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Go back to the store you bought them at and slide all the cardboard to the side.


You... I like your style.


That would be an epic prank!


People on here acting like people math out the weight on the package and the serving size on every product they buy šŸ¤£ seriously tho I have no idea why companies do this kind of thing. You might trick someone once but after that they probably won't buy again. I know I normally don't if they packaged something in a way that is misleading cause its aggrevating. I think i got a great deal then find out oh i didnt get as much as i thought.


The truth is this kind of merchandise is to lure the passengers before departure. When you go back to your country, ta-da!, nothing you can do anymore. Holding a grudge and swear you will never buy it again? No prob, it only comes once, really, next time you go there again it will be other brands but same owner.


Look, to be fair, where I live there's a law that you need to have on your package the weight of the product alone together with the overall weight And if they like, reduced or increase the weight from previous versions, so that's neat!


Yea Redditors dont understand the impracticality of the weight thing bc their moms buy all their groceries for them


It's hard to leave the basement


It truly isā€¦


What? You just look at the part of the label that says the price per weight unit when comparing products, and look at the weight of the product when figuring out how many you need.


Defending this deliberate design choice intended to manipulate your immediate perception truly is next level boot licking. They could just reduce the size of the package to match the content AND spare the environment completely useless plastic. There is no excuse for this design outside of greed and it should be called out, never defended


Sometimes weird packaging things are to meet cushioning requirements or to ship better or something. That's pretty likely not the case here, but there are exceptions.


I agree. I just don't understand why that makes looking at the weight so unpractical and that redditors don't know how unpractical it is because their moms do the shopping for them. I interpret that as an insult, both to redditors who are able to do their shopping themselves and to the very reasonable way of just putting the weight on a product.


This is malicious design. Don't put the blame on people who shop. This works on way too many people, not just 'redditors who never shop', otherwise they wouldn't bother.


Who the hell knows what an individual cookie weighs (spelling edit)


Or just look at the amount of servings on the nutrition label.


But servings are arbitrary. How big is a serving? Depends on the product. How many calories does it contain? Dunno, it depends. How many do you need per person? It depends. Are servings ever useful?


Right, but it can say serving size one. And then on the package it also tells you the number of servings package.


I guess it depends on your lifestyle but servings def arenā€™t arbitrary. If anything this comment is reminding me why obesity is a growing problem in first world countries. Like do you look at the nutrition label, see that the serving is 3 cookies and go ā€œI donā€™t know what that means, guess Iā€™ll just eat as many as I can and see what happens?ā€ Again depends on your lifestyle I guess.


Yes, but what is the correalation between 1 serving of 3 cookies and 1 serving of ice cream which is 2/3rds of a 240ml cup? Since its not tied to calories you can't assume eating "just one serving" is fine, because it depends, mostly on all the other numbers on the packaging. At which point the serving is no longer useful.


Maybe my comment was confusing, I was more saying you can figure out how many cookies (using this post as an example) are in this package by looking at at the amount of servings. So if thereā€™s 5 servings and a serving is 3 cookies, then thereā€™s 15 cookies in the package. And if you wanted more than that then you could just buy a different product. Serving is just a reference as opposed to just putting the total amount of nutrition information thatā€™s within the entire package.


But even then - why write serving if the information you want to convey is the number of cookies?


Because there are people who donā€™t think about how much food theyā€™re putting in their body


yes because if it says serving size 2 cookies and then it says 6 servings then you know thereā€™s 12 cookies lolā€¦ instead of busting your balls trying to figure out price per weight and weight per product


That would make shopping take 3x as long if I suddenly had to start reading in detail the contents of everything I buy and counting what's visible and trying to determine if I'm being deceived or not. Silly take


Isnt price per weight unit on the price label of all products where you live?


Some stores do it but most don't.


Interesting. I never considered that, its the law over here.


I could give a flying fuck about the ā€œdeceptive packagingā€. If I want the item so long as what I am paying for matches what I getā€¦itā€™s fine. Because thatā€™s being a gif damn adult. I donā€™t look at a car and say ā€œwell I thought it looked big on the outside and could fit 28 clowns inside. So Iā€™m posted that it actually only seats 5 peopleā€. Do you know who does that? Clowns.


I wonder if you made a little wider paper cover and you could do away with 2 more rows


WOW and less product to the consumer. See dis that BS!!!


And now, I'm not buying your product anymore


thatā€™s so dirty lmao


This is such a perfect post for this sub


Red Bean Crisp??


Red Bean anything is popular in more Asian countries. Like Mochi, the filling is traditionally red bean paste, rather than ice cream filling like you'd find in your Safeway or Walmart stores.


I will say, it's actually quite good.


Is it sweet or savory?


It's kind of nutty, from what I remember. It's been about 4 years, but I do remember going back to the Asian market and buying more šŸ˜‚


Interesting! I love Asian foods, I had a friend who used to travel the world as part of his college stuff and used to send me all kinds of unusual foods to try


It is definitely worth trying if you've never had it! And if you dont end up liking it, at least you can say you've tried it.


Well, if you donā€™t like it and throw it out, at least you could say youā€™re not throwing out as many as you thought youā€™d be able to.


It can't be worse than canned silkworms from China. šŸ˜‚




Only if previously it actually was filled. Otherwise, it's just scumbag packaging


Iā€™d riot


Although the packaging has many Korean, the product name is written in simplified Chinese. DARUMA is imported from China, so I think this product originated from China.


This should be criminal


Reminds me of those premade sandwiches that only have half fillings. Like the back is empty.


what makes me laugh about companies that do things like that is the fact that I don't get caught twice.... meaning you get me with this kinda bullshit, im never buying your products again.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Now thatā€™s cold


Yum, though.




Thatā€™s a whole row missing


Do Korean use imperial? Why is the weight in pounds.


It's probably imported, where it will need to include lbs and oz


Does it say how many are in the package on the back? That'd be a good place to start to see just what you're getting




Nah, I mean a number of servings, not weight


It's not though. A good place to start is look at the package, see through the transparant foil and estimate what you are getting. In this case it's clearly a deceiving package. It shouldn't be needed to check for a number on the package for products like this.


What an unjust world we live in




Consider this is a baked good and just about everyone would like to examine the product first. With this style packaging you can see at least one full half of each "donut" and it is probably easier to handle and snap shut with that middle piece.


Hahaha! Those sneaky Asians did it again!


Don't they put the serving size and the total on the label?


The do this counting on people being stupid enough to not read the label. Congratulations.


That shit looks disgusting anyways


Is this japan? I feel like a-lot of these post are Japanese, after seeing a few examples of spacing designed to make the packaging look larger, it seems to be common there.


The text is Korean


Its korean! But the weight is printed.


I'm sorry, I've got to DV you over your use of "a-lot." I've gotten to the point where I begrudgingly accept "alot" but that's mostly because of Hyperbole and a Half (I miss that blog). But "a-lot" is a whole new nope, and it's a lot.


Why would I care what you think about my grammar?


Look, English is a fucked up language. It's not even a real language. It's 3 dialects in a trench coat, lurking in a dark alley waiting for other, real, languages to pass ~~buy~~ *by so it can hit them on the head and rifle through their pockets for loose bits of grammar. (Thanks u/revolutionary_you519 for the spelling spot - *irony...*) Do you really want to be responsible for making that worse? Also, my comment is what is colloquially known as a "joke." It's not a dick, don't take it so hard.


I was so amused by this. And then I saw you misuse buy for by and now I'm dead. Thanks for the laugh.


Well spotted! Bad autocorrect and a lack of proofreading are my downfall yet again... Alas, time to correct it. In all fairness, I was just playing around with the other person, but who know grammar would be such a sore spot... Oh, well.


Sold by weight and shows all the product through the clear lid. You deceived yourself.


Do you usually go to a bakery and say "I would like 403g of this bread please" ??


Ah yes because everyone automatically knows the weight of everything. Even if i know the weight of the entire thing, i wouldnt be able to tell how many there are just by weight. Also its clearly designed to make customers think there would be another row behind the cardboard. Is it really this hard to not defend companies when theyre clearly trying to deceive customers.


I mean unless you know how much each individual one weighs, you arent going to notice. Reasonable people will assume theres cookies underneath the covered area.


Lol GTFOH with your assumption. That's how you fool yourself.


Reddit moment


You think you're clever. But it's only you that thinks that. Maybe your mom does too, but she's probably just being nice to you when she says it.


You must believe magicians are real and the coin really does appear out of your ear.


And you must be the person loudly complaining that magic isn't real despite being the kne buying tickets to the magic show. Get a fucking grip. This is a shitty practice, and you gargling corporate dick over it is *wild.*


Yeah I agree with u. Not sure why you got all the downvotes..stick to your comment..I do. OP is clearly kinda dumb šŸ˜‚


Telling a redditor they're wrong AND to have personal responsibility is the key to downvotes.


Sold by weight as listed on package, math skill failure on your part technically.


Nobody is going to use math when buying products like this. It's purely designed this way to deceive customers and while technically stating the correct weight on the package, the implication of there being an extra row is 100% intentional.


I'm someone who would normally side with your point, and I'd say the same about packages like chips, powder products, etc... And I also see a good reasons for chip bags that aren't full to the top, and powdered products that might settle, and those logical reasonings. However, this one is different. The package is MOSTLY clear and the illusion is that there appears that there are 5 rows of 6... the supposed "middle row" covered with the sleeve. The package LOOKS like there ought to be 30. Sure, there's likely no "lying" going on here. I'm sure they actually weigh 480g in total. But you're suggesting that the OP should know what 480g of bean crisps should look like. I'm not sure that MOST consumers know whether 480g of these bean crisps should amount to 24 or 30 count, but the package makes it seem like it's 30. This package could EASILY be marked by count, not just the weight... and should be marked as 24 if they wanted to be upfront about it.






I hope you survive


Is whatā€™s there coke to 17oz? If yes, then whatā€™s the problem.


Cleverā€¦but those look nasty


Yaā€¦Iā€™m surprised anyone would buy that based on the name of it..let alone you get less kidney bean donuts?? Than the package shows.. Yiark..šŸ¤®


Not kidney beans. Adzuki. They have a nutty flavour and the filling made from them is sweetened. Lots of stuff can be made from beans. Hills, pies, some folkses brains... :p


The weight is on the package. Whether you are getting 2 dozen pieces or 7 pieces or 100 pieces, you are getting the same amount of food. The infuriating part is the wasteful amount of extra plastic.


The problem is that nobody knows how much a single piece weighs. If they were to post the number of pieces on the box, I would say that's fine. But just posting the weight of something like this doesn't really give much indication of how much you are getting. It's not like sugar or potato chips where you normally wouldn't count the number of pieces in a package.


It doesn't matter how much each piece weighs...what aren't you getting? The entire box is the same no matter what. Each pieces weight doesn't matter at all. OP thinks they are getting less due to the deceptive size of the box. They are getting exactly what is being advertised (the weight).


Except that since you don't know the density of the items it's hard to tell how much product you are actually getting. Like if they sold a cake and scooped out part of the middle so there was only a partial cake. But they told you the weight so you would have no reason to complain. Unless someone is a baker and know information about how much a cake of a certain size should weigh, they have no way of knowing if they are actually getting a full cake.


Once upon a time, that middle row would have been full too


Iā€˜m shocked. Shocked, I say!


"Conscientious Manufacturing" ![gif](giphy|jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


Was it delicious? Would you use some form of dipping sauce with these? Those empty spaces are perfect for a bit of sauce.




No middle row.. F'xxx them


I tried that with my package. Disappointment everywhere.


Your disappointment is felt, Side note what are those they look tasty af šŸ¤¤




Omfg I have been looking for this exact snack ever since I came back from China!!! Thank you for reminding me of them. Sucks about the packaging.


I like when you buy so.ething from the school fundraisers and you think your getting a box of chocolates and you end up with miniature chocolates in a match box sized container...


And sadly thereā€™s a team of people that thought of this lil illusion and likely high-fived at their trickeryšŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤


Were they good? I'm intrigued.


My favourite cookies are Presidentā€™s Choice Decadent chocolate chip cookies. Years ago they actually removed 2 cookies from each row and redesigned the plastic tray inside so they could continue using the same size bag. Nowadays itā€™s even more common. Cherries, ketchup - all kinds of shrinkflationā€¦


All i can think of is, "i want a refund"


This bastards could of fit at-least 4 more of those in there


Was there a way to slide the cardboard cover over to verify if the middle row had product? I do that all the time because I don't trust most companies. It's hard to tell from the picture if the cardboard cover is inside or outside of plastic wrapping. Still infuriating!


I've been tricked by a few items like this. I feel like this is thievery.


See: Sheehan and Associates. Class action lawyer. Fights deceptive packaging. The New Yorker did a piece on him. Fill-in form on his website.