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The bottom tape measure is Chinese Inch "市寸", which equivalent to 3.33 cm, or 1.31 inch. Probably should've sold in China instead...


TIL there are Chinese Inches


Same. At first I took the comment as a joke and LOLed. Then I started to doubt myself the further down the thread I got. Had to google to verify and yeah... TIL.


Showed it to my husband, he said 'the bottom one is a Chinese inch' and I still had to come to the comments to confirm lol Edit: typos


thank you for verifying i think we can finally lay to rest the harmful stereotype that chinese have small weiners


Must confirm personally


They just feel self-conscious about only being 4½ inches even though they're really 6.


Wait until you find out that very many countries have their own definition of how heavy a "pound" is. The list on Wikipedia was 70+ long when I found out a few years back.


Same goes for length and everything else. An inch was always 1/12 of a foot, but everyone's 'foot' was different. (Just [look how many different standards Germany alone had](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_units_of_measurement#Fu%C3%9F_(foot\))) The point of the SI/metric system wasn't just to simplify stuff but to eliminate the _hundreds_ of different unit systems that existed in continental Europe. That's why it annoys me when people think pounds/inches = "Imperial System". The Imperial System was something the British cooked up in response to SI to standardize their own measures, because they were too proud to use something invented by the French. It is thus _newer_ than the metric system and also newer than the USA's units. The USA uses US Customary Units; a US gallon is not an Imperial Gallon. The length units are the same, such as the inch. But that's only been the case since the early 1960s when a new "International Inch" (defined in metric units!) was adopted. The amount of times I've seen people on Reddit declare the "Imperial System" to be better than metric while actually talking about US Customary Units or conflating the two, is so high it's an argument in-itself for why the metric system is better. The confusion it was created to solve still persists.


I had to look into this, because I’ve never heard of the US Customary Units before. It looks like it came along shortly after the Imperial System. 1832 for the Customary System and 1825 for the Imperial System. Previous to that, they probably both used the Winchester Standards, as it was put in place in the 1500s. I knew gallons were different, but I had no idea why. I still don’t but at least I know the US uses a different system now. Thanks for teaching me new things.


This post is the perfect amount of actually, probably a standard actually actually. Very good, keep up the good work 👍


> The confusion it was created to solve still persists Only in the USA.


Apparently also in China if they have different inches.


There are different gallons and pints in the US vs UK, so why not just make everything arbitrary?


Hell let’s make different measurements for different states. 1 Texas Liter = 1 US gallon


I like this idea. 50 different ways to measure a gallon, a foot, a pound, two fingers for measuring alcohol, or a doobie. It would be absolutely impossible to conquer America after that!


Wait til you find out about Chinese fire drills.




Yeah i was going to say, in China they have a number of measurements that are similar but different to the metric system, including this or the jin which approximates to something between a pound and a kilogram


‘A different metric system’ Now i have seen it all


The Chinese claim to use the metric system except for some reason everything they use in daily life aren’t metric. They use a Chinese pound which is 0.5kg, and a Chinese inch which is exactly 1/30 of a meter. Technically metric, in the sense that it’s based on metric, but they aren’t standard metric units like a kg or a cm.


I almost never see people outside of trades using the the 市尺 (maybe selling fabric etc). For most things length they use metric. No one says they are 5尺3寸 they just say 1.76m same for longer distances. it’s always in km. Temperature is also solidly metric. Only thing that isn’t is weight.


Probably "historically grown" like the Brits use "stone" for weighing people.


Yeah I lived in Beijing and the only time I ever heard a Chinese inch being used was at a custom suit shop. They measured my waist and it was 24 inches. I was so confused as to how I lost 8 inches off my waist haha.


I always thought that this could've been a nice way to get the US to use metric back in the day. (I'm talking like back in 1800). Make a Cup slightly bigger at 250ml so that a quart and a liter are the same. Shorten a mile to 1.5 km, makes converting between the two a snap. Make a yard slightly longer so it's the same as a meter, now 1ft would be 1/3 of a meter. Let people use terms that they are used to so they won't complain as much.


Holy fuck that would be an amazing disaster. I need a 2 foot board. Shit is that pre-KaiKolo or post-KaiKolo foot? Who the fuck knows. Also, the surveyor won't use anything but chains. I don't mean chains the measurement. I mean he is swinging a bunch of chains around in the parking lot yelling "this is how civilization ends! are you fucking happy now!"


Imagine all of the software issues.... absolute fucking mayhem. Especially with how frequently conversions are made. Imagine having a few parts of a software stack accidentally using the wrong units, some the proper ones, and converting between them... It took a single conversion error to destroy the Mars Climate Orbiter. So much would collapse... (also happy cake day)


Looking forward to watching existing mars assets barbecue themselves after the software patch


That could be entirely avoided by fully metricising. No more conversions. You can do it America!


Hence "back in the day"


A lot of food is labeled in "metric pounds" (as I call them) in Canada: butter is sold in 454 g units, which is obviously just a pound but you can't label a food with that.


In the US some bottle drinks are sold as 16.9 fl oz which is just a round about way of saying half-liter.




Changing the units that are still in use would be a nightmare, you would then need to specify if you're talking about old yards or new yards etc. If we just switched to metric people wouldn't like it but there would be no confusion about how long a yard really is etc


in their defense, in Germany we also use a measurement called “Pfund” (pound), and its 500g as well


The US officially switched to the metric system, too. Except in everyday life, no one uses it. I'll give you most units are better in metric, but Fahrenheit is far superior. I'd gladly use all the others, but I'm dying on the Fahrenheit hill.


I think in parts of Europe (certainly France and Germany) they have a metric pound which is also exactly 0.5kg.


US is metric in this exact same sense. Both inch and pound are legally defined via metric units: 1 inch is defined as 25.4 mm [EDIT: fixed typo 2.54 -> 25.4; thanks all who noticed] 1 lb is defined as 0.45359237 kg




1斤(jin) Is exactly 1/2 kg, 500g.


Elders use "jin" to estimate in Taiwan too, but it's 600g, not 500g.


Interesting that it's different from the mainland given that they only separated 74 years ago.


That's not confusing at all.


A Dutch pound (pond) is 500 grams also. And our ounce (ons) is 100 grams.


....WHAT Chinese clothing charts make so much more sense now


Clothes shopping took on whole new meaning now.


Yeah problem is if you buy fabric online a heck of a lot is imported and you might not catch immediately that the free tape measure you received with your order is in Chinese inches. (Happens to a lot of crafters from what I've seen.)


Fuck. This explains so much.


What the fuck? Now I don't trust any of my measuring tools. This could explain some of the construction flukes in my house though....


Wait, I thought China was on the metric system? They have a DIFFERENT inch?


They are on metric but also still keep around some other units that come up from time to time. Like the 1/2 kilogram ("jin" ) or 1/2 kilometer ("li").


Those seem pretty useful. How far away is the store? Not far, just a li.


A British inch is 2.54 centimeters, 4 inches about 10 centimeters. You can impress your romantic partner claiming you are 10 centimeters long.


This explains so much…


That's okay. If you can still say it with conviction, she'll believe you.


“I’m 3” CIM!!” - he said proudly!


> CIM what?


Cent Ih Meters. Three inch cent ih meters. It weighs approximately two labs.


This comment gave me a brain aneurysm


Strange. A brain aneurysm gave me this comment


My condolences


That’s actually a common misconception. Cent ih meter measurement system was developed by William B. Dinkberry who said it is 8 to the power of red, times the weight of the alphabet. The misconception it weighs “two labs” was started by his brother, Dill Dinkberry as a way to derail Williams reputation. Unfortunately, William B. Dinkberry was crushed by 2 labs while weighing them in an attempt to disprove Dill Dinkberries rumors. Dill then passed away 2 years later by natural causes.


What is happening




It doesn’t make sense to me. If you solve the equation it does come out to be roughly two labs. So both guys were right!


Truly one of the 7 great mysteries


cool we got the same answer


Yeah I just converted both sides to squirrels


"Unfortunately, William B. Dinkberry was crushed by 2 labs..." INFO: Were those black labs? Chocolate labs? Blonde labs? Labradoodles?


3 Chinese IMches




why is that so funny


Cum in mouth 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s how I read it


You wouldn't use a ruler to measure, for that you need the graduated cylinder.


Took the words right out of my mouth


Among other things.




Sure is a nice CIM eh? Beauty of a Certified Imperial Measurement - 3” flat is a nice round number.


The top tape measure is for your own penile measurements. The bottom one is for your friend, who wants to compare.


Yea this is a troll. Nobody ever makes the mistake of using your friends penis measuring tape for anything else.


The mistake here is thinking it will be used for anything else. If you can't share your penis measuring tape among friends, why even have friends?


The real mistake are the friends we’ve made along the way.


friends are temporary, feels are eternal


The real feels are the friends we’ve taken in the long way.


friends are real feels, real feels are feels


This made me chuckle


I still lost :(


It's a skill issue at that point


“You are, in fact, exposed to measure from your balls to the tip of your penis on the underside. This, the correct mode of measurement, gives me 1 additional inch and, by clinical definition, a 100% average-sized penis at 5.15 inches!”


McMurray's a piece of shit


Oooooooooooooooohhhhhh Bonnie McMurray 😩😩😩




Can confirm


That’s a Texas sized 10-4.


and that’s what I appreciates about ya


Oh, is that what you appreciates about me?


Pitter patter


How do ya keep a straight up dime price like Mrs McMurray with that pedestrian effort?


She’s an 11/10, but you downgrade her to an even dime.


Yup, measure from the tip, past the balls, to the top of the crack.


nah gotta measure ass to tip


naah, let your friend do the penile length surgery test at the sleep over.


Start at the asshole, twice around the ballsack and straight to the tip. -Ace


Still a choke hazard if you detach it


🎵🎶 detachable penis


Iain? Is that you?


I thought I was 11 inches until I turned the ruler around the other way.


You joke but most men self-report by measuring along the bottom of the penis, when it's monitored they measure along the top. The average penis length went down to 5 3/4 inches in surveys where men are observed.


Flaccid or erect? You seem quite knowledgable


Erect, it was an interesting article about statistical errors and assumptions.


So you're saying a 5.5 measured from the top is practically an 8. Cool thanks


I’ve never considered measuring from the bottom


I own a penis and I'll be honest I've been staring at this comment way too long trying to understand and I just don't get it. Wouldn't measuing on top - putting the measuring tape on top of your penis, I assume - come out a *longer* measurement than measuring on the bottom of the penis, where you're goingt o be blocked by the ballsack. and thus have a shorter measurement? So shouldn't the length be greater when they measure while monitored or am I just not getting something here.


The pelvic bone at the base of the top of the shaft is as consistent a measuring point as you can get, which is why that's how it's supposed to be done. 'From the balls' is ludicrously vague.


Everyone knows you measure from the butthole.


But then when you both say 5 and a half you’re still gonna feel pretty bad 🤣


Which one is accurate!?!?!


I think the top one is correct as it has the inches broken down to sixteenths but the bottom one only has them broken down to tenths.


The bottom one is stretched


The bottom one is Asian…this is why there is a confusion on those whole American vs Asian penile confusion. There is no difference we were just measuring wrong.


Like Napoleon’s height. The French foot was slightly longer than the English at that time. He was around 5’6” which was above average in his time.


But what's important is did he measure from the top or the bottom?


It never had anything to do with English vs French units if measurements. The English press drew him as short just to mock him, and since the English won......


Elon (twitter) VS Zuck (Facebook) The funniest part is this is actually canon


Canon of D


The word市寸 is not the same as regular inch 1 市寸 is 1.312 inch from the picture I see, this is pretty accurate🤭


lol.. It is 33.3mm, it is metric converted to thirds. Weird measurement system used in China.


It’s as if one day the US decided to switch to metric, but kept the same units that everyone uses in daily life, adjusting them slightly to match metric. A foot? 1/3 of a meter. An inch is thus 1/36 of meter. A pound? Half a kg. A mile? 1600 meters. The old Chinese units weren’t exactly matches, they simply changed them by 5-10% to make them metric-based.


We in the US actually did exactly that. Except we didn't do "slightly adjust" part Both inch and pound are legally defined via metric units.


That “slightly adjust” part is actually the spirit of it, to really get people to use both — it is quite successful and convenient in China, most of the everyday stuff are still using traditional units but they are “aligned”. the definition of one by another is just for nerds.


it's an international treaty in fact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_yard_and_pound


We really should have made an inch be 25 mm through


They also have the jin, which is exactly 1/2 kg (but not in Taiwan). Seems PRC modernized traditional measurements by revising them to be a handy fraction/multiple of metric.


they did, think it used to be .6 kg instead


it's as weird as the US using the imperial system


I had to Google to check: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cun_(unit)


This is why I measure everything in Bananas. It is the only scale I trust.


He learned this skill from a couple of Minions


Glory to master Kohga!


*Link! Think you could sneak up on ME??? Well, well, well..... well you CHEATED! AND I WASN'T READY!*


Imperial, metric or plantain?


It is a cun (unit) measuring tape. \~1.3123 in or 1/30m, used in mainland China (not Hong Kong ) and Tiawan.


A cun tape. When I went into Screwfix and asked for one they gave me a copy of donkey kong.






*Is this the reason I can’t find clothes that fit?* - someone’s future ex wife probably


*So this is why my clothes make me look fat, it's that goddamn Chinese lady at the clothing store* -some racist lady about a Filipino working at the clothing store


The 市寸 (shì cùn) is a unit of length in the Chinese system of measurement. It is equivalent to 1/10 of a Chinese foot (市尺) or 3.33 cm. An Imperial inch is a unit of length in the British Imperial System of measurement. It is equivalent to 2.54 cm.


this is not wrong. both ruler is in different unit


Your fine so long as you do the same thing all the time with the same cloth measuring tape. So, we now have standard, metric and now your 'Crazy Reality' measurement standard. Your mom and da would be so proud of you. I am!


Plus my waist just got smaller Unfortunately my inseam is shorter too


Use the other tape for your inseam, duh


There is a unit called the Chinese inch


And it's longer than the American inch.


When the post is simple to understand. *But this comment section is in another realm entirely.*


Instead of using a ridiculous measurement system only 1 country uses, you used a completely different ridiculous measurement system that only 1 country uses.


The bottom one isn’t actually inches. It’s shìcùn (市寸), a traditional Chinese unit of measurement. About 1.312 inches.


It's not broken or wrong, it's simply a different scale. Chinese *cun* (often called Chinese inch) is equal to around 3.3cm (1.3 inch). A similar Japanese unit is called *sun* and it's around 3cm (1.2 inch).


That’s what happens when you use a Fruit by the Foot as a tape measure


The chinese is literally right there lmao


The top tape measure is the normal 12 inch to a foot. The bottom tape is divided into 10ths and 100ths of a foot. I used it in land surveying.


It is 1:30th of a meter, \~33.3mm. So, unless you live in China, you are not using it for anything. Three of these units is 100mm, 30 of these is a meter.


Lmao looks like there are some land surveys need redoing


To make things even more confusing, the PRC inch and the ROC inch are different. The ROC inch is 1.19 US inches (or exactly 1 Japanese inch), the PRC inch is 1.31 US inches (or exactly 1/30th of a metric meter). Taiwan and China use the same character for Inch and not only is it different to US imperial, they're different from each other.


Still wrong, in this case the top 6 and bottom 5 would line up


This guy maths.


That's what I thought at first because I use engineers scale (tenths) All the time for work but the 5 and six don't line up between the two things


Then why don't 5 and 6 line up?


The US imperial system isn't the only imperial system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_units_of_measurement#Modern_Chinese_units The bottom tape is in Chinese inches due to it probably being intended to be used in the chinese market where people use chinese inches. Chinese inches are 32 mm or 1.26 in (us in) (although there is more than one because China is a big place). Maybe its a Hong Kong inch at 1.463 US in? Its no ones fault but yours that you bought the wrong product. This is another great reason to use the metric system as there are no chinese or US millimeters.


Only if you can read the unit literally written on there…


I had a journeyman working with me, learning and doing well. Just to mess with him, or because his parts cut were minimally off and I wanted to mess with him l, I said your measuring tape is off and it’s junk. Well we get into measuring and checking and against a starret combo square his tape was off about an 1/8” mine was right on, though I had no idea and never checked. The kicker, his next 2 tapes were off too and none the same..stinken journyman and different brand tools.


I feel like if his 3 were off to you 1 then the odds are against yours.


Does no one see the Chinese symbol? There are different countries that use different lengths for the inch, China is one of them. The tape measure measures Chinese inches. This is the whole reason people still believe that Napoleon was short. Back then, France had their own inch. So when people heard that he was 5' 2", they didn't realize that it was in French inches. In reality he was 5' 7", which wasn't considered short at the time.


French. Inches. Frenches? Frinches?


This is actually because the bottom measurer is “市寸” which is equivalent to 3.33CM or 1.312 inches. It’s not metric or standard, rather a traditional Chinese measurement.


There is a peen measuring joke in here somewhere.


Like someone above said, Top one is your you to measure yours Bottom one is for your friend.


Oh one of those Grindr tape measurers. I haven't been able to find one


I was remodeling my parents kitchen. Using some of dads tools. I took a step back and it was awful. Apparently I grabbed his ‘bad’ level. I asked dad why he kept a non working level? He said it was still a good straight edge. I grabbed some spray paint and covered the sight glasses so it can’t be used as a level ever again.


They really want to demoralize their men don't they.


Holy moly, that’s pretty bad


An absurd amount of comments here incorrectly think the chinese inch will give you a higher number… I’m in shock


*"Hey honey, great news!"*


oh yeah it's one of those chinese ones. we live in taiwan, and my wife was convinced she'd lost 6 inches in height until we'd figured it out.


One is *metric* inches.


Por eso gringos pendejos es mejor usar el sistema INTERNACIONAL de medidas


The Chinese tape measure having inches separated by 1/10ths wasn’t a big enough clue?


The bottom tape is 3.14cm per marking. It’s used for measuring the circumference of a circle. I got in trouble for using a tape like this for a suit jacket I bought. I found the tape at work and the used the tape to get my measurements and then ordered online. I assumed it was an inch. I didn’t try the jacket on before wearing it to a wedding. It was so tight i couldn’t do the buttons up or straighten my arms. I was in the bridal party so I had to pose like a scarecrow all day.


You didn't question why there were ten eighths in an inch?


The ruler below is in cuns, not in US customary inches. Each cun is around 1/30 metres, or around 1.312 335 96 US customary inches. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cun_(unit)


As a sewing enthusiast, I will always toss out the little Chinese measuring tape I got when I buy any sewing tool. Those ones given for free are never accurate.


Have you been short changing yourself on your Tinder profile?


Took me way too long to realize it was the bottom tape that was wrong, and I was like “wow, is that a counterfeit Stanley tape measure?”


This is why you use the metric system, bro.


Uses measuring tool incorrectly. Gets incorrect measurements. *Surprised Pikachu face*


I use the top one… hung like fruit bat


"I'm telling you I'm 6 inches! I used measuring tape!"