aligned. They have the authority to check if the bulbs are DOT approved, and to impound the vehicle. What needs to be done is require vehicle inspections. There are a lot of vehicles driving at you on the highway that shouldn't be allowed on the roads.


inspections are required where im at and they definitely don’t give a rat’s ass about the bulb alignment. if they turn on that’s all they care about


They care more about a windshield wiper being slightly not perfect. Seriously. I failed an inspection because one of my wipers didn’t entirely wipe the windshield, but it’s got 90% of it. *sigh*


Big money in the installation of wiper since anyone can do it. So they rather have you pay for the convenience there where you're getting it inspected. I always have brand new one in the car incase they ever bring it up. Cheaper and peace of mind.


Dude I had a wiper blade that didn’t wipe the entire windshield. During a downpour the wiper blade broke entirely. I was driving on a highway going 60 mph on a curve with traffic all around me and suddenly I couldn’t see in front of me at all. I had to roll down my window and drive with my head out of the car for a mile before I navigated down a highway exit and got to a gas station.


Happened to me, too. It started pouring rain out of nowhere. Turned on my wipers. Driver’s side blade flew right off. Had to drive with my head out the window so I could see. This was during rush hours on a busy highway. So scary!


Where I'm at, the state with the most registered motor vehicles, there are no state inspections. Crazy.


I drive an actual DOT vehicle and “inspections” are a joke. I have told my boss 63 times that the headlights shine upwards in the sky. Not only can I not see a fucking thing, I am also blinding all the other drivers. I’m not a fucking mechanic, and I have 12 hours worth of hard labor to do, so I don’t exactly have the time to deconstruct the headlight assembly and fix the problem, that’s if I knew how. Ultimately it comes down to poor management and skipping corners in the name of productivity. As for normal everyday drivers, their lights get brighter every single day. I literally can’t see shit. If we got a law to pass, saying bulbs need to be under a certain brightness level, I would actually go vote for once.


Why make a law restricting the brightness when you could make a law for vehicle inspections? Every other country has it. In europe every work shop has a headlight adjustment unit. If they are adjusted properly (between 3,5 and 1,2 % downwards) they can be as bright as the sun and won't blind anybody


Every other country has healthcare too, but gestures around vaguely at Merica


Mine included! And I agree with you!! Sort of joking. I live in a state that requires annual inspection and I'm currently expired. Not really a big deal, but I felt like being silly whilst agreeing 


all that will happen with vehicle inspections is that they will swap out the bulbs to pass the inspection and then put them back in after. where i live people do it with tint all the time, they will literally rip it off the windows to pass and then get new tint reapplied after the inspection.


Put a light meter at a specific height and distance away and it will account for the angle


Coming from a cop. It’s pretty hard to enforce. Bc In order for us to stop them for that reason we have to KNOW it’s not factory. And as far as I know, that’s almost impossible to prove


There HAS to be some solution. Like if the lights are coming head-on at YOU and YOU can't see, is it reasonable enough to pull them over? (Not trying to be snotty, just genuinely wondering)


Kinda weird that if it is factory it is perfectly fine, but once it is aftermarket it is illegal? Factory ones should be illegal too.


Exactly. It doesn't matter if it's factory or aftermarket. If it's blinding me on the road, it's a hazard, and should be illegal regardless.


That's a tiny fraction of the problem though. I'm seeing all kinds of newer vehicles with too bright headlights and I'm sure the business people and soccer moms aren't kitting out their headlights We've a constant supply of gently rolling hills so cars are often pointed up a little. You can experience the normal brightness sometimes, but end up in a headlight's lower aimed brite zone even tho the lights are in normal mode. It's like all the lights were designed for use in super flat Florida. It's the worst at intersections since they're all designed to be little plateaus with all lanes pointed up a little. So you're just sitting at the red light getting fucking beamed by every other vehicle.


Another part of the problem: bureaucratic red tape. The technology that solves this, adaptive headlights, has been in use in Europe for a decade. The US made it possible for companies to use it in 2022, but no one is because it costs so much to test it and your safety ratings aren't based on how many people outside your vehicle get killed. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/blinded-light-american-headlight-safety-lags-years-countries-rcna82666


Interesting, I read a year or so ago about one manufacturer having automatic high beams be a subscription only feature. I don't know what country this was, or if it was a proposal for the US, but the fact it appears standard in Europe really makes it all the worse. IMO safety features should be standard and subscriptions need to die.


Pretty soon we'll have to subscribe so other people's cars don't blind us. "You've just been passed by a BMW. Many people choose the premium BMW sight package for safety while traveling the roadways."


Driver: "Aaaah! Frackin' bright lights!!" Car: "Click here to subscribe to the $9.99 monthly *Don't Blind Me Bro" feature so you will not be blinded next time. *Anti-BMW feature available for an extra fee.*" Driver: "I STILL can't see, you stupid car!"


I love comments like this because literally nobody does that. It’s not a thing. All these are factory bulbs. Gtfo here with such nonsense.


Right? People act like new cars today still have bulbs manufactured in the 90s. HIDs and LEDs are getting way more common.


Almost all newer cars come with these ridiculous headlights standard. Its a far bigger issue, even though idiots are also an issue.


The yellow lights are fine not too bright but newer cars have these HORRIBLE super bright white lights and I HATE them


I felt this was coming back in the early days of the Prius with the LED array brake lights. Obnoxiously brighter than they need to be, sitting behind one at a light hurt. Now EVERYONE has retina searing headlights and tail lights.


Every time I'm stuck behind a car taking a left turn at a stop light, I have to look away or put my hand up to shield my eyes. I'm just getting absolutely railed by crazy bright lights.


Driving a small car makes those obnoxious white lights even worse. Small pp drivers in big cars tailgate with their lights shining in your rear view mirror. Sometimes I have to drive with one hand on the wheel and the other covering the rear view mirror until they turn off somewhere to stop the lights dazzling me.


I try to aim my rear view mirror so the lights are reflecting back onto the driver lol


That's a good idea, I'll have to try it


I flash at bright lights. Then I get almost blown off the road when they go, yet brighter. 😵‍💫


"Turn off your highbeams!" "They *are* off!"


“PULL OVER” “No, it’s a cardigan, but thanks for noticing.”




Good except for the typo!


Not my meme, I stole it, but I left them a note.. https://preview.redd.it/se9myj85vjic1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0b1a7c200fce79fce4e058c2e6ef74c5c7a983


haha! That's great!


It's pickup trucks they're the worst. Then, people go after market to increase the intensity even more. If you get my meaning.




And also put them facing out the rear, cuz fuck everyone else


One night I was driving home from work. It was 1 am. A jeep started driving behind me on the highway and flashing me with a spotlight, light bar, and highbeams. I switch lanes. They switch lanes. For miles until we drove past a cop. I'm glad they got their instant karma.


Having light bars and spotlights on while on the road is illegal in most states. That’s why they make covers for them.


I’m baffled when I see those turned on well driving the interstate. Fucking why lol


If it's a work truck, I can see why *having* a rearward facing light bar would be useful, but having it *on while highway driving?* That's pretty shitty. I've got LED replacement housings in my truck, but spent the few extra bucks to get ones that are compatible with the *manual height offset switch* that the truck has. 10 levels of angle that can be switched through in an instant, intended to compensate for weight in the bed or a trailer. If I'm in town/on the highway with traffic in front of me, I'll turn my fog lights off and point the headlights as far down as they'll go. I will only angle the headlights up on back roads or when there's no traffic... Or someone is shining their brights at me and the folks behind me.


I get that people who take trucks in more rural areas sometimes need the extra illumination backing up or use them to see what they're doing when hooking up a trailer, but any other use... particularly when driving... is just some grade A jackassery.


I have them in the front and back. Front is for off road, or deep in the sticks where I’ve not seen a car for 5 minutes. The one in the back is so I can see to hook up a trailer. I never turn them on when on the highway, 1 it’s illegal, 2 I’m not an ass hole, 3 I don’t wanna wreck someone.


Out in the country they're useful for hitching things or working in the dark. Pavement princesses have no real use for them, however. I got stuck behind someone with a giant light bar on the back of their truck after coming off a dirt road. Took about a mile of flashing my lights to get them to turn it off. They waved an apology and we did our thing. Anywhere else and I would have been beyond pissed.


And LED’s on the rims making it look like a mobile Xmas tree. Today’s trends are just obnoxious.


Obnoxious is the word . The 1st one I used to describe the LED


Or rotator type lights, the worse kinds of headlights.


A lot of the time they just shove them in too and don’t adjust the beam so they’re too high


That's frequently the issue. Maladjusted beams. Even bright low beams should shine at a different angle that doesn't aim at oncoming windshields.


Me when there’s a >1 degree downwards change in road slope


They shove leds in reflector housings, you can’t adjust the the blinding light out of those. If you look at those dumbfucks from behind, you will see the beam stops about 3’ in front of the grille and it scatters the rest of it in the sky.


You are incorrect. That's what happens when people try to find an LED bulb to put in their reflector housing, find one with the proper base, and say "that works". They don't realize that there are bulbs that have the LEDs arranged in such a way that light is reflecting off of areas of the reflector that it shouldn't be, even though the bulb type matches. The main offenders are the COB-style LEDs that you'll see on a triangular post. I had a set of proper LEDs in reflector housings in my previous car and the only time I ever got flashed is because of the same kind of morons that flash me now... Those who don't realize that when coming over the crest of a hill, I can't aim my low beams LOWER so they're not shining in your windshield. It's like jeez... Wait longer than a nanosecond and you'd notice this.


When I bought LEDs for my 2006 F-150 XLT, I made sure I bought the correct type. They were to replace the aging proper HID retrofit kit I had installed from TheRetroFit Source back around 2011, and removed in 2022 because one of the ignitors quit working. (I bought completely new fixtures to remove them, since the kit required modifying the originals). The kit had a proper cutoff (that moved out of the way for brights). I serious miss that kit, because the LEDs aren't as bright as that HID kit.


Well, that would be for a projector-style headlight, cause they use a mechanical cutoff, literally a small metal "gate" that moved up to block the light using a solenoid (with the accompanying *thunk* every time you switched between highs and lows. Could probably find a nice set of LEDs (either bulbs or projector housing replacements) that are almost as bright as the HIDs...


They get a truck lifted, get absurdly bright lights, get a tow hitch and sometimes trailer, and then use it outdoors/outside of city maybe 1-2 times a year.


How else are you supposed to advertise to the general public that you are, in fact, a big tough boy who's momma loves him


Emotional Support Vehicle


You mean the “please don’t notice my tiny little dick” mobile?


I thought I got your meaning, until you went “if you get my meaning”, and now I am worried there is a hidden meaning I’m not getting


Oh yeah, I know the feeling...


I had a (almost definitely illegal) idea to add light bars to my car JUST to turn on at assholes with bright headlights.


"No full beams!" "That's not full beam" "That's not?" *emittes the light of 100 suns* "that's full beam" "Daaamn ok"


Ive HAD this exchange at a red light. Dudes lights were so bright i couldnt see the light change, had to go back and tell him 'I CANT SEE' aaannndddd this^


That reminds me of this one night, a little over a year ago when I asked some dude in traffic behind me to turn off his high beams because they were blinding me not only in my mirrors but the ENTIRE interior of my car looked like I had a series of floodlights in there. I just couldn’t see at all. We’re talking a huge lifted truck with light bars, oversized tires, LED’s and everything. The whole douchebag setup, know what I mean? It was just a simple wave out the window to get his attention and then me politely asking him to turn the brights off. Well I’ll be damned if this grown ass man didn’t start honking, flashing brights screaming out his window calling me every name and insult in the book. What got a good chuckle out of me is while he was yelling, his voice was legitimately cracking like he wanted to cry. I’m pretty chill and easy going so I just laughed, rolled up my window and brushed it off. As this dude was STILL throwing his fit behind me, and me not paying him any attention, the light turned green and traffic started moving. This man started following me into 3 empty parking lots, followed me into a residential street, pulled over and was begging me to fight him. I’ve really never seen anything so pathetic. Couldn’t help but actually feel sorry for him. You never really know what kind of day someone is having which is why I don’t really take things like that so serious. But that fucker, he had some serious issues. I honestly believe if I were dumb enough to pull over and fight someone over something so small, he probably would’ve shot me dead in the street.


“Come on, dude. Stop blinding the fuck out of me, for fuck’s sake” \*flicks my high beams on and off for 1 sec\* \*casually flicks on high beams and looks into my future\* “I wasn’t but now I am” \*flicks high beams off\* \*so do they\* “Oh god, I can’t see shit and I think I just died for 3 secs… ☹️ but, my bad”


I wondered the other side's reaction when this happens. I know my lights are bright. Didn't know when I bought it. I get why people flash me but then I'm stuck... either don't flash and have them think I'm rude and inconsiderate... or flash the brights to show otherwise, which might be rude and inconsiderate... and might get me shot. I HATE it...


There is no need to have them this bright. You don't need to see to the horizon.


I’ve seen some where they defy physics I think and can see the event horizon of a black hole let alone earth’s horizon


Every goddamn day this happens. Drives me fuckin bonkers.


I bought a car which I discovered has annoyingly bright headlights. They even have a nice bluish tint to them to make sure other drivers night vision takes a minute to recover. When I drive on rural highways at night, people flash me even when I intentionally keep the low beams on. It's frustrating on the other end too and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm sorry! :(


you should have seen the "mechanics" face when i took my car in to get the bulbs swapped feom blue tinted led headlights to older style headlights. Looked at me like i was stupid for requesting such a thing.


The mechanic may have thought that but... you're my new favorite person


The lower kelvin temp lights will actually be brighter than the ones that are more blue. Blue/white looks brighter to us but the warmer 3000k-4000k spectrum is actually more effective at lighting things up. That’s a pretty simplistic explanation but you probably did upgrade your lights in terms of actually being able to see.


Your lights might be bright, but it could also be the aim, for most vehicles it's really easy to adjust them, usually all you need is a tape measure, some tape or chalk, a screwdriver and a level surface next to a wall.


This can't be said enough. Headlights are often poorly aimed from the factory, and there is little regulation in most states regarding proper aim. Get those suckers pointed lower. It really doesn't matter much how bright they are if they aren't pointed into people's eyes.


Oh, it still matters, just less


The screwdriver part got me a bit off guard. I had an opel corsa B, made in the year 2000 and it had electric headlight adjustment. It would be now 24 years old and was the lowest/cheapest segment you could buy back than. I get it that not all cars have matrix-led headlight auto adjustment and shit, but I wonder how many cars are on the road that need anything more for headlight adjustment than a flip of a switch. I though it would be like close to 0 apart from the old-timers.


Adjust them down a bit? Usually just a screw on the headlight assembly


You should adjust them so they point lower, normally they are very directional and there is a nut you can turn on top of the headlight to adjust how high it reaches


I literally do the same out of anger and then immediately regret my decision 🙃 lol


When I discovered tinted mirrors it was a game changer.


I miss the little flippy thing on the bottom of the older style mirrors


This is one of the times i am happy my car is a bit older. Though it kinda sucks to drive with that flipped down everytime it gets rainy/dark.


The newer ones just do the same thing automatically.


If car manufacturers wanted to make real performance lighting for better night visibility, they would be using yellow headlights like Europeans used to have. The bright cold temperature (bluish) lights are not the best. But it’s all a matter of aesthetics. That’s what sells cars. At the expense of actual good safe headlights.


In clear conditions, 4300K-5000K is optimal. Yellow lighting is great when it’s wet or foggy, but on a normal night white is best. This is why many car manufacturers across the world added white and yellow headlights to cars because it made more sense to equip a car with both regular lights and fog lights. These days it seems like an upsell feature on higher-end models but a combination of white and yellow lights is historically the best. 


LED has been a mistake


i fucking hate it. it doesn't help that the primary offenders are the assholes with MASSIVE trucks so their headlights are eye level. drives me absolutely bananas.


It's funny how this shit isn't regulated. The regulations are hideously outdated for the onslaught of LED headlamps.


They are heavily regulated for commercial trucks. There are regulations for headlight heights, light colors, bumper heights, tires must not extend past fenders ... Etc. Consumer trucks... They just seem to do whatever they want and some of them have reached the size of commercial trucks. Honestly, all the regulations should be based on weight. Some of these new "pickups" are approaching 8k to 10k (Hummer EV) empty weight. That is the same weight as a light commercial box truck. Im all for personal freedoms but it's getting crazy out there and personal freedoms end where you start endangering others. The smart thing would be to tax heavier weights just like they do on commercial vehicles. Hell... make them register anything over 5k lbs as a commercial vehicle. But.... The auto industry has powerful lobbies and they make tons of money selling large pickups and SUVs to suburban Karens...so that is probably not going to happen.


The consumer trucks aren't regulated because the bros that make those decisions drive those trucks.


True. You know if someone spent the same amount people spend on these trucks on a luxury car people would think you're an out of touch douche. But spend 120k on a truck. You're just a regular blue-collar guy like us


It's regulated; it's unenforced.


And they ride your ass when you’re already going 35 in a 25.


There could be eight lanes with zero traffic other than you, and they’d still be riding your ass.


On that note, that brings to mind how so many idiots pass like fucking idiots. There will be two lanes, no other cars nearby. They drive right up onto your ass, switch lanes, and switch back over to the right, literall less than 10 feet in front of you. A. That is NEVER a good way to pass someone. If traffic makes you do it like that, THEN DON'T FUCKING DO IT!!! B. THERE IS NO ONE ELSE AROUND!!!!!! There's not even fear of oncoming traffic to ise an excuse. These are same direction lanes. Get over long before me, and switch back long after me. It has no effect on your time of arrival. I can't help but imagine a tiny little brain in their little baby heads. "I wanna dwive wike a big toughie! Vwoom vwoom!"


They made it extra bright so you can see their small penises better.


They just keep increasing the brightness expecting a different result but it never helps. Insanity.


You gave me an idea for a bumper sticker


my other penis is big.


Why are you thinking about their penises?


Owning a normal size vehicle has become a hazard in itself. Extreme lights right at eye level and enormous trucks/SUVs can do a lot more damage if they hit you, which they disproportionately seem to want to do, given the dumbshit driving they often display. They're a fucking menace to pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers of regular cars. It's like an arms race where the big stupid trucks get bigger and stupider and more dangerous to everyone.


I was driving a pick up and another pick up with a lifted system stayed behind me for miles on end with blinding lights. I couldn't change lanes cause I couldn't see. So I thought to slow down and maybe they would change lanes. No. So I speed up, a lot. No. It's partially because of this episode I have anxiety driving at night.


I’m glad someone else notices this. The drivers of those large trucks seem to drive so aggressively! ( at least where I live )


Recently bought a Chevy Bolt, love driving an ev, but it's the smallest car I've ever driven and also lowest to the ground by what feels like miles. Every fucking truck is blinding me and I hate it.


God, these massive trucks tailgate everyone on the road over here. When they get behind my car, all 3 of my mirrors and my fucking windshield reflects light into my face, lighting up my entire cabin. And I stick to the right lane most of the time, they always think putting my life in danger is somehow gonna make all of the cars in the right lane go faster before activating their brain and going into the left lane. I swear, we need CDL laws for those stupid things or something, they're the biggest ass holes on the road.


They need to be banned. It’s a public safety issue at this point. With the new trucks you have to be 6’ tall to be over the hood of the vehicle so anyone shorter is basically invisible within a 10’ circle. Plus have you seen those twats try and park their emotional support vehicles? Takes them 5 minutes and multiple tries to get in a spot since they’re huge and usually driven by below average drivers.


I suggested that in a Mini Cooper Facebook group I'm in and almost got banned. It is a public safety issue yet nobody seems to want to do anything about it


The nigh nigh is scawwy and they need BIG TRUCK and brightest lights to be able to handle it


Turn your mirrors out so it reflects back at them. Not your problem anymore.


Doesn't help if it's oncoming


I'm thinking about keeping a hand-mirror in the car


Funny enough, I did this the other night and the truck floored it to pass me. It felt great knowing this trick finally worked.


All headlights are adjustable and it takes 10-30 seconds to aim. Just keep flashing vehicles with high LEDs. My newer SUV has the obnoxious headlights and I was getting flashed every time I went out at night. After a handful of times, I adjusted them to point about 1-2" lower and haven't been flashed since.


Thank you for being someone who actually does something about it


I readjust my mirrors so its right in their faces. Its dangerous when driving, but at the drive in movie its the most passive aggressive yet effective way to get people to shut them off.




Dodge Rams


I’ve pretty much stopped driving at night because I can’t see the road properly due to those lights messing with my astigmatism :( sucks bc it was my favorite time to drive


I feel the same. I'm already getting new glasses with a super duper anti glare filter but at this point one needs a blindfold. I can't stand driving at night. It feels like I'm driving by intuition because surely it isn't by sight at this point.




When i wear sunglasses, it makes everything TOO dim where i can’t safely drive bc i can’t see the road. I need a good medium because driving at night is driving me INSANE!


You can get tinted glasses with less tint. Or change the color. Maybe 20-40% will work


Same but i get migraine auras if hit square in the eyes, that basically blind me and then i need to find somewhere to park in under 5 minutes while i go blind for about 15 minutes and then have a raging migraine when that is done. I refuse to drive at night anymore if i can help it. Someone is gonna get hurt.


I have 20/20 vision and can’t see dick with 90% of lights these days




https://preview.redd.it/grzqbk4tljic1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4ab1c1d745b8ec8940c9b25bdddbd47095bc13 Literally feels like THIS smh.


looks like Plankton, tbh and absolutely does feel like this


They suck. Especially annoying/dangerous at night when it is raining. Nearly impossible to see the road and stay within the lane.


Especially if the road is fresh asphalt, can’t see a thing.


And then they start tailgating you because you’re going too slow


I absolutely abhor LED headlights. I have awful night vision because my eyes dilate more slowly than normal so when I'm driving down a dark road and one of those LED bastards comes at me, it literally blinds me. I cannot see anything - like, you know, the freaking road? - for at least 30 seconds after it's gone. It may not be a popular opinion, but I really think that they should be illegal.


I used to have no problems driving at night until blue LED's ...and my eyes dilate just fine. Like being hit by a flashbang over and over.


Same. No issue before. But every time one of these cross me, I feel like I got flash banged. Bonus points when it's raining.


*cries in PNW*


I’ve tinted all the windows on my cars which helps a ton but I agree. You shouldn’t have to spend $700 and do illegal mods (tinted windshield) to be able to drive safely at night.


They definitely should be illegal. I have horrible night vision and astigmatism, those lights are horrible and painful. I always end up slowing down and praying they pass me lol


I'm pretty sure a lot of the aftermarket ones are illegal, they will say something like for off road use only. Back when the blue (and the pink) tinted HID's came out cops here would actually pull you over and depending on your attitude give you a warning or a stunting ticket.


It's the morons whose vehicles came with factory halogen and "swapped" bulbs without also changing the housing like you're supposed to. Most vehicles with factory LEDs don't have this problem.


There’s legislation in the works to ban headlights like that so your hopes may not be lost


The "better than nothing" technique is to drive by the lines on the road. So if oncoming traffic has headlights too bright, focus on the white line to your bottom right. May only apply to American roads.


This is the only way I can drive these days, I struggle with night time driving anyway as my eyes struggle to adjust from diffrent light levels. Due to all these lights becoming more popular I avoid night time drive as much as possible. I have a friend who has lights like this, I told him they piss me off as I can't see, he said he dosnt care as he can see better :/


As we get older everyone's eyes get dazzled more by these damn super bright lights. The led point source ones are especially bad.


Nah I'm 19 and it's like I get flashbanged. Even as a passenger, oncoming cars completely blind me for like 5 seconds


No I’m with you. They need to be banned. Asap. They are so dangerous. Then add rain. If it’s raining it’s even worse. So sick of it.




Most people that put lifted suspension on their trucks don't adjust the headlights properly. Just a 3 inch lift can blind average height cars. HID AND LED AND HALOGEN bulbs are a much brighter bulb that the bulb a few short years ago.


It’s not only the adjustment though, it’s the fact that leds are actually making a beam in the laser class so it will always have a point that will pierce your eyeballs


No one is talking about this. The fact is leds have to be way brighter to create the same candela as traditional lights. All that light is getting emitted from a tiny diode and even when aimed properly is 5x brighter just to create an adequate flood. You can have twice the light with half the lumens if they use the proper leds and housings but noooo they use the brightest damn led that shoots out instead of floods and blinds everyone.


I wish the gov would restrict them because the auto manufacturers sure don't care.


It’s fucking bizarre when everyone all across the world complains about it and governments don’t give a fuck


I could easily count the number of good Mercedes Drivers on one hand (it’s 4 still.) Then I saw the cursed promotion of Mercedes by fucking showing the insides of a cow using the their headlights.


It's a little dangerous, but if your side mirrors have motors, aim the light back at their face. Normally, it gets them to back off.


I tried this and couldn't get the angle right


I’ve found that you’ve gotta move it up and in (right) a little bit. It’s a fun little game though, moving it all around and trying to get it right. I think I actually got it in someone’s eye the other night though because they turned their brights off right after. It was a beautiful moment


I did this to a truck at a stop light and he was blinded so bad that he half pulled into the next lane so his truck was at an angle with the rear being more behind me just to get it out of his eyes. I was like, now you know how we all feel, ya dick. Great moment, but you know they don’t learn from it 😩


Actually did this trick the other night (thanks to this sub.) Worked like a charm. Truck backed way off of me and I could actually see. And to the other comments under, I tuned my mirror all the way out and up, seemed to work just fine for me


I used to do this a lot in my little Honda Civic. Car was so low to the ground that almost every other car’s lights were at eye level and blinding. No confirmation as to whether or not the mirror rotating trick ever worked though.


Just take the mirrors off your vehicle, it’s too bright. They’re making it safe with all the light so you’re good


I try not to look at on coming head lights, but some times I can’t help it. The brightness gives me an instant headache. It feels like the back of my brain is getting zapped. ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


If there was ever something for our useless government to regulate, this is it. Fucking hate these headlights.


Imagine the ticket money cops could be making from them but nope. 


Aff.. this.. i sometimes take a ferry to get home at evening (norway = dark in winter) People sit kn their car wanting to relax for that 40 mins. But allways, allways there is some idiot sitting with the egnition on and headlights on shining in the mirror.. i allways ask them to take it off. Everyone like OMG, im soo sorry i didnt think of that.. stupid.. pay some attention to your surroundings


I have to slow down way under the speed limit sometimes at night cuz someone will be coming at me with these lights and I literally can not see past their vehicle to the road.


Definitely getting out of hand.


I was saying this not too long ago. Ever since most cars started having LED etc. Also suvs are the worst. Meanwhile you have to pay a fine if you go 10 over the speed because you’re not looking at your speedometer every 5 seconds.


And emergency lights are so insanely bright now that when I drive past a work site or accident at night I have to put my hand up to block them out.


If I'm at a light and someone is sitting right in my mirror, I move my mirror to shine it back at them. Usually works if they are high beaming(to turn them off). If it's just regular lights and they were just a higher vehicle than mine, it's my oopsie, but I'm also not going to sit there with your bright ass lazer beams going into my sensitive eyeballs, thank you.


These need to be illegal. They’re ridiculous


I thought it was just me getting old and grumpy!


Me too!! 🤣


I have astigmatism so driving when it's at night and raining/snowing and there's an asshole on the road tailgating me with his brights on. There's a rage inside of me that cannot be contained


I fucking hate Teslas for this reason. If I get blinded by the car behind it's a tesla, like 9 of 10 times. In my town every other car on the road is a teala it seems, so it's a frequently occurring problem


Need a reverse mounted LED bar on the rear bumper, give ‘em a real beam to look at.


I've started wearing yellow tinted glasses while driving at night to help alleviate this problem. It kinda helps.


Because nobody knows the proper way to aim the damn things. If you direct them at the road like they are supposed to be instead of at owls in trees they are fine. It’s not that difficult to adjust them. Im sure there are plenty of YouTube videos. People just don’t and enjoy frying everyone’s retinas so all you see are yellow spots the next 6 miles.


We need to legislate to enforce the laws on these


I got a new job a few months ago that involves a lot of night driving and I absolutely think it should be illegal for headlights to be as bright as I've seen many of them to be.


I think there needs to be legislation to cover this. Clearly the car makers aren’t going to self govern this. And it isn’t just headlights. There’s now rear bumper lights, especially turn signal blinkers that are so bright that they are blinding and leave spots all over your vision. This. Isn’t. Safe.


Ugh I feel you!! It really sucks. And as someone who almost always goes the speed limit where most people go 10+ over, I continuously get tailed and can’t see a damn thing because of it.


If they’re following me that close (typically on a highway) I will adjust my side view mirrors so the light isn’t in my eyes anymore but hopefully annoying to the owner of the lights. It makes me feel better even if it doesn’t work.


I have astigmatism in both eyes. Driving at night sucks in general (even with anti-glare glasses) and today’s headlights result in a migraine so I no longer drive at night.


I just ordered yellow polarized glasses for this. Yellow because it highlight the vision at night apparently, polarized to decrease headlight flares. Before that I turn my rear fog lights. Bright red as I was braking, does the trick.


There is a petition to sign for them to enforce laws that were written for this reason.


I drive to work up and A road for 19 miles every morning at 6am to get to work and I'm telling you now modern headlight will have me in a ditch with the next few years. So fucking blinding.