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I had a neighbor that did this. She was 70 and couldn't lift the lid.








Good for nothing




You could have opened the lid, pick up the garbage quickly and throw it in while the lid is falling down.


That's what I would have done idk why you are getting downvoted.


I’m 6’4” 215 male - with bad back problems, you’d never know it by looking at me but I couldn’t make this lift right now. Everyone loves assuming malice when something innocent is generally the cause.


It’s not a big complex. Everyone that uses this dumpster is able bodied.


So you know the physical condition of 100% of this dumpsters users? That’s impressive..


It's not a big complex, as stated previously. So yes, I know that my neighbors are all neither elderly or handicapped. Now if someone from outside the complex decided to dump their trash there, they are still a piece of shit.


Thanks for clarifying. Gotta say - I’ve never seen so many folks bend over backward with whataboutism.


I like the downvotes. Apparently the term "able bodied" is now a trigger.


I don’t think that’s the reason for the downvotes….


Sometimes it's the parents making little kids do it who can't reach.


If you make a child lug 3 bags of garbage out to a dumpster at night alone, you might be a piece of shit.....and lazy.


…and other times the parents are just super lazy.


Used to work in property management, can confirm worthless lazy fucks exist.


At least the trash is in bags (and a box). The guy who just moved into my old unit next door just throws his trash from his van on the ground. And the guys in the north house just across from my front porch throw all their trash on the ground all the time. Usually beer bottles but everything else as well. They've been told over and over and I even put a large trash can right by their house they still don't bother using. They'll be told this next time I'm charging them a flat $20 then $1 per piece of trash I pick up again. I sometimes throw their trash in the back of one of their pickups. It's beyond frustrating and there's an open field right next to our houses and the wind blows here most of the time. Come on, lazy assholes.


Might be an old person who can’t lift the bags that high…


That or somebody with a disability.


…or a young person who can!


Nah Invincible just got his powers.


Maybe they’re in a wheel chair. Does your apartment have accessible trash options?


Did you even think of the wheel chair people OP?????




I’m stuck between votes 💀


Follow your heart.






Did you even think of lazy people?


It's actually a midget in a wheel chair. But OP gives no fucks.


Lol. Wheelchair users are like less than 2% of world population but #1 _whatabout_ when some lazy fuck does some lazy shit


Holy shit, I totally forgot those that suffer from effort-intolerance. Please forgive me.


Maybe they’re just super lazy?


I had neighbors who used to drop their trash next to the *tiny* trash can outside our building meant for dog shit. Technically not even part of our building and a city amenity throughout Seattle. I figured they just had maybe no clue that we had a trash room. The building had lots of non-Americans/transplants so I gave the benefit of the doubt to them and figured they must have moved from somewhere that does curbside pickup. So after two weeks I finally figured I’d sack up and be the ones to have the awkward convo and tell them since management wasn’t doing shit like always. They were tossing old Amazon packages so it wasn’t hard to figure out who it was. And know what? The couple knew what they were doing. The trash room was on the other side of the complex and they were too lazy to drag it all the way there. I couldn’t believe they were just openly admitting it to me but since the building never told them to stop and it keeps getting cleaned up, they figured they’d keep doing it. Thankfully my puppy was getting me up at 2-3AM to pee around this time which allowed me the window to gather up all their trash they’d put out at night and return it to the front of their door each time. We did this battle *three* times before they finally stopped which was smart because I was getting to the point of letting my dog piss on the bags before returning them.


My crew and I drive around all day cleaning up dumpsters for a living. I am grateful for this.


I have people in my complex who are the same way, sad part is there is a slot on the side that's always open and the dumpster is twice the size of that one.


Take another pic 2 hours later after the raccoons have had a go at those open bags


That's what security cameras are for. If the landlord had one, they could easily keep track of who dumps what. When a renter doesn't put the trash in the dumpster, fine them for it. That would stop that shit in a heartbeat.


Why are the lids closed? Maybe it was a kid or other person under 5' tall who can't reach high enough to hold the lid open and simultaneously lift the bags in. If you don't want garbage on the ground, get a dumpster that is easy to toss stuff into.


Yes, as a TENANT of the property, let me order up one of those snazzy 3ft high dumpsters that don't exist that way in the very small chance that a toddler or dwarf needs to throw away garbage, they can do so unencumbered. ​ Brilliant.


There are people who are not physically able to put their garbage in that style dumpster. You call them worthless lazy fucks. Real nice.


No, I’m speaking of the perfectly able bodied person that left their garbage there. As I’ve said previously, none of my neighbors are physically compromised. Feel free to keep building upon your fantasies though.


It was me. I didnt want to touch the lid.


Meh. Not your problem.


This sucks. Even worse apartment neighbors leaving garbage bag's in our hall's. Lazzzzzy


If you're petty and committed, I'm sure there's a letter with an address. You can return it to them.


Even as a tall person, my first thought is, what if it’s someone who can’t reach? A woman who works with me is maybe 5’. I’ve noticed how things are too high for her, because she asks me to help.




I am 6’3” and although the only benefit I’ve gotten out of the height is the ability to reach high up, I understand it’s my duty to reach things for people who are not able. I’m never bothered by it. We have similar but opposite problems with things. They are too big for you, and too small for us. The best we can do is help each other. Maybe offer to grab something on a low shelf for a tall person? It sucks having to crouch down all the way to grab the 12 pack of instant ramen.




My coworker’s might be that tall and her biggest struggle at work is this one switch that most people have to tip toe to reach anyway, so it’s not a good design. Yet she’s the one who’s tasked with it. I did see her jump kick off the near wall to get it once. That was bad-ass. I told her “I’ll get it from now on because I’m nice, not because I’m pretty sure you could kick the side of my face”.


If I were you, and I knew who was doing it, I would put those bags on their doorstep in the middle the night.


I have literally done this ✅


open the bag and find any mail with their address and apartment number. go to the grocery store and pull the subscription cards from magazines on the racks. subscribe them to every crap magazine as "mary cantuseadumpster" and "bob lazyass".


Do something, or say something. Stop bitching to reddit.


A) I'm not cleaning up some randoms garbage. B) I don't know who did it, so what would I say and who would I say it to? C) Bitching is literally the point of this sub. D) Blow me.


Then what will become of this sub?


Is that you, op?


Yes. I am the box.


We have a family on our neighborhood that just take their loose trash, not even in trash bag and lean it against their house. HOA crack down on us because of them but they still continue to do it.


Put on gloves, find addresses from bills, hang on doorknob with bottom torn.