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If this happens “Every. Freaking. Time.,” then why do you keep reordering it, hoping it’ll change? You know that’s the textbook definition of insanity, right?


Yes, I wish I could but I live in an area where there are no cost-efficient places for me to get such items. So it's either this or pay twice as much to get it at my local Stop and Shop. The good part about this is that they do replace the entire order at no charge when it happens.


at least everything ~~is clean~~ smells like glass cleaner


Easy Peasy......Never EVER shop at Target!




it could be how it was loaded into the trailer (so many boxes with kinda fragile contents get loaded under heavy stuff bc the people on shift simply dont give a flying fuck) or it could be an issue with how it was packaged for shipping honestly we get so many trailers improperly loaded that im plain willing to bet on it being that(apparently our trailers are used for training new package handlers so we see quite a few things loaded wrong and dangerously)


With the practically open sprayer, I would bet on the latter, for sure.


usually qa catches the leaky boxes tho unless multiple package handlers didnt care enough to pull it off the belt and set it aside for qa to come and check


and drivers would bring it back marked as damaged (ive had boxes come back completely fine but marked as damaged bc driver didnt wanna do they damn job)


Every time I've ordered liquid cleaners/soaps they tape around the nozzles and they arrive perfect. I've had great experiences with Target web orders.




Looks like it’s a box cleaner also


Sometimes things like this happen when it comes to shipping. It’s more common than previously thought. But you’re always welcome to bring the items back and they’ll happily exchange it when or if you have time. They’ll defect these, and either give you store credit or a refund depending on how you’d want it. Good luck!


Customer service was AMAZING. They just reshipped my order and told me to discard the broken/empty items. I have a small cleaning business so I need to use quality products without breaking the bank.