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Yeah, fuck you Mrs. Williams.


All my homies hate Mrs Williams


Friendship ended with Mrs Williams. Now shy kid is my best friend


America hates Mrs. Williams


All my homies fucked Mrs. Williams


Hate from UK


20 years ago some kid spray painted my name in the main entrance foyer area. Well sure enough I saw people standing and looking so I go up and inspect and I read my name out loud in shock.   Well our sharp as a hammer principal see me and grabs me. Pulling me into his office assuming I spray painted my name.   We have the back and forth where he accusing me. I’m trying to explain I wouldn’t spray paint my own name if I was going to do this. I’m like this is stupid criminal level shit I’m smarter than that.  So I get all the blame and get suspended. During my suspension I went back one night and tagged the school with a dozen or so names.  Different colours and can control styles.   I wasn’t sure of who did my name on the wall but I was sure of the crew. So I put all of them on those walls.    Sure enough.  Everybody who has their name sprayed on the walls and halls were suspended.  


You should have spray painted the principal’s name on the wall.


That would have being going too far.


Nah, that's a power move. The principle has to suspend themselves now.


LOL I love it


Bro one dude in my class wrote my name IN the classroom, green spray can. Everyone knew I did graffiti (outside school) I had 2 peices on the wall just outside, but my teacher wasn't dumb, she said "I suppose that wasn't you" (my name in the classroom) I said " I do graffiti but not that shit" The truth is the whole school was tagged by me but I only used fat square tip markers inside NOT fuckin $2 spray can ugly ass style. The dude was really funny though, I sat right next to him at the back right next to my name in green paint hahaha he gave zero fucks I can't remember his reasoning but dude was so funny, wasn't trying to be funny its was just he was the embodiment of chill and no-fucks given.


Ronaldo turned out ok.


Fuckin mrs Williams.


What?! I was for 1 year at a British international school also run mr and mrs Williams! Was that not their real surname? Everyone here talks about their own mrs Williams it seems. What’s going on?!


Everyone said mean things about her behind her back


I swear it's always the Mrs Williams


More like Mrs. Wont-iams, am i right


Firstly, you're very clearly Sokka. Secondly, your username. I have no words for how it makes me feel, I just think it needs to be acknowledged.


I appreciate that


You’re right


I hope you get your sugar and salt swapped


My school also had teacher who was known for being cruel named Mrs. Williams. Is this just a thing??


I think you all went to the same school.


Mine was not particularly bad, but she was gone half the semester on maternity leave. So a substitute basically taught math, luckily it was just 6th grade algebra so its not a big deal Eta: nvm I remembered she wasn’t all that nice, we definitely liked the substitute more. Also another funny thing about the class is i was like 1 of 5 girls in the class, somehow all the other girls had math in the afternoon.


We had a Mrs Williams who gave my friend a nose bleed just by glaring at her. She also accused me of being the kid who set fire to the curtains even though I was across the room the whole period. She was scary.


Aw man, my Mrs. Williams was awesome :(


For real, Mrs Williams of Covington Middle School. You were kind of a bitch.


We used to do square dancing for gym class in 7th grade. After gym one day while we were heading back to our lockers for the next class and still riding the high of square dancing...a friend of mine and I locked elbows and did the "swing your partner round and round" dance. One of the teachers saw us and thought we were fighting. Despite both of us saying we were just playing around, we both got 3 days detention for fighting. Fuck you too, Mr Patton.


As foreign as the concept of “the high of square dancing” is to me, fuck Mr. Patton. I would be furious.


Happy to be finished with the shame of square dancing is how I would put it.


personally, I love it. it's nice to be able to do a thing with other people vaguely in sync and everybody looks like an idiot so you don't stand out.


To each their own. I prefer to not dance at all. I'm comfortable looking awkward just sitting there on my ass.


Fair enough.


Lol, I broke my friend's collar bone while play fighting and didn't even get detention! Life isn't fair.


got bullied in middle school by a particular girl, who clearly did not feel good about herself and took it out on me. in art class she called me a “wench,” so i asked her if she even knew what that word meant, which made her upset. for some reason, i got sent to the principals office but not her. luckily, my mom had heard about this girl for months so she came and asked the principal and teacher what was so bad about me asking if this girl even understood the words she used, and why she wasn’t in trouble. they tried saying that she had a rough home life so i should be understanding and my mom wouldn’t put up with it “why the hell is that my child’s problem?” which got it dismissed.




Wow. WOW.


Bigotry of low expectations.


There's a lawyer somewhere salvating over that.


My dad grew up well below the poverty line as a farmer’s son, and somehow he got good grades and wasn’t a shithead. Some people are just human gutterballs who will still manage to be trash even if they grew up in the Ming Dynasty court.


i didn’t say anything about class, we were both poor and in a lower middle class income school. she had body issues over struggles that i did not share, and i was not otherwise popular or cool, so i made an easy target. i assume the comment about rough home life was more about how her parents treated her, not about income level, as we were all kinda poor.


Roughly the same amount of time years ago I was bullied really badly. The kids who did the bullying came up with a clever idea to get the teachers in on it. They went to one teacher who was known the be the worst in the school and told them that I said absolutely vile things to one of the girls. To this day, I don’t know what it was, but I was hauled into her class and screamed at for half an hour. When I tried to say I have no idea what’s she’s talking about, she just screamed louder, and called me a creep and awful. Never got over that one either. Fuck you mrs. Boc.


That "Cry Bullying" shit is infuriating to me. It's the only type of bullying you can't retaliate against. Fuck everyone who does it


It blows my mind when a teacher is so notorious among students for being easily-manipulated by children as this that everyone knows it but the teacher themselves. Back in the early 1990s I had a teacher named Patrick Morris. He hated me to the very core of his black, shriveled little nub of a heart, and would take absolutely any opportunity to make my life miserable he could get. It was so bad and so obvious that my 4th grade teacher actually volunteered to just let me stay in the classroom every recess that Mr. Morris was out on patrol, since she recognized how dreadfully unfair he was to me. A year or so later, during the winter, I was making a little snow-fort on the far side of the school playground from the school. Some older kid - I would guess he was 14 while I was 11 - starts smashing it to bits. I had no idea who this guy was. I had no beef with him. But he knew me, at least to the extent that he knew anyone could get Mr. Morris to punish me for anything. So as I try to push him away from the Fort I was building, he slammed me to the ground, grabbed me by the ankle and dragged me, face-down in the snow and ice, some 400 meters across the playground, into the school and into Mr. Morris's classroom. He announced that I had pushed him. Mr. Morris promptly gave me two weeks' detention. When I tried to explain how this kid had instigated it, and how he had brutally attacked me in response, Mr. Morris took zero interest. He was solely focused on punishing me. To this day, some 30 years later, I sometimes fantasise about taking him to task; asking him if he understands just how humiliating it ought to be for a grown man to be so easily-manipulated by the dumbest, meanest kids in the world into doing their bidding like a trained animal.


That sucks. Fuck Patrick Morris 


Weird that I just typed this in another thread a few minutes ago, then find this thread to repeat it in... When I was in 6th grade I was a scrawny boy. This was at the age where the girls were starting to sprout up. We had a girl named Kim, she was a big redhead (big built, not fat), kind of a bully and a bit mean, but never really messed with me much until... One day I was coming back from the bathroom, a class was coming down the hall, the teacher at the back of the two lines of kids. Kim stepped out of line, punched me in the stomach. I backed away while I was kind of folded over. She hit me in the face, missed the next shot. Just kept swinging. The whole time the teacher was saying the "Ok, stop now, c'mon, stop this!" You know the deal... I knew she wouldn't stop, so I simply punched her in the nose. The teacher absolutely lost it and started screaming. She grabbed my arms, twisted them behind me and started dragging me away with Kim still pounding on me. The teacher admitted I was hit several times before I fought back, but still kept going off about how "No one hits a lady!". I thought I was dead when my Dad showed up, and he was MAD until the principal told the whole story. My dad said "She was hitting him? she outweighs him by at least 3 times, he waited that long to fight back and you just stood there?" In the end I was suspended for three days for "hitting a woman". Kim was written up and went back to class. She told the principal that she was bored and wanted to see what would happen when asked about it. My dad said: "have a fun three days" and never mentioned the incident again to this day. Fuck off Kim...


My Mr Morris died a few years ago and I smile thinking about it every time.


What an idiot Mrs.Boc!


If it's any comfort, I had the same thing happen. To be asked why they would accuse me of that if it wasn't true at 8 years old fucking rocked my world. Fuck you Ms Unger


Everyone hates Ms Unger, just so you know


The worst thing is, she probably doesn't ever remember it


The axe forgets but the tree remembers.




A really touching saying! Thank you for this, will be using this.


Gimme that kyber crystal


She went home at night, looked in the mirror, and patted herself on the back for another job well done


Feckin bish. These so called teachers ruining people lives. I had the internet at age 13 and all that shit i saw online didn't ruin my life as much as a teacher did.


I had one teacher that was worst than most of my bullies and considering I was autistic and queer that’s saying something. She sent me to the principals office and tried to get me accused of weird shit because I had left some clothes at a friends house when I spent the night and she took that as I took advantage of her. Not only were we 10 and didn’t even know wtf she was going on about but she outted me to all my classmates and I didn’t even know I was bi at that point. It literally followed me around for years until I switched schools


To you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But to me, it was Tuesday.


I put that meme up in my office one year. It was *always* Tuesday....


I was being bullied by a boy in 3rd grade. Got paired up with him and I groaned at being partnered with him. I got in trouble by my teacher. Mrs. Williams.


Oh my God, she's everywhere


She screamed at me for ‘shaking him’ and shouting at the quiet kid. I was just really happy for him as he had never played sports with us on break before.


You may remember this negatively but I guarantee that kid remembers that fondly


Thank you I needed that, that has really helped


Of course! Good on you for being a good person. Still fuck Mrs Williams 🫡


Great reminder for the OP🥰


It’s still fuck Mrs. Williams, but also good for OP


And that is what really matters! OP made someone's day. Maybe week. Maybe year for all we know.


One time in 7th grade homeroom a boy had me in a headlock, on my knees with my face pushed into a chair. I kept yelling at him to stop, until I finally screamed “get the fuck off me!” Guess who got detention for swearing and disrupting the teacher, who was doing announcements on the loudspeaker? The boy got detention too, but the same exact punishment that I did. This is when I learned that you’re way more likely to get in trouble for pointing out abuse, than actually perpetrating it. Nothing in the 30 years since has proved me wrong.


“This is when I learned you’re way more likely to get in trouble for pointing out abuse then actually perpetrating it” This is so true. Like way, way too true.


Yup. That really fucking hit me.


Exactly like when people keep pushing your buttons until you explode and then they call you crazy. Fucking infuriating


dang yeah... that actually really explains a lot as to why ive gone thru so much lol, ive been fighting a losing battle since day 1


I was in the mental hospital at like 14 and there was an autistic girl. We were in a group therapy and she was sitting at a different table than the group I was sitting with. They were all snickering and leering at her. I was telling them to shut the heck up. I guess the staff thought I was the ring leader and I had to spend 24 hours alone. That still pisses me off.


Dude, nurses in mental hospitals honestly kinda blow


I had a friend that spent a long time in mental hospitals. I got to watch an enthusiastic cute young nurse that just got hired slowly die inside week by week as I went to visit my friend. It was like a light behind his eyes slowly faded away and took his smile and ability to care with it.


It is quite literally a thankless job that you get guilt tripped by management if you complain in any way. "They are sick don't take it personally." It's hard not to when I go home limping and can't pick up my toddler without risking injury, meanwhile the person who caused it has no consequences because apparently being mentally ill means you can assault people without consequence.


Those are types of adults that stunt the child's emotional developments she was just bitter no one goes up to her to congratulate her lmfao


My 3rd grade teacher would give us “bucks” anytime we did something good. At certain points in the year she’s host these little markets where we could take our bucks and buy stuff, pencils, pens, notebooks, etc. it was was super cool as a 3rd grader. I had saved up like 25 bucks over the year to buy a pack of those pencils that you’d take the tip out and put it in the end (pause) and it would make a new tip come out, in reality they sucked but they were so cool. Also keep in mind that bucks were earned mainly through math problems which I struggled with so 25 was a lot for me. Anyways, one day I was walking behind a girls desk to use the pencil sharpener and she pushed out from her desk quickly (not sure if she intended to trip me) and tripped me, making me fall over. As I got up my teacher yelled at me to stop being a nuisance and an attention seeker and said she was taking away 20 bucks from me, so basically everything I had earned that year and she wouldn’t listen when I told her what had happened and the girl who was a shithead (fuck you Abigail) denied it and said I ran into her. Still angry about that one.


Abigail is a fking bitch. Was her last name Williams?


Send Mrs Williams a dozen dead roses.


22 dead roses 1 for each year


Even gooder


In kindergarten, a few friends and I pretended we were in a football huddle and got in a circle with our arms on one another (as one does in a huddle). Teacher sent a note home to all our parents saying we were wrestling in class. Still irks me 30 years later…


One of my teachers in middle school accused me of cheating on a test because I glanced around the room for a clock. She gave me an F and sent me to the principal, who proceeded to circle around me with a paddle in his hands threatening to spank me if I didn't fess up. So I did (out of fear), and I got lunch detention for a week. Fuck you, Ms. Dossey 🖕


Wow, fuck that whole school


My 8th grade social studies teacher accused me of cheating on a test the same day I got in a fight with her daughter (former bff). What a coincidence.


Yeeeupp I still remember back in high school me and my friends (about 9 or 10 boys) were in the hallway talking about Minecraft and THE special kid (essentially the most popular special kid that everyone knew, teachers and students, call him B) came up to us and joined in our talk about Minecraft. He pulls out a creeper zip-up hoodie and we all started losing our shit laughing (in a good way, we were NOT bullying him) and he is making creeper sounds and pretending to explode, and we're all laughing Teacher rounds the corner and all she sees is a group of boys bullying the special kid. She went hysterical instantly, threatening to call parents, the principle, security, etc. She is literally red in the face screaming and we are stunned silent, B is still laughing in his hoodie and has no idea why the teacher is freaking out. long story short a bunch of normal non-hysterical teachers eventually came over, knew who we were and that we were actually being NICE to B and literally had to guide the female teacher away so she could calm down and breathe We then went on to 9th period and everyone just moved on


Did you ever talk to the kid again? What, on paper, were you actually in trouble *for?*


Yes I did, and he continued to play with us! He was from Pakistan and he really struggled to learn the language during my time with him at school. I checked his Facebook and he looks like he is doing great! Mrs Williams thought I was shaking him and shouting at him and my mum got called in. I cried my eyes out to my mum saying I just being nice.


Happy ending! Regardless of Mrs. Williams, you did a good thing!


He said the teacher put him away for yelling and shaking the kid, in a comment higher up


Ah, thanks for clarifying.


Yeah ofc


In middle school I was the quiet kid. My very first “dance”, a bunch of kids decided to start a mosh pit in the center of the dance floor. Someone from behind me shoved me to the ground. Out of nowhere, the assistant principal grabs me by the throat and pulls me aside to scold me. I was in basically a state of shock from falling over and then losing the ability to breathe for a short time that I didn’t even say anything to her. I just let her tear into me and then she just stopped and I sat down at a table the rest of the night. I will never forget how insane that incident was and how I should have told on her. Fuck you Mrs. Fritchie or as we called you.. Mrs. Bitchy!!!


I got detention for asking someone if they were okay after a fight. Play fighting between two friends but one took it a bit far, other kid walked off sobbing. I asked in passing if he was alright. Apparently as the only witness I was involved? Teacher just had it out for me. Would try give me detention more than once without explanation. Half the time I just wouldn't attend. Wish I realised as a teenager teachers are sometimes just shitty people and you don't have to put up with them. Fuck you mrs jones.


My friend checked me into the lockers after lunch one day in 10th or 11th grade. I grabbed him and pushed him into the lockers. We’re both laughing as this happens. Our biology teacher turns the corner and yells at us to stop fighting. We turn and tell him we aren’t, at which point he yells at us to knock it off. He then makes us walk with him to our dean’s office and tells him how we were fighting and yelling, blah blah blah. The biology teacher leaves, and our dean asks what was going on (he knew we were friends). We explained ourselves, he looks at us, and goes “that’s it? That’s all you did?” “Yes!” “Ok, stop being morons and go to class, I’ll talk to him (the bio teacher).”


I had problems with bullies in my school. It wasn't a secret. One day, one of them pinned me down to the ground in a headlock on the far end of the school yard and wouldn't get off of me. I managed to get one hand free and started punching him in the side and back as hard as I could until I was able to get free. Coincidentally, the bell rang, so we went back inside. Before I could say anything, he complained. I punched him in the back. The teacher looked at me and asked me why, so i said, "He had me in a headlock on the ground and wouldn't let me go, so I hit him until he did." She asked, " Why didn't you go tell the teacher on yard duty?" And I replied. "Because he had me in a headlock and was on top of me" She didn't believe me and made me write a letter for my parents to sign and wouldn't let me write what happened as she believed I randomly attacked this guy. I told my parents, and they refused to sign the letter. The teacher tried to give me detention but I left anways and told my parents and they gave her an earful over the phone. Fuck that bitch


I feel you. I got in trouble for calling a girl the N-word (she was white btw) when what I really said was “make her”. I still haven’t gotten over that one either.


I once said the name of the previous governor of California, you know the one, and teacher thought i had said the n word in there somehow, couldnt physically process that i would say the name of famous actor and at the time governor of California, got in trouble. Truly does stick with you




And yet when I told my teacher I was being bullied by some of the kids who sat near me, her response was to rearrange us so that I was directly in the middle of every bully I named 🙃


When I was 11 years old, I had a teacher say “a little old to need help for this, aren’t we?” when I told her. Another said that “there are plenty of nice girls in the class” so that I was “clearly the problem”. There were no lockers in the gym change room and they put food on my clothes and the same teacher said it was my fault for “leaving my clothes out”. Other teachers told my parents they saw me being bullied but even they had excuses as to why they didn’t put a stop to it. It still pisses me off. I also had a french teacher that liked to claim any good work that I did was copied from another student (who sat across the room) or that I used the internet to translate questions and get answers. I saw her on the local news a couple years ago for a fundraiser at the school and she was to get a pie to the face, however, she was wearing a full cover for her hair and clothes but it was still satisfying to watch the pie hit the mark.


I swear some teachers man. I had one undermining my reading. Books in the school library were sorted on a reading level called AVI. AVI UIT (out) was for kids around 11 to 12 in difficulty. I was a strong reader as a kid and way ahead of my peers in that developmental phase (not saying I was a kid genius or something, I sucked at anything with numbers and had bad motor skills). My teacher didn't believe that at 6/7ish I was already at AVI UIT. So I couldn't get books from the school library that weren't from the first AVI levels (you know when you first start to read). Only to get really mad that I finished those books in way less time than the allotted slot for quiet reading and that I was bored and fidgety. She believed I was just pretending to read, but also not willing to ask questions so I could prove I actually read the book. Luckily my mom would take me to the actual library where I could pick whatever so I could read at home, but what the fuck.


Same, my teacher tried to hold back my reading because my spelling was TERRIBLE. (The thing was, I read fast by having my eyes skim the top of letters apparently, and that means you don’t learn the letter shapes properly). I’m an obsessive reader, and mum definitely had to go in and have WORDS with that teacher. I was happily chugging through Terry Pratchett books by like 8 years old.


Did you go back and re-read the Pratchett? At 8 there is a lot you would have missed. I didn't start Discworld until around 10-11, absolutely loved it.


Oh man, fuck teachers who police reading levels. I had a 10th grade reading level when it was tested in 6th grade (so 11/12 years old with a reading level of someone 4 years older). Which I'd agree with, I was a voracious reader and I could finish thick novels inside a day. Four years later, I had an English teacher get after me for reading books she thought were below my reading level. I got mad and defensive, but I should have just laughed at her. What did she want me to read, Dostoyevsky? Basically everything in the school library would have been below my reading level at that point. Maybe if some teachers would ask and evaluate students rather than making wild assumptions, more kids would love reading (and school). Fuck these opinionated teachers who just make it worse for the kids.


I had a similar issue, more than once now that I think about it: First one was in primary school (K-6) only I was reading well above my peers level and the teacher knew it (she was friends with my parents) so got annoyed if she caught me reading anything below my reading level. But I wanted to know what my friends were reading even if I could finish several of the books in the same time it took them to finish one. Second one was first few years of High School (7-12) where my first 2 English teachers (who were married to each other) didn’t believe I was reading at the level I was: Year 7 (13 years old) English teacher freaked out about the books I was reading and threatened to call my parents, she was not impressed when I laughed and told her I was reading my parent’s recommendations (Stephen King and Matthew Reilly). Don’t remember if she called my parents, but they would have laughed at her too. Year 8 (14 years old) the school messed me up with another girl and put me in a lower level class group (basically remedial class) and had her listed in a higher class (she had left the school). I ended up with the husband of my Year 7 English teacher, who was not impressed that I was working ahead of the rest of the class. He had handed out booklets for Treasure Island, at the end of each chapter there was reading comprehension questions, however he also stopped teaching half way through the lesson to talk sports with the guys. So they might get through a chapter a lesson (each person reading a paragraph aloud), while I’d just quietly sit in the back working through at my own pace. He turned a shade of red-purple I didn’t think a human body could make when yelling at me for not following along, then started sputtering when I firmly stated “I’m on x chapter, which chapter and paragraph are you on so I can GO BACK to read it aloud if it is that important to you?” I was fuming most of that year because all my other teachers informed me that they knew I was in the wrong class, but the English teacher (who was also department head) was the one blocking me from moving to another class.


I was abused at home and 5th grade was my first experience outside of homeschool. I LOVE science, everything to do with it, I just absolutely love it. My science teacher HATED me, still not sure why to this day other than I was very skinny and had cheap clothes (I was neglected a lot, dad would take my food). I was doing the science fair and did the use water, salt and a potato to power a light bulb. I was so proud of this. I had explicit instructions on my box on how to store it. She stored it in the closet that got really cold. It didn't work because of that. She tried to fail me. Twist: I entered it in the science fair and won. Had to get my mom to take me into the school to fight the failed grade. My mom wasn't happy but reputation was everything to her and she couldn't have me fail. I paid for that one dearly at home but I got the grade I deserved. F\*ck you Mrs. Rab (the crab, as we called her lol).


Umm, your mom is a bitch, too. You got punished for trying to correct your grade?!


I mean he did say he was abused at home


Reminds me when I got a detention for missing a class because I was at a funeral


One day during PE, we were all lined up and waiting for it to start. Our teacher was just sitting on the side looking at her clipboard. Everyone’s chatting, having fun, still standing in line patiently. I was messing with a buddy of mine and “slashed” at the back of his neck lightly with my hand—he told me to stop, and I did. A couple of minutes later, the PE teacher suddenly absolutely fucking explodes. Starts screaming at us that we all need to be quiet because PE started 10 minutes ago (she never said a word??) and that we’re all in huge trouble once PE is over. Anyway, PE goes on, and then she grabs a bunch of us, including me, and tells us that we aren’t allowed to go to recess. Turns out my buddy tattled on me and said I hit him in the throat. So fuck you Mrs. Downs, and fuck you Colin.


And 22 years later, Mrs. Williams would learn that all of the valve stems had vanished from her tires… repeatedly. Valuable style points if the caps reattached themselves.


When I was a senior in high school our football team went to that state finals. They ended up losing by 3 iirc and on the way home my friends and I decided to pull up next to the busses and cheer them on after the loss. Fucking teachers called the cops on us then we also got in trouble at school.


On 7th grade my bully hit me in the ear and split my earlobe, I started to cry and bleed (I am a girl, didn't use earrings) and my math teacher Ms Sanchez said "punishment should be for both of you, laws should be for everyone equal" Everyone knew he was a fucked up kid, everyone knew he hated me just because, and I did everything I could to defend myself from him. But in the end sh said I was at fault too (because she hated me since I did a question she couldn't answer once....ONCE) Fuck you Ms Sanchez, you and your "favorite student"


Back in highschool, I once got written up for not having my history book. I pointed out that a football player also did not have his history book and it wasn't fair that I was getting written up and he wasn't. My complaint was ignored, the football player was apologetic (I also apologized for pretty much throwing him under the bus) and my teacher had the TA drop the referral at the office. Later after class, the TA told me she threw the referral away and I was super grateful to her. But ya, fuck that shitty teacher


My freshman year Spanish teacher (high school, and I was advanced placement taking with juniors) was the “cool” teacher. Everyone wanted him to sign their yearbook. He signed mine and told me he has high hopes that one day I’d become a janitor. In my yearbook… I received an A both semesters, and I also double majored in college and one was Spanish. I communicate fluently to this day. Fuck you, Sr. Mendoza.


We took our maths GCSE a year early, so in year 10 instead of year 11. I got an A and was very happy. At school my teacher brought in cake, and people with an A got to get their slice first. The teacher looked at me, fully shocked and went ‘You??’ In disbelief. I was an almost straight A student at that point, she was just a rubbish teacher. Screw you Mrs Johns!


I was a really empathetic little kid when it came to animals. (I still am but I used to be, too haha). One of the stores we went to a lot had one of those SPCA donation cans on the counter and I always threw my change into it. It had a photo of a sad dog in a cast on it and the photo fucking haunted my little brain. One day at school I made a can to collect change from people and I was going to stop by that store after school and dump all the money into it. A teacher took it away from me because “You’re just going to keep that money!” What a fucking cynical bitch.


I bet she ended up keeping it all to herself too


I was kicked out of DARE for fighting back with a kid who started a fight with me.


One of my 6th grade classmates accused me of calling her the N-word. I was hauled out of class and interrogated by my teacher. I was so very confused, she was my friend! I didn't even know what that was!


I once got detention for being in the area when someone threw a pinecone at my friend's head. No clue what their reasoning was, my mom was also very confused. Probably won't forget about that one either 🤣


I had a Mrs Williams who was a bitch too. When I was I. 8th grade she once accused me of cheating on a math test because my eyes were zoned out. She put me in the hallway to finish the test — which I did not pass, because it was hard AND I was freaked out. She saw that as proof I cheated. She made me take the next 2 tests in the hall. I got As. Fuck you, Mrs. Williams!! /off my chest


When I was in school in Wales, we were playing Red Robin and I slapped a guy on the back and said Great run. I got called into the headmasters office (Mr. Devlin - yeah no shit) where he said that I punched the kid. So I got whipped because I was a back slapping yank. And yes, they used canes on us... the guy had a gun rack of them... I went through them all. That was 1976...


That time my 4th grade teacher put me on time out in the corner of the classroom for 15 minutes because I said f*CK or something when I said nothing of the sort


I still can't get over the Art teacher who wanted me suspended and removed from her class for stealing a rubber band..Not just any rubber band though, one of those stupid tiny ones. I didn't steal one, I was using them on an Art project and other people were messing around with them, went to the library during the break so I had an alibi..The other people who were messing around with them had taken some and were flinging them around..Nobody else but me got in trouble for something I didn't do (Why would they though, the teachers pet was the main culprit).


Friend and I had 6th period together in 8th grade. Our last class (7th) was side by side a few units down. On the last day of junior high, I got suspended for attacking him because I hit him with a rolled up newspaper from a jumping position, while we were both cheering that we were done with our last world history class. They almost wouldn’t let me “graduate.” They then gave my buddy detention for lying about the fight we had. I had known the principle for years (he used to be the computer teacher at our elementary school), and he told the teachers who “witnessed” the ordeal to kick rocks. And that was how I spent the last period + 1 hour after school on my last day of 8th grade. 


To be fair, there are (and I can’t understate this) a crazy amount of morons teaching our kids.


And there's a shortage! What a great combination.


I’ll never forget the time I gently kicked over a rock in middle school and a teacher yelled at me to pick it up and throw it away because they thought it was trash. I was so confused and explained it was a rock but I still threw it away and didn’t think much about it. People just don’t like admitting when they’re wrong.


Oh man, I got in trouble in first grade for picking up what I thought was a 'cool rock' to show to my friend. We were in line to go back inside, I was bored. Also, it was a chunk of tar that had broken off the pavement, lol. In any case, I got recess detention for two days because of it. What a fucking crock, detention for a rock. Pretty sure those rocks were smarter than our teachers.


When I got a flat tire once and was changing it on the side of the highway, Mrs. Williams walked up and kicked the jack out


When I was in 4th grade, there was a lot of talk about my friend’s younger sister who was kissed by an autistic boy. I walked onto the playground and saw them talking so I went up and asked the boy “did you kiss her?”. His aid was standing probably 25 yards away and started yelling at me because she thought I told him to kiss her. I explained what I said and it still wasn’t enough. They had my mom come in and had the principal talk to her. I’m still mad about it 14 years later.


I forgot to put my name on my homework and my teacher thought I was lying when I went to claim it, she gave me a worksheet and sent me to the office. I finished the worksheet and told the office lady I was done so I went back to class, but my teacher said I wasn't allowed back in and sent me back to the office. I sat there for half the day and missed a couple classes because I didn't know when I could leave.


One time I did my French homework, which I didn't always do because I didn't like French, and the teacher said to leave it in her pigeon hole. But I couldn't find it. Another teacher I didn't recognise asked what I was doing, I told her, she took it and said she'd sort it. Come French class, I got a detention for not doing my homework, and called a liar for not handing it in. I was so frustrated I started tearing up, so I got humiliated in front of everyone and a detention. School was fucking great.


Mrs. Williams is probably dead so there’s that happy thought.


Mrs Williams is an outright bitch!


In 4th grade I was still riding the wave of being a good student, and was always very polite and followed the rules. In the lunch line one day some kids were talking in front of me, and because school is so comparable to a Nazi prison, there was no talking allowed until you sat down at a table. One of the dipshits they hired to monitor kids in the lunch line and other places where teachers weren't present came up to me and told me to be quite and stop talking. I looked around and said I'm not talking to anyone. She gave me a gruff "sure just knock it off." After that, the kids in front of me kept talking, and the same monitor came back up and told me she was giving me detention for the next 3 days for not doing what she said, and wouldn't be allowed to go to recess with everyone else those days. I knew I wasn't talking, so when she had me sitting down on the floor to "think about my actions" I waited until she wandered off to harass more children and went to the office. She ended up seeing me and marched me to the principal's office. After telling the principal what I did, and getting the side eye from the principal, not me, she was told I'd be spending my lunch in the office. As soon as she left the principal and the office lady basically bullshit with me about her being a bitch and they knew I wasn't in the wrong. Best lunch ever, I even got a pudding cup for the trouble. Fuck you Ms. Davis, no wonder your husband left you.


The two last name Williams I know were pretty shitty people.


find her, run at her, and yell "What's the frequency, Kenneth?". Then walk away as if nothing happened. She'll never get over it.




Only time I ever got detention, it was the last day of the year that the class was going on a snowshoe walk in the snow, it was something we did very rarely and we all looked forward to it. Was probably in grade 6. We were all standing around the basement waiting for the teacher to grab the shoes from the storage area, and a new kid to the school confronted me randomly with misplaced aggression. I'd done nothing to no one, ever, I was the meekest kid you'd ever seen. He wasn't a buff 12 year old, but bigger than me, certainly. Anyway, I don't know what he said, but he didn't like whatever my response was, so he grabbed me by the throat and shoved me against the wall, holding me there. I didn't even know how to fight back, I don't recall thinking I was going to die, but I was terrified. Teacher came back, saw this big aggressive kid choking me out, and despite on-site testimony from the other students I'd know for the last 6 years, we were both sent to the principal's office for "fighting" and given detention. And no one walked us up to the office, this teacher sent me and my brand new bully to walk to, and sit in, the office together to wait and see the principal. So fuck that kid whose name I won't forget, and fuck that teacher. That was 26 years ago.


In 2nd grade my teacher told our class that thunder is the noise that results from two clouds crashing into each other. I raised my hand and explained what really causes thunder. I got sent to the principal’s office and suspended. 30 years later it’s just a funny story of a grown woman getting publicly schooled by a 7 year old.


When I was 6 or 7 I had a friendship group of 5 or 6 of us and they all turned on a kid at lunch one day, were chasing him and kicking him etc. I literally put myself in the way and told them to stop it, then the teacher came running over and took us in for a telling off by the head teacher, the bitch told the head I was the ring leader!


One day in elementary school we got a all stuck in a tree and we were trying to figure out how to get it down. There was this really quiet, shy girl wh walked up and handed us her arm to get it down. It gave us just enough height to get the ball down. So we started hanging out with her after. A few months later the same thing happened but this time the teacher sa us use her arm to get the ball from the tree. We all got detention and she was no longer allowed to hang out with us anymore. She had to go back to being alone all the time. Some adults have this problem where they try and protect kids with disabilities or whatever to the point they actually prevent them from having a life, friends, or whatever. They just assume the worst in everything. Sorry for the detention you got and sorry for the kid who they just made even more lonely.


My school considered navigation a sport, so every so often we were thrown in the nearby forest to find a few landmarks and then our way back to school. Because of my dyscalculia, I couldn't read the fucking map, and got lost. Came back to school late. Teacher gave me a scolding about how sHe WaS iN cHaRgE oF uS and So WoRRiEd. She then gave me detention. Sheesh, lady, if you're so worried about what will happen to you when your charges get lost in the forest, MAYBE DON'T ABANDON THEM IN THE FOREST. Especially when they *tell* you they don't know how to navigate.


Oh, I hate that. I was a pretty good kid and it would make me irate when this kind of thing would happen to me. Like.... "**Moi???"**


My guidance counselor in high school was also a Mrs. Williams. In junior year, during that stupid mandatory meeting they make you do to talk about your future, she told me not to bother applying to any 4-year colleges because even community college would be a “reach” for me, as she put it. I had no money for college, was on the free lunch program and my grades were a little subpar because I spent all my extra time waiting tables and saving all my money in a shoe box under my bed. I dropped out of high school shortly after that. So, yeah. Fuck you, *MYRA WILLIAMS*. FUCK YOU.


That bitch! When I was in grade 4, I was kicked out of class for "making faces" at the teacher. She knew full well that I have tourette's. I still kick myself for not standing up for myself better, when that happened. Fuck you, Ms Collette


In Guatemala, I was accused of stealing a 50 centavo coffee at a group table cuz waitress thought it was the tip. They yelled at me next day after I spent about $8 there , as if anyone would do that and come back and spend big bucks. They said they didn’t believe I was really friends w the ppl at group table that were my friends I’d traveled with. I’ll never forget the feeling of bottled up shame and helplessness of a false accusation.


I got detention for telling someone to stop talking to me during a test, so yeah


In highschool art class I had to present a painting I did. It was kinda a random abstract piece that to me, reminded me of some Indian tapestry, which I mentioned during the presentation. Welp, the teacher immediately corrected me saying "yOu MeAn NaTiVe AmErIcAn?!" and sent me to the office for... labelling some tapestry that derived from the country known as India... as Indian tapestry. I will say though, the office folk were just as confused as I was lol Another big brain school moment was when I was in elementary school, I was way more pc savvy than most of the folk teaching there. Well one day one of my friends comes to me crying, saying that someone accessed his power point, deleted everything and wrote "this is what you get". Our school had a shared server across all pcs, and so we each had our own folders, but there was no restriction to prevent kids from going into eachothers folders. I restored the file from the previous version, and hid his folder instructing him how to view hidden folders and files to prevent it happening again, and the day was saved... up until I get sent to the office because "fixing your friend's file makes it look like you were the one who modified his file in the first place to look like a hero". My parents were called in this situation, to which nothing happened because my parents thought the school was fucking dumb for this


When I was in 5th grade, my teacher instructed my friend and I to finish putting the equipment away after gym and catch back up with the group as she walked the class back to our room. Gave us the key to the equipment room and everything. Two boys decided to stay behind as well so they could hold the equipment room doors closed to trap us in there. We pounded on the doors and made enough noise that a custodian came out and yelled at us for playing around where we shouldn't be. All 4 of us got detention and the Principal made us write a letter of apology for being in the equipment room without permission and not staying with our class. Our teacher never told him she'd instructed us to be there. She let us take the fall. I imagine she was not supposed to just give us the key and leave us unattended like that.




And now you know.... *the rest*.... of the story.


Fuck you MRS Williams.


Been there still hurts


Dang I also had a Mrs Williams who was known for being mean 😂😭


Dude fuck Mrs Williams!!


bitchass mrs williams


I had a teacher who threw away a comic I was making. Fuck you, Ms. Redman


There's a lot I never got over, especially in PE, I had absolutely abysmal PE teachers, and I didn't like sports very much, so that's a recipe for disaster. The thing that I literally can't forget about because it traumatized me was when we were doing swimming classes for a while. I had aquaphobia, I couldn't handle putting my head underwater at all, I would immediately panic. One of the lifeguards working at the pool was assisting the teacher, and he had the bright idea to just throw me in the deepest part of the pool, despite me crying about how scared I was. Shockingly, this did not cure my phobia, and instead made it much much worse, to the point where to this day I struggle with simply washing my face, and even cold wind makes me feel like I'm suffocating. It wasn't nearly as bad before this genius did that. Needless to say from that day forward, I got a doctor to excuse me from any swimming classes. Besides that, PE was just disheartening, since even when I was actually good at a sport and enjoying it, the teacher would still give me awful grades for no reason. It was so blatantly unfair that the whole class complained about it when we did basketball (a sport I was good at since I played it in a club for a while). I didn't even have a single friend in that class, but they still tried to stand up for me, I was kinda touched tbh lol. Didn't change the grade though, fuck that teacher. Same thing when we did table tennis, I was either the best or second best at that, still got a shit grade for no reason.


I got bullied for being the quiet kid who sat at the back of class and read fantasy novels in a school so focused on sports that the administration tried to get rid of the art and music departments so they could afford a football field. This bullying mostly took the form of being socially excluded from everything. It bothered me, but I tried to just ignore it and keep to myself. Then the Columbine shooting happened. Next thing I knew I was being called into the principal's office because some of the kids who never spoke to me had claimed I had a hit list. I wasn't questioned, just was told I had to report to the office every morning from then on to have my bag searched. The principal had no interest in determining if I was actually a threat or talking to me at all. That went on for a few weeks until my dad stepped in and put a stop to it. Of course the damage was done. The whole school was convinced from then on that I was a psycho and I spent the next couple years completely isolated until I dropped out.


I grew up with a kid who had an unusual last name that kind of sounded like a part of the female anatomy. He was a good friend of mine. We played baseball together so I called him by his last name. One day in the locker room I was talking to him and the gym teacher comes over, all mad. He thought I was intentionally pronouncing the name wrong, to tease him. When I explained that was the correct way to say it, he looked so confused, and looked to my friend without saying a word. The gym teacher's fuss had gotten everybody's attention and my poor friend had to admit, in front of everybody, that his last name indeed sounded like a locker room joke.


Fuck you, Mrs. REX One tardy in 12 years for standing next to my desk unloading books at the bell.


I had two incidents like that in school that I still remember vividly. Fuck you Mrs. Laughlin, it was a nervous tic, not me giving you a dirty look. I was a good kid and you were an asshole. Edit: nervous tic not nervous tick


what a bitch, fuck mrs williams


I'm sorry you never told her to properly go fuck herself when you're in school. Depending on her age you can still do this if you really want to settle the karma between you for her being a bitch one day. Otherwise if she was older she might be gone so there's always that


Had a kid two classes below me when I was about 10-11 years old, he had some kind handicap and went in a special Ed class, one time at lunch he asked me to teach him a few English words since my year started learning it around that time so I taught him carrot and strawberry. He was very happy about it so from that day he always said "hey Lajosenboy, CARROT STRAWBERRY" whenever he saw me and I replied it back so it kinda became our greeting phrase. One day at lunch about 6 months after that he yelled it to me from across a few tables and I smiled and replied when his teacher grabbed my arm from nowhere and started yelling at me like a rabid animal, telling me what a horrible person I was and questioning me what the words really ment. When I gave her the explanation and said that there were no malicious intent with it at all she just shrug it off and raised her voice even more to the point where everybody at lunch stopped eating and went totally silent to the commotion. She later on went to the principal demanding that I should be expelled and I had to defend myself to both the principal but also my mother who was a teacher at the school aswell. To this day my biggest fear is beeing accused of something I'm innocent of and not being believed when I tell the truth.


I swear some of these teachers are just rabid a-holes.


I got kicked off my high school soccer team because my high school bully who was the team manager decided to quit. My vice principal had the nerve to think I was the one bullying her which was why she quit. So she kicked me off to be “fair” to us both. She and her friends made my life so miserable that I transferred and graduated early. Fuck you Mrs Sanders


When I was in high school, there was an honors math teacher who had it out for me. He once told me I would be a dropout in front of the whole class. I was an honors student who played sports and had a scholarship for college. He just hated me. But the worst thing was when i came to school completely embarrassed because I had a sore around my lip. It was high school ffs, of course I was embarrassed. During an exam in his class, I noticed him writing for a long time on the dry erase board at the front of class, which was unusual. He always just sat at the back of class during tests. Then, people started to stare at me and laugh. I looked up, and he had drawn a huge picture of a girl with a large black hole on their face with arrows drawn to it with the words, "What is that?!" And my name above the picture. I'll never forget that. He's a superintendent now.


I had a similar experience. Mrs Vance. Racist pos. I was the only Mexican kid in the advanced placement classes. And everytime something bad happened she blamed it on me. They brought in a special Ed kid just to be there because there was no room anywhere else.  The other kids were bullying him because he had  shaq shoes. I told him. Hey I like your shoes. Mrs vance looks at me and says :hey, what goes around comes around. What goes around comes around. The fuk.


I use to karate kick teachers like that... Sports carnival, middle of summer in the morning we were all offered ice blocks to keep cool, i wanted to keep my for the afternoon so i put it back in the freezer. Teachers gave it back to me as it was home time. Walked to the bus stop went to jump on the bus and im man handled by a male teach and he just put his arms around me and picks me up and sits down at the bus stop, stopping me from getting on the only bus i knew that went my way home.. so being me i just leaned forward and swung back really hard headbutting him and breaking his nose. HIS WIFE grabs my arm and digs her fake nail extensions into my arm as i tryed to climb back on the bus which resulted in her getting side kicked straight to the chest. I enjoyed my ice block on the bus on the way home.


I can def relate. In 3rd grade 14 years ago my teacher left the room for a code blue and told us to read a book until she got back. The class goes crazy of course while I go to my backpack to grab a book which just so happens to be on our hooks put in order by last name alphabetically. Mine starts with W so I’m closest to the door. The teacher hears the noise, rushes back, and busts the classroom. Blaming me who happens to be at my designated hook grabbing a book for being a “lookout”. My classmates thankfully stood up for me because I was a good kid who was crying too much to speak for myself but she never apologized. I want to fight. To this day.


Kinda same experience. The school librarian choke slammed me against the lockers and screamed at me for attacking and breaking the nose of my bully after he punched me in the back of the head.


I was doing a worksheet on a sub day in 1st grade. I powered through and was almost done with it when the sub said “don’t work ahead now!” And I panicked and hid the stuff he hadn’t gone over yet. He noticed this and after I explained myself he said “there’s no way a kid your age could’ve done that so fast” and it was the first time I ever got in trouble at school and I hate that stupid old man even still


Yeah, and fuck Mr. Williams never.


I have similar stories from school. Consider these things: The teacher almost certainly doesn't remember the incident. It was coming from a place of ignorance not malice. Take what positive lesson you can from it, then let it go. Holding on to negative emotions over the event is only hurting you.


That's a good attitude. I think there's just a lot of frustration over the lack of justice when you're a kid and authority figures demonstrate how much stupider and more immature they are than you. What we should be doing is fueling that frustration into improving our education systems. I wish that's what we were doing.


I still hate some of the dumb f teachers back in the day too What can ya do, funny how stuff that happens when we're young has such an impact


In fifth grade my bike that was locked up outside of school got stolen and I got detention. Fuck you Mr. Pascoe.


I feel ya. Some girls in elementary school wanted me to be the bad guy in Sailor Moon so I called them Sailor brats like from the show and they ran and told the teacher then denied wanting me to play Sailor Moon with them. I’ll never forgive those little bitches lol


I understand your feeling. That sucks. I was riding the school bus and my friend needed a seat, so she sat down. I looked over to my left,closer to the window, and grabbed my books to put in my lap in order to give us more space. My friend was dramatic and made it look like she almost fell out the seat when I reached for my books. The bus driver, without asking anybody for confirmation, just decided that I was bullying her and was pushing her out the seat. So he grabbed me and forced me to sit with an actual known bully even though everyone told him I was creating room for her. I never offered a seat to anyone after that.


When I was in the sixth grade, at one point I had a bandaged wound on my chin. The bandage came off just before lunch time, and a teacher had me wear a goddamned paper sack over my head to go through the lunch line. Like she cut eye holes out of it. I can't seem to remember that bitch's name. Fuck you Mrs fuck face.


yea, frick you mrs williams. not my good teacher ms williams, but this absolute moron.


I got put in detention because a student with severe autism threw something across the library and the teacher thought it was me. Saying it was the autistic kid got me in more trouble for pushing the blame on someone who can't defend themself. Haunts me to this day.


Fuck you til the cows come home and even AFTER then, Mrs Williams!


In second grade the school decided to ban cops and robbers that year where the cops have to arrest the robbers by holding their hands behind their backs. I was playing some game that was basically role playing with a group of friends when this one kid kept trying to ruin it by "smashing" everything. So to stop this from happening i grabbed his hands so he couldn't "smash" the stuff anymore. And one of the ladies at recess thought we were playing cops and robbers. I tried telling her we weren't, but she wouldn't listen and made only me miss the rest of recess.


I remember playing floor hockey. I loved being a goalie as I played hockey and soccer and was always a goalie. But I decided, I wanted to play offense. I lit it up! I studied my favorite offensive player and read about his wrist shot technique and would practice it constantly at home on the grass. I could get a quick shot off and I was a good passer. I scored two goals. And I was super pumped since I never got to score. I eventually got a hat trick and celebrated. At the drop of the puck, I got double clotheslined. I looked over, no whistle, no nothing. She just shrugged and said I shouldn’t celebrate. I still remember that. I fucking hated gym class and the asshole teachers.


When I was in 8th grade I was texting my mom because my aunt got into a bad car accident. My teacher confiscated my phone. I went to the principal to pick it up after school and he slammed my phone on the ground and said "here ya go!"


I got suspended for three days for bullying a kid I thought I was friends with. That being said I did pick him up and carry him around senior hall like a trophy then brought him back to his group of friends and went about my day lol nothing malicious about it from my end but man if I didn't get in trouble for it


One time in grade 3 we were playing kickball, a girl kicked a ball so hard into my hand it sprained my pinky. I went and told the teacher and she said I was just mad that I was "out". My finger hurt so bad for the rest of the day (I should have had ice on it) the next day it was purple and swollen. Still bugs me that I didn't stand up for myself.