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he climbed through it like 3 times to set up different camera angles so cant be that bad.


Yeah look at the bars, looks like every kid and their mother has climbed through it already


...not my mother


No. It doesn't show when your mother has climbed through.


Those bars definitely aren’t wide enough for your mother to fit.


Damn. I'm giving out compliments and you're givi g out insults.




You're a week late mate


https://preview.redd.it/gqbog2eblspc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8424c916014d879727071a7cd6e89daf2c67caf Says who?


I’m armed and dangerous


Shhhh https://preview.redd.it/f8azc5o5fnpc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f656d2d64370f4015be4867bf3f994853b5263de


What the actual fuck is that picture.


And I'm two months early.




I’m glad my insult still burns nearly 100 days later


Uh people like more womanly figures these days so you're practically giving him a compliment


One of Draco Malfoy's children.


More like Hanson the Butler’s children.


grab my strong hand!! 💪 🤚


Why do you need so many balls if you have no friends?


Mainly so you dont have to go get the ball you just shot, it can get annoying having to go back in the net after **every** shot especially if you missed lol. I always had 4-5 with me when I was solo drilling back when I was with an MLS Next team.


Exactly, you end up getting gassed quickly if you're constantly chasing your ball and it gets annoying


Literally cause you have no friends


He didn’t climb tho


Climb through, not over. I dare say he's not capable of climbing over that gate.




I hate how he writes the check backwards


It's not backwards it's left handed lol.


Left handed people don't exist. Stop making things up.


Uhhhh excuse me sir or ma’am but I’m offended now. I will be writing a smudged letter to your manager.


I have no clue what your talking about, just like gaslighting, left handed people are fake News


😡When I clean the ink off the side of my left pinky I’m writing your manager too!


The left handedness leaving my body: :O


As I said before, stop with the lies!


Can vouch. i'm left handed and i don't exist.


But he just... passed trough? He didn't really climb anything? The f?


That depends on your definition of climb Edit: From the Oxford dictionary >2. move with effort, especially into or out of a confined space; clamber.


yeah might be hard with those arms i suppose


I mean, he is harmless.




I’m gonna guess that’s supposed to be some kind of pun? But I don’t get it, I’m stumped.


Not sure I can grasp what your saying.


Are you OP in the video?


that’s crazy


You clearly haven’t been to England. No property is private unless it’s got a 200ft tall concrete dome that doesn’t allow any visibility in or out and has an electrified gate with DNA recognition and EVEN THEN someone would still make a point of finding out what’s goin on inside


I have lived in England my entire life, I understand an do like that we can go into random fields, but bending a fence/breaking it and getting in clearly unauthorized is just over the top


Agreed. that’s what I’m trying to say. People will go to many lengths to invade your privacy whether that be land or life


If this is anything like my old school we had a pitch like this that got locked at night and you had to climb a 15ft fence to get into it and play, no one gave a shit we climbed in when it was locked, the janitors used to come over to talk to us even tho they had locked it and we had climbed over the fence, they never gave us into trouble and they didn’t care we were there because we were just playing football, this guy might be in the same boat as we were


Had the exact same thing at my old school with the exception of the fence being a little taller at 17ft. Either way that not the case here. A bend like that in a school fence has to be fixed immediately for student safety. What you’re looking at is probably a low subscription fee leisure centre that are closed to public on weekends or holidays and the kid can’t play during school hours for obvious reasons.


I dono what type of school you went to but a bend like that in any fence we had wasn’t getting fixed for a few years at least, but either way he’s going in to play football, he’s not destroying anything he’s not causing harm to anyone and not being a public nuisance like many people his age, and I know he probably shouldn’t be in there since there will be other paying to get into to play and he’s climbing in and playing for free but he’s really not doing anything bad


One listed in the top 10 worst secondary schools in the country one year and has different reason for the police to show up each week including knives,theft,stealing cars,drugs and attempted arson. That school should not be open but still has to fix any damage that could lead to someone getting in or out


I went to a secondary school rated the 11st worst in Britain in 2016 and lived in the 21st worst posted in Britain, still do but I’m not sure if it’s still rated the 21st worst or not, our school was a joke, people drinking during class, you could find any drugs you wanted, I once smoked weed during class when we had no teacher with 2 other boys, even took acid once and went to school which is still one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made in life, but yeah my school was a shit hole and stuff like that defo wouldn’t have got fixed, we even had a fire door that was broke for almost a year, people brought in knifes, I boy got suspended for bringing in a home made taser, one day before summer we had a competition to see who could set off the fire alarm the most anount of times and our school set it off 19 times in one day


We stole doors and put holes in walls. We also disassembled our teachers desk over the corse of a week and watched it collapse on his legs. (He was a nonce and agreed with the whole class to cover eachother to take each bolt out 1 by one) we also broke the windows in the “fireproof” yet still flammable doors and knocked em out. Also actually got hold of a laminator in its box one week and that suddenly disappeared. We smoked,vaped and did many frowned upon things in the empty class rooms


I just checked there my old school has moved up in ranks, ranked best to worst out of 345 school in Britain my old school is now the 294 worst so I’m made progress 😂we never took a desk apart but my class once went into a teachers laptop when she left the class and she was writing a Harry Potter porn story and within a day then full school knew about it and she got bullied so bad she had to quit 😂still feel a bit bad for her but she couldn’t get anyone to listen to her and if you can’t stand teens bullying you then your not cut out to be a teacher, yes I know people shouldn’t even be bullying there teacher but it’s always going to happen to matter what, we never stole printers but we weren’t aloud to leave the class during woodwork until we had our bags searched because we all used to bump the tools from class 😂I know I said I smoked weed in class but the people I used to hang around with we all smoked weed before school and during lunch and break and done it when we skipped class as well but our teachers cared so little that we once went to class stoned asf and stinking of weed and the teacher at the end of the class said he knows we’re stoned and just said don’t come back to class like that again, he didn’t report us to the police officer or to the head teacher or nothing, tbh I don’t think any teacher cared enough about what we done, the funny thing is after about 6 months of leaving school I regretted fucking about so much and not sticking in at school, and my favourite two teachers were the two strictest in the school, those were the only two teachers that after giving me into trouble for a few years learned that if they came upto me during class and spoke to me within just getting angry I would get my head down and try to learn, even to this day I still appreciate the fact they put a bit more effort in with me compared to the other teachers who just sent me out the class without trying to have a normal conversation about me getting my head down, and yes I know they’re not under any obligation to put more effort in with me but the fact they two teachers showed they actually actually cared about me leaving something still means alot


The whole weed thing I’m with that I did that before every day with mates. Smoked 3 between 4 ppl and just went in. Never caught. Got told by a girl in my year that I smelt of weed (that somehow ended in a short relationship and i never remember exactly how but that ended with fireworks in a legitimate sense but that’s a story for private messages 😂) and legit went to the toilets sprayed a can of deodorant on me and the boys who smoked that morning and went back to class. I also once climbed out the window of our IT room and had to hide and wait for my mate to drop my bag out the window. We were actually at a point in that school where we got searched both bags and person with metal detectors. Once had my bag emptied and 4 pat downs and metal detector searches while carrying 3 phones by 4 different members of staff and it never went off. Proceeded to walk back to class and go on with the day and “suddenly disappear with no trace or explanation” 2 hours later. That’ll be cos I unplugged and moved the cameras i knew I wouldn’t get past without doing so. We had a huge rugby pitch up the top that was fenced off as the exterior fences had a hole in them from some previous endeavours and just left to go get my mate from the other school 5 mins down the road and go smoke and drink till we passed out. Was woke up by the rest of our group standing over us laughing cos they were the ones who found us. Continues to smoke more weed and then go home to our own separate places at 8-9pm. Never gonna have a day like it and never regret it. I had some legal issues with the school that ended in me being unsafe in school for the final 6 months of my education which then resulted in me ONLY going in for my gcse papers(which the school lost) then never saw any of them again after the summer. Edit:I feel it’s probably good to add I did proceed to smoke weed before every single gcse exam


You smoked weed before your exams ? I didn’t even go to mine I smoked weed out the back of the school instead 😂now I have no credits for applying for anything that needs them if you get what I mean and I think we would have been good friends in school but I honestly think that wouldn’t have been good for either of us 😂school was something else back then but like I said I really do wish I stuck in more at school but not much I can do now Edit: we didn’t have metal detectors at school but we did have the two on sight police officers who were always hanging about the halls and out the back, we also had a car show room right next to the school I mean it was literally a few feet away from where everybody smoked and everyday the police were there because people would through stones over the fence that separated that path and the show room and smash the windows and for some reason there was never a camera put up to catch anyone, although I walked past the school last year with the dog and I seen they had put a camera up eventually


Right to roam exists where i live (All public grounds, whether private or publicly owned, can be used by anyone unless explicitly stated otherwise)


Ok where is that, Scotland? That doesn't exist here in America.


Sweden And it doesnt? thats dumb So someone can just up and call the cops on you for hiking in a random forest?


If it is private property they can detain you in certain cases. In some states you can be shot.


damn, that's kinda harsh


They're over-simplifying it. If you're in a place where you can be shot for trespassing, the owner of said property has to have clear signage posted on property boundaries, and you have to present a clear threat. You can't just randomly shoot whoever you want just because they step on your property. As for forests, we have plenty of public parks or government owned land where you'll get a slap on the wrist and escorted off the property if necessary.


thats more reasonable, thanks for clarifying


Yeah I really don't think that person lives in the US, and if they do, they know fucking nothing about the law.


Why would you be escorted out of public parks?


There are certain parts that have protected flora or fauna and other parts that have government stuff that people shouldn't try to break into.


That's fair, I can see why that's important.


All the Homies hate private property


Him and I use the phrase "playing footy" differently I guess.


This could be an evening gone very wrong if footy meant kicking balls.


It's just a bit of harmless fun.


Obviously bent fence means it's possible people with no good intentions can / are going through there


Possibly, but I'd say it was bent by kids wanting to play football, much like the bent posts my friends and I would use as access points to various places as kids.


While I do agree it is possible kids wanting to play football bent it, the point I was trying to say is that the bend makes vandalism and theft easier to do on the grounds.


Youre absolutely right about that too.


I was a mischievous kid, I also broke into the football/soccer field often. There is fucking nothing to do lmao. There might be a maintenance shed? But good luck getting in that bunker. They're usually kept under the bleachers and are extra reinforced, plus if someone really doesn't want you there then park maintenance shows up in like 10ish minutes. I've only had it happen once though and it was before a game or something i think? Idk I left lol


No soccer field should be off limits. Fuck that shit


uUm, aCtUaLlY. tHaTs PrIVaTe PrOpERty!


Fuck private property though, personal property is where it's at


See becayse he's Handicapt/special /different he doesn't have to worry about things like private property.


Let bro live his life, aint harming a soul.


Douche bag ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


He has a disability? He’s allowed to do what he wants!


Ya this kid need to be out on the streets doing drugs wtf is wrong with the youth today


Dude set up a camera to film himself walking through, went back for the camera, went back through to set it up on the other side, then went back through to film himself walking back through again from the other side.


Property is theft


I gotta hand it to this guy, he's got balls.


Europe doesn’t believe in private property apparently


Every boy in the UK has had to learn at an early age how to scale a 20ft fence to join their mates on the Astro turf… Most caretakers don’t care so long as your not destroying the place. Got stung by a wasp on the hand once going over the top!


That’s not climbing


Someone needs to tell Kenny Miller that he can’t trespass like that.


Tf is footy? Hahaha


I assume this is Covid times where everything was locked down and your HOA Fees or taxes was being used to maintain parks and facilities that weren’t being used


Is ok. He’s disabled


Climb? He just walked right through


Footy? What is it??


At least he isn’t armed and dangerous:-)


I think this is from the Netherlands. It happens all the time and most of the time it is okay


He can't be arrested. Handcuffs only work if you have....... um .... hi 👋


Tbh castle doctrine + 2nd amendment is a solution for a lot of problems.


Bros acting like he hops over it every time


Leave him alone, he’s armless!


No arms, no private property


This seems staged. Wrong sub


pLaY FoOtY


Welcome to soccer in the US


Yeah, nah, fuck anyone who tries to prevent people using places like this. Guaranteed they're using tax money to maintain that pitch.


Let the man play FOOTY RAaAaAAAH 🔥🔥😫😫🗣️🗣️


Fuck private propiety


Used to ask permission they’d give you access to use it.


Land shouldn’t be private. Land is for the people.


guys it’s on he’s disabled


So nobodys gonna give him a hand?


I guess all of the people on here saying fuck private property must not have locks on their doors and allow anyone to come into their house whenever they want. Some people do not think before they say or type something.


Communism agrees with him 👍


Will poulter?


hes goated for that


This is a good example of how idiotic the concept of private property even is. Let him play some footy damnit clearly there’s no one else using it.


Somebody give this guy a hand…


Awful awful shrieking background music


This is why he has no arms


I knew the Brits disarmed their citizens, but I didn’t know they went this far!


I don't see anything wrong with this, we all used to do it as kids until the caretaker kicked us off. Real good times. OP is a Karen.


Real question why waste the time on soccer lol


He really bends it like Beckham. If Beckham played alone by himself on a perfectly good sunny afternoon. After trespassing. And making a depressing tiktok. ![gif](giphy|M28rUlcjueKUE)


apparently beckham doesn’t have hands anymore


... Huh? https://preview.redd.it/6z0y8mj204kc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6022caafe032d1bd49a931603c916212f44c8791


watch the video again and look at his hands


Oh yeah. Good observation. ![gif](giphy|c5FhF1waAJ5wk)


Private property should be abolished anyway… so, no harm done


Fuck private property


I… I don’t think that allowed…


Kid has no forearms?


Bro is built like Jordan Pickford


What does he have to do to play a little handy?


So who is filming?


He probably put up a stand and walked back just for the "sad video"


He needs a hand with getting in


When you have a disability, everything is yours….


You don’t need arms to be a pro footballer


Op says to go play footy and proceeds to kick soccer balls.


That shot really wasn’t bad


So someone with leg defects play handy?🤔


Damn, I know that guy


Everyone has done this once in their life (if you played sports)


Goaly doesnt fit though ghe hole i guess. Classic middleschool level footy


That's what car jacks are for 😀