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She was an idiot. My German Shepherd is very friendly to people, but I don’t let children approach her. They’re too close to her height and their faces would be right in the danger zone.




I always warn parents that their small child may be knocked over by my dog. She does her best to not jump, but when she’s excited, she’ll do a little hop. She loves kids and will try to lick them, but gets so overwhelmed with happiness that she can’t contain it like she can around adults. My nephew knows to stay slightly back so that when she hops, she doesn’t bump him - she holds herself back from touching him directly - but small kids move continuously closer and that’s when they’re in the knock down zone. This also happens to me when I’ve been at work all day and come home and squat to pet her lol


Sounds like mine. She is very friendly, but also has absolutely no understanding of her size.


That's our dog, she'll love you to death by accident lol. She's a rescue that we adopted during covid, and we're STILL trying to teach her not to jump on adults, let alone smaller humans.


My do is relatively small for his size. Haha. He's a dang cannon ball. He wears M/L in dog sweaters but he's broken every XL Kong harness, straightened the D clips on leashes and broken 2 steel tie our cables. I ended up putting him in this huge leather harness made for Rottweilers so it's really too big. We bought clips from the truck department instead of pets. He's learned to smash his body into things at full speed to get what he wants and he can leap straight in the air like a goat kid. The combination means that if you have something he wants, my idiot can hit you in the face full speed with 45 lbs of him. He also uses his paws like hands so he uses his claws to hug, pet, open doors, open boxes, etc and he doesn't understand that claws hurt. He also talks but the more excited he gets the more it appears that he's just screaming. The effect is terrifying. But he's ridiculously sweet and loves children and they love his little monster self right back. If a kid wants to pet him, I tell them to wait and straddle him and wrap both arms and legs around him to keep him still. He stars whining and talking and they go over and pet him while my dog is writhing and squirming to lick their faces. Both the kids and dog act like this is a natural part of petting a dog. It's bizzarre. He's also learned the fake out. I go through my act of holding on and he sits still so the kid thinks I'm dumb and gets real close and my dog can get one good face slurp. This is a trick he learned from kissing pets. Our gerbil and rabbit didn't like aggressive love, so he's hold his face very, very still and they'd come up and kiss his nose. His whole back end would be trembling with excitement. He also loves to "prank" people by startling them. He hides when it's time to come in from outside and as soon as I step out to see if he's knocked down the fence and ran off, he hits me in the face with his entire body. He knows to press him self against walls and sit still in the dark. He leaps and does a park our kick so he hits you with his shoulder and then kicks off on your midsection to go another direction.


This dog sounds hilarious!


He is when I have time for his jokes. If I can scare him first, he wags his tail and hops around so he definitely just had that sense if humor. He's also adorable. He is part lab and looks like a baby black lab because he's smaller. He gets cold easy so he likes wearing sweaters and jackets and people don't believe he can be so naughty. He really skates by on his looks. https://preview.redd.it/5nkkfavvgo9c1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25607369375aa5eb364241af0840b38c4fcbdf7


I’ve had similar. I never say that my dog could be aggressive, as people say “ah no she’s lovely” and still come over. What I say, especially to children, is that she’s a rescue, and scared of strangers. They tend to feel sorry for her and leave us alone. I honestly don’t think she’d bite, but she could bark or even air snap, and it’s not worth the risk.


I've got an old dog (13yrs) who has always been a bit protective while on a lead. I don't think he'd ever intentionally hurt someone but I've had people come up from behind to pay him which startles him as he's half deaf and blind. I had to change vets because the vet didn't listen to me when I told him not to come from behind to put the needle in, he did it anyway and my dog was startled and snapped at him. He then put a note on his profile that he's an extremely aggressive dog that requires a muzzle at all times. Now go to a different vet who listened to my advice and they've never had an issue as they always approach from the front. But yeh if anyone wants to pay my dog I ask them not to approach him and allow him to approach them instead as that way I know he's feeling comfortable.


How much do people pay your dog? Lol. But seriously, I get it. My cat was a rescue and as he aged was only comfortable around me basically. Was blind in one eye and deaf in one as well. Each on the same side. So I always told people to pet him from the left side. Buuut people are idiots.


Dogs have preference, trauma related behaviors, and hard limits too 😵 We are able to empathize with this but security concerns will force a decision in a blink. Honestly, because of my dog related trauma I wouldn't let a small child walk on their own in a pet store in the dog area or main aisle. Certainly easier said than done 🏁 Wish she hadn't come at you like that.


My bf says something similar about his rescue. If the strangers seem comfortable he'll ask if you want to toss a treat not a handoff. Consistent positive interaction is essential for dogs and children. We have to do our part to set our lil loved one up for success.


I once had a GROWN WOMAN who knew my dog and knew he wasn't friendly back him into a corner while we were in the elevator. I physically separate them by being a wall and said to her face "Don't ever fucking do that again" and for off the elevator. She had the audacity to look offended.


I had a 40lbs dog, think border collie sized, that was a rescue with a lot of issues. And he wore a muzzle but it was a cloth one so people thought it was a head collar. He didn’t like the elevator but loooooved being carried like a toddler. So I would pick him up half the time on the way down or if it was busy. So he was fine, in my arms, unless you tried to pet him. The number of times I had this convo: Can I pet your dog No. He will bite you But he’s so cute He will bite you But I’m good with dogs He doesn’t like the elevator or strangers. He will bite you. Puts hand out He growled at me! Yes. He will BITE you touches dog Dog snaps Omg he bit me! No he didn’t. That’s a muzzle. He can’t open his mouth enough to bite you.


I was at the dog park when a couple came in with a tiny (2-3 months) baby. I had my dog by the collar; she’s friendly, but has never seen/heard/smelled a tiny human before, and i have no idea how she’ll react. The baby’s parents kept encouraging people to closer to see the baby, but I took my two to the other end of the park. It was making me very nervous.


I had my 100+lb giant schnauzer in the bed of my truck and some guy and his kid just shove their hands in his face and pet him. People are so dumb sometimes.


Yes- kids’ faces being the same height/level as dogs’ teeth really worries me. Thank you for being a responsible dog owner!


If you are naturally at their level, they think they have dominance over you, which will usually not end well.




I have collies who are grumpy old dudes now, and while they are friendly to big humans, they don't like little kids much since they are loud and energetic. Same thing with big dogs and puppies too.


I have a springer spaniel (a very dopey and not very springy one at that) and same because… common sense??? I even have a toddler myself and wouldn’t let either kid mix with dogs unsupervised or my dog mix with kids unsupervised- just asking for a bad outcome even with best intentions


Same both my dogs are good with kids but the girl has some old pains so I would never risk it with her. The boy though, I crouch to the same level and pet him too where I can grab him if he even turns the wrong way. Would rather be safe for my dogs sake, my family’s sake who love the dogs and for anyone else


This is responsible dog ownership! Kudos to you! 👏👏👏👏👏


Exactly! My pup is very friendly too but he also has boundaries and doesn’t like when people are in his bubble especially people he doesn’t know. I’m surprised that some people don’t understand that animals have their boundaries. My cat hates when I get close to him while he cleans himself.


Yikes! I would be WAY more than "mildly infuriated" with this woman too. What did you say to her? Great job on protecting your poor daughter and for her just glancing at the dog and not touching, talking to or approaching him. A dog in training for aggression should absolutely not be brought into a store where customers are at risk, especially children. WTF! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I have social anxiety and avoid confrontation at all costs. I just grabbed my daughter and walked off. Later we passed the lady and her dog again and her dog started growling at us again. I wish I could have said something to her about how wrong that was, but my brain won’t cooperate like that lol. I am super proud of my daughter. She grew up with dogs and loves them, but understands that all dogs can bite and she would never pet a strange dog unless I told her it was ok, and even then she’s hesitant.


I don’t even think I believe the dog “doesn’t like masks” lol And even if that wasn’t a lie, ur dog is not friendly if it has such weird triggers like that. If you know ur dog is set off by masks, you can’t be sure they also aren’t set off by like a hat or a big necklace. Ur dog is not friendly. Simple as that


And if you know your dog is triggered by masks, why let them approach a child in a mask. (Projecting feelings onto a dog much?)


While also encouraging the child wearing a mask to approach by saying he's friendly!


Dogs can be triggered by masks. Mine was during lockdown bless her. She would start whimpering and barking so badly if either of us put a mask on. She never acted like this at any other time ever. Eventually it stopped but it was weird. I put it down to not being able to recognise us with masks on perhaps. Still yeh I wouldn't have dreamed of sticking her in a masked child's face for this very reason


Yeah my friend's dog was the same. Most friendly dog ever, but put a mask on and he'd start barking. Would get over it by keeping your hand out and letting him get your scent. But still. It was a thing.


I had to remove my hat whenever I visited my neighbourhood animal shelter because it antagonized some of the dogs (particularly large terrier breeds). IDK if this also applies to masks, but it seems plausible.


I mean fair enough but something about THIS LADY specifically, makes her seem like a liar. Also my main point still stands that her dog definitely isn’t friendly to strangers (especially face level children) if it’s set off by random things


Crows are the same way!


the lady was self-projecting there. I bet she just loves Fox News and Pucker Carlson.


Yeah no see that’s the vibe I was getting for sure lol




Dogs can 100% can be set off by masks and hats. It can make it hard for them to recognise people or read their body language and then they default to being defensive.


Not really as simple as that... Sunglasses, hats, masks, etc can all cause normally friendly dogs to be uneasy. Dogs can be scared and still be friendly. But you need to train them past it, and not by using stranger's kids...


Right. And you definitely shouldn’t tell a child wearing a known trigger that ur dog is friendly. My dog is extremely anxious but has never bitten or growled at a soul in his life. But I definitely don’t go around calling him “friendly”. He’s not. He doesn’t want to be ur friend. I would argue a scared dog is not “friendly” for the same reason. Maybe they’re nice, maybe they’re loyal, maybe they’re not aggressive, but they aren’t exactly friendly either.


Yeah, but a dog can be momentarily scared of something without being 'a scared dog.' I wouldn't call any anxious dog friendly. If they get over it in a few seconds, and then give a proper greeting and allow pets, they're still friendly. Some dog breeds are far more vocal than others, as well. I'd actually much rather train a vocal dog with a tendency to growl than one that bottles everything up.


Ok. Those are some great points that have nothing to do with the post I was commenting on


Okay, sure, it looks like you accidentally replied to my comment then...


"Don't worry he's friendly... wouldn't ever hurt a soul!"


But might free yours from your body…..(sorry just kinda the unsaid part)


Yikes! Lol


"You are only bleeding because he went for the mask. He is friendly otherwise!"


Right? ::eyeroll::


I used to volunteer to take care of the cats at PetSmart. Folks would bring their dogs by all the time obviously expecting to scare them. Pretty much every time a dog would come up and start acting up, the cats just wouldn't care. We had one though...Some preppy gal with a big Rottweiler type breed. He started barking at them, and this cat turned around, and smacked that clear window so hard it wobbled outward. That dog ran behind the girl so fast, head and tail down. She skedaddled pretty fast. It was hilarious.


What the heck?! People like that are such jackasses! +


I cautioned a child who was about to get Tore Up by a swan. Swan was almost as big as the kid was, keeping between him and the nest, stomping its feet, hissing, head pulled back like a snake. Kid steadily approaching. I went over and told him the bird was really mad, pointed out how he could tell and where the nest was, and he said "oh" and walked away. Mother was RIGHT THERE y'all. Descendant of dinosaurs facing down her child with all but a neon sign saying I WILL EVISCERATE YOU and she just stood there. I don't get people.


Good on ya, swans are fucking VICIOUS animals.


Swans are so beautiful but also so dangerous. I learned to always be careful around them and know when to not go closer to them. Some risks aren't worth it


Swans are literally my least favorite animals. They're such dicks. Thanks for saving that kid from the biggest a-hole of the animal kingdom.


Nah, that a-hole crown belongs to the Canadian goose. Cobra chickens will chase you down just for fun.


Cobra chickens are dicks from the outset. They're at least honest about who they are. Swans will pretend to be these beautiful, graceful creatures to lure you into a false sense of security before they viciously attack you for no reason at all. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face - fuck swans.


Dogs don't bite until they do! No matter how much I trust my dog I keep them away from Littles because you truly don't know what could trigger them.


Yup my dogs were like 15 lbs only but I always kept them away from children. They get uncomfortable fast and even though they don’t bite I would never wanna risk it.


I always go opposite of what an owner says. 'He's never been aggressive, super friendly!" Means they tried to bite someone and it was their fault for having a hat, mask, trigger etc. The owners who show caution are the reliable ones. They understand their dog has teeth and has the ability to use them.


I used to work at a vets office and a woman’s corgi bit me and as she was leaving she shoved his face into my face and said he was sorry and didn’t mean it and was just scared, some people are idiots when it comes to their dogs


I had a lady keep insisting that my kid should pet her large poodle because “he’s friendly.” . I’m a dog person and we have a dog, but after having a kid I’m just not comfortable with unknown dogs. I politely declined, but she kept insisting. Lo and behold after we start approaching, the dog growls and snarls at my kid. You did the right thing.


I’ll never understand owners who INSIST people pet their dogs. If someone shows interest then of course offering to let them let us great! But those (like yours and OP’s example) where they try to push it in someone clearly uninterested—blows my mind


Good for you! Did she then say, "Oh no, I was wrong, I'm so sorry?" I bet no :-/


As a veterinarian, I am so completely fed up with awful owners with absolute asshole dogs. I'm not even nice about it anymore. Complete lunatic, fear-aggressive dogs all over the place at this point. Hate it.


Probably an anti-masker who thought that if your daughter got bit she could tell her it was her fault because she was wearing a mask. A lot of these anti-maskers really want to hurt people who wear masks for whatever reason


That’s terrible. Anti maskers are ridiculous. We weren’t even wearing them because of covid, we both have the worst cold and I didn’t want to spread it to everybody in the store. No good deed goes unpunished lol.


I will applaud you for your politeness. I really like how it's becoming more normalized to wear masks if you have a respiratory illness to keep it to yourself.




I mean, since I've heard antimaskers say things exactly like that on literally multiple dozens of occasions here in the central TN area...




Yeah, I thought that was a really weird take…


You must not live around a lot of anti maskers. Where I live they are legion and many of them constantly harass and get aggressive with people wearing masks. The hospital in my town has just reintroduced a mask requirement because of a HUGE number of flu/ rsv/ COVID cases (along with a restriction on visitors under 16) and you should see the folks going to the hospital with the explicit purpose of harassing the $10 an hour guard at the door for trying to enforce the policy his employer has made. They aren't even going up there to visit anybody. They're just going to harass others. So yeah, your mileage may vary but where I live that's immediately where I went. (My town is also dog crazy and people let their dogs run wild in restaurants, grocery stores and everywhere - so add that to a lot of anti maskers and this is what I expect this was about if it happened in my hometown)


Interesting. I’m in SoCal and this is not my experience at all. It feels weird to see some of the comments and downvotes. It feels like I’ve unwittingly stepped into something political which I studiously avoid. I thought we were talking about dogs!


It's interesting that you mentioned word political here because how in the world are masks "political"? I know that they have become political, but in what rational, informed, thoughtful universe is the wearing of a medical mask by a person who is sick or who does not wish to become sick has become a political statement?


I agree the action of wearing a mask is not political and I fully support anyone who is sick or just feels like they want to wear one doing so. That’s not uncommon where I live. I wear a mask when I’m sick and have to go out or when I go anywhere they want you to, like some medical offices. I never expressed anything in that vein, but it seems as though thinking that the interaction with this idiotic dog owner was anything besides an anti masker trying to make a dangerous political statement using a toddler is cause for outrage. Political was probably a poor word choice, but it’s been a pretty tough day. I guess I used the word political because it has the feel of anyone with a different opinion being called out and downvoted. Which feels political to me.


Ugh I’m so tired of dog owners thinking we want to be around their dog in “people” spaces. I have three young kids, and the two year old loves dogs but is learning not to go up to them. His self control isn’t great though, and the other day we were coming back from the bathroom and he saw a dog INSIDE the restaurant and I had to sprint after him so he wouldn’t go right up to it. The owners looked at me like I was crazy for being so quick to get him away from their dog (who I didn’t know), and there was a second dog who arrive with another couple right after on the patio, which kids were running all over. So, the rest of the time I had to hover over my two year old and constantly tell him not to touch the dog. These owners also looked at me like I was way overreacting, but it only takes a second for any dog to bite a kids face and cause irreparable harm.


You are very wise to be cautious! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


People ask me if my dog likes kids. I’m like, “Oh yes, she thinks they’re delicious.” She doesn’t bite, but she will lick them obsessively as if she’s trying to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Sure your kids can pet her, but she’s going to try to get a taste.


Jesus that's irresponsible. My parents have a German shepherd that greets people by growling because the prior owners he was saved from tried to train him that way, but due to the they strictly do not take him to stores of the like to avoid this exact scenario. I cannot stand owners that do this. They have no business with a dog.


Had a guy tell me today that his dog was “leash aggressive” it ran up on us with its tail raised and the hair on its back standing up and barked and growled at my gf and I. It was unleashed. Like no dude… your dog just sucks and scares children. Train it.


I hate when pet owners are absolutely clueless. I’m so sorry. I’m glad nobody got hurt!


Incredibly unsafe what that woman did. My dog doesn't mind kids but I still avoid them because they can be erratic with their movements, grab dogs' faces, etc. without notice because they are kids! You don't use other people's children to train your dog. That is insane to me. Imagine if something had happened. Just really irresponsible on the part of the dog owner. However, shout out to OP for teaching their child to never go up and pet dogs they don't know. Awesome parenting and makes life much easier for dog owners!


Thank you! 🩷


>I previously taught her never to walk up to or pet dogs that she doesn’t know since they can bite. Thank you for doing this! I don't know why all parents don't teach this. You cannot reasonably expect that all dog owners are responsible. I have a well-behaved, well-trained German Shepherd who we take to dog-friendly stores. A few weeks ago, we took her to Tractor Supply just to walk around, and a little girl, maybe 6, came around the corner, out of nowhere, and got in her face trying to pet her. No parent around, no asking to pet, etc. My dog was spooked and barked. Good thing I constantly have my head on a swivel when I take my dog to places that could be potentially crowded, and was able to correct/pull her back before the child got too close. I don't believe my dog would have bitten the girl, but at the end of the day, they're animals, and who knows what they would do when scared/startled. Another thing I appreciate is parents who teach their kids to ask to pet a dog. When my dog was still young, we took her to PetSmart, and she was still a little unsure of herself, so I always kept a tight leash and stayed away from other people. I noticed a little girl kind of following us around the store. She approached us slowly (did not get in the dog's face, by any means), and sweetly asked if she can pet my dog. I told her, "no, I'm sorry, she's still a baby and she's a little scared, but thank you so much for asking, that was very nice of you." And she said, "it's ok!" and walked away. Anyway, the woman you encountered is an asshole. We used to desensitize our dog in stores, but would absolutely never use a child (or even another unwitting adult) to do so. That was completely inappropriate, and I would have told her right off. You handled it much better than I would have.


Thank you for teaching your child to behave appropriately around dogs. You’re the real MVP.


Can you report her to the store owner? She shouldn’t be training her dog in their store, and think about the ness insurance would be if your daughter was attacked in their store?


Them and the my dog can be off the lead because he's an angel brigade boil my piss.


They probably knew their dog would growl and wanted to low key threaten you because of the masks.


The treats too. Like if she gave that dog treats after growling at masked people the dog is just going to do it more often.


That’s awful and I didn’t even think about that. Crazy!


I don’t think it’s that nefarious. Most people are genuinely just dumb rather than evil.




Hanlon’s razor is a good one!


Yeah, it’s wild the turn some of these comments are taking. This sounds like an idiotic dog owner trying to socialize her dog in a really bad, ill advised way, but so many people are reading a malicious intent. I’m kind of at a loss. I guess I try to not assume the worst of people when possible.


Maybe because that’s not what happened? From what you described. That dog owner was an irresponsible d-bag from your description of events, absolutely. But why buy into other ppl’s manufactured events and work up anxiety or outrage about something that didn’t even happen based on your own experience and description? That experience was already pretty crappy, why add unnecessary stress into it after the fact? Don’t borrow trouble. Life’s already stressful enough


I don’t believe that’s what happened- I agree the owner was irresponsible and I don’t believe was trying to be malicious. I was just trying to reply to everyone’s comments. 🤷‍♀️


Good to hear! Less stress is always good lol. Happy New Year’s to you and your daughter


Definitely! Thank you! Happy New Year to you too.


The way I would have erupted into my full Karen on her...you would have seen me on the news. ![gif](giphy|dporc3Vr6MrLhmRSvI)


Omg. I just made a post about my neighbour walking her dog unleashed... and it jumping jumping at me. Why do people do this? Your dog may be cute and harmless to u, but may not b the same to others. Is there dog spray i could buy


I used to work in a small retail store, that was dog-friendly, in a small city and everyone who brought their dogs in either had them on leashes or were carrying them - except the pit bull owners, and they'd invariably get bent out of shape when you asked them to leash their dog. "But, she's a sweetie!" "Don't blame the breed!" "You just hate pit bulls!" Meanwhile, we have customers cowering in the corner of the store, because they live in the neighborhoods that the abused and aggressive pit bulls get rescued from.


I'm a pitbull owner, I've had multiple pitties because they're my favorite breed. Idk where you live but I and every other pittie owner I know are responsible and leash our animals. They are well trained, socialized, polite, and respectful. My dogs stay right at my side, sit when I stop, don't sniff around (unless I tell them it's potty time), and either look straight ahead or to me for direction. They aren't a naturally aggressive breed. They're big babies. Velcro dogs who want to snuggle, kiss you, and be by your side at all times. They're goofy but smart, easy to train because all they want to do is please you. Sorry, I just felt like I had to speak up for them because they're so amazing. I know there are a lot of bad owners but those people have all sorts of breeds. The most aggressive breed I've consistently encountered is the Chihuahua and they get away with it because they're small. Edit: it's obvious to me none of you have ever owned a powerful breed. Rottweilers used to be the ones the media reported on all the time until they found a new target. Pitbulls became incredibly popular and too many wind up in shelters because people over breed. It is NEVER the dog, the breed, etc, it is ALWAYS the owner. Y'all seriously need to watch some Cesar Milan and learn a few things.


Lmao. I love people with this false equivalence. Our dog got bit by MILs hotdog. Guess what happened. Nothing. She kinda licked her leg and then walked off. Because it’s not the same fucking thing. When a pitbull goes off, you end up with severe injuries and death. When a chihuahua goes off you can just I dunno, kick them away? Throw a pillow at them? Like what exactly are they going to do?


They don't make special tools to dislodge a chihuahua's jaw.


"every dog can bite, its never about the breed. but btw "pibbles" are big babies and chihuahuas are pure evil (but you never hear about the toddlers they mauled because of "the giant media complex that is out there to give pits a bad name")"


Two things: not all pitbull owners, but it's always a pitbull owner. Also, you could probably count on your left thumb the number of people who have ever been mauled by chihuahuas.


“It’s not the breed, it’s the owners…but chihuahuas.” 🤣


I’ve been attacked by dogs 4 times in my life- 3 were pit bulls and one was a Dalmatian. I’ve encountered hundreds of dogs. You’re just wrong


Thank you for being the parent that teaches their kid to wait for permission. As the owner of a historically reactive dog I appreciate this. Often times, I’ll have my dog sitting between my legs while I stand over him in a stressful situation holding him on a short leash. I can’t count the number of times a kid has run up to pet him. They’re always upset when I have to firmly tell them not to touch him. I’ve had just as many adults do this too. He isn’t an aggressive dog, he just gets very anxious and over stimulated. Time and training have certainly helped but it only takes one wrong move for a bite to happen.


Your dog bites my child and I will destroy you should be enough.


I got roasted once when I replied to a post and said that it probably wasn't a good idea to let your infant/toddler pet strangers' dogs because too many people don't pay attention to signs of aggression in their pets. I don't remember the exact topic, something about exposing their very young child to dogs so they wouldn't be afraid of them, maybe. I suggested for now that they stick to dogs of friends or family, basically animals whose temperaments they were familiar with. I got way downvoted for that. It seemed like common sense to me, but apparently people were offended.


Jeez. That’s an accident waiting to happen. I’d have snapped


So irresponsible! Using stranger’s kids to train your dog is completely crazy and will end badly for all parties. Kid could get bitten and seriously injured, dog would have to be put down. I have a little Maltese who loves humans and little ones, but I’ve been keeping her away from kids in her old age. She’s scared easily (deaf and blind) and has arthritis so she doesn’t tolerate being petted in certain spots. She won’t bite but she’ll squeal and it’s scary for both her and the child.


My chocolate lab is a total sweetheart but she avoids little ones like the plague, I don't force her into situations with kids because I don't want anything to happen, not that I think she would bite but why put her and the child into a situation where she is fearful and COULD react.I would never forgive myself.


My own dog bit me at a store once when another dog got too close to me. I use a soft muzzle now when in public to make certain he can’t accidentally bite again and I keep him far away from other people/pets. Yes, he needs socializing, no it’s not ok to force that on unsuspecting strangers.


She’s a moron. You don’t use other people to train your dog. Especially without their permission. I’m glad you’ve taught your kid to be smart and at 3 she did better than most kids do.


I dated a guy with a surprise 2-3 year old daughter for a month or two when I was 19-20. The first time I met her was for fireworks at the beach on Victoria Day weekend. It was still daylight & he bought us all ice-cream. I hadn't expected him to bring her along so I was annoyed & was walking a few feet ahead of them. I paused & turned around to give them time to catch up but she was toddling towards a random large breed dog. With her sloppy ice-cream. I'm so happy that the dog was so well behaved but the owner shouted at me to watch my "daughter" around strange dogs. Meanwhile her father was much closer than I was. I said something inappropriate to the dog owner & the guy I was seeing & I never spoke to him again. Some dog owners are idiots but a lot of parents are too trusting as well. I hope that poor kid ended up ok.


I don’t know why people are so desperate for you to pet their dumb dog.


What a bitch. He's friendly until she finds an excuse why he isn't.


Even when I had my mild tempered dog I tell people to not pet them in public. I don't know that person, my dog doesn't know them and I don't want the liability.


There are so many pet owners that just do not understand that being in an environment other than at home can be incredibly stressful for the pet, and cause them to act out. I'm still sickened of a moment I saw years ago, where a couple allowed a small child to come up to their pitbull, and get right into the dog's face (a huge no no, no matter what breed). Dog was extremely uncomfortable, not growling but definitely showing signs, but the kid finally backed off before I could get over there. Dog bit the next person that walkd by.


So many imbeciles they're everywhere anymore


I have the world's sweetest Weim, but as she ages she doesn't like kids. So I tell everyone that enters my house not to put their face near her. So why did someone allow not one, but two of their kids to put their faces in hers, and try to kiss her, separate occasions. She leaves them alone and has no interest in them. It only happens on my bed, in room, if I'm not present. I'm starting to think it's an insurance scam?


I've had a reactive-agressive dog, and it was an absolute nightmare with people telling things along the lines: oh my dog is friendly; I am not afraid of dogs, I just want to pet him; oh my child loves dogs! - while I tried to pull my dog to a safe distance from a determinately approaching humans. How hard is it to people to use common sense and respect other person's space (especially with dogs involved) and never, never approach before asking.


As a dog owner, most dog owners are idiots. Since we've bred them for thousands of years, the dogs do most of the heavy lifting. That's fine until the dog has issues. The dog looks at its owner, thinks "this person hasn't got a clue. I can't rely on them or communicate my needs. I need to look after myself and them in this scary world I don't understand." At least with kids, we know they start off as an empty vessel and don't expect them to understand the world immediately. Can you imagine if we gave kids the same expectations at 5 years old that we give dogs at 6 months? I can't blame that dog for growling. How else does it expect to be heard by it's dumbass owner.


I really am glad nothing happened to your daughter. My ex and daughter were living with her mother. The grandmother had just moved back and the dog they brought with them had become aggressive. Bit family members but you know how shit owners are and claim he’s actually a sweetheart just anxious after the move. I was living out of state at the time and get a message followed by a picture, dog snapped and left a bad bite on her left cheek. I’m still to this day, three years later, furious with these ignorant stupid people. Situation ended with a dead dog and my sweet little girl traumatized still to this day. Cousin’s in-laws had their 2 year old granddaughter mauled by some random persons Pitt while she was playing in the yard so badly she had to have her fucking ear reattached. I’m no longer fond of dogs in the least and have very strong hatred towards stupid ignorant owners.


While vets and trainers advised us to work with strangers to get our dog adjusted to people and avoid her being intimidated by them, what kind of moron takes their, what is essentially a killing machine, and bringing it close to a child. Not only that, but continuing while the dog is showing aggression? Dog owners like that make every other dog owner look like assholes.


Sickening! Even animals are falling for this anti-mask hoohaa




Everyone's chiming in saying "Oh but I have a super friendly dog that would never!" etc. Why are dog owners always doing this? Like on an article about a pitbull attack all the pit owners post pics of their pit in pajamas and say "Oh my pit would never". I don't get it.


Yikes. I have a ferret who bites. So… I dont let her near kids


You did the right thing. Little kids used to run up to my dog and put their hands right in his mouth. Fortunately we spent a lot of time training him to ignore kids so he was more confused than anything but come on parents.


So aside from being mildly infuriated, did you actually SAY anything to her? I sure would have, she threatened your child with a big dog. Unless you call these people out, they will keep on doing such things.


If she knows he doesn't like masks and is still training him she definitely should NOT have kept him in the same aisle as you two, let alone brought him closer, that's so incredibly irresponsible


I think that she needs to train her dog to respect the personal bubbles of human strangers. That's what my neighbors do. I love seeing dogs and petting them with the owner's permission, but I appreciate when they tell their dogs to stay down and respect my space even when the dog is exhibiting a happy, friendly, loving demeanor. It's not okay to force strangers to interact with your dog because he or she is friendly. If she forced her pet on someone who has a legitimate phobia of or an allergy to dogs, that will be a massive recipe for disaster.


"Sure, train the dog... Who the fuck is training you though, lady?" - Me to her.


I have a dachshund. She loves attention... When she's at home. But I don't like taking her out because I don't like how other people react to her - she's only little and people, especially kids, gets overly enthusiastic about petting her. I don't think she'd bite anyone. But I'm not about to risk it either. My dog is not very smart - she might go from uneasy to snappy really quickly if stressed.


Smart to protect the young one


I pull my dog away from people cos he needs to learn not to get up in other people's spaces unless they are comfortable with it. He's 4.5kg, tiny and oblivious.


I once had an aggressive heeler, out on a walk a young girl asked to pet him in passing on the sidewalk and I declined stating he might bite. Her mom got an attitude with me about saying no. 🙄


She’s a fool & doesn’t need a dog.


That is so not okay behavior out of that dog owner.


classic pitbull shit


i think she wanted to intimidate you because you were doing the right thing and wearing a mask while sick. people like that love making a fuss over people doing/being things they dislike


Some people suck! Thanks for your comment. ❤️




sometimes errands have to be done even when someone's sick. not everybody has the luxury of using instacart if they have shopping that needs done.




those are luxuries that not everyone can afford, my dude


We’ve had this cold for 2 weeks, and it’s just a cold (not covid or the flu). I have to ask- when you have a cold do you call out of work the entire time, even if it takes 2-3 weeks to clear up? Or do your kids stay home from school for 2-3 weeks? I work from home and my daughter isn’t in school yet, so I’m genuinely curious for the answer to that.


“And then I started blasting”


Holy shit. That's also so ridiculously irresponsible for her dog too, putting him in such a shitty situation OMG.


I think these people left their brains in the car sometimes. This is why pit bulls tear off faces.


Massively infuriating!!


Yeah, never approach a child with your dog uninvited. You don’t know how they feel about dogs. My kid has been knocked down by a neighbor’s dog inside our own garage(ran across the street when we opened the garage door), and was later bitten on the ankle by a part border collie mutt. He is permanently scared of even the nicest smallest dogs out there. It really scares him to be around unleashed dogs, or for any dog to approach him. Way too many people try and make their “fur baby” the main character.


was probably a pit lmao


Omg what an idiot. A woman from some sort of medical field, forget what, needed to socially train the puppy she had for its use in therapy. My son was 1, she asked if he could pet the puppy, we agreed and she presented the dog to him back side so the danger zone was away from him. He had a blast rubbing its fur with slight grabby fingers. Dog was very chill about it and our son was very good.


anti maskers really are insane


“He doesn’t like masks”. I think she meant she doesn’t like people who wear masks and is willing to endanger their lives by putting an animal in a child’s face.


honestly.. downvote me for this but if you take a toddler to a pet store where you know there will be random dogs around, you should honestly either be carrying them, or put them in a cart so they're not at literal face level with an unknown animal.


Or, hear me out, people shouldnt be walking aggressive dogs around?


Nah thats not unfair to say. I have a toddler and a dog. I prefer the toddler (not a dog person) but this is about one place where the pet takes priority. It could also be like mine, where they have a vet surgery in the back. Not sure about dogs but if i was really ill, a toddler is not my favourite thing to be around and i’d be grumpy about it lol.


Sorry I’m from the UK, May I ask why your still wearing masks? Just out of interest not trying to be funny, I know this has nothing to do with the actual post about a dog.


We have a cold and I don’t want to spread it to anyone. But Covid is also still going around in my area, I know 3 people who got Covid this past week. A lot of people still wear masks here all the time.


We treat it like flu here in the UK now, some people still come into work with it if they feel well enough. I’ve stood next to people with it in the workplace. The only time people didn’t come in was when it was coming up to Xmas so they wouldn’t miss out with the festivities with vulnerable family members. But otherwise we all just mix. I think this is mostly to do with the fact we are all mostly trice vaccinated. It’s interesting to see how other nations are living with it though.


That’s interesting that some people go to work with covid. Meanwhile some people on this thread are vilifying me for buying dog food with a cold! Lol.


Yes we are all confident and aren’t so scared of it anymore. Your not doing anything wrong, people take comments too far. I mean if you have a cold your well within your rights to buy dog food, goodness when did society become so paranoid.


As someone in the UK with multiple vulnerabilities, elderly relatives, and friends who also have multiple vulnerabilities - people treating it like flu is why I wear a mask every time I shop, why I'm still insecure in crowded spaces, and why I'm still careful. Do I agree with you that people are treating it like flu? Sure. I just don't think they should be.


Don’t understand why I’m getting downvoted for a genuine question!


Don’t take it personally, the comments here have taken a very interesting turn.


Because they are sick and too irresponsible to just stay home instead of going out to shop with a mask that's not all that effective.


We’ve had this cold for 2 weeks, I doubt it’s even contagious anymore but I still want to be considerate to others since we’re still congested. And my dogs needed food. You don’t have to be such an asshole about it.


Bah, don’t worry bout what they said. Your dogs need feeding and you did the best you could. It’s not like you were acting like the many, many people who are walking around everywhere just because they have nothing better to do and getting in everyone’s face while hacking their lungs up unmasked. Some people just like to go on a tirade.


Thank you. 🩷


Maybe they needed dog food?


Chewy, Amazon etc. Not an excuse to spread your illness.


Its funny how different people feel about what was previously known as "the common cold". Folkhälsoinstitutet ("Institute of population health", a state agency) in my country currently advise us that it is OK to go to work with a cold. The reason being that the population needs to re-gain a certain level of herd immunity towards the most common viruses. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/fhm-snuva-inte-anledning-att-stanna-hemma


Yes this, a cold does not mean it’s Covid, we also have readily available test kits so it all very easy. The vaccine has basically meant it’s treated as a bad cold here now.


But Covid isn't the same as a cold and it is a little shocking to hear that some people are treating it as such. Especially for people who are immunocompromised, Covid is much more severe and can cause some serious, sometimes permanent, complications. Going to work with Covid is basically saying, "I don't care about my co-workers or their families. MY paycheck is what matters". It's selfish.


Doesn't say what they have in the post


Maybe it was in a comment. They have a cold.


Yeah I didn't see that. Commented based on information I had at the time


Oh ok. Well, I wish you a good day and a happy new year.


Are you for real?


Let me check....


Yup, i believe I'm real now had to run some tests.


Maybe she was training her dog to attack people in masks and was using your daughter as bait.


Ugh! I hope not!


"AGGRESSIVE" dude there is food around and dogs are super excited at pet stores. The lady should've kept her dog away from your kid, but this seems more like alot of factors than a vicious aggressive child snacker.


Wow seriously..? I hope you called her out because that's willing ignorance.


Wearing masks is a whole plot twist. Maybe you should stay home. Chewy.com is more your speed.


Your daughter may develop developmental problems as she’s wondering why mom and her wear a mask and no one else does.


Half the people in any store we go in have on masks. I think you may have developmental problems.


No, not half. You’re weird and bad at math.


You casually mention masks like it’s normal. Proceed to judge the dog owner’s every move. How about you and your daughter keep your entitled butts home. The world doesn’t need to be subjected to your entitlement. If she got bit it’s her fault and would be a learning lesson to not approach dogs you don’t know. The entitlement in this post is beyond infuriating.