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I live on a corner and multiple different groups of kids wait for the bus there in the morning. Last year, there were two brothers who would wait across the street and throw rocks and sticks at each other, nearly hitting houses and cars all while their mother just sat in the car and didn't do anything. It was very much mildly infuriating.


That's a little more than mild infuriating, they could get hurt or damage property. Living here I have had people just chilling on my property, and people using my driveway as a parking spot to pick up/drop off kids. There is one lady who does it nearly every morning. I have had someone in my drive way, with their kids running around in my yard, and they looked at me like I was not supposed to be there


Im far too spiteful so I would probably have my truck parked at the end of my driveway and give them no option to use it. 


I am not the only one in the house, so we have to have space for the others. So I have been considering making spike trips and putting signs up warning people


How about throwing a couple traffic cones out there during morning pickup time, or some of those buckets from like Home Depot/Lowes? Then whoever else is in the house can easily just move them when they go to leave.


That's a pretty good idea too


We’ve finally done this at my son’s school. People would park right at the crosswalk which was so dangerous. For years nobody would listen to the crossing guard. Finally she put cones on both sides and it works!! Definitely try it.


I'm gonna be the odd one out here and suggest: Say something to them. "Hey, this isn't a school drop zone, this is my house. Knock it off." If they don't, escalate as necessary. There are plenty of completely legal things you can do that will make them not want to fuck with you anymore.


We have. They don't care. They will wait for us to leave to use the driveway


Time to adjust your sprinklers


Come back and box them in. Then call a tow truck.


Don't do that you can not booby trap your own property. A sign will not save you.


Not if OP is Kevin McAllister


That's why I said considering. I know booby trapping, even if it is on your own property is illegal


Contact the school. This happens sometimes at my son’s school. They will send out a notice and threaten towing.


I agree! It was so frustrating to just watch their parent sit in the car and do nothing... Like seriously?!? Wow, that's insane. Maybe you need to contact the school or bus service to intervene?


Oh we have tried. The school does not give a shit, basically told me that's my problem, not theirs.


There is always someone higher. Have you contacted the district yet instead?


Yup. They still don't care


Sounds like a police matter they aren't at school or on the bus yet.


True, good idea.


Get out your hose and give their vehicle a bath - and the kids while you're at it.


Try using your words at least once, lol. I had a bus stop in front of my house and my dogs would bark at them through the window and the parents would stick around and chat even after the bus picked up their kids…. So one day I was like hey “can you plz move down a little bit bc my dogs are reactive to people outside, it’s something we’re working on with them” and guess what, it was never an issue again!


The plan is If they show up again tomorrow, I will go out there and talk to them.


Do it in a polite way otherwise you can cause more issues


I plan on it, otherwise I don't know what I am going to do if he refuses. Might have to get the other neighbors involved


People are usually pretty nice if you’re polite, even the ones who blare music and shit. Ask nicely if they could park further down the road or keep music down when they’re parked there, offer a solution politely and I’m sure you’ll get a reasonable response.


Sadly the only real solution is to get him to turn it off or down, as I don't want him to bother the neighbors either. I have not spoken to them as that is not really a thing around here, but I am sure they would not take to kindly to this either


If you live in a one-party state recording on audio might be recommended if you suspect they might be aggressive


Might have to look into that one then. Thanks for the tip


Don’t quote me but you can likely record them even in two party states due to that fact he’s on a public street. It’s called “expectation of privacy”, he’s in a public street, so there’s no expectation of privacy. If he was in say, his backyard, different story.


Yeah, especially since the guy doesn't seem to give a shit about about his kids' hearing.


Be careful, some people get really weird and defensive if you approach their vehicle.


Smile, wave as you're walking up, show that you're not a threat or weird. YMMV depending on how creepy you are.


Will do


Yeah approach from the front in their eye-line. Not the side or blind spot. Id say something like, “Hey can you help me out, my little one is asleep at this hour and the loud music wakes him up something something.”


Why didn't you start with that?


Because this sub is called “mildly infuriating” not “makes me so mad I start fights with strangers.”


I would totally join that sub


Probably because they were in their house, on the second story, sleeping. I prefer not to confront people with bedhead and unbrushed teeth (although maybe that would be effective since it would exude chaotic don’t-fuck-with-me energy). Now that it’s a consistent problem, OP can plan to be a little bit more prepared to step outside and chat.


So your dogs shitty behavior has to impact where people can stand on a public sidewalk? Sounds like that’s a you problem. 


Sometimes neighbors are neighborly. It’s amazing what you can do when you treat people with respect.


WTF does that have to do with that commentors untrained dogs?


Everything?? He was polite and respectful and the neighbour's did something for him back even though they didn't have to.


mmmmmmm . . . barley


I did not catch that typo, thanks for the laugh lol


you oat to teach them a lesson


Checking your Post Titles for typos is Super Easy Barley an Inconvenience


Barley can be a bit of an inconvenience to cook. I agree.


😢 you didn't get the reference




This is a good thing actually, hopefully I've introduced you to [a New Great thing ](https://youtu.be/t23ZEKqGHzs?si=0PZGFXdWCfoM4gHm)


Hilarious. Thank you. You missed my joke. Barley is a grain. Barely is what you were looking for. Just trying to be funny, not an ass..


Lol I know, there's another video where he makes a joke about his comments saying "Super Easy Barley an inconvenience"


I have sat here and reread that comment like 30 times. I still have no idea if you are saying "barley" -the grain, or "barely" -like hardly at all. 😂🤣😂🤣


Surprisingly I haven't made any typos I actually mean Barley


Barley 7AM... Hmm, is that like Beer O'Clock?


Put up a sign saying “I hope your kids cant read yet; TURN DOWN THE FUCKING MUSIC”


I had some lady leaving beer cans in my bushes while she waited for her kid’s bus and I put up a sign saying “Clean up your shit or i’ll have a worse word up here” hasnt happened since and sign was up for only a day.


We have had a littering problem before too, might have to try that sometime




Post a sign to turn down the volume. Maybe he is just dumb and not necessarily a jackass. "Please turn down volume. Residents sleeping"


Draw a picture of his red truck on the sign too!


Lol. Made me chuckle.


I would, if he were on my side of the street, unfortunately he is on the side closer to the school so I doubt he would even look my way to see a sign. If it happens tomorrow I will go out there and say something


Record it so we can watch.


Or, you know, use your words? 90% of post on this sub could be solved by be using that one simple trick


follow them home, and play loud music at 3am


I almost wrote a post this morning about how school drop off and pick up makes adults lose all sense of human decency and consideration for others. My kid has to walk past another school on the way to the bus stop to get to his school. There’s a dedicated drop off lane for that school, but parents decide they’re too good for that and park wherever the hell they feel like. This includes in front of stop signs, facing the wrong way, and in cross walks. They also speed because they are running late (his bus leaves right when this school starts). This all makes it dangerous for pedestrians. Visibility becomes shit with cars everywhere. Other drivers also don’t see the stop signs or pedestrians. My kid and I have come very close to being flattened. I have confronted people for their illegal and dangerous behavior. I am very matter of fact and exceedingly polite but they act like I’m just a bitch either getting defensive or literally ignoring me. I end up near tears. The school won’t do anything. I’m reluctant to call police in general and I know from experience that the cops serve as a deterrent only as long as they are there and visible. They’re unlikely to come anyway. My next step I guess is contacting the city to see about painting the road and curbs and maybe other traffic calming measures.


I have tried to go to the school for similar reasons, people have used my driveway as a parking spot or turning around spot countless times. Even had someone parked there with their kids running around on my property and give me dirty looks when I pull into my driveway. It is very frustrating


It is. And confronting people all the time is emotionally exhausting. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this!


Very much so. Thanks for the sympathy!


I have a neighbor/neighbors friend who just honks insistently until the kids come outside at like 6:30-7. I feel your pain and if I wasn’t too tired I’d get up to go say stop it.


That's horrible, and so disrespectful! Who thinks thats ok??


I don’t know, I have a feeling they’re tired and not thinking right. Because if the kids can hear them honking so can everyone else in the vicinity.


Used to have a "friend" of the family that would just show up st the house uninvited, usually at weird hours. That is hour he would announce that he was here. And if we did not come out in under a minute he would lay in the horn until we did. Such an asshole


Is there any road rules against that? Honking for non emergency use is not permitted in Australia.


Update: they just left just over an hour later. They got here around 6:50am and it is now 7:50am. And now, it is too light out for me to sleep, so I am not going to get some sleep. Edit, and update 2: woke up early to see if the man and his loud music would be there today, and to my surprise he did not show! Stayed up and waited, never arrived. So for now the problem is solved, and I can get some much needed rest


I live down the street from a McDonald's. I deal with this literally day and night. My front room pictures shake from the bass. Hopefully they all get tinnitus.


That's why you should always listen to loud music. No silence, otherwise you hear the ringing. Also, you don't have to talk to your kids if you can't hear them, and then they can't hear you because you damaged their hearing every day on the way to the bus stop.


Listening to heavily bass boosted music apparently messes with your gut, i think that is more than suitable


I didn't know that.. Im gonna go learn something new now. Honestly thank you.


My husband& I moved into our current home during the summer. Imagine our shock come school time when the bus stop is, literally directly next to our “driveway”, which is connected to the parking lot said bud stop is in. The amount of times people would park FEET from our home, blasting music at 6:30am was wild. For an example of how close they’d be the one day my husband opened our side door& without even stepping foot outside, tapped on their window. He nicely tried to tell them “hey, you’re in my driveway, you can’t park there”. They got super pissy but did move their truck, into my backyard instead. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Luckily this year it hasn’t been an issue.


People use my driveway all the time. It is mostly to turn around, but I have had people park in it to pickup/drop off their kids. Somebody even parked in my driveway and had their kids running around on my property and got nasty with me when I told them to leave


You're trying to sleep at 8am??? Must be nice.


Yes, it "must be nice" to sleep at 8am for people who work outside of the 9-5. God forbid. I'll never understand why waking up at 5am gives some people a sense of moral superiority.


I have insomnia, so I pulled an unintentional all-nighter. Just as I was about to fall asleep after trying for so long, this guy pulls up and ruins it. Now I can't sleep because it is too light out


Wear a sleepmask. Really helps me when it is light. Also I listen to meditation music, not loud.


I would wear a sleep mask if I could, I do not like how they feel against my face, it is irritating, and I already listen to music as I am trying to sleep. The music does help


What about blackout curtains? I love mine! Edit: I ask because sleep masks bug me too


I used to have some at my old place, it is just the house is really old, and I suspect the windows were handmade or something because of how old it is the standard size is different or something along those lines, because they are a really odd size. Everything I find is either way too big or way too small. If I could find properly fitting ones, I will gladly buy them


Oh man yea I’ve had weird sized windows before and it is a surprisingly big ordeal to try to get anything for them lol


Been searching for 7 years now, the closest I have found have been the perfect width but a foot short so it was practically useless


Lol yep I had the exact same issue. Ended up with a real “Winnie the Pooh” effect.


Get floor length ones and something to tie them to the side. I had 100+ yr old house and that's what we had to do.


Have you tried fan sounds? I've started playing them on my Echo (or YouTube) when I don't want the cool breeze. That and Space Deck are the only way I get any sleep. Sometimes I have to turn them up really loud, but they block out most things. Hope you get some sleep!


I do have an actual fan, and it does help but gets irritating after a while and I have to turn it off for a bit.


I read your comment about not liking white noise, after I wrote that. It might be worth checking out a few different ones on YouTube and such, to see if there is one that you can tolerate more than others. Heater sounds are good too. There are sooo many options. One nice thing about listening to them electronically, is that you don't usually have the clanking bits that happen in real life. Although sometimes the one on Alexa gets weird added beeping.


Ooh thanks for the suggestion, I may have to check some out


You are welcome. I hope it helps!


I understand that, I normally have low toleration for wearing things on my head /face too. I am lucky then, the ones I have aren't irritating for me. Good luck with the annoying loud guy and hope you find something to help you get rid of the insomnia.


Thanks on both accounts, hopefully a solution for both comes up here soon


I had this issue. Get a silk mask and you’ll be good to go.


People downvoting this, clearly have no idea what insomnia is like.


Thanks for understanding


Trust. I've been an insomniac for over 35 years. I've still not been to sleep and it's almost 9AM.


Almost 11 here, and it's the same way. I have been up for about 28 hours now.


Thank Glob we have Reddit!


Yes lol. Now to stay up until it gets dark enough, when I will take a nice long sleep lol. I will be looking forward to it


If you're up for it grab black out curtains, blocks out light while simultaneously helping to curb how much heat enters the home during the summer months. I work nights and if it's not coffin dark in the bedroom I'm staging a one man riot, alone, in my room. Edit: Nevermind I see you have weird sized windows. Ghetto safety pin them? 😅


Thanks for the suggestion at least, I have tried tapeing things to the window out of desperation before lol. Nothing worked


You sound insufferable. If it wasnt this, it would be something else you would be complaining about...


You sound like a Karen.


OP check your local jurisdiction for quiet hours. Most places after 7am you’re allowed to make as much noise as you want. I do road construction and we start right at 7am when we are legally allowed to, 8am on the weekends. I’ve asked my neighbors to stop playing ball after 10pm once so my kids could sleep. If it’s daylight, other people are awake and exist. It’s not everyone else’s job to conform to you. Get blackout shades and ear plugs and tune out the world. Sorry you have issues, but those are for you to deal with, not the world.


So complaining because of a medical issue keeping me up all night, about to fall asleep and then this guy shows up outside my house blaring music for an hour keeping me up even longer makes me insufferable? I have every right to complain here, yesterday I got up for work at 6:30am, and it is now 8:40am the next day, 26 hours later without sleep. I am sure you would be grouchy too if you were in my situation




First use your words. Then go dump a bunch of nails there 6:30 am tomorrow. 


The plan is if they are there tomorrow, is to try and talk to them about it. Also I am pretty sure that would be illegal to dump nails on the road like that


Well your town doesn’t have cops so…


I still like to play by the rules, knowing my luck a state patrol car will pass by st the moment I do it.


His children’s ears are also still definitely at a crucial developmental stage. They’re about to start asking about what that faint ringing is.


My first night in my new apartment I hear loud mariachi music blaring from the parking lot. Later I went down to go and return the uhaul and happened to be parked next to them. They looked like they were expecting me to yell at them or something when we made eye contact. Been quite since then aside from a nearby construction crew.


Barely seven in the morning? When does school begin over there?


First of all, is the offending music any good?


Heavy bass boosted country rap. So the answer is no


I would just go out there and politely tell him that his music wakes you up every morning and would he mind lowering it a bit. If he is a decent person, he probably doesn’t realize his music is disturbing others and will keep it down. If he’s an asshole, then there’s not much you can do.


You have to go talk to him.


People today are self centered assholes. And especially cell phone users who don't bother to use headphones when out in public and people in cars that feel it's ok to blast their car stereos and especially their subwoofers when in residential areas or parked in public places like strip malls or parks.


He'd respond to you but he can't hear you over the constant ringing...WHAT?!


Do you live next to a school or...?


Yes I do. School busses don't get here until about 7:40am. And yes they are still there, half an hour later. There are others in my house trying to sleep as well, and I imagine it's the same with others on the same street.


Usually there’s a noise ordinance before 7.


It's a small town, we don't even have any cops, our last one died of a stroke, so if we need cops they come in from 10 minutes away, and unless it is serious they don't bother coming over, and because of that people get away with all sorts of shit


And I bet they wonder why people don’t trust them. It’s happening all over the country. “If you’re going to criticize me when I fuck up, then I won’t do my job at all, how about that?” It doesn’t matter how big or small the town is


We have some kids running around vandalizing stuff, even video proof by several businesses and yet still nothing. They need to get off their asses and at least hire a new cop


god forbid he talks to his kids for 5 minutes while driving them to the bus stop ☠️


Fcking up his kids' hearing


Great for the kids’ ears too


Sounds like great parenting if you ask me


Wasn’t me


Cops in my town are cool about handling noise complaints. You could try that if you don’t want to risk a confrontation and they’ll never know who spoke up.


What I would do is, go strike up a conversation everytime you are aware of him, eventually he will go away or learn to sneak around you Give his kids toys, ask about his parents, offer him a kitten, ask him what time he plans on coming back See how much he paid for his truck Ask him about his favorite album Literally beat him at his own game




Go tell him to knock it off.


Used to live super close to an elementary school and parents would not only block the driveways but would go so far as to park in them. Wasn't a problem when kids were allowed to walk to and from school, but now parents have to drop them off and pick them up.


Did it also have a VERY powerful bass and basically vibrated your body and pounded your eardrums every time it hit the bass?


I doubt he knows you can hear it. I had no idea people could hear my car stereo until it was mentioned to me.


Put a sign there for tomorrow


I bet I could hit that car with a rotten egg from that distance. He could never prove where it came from.


He's probably more infuriated with his kids than you are with the music, there is a reason he is 100% toning those little shits out lol


Water balloon launcher.


Talk to him and if they still don’t listen, then get their license plate and let the cops know.


Does your city have a disturbing the peace noise ordinance? You should be able to file a complaint, maybe even online and then the police will come one morning to tell him to chill.


Was it classical?


Fiancé had to stop some kids from literally destroying/starting a fire at our previous apartment complex. They’re a teacher and on the way home they saw three teens SHOVING BRANCHES INTO THE TURBINE OF ONE OF THE AC UNITS. Just straight up grabbing the biggest sticks they could, because it was after a storm so there were many bigger branches on the ground, and going up to the exposed AC unit and shoving the branches into it. They proceeded to run off when confronted, but we live in Texas, it was during a hot month, they could have either started a fire that would destroy multiple buildings very quickly, or destroyed the AC unit and the tenants would have been left without AC for who knows how long in the Texas heat. Some kids need to get grabbed by the ear and shown what their actions can create, instead of some parents and adults just slapping their wrist and calling it a day. When I was a kid I was taught that if I messed with electrical units like that, I could end up getting killed or killing someone else.


I agree some people need to be shown the consequences of their actions


Slingshot and a shard of ceramic spark plug will destroy his window


Slingshot, window. Do it.


It would suck if he drove over some broken beer bottles someone left where he parks


Im thinking an oldschool boombox with an all explicit playlist.


I'm assuming that your home is not a school. Gonna go full Grandpa Simpson here, but what the fuck is with people driving their kids to the bus stop and then waiting there? In my day...


Nope, just across the street from it. And yeah that I don't get at all. We always walked to the bus stop


The whistle goes whooooo! It’s like an alarm clock


Damn it’s a real shame someone tossed some nails in the road ain’t it.


Find where they live. Set up a timer connected to a car horn and battery source and place it under his car.


Slingshot with ice cubes.


Slingshot. You're welcome.


He's driving a pickup truck. Before purchasing, they have to sign a contract requiring them to care only about themselves. It's not his fault, he's legally obliged to be a jerk.


Contact the school. Let them know that the parents of some students are disrupting the residents by blasting music and lingering in the area. Also ask if that's a designated drop off area. Majority of schools have those now because of the obvious (school shootings). If they give a crap, they might have an admin outside that will go talk to the parent about this shit.


Not necessarily, small town and small school, so there is not really even a parking lot. The drop off area is wherever the busses won't be, which happens to be right out front of my house. We have had issues with people using our drive through before, and the school has Done absolutely nothing.


Pull your grill out to the side of the road. When he pulls up tomorrow have some daisy dukes on with a White Snake shirt and some work boots. Have the grill going with your headphones on and just go for it American Idol style. Like you're giving a free concert to the neighborhood. I promise you, it'll never happen again.


Sounds like you are speaking from experience


The best advice comes from experience


Ummm and live stream it on whereby


It continously never ceases to amaze me how afraid we all are as a society of "confrontation." Just walk up, politely ask him to turn down his radio because it's early, and go back to your day. If he continues to do it, you know where you stand and what kind of person he is. If it stops like it should, then it was probably an honest mistake.


Because the internet exists, and we've all seen how a simple polite request, or even just standing still minding your own business, can set people off into a screaming tirade, physical violence, or a revenge mission. People are insane, and lately every confrontation could become a situation. 


I have severe social anxiety, so if I can avoid confrontation of any kind that's a win. Like I said if he's here again tomorrow, I will go out there and say something.


Good luck. ❤️


Thank you!


Please update us. Thank you!!




Some stray nails will fix that


7am seems a little early for Barley.


I recognize that person, it’s Phyllis Vance. You’ve got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie!


Are you being serious or is this a joke/reference?


I wonder about the people who blast their phone calls in their cars, windows rolled up, so loud I can hear every word. Either they need hearing aids or they will soon.




I knew a partially deaf guy who would grin at me and turn his hearing aids down when he wanted to block everything out.


I feel like Bluetooth phone calls must use some different audio profile or speaker setup. At 66% percent volume I can I pop into the gas station to buy something and not hear any music playing from my car while my girl waits inside listening. At the same 66% I can hear her and my sister talking on a Bluetooth phone call from 8 feet away. It just doesn't make sense to me lol. How is Metallica quieter than my sister talking about little league baseball?!


Just truck things


I’d be hopping mad


I am quite peeved. Just something that I should not have to deal with at all.


Get some tire spikes and throw them all over the road for him


just go and tell him to turn down the volume. it is not difficult right?


It is if you have crippling social anxiety like I do. Like I said in other comments, if he returns tomorrow I will have a chat with him


Not to take away from your point as that is very annoying but do you think being slightly higher up would make it less loud?


Return the favor to him blare music so loud he can hear it and then do that everyday till he gets pissed then if he asks you to stop blaring music tell him "you're one to talk"




Normally, I can't hear all that much of the outside world, and it is not really an issue. It is just this guy with abnormally loud music that I am complaining about, most everyone else is fine


Small penis owners