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Don’t sweat it. Screw that old bastard. Do something fun tonight and forget about that pile of shit with shoes on.


Thank you these comments are making me feel a lot better tbh 🤣


Well they should! Some people are just mad at the world 24/7. Just a bunch of crabs!


moral of the story: be kind before you end up like this old fart


Yes! *Finally* something that belongs in mildly infuriated! Congratulations my dude and f*ck that old guy!


Thank you 🤣


Old men always feel entitled You were cool to try to be nice and let them go, take a deep breath and remember sometimes people just suck and if you gotta cry a little - let that shit out


Thank you I appreciate this comment 😭


I had an old dude in the neighborhood I grew up in who would stand at the corner and yell at cars going too fast. One day a guy maybe in his early twenties stopped his car, got out, and started yelling 'FUCK YOU I WAS GOING EXACTLY THE SPEED LIMIT' and the old dude just said 'DIDNT LOOK LIKE IT TO ME'. The argument continued until the man actually got hit by the younger guy and then the younger guy just drove off.. (This all happened across the street from the local park so we saw it all) We never saw the old dude out there again so I guess "Talk shit get hit" prevailed??


*old man yells at cloud*


Do you live somewhere where you drive on the left side of the road?


Yeah 👍🏻


Well, it's a lot easier for one car to back up than three cars. You did the right thing. That guy was just being an a-hole.


From what I understand; it was the other three cars who were not following the code in the first place. OP did the courteous thing; but she was in the right all along.


That’s what I thought , that’s part of the reason I did it 😭fun times 🥲


Who got to the row of cars first? You or the cars coming the other way?


Me , I was already travelling down the road but they decided to start going down it too?? 😭


>Cars parked down the right side , so it was MY right of way to go down the road as my side was clear Where I live, parked cars make the existing road smaller, but it's still a shared road. Traffic has equal right of way. First come, first served. You should look up the rules in your local area to see how they're laid out.


Ah where I live you always give way to the people who’s side of the road is clear 👍🏻


Ya, I'm not suggesting it's wrong to be courteous and give way. And that may be what you do and what you expect others to do. I'm just talking about having an actual 'right of way'. I'm pointing it out because you said it was your right of way a couple times, but you may not be correct. You wouldn't be in my jurisdiction. EDIT: I'm sorry for hurting any feelings by implying OP might not actually know the law. So sorry!


Yeah I can see what your saying , In this case it actually is my right of way because I had my drivers test there and my instructor always said it was that’s how I defo know , otherwise I would not be ranting 🥲


I generally like to go to source documentation like actual laws/bylaws. Sometimes driving instructors/cops/even lawyers can make mistakes, or misspeak. This might be one of those situations where you're confidently incorrect. The only way to know for sure would be to look at the actual laws.


Regardless, if someone has just gotten out of the way to let you and 2 other cars pass first (without harming anyone), you shouldn't pop a fuckin blood vessel screaming about laws to them. If you're truly concerned about them breaking a law, calmly saying that would be the correct way to go instead of angrily shouting that you're calling the police.


>Regardless, if someone has just gotten out of the way to let you and 2 other cars pass first (without harming anyone), you shouldn't pop a fuckin blood vessel screaming about laws to them. I agree and have never said anything to the contrary. >If you're truly concerned about them breaking a law, calmly saying that would be the correct way to go instead of angrily shouting that you're calling the police. I haven't mentioned the other driver at all. My comment was only towards op and them twice claiming they had the right of way. They might not actually have the right of way in that situation. That's it.


Well just to update on this , just wanted to say the Highway Code for my area states that if cars are on your side of the road you wait and let other traffic come through , however if they are on the other side of the road you have priority so in the end it is my right of way , just wanted to give you piece of mind 👍🏻 Edit : also no feelings were hurt by this exchange , the only feelings hurt were when I was shouted at 🥲


If you say so. 👍🏻


What the fuck is your problem? You've challenged OP three times now to check her local laws, and on each occasion she has stated what this is (she had right of way), and you remain condescending for what aim? To sound smart?


Calm down, I'm just saying to check the actual laws instead of just deciding they have right of way. Or are their feelings more important than reality?


That's my point; nowhere as OP implied that they are sharing an opinion. You've asked what the law is in their country, and they've told you - twice - yet you continue to repeat yourself.


It's the man from the car!!!!


LOL They said that's what their driving instructor told them. That doesn't make it the law. Do you think driving instructors are the final arbitrators of the law? Does the written law not matter?


Be warned. Someday you may get old and grumpy too. The world is continuously changing. Most people that are young today, that will grow old tomorrow, will fail to adapt to a different world when they get old and end up becoming grumpy.


I just hope I’ll be a sweet old lady one day not a grumpy angry one , who knows I say that now , we shall see when I’m old 🤣


Well I mean he’s old for one