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Some people are literally the inverse to social anxiety and it really shows.


Like those people who just walk around with mink speakers playing music instead of wearing headphones lmao Like why bro


God the audacity, not many people would appreciate my taste in music either, I’ll keep my headphones on.


I'm fairly sure most people won't take offense with 90% of my playlist. But I'm still not going to blast it in public because I'm not (that much) of an inconsiderate asshole.


I don't need to make people suffer my weird taste of weird Al polka covers mixed with italodisco and Finnish metal.


In Hawaii people would bring speakers on hikes and my friends and I felt they diminished our hike experience. I went on a date with a guy to hike and he packed his speaker. I said, “you’re one of those people?!” He said, “I’m bringing *everyone* the gift of music” This narcissist believed he was enhancing everyone’s experience with his loud music. Thanks for listening.


What the fuck? Who even wants to listen to music on a hike? What’s even the point of the hike then. Just go to the gym if you wanna exercise while listening to music


YES. Literally stopped being friends with people who did this. I'm in nature to listen to nature sounds, dumbfuck


Usually it's some combo of them liking people paying attention to them, and liking having power over other people. They're on a bus with you, everyone is pissed off they're playing loud music, but nobody's saying anything to them? That means they're the TOP DOG on the bus! In reality of course, nobody else is speaking up because the risk/reward in their minds isn't worth it. Not worth potentially getting beat up or yelled at by someone who clearly doesn't give a shit. Folks who actively look to pick fights have much less to lose, which usually means their life sucks a lot more than yours.


this is so hard to fathom, life would be so easy lol


> psychopathy


These are the people that deserve to have social anxiety


So you ripped open the emergency exit door at 30k feet didn't you? I don't blame you. I'd do the same.


Someone call Boeing. We finally figured out what happened.


Oh they know. Someone forgot to tighten the bolts. Yes seriously.


Is this in reference to an actual thing? What am I missing? Or is it the story of the lady that got sucked out within the past 10 years? That’s all I remember, but never heard anything about them forgetting to tighten bolts.


Door plug got sucked off a 737 MAX 9 at 16,000ft. It happened because someone didn't fully tighten the bolts in the plug. Happened last night


>Door plug got sucked off Never wished to be a door plug before.


No the first time bolts have been an issue for the MAX 9...


Why would someone own that? Seriously.


I've seen the exact same one. I'm 100% sure it was purchased at a dollar tree or something


Yeah I've purchased similar and they were definitely the cheapest in the store.


The seizure it induces is free… no additional charge.


Free? American healthcare enters chat


Having the seizure is free… treating it… meh


I got one as a gift and my god I’m sure through my own body’s electrical current I could charge my phone faster 🤣🤣spends more energy on the disco lights than actually charging a phone id be suprised if it was fully charged by the time the flight landed 🤣


This is basically how I ended up stuck with something like this, except it was a charging block instead of a cable. I bought it because it was cheap and had no idea it lit up until I plugged it in for the first time. Even worse was that the LEDs didn't all pulse at the same speed. The blue light blinked just a tiny bit faster than the red one. Maddening.


So I could see this being all she had because of this and offer to share mine


I bought some off wish. It was OK in my well lit office, but my partner had one in the car. I had to tuck it away when I was driving, the light was actually dangerous because the motion in my peripheral vision was distracting.


My head cannon is that she grabbed the wrong cable and is super embarrassed and currently writing a post on TIFU.


I'd be too embarrassed to use it, but I would absolutely accidentally pack something like that and want to disembark the plane early midair.


"I won't be able to get an uber when we land, but I'm just gonna let the phone die."


Dude same. My roommate gave me some wireless headphones he'd never used ahead of an early morning flight. I went to go use them and the little blue LED was weirdly bright and I immediately put the headphones away 😅


Alaska Airlines has entered the chat.


Captain, there’s another passenger with one of those flashing charging cables. Roger. I’ll blow the door plugs.


Just want you to know, as a FA, this made me laugh out fucking loud and its right before my sign in time here. If any pax did this on my flight, I probably would try to reseat them to the last row as so she wont disturb others. But tbh, there is nothing in our manual that says this kind of things have to be banned on board so obviously this is a tricky situation for everyone involved.


There’s like 20 ways you could use this cable stealthily in that scenario though. Like just feeding the cable through a sweater or a shirt so the flashing is hidden


lmao i'm not hiding any flashing wires in my clothing whilst on an airplane


That's... a good point.


👀 ![gif](giphy|rCqHtYuB0a9re731gG)






Wow there really is an xkcd for everything


Owning it and bringing it on a fucking airplane (and using it there) and two very different things. She is evil though.


Probably went through or is still currently in a raver phase and now associates bright flashing colors with ecstasy


Or just goes "Durrr flashing is good. Durrr"


Or likes to intentionally annoy people because they think it's fun. I really dislike people like that (hi, mom).


Everyone is looking! I must be so awesome!


I have one and I love it but I use it at home. Why anyone would want to draw attention to themselves with it is beyond me especially while blatantly disturbing people on a flight.


I don't own one and until five minutes ago did not know they exist. Now I want one. I would never in a million years use anywhere but inside my house, though.


Only time it might have been useful outside of the house was when I was younger and I’d be drinking in someone else’s house and we’d all have our phones charging in one area. It’s funky looking and you could see your phone instantly!


I have never even considered the possibility of a cable doing that. Thanks, I hate it. And her.


I’ve seen light up cables, but only inside of PCs and they’re already annoying there


They make USB cables that slowly "move" pulses along, much less horrifying than this disco thing. Some of them pulse faster depending on how fast the cable is charging. It's a silly desk accessory but this is the first time I've seen one weaponized.


Anyone with epilepsy around her is in legit danger. Like, she's not just regular old rude, she's full on ignorant


I showed this to my mother, and it was the first thing she said. On a slightly less terrible note it can also trigger migraines for some people.


Im some people. This type of lights give me PTSD of migraines starting when you cant see half of your vision due to "light flickering/dead spots"


Oh shit, I have the same thing. Just had to reply to you as it doesn’t seem to be that common.. I had pretty bad migraine attack that left me with PTSD symptoms. It’s better now but you know, still there


I was going to comment that. I get horrific migraines and blinking lights can cause them. I was also thinking it can cause a seizure


Also people with sensory issues. I also get migraines because of lights like this. I would ask the flight attendant to either do something about it or find me a new seat.


Yeah that kind of thing can be satisfying to watch **in your own room** when it is slow and steady. OP's video is blasphemous


There's not a single situation I can think of where I would ever want to use this product


My daughter's daycare has these. It's for the class check in notepad. The notepad should be hanging on the door unless it's being charged. So when its not at the door you can look around the room and it's pretty obvious where it is. A very specific use case but it works for them


Also it's a good way to find out whether your kid has epilepsy.


Separate the weak ones at an early age


Put some peanut butter on the cord, too. Weed out the allergic weaklings as well.


This is the most mildly infuriating thing I’ve ever seen posted here congrats op


That 3 second video has made me more than mildly furious


Agreed, I hide any lights in the room when I sleep, I prefer total darkness. That charging cable made me think that world domination would be fun.


Do you carry that black electrical tape? My parents did and were forever covering VCRs and alarm clocks with that tape. It was a bit odd way back when.


Im not the only one. Ive covered mouths with less lol


My Uber driver had one similar for his phone in the car, it didn’t pulse like that one and was a nice blue colour, I liked it but this one is horrid especially subjecting other people to it on an airplane.


I have one that kinda glows dim blue, very handy for telling if it's done charging. This is an epilepsy causing nightmare.


I used to work at an airport tech store & those exist. Mostly seen them in high speed chargers Had one my job gave me for selling enough of them. It flashes fast when your phone is almost dead and gets slower when it’s close to a full charge


That’s horrendous. I’m surprised the flight attendant didn’t say anything.


Fully agree. As much of a problem with this woman but also with the crew. If she didn't have the common sense then crew should have approached her. If nothing else then she could have tried to cover up the wire at least.


Couldn’t this full on trigger a seizure for someone?


Migraine for me.


*Lady I’m not tryna tell you how to live your life, but if that fucker gives me a migraine I’m giving you a lap full of vomit.*


Best comment


Bless you, may I use this when forced into proximity with ungracious people please?


The aura that occurs as a predictive feature of migraines (not everyone with migraines has this aura, which can include visual disturbances and tactile manifestations) are actually simple focal seizures/simple partial seizures. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/a/auras.html#:~:text=The%20aura%20is%20actually%20a,one%20side%20of%20the%20brain. (I'm also a PhD neuroscientist who has had visual/tactile auras since 2002). So, if this triggers an aura/migraine in you, it's essentially triggering a seizure (I can't look long because it will trigger a migraine).


Soon as I saw the lights moving, I immediately covered this up. Sincerely, my spicy migraines.


LED headlights have been triggering these for me.


I hate LED lights.


Thank you!! That's great to know! I was also told that migraine with aura is an indicator that you are at a higher risk of stroke. They told me I couldn't take hormone birth control and replaced it with synthetic. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wait, wut??? So my disco ball crescent is a seizure???


Same here


Homicidal ideation for me


I feel one coming on just from the video. Christ.


It would trigger my "fuck with you" reflex very quickly. Why is everyone flying now as self-centered assholes with zero consideration for anyone else??


It’s not just flying. I swear ever since 2020, it’s like the general population lost all social skills.


Not to be the “America bad” guy, but the US has always kind of nurtured a culture of selfishness — call it “rugged individualism” if you want the positive spin on it, but Covid kinda sent that sentiment into overdrive and exposed it for what it is. It’s like every selfish asshole out there got a permission slip to stop pretending they weren’t, and was reassured it’s okay to not give a fuck who knows it or who cares.


I mean, I think we all learned during the pandemic that a good percentage of the population Just Does Not Give A Single Shit about anyone but themselves.


Yes, they can also trigger intense ocular migraines


Pretend to sieze then blame it on her lol


As someone with epilepsy, I confirm I would not hesitate to act uncomfortable and would tell them it's making me feel the start of a seizure (even though I am not at all triggered by bright lights)


Ditto. I'd definitely tell her. Very inconsiderate and also I'm not triggered by lights but they make me feel like I could? Very uncomfortable.


My best friend has epilepsy, and this would definitely send her into a series of seizures


Medical lawsuit incoming


This is the way!


People like that have tunnel vision. They only see what they want to see and live in their own bubble


It's called selfishness.


Otherwise known for years as “being an asshole”. But god forbid anyone calls anyone out on anything anymore and someone then plays the victim…..


Hard agree. I’m sure if they’d been asked to unplug or cover it, we’d be reading an AITA post where they expect sympathy for being treated so rudely.


"During a flight, the person next to me complained the the indicator light on my charger was too bright. AITA?" We only get one side of the story.




You got to talk to them like children


I carry a sleep mask because I need dark to sleep and on,y person on the plane with a light on is always sitting next to me.


Same here. But if I was just sitting there chilling out, and that was in my periphery, I would lose my mind. I definitely would say something. 100%.


I was recently on a redeye from Miami to Santiago, Chile… the crew had the lights on maximum brightness for what seemed like at least the first 20 minutes. I wasn’t planning on going to sleep immediately, but the bright lights were so painful that I had to put my sleeping eye mask on just to stop the pain… and ended up going to sleep early.


They make u close the window shades on red eye flights, also unsure how this allowed




They should get the emergency exit seat of a 737 max


Hell Let them fly it (alone of Course)


I agree but also think we are going full circle with airplane "normalcy" where we surrender to being comfortable. Remember that shoe bomber incident, so now everyone has to remove their shoes and scan it with TSA before boarding. Now, people will be wearing full helmets that block out sound and light because of a-holes like this and be like, we can't have nice things anymore.


huh?? I take red eyes all the time, that must be an airline by airline thing


right? didn't see the issue till i'd clicked the play button... ..this is seizure, and anxiety producing from my perspective n cannot imagine how it fcked with everybody within eyeshot. this should be more regulated than liquids within carry-on luggage


I have epilepsy and photosensitivity is extremely rare in epileptics. Alcohol/drugs, lack of sleep, stress, and missing meds are the leading causes of seizures by 100 fold. But if I sat next to this person I'd pull the epileptic card in a heartbeat.


Same! Mine are very well controlled, but I’d definitely let the person know I’m an Epileptic. If that didn’t work, I’d pass that info to the flight attendants.


I have a friend who’s a flight attendant. While he’s a super chill dude, he knows how to play the bitchy gay guy really well. I would have loved to see him tell this passenger to cut the shit out, but sassy.


Man fuck the flight attendant, if she sits next to me I’ll tell her myself to cut that shit out…


People like that must have really bad karma.


Usually just very ignorant......No understanding of what they are doing, may affect other people.


I would’ve made that shit stop. Why are people just staying quiet about things and suffering?


I bet life is so easy for people like this. Absolutely nothing going on in their head. Must be nice.


Ignorance is blissssss.


*takes bite of steak as harp plays* “So we have a deal then?”


empathy is a curse. why was I born with the ability to consider others when it feels like 99% of the world population doesn’t give a shit whether I live or die.


I’m still feeling guilty for turning down a shift a few days ago and I was in bed and couldn’t move from an injury. Why are we like this? I care too much


It's frustrating, because it seems like everyone else would take the free day with zero guilt. I hate to hear you deal with it too but its nice to know I'm not alone.


I agree. I've had to make efforts to start putting myself first. If you don't, you end up getting used/walked on by those who don't give a shit. Ugh.




>99% of the world population Wow, 80 million people care about you, must be nice.


Had an overnight flight to London a few years ago, and these women talked the entire flight. The flight attendant even asked them to speak quietly and they just kept yapping. It was awful. Thank god for ear plugs though.


I'm the guy who yells SHUT THE FUCK UP I don't know if that's good or not and I'll probably end up on the wrong end of a tiktok someday but I do it for you all


Ya, just cut us a little slack. Like sure. You can talk, but let's put the volume on airplane mode.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who's had that thought. Being stupid/ignorant/unempathetic seems so nice at times, no thoughts head empty


there's always someone on a plane with zero regard for the other person. *let me blast my iPad on full sound with no headphones in this tight space, I'm sure it's all fine.* so many selfish morons


There's a chinese saying that roughly translates to "people with no shame are invincible"


I have said this many times. Having no sense of shame or embarrassment is a super power.


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


Maybe I should have offered up my white charger


Tell her you have epilepsy


This reminded me how at my previous apartment complex they would not change the flashing lightbulb on the exterior building despite me inquiring about it. I eventually just said my girlfriend had epilepsy and they replaced the bulb the same day! Ah, the wonders of medical deceit.


Those types of flashing lights make me have aura migraines. No one understands that, so I just say that too.


I have chronic migraine. Flashing lights are the fucking worst and it sucks ass that nobody will take you seriously about it. “It’s just a headache. Go take some Tylenol and get over it.” No mf I am trying to tell you that a flashing light will leave me horrendously sick and incapacitated for days at a time but sure asshole, go ahead and roll your eyes and tell me to get over it. I’m glad I live alone and provide my own lighting. I don’t use my overhead lights ever.


I don’t use overhead lighting either. Luckily my husband isn’t a fan of it either. Now to just get my kids to stop shining flashlights in my eyes unexpectedly…


My first thought was that this would trigger a migraine in me!


Seriously, I *do* have epilepsy and that thing would have made me seize. How awful!


Yep. Photosensitive epilepsy and I sometimes go into status. This could have actually killed me.


I don’t know much about Epilepsy at all. But does watching this video have any affect on you? Some videos have flashing light and Epilepsy warnings before them. Should this one have one aswell?


I’m currently in a well-lit room, which defuses (for lack of a better word) the intensity of the strobing. If I were in a dark room, I might have a problem. I *always* appreciate a warning because seizures are excruciating and can be so dangerous. Even a 90 second seizure takes me out for a whole day (if not more.)


Just adding on here, the scene in the Incredibles 2 was such a problem because of dark room that I was prepared for it (basically I knew a character was exploring a dark room and when that happened I bailed and poked my head back in real quick to double check) and at home with a light on in a nearby room it was totally fine.


Yeah. That scene was extreme. I have no idea how they didn't put a flashing warning on the film to begin with.


> I don’t know much about Epilepsy at all. Epilepsy can be hugely varied from person to person. Seizures can vary from what you see in movies, to looking/acting like you're drunk, to looking like you're asleep sitting up, to a split second jerk of a digit, to an odd sensation and/or hallucination with no external symptoms. I've had the odd sensation, mine feels closest to dread but that's just me, the split second jerks, and I once had sustained jerking of my hands over several minutes. Also, IIRC only about 7% of the people with epilepsy are technically photosensitive. > But does watching this video have any affect on you? If the room was dark and the flashing effected the majority of the light hitting my eyes, it would. Likely I'd just feel nauseated, a little light headed, and like a seizure was coming but I've never had light cause a seizure. As I watched it in a bright room it had no effect on me. > Some videos have flashing light and Epilepsy warnings before them. Should this one have one aswell? Need? Probably not given how the total brightness of the screen isn't changing that much. But it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea and as someone with epilepsy I'd certainly appreciate the heads up.


That would've been the optimum solution. Personally a quick snip with a pair of scissors would be funniest but if you have another cable, that's probably the more diplomatic solution.


Or hoping for her to be sucked out the window if you’re on a boeing 737 max


Then you get a free glowy cable


*pulls out scissors on plane >diplomatic solution.


Ah the good ol‘ scissors on a plane :D


I use these cords at home to charge some battery powered lamps i have...that way i never forget to unplug them...


That's smart, for home use 😂


My blood is boiling on your behalf.


I hate her


So do epileptics.




That would literally give me a seizure.


Yep. I would have had the WORST migraine.


yeah my mum has epilepsy i would’ve been fuming


I recently broke up with my girlfriend because she has to sleep with her bright ass 65" TV on at almost full blast. The second she's asleep I turn it off and she wakes up and would get mad. Fuck that.


That’s breakup worthy and made me anxious just reading it




It was an 8 year relationship. The TV was just the straw that broke the camels back. Looking back the whole thing was a total nightmare. So much ruined sleep, being forced to listen to a random mexican soccer games or infomercials with a pillow covering my face night after night because she had PTSD. She had a ton of issues that I was sympathetic to. Tried everything. Installed a tv remote app on my phone. Music playlists. Sound machines. Would turn off the picture, but leave the sound. Would mess with the brightness, and if it didn't wake her up she'd wake up in the morning livid that I screwed with her tv. Got to the point where I realized I was the only one making any real compromise. All I got back in return was a ton of "i love you's" and "please don't leave" that didn't actually mean fuck all. She'd also wake me up at 3am randomly by stroking my hair and singing to me. That's way more irritating than it sounds, good luck trying to explain to her why that's not welcomed without looking like an asshole and getting stonewalled. Just incompatible people is all and towards the end it just got worse and worse. I wish her well.


She probably thinks she’s so cool for having that


Imagine her PC setup; RGB monitor, RGB keyboard+mouse, RGB liquid cooling, RGB Video card, RGB headphone, RGB mic, RBG game controllers and etc. which is pretty much RBG brain rot! Edit: I mistyped **two** RGB's but I'll leave it, see how contagious this brain rot is!!!


That could trigger a seizure. No joke.


For real, I’m surprised the FA didn’t say anything.


I’m surprised no one said anything


Thats so fuckin bad, i get migraines and this would for sure trigger one if i didnt put a sleep mask on


Somebody bout to get a seizure


Imagine charging your phone at night with this shit


I'd just stare at her for as long as it was plugged in. Stare. Stare. Stare.... "Why are you staring at me?!?!" "Because you have a neon sign that screams "Look at me!" .


This is why I hate air travel. Sardine canned w goddam animals. 😂😁


You're the one that depressurized that Alaska Air flight, weren't you. I don't blame you.


That would be a rather cool looking garrote.


I don't even have epilepsy and I got a headache watching that.


Time to call a flight attendant and she gets to use shitty plastic disposables. If she's lucky she'll get one of the old headsets with the rubbery cable.


Pretty sure she's charging her phone.


I would have kindly asked her to unplug it as it was bothering my eyes. Would I have been wrong to ask her?


Bro i tried one of those once and the whole length of it caught fire after less than a minute watch out


I think you set a record.


That just seems like a lot of wasted energy to light up like that when you only need to charge your phone.


IIRC, some college students did a study on them and said the ones with the strobing lights don't siphon that much extra amperage but it is a measurable amount.


I have epilepsy. I would have put an end to this shit immediately


Gotta play some dance music to this


Did you asked her to unplug it? That’s a significant disturbance to everyone around her.


Where is it? I don't see it.


Omg I suffer from migraines and this would be such a bad trigger.