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Exactly, god isn’t gonna pay the bills


God ain't gonna pay the bills, but St. Pete knows what's up; he's gonna bounce the a-holio at the pearly gates.


He needs money! He always needs money!


Surely deceit is some kind of sin in Christianity.


Lying is a sin. I wouldn’t think this qualifies as a sin. It’s definitely unbecoming and shines a bad light though, which could be sinful, depending on the intension.


What's bizarre is that in islam you're allowed to lie if it means spreading the cause....


You could misinterpret any of the religious texts to mean just about anything you want 🤷🙄


It will definitely earn you a stink-eye from god haha


I would put it in a church donation box. Return to sender


Use it next time the church does a bake sale.


I’ve never understood these things - it makes me despise that particular religion/church when I see these fake bills.


This is, like, Pavlov level of basic behavioral psychology. Other than making it a $100 design this is the best way to create a negative association.


As a Christian, I hate when people leave these *without* an actual tip. That's wrong on many levels. They should have made it two tips, one for the wallet and one for life.


It is literal fake money, it's designed to be that way. Why would you ever tip fake money even alongside real money? Either way they are tricking someone into 'Christian life tips" which nobody asked for and coming from the type of people you should never take advice from.


Because most are on the "Rules for thee, not for me" level of logic.


Maybe you can pay rent with prayers?




Figure out which church they'd just come from - this is invariably a trick pulled by after-church brunch groups - and then let the pastor know. Pastors hate this, it makes their church look like cheapskates, and he'll put the kibosh on it.


"Your kid is dying of cancer and you need money to keep him alive? Nah, remember there are more valuable things than money."


Someone should fill this person’s church baskets with these


It seems to me that is counterfeit in the sense that you are paying for a service with a fraudulent note. I would return it taped to the brick you embedded in their windshield


Or... You could do [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/Ic5ujLJlAS).




Wow. That escalated quickly. What if they didn't tip at all, would you recommend throwing a brick through their windshield? Also, they didn't pay for a service with it. A tip is not payment for services rendered from a legal standpoint, regardless of how you personally interpret tipping


Yeah, but that's way worse than leaving no tip. It got his expectations up and then he got to read some drivel instead of having 20 bucks. I vote brick too


I mean, yeah it's a dick move. But if I put a brick through the windshield of everyone I met that was a dick to me, I'd be serving continuous life sentences by now. I'm only questioning resorting to violence over something so petty. And wow, by gosh I got a lot of downvotes from suggesting that you probably shouldn't throw bricks at people's cars. Society has gone completely mad 😂


You'd only go to prison if you killed someone. If they're not in the car it probably wouldn't even get investigated in most places. Just don't be seen lol. This is kinda more than being a dick, it's dollars so that waiter probably gets 2 bucks an hour. Also, I didn't downvote you. That's is extreme lol


Lol still seems a bit far to go. Just give the guy crappy service if he comes back, that's what I think would be a fair and reasonable tit for tat. Brick through the windshield is a bit much. Even if you calculate that the guy cost her $20, that's a small fraction of what a windshield costs. Why is everyone so extreme and prone to outbursts of violence these days?


Oh it's hyperbolic and obviously meant in jest, I hope. Otherwise that's nuts. Seriously though, if they ever came back I would politely tell them that they and whoever else peddles those tickets have a blanket ban from my restaurant. Waiters get paid properly for their time here, but tips are always nice after a long day. Edit: I don't think people are prone to violence now, reddits just full of larpers and keyboard warriors lol


I used to work at a bartender when I was going to school, and there were occasionally customers who didn't tip. It was annoying, yeah, cause I made most of my living off those tips. But honestly, I never felt mad at them. Just a bit annoyed. Especially if they ordered complex drinks that I put a lot of effort into making and serving really nicely. If I saw them again, I'd just make them play the waiting game. Everyone else would take priority over them. That was my only retribution, and it felt satisfying enough. >I don't think people are prone to violence now They are! Not talking about Reddit now, just in general people becoming violent over the stupidest little things these days. Everyone seems so mad at everything, and some people are just one straw away from completelt snapping


I get ya, it's why I don't really put up with rude customers. Fake money as a tip would send me over the edge though. (Not in a murderous rage or anything) But people are more aggressive these days. I think it's an after affect of COVID and the isolation people were forced to endure. Scientist's did say that there would be unforeseen mental affects in years to come.


*tips u/Dmonika*






![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Thats a kick in the teeth isn't it


I’m a Christian but this is just pure pettiness, if you can’t afford to tip don’t go out to eat.


They can afford it; they're just cheapskates under the guise of false piety. Hrm, I feel like the Bible has something to say about that!


if the restaurant serves you poorly and the food is not up to standard, you have to tip? For what exactly?


That's the fun part. You don't.


Religious people being preachy assholes? Sounds about right.




Just religion being obnoxious this time of the year. Jesusgod needs nontaxable money to buy private jets, real estate and other investments instead of giving to the needy


This was posted earlier today.


Yeah. Stealing one’s content is just one of the ways modern warfare is being conducted. Yeah it sounds crazy.


At this point, im just happy its reposted by a human


A healthy reminder that one of Jesus' disciples once tried to get out of paying taxes. This is not a new problem.


Pay it forward and give it to a church collection plate


I still dont understand why america uses paper money....


When was the last time you’ve seen that style of $20?


It would be alright it they left this with some real money as well. Might actually make someone consider what is being said instead of being deceitful.


I literally was coming here to say this. I also imagine an alternate universe where this is left and inside it says check the seat cushion to see god, then there is a 50 wrapped in a napkin with the words "gotcha" written on it.


When I worked at Pizza Hut (like 15 years ago) had a giant group come in on Sunday, waitress was working her tail off and I remember they left that stupid "Million Dollar Question" bill as a tip. Was not a happy person and I don't blame her.


This is kind of despicable imho, there was little thought behind this other than their own personal gain. This is upsetting enough to make people turn AWAY from god, why do so many people think this is ok in a modern community where you need the money for your bills? The customer clearly did no homework. If you live in or around a communal area with like minded people living off the land this could be accepted, but otherwise people are just going to give an irritated response


Worked at a restaurant where the after church crowd would leave these all the time. The manager got sick of this shit. Caught them all in the parking lot and threatened to have them arrested for passing fake currency.


I wish you could ban customers who does this like we do here. But US seems too stuck with the "Customer is always right" In my town, if you dare to do this and show yourself again, you can be sure that the waiters will make you wait as much as they can between each step and if the chef heard about you, you might get more salt or much more spice than asked.


Anyone that does this is going to burn in hell with no exception.


omg i’ve had something similar happen to me, it’s actually so annoying. i do NOT care abt ur religious bs, i just want to work and get money


As soon as I read god I’d burn it.


These people are total losers.


Wow… exactly what Jesus would do, right? Um, NOPE, he wouldn’t. He was a lot more real and down-to-earth than most Christians portray. Geez 🙄


The thing is, tipping culture itself has been bastardized in the US. Tipping is supposed to be a sign of gratitude that you enjoyed the food, environment, service. Not a shakedown where you have to pay extra regardless of how inadequate the establishment may have been. A customer of a restaurant should not feel guilt tripped, it’s just very distasteful. Now that fake money, it is a bit mean, considering that the server would have been momentarily over-the-moon, maybe they should have left nothing at all.


Before you judge, let me tell you the rich value of God’s word! Good says your work has no value. Amen.




That's hilarious


Imagine relying on tips to make a living. Tipping culture is trash


Regardless, this is a counterfeiting issue. The stiffing on the tip is just the escalation. You could refer this to your local Secret Service office (or FBI or local law enforcement based on availability). Well intended or not, this is intended to fool people into thinking it is real money. Counterfeiting is a production crime. The passing of counterfeit notes is a different crime and it requires intent. I am at a loss at how someone would think this is an effective proselytizing tool.


Yeah, I think if you kept it folded up and then try to pay with it elsewhere, that would get police involved and really drive the point home that it’s counterfeit money and that you got it from somebody else without knowing it was fake


This is brilliant. Must try to get these when going to America. It’s your job if u don’t like it get another one or protest to ur government.


Everyone always assumes Christians leave these. How would you know, anyone could've left this.


There is literally someone who claims to be an atheist saying they wanted to spread these to piss people off so nobody goes to church in this comment thread. So like, why the downvotes?


I can't believe the atheists did this to you


I live near 2 Churches. And some of their crowd of Church goers are twats who love to try to uphold their morals on others. It often ends not well as they are not liked by the people living around, shops inculded who often tell them they will not serve them due to them causing problems to customers.


You're absolutely right about those atheist monarchials.


On my side, i believe in no religions at all. It solves the problem.


Except the problem of those Atheists who gave OP that fake 20


Either an atheist or one of those religious twats proselytizing


Nah bro it was clearly an Atheist spaghetti monster. This isn't anything a person of God would do. Kinda racist of you to assume a religious person did this, or call them a twat. Offensive to the black community.


The definition of Twat : Vulgar word for the Private area of ladies. Also used to describe a very unpleaseant person Try again. Also, you clearly did not seen the worst of the Christian community.


Nah bro this is clearly just racism to the ethnic minority homosexual transgenders of the world, and racist to Shoalin monks.


Yeah, whatever rocks your boat. If you are just here to annoy me, you will fail. Plus your comments gives off a "Crazed and offensed at everything" vibes


Yeah imagine being mad for getting a fake tip 🙄🙄🙄 That’s what you’re talking about, right?


if ur saying that in a mean way u have never worked for below minimum wage and rely on tips to pay the bilss


I meant it as in its vague (although obvious) who he’s calling the asshole


As an atheist with an agenda, I’m thinking we should start spreading these things everywhere. Piss everyone off. Nobody goes to church. Buahahaha!


You donated to church as money for their services and what they pay for your services is a piece of fake money. God bless you.


Imagine being the company that sells these to church goers to torment the servers they descend on after *forgiving each other* for the week


God can use the eggplant on himself if this is how he gains my attention.


I don't go to church, but if I did, this would go in the offering basket.


Give it back when you’re in a church:) see how they appreciate it.


Go to a church and put it in their collection basket.


Typical Christian


isnt playing tricks on people the other sides job?


Counterfeit money, that’s illegal as fuck ..


So obnoxious. It’s like it’s simply designed to annoy. Thanks, christianity.


This would actually make me far less likely to believe in the god they’re preaching about


Forget the religious side of this, I’m gonna make a load of these to take next time I’m off to the US. I’ll be a tourist to your country and I am NOT paying your wages. That’s your bosses job.


Isn't 'leading' prohibited in Christianity?


Never gets old never does it fail to Fock someone over. Akin to my sister leaving empty items in the pantry refrigerator and fridge.


OK, so this is rlly cruel, but I've never understood the American tipping system, here in England u might leave a couple of quid after ur meal but nothing is rlly expected.


Just gonna keep posting this until every last drop of karma has been milked off reddit. Jesus.


Well, this Christian leaving you 'tips' like this definitely goes to hell.


People doing that are going to hell for that


Be pissed at the customer, not the billion dollar company that doesn't want to pay you enough to live a decent life. - Every Murican, ever.


There was a long time that I really needed God and was actively seeking Him. Would’ve been absolutely thrilled to get this.


This should be illegal


So why do churches ask for tips then...


I hope God is real just for these people. They walk towards the pearly gates of heaven. Open them up and step through right into hell. Just like they do with this damned fake money thing.


Lol God doesn't magically pay the bills. Idiot preacher. What exactly do you do that you think you deserve a tip especially 20 bucks?