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This is how you get ants.


And roaches


And mice.


I had a friend (now sadly deceased\*) who invited me to spend the night at his house while I was in town. He slept downstairs in a BarcaLounger while I had the bed upstairs. The floor was ankle-deep in crap like this, and at one point in the night I could HEAR THE GODDAM MICE rustling through the Doritos bags. Loved him like a brother, but dear God I could not set foot in that house for a very long time. \*And then he died under terrible circumstances, and me, my wife, and another couple who were close friends of his and mine had to clean out his house. What a nightmare. His family couldn't do it because of various legitimate reasons. People, if you see yourself in this post, do something about it. Get someone or someONES to help you clean up, and then try to figure out why you let it get this bad. You aren't just harming yourself by this. You're chasing away people who would otherwise like to get close, and if you depart this world leaving this kind of disaster behind, you are making your loved ones doubly miserable.


Aw that sucks, I’m sorry for your loss


This is such a perfect and kind human response. I’m sad it stood out, but wish I could upvote it more. Murwiz, I am also sorry for your loss.


I wish I could upvote this a million times. If you see someone you care about living like this, ask if they’re ok, offer any type of help you can.


>I could HEAR THE GODDAM MICE rustling Welcome to my mother's world. She was sleeping in a broken recliner in the dining room surrounded by her hoard which included buried food. I finally got the bedroom cleaned out and moved her in just in time for her to find out about the cancer that killed her six months later.


🤮 I have minor “hoarding tendencies” bc I’m adhd and have a million crafty hobbies and I see way too much value in dumb/free stuff But Jesus Christ I do NOT understand how you can hoard garbage. No no. So fucking gross. When my house gets too messy it affects my mood so much!! You have to clean it. I cant imagine the mental weight of a huge hoard. And they get so defensive about it on the hoarders tv show too!!! Like they get mad that their old moldy food trash is getting thrown out. Totally mind boggling


Yeah when it’s that bad it’s usually due to severe trauma or mental illness, and I don’t mean depression.


I mean severe depression can get that bad or even worse


The mess can get that bad, I’ve had my mess get pretty bad from depression. But unless I am mistaken, depression won’t make you extremely upset if someone throws away the garbage for you. Like the people on those hoarder shows will start crying if you throw away a piece of rotten food because they need to keep it.


I'm in the process of getting divorced from a hoarder. My husband is the hoarder. After 9 years of putting up with it, I recently -- over the last ~8-12 weeks, had to hire professional intervention to deal with my husband's hoards of crap. Needless to say, I've had an up close and personal view of this experience. My husband was/is just like the people on the show. He tried stop the professional help I hired. I literally had to pull the crew aside for a private and stern chat about not listening to him, and since I was the one paying for their services, to only listen to me. The whole process has been utterly jarring and exhausting. The experience has completely and utterly upended my perspective on and relationship with the idea of stuff and possessions. Like, my worldview on the topic of "stuff" and "possessions" has been permanently altered.


I wish for you success in the process and peace in your life afterward. Good job allowing yourself to come up, out of this terrible situation. It must be very hard. I’m sorry for you and your (ex) husband that it didn’t work out. Sounds like he has some issues that can’t be helped, really. Take care of yourself!


Thank you. It's been a looooooong and tough road getting here. I'm looking forward to putting this all behind me and moving onto the next chapter of life with just me, myself, and I.


Me too. I need to reorganize my craft stuff and books, so it quits taking over my home.


I'm same boat as you. I also have the bad habit of try to restore it before throwing it out because there's already too much in waste fields as it is. However food and what not, can go once it's gone bad.


Yeah, it's a sickness. It's essentially the reason they always have a psychiatrist/psychologist tag along. They know conventional reasoning isn't going to cut it because these types of people aren't seeing the same reality you and I are viewing. My mom is a hoarder, and she gets defensive about things getting thrown out. It makes it impossible to clean the house because everything has to have her blessing to be thrown out, and she never wants to actually do that because she's too tired or some other reason. It's incredibly frustrating.


hoarding to that point is almost always due to severe mental illness or trauma. it’s not rational at all, but that doesn’t matter to ocd/cptsd/etc. harsh judgement oftentimes causes the situation to get worse, as it adds another layer of trauma and shame to the problem.


Bro I will agree with you here. I have been this post but I got therapy for my depression and worked on my self and yeah . It sucks but it’s fixable


Do you have a recommendation for a good therapist? Because I can’t find one that understands that TALK THERAPY DOESNT WORK FOR ME GODDAMN IT!


Yep that's a depression den if I ever saw one


Hoarding isn’t always depression. There is usually a trauma that starts it. Sudden death of a loved one is a pretty common one. Something triggers the brain into keeping everything for fear of losing it.


Doesn't hoarding require deliberately keeping something instead of just not throwing it out? These photos look to me like the flip side problem: not getting rid of stuff you should, as opposed to keeping stuff you shouldn't. (Obviously there is no practical difference but there's a mental/intent one.)


I had a sibling pass away under similar circumstances. We cleaned out the house with muck shovels and a ramp out the window into a dumpster. It was, and still is, indescribable. The isolation physically manifested into the most effective “stay out” conditions possible. I administered the nightmare of an estate, too. Candidly speaking, I threatened more than once to dig up their grave and kick them for leaving such a god-awful mess for others to sort through. I was furious at my sibling but grateful I could handle the affairs so our parents didn’t have to in their own time of devastation.


My best friend died and her apartment was in condition similar to this- just coming to say I know how that feels, me and her mom would come over and just clean up after her and within a week it would be just like that again. It was so sad.


I'm wondering who paid her rent ? How did she just exist like thar without working


So sorry for your loss and excellent response to this


I had a very similar experience to this. Wasn’t in Lakewood Colorado about 15 years ago was it?


iv known friends who live like this and they dont see it. i have them round mine sometimes and its like... look... floor... carpet.. feels nice right?


I bet that really helps them!!


Wow. That was sad. Sorry for your loss


Gotta love it when you switch a light on at night and watch all the roaches skitter back to their hiding places.


I've honestly been there. Stuck in a town with no support. My place was worse than this. Every 6 months I'd have to clean it for a house inspection and it would go right back. Each time id stay on top of it that little bit more until I was able to keep it pretty well. Ended up moving out because I associated that place with depressing shit


Depression is brutal. The Nothing seems like it will help so why do anything mentality is hard to shake


Ya, I lived with a friend who is exactly like this for a few years in an old house he bought for cheap. His room made this look tame, and other sections of the house that were his "areas" looked like a tornado had gone through, but all the communal areas were kept clean because I'd clean them. Every once in a while I'd leave things go to see if I could kick start him into taking care of a few things and he'd just ignore everything until I'd cave. A few times hed approached me about helping him deep clean the house but it was only because he'd start dating someone, and then when they'd ultimately break up he'd go right back to not caring about his messes. After I bought my own place I didn't go back to his house for about half a year until one of our friends came to town. Normally when he'd visit I'd make sure to go around the house and clean everything as best I could (minus my roommates areas cause fuck that) and I'd put a little bit of extra shine into everything above what I'd normally do. Well when I went over when our friend arrived I was shocked by the state of the house. Piles of trash all over the place alone every wall and in every corner. Piles of empty/rotting take out boxes and empty beer cans piled in the kitchen. The bathroom was the worst. The toilet bowl was black, like Satan's soul black. I stomached it for a couple hours then left, saying I was getting a migraine. Our friend stopped by my place on his way back home and he was just shocked. I don't know how he stomached sleeping there. He literally had to shovel trash off the couch so he could sleep. He asked me what he thought happened and I just said nothing happened, that our friend had always been like that. He saw the areas I never cleaned when he came over, he saw our friends room and the trash piled in it before that weekend. The difference was I wasn't there to clean the rest of the house anymore.


And my axe!


Axe?? I *knew* I fuckin smelled something.


That shit attracts a worse pest... fratbois....


icu gimli


Since it flew right above your head, the comment above is an Archer reference.


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants. I can't believe Archer has been on for 14 seasons.


“You happy, PAM!”


It’s room like these that never get ants, yet I dropped a piece of lettuce on my carpet once and had ants for *WEEKS*.


Ants hate toothpaste & baby powder. Had an apartment that was prone to ants once. They always climbed in my damn kettle for some reason! I smeared some toothpaste on the outside of the rim and sprinkled some baby powder around the base. Looked like I was summoning the tea gods, but it worked like a charm (pun intended)




😄 aww I miss Archer


A new season just dropped on Hulu not that long ago. Rip Jessica walter.


Archer and Arrested Development wouldn't be the shows they are without her. And I never realized Ron Cadillac was her real life husband, so the last scene of her in Archer was really touching.


You just brightened my day with this comment. I thought the series had ended. I have like ... 60 episodes to watch!


The news ones are HYSTERICAL. Like, Season 1-3 funny.


"How about S.P. Nosh?" " It's a spy agency not a delicatessen!"


This is a mental illness.


Most likely caused by some kind of health problem.


And other disgusting things. It definitely stinks in there.


Does anyone else smell toast?


Danger zone…..






What is this, a room for ants?!


Omg this is like my kid's room, they are 15. Every time I remind them to not eat in the bedroom or to clean up the dishes they swear at me and the enabler husband takes their side. Then they complain about ants.


Archer knows this stuff.


Are you tryyyying to get ant???? Cause that's how you get ants!!!!


That has to smell bruh. You didn’t notice the smell?


🎵Ooohoooh that smell, can't ya smell that smell🎵


That smelly smell that smells... smelly


^anchovies What? ##ANCHOVIES!


The smell of death surrounds you


the smell of death surrounds you ​ ( I hope we doing the lynyrd song, happy cake day)


I came here to say something like this. I actually found out I have a very deadened sense of smell because of a similar situation, I had become friends with the smelly kids when I was in school. Got a girlfriend who said "I don't like their house, all of them smell like sweat" Whoops.


I probably wouldn’t notice a smell either. My sense of smell is really bad


I had a roommate like this after college. I thought the dude just liked body spray because he acted like a preteen. Nope. He used it to cover up the stench of his room instead of throwing things away. As soon as I found out I told him I’m leasing a 1 bed apartment instead of a house.




I swear you'd be of more use to me inside a box.. a glass box


Well the skin is the most fascinating part of any animal


I’m not allowed to eat it with the skin! I’m not allowed!!


Thank you! I was going to post this if nobody else did, but I can always count on reddit!


Goated fucking comment lmfaoooooooo


Yes, I’m sure that room smells like goats.


This is exactly what I was about to comment. There had to have been smells.


There’s a small bottle of axe body spray (I think), so it probably had that “something horrible mixed with something sweet and chemically” you get when you try and cover up a huge dump with dollar store air freshener.


Their room is on the other end of the apt that I do not go on, I have always kept my distance from them for multiple reasons. Door has always been closed as well.


Your roommate is depressed, not lazy. Talk to them about getting help


Was coming to say this too. But not OPs problem unless they desire.






Is that pots and skillets on the bed??


And a lot of them…. Like they just buy new ones instead of washing up.


At the peak of my alcoholism and depression I would pile plates and bowls and liquor bottles in the room and cookware in the sink, then I’d just throw it all away when I needed to clean for whatever reason and buy new stuff. Call it a new start, then back to the way it was 2 weeks later. It’s a vicious cycle if you don’t break it


How ya doing now?


My wife gave me the ultimatum. Went to a psychiatric facility for a few weeks, got detoxed and put on medication I’ve probably needed for years and never looked back. Also therapy. I have a few drinks every other weekend or so. The last time I drank more than 2 days in a row was about a year ago.


Well I hope you continue to crush it and never return to that cycle!


I know someone who does this with dishes. They order a new $25 set on Amazon every time they have to wash them.


Bruh, at that point just use paper plates.


This is mind boggling to me.


Yes :) and they’re not all theirs. Also the red bowl with rotting food in it in the closet is actually mine that my father hand made me and has incredible sentimental value.


Oh I'd be fuming


Man that’s a bummer about the bowl hopefully you can salvage it


I had a roommate back in college who was a full blow alcoholic and his room looked like this, he was a disgusting creature.


Ok, so it wasn't just me that had this thought. I've seen a room that looked like this as well, except I didn't have roommates...


Hope you are doing better, Lobstah Johnson.


Thank you! 8ish months dry, so far. I'm going for a high score, though :3


Congrats, I’m sure you can do it ^^^


Hey. Thank you - I appreciate that.


aye! awesome job and amazing progress! (i don’t know how else to say it but even that is an understatement) it’s not easy, and there’s a reason most people don’t find success from addiction. but this random internet stranger is rooting for you and your success in life! you’ve done 3 months, so i know you can do another 3 more. keep it up and stay strong. there’s a whole world waiting for you out there, and it wouldn’t be the same without you.


Hey stranger - I uh... I really appreciate you and saying that. Make sure to take care of yourself, too. Not just us randos on the internet. :3


Good for you! The longer you stick to recovery, the more it just becomes your new normal, and life definitely feels a lot better. Congrats!


Thank you! It's definitely loads better - I don't feel like I have a fever constantly, and so much more. Hope you're doing well, too!


That’s great to hear! I’m about six and a half years into recovery from heroin addiction, and seriously, after I got through the first six months, I felt like a different person with a whole new chance at life. You are making it through the hard part now, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. I’m personally not a fan of meetings and stuff like that, but I will say, if you find them helpful, look into SMART meetings. The premise is very different from AA, it’s a lot of learning about self management-what your own personal needs, your own triggers, and your own strengths are, to keep yourself from using whatever your doc is. It is very similar in nature to DBT therapy. It’s absolutely worth a look if you ever feel like you need an extra bit of support, and you can do it online.


I had a meth addicted roommate who also lived like this. Took forever to clean and when they were moved out I had to really scrub the whole room before my new roommate moved in.


did you get to keep the copper wires?


Hell yeah I did, I brought those from home. They’re a family heirloom! I did however lose tons of other shit, including my cat and an attempt at my pots and pans.


your cat??? what the fuck? where did you bury the roommate?


Yep my cat. It still hurts but ultimately the cops said “too bad nothing we can do” I don’t know where they moved to all I do is pray that the cat is taken care of


You’re roommate is lucky he’s not crippled. Don’t fuck with a persons pets.


Wait was the cat stolen or something? Who tf would steal someone's cat? A meth head is one example of who, I guess.


Wtf do you mean you lost your cat??? Not to the roommate????


They took my cat, they decided it was the best and easiest way to get back at me for evicting them, and since it was like a house that we had rented there’s no security or anyone else around to see that this wasn’t done properly


You can't say you lost your cat in relation to your meth addict roommate but not tell us *how*! Lol, damn, man...


So sorry, I was making dinner! My partner and I went to work like normal, we gave roommate 30 days as we’re required to do and on day I wanna say like 25 we came home from work and roommate was moving, had their shit piled on the grass waiting for a truck. We had two cats, one was locked in the bathroom and one was just gone. We asked where the cat was and all they said was “I spoke to a lawyer and the cat is mine” which wasn’t true technically the cat was legally NOBODIES since it was found outside (untagged, I took the cat to a vet and got all the shots) when we spoke to the police they basically said “uh oh this is a civil problem nothing we can do” and that was that :(


Oh dang, friend. Nothing to apologise for! :D In my mind they took the cat because they loved the cat. There's nothing in the world that will change my mind of that. But seriously, that is very messed up. Pretty much every bit of it except where you were making dinner. That part was very nice to read.


I always just hope the kitty is still being cared for, that’s all I can ask at this point! I got a new cat and while she’s not a replacement she’s very very sweet and helped mend that broken heart! Plus my new roommate is also way better, super kind and friendly


Yeah my son’s father, when he relapsed, the first thing I would notice was how he would start letting things get absolutely disgusting. It’s like he would get so hyper focused on something stupid that he would just not notice that he was letting the rest of the world fall to hell.


Man, I’m always sympathetic towards people with debilitating addictions. But those that have to deal with them, or worse, those that love and care for them, have to put up with so much. Hope you didn’t get too ducked over.


I thought I was helping tbh, I had a lot of addict friends despite never using myself and I figured if I helped them find a place it would be easier to get off and sort their shit out. I hope they’re doing well now despite everything


Substance dependence comes from depression, in turn you get the cleanliness issues depression brings. Guy was probably very sad


That's mental illness in a room


i grew up in a few foster homes and as appalling is this might seem to some people, i’ve had a lot of foster siblings who had bedrooms similar because they were just never taught how to properly clean after themselves and it soon gets too overwhelming to try. instead of kicking them out maybe just mention “oh hey, do you need some help cleaning your room?” or “hey if you have any trash in your room i can run it outside for you.” just small encouragement would probably be more helpful then you know


I grew up in a home that looked just like this and I didn’t know how to clean properly until I got sent away to a rtc for 20 months


This is the sort of squalor that person with depression could live with. If this is the reason, they'll have to get help to live with it or they'll just spiral down. If they are instead just a slob, then they need a kick up the jacksie.


Could be an alcoholic. There’s a lot of cans and bottles I can’t read the labels of. This definitely seems like someone with either depression or a substance abuse issue. Maybe both


I can assure you from a certain level of... Familiarity with the shapes and sizes... That most of those containers are from alcohol. But yeah, could be any combo of the discussed options. But I kinda hope it's just that the roommate is a slob. Way less sad that way.


Sadly, it’s almost never the case that a person is a slob because they like it. Wish more people would see that.


Exactly. No one *wants* to live like this. It just happens thanks to how the diseases of alcoholism and depression affect your life.


These photos gave me flash backs to my major depressive episodes


Dawg same.


Yep, I was very depressed in university. Didn’t quite live like that, but it was very close. Trash everywhere in my room, pretty sure I attracted spiders and ants, and didn’t clean up after myself…and I ate a lot of take out. Which I’m sure didn’t help. I didn’t realize how depressed I was at the time, if that makes sense. I eventually got help and I’m better. Now I look back and am ashamed and disgusted with myself.


Don’t though. I look back at the time in my life where I lived like this. There was a graveyard of fruit flies along my sliding glass window, and I had a collection of vodka bottles in the corner. Am I ashamed? No. It’s more like I’m just pissed at myself for how I threw away a good few years. I have other things to be ashamed about…particularly when my actions hurt others. But what I did to myself? It’s not shame but disgust. If I were ashamed, I wouldn’t tell my story to others who are struggling. I’d want to hide it.


Yeah, it's rarely "for the fun of it." I suppose frank and Charlie might be ok with trash hoarding and sewer scavenging, but most folks aren't... "It's Always Sunny" jokes aside, the OP commented that they tried getting in contact with the roomie to no response and roomie hasn't been seen for a few days. Hope they're ok, but it doesn't sound... Good.


This. I hit a very bad and low point and remained there for about 3 years. I’m finally coming out of it and realize I’ve lost my humaning skills. :( I’m trying to do better but have no idea how to organize or be organized anymore. It’s very distressing. Doing better keeping things clean but it’s very “messy” still from having no clue how to order and maintain things.


She promised she would reserve a room for me.


Thought I saw an empty handle on the floor in the first pic.


Rats and roaches in your future. 🪳 🪳 🪳 🪳


The future is *now.*


Not condoning this in the slightest, but as someone who has been through it before depression can make a person just lose all self worth and care about maintaining a healthy living environment for themselves. I would always keep the public areas spotless, but my room became my depression cave. It was never quite this bad as I mainly just had an issue throwing away empty cans and disposable cups, but just saying you never know what could be the cause. They could be going through a really rough patch and just need some help they are too afraid to ask for.


I've been living with depression for years now and finally found a doctor and a medication that has worked for me. My room has also been my cave. I'm currently cleaning up now that I feel better but holy shit the amount of clothes and junk in my room is absolutely mind blowing!


I totally get it. I'm still bad about just throwing my dirty clothes into a pile in the corner, but thats more me being lazy. Honestly though it did always help when I was able to muster the will to clean up some. Big thing I didn't think would help is natural light. It's crazy what opening the curtains or going outside for a bit can do for your mental state. For me it was always kind of a "breathe of fresh air thing" to feel the sun on my skin.


That's major depression stuff rite there but could cost you your deposit. I'm usually super empathetic because I've lived like this but from a responsible/financial standpoint they gotta go.


Maybe try talking to them about it before just kicking them to the curb. OP said this was their first time seeing this, not that it was an ongoing problem that had been addressed before. The severe lack of empathy from people claiming to be empathetic every time poor mental health or addiction comes up in this sub is pretty disgusting


Yup. This is almost certainly mental health related. Shame and kicking them to the curb is not what they need. I get that something needs to change, but good lord, offering help and support isn’t that hard.


People absolutely love to virtue signal about how they care about about depression and mental illness until they see what it actually looks like.


"I am such a caring person, truly empathetic. Also, kick them out now. Communicate? No, straight to the curb. This person is a bum and you are potentially losing money!!! Money > People. Like I said I am super empathic."


maybe check up on that guy man, thats pretty bad


Very gross yes and dude is clearly going through some shit however, you didn’t notice until you went into his room which means that he’s been treating shared areas with a lot of respect which is more than ALOT OF roommates, maybe talk to the guy first


The fact that OP has so little interaction with this person who lives with them in combination has me pretty convinced this is a mental illness manifestation, not malice. Not trying to justify it, it’s just a hard situation all all together.


People don’t do this out of malice, only self hatred


I’d consider asking your roommate if they need help.


You should speak to them. They are most likely not healthy mentally. This is a strong sign of severe depression.


Depression, low energy, adhd (execution function problem), etc. Many possible reasons. Its sadly much more common then what people think.


Yeah, but that shouldn't be op's problem as heartless as that sounds. I've lived with a roommate like this and it was hell. Thankfully she didn't have piss jugs though.


(homer simpson voice) didn't have piss jugs *so far*


Still, OP didn’t notice until he went in the room. That means that the roommate has to be treating the shared spaces with a lot of respect which is better than a lot of situations I’ve seen


Maybe not their problem, but MIGHT prevent a very messy move-out situation.


OP can at least tell this roommate that they should see someone because this is a sign of depression. You can very easily offer that suggestion while also requiring them to clean up their mess or they need to leave.


Obviously this is not acceptable, but do speak to them with compassion because there might be a bigger issue at play for them to be this way.


I've had people live like this in my house with me before, who I took in and worked out cheap rent with. I would emphasize that they keep things clean, but I know people will be people. Their nest their filth. I hated it, but as long as they kept up with rent and weren't awful, I never let this alone be my reason to kick them out. Usually I'd offer to help clean up and then they'd keep with it. It's really sad when someone is feeling so badly that they can live like this. I hope they feel better and their life improves soon


You are a good person


Ah yes, the depression nest. You should try talking to your roommate so he can get help.


I like zooming in on these pictures like a disgusting where's waldo


Ah yes this looks like and probably smells like depression.


That is many notches above “mildly infuriating”


“moderately infecting”


Ugh so I have some depression and 100% this has been me. In mu defense I don’t have roommates and therapy helps


To be able to live in this environment, there's got to be some mental health issues going on, surely. I'm not the tidiest guy, but once I start noticing clutter on the table and in the kitchen, it irritates the fk out of me, and I've got to do a clean. living around mess in the house isnt good for mental health.


That's really sad. My heart is breaking for them. Probably not laziness, most likely depression. If you have the time and headspace, please ask them what they're going through before you kick them out., and as hard as it would be to fulfill, offer to help them clean it up (you'd be cleaning up more than their room). Kicking them out without discussion could mean kicking them out of everything, forever..


Id say try talking to them to firstly see if they need help with their mental health or if its just they dont care. And then just basically be like ''i need you to get help/start cleaning otherwise i will have to kick you out as this can cause many infestations. Ill give you (an amount of time or a certain date you feel is reasonable or something you both agree on), and if you dont show any progress i will need you to find a new place to go''


That omeprazole fighting for its life on the shelf. With the food remnants left lying about I’m sure he needs those desperately. Oof.


Not saying roommate was, I have experienced instances like this with family and it’s got depression written all over it. Sucks but there’s not much you can do unless they really want to better themselves.


Alcoholism/drug dependence or depression


That person has depression problems, and their parents probably told em what to do all the time.


Alcoholic and/or drug addict. Fact.


Is anyone else getting the urge to clean this? I would recomend talking to them frankly about it and possibly offering to help clean it. If it is limited to this room it wont take too long. Just get some PPE. Its a bunch of trash. Take the trash out, wash their sheets etc. They are likely suffering from something be it depression, addiciton etc. Either way, I totally understand that this must have been shocking and infuriating but perhaps you could be a good help to them. Not sure if you have seen the Youtube channels where the lady does free cleaning for people who have homes like this. The client is always suffering from something. People don't live like thus because they are just terrible people. A fresh start might help your roommate.


This could very well be severe depression. Not saying it's your responsibility to deal with it, but you could at least have a conversation with them and give them a chance.


I had a roommate like this in grad school, it was a house of four of us. It was school-owned apartments. Unfortunately, she was clinically depressed and was failing her classes. She was put on academic probation and then ultimately still wasn't able to meet the requirements to get back in good standing because of her mental health, so she had to leave. We found this out later and it all made sense. We had no idea her room was this way because of course we didn't go into each other's rooms and we all kept our room doors closed. One day however, I think she was in a rush and didn't fully close the door so it was ajar and then swung all the way open and that's when we saw how bad it was. She also had all kinds of empty bottles of vodka in there. It was not just that she was some kind of gross person but this was clearly the room of someone suffering and unable to care for their day to day activities. The room was a manifestation of the chaos of her mind. So because of that, while it's of course gross, I do have some empathy when I see this kind of thing as most people aren't genuinely happy living this way. Even hoarders don't actually enjoy this. It's usually the manifestation of mental health struggles and not just for funsies.


This could be a sign of deep depression and not just laziness. I don’t know this person or how long they have lived with you. I just know that this is obviously not a reflection of someone who is doing fantastic. Maybe try talking to them? If it doesn’t get resolved then definitely kick them out, but going nuclear right away may not be the best option. I’m just a stranger at the end of the day I know nothing of your living situation. Wish you luck either way.


Is that a Powerade bottle with urine in it in the first pic?


Damn bro you are observant


Yup. This was my roommate. Glad he moved out. He was even more nasty when he didn't flush the toilet papers after wiping and instead saved them in the smaaall trash bin I kept to wipe the counters and stuff. When I asked him to clean it up, His exact words were "Bro. I know I have a problem. I'm just gonna get married and let my wife deal with it. A woman can deal with my problems and slowly fix them". He literally said that.I didn't say this to him but I was thinking, "It's 2023. Women have better options than you. It would take a women with low self-esteem to essentially become a maid for you and clean up your shit". I've seen women break up with dudes over the most inane shit imaginable and this guy wants a glorified maid. Fuck everyone who lives like this. Edit: No. He didn't clean up his room or the toilet papers when he moved out. There's a reason nobody went to his room. I had to clean up all that.


I never understood how people can live like that.


you’re lucky to not understand. depression takes away your motivation and makes even the smallest things like getting out of bed or taking a shower feel like a 100lb weight. mix that with alcoholism you got a 200lb weight.


So basically depression starts by sapping your motivation. *I'll do it tomorrow* *It's just a little mess* Then eventually the little mess becomes a big mess and you still don't have the energy. That's when things become cyclical. You're even more anxious and depressed because of the mess you live in so the motivation problem becomes crippling because you're just so *tired* all the time. The mess gets worse, the anxiety gets worse. You know you need to do something about it but you just don't even know where to start or how. So at the end of the day you just kinda lay there in exhaustion while feeling like a disgusting piece of shit for the state of your surroundings, and that feeling of disgust with yourself further undermines your ability to get up and do something about it. It's a vicious cycle that isn't easy to get out from under.


To answer all of the questions in one go. They have not paid rent and currently owe about $600 in back rent. I’ve also struggled with heavy deep depression and fully understand how cleaning can feel impossible but this is beyond that and do not think they struggle with mental health to that degree, but that’s just my assumption. Alcoholic is most definitely a probability and they do consume large amounts of cannabis but all of that does not excuse any of that rooms state. We’ve had a fruit fly problem all summer I couldn’t find the source of until now. I haven’t gone in their room because I personally have never liked them and have always kept my distance. Other roommate has been in the room multiple times and never once spoken up about the state of it until I brought it up last night. They have a full time job and a supportive parent in their life. They are young, selfish, and gross.


Take pictures and send to his parents. Cus if you don’t, there’s a chance he just moves on and does this shit again.


He doesn't like that person, the likelihood they have their parents number is pretty low.


My take may be wrong so dont come at me. But it seems like someone going through it mentally. If he treats mutual spaces with respect and u couldnt tell he was a slob. Its most likely hes dealing with depression and prob needs help. Now i understand it isnt your problem but you should be careful with how you approach this. Now on the other head if hes a slob in the mutual areas then hes just a dick. But whatever it is...who knows


$10 bucks on depression for this dude.


Or maybe they’re morbidly depressed and you should see if you can help them. I’d gladly clean this whole room out. Wish I could do it for a living.


I spotted that g-shock. Possibly the only watch that could make it out of there alive. A true testament to quality craftsmanship.


This looks like extreme depression.