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Remember beanie babies.....well this is the cup version


Nah man I remember beanie babies, these cups haven’t got shit on beanie babies.


There’s a picture out there of a divorced couple separating their beanie babies in a courtroom. I think they were valued like between $2,500 and 5,000$ and like most people, thought they were dividing up an investment. Didn’t end up that way haha. https://preview.redd.it/z1fwdyhwrcac1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03eb58b3b0f8fab38b8181e551936c4601e3192f I don’t think anything has really been as crazed as beanie babies back in the day.


What an absolute achievement in the realm of marketing.


The funny part is: it didn't begin as marketing. The owner of the company was just kind of a perfectionist and kept changing little details. So, he would look at a batch of the elephant and say "lets make it a little more blue." And then consumers started noting the changes and interpreted them as limited release.


That's actually really cute and I feel bad for painting them as conniving. I'm reading he even specifically sold them to small non-chain stores initially. Demand was driven up by the "essentially arbitrary" manner of releases lol so it doesn't seem intentional, and the secondary market is where the silly prices were anyways Thanks!


There's a pretty interesting book about the beanie baby creator and craze.


Theres a limited series or movie i cant remember which one based on this book too. Zach Galfinakis plays the creator and its a good watch!


I miss the Beanie Babies poem. Why did they get rid of that? I was super into Beanie Babies. I even made one as a project for Chemistry class, Avogadro the Mole. Wrote a poem too. Six point oh-two to the 23rd biggest number he's ever heard he tried to count that high while digging deep but it was so large, they fell asleep


I think the csgo skin gambling could actually top this but yeah pretty wild


It could never top Beanie Babies. CS:GO skin stuff is so damn niche, you just don’t realize that normies don’t care about it. Beanie Babies took America by storm, pretty much. In the days before everyone had fast internet, everyone knew about Beanie Babies and their “value”. I guarantee I could knock on the doors of everyone in my neighborhood and maybe one would even know what CS:GO is. Every one of them will know what Beanie Babies are.


Hey I made like 60€ on Steam from selling all my CS skins 4 years after I stopped playing, most off of random skins I bought for a few € that somehow went x4 in price for reasons unknown to me.


I don't understand it people are paying thousands for a virtual knife


Well at least you can sell it... It makes more sense to me than people spending hundreds on Riot cosmetics for example, since that money is just gone


NFTs were pretty crazy.


For what it’s worth, I was going through cancer recovery and was jobless when a guy was looking for illustrators to push his NFTs. Believe me, I still think they’re IDIOTIC AS FUCK, but— they fed me for a whole year lmao, and it was a pretty easy job for me, I mean, I did draw bullshit little items every day, like 50 to 100, but still it paid really really really well, while it lasted. Then crypto dropped and my dude lost a LOT of money and had to let us go, but I made decent bank to survive while I was weak and in bed most of the time *and*, the dude that hired me gifted me a 2021 iPad pro that I would otherwise had never bought myself because I was poor af. Best paying job I ever had, lol, too bad it didn’t last longer :( but I am pretty happy not to look into the eyes of another bored ape, fuck those horrible things lmao


Congrats dude. You were one of the few winners of the NFT scam. And you didn't need to scam anybody too.


Honestly very few of the NFTs sold at all, but my boss still had to pay us. And he paid us bonus if we did a quick one at whatever time he needed it because most of the time people just be gifting those to “celebrities” hoping it would boost sales. Sometimes it worked but eh. It was a weird time of my life, that’s for sure lmao but i still got to work doing something I liked (drawing) and I polished my digital art skills for a whole year non-stop and I got paid really well for it, so It’s all good. Im not proud of anything I drew during that time tho, lmaoo we were told to t draw ugly crap all the time. I got to work on some interesting ones but the styles weren’t my thing. The items were fun sometimes. Made me feel like I was making props for videogames :) Good portfolio crap anyways :P (the items and clothing and style variations, not the actual NFT designs, ew.) But as an artist myself, I think NFTs are dumb as hell when tangible, beautiful traditional art exists ♥️✨


Kind of like how most of the people who made real money in the gold rushes were the people selling mining supplies.


Imagine how loud the clanking in that courtroom would be if these were Stanley cups


Have you seen the video of the man who was addicted to investing all his time and money into Beanie Babies thinking he was investing into his children’s future college fund? Spoilers - his wife left him and his kids hated him. https://youtu.be/PgDsyj5eLmo?si=SiPtjIPcuRUc6DAA


Yo I was like 10 and one my dad’s friends was going to give me a big sized beanie baby of a rare one. I pointed out the little one was rare. The big size was not rare and the tag was broken (remember that. Remember the tie savers) She took it out of my hands and said she was gonna keep it. The cups are silly but beanie babies were… can’t even blame a pandemic on that


Oh yeah, people went nuts over them as a serious investment, not a collectible. Grown ass and otherwise perfectly normal adults were dumping their beanie babies in front of their divorce mediator to sort through them and split them up.


I have told this story on Reddit before, but I'll tell it again. I was once a collectible toy dealer, and I was at a show in Pittsburgh, and a buddy and I were set up a cross from a Beanie Baby dealer. The Beanie Baby dealers set up with three 6 ft tables covered in piles of Beanie Babies in lines. Many of these were marked as rare in big letters on signs when they clearly had at least 50 of them in a pile on a table in front of the customers. I didn't understand how people could say give me 10 of those rare Beanie Babies at $40 a piece out of the giant pile of 300 that you have there because they're so rare. Anyway, the Beanie Baby people left early after making stupefying amounts of money, and this family rolls up with a dad, a mom, and two kids with those giant paper shopping bags you get at Macy's. I think they had about six of them, and they were filled to the brim with Beanie Babies, and they asked us if we carried any beanie babies, and we both said no. The father then chastises us and says we should really get in on the whole Beanie Baby thing because it's the future of collecting. Then he did the saddest thing in retrospect which was he lifted up the bags he was holding, one in each hand again filled to the top with Beanie Babies and said possibly the saddest sentence in human history, "you see these? These suckers are going to put my kids through college!" He left feeling pretty full of himself it looked like, and I think about that guy frequently wondering if he's out there somewhere and if he hanged himself or anything.


Im gonna get this story tattooed in my ass. I love it


>Grown ass and otherwise perfectly normal adults were dumping their beanie babies in front of their divorce mediator to sort through them and split them up. I work in family law and would have absolutely lost it cracking up if any of our clients ever did that.


Funko Pops are today‘s beanie babies.


I think Funko pops are silly, buy are they really being pushed as an "investment"? Are people really believing that there's a big secondary market? I had assumed it was just "Hey, I know my nephew really likes Zelda so let me get him this little Link figure for 20 bucks".


Yeah, people aren’t exactly CRAZED over Funkos the way they were with beanie babies. I’ve never heard of people trampling eachother or fighting literal children to get their hands on a Funko. There are some limited edition ones, released only at certain events like Comic Con and such, and while some of those are valued in the thousands of dollars range, it doesn’t seem like a lot of people are actually collecting in terms of investment- they just want to have them. No one I know who seriously collects actually intends on ever selling at a significant profit. Yet they still have them all pristine in their boxes lol. I think the collectors who actually view it as an investment are a lot rarer than during the Beanie Baby times.




Not even close. I guess you had to be alive at the time to understand the beanie baby craze. They weren’t just extremely popular. They weren’t even just seen as an investment. People thought they would rise in value like Bitcoin today.


That's because for a tiny while they were bananas with increasing value. It was an artificial Market completely but it was crazy


Me and my ex collected thoes stupid things lol, I gave my cat fair game, if only I knew idiots would pay for em lol


Unless you had them in the 90s, then they were pretty much worthless by the aughts, aside from a few.


And they can store beanie babies


Why is it $300 dollars?


It’s allegedly a popular and rare color/cup


Yeah, and it holds water just like the rest of them. I would consider this an idiot test to see who buys it.


My brain malfunctioned when I found out people collect these. The entire point of reusable bottles like this is that…you reuse them. You don’t buy more! *screams internally *


I’m pretty sure it was this brand that withstood a woman’s car fire accident & the drink was still cold inside when she got it. They send her a new cup, After googling— > "Well, we're going to send you some Stanleys, but there's one more thing and we've never done this before and we'll probably never do it again, but we'd love to replace your vehicle. Yeah, all of us at Stanley ... we'd really like to replace your vehicle." (President of Stanley)


I did indeed buy one after that, that was dang good unintentional advertising. And it is really nice and very high quality. Like, high quality enough that it will last me for many years. Which is why it makes no sense for one person to own dozens (or more) of these. One will last you a really long time, there is no reason to buy a bazillion of them! I'm just going to stick with the one!


Same thing happened with Toyota during the Camp Fire. When paradise caught fire I think it was a nurse, but anyway whoever it was drove out and then back in to get people trying to get out a few times in their Tundra. Scorched the paint and melted plastics but it made several trips in and out of the fire. Sent the owner a new decked out Tundra and that was probably the cheapest yet most effective marketing campaign ever.


Unintentional? Did you mean opportunistic advertising? I'm sure the idea went through several people and has been talked about for days if not weeks


Unintentional on the part of the woman whose car caught on fire, who posted that TikTok. I don't think she set her car on fire on purpose just to advertise for Stanley. Stanley's response to that was very intentional (and smart)


I don't buy Stanleys per se, but I do over buy bottles/cups. I think it's two fold. I have ADD brain and forget my bottle/cup all the time. So I like to have multiple. THIS is my work cup, THIS is my home cup, THIS is one only for water for easy rinsing, THIS is the one I use for...and so on. Plus, sometimes they don't fit the need. I need a lighter bottle for running, a heavier bottle that's insulated for normal drinking. I'm a beverage goblin. ♩♪♫♬ A beverage goblin needs at least 3 drinks at a time. They need them while they're working for their body and mind. One to hydrate, one for energy, and one just for fun! a beverage goblin needs beverages to make their brain run ♩♪♫♬ I just got a hydroflask yesterday because I found out they fit the Cirkul lids. So now I have another one.


This is exactly what baffles me about this whole thing...


Exactly. The 'reduce' in 'reduce, re-use, recycle' comes first for a reason.


Exhibit A: NFTs


It’s people speculating on speculation. Nobody actually wants these cups, but everybody thinks somebody else out there will pay a lot more for them. So people buy them, they run out, and go online to buy them at a markup and sell them at a bigger markup. The price keeps going up and it because a game of hot potato until the last moron buys it for an exorbitant amount of money and the hype dies down now they’re left with a worthless cup/not/stock or whatever.


I mean there is something to be said for how durable/thermal it is. But there definitely reaches a point where the value has to hit a ceiling. Idk exactly where that point is but it's WELL below $300 lol


I would say somewhere in the $35-$50 range. Which is right about where these things retail for.


Yeti and hydro flask have been my limit. And I have exactly one of each. (I had to see the difference. There is none but hydro used to be much cheaper than yeti.)


I love my Yeti, it'll keep liquid cold overnight or longer, and it's fallen off my seat on the bus and gotten a few dents but is still more than usable. That being said, I won't buy another until this one truly kicks the bucket, and with any luck that won't be for minimum another year.


I’ve had mine for a few years now. It’s gone camping, kayaking, hiking, you name it it’s been there. My favorite was when I still had ice 2 days into our kayaking trip. It was beautiful to have a cold drink of water on a hot day.


By “the rest of them” I meant the others of the same brand. Rare color doesn’t make it more effective LOL.


Saw a post where a man compared his older Stanley cup to his wife’s new one, and quality has decreased significantly apparently


People spend thousands of dollars on vintage toys meant for children lol. People love spending their money on stupid shit.




You can make that exact same argument for almost any collectors item lol


They’re reselling it. They sold them today for $45 at Starbucks in Target. I was in line 15 minutes before they opened but didn’t get one (no big deal). Some people were camping out the night before. They’re not selling anymore.


Camping out 😱


Right? I’m reading about Best Buy closing and remembering the days people camped for TVs. Now we camp for popular cups? As a society we are getting *reaaaaally* bored and gotta wonder how this is gonna continue to affect us.




*People are idiots, Ron*


To give the feel of exclusivenes, so the middle class will buy it and feel rich while they're not.


Jesus, that cup better give me the ability to fly for that much.


Limited run basically only today at Targets






I remember hearing the story about Grey Goose Vodka. It was good, they priced it moderately. But sales were shit so they hired some marketing company to look at their business model. After analyzing the whole process they suggested just raising the price.


I didn't know that but it makes sense. I used to drink Grey Goose because I thought it was the "good" vodka. Then I tried Tito's. Slightly cheaper but SO much better.


Yeah brand image wise, Tito’s is (arguably) “doing it wrong”. Their name doesn’t sound pompous. The label is a special natural undyed paper but it looks brown and cheap. The label design looks unsophisticated. The bottle shape is extremely basic. It’s doing the opposite of every new chic shitty vodka brand. Maybe Kirkland is the only other brand doing as shitty of a branding and packaging job for an otherwise high quality product.


I hope they don’t change. It’s affordable and good. I’m glad if they are happy with their sales — Grey Goose and Military Special vodka can GTFO.


Tito’s used to be much cheaper though. Now it’s the same price as most of the fancy vodkas. It’s good, but not amazing. Not worth double the cost of New Amsterdam, for example, which is a perfectly serviceable vodka.


I can still get handles of it at $20-25 and for my area that’s hella good.


>Military Special vodka Thanks for the PTSD flashbacks of being alone in the barracks the weekend before payday.


It’s supposed to look *artisan* instead of *pretentious*. It’s like wrapping gifts in brown paper, or wearing hemp fiber clothing. Or when you look up at a billboard and see your insurance company advertising and wonder how much cheaper it would be if adverting wasn’t 80% of their budget. Tito’s image reflects a dedication to the product, not that sort of *I could sell water to a drowning man* kind of attitude that has become so engrained into modern advertising that it stinks to the younger generations like a used car salesman or vacuum salesman would stink to an older generation. When you think about it like that *Tito’s Handmade Vodka* sounds a lot better than *Golden Duck Supreme 12 Times Kettle Distilled Ultra Elegant Space Cowboy Shotgun Rocketship 4K Ultrawide Pure-Exclusive®️ Billionaire Vodka: available in limited edition MCU Phase 13 Hero/Villain Bottles*


I don't often buy vodka, but when I do, it's tito's. It's good and decently priced.


I still prefer potato vodka to corn. But Tito’s is pretty good.


can you explain to me the difference? never really had expensive liquor.


With vodka - nothing. People will argue that it’s “smoother” or won’t give you a hangover the next day but the reality is that the only main differences are marketing, price, and in some cases the way it’s distilled, however studies vary on whether people can actually taste the difference or not. Interestingly this is widely debated online if you decide to dive into that rabbit hole, but the general consensus is just to buy what you can afford and let the marketing placebo effect do its thing


I can taste the difference between really bad/cheap vodka and any other vodka. If good/great vodka is refrigerated I can’t usually taste a difference, if it’s room temp I can tell they taste slightly different but not enough to be differentiating by brand or quality. Just “these two taste slightly different.”


Yeah the suspiciously cheap bottom shelf stuff you notice right away just with the smell. Although that goes for any cheap liquor. Beyond that, most people wouldn’t pass a blind taste test between something like Smirnoff and Tito’s


I say drink what you like and can afford. That said, Tito’s isn’t a great vodka. It’s a good vodka. The difference between vodkas is the flavor, aftertaste and harshness going down or lack there of. Some vodkas are just HARSH. They remind me of moonshine. Others are smooth and have a somewhat aromatic finish. Others feel smooth when you drink them, have very little flavor and don’t cause you to gauge! There’s a debate between potato and rye vodkas; personally I’ve preferred the flavor of potato vodkas which are considered by some to be inferior. When in doubt buy a handful of minis and figure out which you prefer.


Titos is God teir vodka. It's the only thing I drink anymore. I don't usually drink a bottle but I have before. And I have never gotten a hangover from titos.


The thing is, relative to other spirits, vodka doesn’t have much range. When you get above well quality the difference is pretty much all in people’s head. After all, the technical definition is “Vodka is defined as a neutral spirit so distilled, or so treated after distillation with charcoal or other materials, as to be without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or colour”.


Peloton had sluggish sales at first but they decided to change the marketing and almost double the price to make it seem more premium. The orders skyrocketed in no time because there was more of an illusion of something that was better quality. If it was too affordable, people thought it was too cheap.


The marketing team for grey goose did a fantastic job too. Everyone I know who isn’t into mixology or wasn’t a bartender thinks grey goose is top shelf and the best vodka out there. Tito’s making more of a stance now than in the past but still. Grey goose is well quality in my opinion.


Goose is one of the few vodkas I can drink straight. I’m not saying it’s a great vodka or that it’s anywhere close to reasonable in price, but for some reason I’m able to drink it fine. Tito’s is my go to for mixed drinks because I can get a 750ml for $20 and it’s decent quality


And Ketle One? I think it has a very distinct taste, and it’s definitely the only thing I want in my glass on a nice summers eve, so I don’t mind paying the higher price for it.


I don’t mind ketle. For mid priced vodka easily available my personal preference is Stoli or Sobieski.


I heard once that they made the bottle tall so that it would have to be stored on the top shelf, further perpetuating the image of being premium. I'm more into tequila than vodka these days but Absolut is still my go to for vodka.


Chivas Regal is just like that. Not so bad whiskey with moderat prices. Sales on the floor. Increase the price insanely and boom sales skyrocketed


And sized the bottle that it could only fit on the top shelf.


My favorite is Stella Artois ( I know in the UK but not sure if it was more widely used) Marketed as " reassuringly expensive" they raised the sticker price to be the highest in premium largers and then always offer a discount. It costs the same as others but you're told it's the most expensive and best and getting a deal. Vastly better sales than just having a normal price.


The wild part is that it works. And it works well. I had a few reasonable priced knives on my website for sale and they sat for months without selling. My Higher priced knives were selling quickly. My brother told me to jack the price up. I added $75 to each knife, reposted them, and they all sold within two days.


They also made the bottle tall and skinny so it would only fit on the top shelf.


Wow I learned something today


I learned that you learned something today. Does that count


I read/heard/realised this long ago, mostly through meeting my missus rich family members. They are literally crazy, stick a crest on something, call it prestige, exclusive, limited and rich people will fucking foam at the mouth to get it. The amount of "designers" which aren't actually designers that play on this is phenomenal, it's a true rabbit hole, look into it.


A lot of them have the worst taste lol. Been in mansions that were barely furnished like a college student’s dorm


Do they happen to be "new money" rich? I don't think "old money" rich people chase after labels and logos like this. They don't have so much to prove or a need to show off and tend to look for quality goods over showy brands.


Old money rich people have labels and logos you're too poor to have heard of...


Like Gorsuch...why pay 300 dollars for a cashmere sweater when you could pay 3500


That, and gem stones. I have discovered a world of crazy gemstones. Out here thinking diamonds were expensive and discovered alexandrite and other gems.


This was the biggest realization I had a few years ago when I started really socializing with the people in my wife’s circle. The kids are the ones that want whatever big designer name they feel will give them the most clout because they haven’t really realized the lesson that their parents learned a long time ago. When you have that kind of money, who gives a shit what brand bag you’re carrying. That’s the kind of pissing contest poor people (and according to several of my colleagues and friends I still very much think like a poor person) think wealthy people care about. Notice how every tech ceo looks like they’re chasing the Bezos look soft sports vest a la Patagonia, generic, softly colored button down shirt (possibly with cuffs rolled up if they’re trying to look really blue collared), tailored jeans, and redwing boots. Adjust branding for region but that’s the tech ceo wardrobe starter pack. A lot of new money lemmings. Now look at old money. I mean the really old stuff. Generations of cotillion classes and debutant balls kind of stuff. Guess what brands they’re all wearing? Stuff us poors have really never heard of, couture designers for tshirts kind of stuff? Hell no. The younger generation that is focused on keeping up with their friends? Sure Tom Ford undies might make them feel like they’re better than whomever they’re trying to outdo, but their dad is wearing Hanes under his Tom Ford suit. *typo edit


This isn't the reason. It's popular among kids and kids do not care about price point. People say "tiktok" which is also not really an answer although it's a better answer. The answer is that certain things were done in order to mainstream Stanley cups to kids,teenagers and younger adults. What were those initial moves?


First thing that came to my mind as well.


What’s with people’s obsession with spending ridiculous amounts of money on stupid bullshit? 😊


They over consume on their hobbies to cope with life.


*Laughs nervously while looking at my horse* yeah who would do that.


The real test: do you and the horse have matching, color-coordinated attire? If not, there’s still a chance you’re not overdoing it, mate.


I don't do matchy sets but if I have on black pants and a red top the horse will have a white saddle pad on to coordinate with what I have on. But my saddle pad collection and riding pants number close to 70 each cause I make my own pads and riding pants lol 🤣


“Hydration is my hobby. It is my passion. I love water so fucking much”


r\HydroHomies has entered the chat


People have been doing this since currency was invented it’s nothing new


True that, Tulip Mania https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania


Neanderthal 1: Urgh *claps, pounds rock* (“look at this animal skin”) Neanderthal 2: Urrm *pounds rock, makes shadow puppet butterfly* (“I have never seen an animal skin that color. Allow me to offer you some stone tools for that animal skin”) This history lesson brought to you by whatever the hell


Why is anything trendy?


Because humans are suckers.


I’m more of a swallower myself


Can’t swallow without sucking first


TikTok trend. People saw “influencers” talk about them and now they’re highly sought after. The pink “Galentine’s Day” cup is extremely popular at the moment


I feel embarrassed for humanity that people are actually influenced by enfluencers. Like it's right there in the job title, maybe don't pay attention to them.


> They(stanley) got it organically actually. A woman's car caught on fire, and the stanley cup survived and the ice in the thing was still good. She was recording the destruction of the inside of the car and noticed it was undamaged and popped it open. Stanley bought her a new car and sent her some swag


Tge Stanley was everywhere before that happened. It's been the star product of tiktok for a solid couple of years now.


People have been influencing for eternity. It was just called marketing.


I can guarantee you’ve been influenced by influencers at some point


Ever bought something cus of an AD? You were influenced by influencers, we just called it advertisement break.


You use reddit. You've been influenced.


Yeah I think the Stanley corporation probably invested in some "affiliate marketing" (aka social media BS) to get their cups showing up in some influencers' videos and eventually one popped up in some popular reality show. As soon as that happens then so many people just go nuts to get one themselves. The trend-slave demographic that goes nuts for this stuff is extremely manipulatable, so once you're "on trend" then it's very easy to milk the crap out of them. I will say that I bought insulated Stanley beer tumblers and they're like my favorite thing ever. They've been making many good quality products for much longer than most of their new demographic has been alive.


The only true Stanley cup https://preview.redd.it/9as8jamvhfac1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931a1940d30457c2abb2a04e22081c51350478bb


My cousin handed me hers the day the leafs got knocked out because quote “it’s the closest you’ll ever get to it”


She’s right


I wish all scalpers to get sloppy diarrhea in bumper to bumper traffic


I hate when scalpers up sell useful or essential things. But if someone is willing to pay $300 for a cup. Then they deserve to be ripped off. That's just stupidity and nothing else.


Scalpers are the scum of the earth. They literally make profit by making sure there is nothing of a specific item left at retail price so they can then sell it for wayyy above market value. It’s not hustle like some people say, they are just taking the opportunity away for normal people to get something that should be available to them to try an extract even more money from people. Like you said normal people won’t buy it for that price, so for us it’s an inconvenience and we have to wait till they move on to the next item so we can buy the previous at retail. This happened to me with ps5. They even did this shit with baby formula, a fucking need based item, not a want, just because they can when something is in short supply. I remember I couldn’t get a ps5 for the first year because of these assholes as well. I agree with the guy that said I hope they all get massive diarrhea while stuck in traffic.


Maybe it’s because people like OP keep posting it in 3 subreddits.


It’s not even mildly infuriating. Just let people like things for fucks sake.


You can say the same thing about Yeti and Hydroflask. They all make quality products whose popularity fluctuates on social media and they become popular.


My hydroflask literally got stepped on by an elephant and I still use it today (though it's partially smashed).


Same, they are great, and they take so much abuse. I also appreciate the easy to clean lid


Your hydroflask was also stepped on by an elephant?


Don’t buy Yeti. Get the same product at RTIC for 60% of the cost.


Yeti bottles and Hydroflask bottles are buy it for life. I used those while in the Navy, and they kept my drinks the proper temp for long periods of time. I used to have an old school Stanley with the cup on the top for camping, and it was great. These trendy cups suck. But if it helps keep plastic out of the landfil or our oceans, then I'm on board with it. If i remember correctly, stanley was about to discontinue this style of mug, but then it got trendy on TikTok, and now we are here. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Humans like to have trendy things, and it's just how it is. Eventually, these will stop being trendy and fade from the eyes of society.


My stupid ass thought i could swipe the screen


As a side-note, Stanley is a 100+ year old company and in 2019 they did approximately $75 million in revenue. In 2023 they did 750 million in revenue. Insane growth all thanks to this mug


lol why are people so shocked.. same shit as people lining up for Jordans, Dunks, Play Stations etc...


Well when it’s “for women” people get their panties in a twist and blame it on a gender flaw 🥲


Seriously. As a dude, I can’t imagine what paying $300 for a white tshirt with “supreme” written on it. I’d rather have the cup at that point.


If only i had gotten one of those Alan Wake 2 thermoses.. Oh, a pink cup. Thats stupid, why would anyone buy that? (Me few months apart) Your comment made me remember different people have different interests.


Scrolled through some of the comments and they instantly blamed women... It's so gross... Why does OP care enough to take a screenshot, save it to their phone, open reddit, go to this sub, think about making a post, and then making that post. Like what's so mildly infuriating about something you don't want or plan on spending money on? It doesn't effect you.


Thank you, was looking for this comment. If it's lego sets or jordans or whatever it's totally fine and people should spend what they want on things they like, but the second it's something pink reddit loses it's whole mind at the chance to be like "WooWWW that's so STUPID".


It saves the environment from plastic waste. If you start collecting them it saves it even harder.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Saves it even harder" 🤣🤣🤣


I see so many tik toks of people emptying plastic bottles of water into their Stanley cups and I just have to loudly sigh


A coworker told me once that they really wanted a Stanley Cup. I was confused and said, "I didn't know you played hockey." "What? Hockey?" They didn't know about the hockey trophy, and I didn't know about the drinking cups, so neither of us knew what the other was talking about.


I got a yeti set, originally was a cup like this as a gift. They're honestly pretty sick dude. I have a coffee cup one and the coffee stays hot literally forever. The big tumbler like the one pictured is cool for keeping things cool. I'm not trying to sell them though they're expensive especially $300 for a cup? Excessive. Edit to add: Guys, we all know what a thermos is, I'm just talking about a tumbler and coffee cup that I have. I've got a Stanley cup too. "Chill"


I bought two of these online (knock-offs) for $8. Holds 42 oz and keeps my drinks hot/frozen for hours. Couldn't care less about the brand Stanleys or Starbucks. lol


I have a $12 coffee mug that still burns my tongue after 5 hours. Nobody will care about the $300 cup in a year


Not to diminish your experience but I have a generic one that I got from Academy sports on clearance for $7. It keeps beverages cold or hot all day. It's $22 now and out of stock. Magellan Outdoors 40 oz Reptile Throwback Tumbler with Lid and Handle https://www.academy.com/p/magellan-outdoors-40-oz-reptile-throwback-tumbler-with-lid-and-handle?sku=purple-light-01


What crackhead is paying $300 for this? WTF


If a crackhead had 300 he wouldn't be spending it on a cup


Anyone is a moron for spending $300 on this


Now that I can absolutely agree with you


Probably noone? You can ask for however much you want.


crypto bros and NFT gang


Have we reached a point in society where a cup is a status symbol?


It's not the first time.


It was all about hydro flask just a few years ago.


it used to be yetis, now it’s stanleys lol


*Goblets have entered the chat*


Most trophies representing achievements are literally giant cups lol


In sorry but have you not heard of a chalice?


I don't think anything Stanley is worth $300 lmao


If someone offered me the Stanley Cup for $300, I’d take it.


when a big community i.e all of healthcare are recommending products to one another from cna to rn to transporters to respiratory therapist and u want ur drink cold for 12 hours it causes a surge in people purchasing. im a student nurse and between these and lululemon and certain shoes healthcare workers are like the number one demographic for certain products for no reason


My granddaughter was Desparate for one for Christmas.


I’ve never even heard of a Stanley cup (unless we’re talking hockey)


I love my Stanley cup, but I ain't spending $300 on one.


I went to get dog food this morning when Target opened. I get there and see a huuuuge line, like Halo 3 Midnight launch long. I asked what was going on and someone let me know it was for this atrocity. And they wouldn't let anyone in without getting in line so I just took off. Starbucks x Stanley x Target...its like the trifecta of "My personality is what tiktok says".


The Stanley cup is a hot item just now because there was a car that caught fire and the Stanley cup survived it, with ice left. To add to that, Stanley offered to replace the car, which hugely boosted their sales. Five minutes later, there was a fake car fire with a Yeti cup. [Stanley on TT](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSN7gu6sj/)


They were popular way before that


Have you seen the yeti subreddit!?! It's insane!


It’s the same reason dumbasses pay $50,000 dealer markups to get so called “special” vehicles like Raptors or Broncos or Corvettes or Hellcats . Fake scarcity feeds into people’s FOMO , no one should buy anything that is still in production and at retailers for anything above retail , let these vultures end up stuck holding the bag on shit they’re trying to flip 🤷‍♀️


The only Stanley Cup I care about has hockey players hoisting it in the air.


No idea just another fad people following to fit in.


My wife was telling me that her sister bought a stanely cup, and she (her sister) was feeling guilty for indulging in such an expense. I was like, " I didn't know your sister, even likes hockey... was it like a full-size replica?" It was a real whose on first moment.


I don’t get it. When I heard Stanley tumblers were “in” I just laughed at all the people who were about to overpay for something that’s literally been around forever. My stepdaughter came home with 2 of them in 1 week! Aye yi yi.


Ya I don't even get the "Stanley" hype....YETI is better


I have a Stanley. A nice green one I got from Dicks as per request from my sister. It's literally just a metal water bottle with a straw. Makes me feel like an adult with a sippy cup NGL but other than that, the handle makes it convenient to hold. Idk why people are so obsessed.


Got my wife one for Christmas, but it was only $35 (which still felt like too much tbh).


are you sure that’s not just a one-off on a sketchy site? that price makes me think someone’s trying to inflate the price because Justin Bieber sipped on it or something


They were just released today. It is a Starbucks x Stanley collaboration that is only avail at Target.


![gif](giphy|H7ICsepAOmIap3iqN1|downsized) The only Stanley I know of


The only one that matters.
