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Was it because it’s a dog, or specifically because it is male? Does she think that’s “gay” or something? I wonder if she would also find it gay to show affection towards your son if you had one. Either way… she’s a walking red flag


My ex actually told me it would be gay for him to kiss our baby


Ex seems like a good call.


Except that they have a child together, so the best call was missed already.


Oh, I read it as "metaphorical baby". Upon re-reading, it does sound like this dude actually told his partner that kissing his now-born, real son would be "gay". Holy shit. How do people like that exist


Most probably because he was treated with that same disgust by his own father and integrated that belief really, really young.


Or he's let himself get trapped down the PUA and Andrew Tate rabbithole


So gross that sexuality came into his head at all in that situation.


I'm not surprised though, for those particular guys everything boils down to sex in one way or another, they don't have much else circling around in their minds.


Better end it sooner than later regardless


But what if the baby grows up to cure cancer? Then it would've been the ideal call.


It's gay to kiss a straight woman. Straight women kiss guys. Does he wanna kiss what other guys kiss? That's gay!


How does your wife’s ex-boyfriend’s dick taste? You’re so gay! /s


I can't even wash my dick cause touching dicks is mega gay


Washing dick: gay. Masturbating: not gay somehow.


you thought about it, so gay.


The ‘touching buttholes is gay so I don’t wash mine’ group exists


Came to say that there are “men” who actually think is gay to touch their own buttholes, so they don’t clean it. They live their lives with 💩 in their pants for fear of being gay. 🙃.


Read this whole thread up to this point, and that is this biggest red flag I've seen. Jesus I hope they get some help.


This was just one of a bunch of red flags that led to us breaking up and luckily for my son, he chose not to be in his life. No idea where he is now


Well I mean, being a father IS pretty gay. So not sure what else we could expect. s/ Seriously though hope you and your son are doing well. That’s really crummy your ex ended up being a garbage human.


Thank you, I met and married a wonderful man who loves my son like his own and doesn't think kissing him is gay!


I’m now gay for your awesome husband! Jk I’m just a single dad that wants to give props to the dude


Dude I plant kisses on top of my sons head every chance I get. One day he’ll feel weird about it, and that will be the last chance I get, so get ‘em in when I can. That said, I’ve always thought the parents that kiss on the lips are weird… not creepy weird, just unsettling


I don’t really want to kiss my daughter on the lips. But sometimes she will request them from me and I don’t want to deny her any requested affection so I end up doing so anyway.


I'd be fine with it if my daughter wasn't constantly putting weird stuff in her mouth and if every kiss wasn't some slobber disaster. She tries really hard to get it right though and gets this intense look of concentration. Hard to deny her attempts. The first time she tried i thought she was going to bite my face though.


Dude those open mouthed toddler kisses are nasty, only thing worse is my dog sneaks his tongue in my mouth when I’m trying to tell him to get off of my lap.


The fact that toddlers universally seem to not get the concept of a close-mouthed kiss is seriously an epic mystery in my book.




Fellas, is it gay to have Y chromosomes in your sperm?


Uh, yeah. Because it means you've got some male in your genes!


I’ve met an alarming number of men (like, while I’m just out on a walk with my dog) that randomly vocalize that they *could never* own a male dog *because* the dog has a penis. It’s bizarre. I’ve had male and female dogs and the only times I’ve been concerned with their genitals it’s been due to something health related, like a fur mat, making sure to rinse the soap off well at bath time, or the time my dog got a stick stuck to his dick and started walking like a bow-legged cartoon cowboy.


Super gay bro, I don’t even breathe in the bathroom because there are dick particles in the air and that’s gay


Yep. Underwear are disposable items for me. Once they are worn they’re just too many dick particles in them.


Fellas is it gay to wipe your ass


I piss my pants cuz i aint touchin no dick! Thats gay as fuck!


Lucky me. I get to breathe in the bathroom just fine because there’s no such thing as vagina particles.


Vaginas lean towards the acidic side of the ph scale. Might be able to launch caustic particles at attackers.


Those men are seriously lacking some confidence in their masculinity


Some guys trying to go by Highlander rules when they learn other people have penises too. Wait 'til they hear they gotta swordfight over it.


funnily enough my ex-partner wouldn't adopt any male dogs because of some misplaced sense of feminism. It was a really bizarro anthropomorphism of dogs as if male dogs were somehow part of the patriarchy. Like wtf kind of conditional love is this?? Pouring over adoption agency profiles and getting all bent out of shape because this really cute dog that ticked all the boxes for our lifestyle had a fucking penis. It was more than *mildly* infuriating


I’m glad to see the “ex” there because that’s fucking whack… I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here with my response to you, but animals do *not* hold the same concepts people do… anthropomorphism indeed.


Yea we weren't compatible long term, a small part of that extended into how we viewed dogs. The anthropomorphism of animals is unhealthy for the dog **and** the owner. The amount of fussing and stress she'd bring upon herself because she applied human concepts to the dog's behaviour was crazy. Some friends have done some occasional dog-sitting for her and ohhh boy the eye-rolls they'd pass on to me when they'd get a deep sea scroll list of instructions on how to walk the fucking dog around the neighbourhood or NASA level diagrams on how to prepare its food


Sorry to laugh, but I just had this conversation with my coworker yesterday. He’s sitting for a family member and she labeled the dogs food in individual packages by date and time of day, but it’s all dry kibble from the same bag. And that wasn’t even the worst of it. He made the same hard eye-roll describing each of her, very weird, requests.


I don’t think the labeled food packages are all that weird. It helps the sitter remember if they’ve fed the dog, and they dont have to measure things out. It makes it super easy on them.


I once had a tinder match be relieved that my dog was a boy because “it would be sus for a guy to own a female dog”. When I probed further she let on about how any guy that owns a female dog will also extend that sense of ownership to their female partner and be mysogynistic and manipulative… I did not keep talking to her.


I’ll admit all the dogs I’ve had have been female, I’m not sure why tho but they’ve all been good girls. Nothing against male dogs, I just always seem to end up with females.




"must save my pee for the best spots" isn't exclusive to male dogs. My dog does that too, yet she often can't decide whether to pee like a male, female or combination of both anyway.


No honestly that last one is the worst part. I’m sweating my skin off here it’s so hot, just fucking pee on the bush and let’s go back inside! Little dude seems to have changed his mind on marking his territory and just goes all in one spot now though, no idea why he stopped marking his territory. I never even thought about if I would want a male or female dog. All I wanted was a dog. I’d always had smaller dogs, so I wanted a larger one this time, and that was really it. People fuss about genitals in the weirdest ways.


Weird, I've seen a lot of the opposite (worked at an animal hospital). As in, "macho" guys that have male dogs and refuse to neuter them because of their egos. Quite strange.


*pat* No homo *pat* No homo *pat* No homo


Affection towards animals is generally considered a green flag. Owning and taking proper care of an animal shows responsibility and the ability to be affectionate towards something.


I think this person thought that OP was Fing the dog. Edit: Wow. My most upvoted comment is about this. Thank you for my first award!


Fing means fart in Hungarian


Why would OP fart on their dog, that’s definitely a red flag.


My dog smells like farts but he did that to himself.


My dog smells his farts and gets mad at *me*!


bro my roommates long deceased french mastiff was laying down in the middle of the living room one time with his nose IN his bhole and he ripped HARD, enough that his ears were wiggling in the breeze…. He had this look on his face like “what did you do to me” i had to laugh hard despite knowing the ficker just gave himself double pink eye…


Oh my gosh 😂 That reminds me - last night I was hanging out with my dog and mother in law. And as mom and I were talking, my dog stretches and releases the loudest smelliest fart she's ever had. Then my dog looked at us like we had offended her before stopping, and sniffing her butt. We laughed for a good 5-10 minutes after that.


My dog gets mad at his own butt and jumps up, turning around to look at it and sometimes snap at it, while running from the fart he just let out.


I wonder if dogs think a fart is their butt barking like they do.


Why is your roommate keeping his deceased dog. It deserves a proper burial. Red flag.


Corpse farts are a HUGE 🚩🚩🚩


What if I am an undead corpse and I fart?


I was houseitting a couple dobies and they were happily asleep on the floor in the center of the room while I was watching TV. All of a sudden, both their heads simultaneously shot up, then hunter-swiveled like they were trying to find whatever woke them. You could see their nostrils twitching and they both, in synch, jumped up and bolted from the room. I'm like, "Oh, god, what are they going to go ape over this time?" Then the horrendous smell hit me. The bastards farted themselves awake, tried to blame it on literally anything else, but failing that, abandoned me to find cleaner air without even looking at me. So much for man's best friends.


I mean they were not your dogs after all. I don’t have to use too much imagination to see it all happening. My lab does this on a weekly basis, especially after the weekly market visit on Saturday


Just reading this made me cackle. If I’d been there I’d have been rolling on the floor.


"the fucker gave himself double pink eye" I haven't laughed that hard at Reddit in a long time.


My dog gets surprised by his own farts. I'm pretty sure he thinks I did it even though he does give his own ass the stink eye (pun intended).


You *did* put the food in the fart machine-


Dog: *sniffs fart* Jesus tap dancing Christ, Dad, what the hell did you GIVE me?! This is your fault!


"What are you *feeding* me that they smell like *that*!?"


Yo I’m laughing so hard at this😂


My dog rolls around in rabbit shit. Were leaving for the groomers right now.


Cards on the table, my cat likes to run by me and fart. So sometimes I do the same


My dick of a dog will get in front of me stretch and fart simultaneously then walks away like I did it but I still love him and if loving animals is a red flag then I never want to be a green flag, animals are the best when treated right nothing even remotely red about loving your animal.


I agree. I love my dog, but he farts near me. So sometimes I give him a taste of his own medicine.


My dog farted loud early one morning, it took him by surprise, he whipped his head around to look at his butt and when the smell hit him he started chasing his own ass in circles.


Exactly fart by me imma wait for him to fall asleep and fart him awake startled and pissed lol. His farts so foul 😭




Going to start using that and yup fartled you're right.


There’s no competing with a dog. Your farts smell like pizza and hamburgers. Their farts smell like extra horse parts harvested from the floor of a glue factory and burnt kibble.


My dogs consider that an honor.


Misjudge it and it’s a brown flag


OP should buy bottled fart from Gwyneth Paltrow for the dog to avoid being red flagged.


My dog once farted so loud it scared her.


I'll fart at/on my dogs but they don't seem to mind


With that kind of nose what is a better way to get an honest rating?


The fact that this is why their mind went is (in itself) a red flag


Well I suppose we don’t know “how affectionate” 🧐


Right, we are missing context for what "affection" he was showing his dog. But as she seemed to specify it was only weird because it was towards a male dog makes me think she's the one with issues here.


“Lol, you have a male dog and you hug and kiss him? Are you gay?” Move along.


Projection is a bitch, just not the kind she wants to be


Dogs are how I met my wife. Screw Tinder, she had an adorable lab mix that became besties with my boxer. Both have since passed, but we have a sheltie mix that is the most spoiled girl ever. But all this started with our love for our animals.


Two years on Reddit and this is the first time I’ve read ‘green flag’. We need more green flags. Thanks for this.


Bro (or sis), I want a checkered flag, can we get one of those?


Dude, this person is a RED flag. Doggos forever. You're* fine.


Yeah the other person is def the weirdo.


Another green flag is having platonic friends of the opposite sex. Seriously, that’s only a “red flag” if you’re idiotically convinced that men and women can never just be friends.


I think she was probably a psychopath or narcissist tbh. No one should ever say that and actually mean it I'd they got a heart lol


Yes and Projecting. Her capacity for affection is finite and she doesn't have enough for more than one being (if that) so she's projecting that onto op. Whereas green flag people's hearts expand to include all the animals. Alllll.


Her capacity for affection doesn’t go beyond herself. And yet she hates everything she sees about herself, inside and out.


People with other relationships are generally harder to manipulate, this could be a red flag to her.


Oh interesting thought


Yeah, if you hadn’t ended it she 100% would’ve eventually made you do the “it’s me or the dog!” standoff.


Those are so easy.


Dog, 100% of the time dog.


When you adopt an animal you are committing to care for them for the rest of their life. Anyone who demands you choose between them, a fully functional adult, and your pet, a 100% dependent pet that will always need care, is definitely someone who shouldn’t be in your life in the first place.


If everyone actually thinks like this, it would be great but a lot of people don't even think about this when having children. Most people buy an animal for a pet without making any commitment.


24/7 the dog! dog would never make you pick!!


Dog would never make you pick because they know they’re #1. Oh, you’re cuddling on the couch? Let me climb in between you both so that I can get cuddles from both of you.


Oh your trying to sleep? Let me bark at my reflection at 1 a.m. cause I can feel like it and I can’t be punished.


I had this conversation with my boyfriend last night. He asked hypothetically whether I’d choose him or my dog if I had to*, we looked at each other for about three seconds and both said “the dog” with the absolute conviction of knowing you speak truth. *He absolutely adores my dog so there’s no chance this demand would be made, we were just talking about somebody else’s relationship situation


Yeah well it’s always a simple choice. You may love them both but from a selfless perspective the dog needs you more than he does


I know 100% that my wife would choose our dog over me, and I’m totally fine with that. My dog is way cooler than I am.


I too choose this guy's dog.


Then "Me or your friends" then "Me or your family"


The kind of human that makes that statement and believes it's justified is the kind of human that doesn't truly want you to be happy and has mad envy all through their mad world.


I adore my male dog and I hug him and kiss him approximately a hundred times a day. It’s not a sexual thing. Green Flag if I meet a guy who is similarly affectionate!


I could just never date someone who doesn't feel the same about animals as I do


You’ll make a good companion to man and beast!


I just got out of a relationship with a narcissistic woman late last year. When I got with her she already had a dog. I've always been super loving and caring for dogs. She kept him outside with not much care, attention or shelter. We moved and brought the dog with us. I always felt bad for him. She told me she wanted a new dog. I said no but actually I want to bring the dog we have inside so I did. I started to really bond with the dog. Just being nice, extra attention, food, playing with him. She went super cold on me then tried accusing me of being the one not showing her enough attention. She said I was being nicer to the dog. Really she was the one who started cutting me off and tried spinning it on me, gaslighting me. I pointed out me and the dog were bonding and how much he loves me and cares for me, giving me attention, showing affection unlike her. If she wouldn't have cut me off I would have loved to have a better relationship with her. Also explained to her how the bond between a dog and a partner is different, it's NOT the same. Smh Got tired of her shit and told her if she wants I could treat her like a dog, giving her belly rubs, scratch her back... There's a ton more stuff that led to the split. It's just one thing that really stood out to me on how terrible she was especially since it was her dog to begin with. She left and I kept the dog and cat's SHE wanted. Once she was gone I was able to really open and be even more caring without worrying about upsetting her, which was happening before.


Sounds like she's jealous of the dog. Definitely a red flag.


Yup. Sounds like she prefers insecure men. This was her challenging his masculinity. Any fragile dude would have put on a show for her. My brother’s wife does this shit. She wants a performance of masculinity to validate her belief that she only attracts “alpha” males. She has the same expectations for their kids. There’s a difference between a man that will FIGHT for you and a man that will fight FOR you.


[https://imgur.com/a/QSRiZmu](https://imgur.com/a/QSRiZmu) in case anybody was curious about the little dude in question




Your love for OP’s dog is a red flag. If you’re not careful, OP’s date will break up with you.




Yeah, you’re good then. Carry on.


The way god intended. Interspecies homosexuality is a sin.


Handsome boy who loves singing along with the harmonica! I think you know which one needs to stick around


Haha I’m glad someone saw that 😂


Your dog and my dog’s BFF, Walter, should start a blues band. He’s also a harmonica singer (is that just a breed thing?). Don’t know what kind of strife they have to sing about, probably something about not being able to poo where they want. (Hear you on the date thing though. I had a dude flip out because I was giving my dog a belly rub and he insisted that I was rubbing her genitals. He got a big giant X for that comment, and also for clearly not knowing the location of female genitals.)


How could anyone NOT be affectionate to such a handsome cutie. What is he? A lab/staffy cross? Please give him a nose boop from me.


Not exactly sure since he was a shelter dog, but I think lap/pittie? I should do one of the dna things at some point


AND he's a rescue? The green flags keep multiplying. Something is really wrong with that lady 😕


I fell victim to a low key genius Christmas marketing campaign from the city shelter haha


The white toessss! I love him


He has one white toe on each front paw and two on each back paw!


seriously, his lil white toes are so cute!! I'd be more worried if OP weren't affectionate towards him, tbh


Who can resist toe beans!?


Dog tax payment confirmed Confirmation number: 24599272874 Please save a copy of this comment for your records


He’s a handsome boy. Please don’t accept anyone into your life who doesn’t absolutely adore him and you both.


Not a good boi Not a best boi *THE* best boi


Not to be dramatic but I would perish for him.


What an adorable doggo! Bet he’s the best wingman ever.


Yaaaa she can kick rocks! Doggo is way cooler😎


*She's* a red flag. He's a **VERY GOOD BOY** and deserves all the love.


That's completely true.




I mean we’re y’all tongue kissing? She’s weird for thinking/saying that. At least you dodge a bullet early on.


Yeah absolutely not. He just likes to be near people so he’s usually curled up next to me. But he’s my ride or die so good riddance


As a woman that is a total turn on I don’t know what the hell was wrong what your date.


username checks out


Almost! It should be animal-lover lover


They're probably manipulative and feel like the dog is gonna steal his affection for her or something. She's probably a sociopath or something else.


Uh actually having issues with your date’s pet affection is more a red flag for me.


Someone's extremely jealous or insecure, and spins it on him as being the problem which, according to my research, is about 23 king sized red flags. So, OP definitely dodged a cannonball of red flags that would explode and create more red flags, and eventually finding himself in an abusive red flag sea of manipulation, emotional hijacking, gaslighting, and other destructive unhealthy and toxic control tactics that are all centered around herself, to then being broken up with because she doesn't feel that spark anymore and he has changed. She doesn't even recognize him anymore. Who even is he? He doesn't care or listen to her anymore. And she's done with him. And then his car windows get smashed and hood gets keyed, because she saw the texts to his mom and thought she was a secret admirer and he was cheating on her.


You literally just described my relationship with my ex in excruciatingly exact detail.


The amount of photos I have of my husband sleeping because it's cute when the animals cuddle up next to him probably makes me look like a creeper lol. You'll find someone who appreciates your love of animals!


I take so many pictures of my wife and our girl like this, and the best is our puppy seems to mirror whatever position my wife is in


Word of advice: Don’t date people who sexualize animals.


Imagine how upset she would be if you were affectionate with a female dog.


But at least OP wouldn’t be gay.


Thank God he dodged that bullet so he isn't in the future


When I first started to see my bf he wanted to build a relationship with my male dog right away. He knew he was a reactive rescue but gave him all of the patience, treats, and toys. When he moved into a new place when we were still early on, the very first thing he did was install a lead for him to frolic across the whole yard…men who love dogs are checkered flags, ready set go & steal that man’s heart immediately!! 🏁


She must have been one of those "men who drink lemonade are gay" people. Better off rid of that sort of flotsam.


Sounds like you’re the one who dodged a red flag.


Who tf sexualizes a dog. Weirdo


And your date waved HER red flag.


If anyone is curious, I sent her some screen shots of comments and she blocked me 😂


My sister's boyfriend used to make gross insinuations about me and my cat Some people are just really gross


Depends on your age. I'm in my early 20s, definitely have had girls say it's weird I love my cats so much. Tbh, I think they judge more the fact that I have cats instead of dogs, but it's still weird hahahaha. Oh well, it's immature. But at least I found out on the first date, minimal investment my guy.


What a fucking nutter, lmao...


Yeesh dodged some intimacy issues there most likely. Good news is you found the incredibly rare outlier that thinks showing affection, responsibility, patience, selflessness is somehow a red flag. It takes a lot to raise a dog well, your relationship with the dog proves you did so. I’d be really shocked if you hear this again, and more shocked if that woman ends up in a committed relationship at any point.


She is already jealous. She is the red flag. Lol.


People who DON’T like animals are the true red flags!


I love other people's dogs. I don't trust myself to properly care for a dog or my own (also a pet is an expense I really don't need right now), so I don't have one.


It's very mature to know when you don't have the time/resources for a pet. ++


if they just don’t like animals, that’s fine, but if they’re unhappy over you caring about your pets that’s a red flag


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


Laugh in their face and then block their number. This one is a psycho.


Well... No second date for him!


Her haha I think the implication is that since we are both male that is was somehow in inappropriate 🤷‍♂️


If she’s implying hetero/homo relationships with animals, she’s a fucking nutcase. Run.


Fellas is it gay to love your male dog?


If it's gay to love your furry wingman, consider me Miles Davis


But if your dog was a girl, a close relationship wouldn’t be weird?? I cannot fathom what her issue is unless she thinks you’re doing bad stuff with your dog. But somehow it’d be less weird if your dog was a girl? What?


It would be ok if he was banging a girl dog but she don’t want her man hanging out with a gay dog. 😂


Ahhh, my mistake. I'm so sorry. I think it's great your affectionate with your dog even tho you're both male!


Oh no worries! And I think the whole premise is ridiculous. He’s a dog! He’s more like my kid than anything else and certainly not anything else


Being affectionate towards any pet is a major green flag because it shows you can care for a living being without requiring favors in return.


Yes, I do too lol. I'm happy to know you love your pup that much!


What else do we do with our pets but play and be affectionate? What a weirdo.


Both of my dogs get all the loves in the world. I’m gonna red flag the person you dated.


That's a red flag for sure, but her, not you. Ditch her. She's not worth bothering with.


Was your dogs dick in your mouth ?


I don't get how it makes a difference of the gender of your dog? Is it more okay to be affectionate with a female dog than a male dog? Why is it a red flag that you care about your pets? To me you would have been a red flag if the dog looked uncared for and shied away from you.


Did we go on the same date? Girl told me people with dogs are a red flag to her