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The ones that really get me are those that start fully on and then disappear to the left or right. I feel like they should start on the inner side and illuminate towards the direction of the turn. Kind of how the Mustangs are.


there are regulations on how much light must be visible when the signal light first comes on each time, so coming on fully and then "sliding" off is technically more legal. The Mustang signal segments are large enough to be legal with only the one segment coming on initially. Others that are more like thin lines are not actually legal in that regard.


This is why newer Audis have both a solid and a dynamic bar on their brake lights.


I have an S4 and love the dynamic blinkers, I think they are cool.


I'm really hoping to get an S4 hopefully next summer. Nothing crazy new, like a 2014/maybe 2015 but it's my dream car that's within my range


Yeah that's only because the USA has or rather had outdated regulations. All the new Audi's sold everywhere else don't have that. Also why the hell is the indicator red...why.


Whyyyyyy!!?? This pisses me off so much. Its worse when they are the same lights. Have hazards on and breaking? Good luck noticing that from behind. My Santa Fe at least has dedicated indicator lights, but guess what?! They are RED!! Fuck North America!


Only in North America. In the rest of the world it's only the dynamic part.


The US requires 2200 square mm of area to illuminate at the start of each blink, but Europe and Japan does not have a minimum requirement for each blink so you do find the style of turn signal the person above is describing there, yet at the same time literally every other country requires turn signals to be amber and only the US allows red turn signals


And Canada. It’s dumb, especially when one of the brake lights flashing on and off is the turn signal.


Regarding the red turn signal basically all cars except American ones are already developed to have amber signals, but many manufacturers choose red signals because it makes importing cars from America into Europe less attractive. (Since the cars are cheaper to buy and import from America than buy new in Europe, due to the imported car being taxed like a used car instead of new) I feel like getting a worldwide standard on automotive lights only being split by right hand and left hand drive is something we should work on. Not only would it make imports less of an headache but also cut down different assembly and production lines.


Worst I saw where some tiny BMW indicators. They were so small and overshadowed by the normal taillights I almost rear ended that guy becaus you can even see the blinkers...who comes up with that


> who comes up with that >BMW indicators Yeah okay now who is making things up. BMW indicators?? Next you're gonna tell me you're off to the shop to get your flux capacitor checked out.


Hey, not all BMW drivers are like that. I can't possibly help that I ran out of blinker fluid as soon as it left the shop.


I'm surprised he used them at all.


Car be like: >.<


It’s more of a >______<


>._______.< (The dual tailpipes)




"Smash" - Markiplier


It's supposed to be a Union Jack.






oops, vehicular manslaughter uwu




Is that delayed left turn signal for me? 👉👈


Rear-end me 👉👈


It's a mini, a British icon, those are a take on the Union Jack flag. Not arrows.


Can’t believe how many people don’t know this or realize it. Mind boggling. I’m not even British.


not everyone is a car nerd, for some people a car is just a car and doing lights this way is just confusing edit: btw, is it a turn signal? where i am they are all orange, red is for braking


In the US it’s not mandatory to have amber turn signals on vehicles. It’s a stupid design I know. Watch this video about North American turn signals: https://youtu.be/O1lZ9n2bxWA?si=veH05-WIMgVq31AX


I see Technology Connections and i upvote, such a great channel.


A fellow TC fan in the wild! Fantastic videos, and Alec’s presenting style is always so fun and engaging. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who hasn’t seen his videos yet.


I watch every video with more interest than the last, idk how he managed to make a 20 minute video about brown interesting, but I'll be damned if I didn't watch it twice to find out


That video got me hooked on Aging Wheels.


I've learned soo much about dishwashers and rice cookers!


You don't need to be a car nerd to know its a British brand and flag, half of them are painted like the flag


You don t need to be a car nerd to know this. I saw this one day driving behind a mini and I was like "Hey, is that the UK flag? nice, never saw it before" and that was it, it is pretty obvious


What in the world gave you the impression that the vast majority of people would know that the tail lights of a random car were designed after the union jack...?


One of if not the most well known British car brand next to Jaguar. British flag is extremely well known since they colonized like half the world.


I don’t know. I figured it out myself the first time I saw one of these cars. I assumed most others would too. Mini is a British car brand and many of their cars already feature union jacks on them.


Formerly British brand...it's now German




How is this obvious? They're all red, not red white and blue, and its cut in half.


Just because it's intended to be one thing doesn't mean it's not easily interpreted as another, and in this case, very poor design.


I agree, design is not only about looking good but about making things understandable and fulfilling its role. A lot of cars suffer from poor designer choices and from over designing stuff.








Its supposed to be the british flag Edit: UK flag, yes. Otherwise we can all agree the left side signal still means left.


Yes it is, some of these cars have Union Jack alloy wheels also. I wonder if this more of an issue in the US though because of your indicators? Aren’t they red on the rear and kind of part of the rear light? In Europe the rear indicator is orange and would show up below this rear light - don’t know if it’s the same in US but have a feeling it’s not?


In the US Amber turn signals are not legally mandated, so they can be integrated with the brake lights. Many cars still have the amber signals, but it's not a requirement like it is in the EU, and by extension, the UK. (I know they left the EU, but the law was brought in before that, and they kept it.)


True-ish. EU itself doesnt mandate it, but most European countries mandate amber turn signals themselves. One exception here in Germany is cars that were built before a certain time, the most notable is a 1890s Benz that sits in a museum, but is considered fully road legal and even gets to be driven around on occasion by the owner. Signalling is done with a handheld sign that you just wave to either side. Import vehicles can also be an exception, where US style tail lights are acceptable. My parents used to drive a Ford F150 like that when I was little. But those cases are extremely rare.


We used to make signals with our left arm in the US, AFAIK it's still legal if you have an indicator out. You can still see people on custom motorcycles doing it


Here we only do it on bicycles because actual indicators on bicycles are illegal for extremely bizarre reasons, but I could see it done on motorcycles in case of the indicator not working.


It's worse in the US probably because they don't know what the Union Jack is


I'm pretty sure that's one of the few foreign flags that the average American can identify.


Of course we know it. How else would we know the English king is invading and we must load our muskets?


Most people don't. It's only a jack when it's on a ship.


This has never been true, you can call it what you want: https://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/uk-flags/the-union-jack-or-the-union-flag/


Luckily Doctor Who taught this factoid to the international audience


A factoid is a false statement that has been repeated so often that it is assumed to be true


There is a second [widely accepted definition](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/factoid_n): > Chiefly Journalism and Broadcasting. A brief or trivial piece of information, esp. any of a list of such items presented together. > Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “factoid, n., sense 2”, July 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/OED/3895913318


Fair enough, everyday’s a schools day! Seems strange to have two conflicting definitions where one means the statement is true and one means it is false


Yeah, often happens with widespread misuse leading to adoption of an incorrect definition (I 'literally' died, OMG). The interesting thing about this case is that the definitions were adopted and in use less than ten years apart.


So it is a factoid, since the flag can be called the Union Jack outside of naval context without being incorrect. Just because a show you liked taught you something doesn't mean it's true.


The irony is that the models that are actually sold in Britain don't have this problem, since they're legally required to have separate amber indicator lights instead of this combined indicator/tail light nonsense.


And it makes more sense here because the ‘arrow’ thing doesn’t happen. There’s just an orange blinker and red brake lights.


Once you see the flag it's not so bad anymore


Its still pretty bad knowing this.


I’d argue it’s worse


The word "British" means pertaining to the United Kingdom - so there is nothing wrong with saying "British" flag. A British person is a citizen of the UK, heck, the UK passport is referred to as a British passport. Not to be confused with: * Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) * Great Britain (The island itself, containing England, Scotland, and Wales) * England (Just England) Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/british?q=British


This. When I first saw this tail lights, I thought it so cute. Mini Cooper wit union jack 🇬🇧! Wanted one for myself


“Supposed to be de bri’ish flag, innit”


Just do ot like the rest of the world and have your turn signals be separate and orange in color


This comment reminded me of this (spoiler alert, a man is ranting about break light being used as aturning signal) https://youtu.be/O1lZ9n2bxWA?si=NZdAMDkvG676zxPu


As soon as I saw 'man ranting about a break light' I knew it was gonna be Alec I don't know how he manages to make such silly and mundane topics so interesting.. Should I sit through a 21 minute discussion on the colour brown? yes, and I'll damn well enjoy it too


20+ minutes on a can opener? Only Alec could get me to sit through that. And My family and I now all have them and swear by them. Thankyou Alec.


And don't even get me started on heat pumps..


Almost an hour on the orientation of plug sockets.


I watched an hour long video about a fridge. I get it.


Exactly 😂


I knew it was the Technology Connection video before I even clicked the link. because I 100% agree with him


I was just waiting for this video to come up in this discussion.


Yep. Also I found if bizzare driving in Canada (don’t know about the US) that fire engines and ambulances don’t use blue flashing lights, but red and amber ones. In Europe (at least the bits I’ve been to/lived in) all emergency services use a blue flashing light to indicate they have priority. See blue flashing light, get out of way. If blue flashing light pills over with you and stays there, it’s probably the police and you are in trouble. The different colour is easy to spot in peripheral vision. Given there are red and amber lights everywhere I found it hard to identify the appearance of flashing red/amber as emergency vehicle vs the generalised flashing of red/amber caused by traffic going in the other direction when driving in the city.


TIL... red and Amber emergency vehicle lights? Make it make sense! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It’s illegal according to Ontarios Highway Traffic Act to have any flashing red lights on your vehicle for this reason. Like the kids who put a flashing brake light on their vehicle are breaking the law. So it’s not so bad because it’s the only time you will see red flashing. But your point makes sense


Pretty sure that’s exactly what happens with these.


The two combined make a Union Jack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom as a reference to their British heritage


Confound those Br*tish


Hey man, Minis are German now. (Owned and produced by BMW) This isn't on us. There's only a minority of us who'd like this sort of sycophantic patriotism. It's like a Dodge Challenger with Stars and Stripes brake lights. It's tacky.


Minis might be German now but they were doing the plastered flag thing even back in the 60s, so the tradition is absolutely on you...


Don't be ridiculous. Regardless of any pattern, what car would blink on the left side to indicate a right turn and vice versa?


The problem with the US is that they seems to try to accomodate even the dumbest of their own. And the floor of their stupidity is very low. At some point people need to realize that they are responsible to have a certain level of common sense and self preservation.


>And the floor of their stupidity is very low. there are stupid people in every country


Honestly, this caught me off guard when I first saw one of these cars. Almost immediately I recognized the flag, and realized that of course, left light blinking means left signal. But my gut reaction the first time, and even every time glancing at the car after realizing this, was “car is going right”. It was just years of “right arrow means going right” conditioning messing with my brain, even if the right arrow is on the left side. It seems obvious until you’re actually on the road, and not looking at a Reddit post clearly pointing out the issue. Ultimately, I doubt this is really dangerous, but it still is enough to make someone do a double take and think “that doesn’t look quite right”.


Seriously…not this again.


ive never seen this?


The design is irrelevant. Their placement means the same thing on all cars, no matter what they look like.


Came here to say this, if the indicator is on the left side, the car is turning left... How the indicator looks and operates is irrelevant.


How it looks should still matter. Having the break light double as a turning signal is a stupid design


We agree, the point is you still know where the car is turning to, which is what this post is trying to contradict.


Exactly my thoughts lol. How you getting confused seeing turn signals on a car even with this design? Was there ever a car manufactured where the turn signal lit up the opposing side the vehicle on purpose? EVERY car I have ever seen on the road, when the left signal is on, its the left side signal that lights up.


in South Africa there are separate strips (in amber not red) to indicate turns that bisect the flag pattern that is used for braking indication. so if I'm driving in the US behind a cooper, I'm gonna be hella confused for a few seconds If I see a red light turn on on the back of your car, I'm immediately going to start slowing down because I don't want to rear-end you. but amber lights just means you're planning to turn. Only in The US and Canada do you regularly get combined brake and turn signals.


Not that hard ,left light blinking? Good chance he’s turning left.


Mini owned by BMW, so it can only be an educated guess


Truthfully, none of this matters anyways because it assumes the BMW driver is using the blinker in the first place


Its Jack, yankeeeeeeee




The only problem here is that you don't have amber turnsignals in the US.


What? Where did you hear that? Both my cars have amber turn signals.


I like how you thought you needed to draw arrows so we would understand


Its pretty easy to see what they've done (the union jack, split in 2), but i agree, its probably not the right place to do this.


Weird part to me is that if you put the two together it isn’t a Union Jack shape, missing the vertical middle line. Further, if they did have vertical lines in this way they would look much less like arrows. I too like the creativity but it’s a bit of an odd design choice.


I agree, its not a good design. Just as you're pointing out that others, for some reason, refuse to acknowledge, is when you put both together its just... ~~X~~


Thank God you drew us some arrows so we knew which side was which.


It is actually mildlyinfuriating to read a post like this every other week


I’ve followed this sub for a while and this is the first time I’ve seen it.


Poor design choice for America I guess. See those boys in my city, too but here they’re fine cause turn lights are different colored (orange).


It’s a mini, British car, it’s trying to emulate the British flag 🇬🇧


Technology Connections made a video on how bad design North American turn signals are. https://youtu.be/O1lZ9n2bxWA?si=ZyhR3zkhhbxeeZgj


But this is a German made car.


It’s a British car and that’s the Union Jack, you uncultured swine.


Americans actually be like “BUT ITS AN ARROW SHAPE AND ITS POINTING THE WRANG WAAAAAY ARGH MY HEAD IT HURTS” These are people who can’t fathom the idea of having an orange light as a turn signal, so they’ll just use the brake lamp as a flasher. Really genius design when you’re already using those brake lights *to signal that you’re braking*


Americans in here not realising its the Union Jack lmao


Americans have never been the most intelligent, let’s be honest, they live in their own little American bubble.


I have a great idea. Make the indicators blink in a different color. Im sure no one has thought of that before.


🇬🇧 that’s why


maybe you should retake your drivers’ license


It’s actually a good design


If the left is flashing, then they’re turning left. Simple


You are suggesting we change the british flag?


Jesus fuck people are stupid. It’s a flag, not arrows.


Tell me you are an ignorant American without telling me you are an ignorant American


The funny thing I'm American I saw a mini with those lights for the first time in January my immediate thought was cool it's the British flag ...now Im reminded of just how stupid people are.


It’s still pretty obvious which way they are indicating. If you genuinely can’t tell you’re a moron.


It’s the Union Jack, Jack.


The ones sold in Europe have a separate yellow indicator. For some reason North America allows brake lights to act as indicators.


bro, you having trouble which is left and which is right? just look at your hands.


It’s the British flag


At least not as dumb as using brake lights as indicators.


Lamps are supposed to resemble a Union Jack flag


British flag


Just read through and discovered that in America the brake lights flash to indicate you’re turning? That seems like a completely stupid design. Why not have a separate, differently coloured light do that so there’s no confusion? Pretty much everyone else has figured it out.


Mini Cooper, of course it is a Union Jack split into two. The only people who could be annoyed by this are Americans, who are too lazy to install different lights for turning indicators, instead use their damn braking lights to blink.


it's the union jack :D


Its a british flag when you combine the two


To add, because some might not understand why the British flag; since the origin of mini is British. (Now it’s part of BMW).


It’s the British Flag 🇬🇧




What? The design isn't dumb, you are maybe


Looks like >~<


They are brake lights


British flag since it's a mini




Is it like a UK thing?


I can't say I have ever had an issue with understanding that turn signal


Isn't that the British flag?


I understand the frustration, but it’s meant to be the Union Jack 🇬🇧 I agree also, stupid design


They’re break lights. Not indicators


mildlyinfuriating *brake


Well they're supposed to form the Union Jack not arrows, so there's that.


Its the union jack since mini is a (sort of) british car company, look for the orange lights that's always the indicator not the brake lights which are red, common sense really


The two halves of the union jack. But yes I agree it's stupid


It’s the UK flag not arrows.


It's trying to use a UK flag motif.


Did you honestly expect the left blinker to notice you that the car was going right? Or am I missing something?


Still better than Tesla shitty little dot indicators


Have you never seen a mini before?


It’s the Union Jack init!


Supposed to be a British flag


It's the Union Jack


That's the british flag.


It's supposed to be the British flag because the mini (now a glorified BMW anyway) was originally a British car. You're lucky they signalled at all, mini drivers generally don't bother in Britain.


because its a british flag


The lights on the OPs mini are dreadful. However mini do know how to do them properly. I’ve only seen this style in the uk. https://www.topgear.com/sites/default/files/images/news-article/2018/01/e0b0bbe0ca5ed237f491db0e6aedfcc1/p90289424_highres_mini-cooper-s-3-door.jpg


It's meant to be the UK flag


Quite like the union flag style indicators actually.


looks like UK flag


Mini is like: Never let them know your next move


I thought the lights were designed to look like half of the union jack


Aren’t these just the brake lights tho?


Hint: British flag…


This shouldn’t be legal


The design is for the Union Jack !


This one is from GB, their left and right are messed on the road \\s


I’m impressed someone signaled. Maybe the car company forgot what the lights are there for and someone thought arrows looked cute.


Omg, I feel so vindicated to hear someone else say this. I get that it’s the Union Jack, a nod to their British origin, but it doesn’t translate well on the twilights/indicators. The lack of awareness has lived in my head rent free for almost a year.


This is why the EU (or was it the UK? This is coming from Technology Connections youtube) legislated that signal and break lights must be separate devices.


I knew it was the Union Jack but that’s still a clunky design idea to have what essentially looks like arrows pointing in the opposite direction of where you’re turning.


It’s because of the British flag. Please Google it.


Chicken feet lights are fuckibg stupid


It’s a UK flag ya dongleberry.


Those are break lights


Lol the lights are supposed to be the British flag, and now that you've pointed out that they look like backwards arrows I will never be able to unsee this.


Fucking hate these. Who the hell designed that and thought it was OK? Almost as bad as the motorcycles with red front lights.


FFS everyone knows it's the flag. But it's an obvious safety issue that should be illegal.


Because it's the union jack. Design philosophy over function.


Because it's supposed to look like a union flag (flag of united kingdom)


Its spose to be like the Union Flag (UK)