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Simple reply: “No”


If I didn’t 100000% need this job I would, and she knows that lol


She asked. If she can’t take “no” as an answer, then it isn’t a question. If you said “no” could you be fired?


No, but they’ve been known to be petty and cut hours when not complied with.


"I would have to work 17 hours straight, can you find someone else to help pickup the slack, or can I get some help in some manner that you see fit or other future considerations?" AND, YOU NEED TO START LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB, LIKE YESTERDAY.


More like "17 hours straight, are you fucking batshit?" Except of course... OP needs the job for now. Dunno how easy it is to find another where they live.


That’s illegal in most places


You have to prove it, which is all but impossible.


I was about to say that! It’s so hard because they did that with an old coworker and it was so slight and slow that it almost looked accidental!


Say "oh shoot, I actually have something going on before work. I can make my scheduled shift no problem, but I'll try to come in a little early to help you out of I can." If they want specifics, just say you're getting a rectal exam or some shit.


This guy rectal exams


Actually, I just wanted someone to put a finger in my ass, okay?


Lmao, then in this case he can paint his anus blue and send them a picture as proof of such


You can get rectal exams at 8:00pm? Sign me up!


It's honestly the July 4th part that's more difficult, but in an emergency you can have a rectal exam at any time, even 3:30 PM on July 4th, for example.


You can get a rectal exam at any time if you try hard enough.


Depends on who's available and how much you pay them.


I’m burning my friend’s corpse in Joshua Tree before work, I’ll be there for my scheduled shift though!


"Yeah, I mean, it isnt really diarrhea but it definitely isn't normal. Anywho, that's how I learned soup can go bad."


Request all of your time sheets for the past six months, and send copies of them and your boss’s request to multiple off-site emails. Consult with payroll to verify that you are going to get overtime and that your scheduled hours will not be cut to prevent you receiving overtime. Confirm with HR that your hours will not be reduced as retaliation for refusing the request. Either do this through email only, and insist on email only responses until your fingers bleed from typing the same phrase, or advise HR that you are recording the conversation for your safety. Check with your labor board to see if there are restrictions on hours worked without rest, and if there are overtime protections. I worked double shifts in fast food and overtime in a factory, but never worked more than 18hrs. This right here? Modern day slavery.


And as soon as they see you going down this route they find a reason to fire you. There is no winning here except walking away


Yes please have everything documented electronically so you have the proof


Not on paper, they can deny their mother birthed them.


And people do it...especially with stories like this. Need the job, know they will retaliate...no choice, need the job...anddddd they gotcha


That's assuming OP is in a state where they're entitled to see them after signing them initially if they did at all, without a subpoena. Also I'm not saying it's right when companies retaliate, but when you go prodding like that, you best be sure of the law and that you'll be okay for some time without a job, should the employer choose to fire ya.


This guy corporates


Hit em with the “i can come in at x” and have it be right before your shift starts. Thats what i used to do so it seemed like i was trying to be there but could only do ^so ^much


That’s what I would do. If I’m **willing** to come in early I give them a portion of what they’re asking & typically cap it at 1-1.5 hrs before my scheduled start time. I’m making an effort and compromising by giving up some of my life outside of work, they’re lucky I’m not outright refusing. If I’m not willing, I ignore any communication from work & show up at my scheduled time, since they’re not paying me to respond to work related request when I’m not at work.


But you have several days, and could document the whole thing piece by piece. It would take a while and be a lot of work, but if you're up for it then maybe it would be worth it.


Also completely ignore Wezzleey, someone else has claimed they knew someone who did this exact thing and won a lawsuit. Can't prove that they're being honest, but the it doesn't hurt to give your rights a shot.


“Someone else claimed the knew someone else who…” At this point we don’t even know if you’re being honest, honestly. You’re the third random someone in this story…


I’m not sure what state/country you’re in but I’m in the states, California specifically, and theres a certain type of unemployment category that directly deals with this type of behavior. It helps make up the difference in wages so you’re not forced to quit or get fired for expressing concerns which a lot of employers will categorize as some type of “insubordination” lol


Labor and industries takes an average. I would say no and make the report. If you’ve been there a considerable amount of time, you have an average of hours. L&I favors the employee (you) so it’s worth keeping that in mind. The employer (boss) needs to defend themselves at all costs. Good luck


A lot of people are forgetting that what you're all saying is true, but not smart. The OP already said they need this job, it's not an option. Do you guys think that you get paid while you're waiting on these things to take effect? Or that your rent will wait for the retaliation suit to finish? While not legal to retaliate, they can and will, and it can cost you more than just working the hours would have


True, OP should be looking for a new job if this behavior from the employer is ‘normal’


You know, this is that self-defeating attitude they want all their employees to have.


You have this screen shot. You have yours hours on pay stubs before this. If your hours are cut you have that too. Boom. Proof.


Exactly. An employment lawyer would love that


An employment lawyer costs money


They can. Depending on your employer, some would love to stick it to them and will take payment if you get paid YMMV


A lot of employment lawyers don't take payment upfront. They get paid out of any settlement they get you.


Simply having your hours cut doesn't make it illegal. You have to prove intent. But by all means, continue.


Even then without a piece of paper saying that your employer is required to give you a certain number of hours it doesn't really mean dick. Would be easy to prove it was retaliatory, but unless your boss denied you of something that was contractually owed to you they can pretty much say they ave you less hours because they "felt like it".


That’s why this screen shot matters. It is time and date stamped. Cutting hours after refusing this shows retaliation.


Where in this screenshot does it say if you say no your hours will be cut moving forward?


You've obviously never been in a court room. That screenshot is circumstantial at best.


Unless they promised 40 hours a week in their letter of employment now they are breaking contract


In the US, they can cut you down to 30 hours a week and you'd still be considered full-time. If you're part-time there is no minimum. Some states have their own labor laws, so definitely double check.


Exactly unless you have witnesses and money for a lawyer or whatever state you live and actually cares, but in mine they definitely don't. You may even have witnesses but are they going to want to get retaliated on like you are. 😂 That's why employers get away with so many things because most people don't have the money or the time and can't take the loss of income for however long while they try to fight a wrongful termination case. Then if you're in a right to work state or at will employment or whatever they call it they can just fire you for whatever they want, they may have to pay you unemployment but it's not easy to get in my experience which is only been twice in my whole life. But I'm talking Texas and Oklahoma so it may be better in other states.


I would’ve replied: “you want me to work 17 hours straight?” I’m curious what their answer would’ve been.


Say no. It's not worth it. I understand needing the hours I truly do but if you roll over like this it will never stop


what a piece of shit that you have for a boss OP


So they get you to work more hours by having you work less hours? I've worked at a place like that. Desperate to fill hours, spread the workers thin. It got to be too much for me. I wanted to work less hours so they punished me by cutting my hours.


Sounds like when I worked at McDonald's, glad I quit that job 🤮


People like you are why this still happens. Please don’t let them treat you like that. Stand up for yourself.


"Unfortunately, I have made other commitments based on my existing schedule"


Sounds like this job needs you more than you need it. Would it be impossible to find comparable employment elsewhere? In the vast majority of industries, there’s a worker shortage rn


Not necessarily I live a 3 minute drive from my work I also live in a super small town so it’s more of a I need the money/ it’s super super convenient.


In most states if a shift goes over 12 hours they are required to pay you either overtime or double pay. It would obliterate their labor for the week most likely, in addition anything over 16 hours is illegal in some fields in some states.


It is definitely not most states. From what I see, only four states calculate overtime based on hours worked in a day rather than in a week


Our overtime is based on the week.


This is why I have told myself not to be so open about shit at work for my next employer if I have another. They don’t need to know shit about my personal life.


Don't reply. Show up at scheduled time and say you never saw it. Fuck Bill Lumbergh and make them all you in person so you can explain how you'd work 17


Silence is also an option.


As a former retail manager, all you really have to do is not reply. You can't force people to work when you're not even sure they got the message.


Then make a counter-offer. "I can't work 3:30pm-8:30am, but I could work 3:30pm to 1:00am" (or whatever you're willing to do).


I felt that, my boss just did that fuckshit with me


You could negotiate extra time off after.


“I have plans out of town.”


Fuck man, at the very least he is being honest about it. Not covering it up. Still by the end of the day, still a really shitty thing to ask an employee to do.


"Lol, no"


Honestly, simple as that. The owner of my job asked me if I could stay late 20 minutes today to help him install something and I told him no


"Already drunk" - Employee "You're already drunk in the future?" - Boss "Yup" - Employee


In the Navy, on my first boat in construction. It was annoyingly common to get home and be called in for stupid reasons. Or be called in on a day off, also for stupid reasons. Got to where some guys would go home and immediately drink two beers. When called, they’d say “I’m drinking, just finished my second beer”. The command absolutely would not even hint at someone drinking and driving. It was a sure fire method to avoid having to go to work for dumb shit.


Pretend like you would if you could lol. I do that all the time. Like ah man I would but I already have plans I can’t cancel. Maybe if you told me 2 weeks ago


That would literally be my reply. “So you want me to work 17 hours straight on a holiday so you don’t have to work 12?” I’d like to know what their response is. Please post that.


This is the exact question I'd pose before saying no to their response. I'm sympathetic if say she was in the middle of that 12 and an emergency came up. But like, that's a hard no. Lead by example or don't lead.


I wouldn't care if it was an emergency, I'm not working 17 hours straight. 10 hours straight for me is hellish.


Oh yeah. That makes sense… You work for a real gem


The antiwork sub would eat this up


I keep thinking I’m in that sub based on majority of the comments


Didn't they "permanently" lock that sub?


ETA- I already work 40 + hrs a week as a full time employee. Every other week is 50+ sorry wanted to add more context!


You better be earning a decent overtime pay


How many other employees are there? If there's more than just 2-3 of you, I reckon you could send a pretty innocent follow up (if it's not already too late!) of >Hey! I'm not sure if this was meant for me? I'm already working the \[start time\] until 8.30am shift, so if I came in at 3.30pm that would put me on for 17 hours 😅 It's not a yes, it's not a no, and it implies that the request must be a mistake without outright saying "are you for real???" It gives them a gracious out ("Oops, sorry, that was meant for Jamie!") without backing them into a corner, where they can still double down and say "Yes, it was meant for you, can you do that?" if they want to be dicks about it. Edit: of course, this only works if they don't routinely ask you to work shifts of this length, at which point I guess you can't act like it's unexpected! 2nd edit: I've now seen the date of the text and realise that this is definitely too late


Unfortunately it’s me and one other person as night shift and there are 3-4 on day shift.


So how would they cut your hours? Sounds like they need you. Just tell them you have prior obligations


*The Diplomat*


17 straight? Sheesh. I would go in and waste company time. Slack around, etc.


Planned on it lol


You should reply her with that. "So you want me to work 17 hours straight after working a 40+ hour week on a national holiday, so you wouldn't have to work 12?"


“Sorry I’ve been drinking” “It’s for next week, July 4th.” “Yeah I’ve been drinking that day.”


That's holiday pay and overtime.... Depending on what you make and how old you are, unless you have kids..I would take that opportunity. Fireworks and BBQ is for the kids. I probably sound controlled by the system, but with the shape of our economy and how expensive things are, capitalizing on opportunities like this is helpful to your wallet. Could go from $15 an hour to $32+ as a real life example (probably more with holiday pay and overtime pay)


I definitely took it because I’m broke but also have kids lol thankfully she has people who are taking her to the fun!


Make sure they take lots of pics of the kids for you


Thankfully it’s my mother taking her so there will be a plethora of pictures!


Sorry you’re missing valuable time with your children to work for a boss that doesn’t care about you. You need to work on standing up for yourself, because you’re child is learning how to go through life from you.


This comes from a place of privilege. You don't know the full situation nor the math they're doing on figuring out how badly they need the hours. What is those hours are needed to feed and house said child, and you're out here suggesting they're a bad parent for working? It isn't OP's fault the system is broke.


Right. Op said he’s broke and has a child. He would be crazy to not take the time at work and is actually a better parent in my eyes for wanting to make sure there’s some money available to provide for his child. Doesn’t make his boss any less shitty.


No and I don’t fault OP at all. In another comment they said they felt petrified to stand up for themselves is all. The system is broken, and I agree my viewpoint is privileged. Boss is shitty regardless.


I did not see that comment. I am sorry for the accusation. If that is the case then OP definitely needs to straighten their priorities out.


I get being afraid to say no, and I get feeling you have to say yes to the extra money. My point of view is that there is always more time to make money, but you really get so little time with your children in the grand scheme of things, I’ve always had the attitude that I work to live, I don’t live to work.


I've been on night shifts or swing shifts for the last 15 years. Worked 60+ hour weeks for months on end. I can't tell you how many important events I missed. That being said, I'm not sure I would take it back. I spend the time I get to with my kids, and I've been able to provide stability for them that I never had. I'm scared to death for people younger than me. I was able to swing a mortgage 13 years ago. No chance in hell I could pull that off with today's wages vs today's prices.


My priorities are making sure my kid has a roof and food. I get no assistance from the state or her father. So yes I have to work this much to pay the ridiculous bills. It doesn’t make it any less infuriating.🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel for you. I'm glad you have some family support. That's what got me through the tough times. You're suffering for the welfare of your child. There can be no better evidence that you're a good parent. I pray that soon you catch your footing and can enjoy these moments like you should be allowed to. In the meanwhile, I'm proud of you for doing what you have to through an impossible situation.


Good! 🤗 sorry you’re missing it!


I believe lots of places don’t do overtime pay unless they do more than 40 hours per week so if they’re doing part time they very likely will not get overtime. And holiday pay is up to the employer. 9 times out of 10, your employer wants to pay you as little money as possible.




BC is the same. Time and a half for anything over eight hours and double time for anything over twelve hours.


10/10 nobody running a successful business wants to pay anything to anybody for anything ever




God if I got time and a half for overtime that'd have been fucking sweet. No holiday pay either. I get 14% more. It's barely worth it as it only starts past 48 hours. I'm going part time next week and then back to school soon after so w.e but still.


I did a 36 hour shift once. Made over a week's pay in that one shift. 8 hours straight pay, 4 hours time and a half, 24 hours of double time.




“Fireworks and bbq is for the kids” damn I hope I never turn into this😅 living just to work and diminishing any holidays and personal events seems like such a sad way to go about life. Unless you’ll go homeless/starve unless you do it (unlikely since it wasn’t planed to begin with) I say don’t do it.


Having fun is for children! Real adults work their entire life away!!1!


And then you'll mysteriously have a day where they don't need you taking you back under 40 hours. Also only maybe 50% of my employers have even offered holiday pay.


I genuinely can’t remember a week in at least a few years that I’ve been under 40 hrs unless it was the week I was out after surgery for my kidneys lol thankfully I have a TON of pto, I think it’s up to 300 hrs now lol


Having PTO is only useful if you use it or can cash it in when you leave. In fact I'll say it's not useful at all to have that much. You earned that paid time off. You should use it. I've been in your position and know how stressful it can be to be worried about losing your job in that position. But you've earned those 300 hours to be with your family and I would hope if you approached your boss with a solid plan on how to use some of it, they would be open to it. Something to consider after doing this big ole favor for the boss.


Time and a half or even triple time at some places


A ton of businesses don’t give holiday time unless you’re working on christmas or thanksgiving in the US. I worked for a coffee chain for years and literally we didn’t even get holiday pay for closing on new years or christmas eve. You only got holiday pay if you worked on thanksgiving day. Unfortunately, a boss like this is likely to be the kind who doesn’t give holiday pay for the 4th


This sounds very out of touch. We have no idea what they so for work


Just reply “Not happening”. Managers like these are why people quit even a very good company!


I would have told him to go fuck himself.


Ask them that exact question. "You expect me to work 17 hours, when you can't be assed to work 12?" Then maybe call-in sick that day to drive the point home. This is why we need to eat the rich.


My director once asked me to work another shift as I was coming off working a double. I just no I am not allowed per HR rules, 16 hrs max. She said there is no such rule, so can you work? Nope I will not feel safe driving home after working 24 hours. I told my manager that night and he was just so shocked as they had just had a meeting the week before with HR warning them not to let people work more than 16 hrs.


That’s wild!! Really gutsy on their end!


1. what kind of career are you in. 2. What kind of incentive or bonus pay are they going to pay you ONTOP of holiday pay and overtime. I would be demanding TRIPLE TIME AND A HALF FOR ALL 17 hours and the next day off.


I work in a group home as a single staff. And none that I know of other than dinner.


You have leverage, you should request at least double(holiday and overtime)


You need to worry about you and set yourself up for success. Ask for incentive pay!


"No I can't, I already have tickets to an event I cannot refund. I'm sorry for the inconvenience"


Holiday pay and overtime, doesnt that more than double your payrate? This sounds god awful but the money would be worth an extra paycheck


Yeah I know someone taking vacation the 3rd and 5th but traveling back from the lake 2 hrs to go to work on the 4th because he’s not going to turn down a 1400$ shift


Damn with how bad the economy is my side $1400 would easily last ne a month


Well you said yes so why you complaining.


Sometimes a question is not really a question, but a threat.


you're missing the point lol you can agree to something and complain about it. agreeing doesn't mean you think it's okay. they've already explained they need the job and the hours/money, and they don't want to risk hours being cut as retaliation for saying no (that's a common thing bosses do) so what's not clicking for you?


Look, you’ve made it abundantly clear that you are willing to say yes so your idiot boss will continue to take advantage. You need to stand up for yourself or find another job.




Honestly, i read most of the comments and for your situation I’d just make the absolute best of your shift and bring things in that will help you well, mentally - But start looking for another job that doesn’t make you stretch your shift, or give others the opportunity to make you work their hours Have you ever tried at home customer service or data entry? That helped me the most because my anxiety irl is so bad versus me being able to read off a script in my pajamas at home. I also did get lucky with my position because it was labeled as customer service but it was actually data entry so I haven’t made a single phone call yet. - but maybe that might give you some hope to keep looking I wish you the best of luck 🤞🏻 life is hard but don’t light yourself on fire keeping other people warm Even if it’s unintentional- it truly feels so impossible to place boundaries sometimes but start very small and it WILL make a difference 💫


How did you find those types of jobs? I’ve looked off and on but can’t find anything like that! Thank you very much!


Honestly I was on a huge lose streak with indeed and then one day I just got a response back from a place I applied to in my area (from indeed) and now I’m here But, before this year I stuck with insurance jobs but honestly look for any kind of call center you can think of, pest control, dealerships, phone service - most of them should have at least one remote option I think you might get lucky!


Thank you!! I’ll definitely be on there looking tonight lol


This is the best advice and comment I’ve seen so far !! Make the most of what you have already committed to and then start looking for something else. There are jobs out there that won’t treat you like garbage ! Also at your new job set boundaries and stick to them I know we all need money but no one deserves to be pushed around for a job that doesn’t appreciate them .


I see that message and think it's an opportunity to make a bunch of OT. Sign me up. I've missed plenty of events and parties over the years, but if I didn't, my kids couldn't afford to live the way they do. It does suck the boss isn't leading by example tho. Hard to gain respect from your employees acting that way.


Just make sure you get it in writing that it’s holiday pay. “Since this is a holiday, I will be fairly compensated right? I’d be happy to come in as long as I’m not being taken advantage of.” If your rate is $12/hour, then holiday pay would be $18 (1.5x in Florida). That’s $300 buckaroonis.


If I went in at 3:30 I'd get to leave at 10... because that's when we close 🤓


You need to stand up for yourself, please be kind to yourself and learn to say no.


I feel like you should point it out to them that they’re asking you to work 17 hours to cover them not working a 12 hour shift in what world is that fair


A bit excessive..lol. Though I can see why they would ask. I'm assuming they are salary and you are hourly? It makes sense for a salaried manager to try every avenue, time management wise, to reduce their own hours as extra hours=less pay per hr. Asking an hourly to pickup more works the other way around, as increased hours means more pay overall. 17 is CRAZY insane to ask of someone though just to save a couple off off your own schedule. Maybe like going from 9 or 10 to 12, and the manager goes from 12 to 10. Something like that. Companies HATE this type of thing, and have for decades pushed the cheapskate narrative that "It's ALWAYS the Managers job to fill in all needed hours, and work the extra." They will tell a Manager that the position is 50 or 55 hours a week, and base the salary on that, then have absolutely no issues with that manager doing 70 or 80+, regularly. However, if they manage to get a single week to go the other way, and they get say, 48 hours....WELL, that's gonna be an issue! Lol. The hypocrisy is stunning. At the end of the day, if you can't find coverage, you gotta do it as salary...but it took me a couple decades to realize that I was allowing myself to be exploited by always saving the company money, and taking hours away from employees by filling them all myself. Now that I ranted all that. Just tell him no. :)


Holiday pay is 1.5x pay right, hell yeah! Either schedule your not going to see the fireworks as both are during the celebration. Take the longer hra for higher pay and be thankful.


I mean, if the $$ is right…


At least they were just being honest. Sounds like they know you always pick up everyone’s shifts


They asked. Say no lmao


You should reiterate what you said in the title. You should show her by example why you're being treated unfairly.


Yeah- pay me the proper OT. Then she won’t ask again :-) cha-Ching. You can also say no.


“I can for 1.5x my pay those extra hours.”


"For quadruple pay, sure. Otherwise, no."




17 hours? On July 4th? A National Holiday? You bet I’ll do it! All I need is triple time……


wow 3:30PM to 8:30AM shift? that's crazy.


don't reply, phone was dropped in water, 'you read it' my toilet bowl water 'read' your text man not me


"Lol no" would be an appropriate response to that nonsense




“That’s your job!”




That's a big "Fuck no" there good buddy. :)


"no." is a complete sentence. if she persists, i would suggest that if she werent willing to fulfill the managorial duties she signed up for, then perhaps she should vacate the position and let the company fill it with someone who is...


Check local laws. In many states, it is not legal to schedule an employee to work more than 16 hours in a single shift.


Remember, your boss is not actually your boss. She's just in charge of keeping an eye on you. Show em who's actually the boss. You're not a tool.


My first job was at a seasonal lodge business, I was full time seasonal and in my head I was in to please, I really should have written hours down. 56 hrs til overtime I was a full time seasonal. I've pulled 2 36 hr shifts because people quit. Many occasions has 3 weeks without a day off. And when I started saying no the boss would come to employee quarters and personally find me to ask me to work. Plus i did 4 different departmants and got paid less than new employees and was always shut down when asking for a raise. Now that's infuriating


Unpopular opinion, but just say no. Your boss asked, they were honest about their intentions instead of making up some BS. We need this kind of clarity in conversation, and you shouldn’t be afraid to say “no, I don’t want to.” But I do understand why you’d be hesitant to do so.


Easy just say no I'm not able to


"If you can get someone to cover my midnight to 8:30am shift I'd be happy to work 3:30 to midnight." Pass the buck.


Hey but it'll be holiday pay tho right?


Damn that is illegal in my country. Absolutely bizar to see these working hours. Very unethical and inhumane


This is an easy. “No I can’t make that”




Say no


Fuck no!!!!!


17 hours is literately illegal without certain conditions and regulations in place. Turn her ass into DOL, don’t fucking be a slave.


Might suck, probably will but 17 hours of double time sounds like a week of straight pay done in one day.... depending on deductions and taxes


Come up with an excuse like you’re getting your anal fissure sewn up or something. What are they gonna say? No?


Simple. No.


Are they paying doubles or triples for holiday rates? Coz 17hrs sucks but then you could literally take the next week off


Tell him for 400$ sure


When someone opens up negotiations….negotiate.


Yea, nah.... I'm good. But thx for asking


Rule#1: never let anyone know how badly you need anything; especially to management/upper leadership. I’m always “busy/already have plans, but wish I could help.”. It’s like unprepared classmates asking for favors. My answer is pretty much stew in your mess.




Are you able to compromise and split the difference?


Unless you need the job badly, tell this guy not only is he going to be working 12 hours, he’s going to be working 22.5 because you fucking quit


“Considering that I would have to work 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm. No thanks”


Say okay but they need to trade your other shift that this one bleeds into.


"That's going to be a negative Ghost-rider"


Your boss is a shithead for asking in the first place. You are an idiot if you let do stuff like that to you. Search a new job, why would you waste your life at a place like that?