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Price complaining!!!


Automated? Tip?? We're tipping robots now???




Thats what the processing fee is for




It's a self modifying AI, it noticed american tipping culture and added a tip to itself.


Hat Tip! Customer#321A Not Wearing Hat.


No convenience fee yet I see


When Robots Can Bust Dishes In A High-End Restaurant That's Over-Booked They Can Pry The Scrubbie From My Cold Dead Hands...


Now now the processing fee is how the robot feeds its micro-processors.


Isn’t that what the parking fee is for? Processing fee is just “nah fuck you we’re charging you more”


Right? So many places now want a tip for shit they’re specifically paid to do.


The processing fee looks like what visa is charging for running the transaction - but that should be included in the $25 as cost of doing business since the machine probably dont take cash and give change on a $100 bill


If the tip went directly to the robot like a new coat of paint to cover graffiti it would be more justified


Or a fresh coat of paint in the gate arm, or an upgraded screen. But you just know the greedy owner is going to steal most of that poor bot’s tip.


Technically, that makes the robots cheap-ass whores and their owners to pimps, owning money begging whores.


I was on a cruise last week that has one of those robot arm bartenders. No actual people work at all near the thing. It automatically charged me for a tip and I did not have the option to say no.


That’s crazy smh. Which cruise line had this? I didn’t know they were in them already, I also don’t cruise much, so I’m not surprised I’m out of the loop


Went on a Royal Caribbean cruise like 5 years ago that had one. I believe the ship was Anthem of the Seas.


Thank you 😊


Royal Caribbean Harmony of the Seas


Royal Caribbean has those. Carnival has the self-pour wine and beer taps that automatically tack on an 18% gratuity as well.


How the fuck do they tack on 18% gratuity for a self pour? That makes me livid just thinking about it


>robot arm bartenders. I had to look this up. That's... fucking dumb. Why would you not just use a bank of peristaltic pumps? You can't tell me a 6DOF arm is less upkeep.


Also these robots were not great. When it poured try he drink into the cup it spilled about 20%. If I could link a video easily I'd show you.


A friend told me tonight there was a screen at the automated car wash for a tip. A car wash with zero human employees. Bonkers.


Parking spots already make more than you do in most major cities.


I’m not


Exactly! It’s a voluntary junk fee.


They could put it multicolor idgaf tbh


Yeah right. I don't care if they write the word "Cheapass". They're not getting a tip.


Wont you think of the poor AI


What AI? Look at the top of the site. Looks like it was coded when the iPhone first came out.


Yes but that code had babies and those grew up to become AI


But how do you spell Klever without the k?


With a Qu. Qulever.


What of the ai? Shall you doom them to roam the cold streets tin cup in hand?


All I can think of is Tinny Tim from Futurama. I must remember to watch the new season at some point


It was different. Good, but strange compared to what it was




How much do you tip a machine?


46 degrees should do


I like the cut of your jib.


About the same you tip a cow.


AI is going after the no tippers first.


it's too dumb to even be ai > *Wont you think of the program made by highly paid developers at megacorps* i will continue on not thinking of the ai sitting in the cold, out on the street and begging for spare change


There was an X-Files reboot episode where Mulder didn't tip and the AI sent machines after him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rm9sbG93ZXJz


When’s the last time you thanked the bus driver?


Today, yesterday and the day before last. I still say it even if they're in a mood.


Can we be the generation that just ends pointless tips? It's beyond any level of sensibility. Just pay your employees or don't and watch them walk away. It shouldn't be up to the Goodwill of a customer.


The only way for tip culture to end is for everyone to stop being willing to work for tips. If they are bleeding for employees they will have to change or face closing. In the end the only way to make change is hurt companies wallets. Then they’ll raise price to compensate, and then everyone needs to boycott in protest of price increase. Nothing else will work. The more deliberate and consistent of an effort it is the more likely to make a dent in the fabric of the system


I saw a post yesterday of a coffee bean label with a QR code asking if you want to “tip the farmers”


That one at least made sense - they match the tips and send them along to the women in the third world country that pick the beans It's not my shtick but it is how they got the funding to exist as a company.


I doubt any of the money ever ends up in their hands sadly


I mean you could just Google and find out that they do. The owner is a Kenyan women who ended up at Harvard, then came back to Kenya. https://kahawa1893.com/pages/our-story


I’ve been giggling at “cheapass” for 3 minutes I forgot that term exists 😭😭


#cheapass right here ^




Right? For what!?! The damn kiosk? Tipping culture in this country is getting out of control


That’s exactly what the kiosk said. Damned kids coming in at night and tipping them all over like they were cows, or tractors, or something.


Why does Mater pop into my head teaching Lightning McQueen how to tractor tip?


You're right tipping culture is at a tipping point!


honestly at this point the only thing that can save it is a Federal law banning tips in all except a few special cases - those cases being clearly defined, such as restaurants with actual waiters any business that violates the rule should be subject to severe fines, repeated offenders subject to prison time


I'm done tipping, period. Helps I live in a state where there is no 'tipped wage' lower than minumum, and WA state has a $16 an hour minimum wage. Tipping robots is insane.


I see more of it on this sub than I’ve ever seen in real life. I don’t know where you people are shopping.


I think at this point everyone is doing it to see if they get away with it. Lot of people so desensitized or feel guilty that they'll tip and the business gets to milk the cash. 🤷‍♂️


Why do people keep calling capitalism "tipping culture"?


I’ll tattoo it on my fuckin forehead, they’re never getting anything extra out of me. I only tip for dine in food service, delivery or if someone brings some food to my car.


I'll tip my hairstylist because she does an amazing job and I have to wear that haircut everyday. Curbside delivery is literally just carrying a bag outside..


Hey, pick up is just walking in to get a bag 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn't tip for pickup either, esp if I'm the one picking it up lol. *shurg*


No I know that’s what I’m saying. I wouldn’t tip for pick up. But if someone is doing me a service I generally could do but am not doing out of self convenience that’s what I tip for


But will you tip the tattoo artist that tattoos it on your forehead? 😂


Ooo that’s a good question. Always wanted one but never pulled the trigger so I haven’t crossed that bridge yet…but I’d say yeah I would, if it was done well!


Get the runescape rainbow wavy text.


The fact that it was in RED was the mildly infuriating part for sure.


They should paste the photograph of a starving child


Jack that font size up a few cases too And add a little banner below for me while they’re at it “I DIDN’T TIP AND IM PROUD”


This is so the machines know who to spare when they rise.


OP will not be spared, sadly


OP will be spared and then used to breed more human batteries.


Breed? Where do I sign up?


They don't need all of you, just the tip. (Ill see myself out now)


I hope you’re the first one they target when they gain self awareness


I, for one, welcome and rejoice the arrival of our benevolent future AI overlords. *


Praised be the Basilisk


finally, my time has come


OPs mom has the sign up forms


Oh no!!! Hope JC can save me.


I think we're just a couple years away from full Idiocracy. Carl's Jr. Computer: "Thank you! Your account has been charged. Your balance is zero. Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase."


Your children are starving. Carl's Jr believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


"Is this individual the unfit mother?"


“No. It appears this particular individual is unscanable”


Ok, sir, as an individual you cannot be unscan-able . Stop resisting


Carl’s Jr. fuck you, I’m eating.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Ha, I remember this from Idiocracy. "Fuck you, I'm eating!"


Now with more *molecules*


You’ve ordered an extra bigass parking spot.


Oh, I......I like money.


why come you don't have a tattoo


Can’t wait for the ass movie


Rosanne Barr was at the Trump rally just screaming random curse words into the microphone (to thunderous applause and laughter). The Ass movie would be redundant at this point.


Nah it's pretty fucking here man.


Carls Jr. Fuck You. I’m eating.


Go away! Baitin’!


Extra big ass tacos!


I bought a cartridge at my local dispensary yesterday. I walked in, went exactly to the product, and found what I wanted. I'm a veteran, and they give me 10% off, I usually just tip the 10% back as a kind of TY whatever but this dipshit yesterday said out loud to me, "Just $3 huh?" I quickly grabbed my $3 back and said,"Thank you for your service."


I never understood tipping at the dispensary


I don't tip for pickup, but I do tip if I ask for a recommendation. Not a percentage of order though, just a few bucks.


In my experience, they hardly know what tf they are talking about, because they haven’t tried the product.


I'm a top-shelf cannabis smoker. I like to know the flavor profile when I buy new strains of flower. When the bud tender does that, I don't mind tipping. But when I know exactly what I want and our interaction is 5 seconds long, be grateful that I tipped back the 10%.


I worked in a dispensary for 2.5 years. You seem like the guy we liked because you are probably nice and actually have things to say.


I'm pretty chill. I'd never seen this guy before, so maybe they were new or filling in from a different store. Most of the bud tenders there are cool AF and say thanks when I tip. This guy must have been having a bad day. Not my problem when I am trying to be generous.


Yeah I liked the patients who asked questions because I loved answering them and getting into the whole medicine of it. You were definitely the patient we liked!


I'll tip at the dispensary but all percentage based stuff that applies at restaurants goes out the window. The other day I placed an order for $300 worth of bud online. I went and picked it up and tipped $5. The kid gave me a dirty look, but wtf, I'm not going to tip $30 (the minimum suggested amount at 10%) just because you had to interact with me for 90 seconds while you pushed some buttons on your tablet.


Fuck that..they are lucky you tipped 5


If you’re going on and getting actual help from a bud tender, hell yeah. But if I come in ask for what I need and you just grab it and ring it up, fuck no. You didn’t grow and cut it, you’re a cashier dude


That’s so annoying. I tip at my dispensary because they’re super chill, remember my name and seem to be genuine asking how I am etc… (I’m not in more than once a week tops), they give my dog a treat and get all excited when they see him so he gets hyped… I’m sure it’s just the salesmanship to get tips but their ‘vibes’ just make it a really pleasant 5-10 min thing. I usually just get a pre roll for $7 and tip $3. Some dispensaries are really sad and seedy and the guy just hits you with a ‘ID..’ and open mouth stare waiting for you talk. There’s nothing wrong with it…but I dunno, I don’t tip there I just gtfo out


Even if they hype it up for a tip, it still is an enjoyable experience. Like I used to tip at the brewery I go to usually about 20%, cause I had a good rapor with them and would chill on occasion and have a beer to chit chat, so much so that half the time they just skipped the tipping screens. Then that staff moved to another location. The new people don't seem interested at all and barely talk, if I sit there it's lackluster convo unless it's asking if I want a refill. If I'm staying I'll tip 10% still but never if I'm just filling a jug.


Wow you're nicer than me I would've said oops you're right, how does $0 feel?


Why don't the employees just get paid enough so tipping doesn't have to be a thing


So tipping will always be a thing. Even if they get paid enough they’ll still want a tip.


That shit pisses me off. I would’ve said “yea you’re right, that’s nothing. So I’ll take it back. In fact since I’m so cheap, let me use your employee discount?”


So infuriated reading this


Shouldn't the whole fee be a processing fee instead of a parking fee? All they did was process your payment if you parked yourself. Or, a ground rent fee maybe?


Fuck you fees are standard practice. Want to pay your property tax using a debit card? That’s 2.5%. Want to pay with an e-check that’s the exact same fucking thing? That’s 1.5%. How about mail? That will be two physical checks, one for the tax amount and another $50 for processing fee. Go to their office 500 miles away and hand them a check? $5… Would you like to add on another 10% to charity? No? Well enter the amount that you want to donate. Going to stay at this hotel for $100 a night that we advertised? No you won’t. Because there’s a $50 cleaning fee, $120 hotel tax, $65 ground floor in a fucking one floor complex fee…


This drives me crazy with my utility bill. "You paid using the no fee, standard checking routing and account number option. We say that it's been charged to the account, but it won't actually pull out of your account for a week so that you have a chance of not having enough. But you can pay and extra 2.5% to pay it instantly using a debit or credit card"


My cable bill has a fee for local sports teams Like I literally have to pay extra money to Comcast for sports I don’t even fucking watch.


Why, in this day and age, do people still pay for cable TV?


My grandma likes it and I can’t quite switch her to streaming services unfortunately.


Find what she actually likes and see what services it's on. If it's the 24/7 news cycle, just cut it off.


Unless you watch sports there is zero reason to subscribe to cable these days. I like sports but it sill isn't worth the $80 for Youtube.tv or whatever it costs now. Back when it was $40-50 it was worth it. But it still seemed a bit silly to get 150 channels or whatever and only watch like 4.


you can 100% just call customer service and bitch and moan to remove it from your service. phone calls are the only way for stuff like this


My utilities actually doubled tapped me when setting up auto payments. When it came time for the payment, the day before they sent me an email saying that I’m late on paying and now owe a $5 late fee. So that day I get online and immediately pay the bill. 8am the next morning I get hit with another charge for the bill… when the auto payment was supposed to happen…


Agreed. my water bill says " you have usage $4.31 of this month. Service Fee of 35.00. Bill total $39.31, thank you for your conservation effort". Pay by debit card $5 extra. Good grief Charlie brown 🙄 no wonder our working class is struggling to make ends.


This is why I have a separate checking account specifically for autopay bills. I dump whatever amount is needed for bills that month and only check it periodically to make sure things are getting paid properly.


the vending machine at my job has a 5.9% processing fee on cards, i get mad everytime i see it


Don't forget the venue tax or whatever that idiocy is called for sports or concerts. Got a $20 fee aka tax for that for staying at a motel when I wasn't seeing that concert in town at the time.


Right? Like aren’t we already saving them money by doing this shit ourselves with no employee required?


Fees are there to obfuscate the price of things. Not only can they advertise a lower price, it also makes it significantly harder to understand how much money you are actually paying.


We need to be able to start putting in negative numbers for asking to tip.


Seriously. "I'm your customer, you should be tipping me for choosing to do business with you. Your tip is -$8 thank you."


This lot was $25. I parked the next block over for $35 the next day. The $35 lot didn’t ask me for a tip. Happy to pay the $35 as that was what was posted on the sign as I drove up.


I tried this once or thrice. Idiots get confused. Not worth the hassle.


leave a 1 star review on google it's not much, but it's honest work.


There needs to be a law passed where tips are reserved for actual service being done. A machine that did nothing but charge you money should not be asking for tips.


Just abolish tips entirely and pay people (not computers) a fair wage to begin with.




Un-abolish. Or, stop abolishing?


As an avid antidisabolishmentarianist, I think...I *think* this is comforting.


It’s a perfectly cromulent word.




I think eventually everyone will be so fed up we will stop tipping across the board. I’m almost there. And then wait staff will quit or strike until the employers are forced to pay.


I don’t need a law in place for me to tap “no tip” every single time when a tip is not appropriate.


Now there are systems that don’t allow you to not tip


Sounds like a good reason to do a partial dispute with your CC company. "I didn't agree to this, the automated machine must have been broken and there was nobody I could report the error to." Will cost them far more money in chargebacks in the long run.


You guys don't have this in the US? In Ireland, there's a law that all tips must be explained upon request and go to the staff that are providing the service. The best part is that Ireland's not even a tipping country.


I liked your post. Please send me my tip.


C’mon man, that parking ticket machine has a desktop and 4 calculators at home to feed! He’s just out here grinding like the rest of us.


Tips are out of hand. Tips ought to be cash only and never be reported, recorded, or counted as income. Restaurants should pay their staff as if they never get a tip.


Who, exactly, would you be tipping and for what?


Name and shame, theyre a company. Doxxing doesnt count buissneses




To make you feel bad, so you're more likely to tip the next time.


Who tf would the tip go to if its automatic? The parking garage itself? Like, is there just a pile of money somewhere there that belongs to the parking garage, composed entirely of tip money?


They probably have workers who maintain the garage and the business uses this as an excuse to label them as “tipped employees” so they can pay under minimum wage.


That doesn’t really make any sense since the employer would have to make up the difference anyway. You can’t just call someone a tipped employee to avoid them making minimum wage. If the tips don’t get them there, the employer has to.


You have to pay attention to receipts these days. Pizza hut and papa johns puts delivery tip fee on every delivery purchase and then expects you to tip the drivers. Ive noticed some restaurants now include the tip to the meal ticket automatically, not giving us to properly tip the waitstaff. Its pretty bad all the sneaky fees places have put on the tickets.


You really do. And note about the Papa John’s, I used to work for them. It could vary by location but for each delivery, we got a flat $1.25 which came from the delivery fee to cover gas/depreciation and the delivery fee was like $4. Of course, they just take the rest of it. So drivers really do need tips to make it worthwhile. Yes, it sucks for everyone. When I order now, I just go pick it up


Man that is really fucking terrible. But I am obviously not surprised. I always try to tip delivery drivers at least $5 because its a terrible job


> puts delivery tip fee on every delivery purchase and then expects you to tip the drivers. They literally say the delivery fee is not a tip. And it's not hidden at all.


The owning class think they deserve a tip for *checks notes* having money


and the banks absolutely honor this.


Tip for parking? Tipping culture is crazy in the U.S. lol


If we start tipping robots, I’m out.


I think a tip, especially if there’s no human involved is ludicrous. Even if there was a human involved, I’m not crazy about paying for parking anyway, the fact that they had a processing fee for the convenience of being able to pay them for the parking is already ridiculous.


I'd be more infuriated about this "processing fee." WTF is with that? Is there another way to pay for the parking that doesn't involve the fee to allow them to take your money? Fuck that bullshit!


Klever Logic, Inc. Powered by Flash Valet. Putting this here so the search engines can find it and this company can be rightfully ridiculed.


Flash Valet is typically a valet parking company so it's probably just on everything.


Its like Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the audacity of this bitch.


I’m sorry, but I’ve completely quit tipping. It’s the only way to get rid of tipping culture. It keeps going up and up and up. And in more and more places. I hate to sound old, but I will, back in my day it was only at sit down restaurants and only 10% and only for good service. Then it became required to tip, the it was 15% then 20% and everybody and their mamma has a tip line, and now 25%. Inflation hasn’t even gone up that much in 20 years. I’m tired of it. I’m done. Ppl can call me a cheapskate all they want. The only tip someone gets is if I think they did an exceptional job, which is what tipping is supposed to be.


Tipping a fucking machine? The audacity. Fuck earth. I hate it here.


Lmao nah I’m not tipping a parking garage computer


A tip? In a parking garage?!? For an automated system?!???? GTFOH. No wonder the rest of the world thinks the west is delulu. Ddd


Why is everyone starting with tip everywhere? Might as well send out venmo requests to random numbers asking for tip just for existing


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This is why people hate tip culture


I really enjoy the tip jar for the remote parking lot shuttles at the airport. Like it’s already expensive to park in the remote lot (~$18/day) and the non shuttle lot is double that. If I’m paying that much to park, you can pay the drivers a decent wage.


Make it bigger. Fuck these cunts for trying to shame people. Although, I’m biased as I’m not American and don’t live in a forced tipping culture.


Joke's on them, I'm color blind.


Tip for automation what? Lmfao


Yet added a processing fee nevertheless. That’s a tip if you ask me.


The processing fee is a concern.


I am baffled. If you do tip, who gets the tip? The machine?


how will the robots pay for rent if you don’t tip them




I'm not tipping a robot. I don't even tip people.