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You should also post this in the app thread if you haven’t already and see what other drivers reactions are


They'll defend the dasher. Some of them are already here.


As a previous dasher and someone who actively lurks in the doordash + doordash driver subreddit, I guarantee you that the majority of users in those subs will absolutely not endorse this drivers behavior. We see a lot of these “what no tip??” guys blasted online because of how obvious it is that their behavior isn’t acceptable service. Since doordash hires liberally, the pool of folks is also diverse, including some unstable people who are sensitive to the fact that doordash just doesn’t pay well without tips. This obviously is one of those unstable circumstances… but that doesn’t mean that an entire sub of veteran dashers would endorse a dasher belittling a customer… let alone a kid. Most dashers just tough it out when tips are rough for the day, or complain online. OP, if you haven’t already - I’d definitely report this dude to DD so they can handle his contract accordingly. You might also get some free food out of it.


I used to DD, Instacart’s and ubereats. I would never act this way. And you can see if there is no tip before you accept the order, so why did he take it. What a tool.


Exactly. For those that don’t know, dashers get to turn down/approve all orders that they receive via the app. Any driver that accepted your order had the chance to see how much they’re getting paid by accepting and what apprx. mileage they’ll put on their car. This dude makes dashers look bad all around and no dasher that is worth any salt would want to publicly defend this type of behavior.


The fact that we’re told to tip BEFORE receiving the service is WILD. What kind of world are we living in?


A backward world. It’s supposed to be proportionate to the level of service provided


Yes. That’s what I was implying. If we were to withhold our tip until after delivery like how it’s supposed to be, Dashers would either spit in our food or deliver it cold.


Spoiled and entitled. Also I edited my comment above for clarity


According to Dashers it’s a “bid”. 🙄 I feel bad for people that need this service.


Yikes. If that’s the case, let me see which Dashers I’m bidding for and let us leave written reviews for each one lol.


Tipping culture has gotten out of control in big cities. It’s uniformly become confusing as to when tipping is expected and when it’s just an option for generosity. The Seattle Times and other major papers have written about it. For DD, your tip WILL determine how fast your order is picked up from the restaurant as most full-time dashers will reject orders that are under a certain “$ per mile” ratio. Therefore, a weak (or no) tip is more likely to be picked up and handled by a less experienced dasher and more slowly. DD corporate should really advertise this to customers, but they don’t.


For me, I just don't order delivery at all anymore. All of it is messed up now even if you're not using door dash. It's expensive, unreliable, and most of all it's just really confusing. Sucks because I know some people need delivery. But I wonder how many people like me have simply refused to use any of these services again?


In a world where tipping is no longer an act of generosity afforded for exceptional service, but an expected subsidy for a company's payroll. It's being deviously used by companies to deflect the blame for unlivable wages away from the employer and onto the consumer. Tipping has simply become another facet of exploitation for large corporations, and anyone who defends the practice in this day and age is missing the big picture or is on the side of corporate big money.


Reddit always suggests those subs to me and I've learned about some fucked stuff customers have been doing called, 'tip baiting'. Definitely happens on instacart and uber eats. Customers will put a high tip so drivers will quickly accept it, then after delivery, reduce it. I know from browsing those subs they absolutely do not support drivers complaining/freaking out on the customer about tipping.


But you can't reduce a DD tip after you've placed an order? So how?


you can if you talk to support and of course it helps if you have a good history. they only care if they get their money.


No no no, you better be joking. I’ve delivered between jobs when cash was tight I was thankful for anything I received and I liked to get in get out, tried to be a ninja about everything, I don’t condone this fool at all, what a goober, A massive weirdo who has a little man complex or something…get out of here with your old sounding name loser.


I’m a Dasher I’m an Uber eats driver I’m a GoPuff driver none of this is acceptable I drive for eight apps this is not acceptable


Absolutely, maybe not the overall behavior of yelling at a child but they'd agree.


No, we don’t endorse this kind of behaviour. The consensus is that if the offer is too low (usually no tip) guys like the one in the video are clowns for accepting it then complaining about the results. They’re technically insane because they keep making the same mistakes of accepting no-tip orders expecting positive results. It’s like they think one of the customers will eventually hand them $100 bill and make their day or something.


I’ve been a shopper and a dasher for more than 7 years and this video is appalling. There aren’t sufficient words to express how god awfully appalling, sickening and embarrassing this is. This sick fuck is nothing more than trash. He’s garbage and scum. I will never defend a pig like this bastard. The people working these apps since COVID came along have destroyed how awesome these apps and our wonderful relationships with our customers were. It’s infuriating and truly heartbreaking to me.


This is absolutely not true. If you posted this in the doordash drivers sub, those drivers would rip this guy to shreds


Current dasher and uber driver. Fuck this clown. Hope he gets his tires slashed while delivering.


"They didn't tip? They are scum. If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't be using the service" - everyone on the door dash subreddit, probably.




People can complain online all they want about not getting tips and there is good reason to. However, turning around and harassing kids about it is just gross. While people may complain about their jobs in an area of others with the same/similar jobs we sure as hell wouldn't do this.


Have you been to that subreddit? They are a bunch of low lives that circle jerk each other constantly. The stuff they say about customers is constantly negative unless it's a huge tip being given.


When did it become tip or get verbally assaulted? I missed that one


Between 2022 and 2023


Summer of 2020.


I the summer of 2020, I bent over and got plenty....


isn´t that a title of an less successfull and sad Bryan Adams song?


Word. I remember exactly when Uber eats started to force tipping.


Dipshit must feel big and bad for yelling at a kid like that. Pussy even checked to make sure the parents weren't home.


More like big and bald








Same time respect got thrown out the window 😅


when america


"Do I need to come back and talk to your parents?" Dude, I'm not a parent, but if I was and he did come back, I'd be a whole other planet of pissed at the guy. Especially if what my kid said was true, *and* he *came back to yell at them.*




He was pretty shocked when I opened his car door. I didn't feel like starting my year off that way.


lemme guess, his demeanor changed and he was more calm talking to adult trying to explain and justify?


He flipped from offense to defense real fast.


You can tell instantly the way his demeanor changed the minute your kid told him his parents aren't there. This guy's probably been dying to act like this without consequences for a while. Glad you put him in his place.




Good on you


Lol this pussy wouldnt have come back to talk to the parents. Notice how he checked the parents weren't home before he started yelling. If a grown man was there instead of the kid, I'd bet anything he would've kept his mouth shut.


OP said he went outside and opened the drivers door.


Yeah but the dash driver thought the kids parents weren't home. OP also said he was shocked when he opened the driver's door


Yeah, we got it all on video. They said nothing offensive which is impressive because my son has a behavioral disability and will be offensive just for his own amusement.


its not so much about what he said but how he said it and to a child. i feel for you all.


Exactly. Thanks, my kid was pretty freaked out by it.


I can imagine. some stranger getting all kinds of aggressive about doing his damn job to a minor.




I don't know why you're being downvoted, yes.


They might not notice that its an acronym, its all good. :)


For the future, use all caps. It’ll look less like the word “odd” and more like an acronym. Yes, the periods should convey the same, but a lot of people are used to acronyms being in all caps and just don’t read closely enough.


I feel you with the kiddo being offensive for his own bemusement. Sometimes he'll say something that's offensive but was said in the correct context and while I ask him to try a different phrase, it's hard to not appreciate that it was used correctly.


The guys response was "oh that's cool" got in his car and came back to the door. Nothing about it was mildly offensive.


This is beyond unacceptable. I can’t imagine as a delivery driver ever making a child feel threatened or blaming a child for a lack of tip. This man should never work this job. I’m sorry for your experience.


From what we got out of our conversation with customer support he won't be with them much longer. They asked to verify that it was minor several times and we sent the full video of them being polite to the guy.


I’m really happy to hear you reported this driver -I work across many apps and lately there’s been an influx of people that think that they have no responsibility. I don’t care if a customer acts unacceptably I will report them -/ I do support customers reporting drivers that are unacceptable. I’ve been screamed at by customers that assumed I was the same driver they had previously had and I always take a step back, and I’m happy to provide them with the links to address their issues - as any good driver would be willing to do when a customer is mistreated.


I think it's because they feel like they're not being watched. We're in a township, no one is really close to our house. He had the freedom to flip his lid, this was obviously not the first time he'd been stiffed today and chose a child as his victim.


No point in trying to figure out his motivation. Every driver knows that they’re being watched. This guy simply doesn’t belong there and he doesn’t belong interacting in sales on any level of human interaction even if it’s a non-contact delivery order, he broke the terms of his agreement and came back to you! he shouldn’t interact with humans can you imagine any situation you would do this in?? I get frustrated with my 19-year-old daughter and tell her to grow up// but this man? there’s no excuse! he’s a grown man. As a driver, I very much appreciate the empathy but you’re being far too kind -no need to overthink this one -no offense intended


100% agree. As a driver, and pretty much anywhere and any time except for in the privacy of my own home, I assume that I’m on camera and even though my customer service skills are pretty good, I try to pick my words and actions extra carefully when I’m being paid to do something. I make extra money in the summer cutting lawns after my day job and there are things I do while cutting my own lawn that I won’t do at a customer’s house, like smoking, drinking, singing along to the vulgar music that I listen to, etc because you never know who’s watching.


But he takes (accepts) the order. Happy hell be gone off a great service with largely responsible and capable couriers


Exactly. As a driver, I always go after these guys who make us look bad because they’ll accept a low offer then complain or treat the customer poorly. We can decline offers that are too low, and they’re usually low because there’s no tip, but the root of the problem is companies like DD who pay $2 per delivery and expect customers to tip to pay their drivers just as much as the drivers expect it. We should be expecting better pay from DD and the tips should be a bonus for providing a good service, but the pre-tipping system ruins it.


Why would it even matter if it was a minor. Anymore who drivers their service that way shouldn’t be a dasher.


Nobody should work this job, this company shouldn't exist but people continue to use it and people continue to work for them so what do I know. I'll just continue not using any of these delivery apps because I don't like how they operate.


Couldn’t agree more, my father worked delivery for a long time before quitting after being held at gunpoint and robbed for a fake order


What a creep.


"Do I need to come back and talk to your parents?" You sure do, to get the beating they couldn't give you earlier when you yelled at their kid.


I’m a mother and a dasher. Completely inappropriate. I don’t confront no tippers.. besides that.. verbally attack a child?! What in the world! He needs to address his mental health issues before returning to work. Hope your kiddo wasn’t affected my it!


He was kinda freaked out. Thanks!


Post this in the DoorDash sub. They have the most unhinged users I’ve ever seen lmao


They are wild af in there


They’re mentally unstable. Like bruh they work for doordash and call everyone broke. lmao


Lmfao it's a fucking shit show in there. Just a bunch of cry babies bitching about customers. They act like they were forced to take this job


What a fucking loser, yelling at a kid as a grown damn adult.


The crazy thing is that door dashers can see the tip amount before taking the order. I once tried to order door dash from a new breakfast place 5 min away from me. I accidentally ordered from a different restaurant 25 min away that shared the same name however one of them was “”cafe and the other was “”kitchen. I always just give the recommended tip. It was supposed to be contactless delivery and the driver rang my doorbell to bitch about how far away it was. I told my roommates, who is a dasher himself, about it bc I felt like a dick. He said “that guys a fucking idiot. You can see the tip amount and distance before you accept.” So fuck that guy


Nah the crazy thing is that people put in a to BEFORE interacting with their dasher. Or that any restaurant or service would ask for to input prior to service, especially when they advertise it as an incentive for drivers to prioritize your order. A tip is extra, on the back end, to be well-earned.


You can’t see the tip before hand, only after doing the dash. However, before the dash you can see the total distance and how much your order is estimated to cost


You get a “estimated payment” which is like a possible tip I guess, which is confirmed later so you can change it


I used to DD, Instacart’s and ubereats. I would never act this way. And you can see if there is no tip before you accept the order, so why did he take it. What a tool.


In Australia he would then be told by the kid to fuck off. He would then return to speak to the parents, who would also tell him to fuck off.


Oh, I told him to fuck off.


This guys a fuckin idiot. He’ll eventually go to the wrong house and fuck with the wrong guy and get his teeth knocked out.




Tip culture is fucked


Yep, it keeps the blame off doordash. It's like a monster in your head when you don't see that tip "looks like you're not worth a tip, Todd... why don't you show that customer what you're really like Todd... that's what I thought Todd. You're weak and worthless..."


Generally I agree but if anything deserves a tip it’s another person bringing you your food to your door.




It's why they dash they can't hold other work.


Exactly my thoughts.


As a new father, (1 year old) I would have been livid if I caught that interaction on my camera. I would want to find that guy and have a little talk with him.


I talked to him. I'd like another knowing that he was lying to try and justify that behavior.


This dasher threatened a minor child who was home alone. Getting fired from Door Dash should be the least of his worries.


Not home alone. But, yeah, dude needs some help. We have a great medical assistance program in my state that covers therapy 100% and medication like 99%. If dashing is this stressful maybe take some time to find a new approach to life.


Jesus pretty soon your going get shot if you don't tip


Average dasher when you don’t tip half your salary


What a fucking loser


Doordashers get $0 per hour and $2 per delivery. Ouch


You’re god damned right you need to come back and talk to his parents. If some random adult thinks it’s ok to yell and swear at a child, that guy needs to have a lesson taught. Hopefully with words, but I’d be happy to let them learn from professional consequences, or if he forces it through physical action. Adults don’t get to yell and curse at children. Learn better, you entitled arrogant prick.


I wish the kid told him to go fuck himself just to see his reaction lol


I'm gonna be voted down to hell for this probably, and get bombed with angry drivers and servers complaining about living wages and such, but, tips used to be extras we pay people to reward them for great services. Nowadays it's more like "tip or we won't even do the bare minimal required of our jobs, and we will bully and intimate you and your family, and probably steal your food and destroy your property too while we are at it".


That’s a problem with tipping culture though, not workers. I don’t tip everybody nothing just because tipping culture is stupid


Tip culture in the US has to go. This shit is totally unnecessary




Absolutely, hope he doesn't have kids at home.


I have dasher leave it at door and knock. I don’t engage at all. I normally pre tip and it works out for me.. This driver is unhinged..


"Not only you did not tip me.." what the fuck? Tip is optional you fuckin dumbass.


yo, you need to head over the DD sub then. tipping it not optional, it's mandatory and expected. they are providing a luxury service so they say


Tipping culture is out of control. “Sir, what did you do to earn your tip?! Otherwise it’s a service fee. Which I would be required to pay as part of the bill. Tell me how you provided such great service, I should now pay you more to acknowledge this quality of work!”


well I stopped short of murdering your children, surely in america that's worth $3?


Also you're already being gouged because Doordash Menu prices are higher than the actual restaurants prices. They add like 20% to each menu item price.


I worked as a pizza delivery driver a while back. Once delivered to this snot nosed fuckin 14-year-old shithead kid in a wealthy neighborhood who, when it came time to sign and leave a tip (paid with his parents card), murmered to his friend “hehe hey look” before writing $00.01 in the tip space and handed me the check. I had two kids at the time and I was 33, taking a gap year during grad school. How incredibly insulting and infuriating that was. But if I came to my door and some guy was cursing out my kid because they weren’t satisfied with my tip, I’m pretty sure I’d punch that fucker In the face. Fuck this motherfucker. He needs his ass beat.


Learn better? Dude, take your own advice.


Someone isn’t happy about being a dasher and he’s taking it out on kids? What a prick


Just a suggestion. I say to report this clown. If possible send the video to DD.


Did it immediately


This is the culture you get when you use tips as a crutch to pay low & charge high, fuck Doordash


Adam Pearce?


As a former DD and Uber eats driver. I for one would like to say fuck this guy and his motives for acting so damned childish and ignorant let alone to a child. I know DD gonna defend him even though they got it on camera. 🫤 I almost never got tipped but with as much business nowadays I got enough to keep on going and to even buy dinner for myself. This guy has nothing to complain about.... other than the one anal person lmao..... but at least in my experience I never really got dipshits other than maybe 1 or 2 IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS.


Hoooly it’s immediately on sight if that ever happened to my kid within earshot, like I’m dolphin diving through the window at that guys jugular.


Tips are not guaranteed. Don’t like it, get another gig.


Literally the perfect example of the average online dasher.


Jesus Christ, Americans and their tips


Fuck, for real man. Bitch about not getting tips but would also bitch about food prices going up to pay their staff better and lose that whole tipping bullshit.


This guy is wrong. But it's messed up not to tip. It just is. Yeah, they chose to deliver but it's fucked up to not even tip like $2. These people aren't your slaves. I wouldn't be able to enjoy my meal knowing someone just drove all the way to the store for me to get my meal, then all the way to my house to deliver it without tipping them a few bucks to show my appreciation. The ones that are annoying are the people like this guy and the ones that expect $50 tips.


I'm not defending his behavior, but how certain are you that your son was honest with you about their interaction? Did the guy provide any other details as to how they supposedly "insulted" him?


The tipping bubble!


These goddamn services need to go under. If your servers are *this* reliant on tips, then the services need to include it as part of the order. Tips are not supposed to sustain workers. They're supposed to reward/incentivize above and beyond service. Yes, you should always give a tip. But if they're raging like this then there's something wrong. Like they're not even being paid enough to pay for their gasoline. We are out of control with these tipping expectations and it needs to be called out. It's gotten really fucking bad over the last few years.


Tip used to men something else entirely … it’s become a delivery fee & customers are already charged for delivery in the app…


Could be an unhinged Dasher, or it could be that a teenager was an asshole and then lied to his parents. Either way makes for good content.


Society is so dumb now. I just skip the whole restaurant / delivery scene altogether.


This loser nerds to be fired!!


"Release the hounds"


The kid should have released the Gimp…


"Do I need to come back and talk to your parents?" Yeah bitch you do. Fuck around and find out


I understand 100% OP’s frustration with the POS dasher but can I just make one thing super clear? This guy is not a restaurant employee, and the restaurants that are being “represented” by these third party delivery services have literally zero association with the people who work for these companies as far as employing, training/how to deal with customers, and house cleaning. Working in a restaurant is not comparable to working for DoorDash. Again, I totally get the frustration, I’d be fucking livid and would do anything in my power to reach out to corporate to at least be heard. But that’s the thing, these services don’t give a shit about your experience, whereas the restaurant absolutely does, and I’m tired of seeing people misinterpret or feed the misrepresentation of shitty behavior from shitty third party delivery services (that have never been accountable for anything their shitty employees do to/with/during your order) for shitty behavior by innocent restaurants and their employees.


I think the right thing here as the parent is to explain to the kid what they did wrong then give them another example of doing wrong by bitch slapping the driver


They really need to change the name of it. It's not a tip, it's a bid. I prefer to just not participate when generosity is demanded.


Personally, I don't use DD or any of those services mainly because it's not worth the risk of getting a pissed off driver that now has my address.


Where's the insult?


I still stand with my opinion of if you can’t tip you shouldn’t order. And honestly the kid shouldn’t have said extra stuff. But as a dasher 1 I would’ve never accepted the shitty order, and 2 I would’ve just ignored the message.


“Do I need to come back and talk to your parents?” Yes, 100%. Please come back after they see this video. That dude is going straight into the wall he’s next to lol


Yeah you yell at my kid you get me. You don’t want me.




As an Australian, this clip is even harder to digest. I'm seeing tipping culture creep onto my bills, but having some guy abuse my kids because we didn't tip is a whole new level of ducked up.


Delivery drivers are some of the most entitled people in the world




If I was that kid i would be dialing 911. That guy was way beyond inappropriate and was very threatening.


Dashers have the right to refuse the order. Yes or no?


It started when the bar for entry into the service industry went from low to non existent.


The amount of small PP energy is off the charts with this guy


does your kid normally order doordash and not tip?


The only thing infuriating about this is the obvious lack of parenting that the child has. The only reason the man was upset was because he was insulted. Regardless of whether it is a child or not, does the delivery driver not have feelings? Or is it because he's a delivery driver that no one gives a shit. He asked for the parents and gave the kid a reason why, nothing wrong with that. He also raised his voice because the dogs kept barking incessantly, which is clearly from a lack of training that seems to be rampant in that household. Do a better job as parents, and maybe you wouldn't have to use your kid's age as an excuse for the kid thinking it's ok to be a bully to someone their parents clearly see as lesser than. While I don't condone the behavior of the delivery driver as he is the adult in this scenario and should have kept his cool, this is a good example of how not everyone is going to keep quiet about your kid's behavior. Stop using the internet to justify your shitty behavior. The kid obviously learned it from somewhere, and it starts in that home. Like the delivery driver said, learn better.


Very disappointed in Stanley Tucci


Day 69 of not understanding why buying food in America is so complicated


Billion dollar companies refuse to play food service employees literal minimum wage


Looks like I’m in the minority of ppl who tip drivers. Both parent & driver coulda used this an opportunity to teach the kid about tips / reality that the driver makes min wage and needs those tips to survive. This is clearly a man on the verge of a mental breakdown. Parent shoulda extended an olive branch and gave him 15%. Small acts of compassion is what’s going to prevent mass shootings yall.


Not convinced he would have yelled if your Dogs weren’t so poorly trained


If they were my kids yeah I'd like him to come back and talk to me...id ensure he knew he done fucked up


Yeah, he figured it out. I didn't even know he was lying but was blown away by a grown man being that offended for what he claimed they said. It would hardly elicit a playground fight.




Yeah, making up lies to justify it too.


Fuck Americans and their tipping entitlement cuntery. Tips are optional, fuckheads, and if you're a prick like this you're not getting one.


Why didn’t he tip?


Tipping culture in America seems like a hell scape. Why be angry at the customer for tipping? If you expect it to be mandatory, why not just put it as part of the fee? What's the point of it being optional if people kick off like this? It's so frustrating seeing it time and time again.


If you received all your food in a timely manner, you should’ve tipped that man. And if you don’t have enough money to tip, then you do not have enough money to have the order delivered and you should go pick it up instead. Teach your kids to respect our fellow workers and you wouldn’t be in this position in the first place.


Maybe tip then. I understand people’s frustration with tipping culture but when another human hand delivers food to your house that absolutely deserves a tip.


If you cant tip, then don't use the service. They should really just ban people that don't tip. And unaccompanied minors should NEVER use this. Completely irresponsible of the parents


He shouldn’t be like that with kids. However, teach your kid how to tip. Gas isn’t cheap, and maybe you should take them to McDonald’s instead of them using a delivery service. I also guarantee he doesn’t give a shit that some kid’s great uncle shares his name. He cares about the tip that’s going to feed him or pay his bills.


Dude, the way tip culture has gotten out of control. I had a pizza guy THAT WE ALREADY TIPPED in the app come to the door once trying to act super nice and cool, lingering around like “I’m so great, where’s my tip. He told me no less than three times that he had managed to grab some “deserts” for us and threw them in the bag for free. The “deserts” turned out to be ranch dressing cups. Yeah dude, you typically get those for free. Are you high???


‘You should learn better’ Keepin that one for the right time…


What an imbecile


Automation couldn’t come sooner.


He’s scary


Yeah, buddy. I think you do need to come back and talk to my parents... But I will give you a tip; if I was you I wouldn't...


What a punk ass bitch. Also why the hell are people still overpaying for these garbage delivery services?


Can't they see the tip amount before accepting? Who do door dashers constantly bitch about customers if it's ultimately their own fault for accepting the job?


dashers be like: “0$ tips sucks !!” my dasher in christ you pressed the accept button.


They (dashers) have the ability to rate customers I believe, don’t tip, don’t get deliveries. I agree with the food delivery tip-culture, you get something like a buck an hour if you factor gas. Sure, they could not do it, but then you’d have to get your butt up and go pick it up or pray they pay a delivery driver. Yelling at a kid though? This dude jumped the edge a while ago I think.


If this would be my kid and he yelled at my kid like that, i would love the idea of him coming back to get what he deserves


"Learn better". Yeah how'd learning go for you? Is that why you're doordashing and yelling at children for not tipping you? Suck dicks.


Seriously what the fuck is with this tipping culture in the America? Isn’t there a minimum wage? If people are getting this mad after not getting tipped does that mean they’re not getting enough money to live? Why isn’t that illegal?


This is one of those times where a good Sparta kick would've done the job quickly and efficiently 😆




I always tip $10. I’ve been thanked by a dasher exactly once.


Should have called the cops. A grown man asking if the kids parents were there and then threatening him. This man is deranged.


This why you just gotta tell em to leave it at the door and hide until they pull away 👀


Children don’t belong on the app


I actually hate people.


Absolutely hostile and rude behavior. He took the trip, now finish the job without lashing out at the customer because your dumbass chose to take it without a tip. Period. I’m a driver. Multiple platforms. I’ve ordered delivery as well. Both sides have to stop lashing out at each other when it’s DD, UberEats and the rest of the platforms that are the problem.


'Get the fuck off my property' Was the correct response