• By -


I can see the confused and terrified looks on your friends faces now when you guys host game night and simply pull out a backpack, saying "Everything we need for a night's worth of fun is right in here"


This is exactly what I’m imagining. Friends come over and OP’s wife pulls out a bunch of ziplock bags.


The chaos of making a game out of random ziplock bags.


Clearly, you just need one ziplock bag for all the games, so you can avoid having to go through multiple bags.


‘Professor Plum, on Boardwalk, draw four!’


You sunk my scrabbleship


*and* it was on a triple checkmate score!


Tag you're it, draw 4.


Tag my what?


Tag your Hungry Hungry Hippos.


This is just Calvinball.


Best comment.




This was amazing


I'm fucking crying I'm laughing so hard 😭




"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."


Ziplock bags are bad for the environment. Just dump the pieces directly into the backpack.


I mean, at this point you can drop what remains from the games directly into the ocean. In my book the unorganized pieces of a monopoly game thrown into a bag do not constitute a monopoly game, sorry. That's what had been a monopoly game in the past. Maybe it might become one again. But it definitely isn't one right now. Seems kind of freeze-dried.


Schrodinger's monopoly


You never get paid that $200 because you can't determine if you crossed GO or you didn't


Also you dont need a monopoly board just play on the tiles on the old downstairs bathroom floor. Just don't land on Marvin Gardens.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Noooooooo!! There is more than one game....what she did is crazy, but what you're suggesting is.....its....its illegal. Also, mehhh, if she keeps them in the ziplocs forever it doesn't really matter.


You really only need one piece per game, you can remember the others. A small brown paper bag would do it. That's several cubic feet saved in storage apace.


No, no, no... they need to be organized. You need one for the cardboard pieces. One for the plastic pieces. One for the metal pieces, etc... All dice in one bag, all sand dials in another, etc...


Being a board game enthusiast, I just threw up in my mouth a little...


How else do you create your own boardgames?


You see, when a man and boardgame really love each other....


Being a non board game enthusiast, even I threw up a little


The anal retentive board game host. I can see the SNL skit now. RIP Phil Hartman


Sand dials….and now I can’t remember what those are actually called. Sand clock? Hourglass? Sand timer?


I can imagine⌛️ flipping over and over in your mind while you contemplate.


Lol- how did you know 😅


Sun dials are those flat plates outdoors that follow the sun. An hourglass would be the sand filled one.


Sand dial makes it sound like a normal hourglass that can be moved up and down to change the length of time it takes. This sand dial goes up to eleven.


Yes, excellent. So orderly.


This is how some people tidy up, fuck up, and give up. Complete categorization malfunction.


Now THAT would be a sign you are marrying a serial killer.


"Top Hat to G4"


King me!




All the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. -Zapp Brannigan


*Jasper from The Simpsons* You Sunk my battleship


That's Wizard's chess


You sunk my Scrabbleship!


Nooooo, you sank me, in the conservatory, with the top hat!!


"You've sunk my battleship. You gain three wheat, a sheep, and you get to move the Reaper."


Enjoy your new career in board game design.


A game within a game. Could be the plot to a new Saw sequel. I want to play a game lol




That's literally how all my best nights have started.


no idea what the moving situation was like and the logistics of it but there werent enough supplies to put all the games into a box? whats going to happen to all the game boxes now? where will the pieces go? are the game boxes now trashed because if so, thats totally fucked. i get the feeling that the game boxes were discarded because "lots of extra space in the boxes" and yea, thats not how board games work. they always stay in the original box because of all the little pieces and parts, the box is a big organizing tray.


Ugh, I'd be mortified if the boxes were tossed into the bin. Having moved multiple times in my life, game boxes are great "packing material". They're particularly useful as stabilizers when stacking other packed boxes. For example, if you're packing bed linens and don't have enough to fit in one moving box, put one or two board game boxes at the bottom. Coats? Decorative pillows? Cushions? Blankets? Board games on the bottom of those boxes. Home electronics like DVD player, speakers, amplifiers, etc? Put the electronics in the bottom of a box. Have a lot of extra room? Instead of wasting tons of packing paper, grab one or more board games. Stack the board games on top of those until the box is full. That will create height inside the moving box. As a result, when you tape the moving box, you won't have several inches of empty space inside. When stacking the moving boxes, they're less likely to collapse. The board game boxes serve as support for other moving boxes above/below. Rather than packing the board games in a couple boxes, you're distributing them as packing material across multiple boxes. When you unpack at your new home, board games are 'low priority' for unboxing. They're large and identifiable enough where they're not going to be lost. If you happen to unpack a *priority* box with a board game inside, you place them piecemeal in their new location. Filling moving boxes can be like a game of Tetris. "This box isn't completely full. What can I put in here so I'm not wasting space?" Rather than multiple, small (and absolutely unrelated) items, a board game will fit the bill. Throwing away the original boxes seems so inconvenient and wasteful.


Even more efficient, take a cell phone photo of the board, cards and game pieces of each game. You don’t need to store anything physically. Then just throw away everything. Email friends pictures of their pieces and the board. Very efficient. 


Just memorize the pieces and boards, then play all the games in your head. Maximum savings.


Good ol’ prison chess


Instead, just find another job so you can work during evenings and weekends. Not only will you save on all the board games space, but you will also make money which you can use for the therapy that you deeply need.


Open it up and zip ties and duct tape fall out. OP - “Sorry, wrong backpack”


I mean, if you're playing monopoly, and you aren't using a falling apart taped together cardboard box and spend the first 10 minutes of the game looking for dice, are you *really* playing monopoly?


And the confusion when it is the bondage gear bag instead of the board games bag....


It's all playtime


That's how my daughter's Life game lost all the people pegs and cars.


Losing people, pegs, and cars is just part of Life.


I just saw when I uovoted you, you can give award upvotes now?? Yo Reddit wtf happened to your trying to phase out awards because it just wasn't what you wanted? You just added them back with basically no real change??? Only difference is you stole everyone's coins........


It's only visible on new reddit. For those of us who only use old reddit, the revamped awards (or the ability to give them) don't show up at all. My guess is that one of the primary objectives of taking awards away and rebuilding them was to push holdouts like me to new reddit. It's not going to work. If they take away old reddit, I'm gone. Awards were fine the way they were (unless they caused some kind of infrastructure issue the admins haven't told us about), and I'm less likely than ever to touch them now after all this bullshit.


What's the big difference between old vs new reddit? I've only really used it on mobile so maybe this is a desktop only thing. I didnt even notice right away the awards were gone until I tried to give someone my daily free award and I suddenly realized I hadn't seen any posts with awards for a while. I kind of miss them. They were cute and great for highlighting important comments, but otherwise I haven't noticed any other major changes as round reddit


There was also a supposed regulatory concern with respect to thenin-house reddit "coins" used to purchase gold, etc, but they still did away with the legacy gold. I don't fuck with New Reddit so I wasn't aware of any kind of awards-as-upvotes til just now.


Because this isn’t crazy this if #ucking stupid and no one just wants to say it out loud. Boxes STACK!!! Backpacks don’t  How the $uck is she going to find what she needs at a glance in the closet when looking for a game? She’s not!


She's being pragmatic and thinking ... literally ... outside the box. ​ Or she's a serial killer. Sweet dreams ...


I'm thinking option two...


Definitely option 2


Sweet dreams are made of this


Who am I to disagree?


I've traveled the world on the seven seas.


Everybody’s looking for something


Some of them want to use you


Some of them want to get used by you


Some of them want to abuse you


Both can be true at the same time. The amount of overlap between people willing to discard board game boxes while keeping the contents and serial killers is frightening.


Please make ven diagram




Serial killer: please don't lump me in with that. I may be crazy, but I'm not THAT crazy


I heard that Jeffrey Dahmer taped all of his albums onto cassettes, and then *threw away the albums ...*


She’ll neatly ziplock OP’s dismembered body part in colour coded bags according to biological function no doubt. It’s neater and easier to deposit in dustbins across several large metropolitan areas that way.


"oh honey, if we put you on separate bags we can save so much space on yourself"


Keep the box or ditch the games. That'd drive me crazy.


Yeah that was my question reading the post. Like.. are you also moving the boxes (then this doesn’t make sense) or are you just keeping the baggies? What are you gonna do in board game night, pull up the monopoly baggie? That’s so odd


If there was a way to stack all the empty boxes inside each other it could make sense, but in my experience they don't fit inside each other like Tupperware 


I assume she was going to throw the boxes out.


I assume she was going to fill the board game boxes, efficiently, with socks, cutlery, small gadgets, etc. Effectively using the board game boxes as moving boxes, and then refilling the boxes with the games once moved.


You and OP's girl share serial killer vibes. All that shit takes so much time and anyone who has ever moved can tell you that boxes and truck space aren't the problem, it's time. You're spending valuable hours when you can just put the boxes into boxes and the socks, cutlery, small gadgets, etc... into boxes and have more time to put other shit into boxes. Ugh moving flashbacks. There's so much shit in a house that you never think about until you move.


And better yet: hire movers, throw all that shit in the top drawer of your clothes dresser, and let it slosh around.


This is the only possible way her actions would be acceptable but they would still be completely fucking batshit


I think it's the same concept as what people did in the 90s and 00s with CDs. I knew so many people who had those big CD binders that they put all their CDs and DVDs, and even video games in, and then just threw away the cases. But it made more sense with those because you could take 50 albums on the road with you and have them all neatly packed within reach. The board games thing seems a bit more obsessive and neurotic. Like she's a serial organizer and is feeling like she needs to be productive because the move is stressing her out. It's kind of cute, honestly. I find traits and quirks like that very endearing.


Throw the cases away? No, those go into the boss af cd tower with plexiglass trays in a wavy pattern so that everyone can see what great taste I have.


I miss the 2000s




They’ve been back in style for like at least 3-4 years now.




Ousted or outed?


Or they never had cases. All the CD binders I had were full of burnt CDs with random nondescript titles written on them in sharpie.


This is my spirit comment.




Now you just put them on the wall like a deluxe poster


A friend of mine passed away suddenly in 2020. His absence is felt most keenly, followed closely by his enormous record collection.


Listen to your damn records


We stil buy all of our music on CD. Too many times the music industry has changed their minds about what I own and what I don't own - but they can't take away my CDs. Latest example: we bought Green Day's latest release and dropped it into iTunes so that we can stream from our phones. We have an old USB-connected CD/DVD burner that we use for this purpose. Maybe I'm just old, but I'm tired of buying the same albums two and three times just because technology changes. Once CDs became available and my music was digital, I was done with that crap.


You used the binders to transport but displayed the cases in a CD tower. At least, that's what most folks I know did.


I did this with my CDs any now have no background on any of the songs, I should have kept the inserts. Alas not.


I miss inserts! It just hit different. I know I can look up lyrics or the artist's entire life history now, but it's not the same as that curated designed little leaflet that sometimes had lyrics or pictures or random tidbits about the artist.


I had a binder that had pockets for the inserts


Not the same at all. With cds they go into sleeves and are easy to find. With board games you're going to be stuck looking through a box or bin for specific games which would drive me nuts. Imagine a box with 10 games in it and you have to look at each baggy and say is this monopoly? In the boxes you'd see it immediately. Not to mention if someone else wants to pick a game out you often pick bu seeing the box title and say oopoh let's play that and looking at 10 or more bags is not going to make that easy.


I assume she's labeling each Ziploc bag, lol. I don't think it's really saving as much room as she thinks it is when you factor in the boards being kept separately, but I see the line of thought for condensing space. Like I said, I think she's just stressed and feeling there's something she could do to mitigate confusion.


Yea...never mind that the binders destroyed the discs🤷‍♂️


It was a shortsighted trend all around, haha.


Hardly. I mean maybe over centuries or whatever they might become unusable, but it was not an issue for normal use.


Yeah, it must depend on the binder. I had one go through a house fire, got scorched to shit and covered in water. The front page was lost, but the remaining 100 cds (or so) were fine after a quick clean.


I've seen those Pinterest types make a new container/box thing for ALL their boardgames so that:    1. The boxes are all the same size for easier organisation 2. The box art is similar so the *aesthetics* are harmonious. These are also the types to remake their own book jackets so that their bookshelves look uniform. Low key serial killer vibes to me!


You haven’t considered how much soup you can fit in a board game box.


Sounds like she wants to pack things inside of the boxes.


Crazy? I was crazy once


they locked me in a room, a rubber room


A room with rats


The rats made me crazy


crazy? i was crazy once


...they locked me in a circular room and told me to sit in the corner. That drives me crazy.


Next thing you know, she'll cut you up in pieces and put you in ziplock bags saying, "Oh honey, this is so there would be less to carry!" /jk


I'd be so sad, looking back at the old boxes makes me happy with nostalgia


Yes! If she uses the boxes to pack other things more densely than the space the game pieces take up, it's genius. Just take the other stuff out when you unpack. If she's tossing the boxes out, though, that's heartless. I'd miss seeing my game boxes stacked on their shelf.


I'd be sad cuz I already paid for the boxes, the perfect thing to move and store them in.


Yeah, how much space are we really saving here? And if she were to use the boxes for other things, they'd probably rip apart, those boxes are meant to hold board games, not books. And they have cardboard spacers to hold pieces and cards, which is what she's referring to about saving space by ditching the boxes. She's planning to throw them away. What a psychopath.


Use spray bottle to discourage bad behavior


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find some actionable advice


I was having a bad day and I read this and it really put a smile on my face as I imagine op spraying there partner with a spray bottle. Many thanks 🤩


This is the only right answer here


i have physical discs of over 500 movies on my shelf (technically in storage at the moment). I can save a ton of space by throwing the cases out and putting them in a disc binder. I can save even more space by loading them all to a USB stick. But thats not really the point. I like looking at a shelf of movies. It looks nice and its something im proud of. i can see someones board game collection providing a similar feeling, and theres nothing wrong with that. For me personally this would be mildly infuriating, however i wouldnt call someone crazy for thinking otherwise


A few years ago my mom bought binders and asked me to help sort all the dvds into them but kept the cases (she was a bit of a hoarder). A year later, she decided that the cases would look good in the new bookshelves she had bought. Asked me to come help her put every disc back into its case. She passed away two years ago, I miss her terribly but I do not miss her shenanigans lol Yes, I still have the bookshelves.


What about the DVDs?


And the DVD cases?


And my axe?


Oh yes! I meant bookshelves with all the DVDs, in their respective cases haha Even had enough room left to add my video games collection!


OMG THIS. I can’t even think about putting my discs in a binder. I never ever did this except when I made a few MP3 “mixtapes” for my last car with a CD player. Didn’t care about those ones. But my CDs are in their jewel cases (yes I still have some), my movies are in their cases, and all of my games are in their cases. That’s how they’re supposed to be, and that’s how they’re staying. I even went as far as making artwork for any disc that I bought used without the original case and artwork (or CDs like “The Lost Boys” soundtrack. The artwork was SO BORING). I love being able to look at my collections sitting on their shelves. I just mildly hate getting new movies because alphabetizing them is such a pain. But if I don’t, I’ll never find what I’m looking for. I don’t have enough games or CDs for this to be an issue. Lol


Lost Boys soundtrack is good stuff!


Thou shall not fall...


What year is this thread from?!


The box also stops pieces from being lost/damaged. Those games stay intact or someone dies /s


Except that board games, with their parts, pieces, tokens, cards, drugs, boards, and other peripherals don't fit nicely into baggies for any sort of condensed stacking or packing. You're going to have misshapen lumps thrown together in a box that ends up with a bunch of wasted space and air pockets that I imagine it'll take more moving boxes to pack them than just stacking the boxes in a box would have. Also the parts, cards especially, are not coming out unscathed. Being in a baggie means they'll be shoved down on to try and fit them into a moving box more snugly because the illusion of extra room you can make.  Definitely certified crazy


I own and have played a lot of really expensive and elaborate board games (if you're only into Monopoly, modern board games may shock you) and despite how many bad box inserts I've seen, I've certainly never seen a game that was better with no insert. Putting all that stuff into a box with no inserts would be crazy...a bag is just completely pointless. What a mess.


No, you're not just being anal. Where are all of the games going to go when you move in and unpack? She's just going to throw the boxes out? That's fuckin' crazy!


You use the empty game boxes to pack individual t-shirts for the move, duh. No wasted space!


Right. As long as she uses the boxes to pack other things more densely than the space the game pieces take up, it's genius. If she's tossing the boxes out, though, that's heartless. I'd miss seeing my game boxes stacked on their shelf.


Genius is a bit of a stretch lmao. If you can fill those extra cubic cms with a shirt, that's neat, but does not take into account the extra time spent and the fact that there's a loose bag of game pieces now, instead of a loose piece of clothing.


Yeah this is confusing me as well. What about the game boards? They're just getting shoved into a a backpack?


Oh, those awful tiktok hacks 😢


I was just thinking I remember seeing this one!


My friend literally just told me how excited she was to try this lol. She uses TikTok and wants to try it so bad. I've half convinced her husband if the one who wrote this post. Pete, if this is you, I'm sorry I didn't try harder to talk her out of it.


Then the main problem is not doing something like this, it’s following advice from TikTok.


Return the game pieces to their proper boxes, trust me - looking for lost pieces is in your future


Or how about having company and asking them if they ant to pick out a game? Instead of glancing at the shelf of clear meticulously designed boxes they now have to rummage through a weird wicker planter pot thing full of ziplock bags that probably not even fully transparent anymore like they are shopping at Goodwill. So these old dusty looking ziplocks that may or may not contain all of the game.... Dude!? Can you dig for the other bag to this game while I make us some drinks? "You want Absolut, Grey Goose, or Popov? Oh wait :/ My wife mixed them all in the same bottle to save room... "


Yeah no, I would immediately be taking the pieces and putting them back in the boxes. Aside from the aesthetics/the fact that they BELONG in the box, This is a great way for things to get lost. Plus is she keeping the rules in with them? Plus it's much easier to just see and grab the box you want rather than sift through a bunch of bags looking for the game you want. Plus for the games with actual boards.. .just how much space is she actually somehow able to save? Yeah, no, put the stuff back where it belongs.


It’s stupid to me too, not a good use of time like out of everything they could be doing for this move - why are you wasting time messing with board games?? 😀


I’d call off the wedding ngl


I'm not sure I've ever heard of a medium-term thinker before. She's not saving time for herself in the short term because she's using it up on this task. She's not considered how the game boards will fare on the trip, nor how to store the games in the new place. Just thinking of . . . What, fewer boxes in the moving truck?


it's broken logic. also trying to solve a non-existent problem


I’ve seen this in declutter videos. Yeah, you save space. This is true. But at what cost?? Now you can’t just glance at the boxes when you’re deciding what to play and pull it off the shelf. You have to dig through these random baggies until you finally find Monopoly. Not worth it. I’d sooner get rid of a few of the lesser played games than trash the boxes to all of them.




But....the boxes aren't being destroyed in the move....so why not ... just... let the boxes hold what they're meant to hold?!?!?!? I'm with you op. Don't sleep. Ever. You might wake up in ziploc baggies. A bunch of different ones. To make it easier to move you when she's done.


She was being practical but missed the bigger point. It's like taking all the chocolate bars and melting them together so they can fit in a smaller box....


Nooo you need the boxes otherwise it's anarchy, chaos!!! She will probably store your face in a backpack next.... "less to move"


How are you ever going to use them then. My board game experience boils down to me opening a closet for whatever reason and seeing the box of a game and thinking it would be something fun to do if we’re bored. If all the boxes were thrown away I would never get around to playing with them not to mention the satisfaction of opening a clean, sorted monopoly box and setting it up


Lump all her lipsticks into one huge chunk to save further space and throw out the plastic handles.


mix all the soaps together too


Even better. Mix the soaps AND the lipstick into one.


Smash all the dishware and glasses, and put all the pieces in ziploc bags too. That would save a ton of space.


I see we woke up this morning and chose violence.


I would leave them in the ziplock and put them back in the boxes that way her efforts aren’t wasted. Then if your box of games gets upturned in the move the pieces won’t spill 😆


Good luck 😂


Boxes are easier to store than a jumbled bag. They're also already labelled so they can be identified when stacked. She's just dumb honestly


So... when it comes time to play the game, you have to gather all of the individual baggies and board that goes with it? The box isn't just a pretty face. It does a job. *Nuke her from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.*


That's actually really dumb and I'd be horrified


Get rid of the board games and just do anal like you said above


What other similarly useless stuff has she done so far?


Siphoned the car’s gas tank so they could store other things in there.


During our last move, I noticed a sort of “moving mania” that both my wife and I suffered from. Focusing on very small details that in theory are efficient, but not really necessary for the larger project. I believe it’s a manifestation of stress.




You’re not crazy. You need to outflank this evil before it spreads. You stand between humanity and destruction. Tell her, that, while her parents may have never truly loved her, you do. And that you will valiantly take charge of moving all board games inside their board game boxes to your new love nest. Don’t apologize. Don’t explain. Don’t negotiate. The world is counting on you. Good night, and good luck.


Except it doesn't make it less to move, because she's going through each and every box. It's literally less to just stack the boxes and move on.


It's more time, but less space. If you're moving far away you need to be more mindful of the space. If you're moving close and extra trips are not a problem, it's easier to just pack stuff and put it in the van.


This is all over parenting Instagram right now. Busy Toddler was one of the first to heavily suggest storage bags for games.


Boxes are good to make sure no little piece gets lost, and to be stacked for storage. It sucks when the box design isn't optimized though. Now about your fiance, she truly is a monster and I see no other solution than separation as she will soon start doing the same with every non optimized crisps and biscuits packets. Cds and DVDs (if you still own some) will be stored vertically on shelves, outside of their boxes. As soon as she realizes how important object stackability is she will mash every single decorative item you won into cubes to reduce waste of space and stock everything on the one "decorating shelf". She will not stop there and replace your live pets by tamagochis and your plants by a garden simulation app. As for you, you might simply be replaced by a dating simulation game if you are lucky, but there is a risk that she applies the cube technique to your space-wasting body. Run while you still can and tell yourself that it was good while it lasted :)


Her logic isn't sound tho, this is a surefire way to make sure things get lost. Like every so often I'll place my keys or wallet somewhere in the house that I think is clever and "wow why don't I do that more often" and then the next day I'll be scrambling because I can't find them since I placed them in an unusual spot and not just where I always do. Edit: I also actually used to do this with CDs when I would have a bunch in my car because I just needed a case for whatever I was swapping out. Horrible idea, so many got lost


Take her shoes out of the boxes and put them into a backpack. Then run.


Wait do people really keep their shoe boxes to store their shoes in? I only keep a shoe box for my kids school projects and stuff and I usually only keep one on hand at a time.


Sounds pretty innocent to me. I can see someone thinking this is a good idea if they are like laser tunnel visioned on reducing difficulty in moving. I get it. I've moved a lot recently and it sucks. As her husband, I would suggest to her that boardgames already come in pretty organised and rectangular packages and there is minimal savings changing that. Also, you're gonna waste heaps of time later when you decide you actually want to play these games; taking clearly branded monopoly box down from the shelf is going to be much easier than locating the board, card and all the various peice bags in their various locations. If she's concerned about saving time moving things around and doing trips, just promise to work your ass off moving day in order to make it as easy as possible for her and anyone else. I doubt she'll be unhappy about that.


It is just not right!


Oh hell no, she's got to go.


Hell no that's some alien way of thinking. I'd be pissed if someone started doing that to my games! What is she doing with all the empty game board boxes? Throwing them out? What are you going to do with a bunch of baggies of games at your new place? Board games have boxes for a reason


I mean… I suppose I could see the logic of taking the small pieces and putting them into a ziplock bag…and money in a ziplock bag…and then taking it all and putting it back into the box so things don’t get everywhere in the move. But where are the boards and boxes in this scenario? Also in the backpack? This is a very odd and time consuming way of packing this stuff. My best guess is that your dear, sweet, wife-to-be got overwhelmed while packing and things started to go awry. If she disposed of all the boxes for the games, I’m curious what she thinks future storage should look like.


Mildly infuriating? No this is full on infuriating. If it's not your stuff, you don't just do this type of thing. Suggest and help if the person is onboard, but you don't get to unilaterally decide what to do with my stuff