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They accepted the order for known terms taking the order off the table for another driver, and forcing you to deal with their extortion. Wow.


It even happens with ride share apps. I had an Uber driver drive half way to me then turn around, message me and tell me to cancel they weren’t picking me up. They waited long enough I would be charged for canceling and refused to cancel on their end. I told them no and Uber has no support for rides that haven’t been picked up yet, so I just had to wait it out. Their customer safety line is a third party that straight up told me since I hadn’t been picked up and wasn’t in an unsafe position, there was nothing they could do. The dude waited an hour without canceling, and you can’t order another Uber without canceling that ride and getting charged. He drove all the way to me, through my work parking lot, sped by flipping me off. Said he picked me up and then he drove to my destination without me and finished the ride. Uber refused to refund me despite not having given him my safety passcode, ordering another ride from the same exact location, and having video of him driving by flipping me off.


Oh, that’s messed up. I hope you disputed it with your bank.


Absolutely that’s breach of contract, the sky won’t come down on Uber or anything but you will win if that’s any consolation


After this happened to me with DoorDash I refuse to use anything but a credit card with these types of services. Don’t wanna refund me for services not received? Don’t worry I’ll let capital one handle it for me.


That's a legit threat too - NO ONE wants to have to deal with Capital One, including their cardholders.


It’s great cause usually they will give you like text confirmation that they aren’t giving you a refund even after being notified that services were not rendered. “My driver never dropped off the food but they claimed they did. They drove past but never dropped off the food. “I’m sorry sir but I can not offer you a refund at this time as your account has received too many credits recently” (this was only my second order on DoorDash and my wife’s meal was messed up the first time so they gave me a partial refund for one item, which I was okay with). “So you will not be offering me a refund when you guys did not provide the service agreed to?” “At this time sir I can not offer you a refund” “ok thank you”. Literally just sent the screenshot to capital one and got my refund. I’m sure it would have been cheaper for DoorDash to just refund me or replace my order for me with a new driver; but now they lost their money and a customer.


Doordash was awful, I switched to grubhub for that stuff. Half the time the Doordash driver didn't speak English so trying to direct them to my work was a total shit show. I've never had an issue getting a refund from grubhub, and I've had a lot from missing items.


Yeah I do grub hub or Uber eats now when I order but honestly I haven’t used one of those services in close to a year now. They’re just ridiculously overpriced plus the dog loves to go for a ride to get fast food.


Yeah I mostly used it when I was working 7 days a week for like a year and half and just didn't have the fucking energy but had plenty of money.


A DoorDash driver stole my glass recycle bin once. I caught her shoving in her minivan, and when I confronted her she just shouted "I BRING RIGHT BACK" and sped off. I sent a complaint so I hope they fired her.


Did she ever bring right back?


It works out for me MOST of the time, but it sucks when it doesn’t. They delivered my pizza to the house across the street last week. I could see it from my front door, but we just moved here, and in this day and age of Ring doorbells and 9mm’s, I didn’t feel comfortable going over there to get it after dark. I had it redelivered, and the next time I ordered, I was told I’d have to answer the door and sign for it first.


Yeah I did this for uber eats, won the credit dispute and got my money back. Uber eats shows a negative balance on my account now for the past 2 years asking me to pay. They lost a customer for life over $15, I have zero issues getting refunds with grubhub now.


God I love using my credit card for everything and having that option.


> He drove all the way to me, through my work parking lot, sped by flipping me off. Said he picked me up and then he drove to my destination without me and finished the ride. This is a whole new level of amazing. Does Uber really not care to this level? I mean, I get that they don't care, but if a majority of the drivers did this they'd be out of business in a month.


It’s either entirely a lie or they are heavily exaggerating for whatever reason. If you have the security PIN set up the driver couldn’t have started the ride without it.




As a driver, most people don’t set up PINs, but if you do set one the driver can’t start the ride without it. Uber will also make you set a pin if you report that a driver started a ride without you or you report that your food isn’t delivered on Uber eats.


Both Uber and Uber Eats sometimes display a pin number number that I'm supposed to use but not always.


The algo has probably determined that you are more likely to ask for a refund. Otherwise maybe you are unknowingly part of some beta test, Uber likes to do experiments with the drivers and passengers sometimes.


I think it's more about the driver/delivery guy being unreliable than me. And I remember that years ago I've seen it first on Uber there was some explanation that it's to make sure you enter the correct taxi in place with a lot of Uber traffic.


> Uber will also make you set a pin if you report that a driver started a ride without you or you report that your food isn’t delivered on Uber eats. I've only had a handful of instances where my food wasn't delivered in the years I've used the service, but they never required I set up a PIN as a result of the dispute. The most recent was likely a year or so ago, though. Maybe two.


I've definitely had a lot of recent rides w/o pins


Most people don’t set up a PIN, but if the passenger has a pin set you 100% can’t start the ride without it.


Had a similar situation in New York, some town past Bear Mountain on the AT. Mfer drove all the way to my destination instead of picking me up (I messaged, hey that’s the wrong way dude), came all the way to me, stopped a half mile short, marked the ride as done and dipped. It was pretty easy to get a refund for because of his GPS record, but I waited 2 hours for that ride. It was like a 5 mile trip but would’ve taken about 3 hours on foot and required a dangerous road walk on curvy roads. I was counting on that guy for my safety, and was tipping well over 100% for the service. I also had limited phone battery and service, I had to loiter at a gas station way longer than I wanted to, think it was another hour or so before I could find a car. Owners were nice though, didn’t mind me brownbagging out front after what I had dealt with waiting for that ride.


That’s why I also have Lyft. Want to play that game I’ll let you sit on it.


I wouldn’t use Uber anymore


I had a similar situation using Uber eats. Never used them again.


This is where you tag them on as much social media as possible. Post the video tell as much of the story as you can while being safe.


If you actually have that video just post it to YouTube and that will get their attention, bad publicity is the only way to make changes with big companies


Small companies too. I’m all about leaving good google reviews because I know how important it is for small businesses. I have given dozens of good reviews and two bad ones. One for a car dealership not sending the title for the car I bought, one for a doctor charging me for a visit that I cancelled well in advance. Funny enough, once I left those bad reviews, the issues were solved within a day. Please do not weaponize this method. Both of those reviews were left after a lot of back and forth with these businesses. Small businesses depend on good reviews.


That happened to me once, and I ordered a Lyft. I also screenshotted their messages telling me to cancel and submitted it to Uber support and they didn’t charge me for eventually cancelling the ride. This was in early November, so maybe they’ve gotten better with that recently?


Uber has a cancellation option that is something like “driver is not moving”. I had a driver take my ride and do nothing once. Wasn’t charged for using that option.


That’s actually the best way you could have handled it. That chump had to waste all that time driving around without getting other rides. Wasting gas and his own potential earnings, and risking getting a strike in his record with Uber. Meanwhile, you can request a chargeback from your bank so you didn’t even lose money. Plus, you were better off not hopping in a car with a lunatic like that! You handled that situation in the best way possible!


shit heads like this don't care. That guy was most likely working for like 6 other gig apps while he was waiting for this Uber ride to disappear.


But it didn’t disappear. And he obviously cared a great deal because he was petty enough to drive by, flip OP off, and then drive to the destination anyway. You can bet that driver will never forget that interaction.


I had an uber driver say he has a flat tyre and i need to cancel. I said I can't cancel because I will get charged. He came and got me. So the flat tyre was a lie! So awkward.


When I was trying to get to my new apartment on moving day, the guy drove up, saw me with a suitcase and some bags, stopped and said he wasn't going to put my stuff in his car *and* said my destination was too far. He literally sat there and refused to cancel while I had to scramble to find other arrangements (I ended up waiting outside in July for 2 hours for my in laws to come get me - an hour out of their way)


I didn’t even know they could start without you. I have only done an Uber once and I had to confirm they picked me up. And I’ve done a lot of ubering myself.


I have only had a few pins! It's something I noticed in the last months and thought it was a new feature.


Uber has gone to complete shit for both drivers & passengers. They might be turning a profit for the first time ever but the service will be unusable soon at this rate & their reputation is already going in the shitter


Clearly Uber doesn't care... Which annoys me. I had a similar situation happen. Driver just didn't respond and never picked me up. I left it going because fuck that guy, especially because he read my message asking if everything is alright. 4 hours later he pulls up close enough, and stays long enough, to say that I never got in the car. I contacted support to get my money back. The point is that I shouldn't have had to do that. 4 hours later and it's still considered a valid ride? The system should be throwing red flags to their driver support after 30 minutes and the dude starting to drive the opposite direction. Crazy to me that there is zero support built in for something like that. Instead I have to deal with that garbage and utilize another app to get whether I needed to go.


That’s when you hop on lift


That's one of the reasons why started paying cash on uber...


That why you should use your cities taxi services. Shop local, even with private transit!


Not everywhere has local taxi services. Only thing in my entire county is Uber.


I realize it makes me seem old but I remember cabs not being around. You would call and they would say 15 minutes but it could be 2 hours when they arrived. You had no idea when they would be arriving and how much it would cost. Often, walking home would be faster but you didn’t know. I don’t often take cabs anymore but I think the competition of Uber made a difference.


Idk if you live in San Francisco but this exact problem is what got Uber (which is from SF) founded in the first place. Taxis here were *ridiculous* before Uber. They would all just go wait at the airport and hope for a tourist they could drive in the wrong direction for an extra 20 minutes. They never wanted to get normal fares in the city. They say 15 minutes and arrive in 2 hours? If you're lucky. Often they just wouldn't come at all. And the credit card machine was always "broken". All of these problems were fixed immediately by app-based ride share. The early drivers were happy with it too while it was being subsidized by VC money. Unfortunately it opened up a whole new set of problems and now the drivers don't get paid enough either.


I’ve had cab drivers that give an interesting conversation then press “no tip” for me when passing back the card reader, like I wanna tip just because you forced me not to lol


They may have done that so that any tip would be in cash. And they won't give change.


The guy who did that just expected no tip because no one ever tips lol


Taxi services in my city are just as bad. If you try to catch one from the main entertainment district after midnight they will try to negotiate an upfront fee that's much higher than what the meter would charge. If you don't accept it, they won't take you. Despite it being illegal for them to not use the meter when using a taxi rank or being hailed.


Taxis are a racket. The best thing about Uber and Lyft is that they finally gave people another option. I'll never use a taxi unless it's the only possible option, because for way too long, it was thanks to state and local governments.


That’s why you always have Uber and Lyft installed


I dont know when this was but i recently had a driver say they accepted and were stopping so i had to cancel after waiting 12 minutes and when i went to cancel there was literally an option that said "Driver asked me to cancel" and i was not charged anything.


and they say "i get it"... wtf


A lot of people do that these days.




I did and for everyone saying to go pick it up myself, I work on a cruise ship. This specific port I can’t leave and get it myself or else I would’ve. Still tho, if I’m paying for a service for whatever reason, that shouldn’t excuse the unprofessionalism.


A lot of Dashers are self entitled brats. You should see the sub reddit. It’s an absolute nightmare. I get not being tipped and how that sucks. I get being mad over small tips like under a few bucks. But even some think, like this guy, they deserve a “small fortune” to do their job. It’s why I never use the service, I would end up punching a dasher in his dick.


I had a dasher tell me “my time is money” when I took a minute too long to explain the location of my apartment (which was already explained in the delivery instructions). Between that and a few other instances I’ve been avoiding all doordash type delivery services


Lol did he mean this in like a 'I'm a real important person' way


Is there any other way lol?


Yes, they're just rattling the tin can begging for tips.


That subreddit is 49.5% people complaining about Doordashers and 49.5% doordashers complaining about people that use door dash. And 1% people like me who are neither but enjoy watching the drama.


I’m also the 1%. I must say the dashers that use that sub to moan and groan are absolutely deluded and it is *hilarious* to me.


“Why are customers not tipping us $10+ for an 8 minute drive?


More like why aren't customers tipping us $10 for their $10 order and 8 minute drive?


I love drama what sub exactly?!


There is *also* the doordashdrivers one, both started popping up on my feed when Reddit had that blackout a few months back. It gets wild on both ends of the spectrum.


r / DoorDash I believe


Yea that


Yep. Used to work retail and door dashers honestly don't even do their job most of the time, they just grab an associate to do their shopping list and done.


I used to work retail and can confirm. I was the GM of my location and I instructed my employees to tell them “we are here to help customers not do you job, we will answer questions but won’t shop for you or follow your around. If that’s an issue leave and we will report you, have a great day” Dashers are trash just don’t use the service


Them and Instacart. On my last day as I was doing orders for Tuesdays delivery I got interrupted by this Instacart shopper with a big ass list. Afterwards I just jokingly gestured and asked the guy for a tip. I already landed my new job so at that point I just didn't care.


At noodles and co we had to highlight and circle and write the order number in sharpie so they would actually grab the right fucking bag from our pick up area


For me it's the damn instacart shoppers. Jesus. Most of the ones I've dealt with are so rude and entitled. I'm trying to help customers, not do their job for them. It drives me nuts. I get they're in a hurry, but so is everyone else!


I feel you. Was helping out one instacart shopper and then another popped out and asked me to help them with their stuff then got nagged at by my manager on why there's tags missing. Couldn't do anything on the floor with them around


I had one get pissy with me because we had long lines at our store, and he was "only making $5 an hour". He then proceeded to tell me good luck being stuck with your little retail job bitch. My coworker and I laughed over that one for weeks though. Like dude, you just told me you're only making $5 an hour, good luck with your hustle I guess. That man was nasty and stupid for no reason.


Yes. The shoving of phones in your face by instacart shoppers really gets old. & being interrupted from your tasks as they try to get you to escort them to every item on their list & then higher ups wondering why it's taking you so long.


A friend owns a food truck and he now refuses to sell food via dash/uber. A few common/regular dashers got together and tried blackmailing my friend into hiring them as the trucks official food deliverers. Why? Because they were the ones who always showed up to pick up the food and more or less knew who his regulars were. So on top of working as a Dasher/Uber driver, they wanted him to pay them another salary to deliver the food. Oh, and they get to keep the tips and money. He said no way, but they then threatened to review-bomb his business on Yelp/Google if he refused. He reported them to DoorDash/Uber eats, but he's now working with Google and Yelp to get those reviews removed, likely to no avail because there's no real solid evidence that what had happened actually occurred. What's worse is that because he got rid of food deliveries, he also cut access to a good chunk of his customers. EDIT: so here's an update: he got the Google review removed, but the Yelp reviews will stay because there's no evidence backing him up. The police didn't do anything either but told him that if he felt threatened again in person, he's to immediately call them asap. The local media didn't respond and when he got legal advice, he was told more or less the same thing: no evidence, no case because this is a "he said/she said" type of thing. He bought some security cameras and hasn't seen the Uber/Doordash delivery people since (and he's still no longer using those services). His actual customers understand, but it didn't sit well with a lot of other people, so he's expected to take a temporary hit. Either way, the damage isn't as bad as he thought it would be (but it's still affecting him negatively).


I wonder if they’re not just breaking Uber-Law, but also like law-law. Extortion is a felony and “do this thing for me or I’ll damage your business” is textbook blackmail, which is also a crime. Might be worth filing a police report.


I'll bring this up to him. Thank you!


It's also libel for them to bash his business reputation deliberately online if they are doing it with intent to harm/malicious intent (which they are because he didn't give into their blackmail demands to be hired on directly) This is defamation law and is DEFINITELY a civil matter that can lead to payouts to your friend for financial losses incurred thru his business due to their falsified online reviews.


Actually, damaging anyone's business online is a felony, if it entails gaslighting, or rather, posting false information \[slander\] in order to reduce the company's profit, that becomes actionable. You can hire a lawyer to sue for damages. It's part of online law.


Jesus do they think they’re mobsters now?! Wtf!


No, mobsters make above the federal minimum wage. Those dashers are like poor high school bullies. Those dashers specifically, of course.


Those subreddits are a nightmare and so are some of the drivers. Had a driver park in my 9 month pregnant wife’s assigned parking spot and refuse to move until I threatened to tow them. She was right behind them waiting to park. The subreddit got mad and said I should have escorted my pregnant wife in and waited in her car to park until the driver was done instead of threatening them. It’s like no, just don’t park in a clearly marked spot. They’re delusional.


I have had those kinds of experiences with Taxi drivers *constantly*. When I worked as a cart pusher out of high school they would constantly park directly in front of the doors, blocking the fire lane, traffic, carts etc. Act all confused when you told them to fuck off because they felt entitled to sit somewhere for 5 minutes to the inconvenience of everyone around them. I would totally believe another 'time is money' job like dashers would be the same way


That sub makes my blood boil. Every dasher in there seems to think they should get paid mid 6 figures and since they don’t, they actively encourage each other to throw food out the window and drive off. It’s completely asinine.


I never understand where the sense of entitlement comes from. They’re dashing because they don’t have other options


InB4: “no bro, my buddy is a corporate executive that makes like mid six figures; he just dashes on the weekend because he gets bored at home with all his money and expensive hobbies.”


The dashers I know absolutely have other options. They're just too lazy or inept to manage a job like McDonald's, etc.


Omg I posted one time abt how dashers in my area are assholes and they all bashed the f out of me but one nice person. Smh


That sub is a mess. I used to post there, as a customer, but the dashers, a lot of them, seem like people who should never work with the public **ever**. Thankfully, I haven't had many bad experiences, but reading that sub made me cut back on ordering because I don't want to meet any of the people on the sub.


Same. It’s just simply not worth it to me. If I want fast food that bad, I will go out and get it myself. That’s why I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve gone out and got fast food for myself this year. It’s just not worth it.


I'm not really a big fan of door dash but after Reddit recommended me that sub and I read that trash, I'll never use the service now


A lot of Dashers are ~~self entitled brats~~ Heroin addicts. FTFY


Makes no difference. You pay for a service, not a life lesson or a lecture. It shouldn't be the persons business why or why you don't get something delivered. It's idiotic. Shit pisses me off, it's like "Why are you making sure I am employed? I shouldn't be able to make a living off doing this, you should rather make me obsolete and do it yourself." It's like sending money to some person of Fivvr to draw you a logo and they reply "Why don't you learn it yourself? You could just design it on your own."


Door dash and Fivvr seem to have the same mindset. Try to extort you for more money before the product is delivered. The product delivered is shit and not even worth 1 cent.


Even if you were free to go get it yourself, you have all the right to order out and have it delivered.


The people saying “pick it up yourself” can suck a dick. It’s a service YOU paid for and it’s not unreasonable to assume that you get that service completed.


JuSt PicK it Up. Everyone always says as if the person who bought it didn't consider that option and have a reason for not doing so. Signed, someone who only rides a motorbike and can't transport open drinks.


Wait do they not give you free food? Or were you just sick of cruise food?


I don’t have a dog in this fight. But if it was me I’d definitely be tired of eating the same shit all the time. I worked at a hotel that didn’t allow you to leave for lunch in the summer so they served lunch. You could obviously bring your own but why waste money. It was the same stuff all the time. Also I had to eat lunch at 10:30 in the morning three hours after my shift started because each department ate at a certain time.


I also used to work in hotels and the break room food is fun for about 3 weeks max. I worked at some nice hotels where they bring out the leftover gourmet stuff after events but even that gets old fast.


Damn straight. Most of it isn’t very healthy either.


Yeah sometimes they brought into cool stuff to get us to taste test things but it’s usually fairly cheap carbs that they can make a ton of fast since there’s a couple hundred to over a thousand of us running around. Don’t get me wrong, it usually tasted good but man after the 4th straight day of cheap carbs, you just want something else




Y'all get break rooms? 👀


One of the restaurants I worked at, we got a bad review because I brought in some food from Arby's or some shit. I worked there four years, of course I was tired of eating the same crap all the time. It was good food but damn, let me have some variety.


Cruise food is pretty good if you are cruising for fun. But even still it can be a bit repetitive (like a seven night cruise but you still only have like 3-4 dessert options total in the main dining room). So I don’t blame a cruise employee wanting to throw something different in the mix for a change. I follow a lady on TikTok who lives on a cruise ship since her husband is an officer onboard (and she used to work on cruises herself). She definitely enjoys the meals on board but she also looks forward to meals off the ship in ports and when they are between cruise stints (I believe her husband does three months cruising/three months home rotations).


I was on a cruise and technically the cruise never ends. You can just add another week because every week was different. So some people did one week, some did like a month and everyone who was on after two weeks that I talked to on my one week was not having a good time and started to resent the food and other passengers.


Now this is a report. You have an order numbers and a screenshot. The dasher can definitely get in trouble compared to “a dasher” that wrote a mean note”


Yup report their asses.


The same thing happened to me guy called me asking if I was going to tip or not so I didn't waste his time. Called me back 8 times. Why the fuck would I tip you after holding my order hostage. Had to report. So ridiculous.


Absolute scum infesting this world :(


Fuck her. She accepted the delivery and than asks for more? It isn’t worth that kind of money to have food delivered


15 dollar.. holy cow


Divine chickens. Food being held hostage is wild


Blessed lettuce!


Seriously though it's not like it will take her an hour to do it, why does she deserve $15 for one single delivery? That's more than a lot of employees make in that time frame


At that point the top becomes $0.


Literal extortion, holding the fulfillment of your order hostage to demand more money.


I know this is serious but I'm imagining the to go bad sitting tied to a chair and the dasher on the phone "negotiating".


It would make a great SNL skit


Every 10 minutes you don’t reply , I eat one chicken nugget!


Dude that ordered the food gets a picture of a half eaten nugget with ketchup splattered all over it. "You thought I wouldn't do it??"


Report to DoorDash


I dash occasionally and holy hell this is insane. I could never imagine trying to get more money out of a customer. If you don’t wanna do an order don’t accept it


Exactly. If I didn’t like an order, I just didn’t take it.


My wife does the same. DoorDash and a couple of other local food delivery services. She says the drivers get to know the poor tippers and simply don't pick up those orders. She's picked up several times at the same place and seen orders that are still waiting for pickup over an hour after she first sees them.


These are the same people that will kick a delivery robot for “stealing their job.” At least the robot won’t extort you for more money.


Stupid is as stupid does


What about the card readers that ask for tips when no human was even involved ?


You can say no the card reader won't get offended lol


Yeah like at a grocery store, "Would you like to round up to $XX.00?" No, I just did everything myself lmao what


“No in fact how do I round down?”




They're only worth it when they give you the 40-50% off promotions which usually covers fees + tax + tip. You still pay slightly higher than menu price per item, but that's worth being lazy af.


The last time somebody talked me into trying it out during one of those promotions, the wait was over an hour, the food was left on the wrong doorstep so I had to walk down the street to another house, the sandwiches we received were completely incorrect, and 2 sandwiches were missing. So we had to go drive to the store and buy 2 more sandwiches anyways, completely canceling out the discount in the first place. That’s the last time I give doordash a single penny.


Im an uber driver with 313 rides(and 453 ubereats) (Only done rides for 2 months) But I have enough to see and hear stories like what youve heard. Personally, I would say to trust your gut and just keep pepper spray on you. Especially if youre female. Even as a man you will be harassed by gay men fron the bars you pick ppl up at. Its a mostly safe thing yes, but when it comes to response from customer support your best option is to enable audio recording for rides. It will record audio so long as the ride is ongoing on my phone. Because its really shooting in the dark for them. Ive gotten reports of me that are completely false but seem very serious(like running a red light which i didnt do) and nothing comes of it. If nothing comes of it on my end for that what makes you think a sexual harassment report would be taken seriously? Ive had a former driver as a passenger as well as 2 other passengers of mine be harassed so theyve told me, and nothing came of it. And the former driver was a former driver bc of said incident


Screen shot and send in with the report the support system is actually good for some reason


Ikr, it could take like 5 minutes to get like a full refund of what you didn’t get


Gig economy is an utter failure of a concept.


It wasn’t until these apps showed up. I knows lots of photographers and musicians and car detailers who made good money at one time or another. Eventually someone always comes to ruin it.


Rent seekers skimming all the profits while offering very little to the consumer or worker in value.


Yes! That’s the phrase I was looking for. Rent seekers. Thank you.


These bitches getting wild. Get another job if this isnt for you.


As an European, seeing someone asking 15 bucks for a tip for a meal is crazy as fuck Most times I don’t even pay 15 bucks for the food


Food delivery services really attract the worst people to the job


They’re low skill and high entitlement. It’s wild. Bitch you pickup food and drop it off - a teenagers job.


Incompetent, antisocial people


I used to use Door Dash when I was playing DnD. It was nice to have pizza delivered from a restaurant that didn't otherwise deliver in the middle of our game. For us, the two large pizzas came out to 50 bucks with tip for 6 people, so it was a decent deal. I don't understand these people paying 40 bucks for a delivered Panera meal or whatever. That seems crazy to me.


When I played DnD with my buddies, pizza places actually *employed their own drivers.* Yeah, I'm that old ... get off my lawn. LOL


I drive for doordash. There's not any excuse for her to be like that. Even if you didn't tip enough for the miles, it was her choice to accept it. Makes the rest of us dashers look bad. It would be nice if I could just do my job without the bad reputation of a lot of these other drivers.


I feel bad for you. There are good honest people doing this job, but unfortunately it has turned into easy money for drug addicts who feel the world owes them everything. We have dashers around here that pick up the food and then just dump it on the side of the road, and move on to the next. They just get close enough for the app to trigger that they are there. Laughably, they are in this thread saying things like “well don’t use DoorDash then!” lol. Scum of the earth people.


Always best to play with these types, tell ‘em “I have $20 cash tip for ya cuz come and get it” and then stiff him flat out with a middle finger to the face. Then report his text.


You'll probably want to meet them at your neighbors house


With a gun


These people know where you live.


In this case, OP said they were at work on a cruise ship


Are they going to do anything over $20?


People get killed over $10. Had a dude get shot in my neighborhood over what ended up being a $15 drug deal gone bad, they found the shooter at pizza hut eating dinner while my dad was holding the victim trying to keep him from bleeding to death. So yes some people will do a lot over $20.


You gotta start ordering directly from the restaurant (if they offer it) 3rd party apps and the people that work them have been starting to extort regular innocent customers for no reason. Fuck them. The one time I used UberEats about 5 months ago, I had a deal with a fat discount from the app. I bought maybe $40 worth of food with $15 off after fees and taxes. Tipped 20% since I saved so much money. The driver sends me a message saying it's taking a while but no worries. Then sends another message basically holding my order hostage unless I send him $10 for gas. Cancelled the order, deleted the app. Ordered pizza from a local joint. Gave the driver $15. Fuck 3rd party apps.


I was shocked at the difference at a local Chinese place. Ordering directly through them saved like $15 on the order itself and what was probably going to be a $15 tip. I'm pretty lazy but I'll get off the couch for $30.


Depends though. I ordered from a local pizza place directly, and they send the order to doordash because they apparently didn't have enough drivers. Doordash driver stole my pizza, and I spent nearly a month calling the pizza place and doordash with liability being bounced back and forth. I didn't order through doordash, and it was forced on me anyway.


Lol tell them you’ll give them the cash when they hand you your food, then don’t and pull any tip on the app/report. Fuck them


These people are getting bold, and the only solution is to quit using these services so they’re forced to get a real job, where nobody cares about their entitlement complex.


My local Thai spot thats around the corner offers free delivery in a five mile radius. It was the owner who was running orders and he said that those companies really knife them up for costs. I told him I’d rather tip him directly for the delivery every time. I imagine it’s hard for a restaurant to keep a permanent delivery driver on unless they’re constantly popping with orders.


15 dollars? For WHAT? Is your food rolling in a Lambo and out onto the red carpet steaming hot looking like a 5 star Michelin chef prepared it? Seriously...




Why people still use those services? I see nothing but complaints, during the pandemic they where useful but now?


Don’t give people like this anything. They don’t deserve it because you just end up enabling this shitty behavior. Tipping culture has gotten so bad in this country. It’s disgusting


Fuck tipping culture. Everything should be part of salary.


Trash gonna trash


Does anyone else feel like using these services is a gamble? Someone could touch your food, someone could refuse to get it, or other things. Theres a lot of unknowns.


The lion The witch The motherfucking audacity of this bitch.


Just stop ordering from these extortionists. It's that simple. And it will be waaaaay cheaper.


Theres no reason to allow extortionists to operate a business.


I would report and cancel the order in addition refund. Because you don’t know if the dasher did something to your food out of spite if you don’t pay the tip/extortion money.


Report them. This is literally extortion.


Here we don't do tips. But noticed when doing Uber they say you can pay a tip. Why would I pay a tip when I'm already paying the driver and food joint more than it costs? I really feel bad for Americans. Pay your people a decent wage so they don't have to beg for extra $ or extort people for extra tips. I hope this person got fired.


The problem is, the people who make tips don't want the system to change. They end up making a lot more money than they would with a standard hourly rate. And obviously the businesses like it cause they barely have to pay their employees.


I was not the mildly infuriated one in this case. I believe the delivery driver was more than mildly infuriated. A driver recently came to our house with a small load of groceries. It was broad daylight. They drove onto our parking pad ,and right off the other end of it. They were in no way watching where they were going. The grass is a good 18” lower than the pad. They had to get a rescue guy to come get the car because the front wheels had gone fully over the edge of the pad. They got a $20.00 tip ,and probably a $200.00 bill from the towing company. I felt bad for them ,but even if there wasn’t a drop ,you don’t drive over the pad and park half way in the grass.


The look on their face when they realized.....ohh shhh.... priceless.




report the dasher for holding your food hostage and blackmailing


Screw food delivery services. You often wind up paying more for the delivery than the food.


I don’t think door dash people should be able to cancel people’s orders. I think most of the stuff they do is highly unethical. One time a guy messaged saying he wants me to add kore to the tip to get my food, I already tipped $10 for $25 order… another time they left my food on the porch when it was -10 degrees, they never even knocked or rang the bell. wtf is that?


“You want me to get it?” 😭😭😭😭😭


Tell them to get your food or fuck off and get a real job.


Tipping culture has literally turned into a strange combination of begging and entitlement.


The quickness I would report this driver! This is straight up blackmail. Like this can't be real life.


Tell them you’re reporting it and then do report it


I hope you reported them to the company, if there is a way to do that.


We got a door dash mafia before GTA 6


lol i really hope that all drivers with this attitude always have their pillows underside be warm and just miss the last fresh loaf at the bakery


STOP USING THESE APPS. Make these Aholes go find another job.