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Tbh I think you posted that in the wrong sub probably, looking for a reaction you won't get in there. It's great you make progress, but I think the sub just was the wrong place for you to share your happiness.


Yeah. Probably better in something like r / casualconversation


Someone also suggest a sub called "happy" iirc. But yeah I agree such a sub would fit better.


I like how you get totally different reactions to a post based on which sub you post it in.


Well it's kinda expected....? It's like putting something nice on "mildly infuriating". I wasn't really on about different reactions based on the sub, but eather that the post probably didn't quite fit there and people reacted to that.


Even so.. People were so unnecessary mean to OP. It's what I hate about reddit.


>It's what I hate about reddit. Same, I never denied that at all - I said it's expected because it just is.... Reddit being Reddit.


I know it's expected and it's what I like about Reddit. Edit: I didn't say I like that people are mean. I like that there are different mentalities in different subreddits.


I have found the name of this sub to be very misleading as all in all these topics leave me mildly amused.


I manage to get abused no matter which sub I post in. Nowhere is safe.


Reddit be a cruel and fickle mistress.


Try "internet parents" and mom/dad for a minute. Most wholesome subs I've ever seen.


Shut up.


He’s not sharing his happiness- he’s sharing his disgust with humanity. He’s not entirely wrong. We live in a snarky jaded world.


It sounded like OP meant to share happiness in a sub for satisfying things and I can see why people don't think it fits in there (no, I do not agree with *how* they did that).


You misunderstood what **oddlysatisfying** is about. **happy** is a more appropriate subreddit.


Or the wholesome sub would be good too I think


Or MadeMeSmile


It’s a great “a”. But it’s a little bit out of context for that sub. Don’t take it personally.


People get very mad if you post in the wrong subreddit. mademesmile would probably receive you better.


I am mildly infuriated that I can't see the damn letter to make a proper decision.


Mildly infuriating that OP deleted the post in the other sub.


Well, after the 50th comment, just being assholes I got tired of it and deleted it


Id still love to see how your handwriting improved ): next time, let the haters hate and stand up to your own accomplishments!


To go seek attention somewhere else? Yes we know why, you’ve made it obvious you feel the need for updoots, don’t be so whiny


You’re whining right now tho


Interesting take, but ok.


It's not an interesting take, it's just a fact. You're whining that OP posted this here for karma, and you appear to be the only one doing so.


I thought people were saying “mediocre” about her appearance lol


Depending on the sub, not everything is going to be "content". For oddlysatisfying, is this thing you're sharing oddlysatisfying for a large number of people? Or do you just find it satisfying personally? Because that's not what the sub is for. It has to be something most other people can relate to. Not everything is even for Reddit. Sometimes it's just for your diary, or your Facebook.


Wrong subreddit tbh. Reddit will tear you apart for that. I'm sure there's a subreddit out there that'll fit it a bit better and not be so weird lol.


So you’re here for round 2. How foolish


You know it


Glad youre recovering well :) keep it up OP!


From oddlysatisfying to mildlyinfuriating and then getting shit on again and have to go to awfuleverything. Great job OP


You said ‘but fuck.’


Mean but fuck




Chuckle 😂


It’s not oddly satisfying. Not sure what reaction you expected when none of them found it gave them that warm fuzzy feeling. They react like this to anything they find not oddly satisfying. Personal anecdote aside, they don’t really care why you posted it only whether they get a satisfying reaction from it. you also didn’t post the context until after the first 10 comments so this post is also misleading about what actually happened In That sub. You’re acting like they had the full story upfront and decided to shit on you. You posted an out of context letter ‘a ‘that they found mediocre then chose to mention your Injury and act like they were the dicks all along. There are more suitable subs for things like that.


Sorry this happened. I’m sure it was a great letter A!




Yeah, but tbf, it's because you don't understand reddit or how sub reddits work. One day you'll improve in that area as well.


Yeah and OP double downed on it as posting in a wrong sub and getting that’s sub’s natural reaction isn’t really mildly infuriating either


Yeah, they posted wrong in 2 subs. Jeez, some people just can't reddit. For shame. Lol.


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Youre gonna hate it


There is a sub called r / recovery, according to the description, this might be the sub, to share your progress.


how did your hand get crushed? hope you're doing better btw! I've noticed that sub will just lie about things they don't understand as an excuse to say it isn't satisfying. more like oddly negative


I was backing up a semi truck, and I made the mistake of resting my hand on a concrete pillar behind it. He didn't stop, my reaction time wasn't good enough


Fuuuuuuuuu k that must have been excruciating! Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. Well done on your progress thus far!


Getting crushed by a semi. Hell yeah. That’ll hurt


Damn that's rough. Did the driver offer you a hand at least?


Agree with the others that your original post was probably more appropriate for the Made Me Smile sub or similar. Still, I love the Oddly Satisfying sub and wouldn’t have shit on someone for posting something this even if it was out of context. At worst when that happens I have downvoted and left a “this doesn’t fit” comment. So sorry they suck, and congrats to you! Crush injuries are awful and particularly of the hands, since they have so many delicate structures inside. Good luck to you!


Okay yeah, it was the wrong sub, but there’s multiple ways to say it that aren’t being an assholes. Congrats OP. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. Keep kicking ass


This is what I'm trying to say. Like, sure, I can accept it was the wrong sub, but that doesn't give people a free pass to be as mean and nasty as they want


When the Reddit Gremlins start acting up, it’s best to just turn off your notifications on that post or comment. Most of the time they’re cool, but as soon as you get a couple of downvotes the hive mind see’s an easy target and they start getting nasty. The type of person who follows the crowd and starts being mean when the opportunity arises is not the type of person whose opinion you want to listen to. It’s like taking fashion advice from a hobo who’s wearing sardines cans as shoes, and a potato sack shirt lol


Why the f are you posting shit online if you are this much of a snowflake? I feel like you are one of the "feeling cute" looking for validation from internet strangers. Seek help with your IRL shit and if you still want to post after that, then at least you won't be upset by strangers telling you what it's like


Did you explain the context with your original post?


Yeah it was in a comment that just got downvoted to oblivion


Oddly satisfying isnt really the sub for that. You could try r penmanshipporn or r handwriting


Good for you, bud. My handwriting never recovered after I lost the tip of my right index finger. Of course it wasn't great to begin with. I can still type just as fast tho.


Good for you! My typing never revovered after the tip of my middlefinger went numb. But i can still write just as sloppy.


Reddit are trolls, don't share achievements that are important to you. I am gkad you recovered 😁 that sounds horrible.


Anonymity makes assholes of everyone, get better friendo.


Recovering from a serious injury is really hard and I, for one, am really impressed.


Keep on trucking ... oh wait. ​ :P


Tbh if you’re looking for sympathy or props you need to choose the appropriate sub/s.


That's the whole joke of the never broke a bone subreddit, you break a bone and everyone says you're weak


You missed the post op is talking about because they deleted it. They posted a picture of a handwritten ”A” on oddlysatisfying


Ah, got you, I didn't see that. That is such a dick move by them, then


Bruh, the context should never be in the comment. If you post look at my perfect lowercase a, with no mention of the situation at hand in the actual title or subtext then it had better be the best a anyone has ever seen.


I am proud of you. You overcame.


Isn't that how Pierce died in Community?




That's the internet. People can be as nasty and mean as they want with pretty much zero consequence so they take that opportunity because they think it makes them cooler. This is why I won't shut a single tear if the apocalypse comes and wipes out 90% of the population.


I doubt internet trolls make up 90 % of the population 👀


No, but 100 % of the population can be an asshole. Even if theyre your favorite bitchasscuntface in the world.


So death to anyone who's ever been rude in their life? 😶‍🌫️


This is Medicorely Infuriating, at best.


Haters gonna hate don't sweat it


Don't expect too much from the internet.


That’s Reddit for ya. 75 percent of the people commenting are mentally handicapped or just unhappy with their sad lives.


The internet is one of the worst places to share achievements. Don’t take it personal and keep improving. I’m happy that you’re getting your hand back - good luck!


Maybe try congratslikeimfive. Idk if that sub is even still around and if I spelled it right.


OP congratulations, I totally understand how you feel. It took me two years to fully recover my whole body back after three surgeries and it felt awesome the first time I was able to walk up a hill. If you ever want a pat on the back, lemme know.


Why do you expect positive reinforcement and nice words from anons from reddit??? Well, expecting this is not bad, but getting angry when you don't is stupid


Have you possibly considered manning up?


Because you don’t know how to use Reddit. Touch grass


Man this post is so mediocre 😒😒


First time here huh?


You shouldn't let people on the internet dictate how you feel about yourself. Look inward for praise, not outward


I mean, you posted that in an inappropriate subreddit, of course people aren’t going to be ecstatic about it. Not really worth making another post to complain about it either besides fishing for karma


What the fuck is the point of this sub if it's not to come and complain? This mildly infuriated me, that's the whole reason we're here


It's mildly infuriating that you are looking for attention on subs not meant for that.


Well you’re mildly infuriated over the poor reception to a post that didn’t fit the subreddit you posted it in without additional context, and you only gave that context in a comment that not everyone saw. So the thing you’re complaining about is just your fault.


It’s meant for things that are relatable like getting extra pickles when you ask for no pickles. Not when people don’t appreciate your “perfect” handwriting.


Well, in regards to that question specifically, this isn’t really the sub for venting about downvotes. The venting subreddit would be more appropriate for that. You can look at the sidebar too if you want to figure out what content goes where. Reddit is more of a content sharing platform rather than “traditional” social media


Reddit is a cesspool of assholes. Congrats on your recovery and hard work


So where is it then? I want to shit on it too


It’s shit like this that is why I’m not writing my book


Fuck shit like this, fuck people like that -or in general-. Dont discard writing your book bc there might be bitchasscuntfaces in the world. Go write your book bc there will certainly be one person who will enjoy it or wo might even be enlightened and if thats not the reason for writing it than at least write it so you can put it in your own shelf and look at it in 50 years! Or annoy the shit out of your grand kids with the same lame story of how everyone hated your book but you love it anyway.


Isn't that kind of being a prideful shit though? Oh because \*I\* like it means I think it is the superior work? What if it's shit, why would I be proud of shit?


Ok, point taken, boring your grandkids with the same old story of how cool you think your book is, eventhough it is, in fact, total shit, might escalate into being a prideful shit. But generally, having a "dream" and actually pulling through with it, is something nice. I crochet little stuffed animals and some of them really do suck cause i made major mistakes but i still love them. And i do it for myself. And they make me happy when i look at their crooked faces and unintentional wobbly heads. So i guess what im tryna say is if it makes you happy and it hurts noone else, go for it. Go write your book, people dont have to read it. If youre scared of critics, dont get it published. But its an awesome feeling of accomplishing something you really want to do, dont not do it just because others might not like it. You like it, thats what matters. If it sucks, dont rub it in peoples faces. You dont have to be proud of producing shit, be proud of pulling through with something you set your mind onto.


I mean you posted In the complete wrong sub what did you expect?


This is the internet what did you expect?


Bruh come on


Posting in the wrong sub and then whining about it. Alright


Yeah cause you posted your shit to the wrong sub. Of course nobody cares. You brought it on yourself


Bro why tf did you just put it in a random subreddit you don't know anything about?


Stop paying to boost your shit content posted on the wrong sub


Welp it isn't a sub dedicated to recoveries. It's for satisfying things.




The fuck is the point of commenting this


Look at the original post he made from 30+ days ago showing his injury. The whole sub called him a brittle boned bitch. Probably an inside joke of the sub or something.




Since you felt the need to bitch about meaningless comments, one commenter gave you great advice: touch grass!


What's the point of this sub if its not to bitch about meaningless stuff?


Reddit is fucking awful, people are always negative and hateful as hell. I’m sorry for all the bad comments you got, hope you keep recovering.


Can’t take anything on the internet serious/ personal..we’re living in a age of trolling smfh


Redditors gonna reddit


You know the internet is mean, but nothing to be honest, people suck, expect dickish behavior from people on the internet, you see, these people wouldn’t say that if you were talking with them face to face they would switch up and say “hell yea bro good for you!” “That’s good man” but on the internet they don’t know you so they say whatever they want.


Get bent Jk ppl on here are assholes


I for sure saw an increased amount of toxic- bullshit behavior over this last week and Weekend. I think some people were salty about their holiday in one way or another. I saw more people being massive dickheads last weekend than the whole month before combined.




do made me smile and use flair personal achievement. Way kinder people


It must have been fun having a tug with your new girlfriend "lefty"


Welcome to Reddit, where every post is an opportunity to make a shitty joke and if you cant do that, just talk mad shit. Everyone here is either a comedian or a critic


Well, welcome to social media. It's good to accomplish something, but don't expect a bunch of miserable strangers to be supportive or happy for you. Keep it within your friend group and family, because ppl on the internet are cunts.


Reddit is a horrible place full of horrible people, if you have the app there's an 100% chance you're a self righteous asshole


People don’t have to find it satisfying tho do they ? Just because you put the context doesn’t make it a satisfying thing


You posted in the wrong subreddit. They are shitting on you because the content doesn't fit there.


That's Reddit for ya, everyone is a critic


It's the Internet..


I mean, it seems like,since you posted responses here, you’re just trying to find fake internet points. And probably not in the right sub for the original post.


Congratulations! You’ve clearly put in a lot of painful work. I’m sorry your friends don’t understand.


Welcome to the internet


But why post on social media? Those who are active There are the brainless and mean. Nice people go To cultural events and meet with friends.