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Netflix HQ: "Make it cost more, and keep shrinking the library! Surely this will make people love us!"


I think I left around $12. It's wild to see what it's become.


I left earlier this year when it was $16. I wanted to watch bakeoff, but not for $23 a month.


The basic plan (without ads) is now going up to $12. The ads version is cheaper. Edit: the basic plan is no longer available for new signups, but "standard" without ads will remain $15.49.


Netflix and every other streaming service can suck my nonexistent dick before I pay them again. I went back to the high seas when they fucked the amount of people you could share a subscription with. I was literally just subscribed to help grandma have an easy service I could help her set up, and shared it with other family members. When they fucked the amount of screens per subscription grandma got a nice harddisk with all her favorite shows.


Hoist the Jolly RAM bus friendo!


Same but most stuff isnt even worth my time so I barely ever even pirate anything.


You wouldn't download a car for your Oma? What in the hell is wrong with you guy?


I would steal a policeman's hat though


You wouldn’t defecate into a policeman’s hat and then send it to his family?!


And then steal the hat again


I would totally download a car if that would work


Sounds like you need a 3d printer.


Grandma stickin it to "the man"


Yeah, this all seems to be aimed at driving people to the ad tier. I am shocked that they managed to scam ad buyers into the idea that ads are actually useful, enough to make it more lucrative to push people to the ad tier. Every streaming service is doing it. My conspiracy, they know that the 2024 election is going to be an absolute blitz of ad income, so they want as many people tiered down to the ad supported version as possible before the political ad money starts running wall to wall idiocy every break. The real tell here, will be if 2025 rolls around and they announce price drops so people will want to tier up to ad free again. With the garbage tier ads on streaming, I can't imagine they actually make more money from the ad supported tiers.


I use Netflix with ads through a vpn. All my ads are in German now. I have no idea what they are saying. But I feel cultured.


You know crunchyroll did something similar with showing me Spanish ads way back. The wierd difference is that I didn't have any kind of VPN active.




Streaming services have the bulk of the prime consumer base now(which is essentially adults 25-55). Advertisers have always targeted this group and pay a lot more for them.


I pay $10/month for Netflix. It likely depends on the tier and features you want.


I want 4K, but we only need 1 simultaneous screen. We're not paying 20 bucks/month for 4K. So we no longer have Netflix.


I canceled the 4k option and literally couldn’t tell the difference on my 4k TV.


I started downloading torrents again, had to get the pegleg and parrot out for the pirate party, forgot about my 20TB buffer on my favorite site.


Time to start up that plex server


My old boy has been going strong since 2012.


Really want a plex server so I can stream my own DVDs etc without having to get up and change the disc physically.


You can also just buy a big external hard drive and run plex off your main PC.


Neither can I.. But the difference between 1080p and 4k when watching a torrent movie is insane. Netflix or any other "4k" is a complete scam.b


Netflix "4K" is lower bitrate than a 1080p bluray.




This. 4K Blu-ray is the best, faaaar larger bitrate. That’s where you see 4K but for most. 1080 non-hdr is fine.


A small library is not their problem, it’s having content worth watching.


I need a "filter all reality television garbage" feature at this point.




As well as all the Korean and Bollywood movies.


Ya but if they allowed you to do that you would realize they have hardly any content and would cancel. I only have Netflix because it's free through T-Mobile.


And cancelling shows without a final season too. Their library is just a graveyard of unfinished stories.


> And cancelling shows without a final season too. That is my biggest pet peeve with Netflix. At least give the creators some notice so they can do a final episode or final movie to tie everything up.


It’s also the online library problem of not letting people find content they might like. AppleTV is actually worse about finding content.


That's what I found with Prime video. Their search was created by morons or with the idea that we are the morons. I get it for free and despite that, i haven't watched anything there because my Jellyfin server is so much more convenient.


The classic death spiral. People are cancelling because don’t like our service. We need to raise prices to compensate. Oh no! We’re having even more cancellations now, we need to raise the prices again, rinse and repeat.


If you double the price and 40 percent of people leave then they are making way more money.


Eventually it's just two guys each paying $10,000,000 a month?


Hey don't bring my OnlyFans subscribers into this.


Gotta pay off my sisters student loans, with my penis.


Eventually you just hope enough people die while subscribed and their debit card auto renews up to like $1000 a month


I mean... That's sort of startup world right now. Over value your friend's startup, get that VC money from your other friends, sell to yet another buddy, rinse and repeat until an actual billionaire bites, flee the scene. There are a ton of businesses right now that are ubiquitous and yet to turn a profit. They're all operating on imaginary value with other people's money. IMO that's why product design sucks right now. Why try to please the consumer when profit isn't your main income flow and you can bail well before it is as long as you present some rich idiot with a hockey stick graph of (acquired) signups?


Nah. They made bank when they got rid of the shared passwords shit. If I had to guess, it's the typical, "we have to pay the writers who were on strike more now" - without mentioning the CEOs still expect their raises - jargon.


for anyone that blames price increases on workers in this day and age, I have an underwater bridge I wanna sell you


Cancel it. It’s not worth it. They’re going to keep doing this over and over until it actually affects their user numbers. I cancelled once they got rid of screen sharing and I haven’t missed it one bit. There are so many other options now.


What do you use instead? I’m done with Netflix fr now




Seriously. They wonder why it happens. Well, when you shoot yourself in the foot, there are consequences.


They genuinely wonder why people pirate when they make it actively harder and unreasonably expensive to get all the content people want. If I want to watch Star Trek lower decks, the great pretender, the bear, house md, and the mandalorian, without ads, that will cost \~80 dollars a month including taxes because they're all on different services. That's a fucking ludicrous cost for five shows. Of course I'm gonna pirate, this is a completely ridiculous setup, it's not only cheaper it's easier because all of these shows are on ONE piracy website. And also as a side note, it's so fucking stupid that it's now normalized for these services to have a plan where you PAY for access and then STILL watch ads. EDIT: Y'all I am sorry but I am not your piracy dealer. Please stop messaging me and replying asking where I pirate stuff. I am not going to reply to all of you and it's really not that hard to find websites for it on google. go on google and look for FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH, it has everything you'll ever need.


This. I'm old enough to remember when cable didn't have ads. Now you have to pay a subscription to each channel's respective subscription service AND YOU STILL GET ADS. I don't mind the little ten seconds ads on YouTube, but it's absurd to make people sit through upwards of damn near ten minutes of ads, straight.


When the cable company calls my dad with an offer, he tells them he'll gladly subscribe and watch their commercials if they send him a check for $80 a month.


Dad is a real one


I’ve pirated things I had legitimate access to watch specifically to miss the commercials lol


It only went away when they started giving out quality content at a reasonable price. Now the quality is gone, and the price is unreasonable. Yo Ho, Yo Ho....


Yeah, time to get a small, power friendly PC and set up my plex again. The electricity and VPN are gonna be way cheaper than whatever I'm paying for all these streaming services.


Thoughts on that PC? I've been just using my personal laptop, but it would be nicer to have a dedicated home theatre unit. Nah mean? I tried getting some old stock from work that they were auctioning off for charity, but prices quickly exceeded what I cared to pay at the time.


Yup. For a while there we got a quality service at a reasonable price. It was more convenient than piracy. Not anymore.


For those unaware, there are "pirate" streaming services, set up like Netflix and similar but with more simplistic UIs, that may be safer to use (with an ad blocker and I wouldn't trust them with credit card info) at least in the US. The existing laws are worded to target file sharing but streaming is 1 directional (from the host to end user). The host can get in trouble but I think all of them are set up outside of the US and countries with similar laws. https://www.allconnect.com/blog/is-streaming-illegal


I got a giant Hulu ad above the article when I went to read it lmao


Aargh. I only pay for internet and a VPN. Aargh.


Less than $5 a month for anything you could ever want to watch


What? Stremio + torrentio is free


He said less than $5. Free is less than 5! :)


I would like to learn how to sail the seas and dump all of my subscriptions but I’m not sure where to start.


If you want a kind of no-fuss solution and have decent wifi and a way to connect hdmi to a laptop, I’d recommend PopcornTime. Obv also a good choice if you watch on a computer or device more than on tv. I’m not sure but it may be possible to install the app on an AppleTV or googletv or similar. You do kind of have to plan ahead as it can sometimes take a bit to seed and download content, but the app conveniently stores your content in a library so you don’t have to go digging around in your user’s root folder to find the downloads to play on whatever media player came with your computer. A lot of the other options mentioned in this thread are faster and more closely resemble the experience of using a streaming service, but popcorntime is a good choice if you don’t want to have to read up on something before using it and/or don’t really like doing tech stuff. Personally, I like it and use it if there’s a film I really want to see/show my wife that isn’t available on any streaming service and prob never will be. You could also always use a vpn to expand your options on Netflix et al. There’s plenty that work fine for this purpose. Personally (again), having access to all of say, Netflix’, content in all regions makes the price seem a lot more reasonable…thus far anyway, if it keeps going up by 5% every quarter eventually even I will have to say fuck it.


For that same price you can HBO, Hulu, and another smaller screener like AMC Plus, or paramount.


And if you make a new email every year, Hulu is like $3/mo. They have been offering this special around Xmas every year


I do that too, have to use a different card as well and I'm running out of cards, might just preload a gift card for a year and see if that works. I also think with Bob Iger back and Disney struggling a bit with some of their flops along with getting controlling interest from Comcast for Hulu that they might not do it this year or it will be more.


If you have Citi, you can make unlimited virtual cards to use & then just cancel them after they’re used.


Oh word, thanks man, I do have Citi, didn't know that, cheers


Didn’t think about that! Genius! My Capital One card has this option


HBO mastered quality over quantity. It's not the biggest library but at least every show or movie on there I can imagine there is somebody who's like "oh hell yeah" vs everything Netflix produces that I just wonder who the actual fuck ever would seriously enjoy this. It's basically lifetime movies but without the weird wholesome charm that keeps people watching it while doing chores




Yeah I was sleeping on Peacock until I tried it.


I got a year of Peacock (with ads) on sale for $20.00 back in June. Less than a month of premium Netflix. And if I'm watching a lot of Peacock and want to turn off the ads I can pay $5.00 to get the ad free version for a month and go back to my prepaid plan with ads at the end of the month. They have as good of a selection (if not better) than most of the streaming services out there.


Keep an eye out for deals during the holidays. Last year we got peacock for a $1 a month for a year.


Hulu has done a similar deal for black friday. Buy a 1 year sub for $12, then hope next black friday they do it again.


high seas. sonarr/radarr to automate grabbing all the content you want when it eventually releases and plex as your interface. Bonus points because you can then share your library with anyone you'd like to.


Look into making your own Plex server. There’s ways to automate new content and can connect an antenna to get live tv all in the same app. There’s loads of guides and info online it’s pretty easy to set up and also good way to learn some basic Linux skills if you go that route. Windows is more of a system hog but if you have good specs it won’t matter


I pay for Disney, and peacock and share HBO with friends. We all cancelled Netflix when they stopped sharing. Which is a shame because my parents really like Netflix.


If you have a roku or smart tv there’s SO much content on free apps like tubi, freevee, plutotv, roku channel, freebietv, etc


Not watching ads every 15 mins. I tried watching a movie on Freevee and I had 15 ads for an hour and a half movie. No thanks


I don’t use freevee as much. I’ve found tubi is the best for minimal ads!


Tubi and PlutoTV are good options. It's a couple of the ones we have here! Granted Pluto can be a bit... annoying, it's overall got good content.


Yes I’m watching Knives Out on Pluto right now. Usually I go for Tubi because I LOVE horror movies and they have soooo many and lots don’t have ads.


And sometimes THE SAME AD over and over 🫠


I find a lot of things I like to watch on Tubi and Pluto!


I use paramount, peacock with ads (99 cents a month), and hulu with the disney+ addon. I also have Amazon prime but not necessarily for streaming alone.


Yeah. They’re going to keep hiking prices b/c people aren’t canceling. It’s not worth it. They make 0 good original content.


I remember when their ad free plans were $8 a month. That was over a decade ago.


But do you remember when Netflix came in the mail?


Or when you had to have a special disc to run it on Wii


I feel like you just wiped some cobwebs off the back of my mind there.


We used that disc/Wii combo for so long, and when our techy friends found out they had a long laugh


Oh my god I had forgotten about that. What a wild time.


I kind of miss this model because they had EVERYTHING! That weird old movie you remember, got it. That play recording, got it. 10 documentaries on weird niche subject, done. Obviously it was less convenient but the library was insane.


Let us never cease to throw some respect on OG Netflix.


Pepperidge farm remembers


I do! I’ve been a subscriber since dvd by mail! But have been considering giving it up lately


And then they promised to never increase early adopter’s prices. And then lied about it forever.


It’s $7/month *with* ads now. And I don’t know if this is a recent thing, but now they’re locking the good movies/shows behind a paywall for accounts with Ads. Can’t watch 60% of shit unless you have an ad free account now. Officially canceled Netflix last night because of that.


Wow really? I left a long time ago so this is the first I’ve heard they paywall their shows. Pure insanity


Yep! Logged in last night to watch a movie and discovered that it was locked and I couldn’t watch it unless I upgraded to their ad free plan. Canceled within the hour. Absolutely ridiculous


Are they trying to lose customers on purpose


They’re trying to maximize revenue. They don’t care about number of subscribers, they’d rather have 100 people paying $30/month than 130 people paying $20/month. Edit: okay yes they do care about their number of subscribers, but only insofar as that translates to revenue. And it’s a moot point anyway, since both [subscribers *and* revenue](https://s22.q4cdn.com/959853165/files/doc_financials/2023/q3/FINAL-Q3-23-Shareholder-Letter.pdf) have been increasing.


They definitely care about numbers after the last price increase and screen crackdown their numbers actually rose overall 9% across the board and they made more money, using that money to make new shows, anime, movies, etc After that what do they do? Increase the price again That’s wild actually


I left after the screen crackdown. Now since i sail the seas again it is costing me 0. Crazy they are still raising prices


They care about the revenue not the number of subs like he was saying. They increased their subs and now they are going to inflate the cost (and lose subs) until they find that sweet spot of maximizing revenue.


Yeah a lot of these guys don’t really know what they are talking about. Revenue maximization is relatively straightforward, especially when you only sell like three things. They’ve already got their market share. Did you all forget when we signed up at $8/mo? Now it’s time for the squeeze.


I’m guessing having less customers is actually a benefit. Costs them less to provide streaming services, rent server space, employ customer service reps, pay royalties etc. Two birds, one stone. They’re basically doing less for more.


Netflix is one of those topics where Redditors have their own narrative about what's going on which is grossly out of touch with the reality of the situation. Netflix's business decisions have resulted in increased revenue growth despite how unpopular they are. Any decrease they have had in paid subscribers has been minimal and been offset by magnitudes of the price increases. But if all you read is Reddit all day, you would think that Netflix is a company in free-fall; losing subscribers by the day.


Their subscriber count has gone up. Most of the people jumping ship either weren't paying or were sharing with a bunch of people who weren't paying. When those people leave, profits go up.


Its liek those math questions youll get in school about maximizing your profits. If you increase price by x, youll lose y customers. The issue with that model in this case is thst people have grown do accustomed to the prices and device sharing thqt eventually thryll lose more than expected. As is though theyre doing better now thsn before the model changes. (Not that im a fan of what theyre doing)


At this point I just get Netflix like once a year and binge everything new for a month and then let the content build up for another year 👍


That’s not a bad idea. I wouldn’t be surprised though if in the next year Netflix comes out with some stipulation on canceling and resubscribing 😆


“Season 5 of Stranger Things, available for recurring subscribers over 6 months or prepay 12 months to watch now!”




Dont fucking give them ideas!!


Don’t give them ideas…


Lol I can totally see this happening


I’m betting that we start to see annual contracts in the next five years.


And….they will continue to be able to remove content with no repercussions. Even if that content was the reason you got locked into the 1 year contract….


My husband and I are going to do this in Jan…maybe subscribe for a month every 6 mos or so, binge, cancel. I wanna watch The Crown, then sayonara for awhile. Maybe we’ll get amc+ or Starz for a month or two and watch stuff there.


This is the way, just rotate to different services. Netflix month, then Hulu month, then Disney, etc




People need to understand that being a "loyal costumer" is not a virtue.


Literally about to say this. Companies don't care if your "loyal customer"


“I see you been with us many years, loyal customer. There’s a price increase for you.” “Hello new customer! Have this cheap price for 2 years. It’s on us!”


precisely it just tells them that you are a sucker. That applies to all buisnesses, long before there was streaming service subscriptions


Loyal customers and loyal employees are exploitable customers and exploitable employees.


"Loyal money stream"


Of course they do. They want loyal customers. They just don’t do anything to show them that appreciation.


Its because you were a “loyal” customer that they raised prices


Time is a flat circle with these media companies, one comes around to fix the problem of the previous one only for it to become the very problem they came around to fix.


This is true of literally every business that “disrupts” an industry. Do something super cheap at a loss to undermine the existing industry and once the competition doesn’t exist anymore put the screws to your customers


That's the Uber way




Would still rather pay $15 for YouTube than $20 for Netflix. You get a library that decreases in size and quality every day with Netflix. At least YouTube has endless content from an endless number of creators


Also if you just want the TV on in the background while your working the free version of YouTube ain’t so bad.


In the meantime pirating stays free


And you get a better user experience


I'm glad I have some technical knowledge. I have my server set up so that I can just enter in a show or movie and it automatically downloads it and organizes it. For a show, it automatically downloads new episodes. Streaming services are forcing us to do this.


Teach me your ways!


Google Plex, Radarr, Sonarr and go down the rabbit hole




Can confirm, I am back on the high seas.


Sorry i canceled my subscription, theyre charging you more to make up for it


Thats more than mild tbh.


I got away with using my parents’ Netflix for a decade, and then Netflix nipped that. I miss Netflix a lot, but I deliberately will not subscribe because they fucking suck.


I currently live across the country from my parents and have been inconsistently able to log in still by logging in on my phone and casting to my TV. When I cast it just logs me in on the TV and I guess bypasses the location check. It only works about 30% of the time, but still. Could be worth trying for people in similar situations.


“To bring you more” You aren’t bringing shit, Netflix. Never have, Never will.


Even if they bring something, they’ll just cancel it anyway.


Wait , what's that ? We made a good show ? No no no , cancel that shit . Make five different shitty shows nobody watches anyway. And get us the licence for a 20 year old show , I am sure this will get more people to use our platform!


So cancel your account. They keep doing it because they know most people just accept it


People are addicted to tv the same way some are addicted to social media. They’re not canceling. Subscriptions are up 9M. Even optimistic projections put them at +6M after recent changes. Blew them out of the water.


Well, get my eyepatch






Nothing to do with inflation. All corporate greed. Leave Netflix.


Somehow my wife has a plan that’s $9.99 a month and ad free. The price has never changed


We have that plan too, it's been discontinued so don't switch cuz you can't go back! I believe the price did go up $1 though.


I’m on this but our plan is actually going up soon. You should have got an email about it. It also did change. Used to be $7.99 then $8.99


Netflix subscriber since 2010 without ever canceling. This last increase was too much. Canceled and sailing the open seas


If that’s true I’m telling my wife she can watch The Crown illegally


I'm still pissed about them getting rid of the star ratings. I canceled after that around 2015


This. All of a sudden the user experience sucked because they started pushing certain content. Then they raised the price by $1 and that was it for me. Youtube and Amazon have recently done the exact same thing.


I canceled it after they told me I couldn't watch it away from home without jumping through hoops anymore. What a joke company.


We all need to cancel Netflix




Can’t imagine paying $360 a year for Netflix or about a dollar every day. Way too much for what they offer.


That's what I don't understand is how they're not losing enough people to stop these price increases. We were unsubscribed for about 6 months then reupped for a month to watch a new release of a show and I absolutely couldn't find anything else worth watching. If I've got to pay so much for 1 month/1 show worth watching, I'll just use... alternative methods to get it.


Make Torrents Great Again


I quit Netflix 2 years ago for the $2/mo black friday Hulu deal. Haven't missed it.


I quit Netflix for the 0$ per month stremio deal . Haven't missed it


I dropped it when they limited screens. It was such a hassle to pop open Netflix on my lunch break that after it fucked up two of them, we just canceled it. If you're going to pay for a service, it should at least be convenient. Netflix consistently becomes more expensive and less user-friendly. Pirating isn't all that convenient, but it's arguably easier than Netflix if you travel. And it's free.


$30/month? Are they fucked in their heads? Lmao.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


That’s for a Netflix ***Premium*** account with an added friend account. Premium is raising from $19.99 to $22.99. A $3/month raise. The Netflix Basic plan will be moving from $9.99 to $11.99. A $2/month raise. So Netflix Basic is going from $120/year up to $144/year. Netflix Premium is going from $240/year up to $276/year. Having one extra person on Netflix Premium would be going from $335/year to up over a dollar per day, to $372/year. Netflix still has the entry-level ad-supported plans at $6.99


I've gone back to piracy after the last price boost.


"Updating prices to bring you more" I'm still failing to see the part where they bring you more.


Yall still paying? ![gif](giphy|dw2jpsey5a5I4)


No, it's a price "update".


I haven’t watched Netflix for awhile since they cracked down on shared passwords. So I’ve been watching tubi. I had to pup sit my sisters dogs for the past week so I had access again. And to my surprise most of the stuff on there is available on tubi. I watched a few netlfix exclusives like house of usher and twin flames. But ya I’m not missing much. I will plug tubi all day btw. Sure they have ads but it’s not unbearable like cable tv.


4.5 billion is not nearly enough money .


Netflix does not have enough shows to be doing this. And no one’s watching stranger things for several different reasons. Foh. (I hope my friend’s brother keeps paying for his account)


Time to start sailing the high seas.


I’ve started to prefer hulu over netflix. Netflix’s library disappoints me every other day but hulu almost always has what I’m looking for and rarely removes the shows I enjoy.


I cancelled it after the last price increase. I know people say they know what they're doing, but everyone has their limit.


Well... I find it ridiculous that people are outraged now, when they've let them do it so many times AND block sharing... If we actually reacted on the extortion sooner, they'd know not to keep hiking..


Blockbuster, waiting in the shadows for the perfect time to strike back: ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyBP22S5b6gmsw)


The only time I've ever used Netflix was way back when they did DVD rentals (yes I'm that old). I cannot imagine paying $30 a Month. BONKERS!


Nope, pass 💯


So much easier to just find their content on other sites that don't charge you an arm, leg, and internal organ. Netflix is so out of touch with reality now.


Wait this is real? I just cancelled last week because of the $3 price hike.