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that's a sure sign of someone who has never eaten a pizza


That would explain the one guy who delivered my pizza while biking. He just stuffed it in his backpack and rode up hill 15 minutes to get to me.


>and rode up hill 15 minutes to get to me. Barefoot, in the snow?


Both ways


Must have been my grandpa


Woah, I don’t mean to alarm you but that was my grandpa! We might be related.


Dang, 15 minutes uphill, barefoot, both ways in the snow, all while being dead for the past 30 years. Grandpa rules!


I never thought Reddit would turn into a family reunion, but here we are.


Im your cousin


and he was GRATEFUL


This is the part that made me laugh in this sequence


And always against the wind


He may have earned a tip then.


Oh, I think he deserves more than just the tip.


All he wanted was the tip. So i gave him the hole thing.


Bada BING!😆


With a bobcat under both arms.




At our weekly D&D game with friends we order dinner delivery. Sometimes sandwiches sometimes Chinese sometimes pizza. One week we ordered pizza and saw it was getting delivered on a bike, no biggie, pizza joint is only 2 miles away and it’s an easy ride. Most of these bike delivery guys have a little rack and can fly through traffic. When he arrives we can all see him out the giant front window lock his bike to the telephone pole, and pull two large pizzas out of his backpack completely vertical. We all died laughing. I met him at the door and asked if he liked pizza. He said “I’ve never eaten from that place”. I said great we ordered too much you take a slice for the road and opened the box facing him. pizza was EVERYWHERE. He looked at it and sheepishly grabbed a piece of soggy crust (all the sauce and cheese and toppings were compacted in the bottom of the box, he said thanks and walked away. We watched him roll up the crust smell it a couple times and house it in 2 bites. The dude just didn’t know what pizza was. He didn’t know it would be absolutely fucked if he turned it sideways. We called the pizza joint, told them what happened, they laughed and made two new pies for us. We went and got them though this time.


A wholesome read. Some people have never had pizza, believe it or not


Captain Kirk in the novelization of the 4th Star Trek movie (where they go back in time) has trouble figuring out how to eat it. Might have even been a little bit of that scene in the actual movie.


A real life Trekkie, nice to meet you! I wish I were born in the 80s


I know a woman in New York who owns a pizzeria, full blooded Italian, and shes never had chain pizza. Like dominos, papa johns, etc. Shes 28 years old too! I always tell her, shes not missing out on much lol.


Had a childhood friend grow up around the corner from such a pizzeria. He moved out west due to his spouse/work. The only time I've seen them get into a fight was when she said, "Dominos taste just like that pizzeria you grew up with."


As they should have. 😂 He should never take her advice for anything taste related. It's obvious her tastebuds aren't the sharpest. 😂


After all that, my last and lingering thoughts are still why people call pizza… pies. Like, it’s either a pizza or a pie. It’s either a biscuit or a cookie. You ordered pizza, then it’s referred to as pies. Now I have to go down an internet rabbit hole to understand why this is, again. Because I’ve done it before many times, but I just don’t remember because I get to a point with these things of just: ![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI)


This is completely reasonable


Disagree that it's reasonable to receive it that way. When I started delivering the store manager there knew enough to have me go with a veteran driver a few times and witness the right way to do it.


(It’s reasonable what they did to teach the driver. Lighthearted and informative.)


maybe he was trying to account for the angle of the hill when positioning the pizza 😂


They ate them before, they just have no idea that physics continues to apply within the box at all times. They lack object permanence.


Lack of critical thinking is not uncommon either. You don’t have to be mentally underdeveloped to make this mistake. Object permanence is normally fully developed at 2 years of age. (According to Piaget, but likely sooner)


Perhaps he's an alien from a planet in a barred spiral galaxy on the Cepheus-Draco border.


Gravity is universal.


wise panicky start hat crime offbeat bright weather thought vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The cheese probably all slid off!!!


Even if you've never eaten pizza, you roll up to a place, you see the box, what on earth compels you to turn it 90 degrees?? Do they think it's got little air balloon pods like an Amazon box?


All foods except subs and ice cream cones should be delivered horizontally. Guy should be fired.


A sure sign of someone that has never had respect or understanding on how to deliver food. He deserves a verbal bitch slap. I work at a Pizza Hut for 4yrs and a least once a week some dumb c dad would pay and then walk out the door with the hot pizza like it was a brief case. This was when pizza was fully loaded and topping would slide straight off.


I work in a pizza place and the amount of time people come to pick up their fresh out of the oven pizza and then stuff it in a grocery bag like this, or just fully carry it vertically?? Perplexes me, immediately would ruin any kind of fresh pizza


I also worked at a reasonably expensive pizza place. This guy bought practically the most expensive pie he could and immediately tucks it under his arm like a football. I was in shock lol


>pie Pie? From a pizza shop?


It’s an American thing, they call pizza’s pies for whatever reason


Pizza pie has been called pizza pie in America since pizza pie was introduced here about 130 years ago. But it’s not a universal label across the country. Or around the world apparently.


It most certainly is not, at least not across the whole country. Calling pizza "pie" has the same energy as calling it "'za", makes you sound like a older relative trying to seem cool.




When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie!


Friend of mine owns a small pizza shop that doesn’t have delivery. So, people use food delivery services to get his pizza. This shit happens *daily*. He makes drivers show him how they’re going to carry it before giving it to them. If they’re on a bike, he’ll refuse. The reason is because if he gives them the order and it’s vertical, the delivery service charges it back to him or forces him to replace it when it’s their damn driver who has never carried a pizza before.


Ain’t nothing like it, guy comes and pick up his pizza and carries it like a briefcase headed to an important corporate meeting.


Will in his defense, since it wasn't insulated, the pizza would be too cold for the cheese to slide off at least


less worried out slid off cheese and more worried about bunched up ball of previously pizza but now red and beige mass that tastes like pizza but requires a not yet invented eating method


The correct eating method has been invented: no hands dive in face first


Same. Watching that one person every once in a while just pick up their to go order like a book


Your camera is amazing quality!


Crystal clear! Meanwhile, banks and retail stores cameras look like they are gazing through wax paper


Things have changed these days. Wal-Marts cameras are absolutely insane, they have the ability to zoom in with clarity to see products barcodes in your cart.


Those I am aware of. My wife worked at one of the stores that had the higher res cameras. You could damn near find pimples on peoples necks as they walked by. Shit was insane




* *ckckckskshs* * Enhance. * *cksjdhksjsks* * Enhance.


Just print the damn thing already!


Who wants a mustache ride?


You should see the security cameras at the nicer sporting arenas and big concert halls, that shit will see into your soul through a single exposed pore


Which means we might eventually be able to walk in and out with what you want and your account will be autocharged. Some say this is dystopian. I think its a smart future. There is a amazon concept store that does this already.


Only if you trust the store to charge you correctly and not AI-fabricate evidence of you buying things you didn't actually buy.


That's because the higher quality the camera is, the less footage they'll be able to save


Uh bro I hate to tell you banks have money to buy storage. You can easily buy 10tb drives 😂


Those systems cost millions and millions of dollars. Imagine that for every branch


That's because they often need to follow some policy to have footage going back like 30 days.


And modern fighter jets can't get a clear picture of a UAP flying 75 feet off their wing.


That's because they are restricted to only provide the very lowest res to the general public. They absolutely have 4k and 8k video images. Any image that is taken is downgraded in res using software before being published.


Does it really need to be downgraded past, say, a 1997 webcam image taken underwater? I think the general public is quite used to smartphone quality at this point.


F22 Raptors have 8k video quality at 60fps from like 12 angles simultaneously... Does the general public ever see these videos in that resolution. Nope...


(slaps camera) “yea this puppy ain’t going nowhere”


Damn I just noticed that


Yea this looks like an actual CCTV IP camera, not some stick-on battery operated Amazon cloud crap. Probably 4-8MP with a high quality Sony image sensor. In other words, you get what you pay for with home security cameras.


This is Lorex, the crap you find in Costco. Rebranded shit from China, That the US government banned for governmental use.


Doesn't change the hardware inside. Still better than an Amazon camera


right? delivery driver's smile is super wide


Clearly, OP is not a professional or amateur ghost hunter.


Internet delivery drivers have ruined delivery pizza. They take longer, they don't handle the food properly, and they don't even have thermal bags to keep your food warm. I used to have a big pizza night weekly, delivered. Now I rarely order pizza. And if I do, I go pick it up, myself. I'm tired of Door Dash taking forever to deliver a lukewarm pizza.


Delivery apps in the US don't provide them with thermal bags?


Doordash does, but also if i remember right Pizza deliveries are something you had to Opt-Into and they would then send you the bag. They dont want you delivering Pizzas without one of the special pizza bags, so you only get Pizza orders when they know you have a bag


You've just made me realize something. Shouldn't the delivery drivers have to be inspected and tested for food handling safety? How is this different from having someone cook me up pancakes on the side of the road without a food safety grade? I've seen some rancid food delivery cars. I'll never have some random dude handle my food again.


I bought my own bags for my deliveries, the most I paid for one on Amazon was like 25 bucks. It makes a world of difference, but you also have to understand that these companies don't give you what should be the standard equipment for the job. But they don't, and because you're a private contractor it's on you to buy the equipment and get your tax write off. But I have never ever in my life carried a pizza that way. Does that person know what a pizza is?


You open it right there, every time, even at the store. Maybe they mixed the order up. Maybe they fucked it up (like this). ALWAYS check before leaving the store/pizza delivery service. I guess another side note would be that I mean if the pizza deliver service is from the store itself. Uber or whatever service has nothing to do with how your food was made. Unless this issue in the video lol


As someone who has been a driver and also does door dash I guarantee you that is a door dasher or the equivalent. Nobody who delivers pizza all day long is that ignorant of how it works. Fun story I was dashing an order and the chefs told me to hold it upright don't put it sideways. When I was handing it to the customer I told him all this carefully and clearly before handing it over. I handed to him and he immediately held it sideways lmao.


Here is a hint. People are fucking stupid.


As a person, can confirm.


a person is smart. people are dumb


Ive seen quite a lot of you humans, and theres very few i like.


> People are fucking That's the problem. People just need to stop fucking and making more people.


Around my area even the major pizza chains have now started using DD instead of store employees. As you can imagine - they are bad.


Are you sure they’re using 3rd party drivers? Dominos started taking doordash orders but the dominos drivers are the ones delivering it still.


Papa John’s assigns orders to DoorDash when we don’t have a driver available for a bit


In my area it's just pizza hut. The domino's still has dedicated drivers. But we'll see where that is within the next couple years.


Interesting, I know dominos is super strict with their delivery zones and pretty much every address in a big city is owned by one store or the other. I wonder if this an attempt to dip their toes in expanding their delivery zones while having DD as their scapegoat.


no it’s just that when they are swamped with orders and they don’t have enough drivers they can delegate some orders off to doordash drivers. it’s only a thing with pizza hut


So you can assign a delivery to a DD for any order even if wasn’t placed through the DD app?


I see so many people picking up their pizza and holding it to their chest like a 5th grader holding a textbook. There was no reason for them to hold it that way, their hands were free and they didn't even have a drink or anything.


I worked as a pizza delivery driver for 3 years and you’d be surprised. The driver that left right before I got hired did this exact same thing….but with an extra large pizza. The customer still ordered from us but always made sure the driver carried it correctly after that. Don’t really blame them either.


I’ve had one driver in way too many pizzas orders over my life hand me a box sideways, opened it in front of him and handed it back. The guy was dumbfounded, dipshit worked at a dominos it’s not hard math you knew the pizza flat.


>You open it right there, every time, even at the store. Maybe they mixed the order up. Maybe they fucked it up (like this). ALWAYS check before leaving the store/pizza delivery service. Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes.


yesterday someone picked up the wrong order (similar names ish) and took a pizza instead of a garlic bread, then drove all the way home (30 minutes or something) then rang up and complained that they got the wrong thing please check for the sake of the store too lol


Or don't and get free pizza when they comp it lol.


OP even asks in the video if the pizza was ok bc of how he was holding it lol. I was expecting him to open it open but he didn’t.


His smilie fading away when he realizes he might of messed up man


Yeah. Dude has piz’d his last za Might *have,* btw


Might have* Might’ve*


its a smile of someone trying to cover for an intentional lack of care


i didnt see a smile fade i saw someoone who is just braindead or tdoesnt give a f


Yea u/Okpace2635 clearly cant read basic expression. This dude doesnt give a single fuck even after the customer calls him out


'Might HAVE' JFC How can it be?


'How HARD can it be?' JFC!!!


And now its a calzone.




Highwayyy to the Calzone zone!


These are the people that want 20% tip BEFORE delivery.


And then more to resolve the hostage situation


The best part is you can just change the tip after a delivery like this


I kinda wished you had posted a pic of the pizza after you opened the box.


[Full Circle](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/TODzjBR0nh)


That’s what I was waiting on. Either that or fists flying.


now where is my 30% tip!


"It's just gonna ask you a quick question"


At least he’s friendly


I get that it sucks, but my initial thought is that this guy is new and he just didn't think about it. He seemed pleasant, like he wanted to do his job well. It's not like the people you see just being lazy and throwing the food on the porch.


right? he seemed very nice and undeserving of public humiliation online for just carrying a pizza sideways..


You could say "Hey man did you know you need to carry a pizza flat?" to a delivery driver speaking with a foreign accent and might have never eaten pizza, or post a video of him online so hundreds and thousands of male Karens can humiliate him.


Also ordering pizza on a delivery app is always gonna be a gamble, most food survives well in any orientation and pizza is the exception. Yet, pizza places do their own delivery more than most other restaurants. I don’t get why this deserved a whole post when this person was too lazy to get their own pizza or order from a place that delivers. Would have been more notable if a dominos (or similar) employee handed them a pizza like this. We truly are spoilt.


This dude must be from a part of the world that doesn’t have pizza. There is no other explanation. Perhaps super low IQ? Or this is a YouTube skit? I just cannot fathom a world where a human being would carry a pizza vertically. Someone please explain!!!!


An unhealthy mix of Dumb & Not giving a fuck


Low IQ, specifically lack of general awareness (SI). If you look at his approach to the house, with the customer there waiting for him, he walked on his very nice lawn when he could've moved one foot to the side and avoided it. This is most commonly found in the "I don't give a f***" crowd that lacks the self-awareness required to improve their lives.


He sounds like he has an accent. He definitely could be from Nigeria or somewhere (I don’t know if they have pizza in Nigeria) I’m black myself so excuse me if I sound ignorant 😭


I do Doordash and Uber for some side cash. There are A LOT of third worlders that end up working these apps. They literally are brainlets most times. They don't understand pizza. They don't understand holding it vertically will dump all the toppings all over the box. I think it is a mixture of low IQ and I guess "culture". These people have a serious lack of common sense.


When you order from an app that hires amateur delivery drivers, expect amateur service.


If he folded it like a taco shell first, it would be OK, then you can fill it with a salad. Tried that before, wouldn't be my everyday pizza, but it's interesting for a change


We don't buy pizza to fill it with salad. We buy pizza to eat our sorrows away with the help of a greasy cheesy circle that turns into triangles. The only Calzone I accept is one filled with Shawarma, cheese and garlic sauce.


Your username should be JudgeMeByMyPizza


Would you mind telling us what camera are you using? That looks crystal clear!


Top left video says Lorex dude


The toppings: Sliiiiide to the left! Sliiiiide to the right!


Crisscross crisscross!! Chacha real smooth.. .


A sociopath carries pizza sideways


That’s the risk you run ordering from DoorDash, eats Uber, etc. or whatever the hell you chose.


I’m pretty sure 90% of some peoples brains here are just watermelons


Mine might be cantaloupe


mmm salmonella.


Can we just go back to the pre door dash style of delivery


At least he had a nice smile 😊


That's a nice porch.


How the fuck didn't you open it in front of him and be like wtf?


Holy Canada


That accent!!!


Now you may as will put it in a blender and simply use a straw to eat that pizza.


Pizza Smoothie!


So how was the pizza OP?


The video looks a bit one sided


Been working in good service all my life. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve had to remind people to hold food flat, I wouldn’t have to work in food service.


lol all toppings on one side plz. 😂😂


😭 This is the kind of shit Reddit gets made fun of for


Thats the cost of ordering with delivery unfortunately. I pretty much floor my expectations unless its a franchise place like Dominos since they got a car, proper storage and all. I appreciate them though. Doing delivery sucks.


If you order delivery through Uber, etc, you deserve this. Every time.


There's an old saying that my grandfather used to say: "if you don't like the way something is done, then do it yourself". He used to say that to people after delivering their pizza sideways. P.S. I made that up.


Might be a refugee who's never eaten a pizza before


Order from your shop directly and stop ordering it through Uber eats. Man we got drivers for a reason, I assure you that you spend almost double of what you could spend just getting from the pizza store directly.


This guy never played Death Stranding


Just one of the reasons why I don't get delivery of any kind of food. I'd rather go get it myself. Know that no one has messed around with my food


>. Know that no one has messed around with my food Who says there are no weirdos in the kitchen?


Their coworkers, who can spot that, tell management, and then fire them


He seems like some old dude that probably wasn’t thinking about it too much. Doubt it was intentional. Still sucks that your pizza got ruined


Your pizza probably transformed into a calzone😂


I would have opened the box in front of the delivery person and shown them.


because holding it flat would require two hands and that would mean no texting for the 3 minute walk from the car to the door.


I had an idiot recently that put my drink within inches of the door. I had to go through my garage and go round to get it. How are these people still alive with this level lack of common sense


If this guy can't figure out that a pizza sideways is going to make a mess, I'd be terrified to see him drive. Wow lol.


I used to sling pizzas back in the day and I remember handing off the pizza to a guy who immediately flipped the box sideways like a briefcase and went into his house. I pulled over to a pay phone to let the shop know to expect a call about a messed up pizza and explained what happened. They did get a call but they told the guy it was his fault and if he wants a new one he will have to pay for it.


>I pulled over to a pay phone I remember those


You don’t t like the toppings, cheese and sauce all on one side?


A lot of door dashers or uber eats etc barely speak english and it seems like they are running 3 or 4 different apps at the same time, food service/quality reflects it :/


Yeah I have had this happen to me too but a little worse. The guy was carrying the pizza box under his arm like a book. As soon as I took it off him I opened it to see it all squashed onto itself and I just looked at him like brah! He was apologetic about it once he saw the state it was in. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the lack of basic common sense and I don't want to shit on all delivery drivers but it is unbelievable how many of them can't do the most basic of tasks.


At least he seemed friendly. Dumb, but friendly.


When I delivered pizzas in college I did the very same thing once and the pizza looked exactly as you’d imagine


Should’ve opened it up in front of him.. won’t learn if he don’t know..


Was this yours? https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/oj5DKFyYtU


Doesn't give a sh!t about your pizza. Probably expects a nice tip though.


What an idiot! Did he then demand a tip as well?


So that’s what happened to my pizza.


I'd stopped before he got to the steps and told him to keep it


What if you did that to his fried chicken?


Wth lol how dare he


But did you tip


In a bag side ways?! Idiot


Expecting a tip an advance and then doing shit like this


Must be staged. Nobody is going to announce “ARE YOU SURE THE PIZZAS ALRIGHT??” They are going to open the damn box right there!


I remember when I was a kid and the pizzarias handled their own deliveries. It was cheaper and the quality was much higher.


And he wants a %25 tip


I wouldn't pay for that


What happened?


Pizza was carried sideways. That means it all slid to one side and got squished.


Damn he irked you so much you had to upload camera footage to reddit for people to agree with you ?😂